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Name: Ameya Shetty

Class: BE9
Roll no : 59
Batch : C

Experiment No. 06

Develop Content (text, emoticons, image, audio, video) based social media
analytics model. Content Based Analysis (Topic, Issue, Trend, sentiment/opinion
analysis, audio, video, image analytics).

Creating a google cloud account

Login into google cloud

Creating a new project in google cloud

Project Name - YouTube Emotion Detection

Dashboard of YouTube Emotion Detection

Go to APIs & Services and click on Enabled APIs & services

To search for API library, click on + ENABLE APIS AND SERVICES

Searching for the API library - YouTube Data API v3

Click on YouTube Data API v3

Enabling the API

API enabled successfully

Creating Credentials
To create credentials, click on + CREATE CREDENTIALS, then Help me choose
Creating Credential for API: for Public data

An API will be generated.

API - AIzaSyBXSkQp3IGPxuS4TWfxcbouj9e6mg54CQ4
Selecting a YouTube video:
v=HbLA-8vvc_U Unique ID of above YouTube video from URL:

Using the API in google colab with python for analysis

Google Colab URL:
QL?usp=sh are_link
The output will be a csv file containing Comments and it’s Sentiment.



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