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(Constant Velocity )

Past Papers

7 冢冣
1 0
In this question 0 is a unit vector due east and 1 is a unit vector due north. At 12 00 a
冢 冣
coastguard, at point O, observes a ship with position vector 12 km relative to O. The ship is
moving at a steady speed of 10 kmh–1 on a bearing of 330°.

(i) 冢 冣
Find the value of p such that p kmh–1 represents the velocity of the ship. [2]

(ii) Write down, in terms of t, the position vector of the ship, relative to O, t hours after 12 00.

(iii) Find the time when the ship is due north of O. [2]

(iv) Find the distance of the ship from O at this time. [2]

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5 - 10 6
3  Relativetoanorigin O,pointsA, BandChavepositionvectorsc m,c mandc mrespectively.All
4 12 - 18
distancesaremeasuredinkilometres.Amandrivesataconstantspeeddirectlyfrom AtoB in20minutes.

  (i)  Calculatethespeedinkmh–1atwhichthemandrivesfromAtoB. [3]

  Henowdrivesdirectlyfrom BtoCatthesamespeed.

  (ii)  Findhowlongittakeshimtodrivefrom BtoC. [3]

©UCLES2015 0606/21/O/N/15 [Turn over

15 In this question i is a unit vector due east and j is a unit vector due north. Units of length and velocity
are metres and metres per second respectively.

The initial position vectors of particles A and B, relative to a fixed point O, are i +5j and qi – 15j
respectively. A and B start moving at the same time. A moves with velocity pi – 3j and B moves with
velocity 3i – j.

(i) Given that A travels with a speed of 5 ms–1, find the value of the positive constant p. [1]

(ii) Find the direction of motion of B as a bearing correct to the nearest degree. [2]

(iii) State the position vector of A after t seconds . [1]

(iv) State the position vector of B after t seconds. [1]

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(v) Find the time taken until A and B meet. [2]

(vi) Find the position vector of the point where A and B meet. [1]

(vii) Find the value of the constant q. [1]

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17 Vectors i and j are unit vectors parallel to the x-axis and y-axis respectively.

(a) The vector v has a magnitude of 3 5 units and has the same direction as i - 2 j. Find v giving
your answer in the form a i + b j, where a and b are integers. [2]

(b) The velocity vector w makes an angle of 30° with the positive x-axis and is such that w = 2 .
Find w giving your answer in the form c i + d j, where c and d are integers. [2]

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A particle P is moving with a velocity of 20 ms-1 in the same direction as e o .

(i) Find the velocity vector of P. [2]

At time t = 0 s, P has position vector e o relative to a fixed point O.

(ii) Write down the position vector of P after t s. [2]

A particle Q has position vector e

17 o
relative to O at time t = 0 s and has a velocity vector e o ms-1.
18 12
(iii) Given that P and Q collide, find the value of t when they collide and the position vector of the point of
collision. [3]

© UCLES 2019 4037/11/M/J/19 [Turn over


10  The town of Cambley is 5 km east and p km north of Edwintown so that the position vector of Cambley
from Edwintown is c
5000 m
metres. Manjit sets out from Edwintown at the same time as Raj sets out
from Cambley. Manjit sets out from Edwintown on a bearing of 020° at a speed of 2.5 ms–1 so that her
2.5t cos 70°
position vector relative to Edwintown after t seconds is given by c m metres. Raj sets out
2.5t cos 20°
from Cambley on a bearing of 310° at 2 ms–1.

  (i)  Find the position vector of Raj relative to Edwintown after t seconds. [2]

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  Manjit and Raj meet after T seconds.

  (ii)  Find the value of T and of p. [5]

Question 11 is printed on the next page.

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9 In this question i is a unit vector due east and j is a unit vector due north. Units of length and velocity
are metres and metres per second respectively.

The initial position vectors of particles A and B, relative to a fixed point O, are i +5j and qi – 15j
respectively. A and B start moving at the same time. A moves with velocity pi – 3j and B moves with
velocity 3i – j.

(i) Given that A travels with a speed of 5 ms–1, find the value of the positive constant p. [1]

(ii) Find the direction of motion of B as a bearing correct to the nearest degree. [2]

(iii) State the position vector of A after t seconds . [1]

(iv) State the position vector of B after t seconds. [1]

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(v) Find the time taken until A and B meet. [2]

(vi) Find the position vector of the point where A and B meet. [1]

(vii) Find the value of the constant q. [1]

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8 In this question, all lengths are in metres and all times are in seconds.
- 20
A particle A is moving in the direction e o with a speed of 58.
(a) Find the velocity vector of A. [1]

(b) Given that A is initially at the point with position vector e o, write down the position vector of A
at time t. [1]

A particle B starts to move such that its position vector at time t is e

- 35t + 4 o
44t - 2
(c) Find the displacement vector AB at time t. [2]

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(d) Hence find the distance AB, at time t, in the form pt 2 + qt + r , where p, q and r are constants.

(e) Find the value of t when the distance AB is 6, giving your answer correct to 2 decimal places.

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