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1paged20 by Mystecore Games h ps://mystecoregames.itch.


Character Crea on Losing a Limb Tags Infected

Players have 3 stats, *4 if you use Magic in your game. A Serious wound to an arm or leg which worsens can result in losing Use tags to assign condi ons or descriptors to characters or objects. A wound which is infected will be Painful;Êpossibly leading to ShockÊ
Physical, Mental, Social, Magic*. use of that limb completely. Roll Physical with disadvantage; on a I’ve listed some examples here; and certainly causing SickÊif le untreated.
Allocate scores of 12, 9, 6. *And another 9 if using Magic. success your limb may s ll be salvaged with further treatment.
Bleeding Sick
Pick one thing your character is Skilled in, and give them a nega ve Mental Breakdown The wound bleeds un l tended with a bandage or circula on is Being sick is not fun! You are Weakened and may become Stressed.
trait as a tag (e.g. PhysicallyÊUnfitÊor Cowardly). A Serious mental wound which worsens causes the character to restricted. Then, a er a me, it will stop bleeding completely. If untreated your illness could prove fatal.
have a mental breakdown, go insane, catatonic or otherwise be Untended, these wounds will increase in severity to become Shock
Rolls, XP and Levelling Tired
rendered inoperable for play. While recovery may be possible, it will and/or become Infected.
Rolls are made using a d20 die. Roll equal to or under your score to Lack of sleep or sustained physical exer on means you perform less
require long-term professional care and treatment.
succeed. InternalÊBleeding well and require rest.
Damage Types This type of bleeding requires treatment or it will prove fatal.
WhenÊyouÊhaveÊanÊadvantage,Êthrough extra prepara on, Exhausted
A acks can be one of several types, feel free to add more. Intravenous administra on of vitamins, plasma or blood is required.
outnumbering an enemy or something else, roll twice for it and use Prolonged periods of redness without rest will lead to exhaus on.
the be er result. IfÊyouÊareÊatÊaÊdisadvantage,Êlike being ambushed, Sharp Shock You cannot perform your tasks, or are Weakened, and must rest,
roll twice and choose the worse result. Bladed weapons that can inflict Bleeding. Shock occurs when blood flow is reduced in the body, o en from now, for an extended amount of me.
excessive blood loss, heart damage or but also from losing too much
WhenÊyouÊrollÊtoÊsucceedÊatÊsomethingÊandÊfail,Êgain 1XP in that stat. Blunt Weakened
body fluid (vomi ng, diarrhoea, burns).
When you have 10 XP for a stat and have me to eat and rest for Blows that will leave bruises. These can inflict PainfulÊ, InternalÊ Through illness, exhaus on or injury you are physically deteriorated
It requires immediate treatment or will prove fatal.
several hours, you may level up: increase the stat by +1. BleedingÊand, if the head area is struck, Confusion. and are disadvantaged for physical ac vi es.
A second type of shock is due to serious immune system shutdown,
If Magic is levelled, choose a new spell or mys cal ability to learn.
Emo onal from allergic reac ons or infec on. Tough
WhenÊyouÊrestÊinÊsafetyÊforÊsixÊorÊmoreÊhours,Êheal any treated Light Fear, stress and anxiety will all affect your mental well-being. These Shock requires extensive recovery me and rest. Exercise, good health and training has made you able to withstand
wounds and lose Tired and Minor Stress. wounds cause StressedÊand, in more severe cases, Trauma. Such ailments which would hamper lesser mortals.
If you have a whole day to rest in safety, reduce your StressedÊto scars can take me and love to heal.
This physical wound causes pain which is detrimental to performing Hardened
MinorÊStress, and remove ExhaustedÊor TiredÊcompletely.
Projec le physical ac vi es, par cularly involving the affected area. You are able to mentally detach yourself from the horrors around
WhenÊyouÊhaveÊtrainedÊorÊtakenÊupÊlearningÊforÊaÊspecificÊsubject,Ê Arrows are the prime example of a projec le, causing deep wounds. you. You are less affected by, although not immune to, emo onally
when you level up you can gain SkilledÊfor it. These wounds can inflict BleedingÊand Painful. draining or terrifying experiences.
The pain from this wound is unbearable and causes disadvantage for
Enemies and Damage Gunshot all physical ac vi es, as well as causing Stressed. In mida ng
Enemies, NPCs or creatures are classed as; Wounds from firearms are compared against the body area, rather Your physical appearance, or perhaps your aggressive persona,
• less capable or weaker than the player character. than the target’s size or strength. A gunshot wound is always at means you in midate others, gaining an advantage in some social
Everyday nega ve experiences can cause a small level of stress, be it
• equally capable or as strong as the player character. least Moderate. These wounds can inflict Bleeding, InternalÊBleedingÊ situa ons, and disadvantage in others.
the cold weather, a long journey, a minor injury or some small
• more capable or stronger than the player character. and ExtremelyÊPainful.
setback in your plans. Cha erbox
Health is tracked separately as Physical and Mental. Explosive Even when you suffer TraumaÊor are Exhausted,Êyou are able to talk
If you are wounded by a weaker creature, the wound is Light Concussive damage from explosions is always lethal at the point of things out without disadvantage.
This is effec vely the mental form of Painful. Con nued or increased
(injuries such as a bruise or minor stress). explosion, and gradually less severe as the radius expands. This
stress will increase the severity and affect mental performance as Listener
If you are wounded by a creature roughly equal to your capability or damage is internal and difficult to treat. These wounds can inflict
well as being disadvantaged for social interac ons. When you listen to the concerns or trauma c experiences of others,
strength, the wound is Moderate (e.g. a bleeding wound or cause of Confusion, Trauma, Shock, Deaf,ÊBlindÊand InternalÊBleeding.
they reduce their mental wounds in severity by one grade.
Stress). Trauma
If you are wounded by a stronger creature, the wound is SeriousÊ While suffering Trauma the PC is disadvantaged for mental and Skilled
Tweak the effect to suit your game: does it cause elemental
(e.g. a broken limb or trauma c experience). social rolls, may suffer the inability to confront certain stressful Your experience and/or training in a specific field means you always
damage? Is it physical or mental in nature? Go nuts.
A second wound of the same or lesser severity will increase the situa ons, partake in social interac ons and/or undertake simple have advantage when rolling for related tasks.
severity of the wound should they share the same body area. GM Ques ons tasks. Trauma can be treated with care, love, posi ve social
WhenÊdeterminingÊtheÊchallengeÊofÊanÊenemyÊorÊtask,Êask; interac ons and plenty of rest in a safe environment. Sufferers gain Vehicle
Apply logic where damage is made against armour or protec ve Vehicles may be treated similar to characters for wounds and
Is it physically larger or stronger than the Player Character? a permanent nega ve trait such as Anxious or Angry.
surfaces; give it disadvantage or reduce the severity of wounds. damage areas. They should not be affected by anything less than
Is it more skilled than the PC?
Confusion Serious wounds, and can only be repaired with suitable equipment.
Body Areas What are its inten ons, needs or desires?
The state of being dazed and having limited mental percep on, This mode of transport is much quicker than being on foot, although
Physical wounds can be placed in one of six body areas, Head, torso, What kind of damage does it do?
o en following a head injury. it may have difficulty with some terrain.
le arm, right arm, le leg and right leg, according to the narra ve What protec on does it have?
logic. Mental health is tracked under Mind. Is it an unusual or dangerous task? Deaf UnreliableÊorÊDecayed
How does it affect the other characters? Temporary or permanent reduc on of audio percep on. This vehicle or item has seen be er days. A failed roll in the use of
Is it par cularly daun ng or terrifying? this results in the breaking or failure of it. It will need repaired
A Serious wound to the Head or Torso which worsens can result in Blind
Does it have the PC at a disadvantage? somehow to be of use again..
death. Roll Physical with disadvantage; on a success you survive but Temporary or permanent reduc on of visual percep on.
Does the PC have an advantage here?
barely cling onto life, without further treatment soon you will die.
1paged20 by Mystecore Games h ps://

Character Name: Race: Descrip on:

Assign 12, 9, 6. If using Magic, assign another 9. Choose one subject or ability to be Skilled in, and one nega ve trait

Physical Mental Social Magic Skilled Nega ve Trait



Head Torso Le Arm Right Arm Le Leg Right Leg Mind

Light Massive head damage

wound here

Massive head damage it

Moderate Massive head damage Massive head damage it Massive head damage it Massive head damage it Massive head damage it Massive head damage it
wound here wound here wound here wound here wound here wound here

Massive head damage it

Serious Massive head damage it

wound here

Massive head damage it

Fatal Massive head damage Massive head damage it

wound here wound here

Massive head damage it

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