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To: New Employees

From: Muhammad Hanif, Joshua Silva, Hala Shadid, Noora Al Muhannadi, Mohammed Al Diab
Subject: Strategies with regards to Team Collaboration
Date: February 1, 2023

We welcome you to our enterprise with a warm greeting. As you all may know, we are very keen on group work
because it has been proven to increase company productivity substantially. With that in mind, we have written this
memorandum to direct you all to effectively collaborating on projects.

Collaboration must stay effective; otherwise, there is no point in working together. There are many ways it can go
wrong, but there are more ways it can go right. With the appropriate team dynamic and strategies, you will not only
successfully complete the project but also grow as a person.

Firstly, the team needs to appoint one member to be a project manager. The project manager is the person who will
coordinate the team and make sure that they stay on track so that the team can finish the project on time. They are
not the “leader” or “boss” of the team, but they are someone who can be the focal point for the team when it comes
to deadlines and assigned tasks. There are many more responsibilities of a project manager, such as creating
essential documents that include but are not limited to: initial straw documents, meeting agendas, email
notifications, and setting deadlines on the task schedule. With that in mind, the team should carefully decide who
they choose to be the project manager.

Next, in order, work should always be equally divided. When dividing the work, ask team members what they are
skilled in, and divide them accordingly. So that everyone contributes roughly, equally, and easily to the project.
Also, you may want to approximate the contribution value of each task, for example, divide tasks by scaling them
from 1 to 5, where 5 is a difficult and time-consuming task and 1 is the least. Then calculate the total contribution
value; therefore, if you have any additional tasks the person having the least value will be in charge of it.

Furthermore, if any issues arise, they should be addressed before the deadline approaches and discussed with the
team manager before being brought up with the professor. Another thing is that I think it's important for us to do our
best to involve everyone as teammates so that nobody feels left out. To inspire other colleagues to maintain their
positive attitude, all members must also show confidence, commitment, and excitement and have a positive outlook
for finishing a project effectively. This will aid in utilizing the team members' commitment to finishing a project.

One of the best ways to ensure everyone is involved in the project is by using the layered collaboration method.
When this is adopted, every member has to take turns contributing to the project's various aspects. Layered
collaboration allows team members to make revisions or additions to that task as they deem suitable. As a result of
using this method, the team will be able to voice the project as one, keeping a constant tone and flow throughout the
project. On the other hand, the divided method may also seem popular among peers. Team members work in the
area where they are the most skilled. However, the downside to this approach is that members will only be able to
experience some aspects of the project.

Regardless of the method used for collaboration, the team manager must take the lead and make sure the team is
comfortable with the strategy selected. Therefore, overall, the team performs well, and no one is left out of the
project, being able to accomplish a successful project.

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