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HIA: A Case Study of A Slaughterhouse



Sarunya Hengpraprom and Pornchai Sithisarankul

Department of Preventive and Social Medicine,

Faculty of Medicine, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand

Abstract. The purpose of this study was to conduct a health impact assessment
(HIA) in a community where an old slaughterhouse was to be renovated. The
authors conducted a cross-sectional study in March, 2011. Questionnaires were
used to collect data and focus group discussions were conducted to solicit the
community concerns and recommendations regarding the project. The results
reveal positive impacts in 4 aspects of health: physical, mental, social, and spiri-
tual. The current substandard slaughterhouse was perceived negatively by the
surrounding community. They were happy the slaughterhouse would be reno-
vated, and some preferred it moved elsewhere. This HIA had 2 positive results:
first, we tested our HIA tool in a real situation and found it practical on a small
scale; second, the municipality obtained the community’s opinions and concerns
and the community knew their opinions reached the municipality, so they were
more positive about the municipality.
Keywords: health impact assessment, slaughterhouse

INTRODUCTION system. This obstructed drainage some-

times contaminated household water
A slaughterhouse in one of the mu- putting the community at health risk.
nicipalities in Samut Prakan has been
The Municipality responded to each
operated for more than 40 years with only
complaint one at a time. In 2010, the
minor renovations. During this period,
Municipality determined to renovate the
the surrounding area has become more
slaughterhouse to meet standards set by
urbanized. People in the community were
the Department of Livestock Develop-
unhappy with the environment caused
ment, Ministry of Agriculture and Co-
by the slaughterhouse and appealed to
operatives. In order to solicit community
the Municipality to solve the problems of
opinion, the authors conducted a health
noise and smell caused by the slaughter-
impact assessment (HIA) regarding this
ing process and the obstructed drainage
renovation of the slaughterhouse.
Correspondence: Dr Pornchai Sithisarankul,
The objectives of this HIA were to
Department of Preventive and Social Medicine, explore the positive and negative health
Faculty of Medicine, Chulalongkorn University, impacts that could result from this renova-
Bangkok 10330, Thailand. tion, as perceived by the community and
Tel: 66 (0) 2252 7864 ext 105; Fax: 66 (0) 2256 4292 their recommendations for mitigating the
E-mail: negative aspects.

Vol 43 No. 1 January 2012 229

Southeast Asian J Trop Med Public Health

MATERIALS AND METHODS The interviews were audio-recorded and

transcribed to enhance reliability. Quan-
Study area titative research was carried out using
The slaughterhouse is located in an an interview questionnaire within the
area of about 1,600 m2 on a small road less community.
than 1 km from the main road. The land
donor designated the area for slaughter- RESULTS
ing only. The area and surrounding area
are swamp. There was a pond receiving Sixty-nine people agreed to partici-
waste water from the slaughterhouse, pate in the study. The general characteris-
but it had been abandoned. There was no tics of the participants are given in Table 1.
specific drainage system for the slaughter- Twenty-six participants (37.7%) lived
house. Houses had been built up around close to the slaughterhouse and 68% were
the slaughterhouse. The Municipality con- not satisfied with the environment.
structed a drainage system for the houses; Table 2 presents the environmental
the waste water from the slaughterhouse problems listed by participants about the
also drains into this system. slaughterhouse. Six cows and 1 bull were
There were 3 communities adjacent to killed per week. The owners of the ani-
the slaughterhouse. The slaughterhouse mals, who were Muslims, did the killing,
was a simple building with one side open cutting, and transporting the cut meat.
to an outdoor rest area for cows. The other The tools used were knives and ropes.
side of the rest area was an entrance for The killing was done every day except
cows via a small road. national and religion holidays. On aver-
This research was approved by the age, there were no killings 4 days a month.
ethics committee of the Faculty of Medi- The cows were kept in a rest area and were
cine, Chulalongkorn University. This was not fed 1 day before being killed to reduce
a qualitative and quantitative study. We feces. There was no standard waste water
obtained informed consent from each treatment system and the only pond was
participant prior to inclusion in the study. obstructed and abandoned. The owners
All the households on the small road lead- cleaned the slaughterhouse after killing
ing to the slaughterhouse were asked to each day with detergent and sometimes
participate; 50% of the households farther with iodine. Waste water including cow
than 1 km from the slaughterhouse on the blood and excreta flowed untreated into
small road and the main road were ran- the community drainage system pass-
domly selected and asked to participate. ing the adjacent houses. If the drainage
For qualitative research, focus group system became obstructed, the water
discussions (FGDs) were carried out with and excreta would overflow and get into
2 groups lasting 45 minutes each. The first nearby houses.
group consisted of Municipality’s officers: The concerns mentioned include
a veterinarian, an engineer, and a deputy mosquitoes (58%) and flooding (29%)
permanent secretary of the Municipality which was more obvious during the rainy
office. The second group consisted of 3 season (18.8%) (Table 2). Most nuisance
community leaders. Their perceptions and came from pests, such as rats (46.4%),
concerns about the slaughterhouse and cockroaches (42%), flies (40.6%), and fruit
the plans for renovation were solicited. flies (17.4%). Some complained of garbage

230 Vol 43 No. 1 January 2012

HIA: A Case Study of A Slaughterhouse

Table 1 Table 2
General characteristics of the Number (percent) of community
participants (n = 69). environmental problems.

Variables Number (percent) Community environmental Number

problems (percent)
Male : Female 24 (34.8) : 45 (65.2) Mosquitoes 40 (58.0)
Age (years) Flood 20 (29.0)
≤ 30 10 (14.5) Nuisance from pests
31-40 18 (26.1) Rats 32 (46.4)
41- 50 14 (20.3) Cockroaches 29 (42.0)
51-60 17 (24.6) Flies 28 (40.6)
> 60 10 (14.5) Fruit flies 12 (17.4)
Education Garbage aggregation 9 (13.0)
Less than bachelor degree 37 (53.6) Cow hair deposition 7 (10.1)
Marital status
Married 47 (68.1)
Occupation ground level, experienced daily (20.3%),
Laborer 16 (23.2) 2-3 days per week (13%) or once a week
Trader 10 (14.5) (13%). The times the odor was felt to be
Unemployed 8 (11.6) the strongest were morning (11.6%), eve-
House characteristics ning (10.1%) and all the time (8.7%). In
Single, self-owned 55 (79.7) response to the odor, 18.8% closed their
Time dwelling in this house windows, 4.3% put something in their
> 10 years 34 (49.3)
noses, and 25% did nothing.
The house was close to the slaughterhouse
Yes 26 (37.7) Twenty participants (29%) heard cow
Smoke noise from the slaughterhouse 2-3 times
No 58 (84.1) per week (11.6%) and every day (10.1%).
Drinks alcohol The time they most frequently heard noise
No 50 (72.5) was in the morning (11.6%). Most did
Annual physical examination nothing when they heard noise (23.2%);
Yes 55 (79.7) 4.3% closed their windows. Those who
Never 12 (17.4) heard the noise felt sorrowful (37.7%) or
sad (13%).
No 44 (63.8)
Yes 25 (36.2) Thirty-four participants (49.3%) saw
trucks transporting the cows passing their
houses 2-3 times per week (24.6%) or daily
aggregation (13%) and cow hair deposi- (15.9%). Forty-three point five percent did
tion (10.1%). There were no reports of tap nothing when they saw the trucks, while
water being contaminated. The majority 5.8% closed their windows. Thirty-seven
of respondents (88.4%) did not know how point seven percent felt sorrow and 27.5%
the garbage was managed or how the felt sad.
waste water was managed (89.9%). Perceived health impacts
Thirty-seven respondents (53.6%) Table 3 shows the extent to which
complained of odor especially at the participants living in the surrounding

Vol 43 No. 1 January 2012 231

Southeast Asian J Trop Med Public Health

Table 3
Number (percent) with symptoms during the previous 7 days.

Symptoms in the past 7 days Participants having Participants living near the
the symptom slaughterhouse having the
(n = 69) symptom (n = 26)

Headache/ dizzy 27 (39.1) 11 (42.3)

Cough/ sore throat 23 (33.3) 10 (38.5)
Nose irritation 22 (31.9) 11 (42.3)
Itchy nose 20 (29.0) 11 (42.3)
Difficulty breathing 19 (27.5) 10 (38.5)
Itchy eyes 14 (20.3) 7 (26.9)
Nausea/vomiting 13 (18.8) 6 (23.1)
Chest tightness 12 (17.4) 6 (23.1)
Anosmia 11 (15.9) 7 (26.9)
Frequent defecation 11 (15.9) 5 (19.2)
Conjunctivitis/tearing eyes/eye redness 8 (11.6) 4 (15.4)
Severe diarrhea 4 (5.8) 3 (11.5)

community had symptoms they attributed lives or work and 15.4% had to stop do-
to the slaughterhouse during the previous ing activities and one respondent needed
7 days. Fifty-five percent of respondents hospitalization. Responses of participants
experienced no symptoms. Of those with living near the slaughterhouse to their
symptoms, the most frequently reported symptoms were to do nothing (50%), go
symptoms were headache/dizziness see a doctor (19.2%) or go buy medicine
(39.1%), cough/sore throat (33.3%), nose (11.5%). Living nearer the slaughterhouse
irritation (31.9%) and itchy nose (29%). was not related to symptoms (p > 0.05).
Twenty point three percent of respondents Of the total 69 respondents, 29 did
stated these symptoms disturbed their not receive any community information
daily living/work, 11.6% had to stop their about the renovation project. Those who
activities and one had to be hospitalized. did, obtained their information from
The response to symptoms were to do public speakers, neighbors or community
nothing (26.1%), buy medicine from the leaders. The frequency they received this
pharmacy or go see a doctor (20.3%) and information was 2-3 times per week. More
get rest/sleep (10.1%). than half of participants never attended
Of the 26 respondents living near the community meetings. Only 7 attended
slaughterhouse, the most frequently re- meetings 2-3 times per week.
ported symptoms were itchy nose or nose Twenty participants knew there
irritation and headache/dizziness (42.3%), would be a renovation project; most ob-
and cough/sore throat and difficulty tained this information from public speak-
breathing (38.5%). Of the respondents ers (telling about the authors of this study
living near the slaughterhouse 30.8% carrying out this study in the community),
had symptoms that disturbed their daily neighbors or community leaders. Only 3

232 Vol 43 No. 1 January 2012

HIA: A Case Study of A Slaughterhouse

Table 4
Number (percent) of people who might be positively or negatively impacted by the
construction/renovation and operation of the slaughterhouse (n = 69).

Group of people Positive Negative

Unemployed 28 (40.6) 11 (15.5)

Young adults (17-25 years) 24 (34.8) 15 (21.7)
Elderly (>60 years) 24 (34.8) 32 (46.4)
Teenagers (13-16 years) 23 (33.3) 15 (21.1)
Diseased/disabled 23 (33.3) 22 (31.9)
New mothers 23 (33.3) 18 (26.1)
Pregnant women 22 (31.9) 22 (31.9)
Drug addicts 22 (31.9) 19 (27.5)
Small children (0-4 years) 21 (30.4) 32 (46.4)
Alcohol drinkers 21 (30.4) 18 (26.1)
Mental disorder 21 (30.4) 19 (27.5)
Young children (5-12 years) 20 (29.0) 30 (43.5)

There were some missing data

heard about the project from the Munici- ployed (40.6%), young adults and the
pality officers. Thirty-eight participants elderly. Those most negatively affected
thought the public speakers were the best would be small children and the elderly
way to convey information to the com- (46.4%), children aged 5-12 years, dis-
munity, followed by community leaders eased/disabled people and pregnant
and flyers/leaflets. Six respondents (14%) women (Table 4).
knew about the HIA project. Health determinants
Community concerns about construction/ Nearly half the participants felt there
renovation and operation of the slaugh- would be positive changes, resulting from
terhouse the renovation of the slaughterhouse, for
Most participants felt the construc- themselves, the community, the envi-
tion/renovation project and operation ronment (84.1%), community sanitation
of the slaughterhouse were positive. (81.2%), mental health (78.3%), religious
More than 15% raised concerns about beliefs (52.2%) and community participa-
the construction/renovation, specifically tion (50.7%). The participants felt the least
about the dust, noise, garbage, engine affected would be jobs and income (49.3%)
exhaust and theft/crime. More than 20% (Table 5).
raised concerns about the operation of Two focus group discussions were
the slaughterhouse. Most had to do with conducted. The participants stated the
cattle noise (43.5%), pests, dust and engine negative aspects of the slaughterhouse
exhaust, garbage and waste disposal. included obstruction of the drainage sys-
Twenty-three point two percent were con- tem by waste water and excreta with it
cerned about community conflict. sometimes overflowing into the houses,
Those most affected were unem- odor especially on windy days, and the

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Southeast Asian J Trop Med Public Health

Table 5
Number (percent) of health determinants affected positively or negatively by the
renovation of the slaughterhouse.

Health determinant Positive Negative

Mental status 54 (78.3) 3 (4.3)

Community sanitation 56 (81.2) 5 (7.2)
Community environment 58 (84.1) 3 (4.3)
Jobs and income 34 (49.3) 4 (5.8)
Community participation 35 (50.7) 3 (4.3)
Religious beliefs 36 (52.2) 5 (7.2)

There were some missing data

road to the slaughterhouse is the same using wet techniques, manage garbage to
road used by the community for daily reduce pests, limit the times in which con-
travel. They also complained the killing struction materials are transported to the
area could be easily seen by children out- site during the day time while most people
side the slaughterhouse and the killing are at work and provide community secu-
process could be disturbing to children. rity. Once operational, the slaughterhouse
The participants felt the negative should have the drainage system inspected
impact of the slaughterhouse could be monthly. A fence should be built around
significantly mitigated if the municipal- the slaughterhouse to prevent children
ity installed a treatment pond and im- from getting in, noise control measures
proved the community drainage system, should be put into place to reduce noise
reconstructed the slaughterhouse to meet from the cattle and the killing process, de-
adequate standards, built a fence around bris from the slaughtering process should
the slaughterhouse, provided a garbage be disposed of daily and the number of
collection point, made the killing room cows in the rest area should be limited to
sound-prove, took care of theft/crime or no more than 8 at a time.
moved the slaughterhouse elsewhere.
These findings show the residents
of the community feel renovation of the Slaughterhouses pose potential risks
slaughterhouse would result in a positive to the environment; the most obvious be-
health impact on the community. The par- ing biological risks (Gomaa et al, 2003).
ticipants made a number of suggestions. Salmonella, Campylobacter, Enterococ-
The Municipality should communicate cus, Enterobacteriaceae and bovine spon-
more effectively with the community via giform encephalopathy (BSE), are of con-
loud speakers, community leaders and fly- cern (Lücker et al, 2002). Some serotypes
ers/leaflets. The Municipality should meet of Salmonella have become established
with the community to solicit their opin- in sewage systems of slaughterhouses
ions about these types of issues. The reno- and in sewer rats (Søgaard and Nielsen,
vation project should try to reduce dust 1979). This poses a health risk to the sur-

234 Vol 43 No. 1 January 2012

HIA: A Case Study of A Slaughterhouse

rounding community and contaminated study in the community; and the graduate
carcasses and meat pose a health risk students from the College of Environmen-
to consumers (Hurd et al, 2008). Some tal Science, Kasetsart University for data
countries continuously monitor micro- collection. This research was supported
bial hazards on farms, in slaughterhouses by Thai Health Promotion (Grant no 52-
and processing lines for food safety 00-0524).
(Rho et al, 2001).
The authors conducted a HIA using REFERENCES
a tool developed as previously described
Gomaa NF, El-Derea HB, ElI-Adham E. Hazard
(Hengpraprom and Sithisarankul, 2011). analysis and critical point identification
The slaughterhouse was perceived nega- at Abiss slaughter house in Alexandria. J
tively by the surrounding community. The Egypt Public Health Assoc 2003; 78: 287-303.
respondents realized the slaughterhouse Hengpraprom S, Sithisarankul P. Developing
had been there long before they came to tool for health impact assessment in envi-
live there. They were happy to hear the ronmental impact assessment in Thailand.
slaughterhouse would be renovated; some Acta Med Okayama 2011; 65: 123-8.
stated they preferred the slaughterhouse Hurd HS, Brudvig J, Dickson J, et al. Swine
moved elsewhere. Our HIA had 2 positive health impact on carcass contamination
aspects; first, we tried out a newly devel- and human foodborne risk. Public Health
oped HIA tool and found it practical in a Rep 2008;123: 343-51.
small scale project; second, the Municipal- Lücker E, Schlottermüller B, Martin A. Stud-
ity heard the community’s opinions and ies on contamination of beef with tissues
concerns and the community knew their of the central nervous system (CNS) as
opinions were heard by the Municipality, pertaining to slaughtering technology
so they felt more positive about the Mu- and human BSE-exposure risk. Berl Munch
nicipality. We hope this HIA tool can help Tierarztl Wochenschr 2002; 115: 118-21.
solve other conflicts in Thailand. Rho MJ, Chung MS, Lee JH, Park J. Monitoring
of microbial hazards at farms, slaughter-
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS houses, and processing lines of swine in
Korea. J Food Prot 2001; 64: 1388-91.
We would like to thank all the par- Søgaard H, Nielsen BB. The occurrence of
ticipants from the communities; Bang salmonella in waste water from Danish
Pu Municipality officers and community slaughterhouses. A quantitative study.
leaders for preparing and publicizing this Nord Vet Med 1979; 31: 353-9.

Vol 43 No. 1 January 2012 235

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