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a faire flamber des enfers dans tes yeux

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Explicit
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: M/M
Fandom: DCU
Relationship: Roy Harper/Jason Todd
Character: Roy Harper, Jason Todd
Additional Tags: Explicit Sexual Content, Enthusiastic Consent, Anal Sex, Anal
Fingering, Coming Untouched, Making Love, Praise Kink, Bottom Jason
Todd, Jason Todd Feels, Top Roy Harper, Established Relationship,
Porn with Feelings, Dorks in Love, Feel-good, Jason Todd is Red Hood,
Roy Harper is Arsenal, Tumblr Prompt, Not Beta Read, Morning Sex,
Series: Part 2 of je vais t'aimer
Stats: Published: 2021-05-18 Words: 2044

a faire flamber des enfers dans tes yeux

by Nerd_of_Camelot


"if you're still doing the smut prompts, maybe more jayroy with 64??"
64) "I never knew someone could cum that fast just from a few fingers."


Ah, some things never changed.

He chuckled, "In a second," He promised, "Now keep being a good boy for me and don't
sass me."

That was a big ask, but aside from Jason probably rolling his eyes he seemed to comply.


Tumblr request from this post

I'm still taking these, I'm just slow lol

like last time, title is from "Je vais t'aimer"

loosely translated to "Enough to make hell burn in your eyes"
"Hey, Jay," Roy murmured, rolling over.

Jason hummed, blinking bleary eyes open and raising one of his brows. Roy smiled at him, petting
over his lower back and making him hum again. Jason's eyes fell closed again, a contented sigh
rolling out of him, and all Roy could do was continue to smile. He loved how open and happy
Jason was in the mornings, provided he was woken gently.

"I love you," He murmured, and watched Jason's lips quirk into a smile.

His own smile widened, knowing after all this time with Jason that that was a silent, "Love you

He skated his fingers up and down Jason's spine, watching his face contentedly. The skin under his
fingers soon began to form goosebumps, turning the smooth expanses between his scars bumpy. A
little laugh huffed out of him, and he smoothed his palm over the prickling skin. Jason hummed
again, but didn't open his eyes. If anything, he shifted to allow Roy more room to touch his back,
rolling onto his stomach.

He hummed back, tracing the prickling flesh and the comparatively smooth scars.

God, he loved him so much.

"Hey, Jay," He said, again, receiving a hum for his efforts. "Wanna fuck you."

That got Jason to peek his eyes back open, brow rising once more. "You switched gears quick," He
mumbled, but he didn't seem at all opposed to the idea.

"I love the shit out of you," Roy shrugged to the best of his ability, "And you're hot, and I'm

Jason snorted, lips curving into a smile. "Alright," He said, "How do you want me?"

"Just stay right where you are," He said, "And lemme get at that pretty ass."

Another snort, and Jason's eyes fell closed again. But he didn't roll, or otherwise act particularly
ornery. He just shifted enough to lift his hips a little, wiggling them. Roy chuckled and swatted his
ass, pulling the covers down over it slowly. Only once he'd gotten the covers down to Jason's
naked thighs did he settle in over them and swat the other cheek. Jason sighed, allowing his hips to
settle again.

"You gonna stare at it or are you gonna do somethin'?" Jason asked, voice teasing, after he'd sat
there a moment.

"I might just spank you all morning," He decided to say, "That sounds plenty fun to me."

"Thought you wanted to fuck me." Snorted the younger man, "Spanking me all morning doesn't
sound like fucking me."

"Fair point." He smoothed his hands over the younger man's ass, making him sigh, and then laid a
harder slap on one cheek, then the other, netting a gasping moan from each. "Maybe I wanna do
that first, though."

"You're just obsessed with my ass." Jason wiggled it, gasping another moan when it got him


Still, Jason made a good point. He'd told the poor guy he wanted to fuck him, and he was a man of
his word. Especially since he'd definitely prevented Jason from going back to sleep by starting this.
Maybe today could just be a lazy day, he mused, and he could fuck Jason back to sleep. That
sounded nice. He loved it when Jason was fucked out and relaxed enough to just... Fall asleep on
his cock. Not to mention, it was always nice to make sure Jason got a good night's sleep.

He reached for the nightstand and withdrew the nearly-empty bottle of lube, sparing a thought for
needing to buy more, and squirted some into his hand. He warmed it between his fingers for a
moment, then carefully traced one slicked digit around Jason's entrance. Jason sighed, thighs

"Can I?" He asked, gently.

"Yeah," Jason agreed, "Hell yeah."

So he pressed his finger slowly inside of his boyfriend's waiting hole, delighting in the happy sigh
he got. He smeared the remaining lube from his hand onto his rapidly hardening cock, choosing for
now to simply grind against Jason's thigh after giving himself a couple of firm tugs. He slowly
pumped the finger in and out of Jason as he did so, only pumping it a few times before
withdrawing and returning with two fingers.

"Eager, huh?" Jason mumbled, lips curved into a smile.

"Always eager when it's you." He purred in response, pressing his fingers back inside of Jason and
beginning to thrust them. Carefully, at first, slowly. Then speeding up when Jason arched his hips
up a little bit. "After all, how could I not be? Look at you."

The younger man moaned softly, a flush creeping up to the tips of his ears. He didn't reply to the
compliments, but he never really did aside from flushing and trying to hide from Roy's eyes. This
time, he could only turn his face further into the pillow. Roy chuckled, twisting his fingers, and
massaged Jason's prostate gently. Each brush of his fingers had him shuddering, softly gasping.
Jason's fingers twisted in the pillowcase, thighs tensing, then relaxing.

And the sounds of him gasping, the sight of him twitching and relaxing into the bed, opening
himself to Roy, giving himself up to him, were as overwhelming as always. Jason was just so hard
to get close to, so having him like this... Well, Roy had kicked his heroin addiction years ago, as
well as he could at least, but this was a lot like the feeling of a good high. The rush of satisfaction,
of pride, when Jason relaxed and just let him... It was equally as addictive, and Jason certainly
didn't do anything to discourage him from getting hooked. Why would he? Even if he would never
admit it, he knew Jason was just as hooked as he was.

He grinned, beginning to thrust his fingers again, and Jason all but yelped, thighs trembling

He slid a third finger in, laying a hand over Jason's lower back.

"God, look at you, baby," He purred, "Getting all worked up already..."

Jason grumbled something unintelligible in reply, though he was cut off mid-word by a gasp and a
soft whine when Roy crooked his fingers a little. God, he was such a pretty boy. He sped his
fingers a little, couldn't resist doing it. And Jason whined, arching his hips up, thighs shaking,
spread out so pretty under him and pulled taut like a bowstring. Just a little more, and maybe...

"Good boy," He murmured, free hand petting over the younger man's back, "Such a good boy. Just
like that, okay Jay? Just like that."

As usual the praise seemed to go straight to the younger man's dick, wrenching a moan out of him
from the combination of the words and Roy's fingers brushing up against his prostate. And
then, then, Jason was all but yelping into the pillows, hips hitching, strong thighs clenching tight.



That was new.

And very much appreciated.

Roy couldn't help grinning to himself, slowing his fingers (which wasn't hard, with the way Jason
was clenching around them).

"I never knew someone could cum that fast just from a few fingers," He purred, "Good boy."

Jason mumbled something, shifting his hips slightly before he lifted his head, panting. "Fuckin'
tease," He said, "Thought you were gonna fuck me, red."

Ah, some things never changed.

He chuckled, "In a second," He promised, "Now keep being a good boy for me and don't sass me."

That was a big ask, but aside from Jason probably rolling his eyes he seemed to comply. He laid
his head back down, slowly relaxing as his breathing began to come easier. With him all loose and
pliant like this Roy would slide right in ― fucking perfect. Sure, he'd dawdled a little long on the
prep, and Jason was probably going to be overstimulated, and he'd need to lube himself up again,
but that wasn't an issue. Not to him.

In fact, he knew it wasn't an issue to Jason either, because Jason loved getting fucked when he was

He withdrew his fingers, receiving a sigh from Jason for his troubles, and lubed himself up again.
He hissed, biting his lip, and tried not to thrust into his own hand. God, he was more riled up than
he thought he was. Watching Jason squirm under him just from his fingers was enough to get him
going any other time, so he wasn't surprised he was as riled up as he was, just a little thrown off
that he hadn't realized it sooner.

Ha, the magic of getting caught up in watching Jay.

He closed his fingers around one of Jason's hips, steadying himself as he lined up with his waiting
hole. Jason was practically shaking, breathing steadily and waiting so, so patiently. He mumbled
his praise and the younger man sighed and shuddered.

Unable to make himself draw it out any longer, he slowly pressed in with a groan. Jason didn't fare
much better, moaning all the way until he bottomed out. So vocal this morning... It was a nice
surprise. Seeing one of Jason's hands withdraw from underneath his head, fingers twitching as he
laid it down, he smiled and leaned forward both to kiss his way up the back of Jason's neck and to
take his hand in his. Jason squeezed his hand, he squeezed back.
"Love you," He mumbled.

Jason squeezed his hand again.

Of course, he knew this was the last chance he'd get to really say anything anyway. Roy was good
at running his mouth, but even he only had a limited amount of breath. Plus, Jay deserved to get
fucked into the mattress, especially after the teasing he'd given him already, so slowing down just
so he could keep talking was a no go. Jason would appreciate getting the hell fucked out of him
without any extra shit.

So Roy took a breath, squeezed Jason's hip and his hand, and drew back ― slowly just for the
moment, testing the waters. And when Jason's body allowed him to move rather easily despite the
near-desperate clinging, he eased the breath out and pressed back in a little faster.

He built up a rhythm rather quickly, punching little noises out of Jason with each thrust and
delighting in every one of them.

It didn't last as long as he'd have normally wanted it to, he'd admit, because he got so caught up in
the feelings. The squeeze of Jason around him with each thrust, the happy little moans and gasps
that accompanied it, and Roy's end snuck up on him a lot faster than he was expecting. Jason still
managed to come first, shuddering and whining into the pillow, squeezing his hand tightly as he
fucked him through it.

"Good boy," He managed, winded, "Fuck, good boy."

When Jason was only panting, and he felt himself about to fall over the edge, he forced himself to
pull out. He wanted Jason to be able to relax and maybe fall back asleep, and the cleanup would be
a lot harder if he didn't pull out. He squeezed his eyes shut, releasing Jason's hip from his grip and
wrapping his now-free hand around his cock. A few quick jerks and he was spurting onto Jason's
thighs and ass.

It got him a grumbled, slightly mocking but somehow still overly fond, "Good boy," from Jason.

He swatted his ass again. Jason only hummed.

After a brief moment of catching his breath, Roy snagged some tissues from one of the bedsides
and cleaned up poor Jason's ass before flopping back onto the bed next to him and pulling the
blanket back up.

"Love you," He said, kissing Jason's face gently.

"Mm." Was Jason's eloquent reply, leaning into the contact happily.

He pulled him closer, slowly easing Jason onto his side and slotting their legs together, and Jason
went along with it without a complaint. The moment they were comfortable he nuzzled against
Roy's collar and hummed. Roy couldn't help smiling as he laid his own head against Jason's.

"Go back to sleep, Jaybird."

Jason yawned, but made no further response.

And soon enough, his breathing evened out, and Roy smiled. He felt himself beginning to drift as
well and decided, fuck it, it would be a lazy day for them both.
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