4th Grade College and Career

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Lowell Elementary School


Students will express Students will recognize Students will

their thoughts about college and career understand how to
college and career related terms prepare for college and
You might think…

-It’s too early to think about college/career

-No one in my family went to college

-My family can’t afford for me to go to college

But actually…

-You can start planning now!

-You can be the first to go to college and set a good

example for others!

-There are ways to get money for college!

What is college?
A school of higher learning that students may go to
after high school. You may also hear people say
university, higher education or post-secondary

-What are some colleges that you know?

-What do you know about college?

College Terms
A major is your main field of study.
Major/Minor A minor is a second field of study.

A letter written by a mentor, teacher or

Letter of
counselor that says why you would be
Recommendation good for a college.

Money that helps students pay for college.

Financial Aid Sometimes these loans need to be paid
back later on.

Money that helps students pay for college

Scholarship that does not need to be paid back
There are different kinds of colleges!
● Community College
● 4-Year University (Bachelors Degree)
● 2-Year Programs (Associate Degree)
● Graduate School (Masters or Doctorate Degree)
Different careers require different degrees
How do I prepare now?
1. Academics - Try your best in school. Challenge yourself. Practice study skills,
organization and time management.

2. Extracurriculars - Get involved in sports, the arts, student council, or

something new. Have skills and interests outside of academics.

3. Community - Give back to your community. Offer to volunteer at places that

help people and have new experiences.
What is a career?
A job! This is a job that you work and get paid for.
Many people decide what career to pursue based
on their interests and skills. Some careers require
college and some do not.

-What career do you want to do when you grow up?

-What are some careers that people in your family

Career Activity!
There are so many
different types of
jobs! In pairs, think
of as many different
careers as you can
within the categories
on next few slides!
think of as many careers as you can in…

think of as many careers as you can in…

Health Care
think of as many careers as you can in…

Food or
think of as many careers as you can in…

think of as many careers as you can in…

Arts, Drama
or sports
think of as many careers as you can in…


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