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set #run 6

while 1 = 1

// reset view
wait 2s
left 866, 58
// teleport
send F7
wait 3s

// accept team
left 15, 494
wait 1s
left 15, 494
wait 1s
left 435, 335
wait 1s
// open mount
send 0
wait 2s
// select fairy teleporter
repeat 2
send Down
right 495, 462
right 501, 485
right 501, 419
right 458, 409
right 500, 413
right 481, 393
end_repeat 2
// teleport Ghost din whood
wait 1s
left 295, 592

if #run >= 5
// Cauta NPC blacksmith
wait 2s
left 974, 58
wait 1s
left 552, 540
wait 2s
send Pre
wait 2s
left 316, 262
wait 2s
left 316, 262
wait 3s
left 607, 163
wait 1s
send 0
wait 1s
repeat 2
send Down
right 475, 402
right 488, 392
right 473, 369
right 474, 390
wait 2s
left 273, 409
wait 2s
repeat 20
send Down
left 455, 292
wait [50]
left 437, 336
wait [50]
end_repeat 20
left 493, 712
wait 1s
wait 1s

//uso do courage
send i
wait 1000
//first line
right 472, 411
right 505, 401
right 548, 410
right 583, 404
right 611, 409
right 645, 405
//seccond line
right 471, 443
right 507, 444
right 541, 442
right 579, 441
right 610, 431
right 643, 440
//3rd line
right 473, 485
right 505, 472
right 537, 472
right 591, 470
right 607, 471
right 642, 481
//4rd line
right 420, 517
right 454, 514
right 489, 513
right 529, 513
right 563, 518
right 599, 520
//5 line
right 423, 554
right 456, 550
right 493, 550
right 527, 550
right 563, 552
right 597, 550
wait 2s
send i
wait 500
//close other windows "bugs"
send {Escape}
wait 500
left 508, 524
wait 500

send 9
wait 1s

// be sure all eq in place

send F8
wait 500
send F3
wait 500
send F2
wait 500
send F4
wait 500
send F5
wait 500
send F6
wait 500
send F9
wait 500

send 0
wait 3s
send F8

if #run == 6
set #run 1


// go to BC
left 974, 58
wait 1s
left 552, 540
wait 1s
send Sku
wait 1s
// go to BC
left 316, 262
wait 10s
left 316, 262
wait 10s
left 316, 262
repeat 3 + random(2)
wait 5s
left 316, 262
// end go
wait 2s
left 607, 163
repeat 1
send Down
right 468, 392
right 453, 341
right 486, 349
right 491, 374
right 488, 348
right 482, 385
right 474, 356
right 470, 407
end_repeat 1
wait 1s
left 293, 362
wait 1s

// heal before start

send 0
wait 500
send F1
repeat 5
send 5
wait 2000
end_repeat 10
wait 6s
send 0
wait 3s

// leave team
right 47, 48
wait 1s
left 90, 97
wait 1s

right 872, 93
wait 3s
right 876, 84
wait 3s
right 895, 75
wait 3200
right 887, 75
wait 3200
right 909, 77
wait 3200
right 881, 88
wait 3s
right 871, 134
wait 3s
right 871, 122
wait 3s
right 880, 107
wait 3s
right 870, 116
wait 3s
right 870, 106
wait 3s
right 878, 142
wait 3s
right 888, 149
wait 3s
right 902, 155
wait 3s
right 908, 150
wait 4s
right 885, 145
wait 3s
right 936, 155
wait 3s
right 945, 147
wait 4s
right 952, 149
wait 3s
right 916, 167
wait 3s
right 942, 152
wait 3s
right 940, 137
wait 3s
right 944, 151
wait 3s
right 953, 131
wait 3s
right 964, 113
wait 3s
right 945, 79
wait 3s
right 915, 74
wait 3s
right 961, 109
wait 3s
right 942, 150
wait 3s
right 954, 139
wait 3s
right 961, 95
wait 3s
right 946, 76
wait 4s
right 939, 72
wait 4s
right 928, 64
wait 4s
right 882, 80
wait 4s
right 875, 86
wait 4s
right 887, 114
wait 4s
//ponte last
right 880, 115
wait 3s
right 919, 86
wait 4s
right 912, 97
wait 4200
right 865, 117
wait 4200
right 872, 115
wait 4s
right 915, 164
wait 5s
right 943, 120
wait 4s
right 917, 77
wait 4200
right 959, 115
wait 4000
right 946, 135
wait 4000
right 903, 134
wait 4000
right 894, 115
wait 4s
// kill mobs
set #tryEnter 1
send 0
wait 1s
//repeat 20
// send 6
// wait 6s
//end_repeat 20
while #tryEnter <= 3
// remove frist mob auto target
send TAB
wait 100

//entrada NPC last

repeat 2
send Down
right 291, 273
right 323, 245
right 255, 163
right 303, 245
right 325, 276
right 123, 83
right 313, 253
end_repeat 2

if #tryEnter <= 2
send 1
wait 1500
send 3
wait 1000
send 1
wait 1000
send 1
wait 1000
// send 1
// wait 1000

if #tryEnter == 3
wait 1s
left 288, 337

set #tryEnter #tryEnter + 1


//Enter Last
wait 4s

send F1
repeat 6
send 5
wait 2000
end_repeat 10
wait 9s
// up mount
send 0
wait 3s
//start path
right 908, 116
wait 4s
right 862, 115
wait 4s
right 862, 115
wait 4s
right 862, 115
wait 4s
right 862, 115
wait 4s
send 0
wait 500

repeat 200
send tab
send 1
wait 10
send 2
wait 10
send 3
wait 10
send x
wait 2s

//press ok in case of death

left 513, 468
wait 1s

//close other windows "bugs"

send {Escape}
wait 500
left 508, 524
wait 500

// self healing
send x
wait 13s

// end self healing

set #run #run + 1


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