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(PART – 2)

Types of Artificial Intelligence

 Type 1 (Based on capabilities)
 Type 2 (Based on Functionalities)
Artificial Intelligence: Type 1 (Based on Capabilities)
 Narrow Ai or Weak AI : Narrow or weak AI is the most common type of
AI. It covers AI applications/devices that are programmed and
designed to perform one specific task. At this stage, the device does
not own any thinking ability, and its functionality is limited. Apple’s
Siri, a chess playing computer, self driving cars and speech
recognition are a few examples of weak AI.
General AI : General AI covers AI applications that could perform any
intellectual task with the same efficiency as that of a human. This
stage of AI is still in evolution, and researchers are working towards
developing machines having general AI. It will take considerable time
and efforts to develop such systems which are able to perform a task
as perfectly as done by a human.
Super AI : Super AI is the hypothetical stage of AI that aims to develop
systems which could beat human intelligence and which can perform a
task better than a human. For example, AI applications that can learn,
think, solve a puzzle, make judgements or even communicate on their
own come under super AI.
Artificial Intelligence: Type 1 (Based on Functionalities)
 Reactive machines : Reactive machines AI covers all simple and basic AI enables
devices. These devices do not have the capacity to store experiences and
knowledge for future actions. They process only recent scenarios and react
accordingly. Google’s Alpha Go and IBM’s Deep Blue System are examples of
reactive machines AI devices.
 Limited-memory machines : Limited-memory machines are more powerful than
reactive machines as these can store past experiences or knowledge for a short
period of time. Self driving cars are the most common example of limited-memory
AI devices. These cars can store the recent speed of nearby cars, the distance of
other cars, the speed limit and other information to navigate the road.
Theory of mind : Theory of mind AI are still under development stage. It aims to
understand the human feelings and people’s reactions and can even be able to
interact socially like humans. AI researchers are working towards the development
of such AI devices.
 Self Awareness : Self-awareness AI will be the most powerful in the coming future.
These AI machines will have the power to beat human intelligence and will even
have human qualities such as consciousness, sentiments and self-awareness, As of
now, it is just a vision of AI researchers and does not exist in reality.

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