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Stamp dimensioning*

ZEISS officelens Plus

ZEISS officelens Superb

ZEISS officelens Individual

* Shown values are only examples.

EN_20_010_3311I XX/XXXX

Carl Zeiss Vision Telefon: +49 (0) 123 456 789

International GmbH Telefax: +49 (0) 123 456 789
Gartenstraße 97 E-Mail:
73430 Aalen, Germany

ZEISS practical guide

to office lenses.
The exclusive advisory
from individualized visual
analysis to professional

1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

2. Subjective refraction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

3. Fitting and centration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 – 10

Reading distance aN
Maximum Intermediate Distance technology by ZEISS
Individual parameter

4. The office lens portfolio by ZEISS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11  – 12

High visual performance
Thin & lightweight lenses
Perfect fit into the chosen frame
Better spatial perception and contrast vision
Optimum visual performance

5. Order options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 – 14

FrameFit® value und fitting height
Inset on demand
Variable base curves
Ordering in steps of 0,01 D
Variable decentration

6. Technical data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 – 16

Product availability
Stamp & engraving
Lens dimensions

1. Introduction

Special situations require special lenses. This ZEISS fitting guide

leads through the individualized visual analysis and professional
dispensing of the ZEISS office lens portfolio.

From reading lenses to progressive lenses ...

Reading lenses:
The lens provides a clear field of vision
for objects within a close distance.

Effects on posture:
• Wearers lean in towards objects
to bring them into focus.
• Results in unnecessary strain
on the neck and back.

Progressive lenses:
The mid-distance viewing zone
provides a limited field of clear vision.

Effects on posture:
• Wearers lift their head to use
the intermediate lens areas.
• Results in strained neck and
shoulder muscles.

... to lenses for indoor vision: the new office lens portfolio by ZEISS.

The new office lenses by ZEISS:

The custom-made solution gives wearers
crisp, clear vision of the three working
area distances, according to the individual
wearer needs: 1. reading, 2. workplace
and 3. room distance. Three
Effects on posture: areas g
• Wearers hold their head clear
and neck in a natural posture. view!
• Complete comfort all day long.

Schematic illustration.

2. Subjective refraction

Before performing a subjective refraction, we recommend doing an objective

refraction. The objective refraction data will then be the base data for the subjective
refraction. Our recommendation for conducting an objective refraction is to use
an i.Profilerplus® measurement device.


You can perform distance refraction, including distance at infinity. This is best done by binocular
binocular testing, in the same way as for single insertion of -0,25 D when, for example, the con-
vision lenses. For progressive or office lenses, it sumer is looking out of the window. For optimal
is advisable to check whether a change in the visual performance, we recommend that even the
prescription is needed due to the difference in smallest cylinder corrections and prismatic correc-
the testing distance from the normal visual tions be taken into account.

To determine the addition, you should adjust
Width of progression corridor (%)

the testing distance to the main reading dis-

tance – generally 38 cm. The addition should 75

be as high as necessary, but as low as possible

to ensure optimum vision: higher additions 50
may lead to unnecessary narrowing of the pro-
gression corridor – also for office lenses. 25

0 1,0 2,0 3,0

TIP: Addition

Schematic correlation between the width of the progression

As it is the case for any other new lenses purchase, corridor and the addition.
it is important to know the consumer’s lens require-
ments at work and in general. Additional questions
specifically important for the purchase of office
lenses can be found on page 7.

3. Fitting and centration

A key success factor for an optimum office lens is to determine the required
reading and intermediate distances. The rule of thumb here is to strike a bal-
ance between as close as possible and as far as necessary which will make
maximum use of the "resulting" fields of vision.

Reading distance aN

In individualized office lenses the reading distance

(aN) can be additionally specified from 20 cm up
to 99 cm (depending on the addition). If no reading
distance is specified, aN is calculated as follows:

Add. 0,75 up to 2,5 D: 38 cm

Add. > 2,5 D: 100 / Add. [cm] Reading distance (aN).

Maximum Intermediate Distance technology by ZEISS

ZEISS officelens Plus and ZEISS officelens ZEISS officelens Individual design has an individ-
Superb designs are available with three maximum ual M.I.D. which can be customized to the wearer´s
intermediate distances (M.I.D.): needs in a range from 100 cm to 400 cm. The range
• Lens type Book: This „enhanced reader“ office of vision can be customized from the indiviual reading
lens type provides clear vision from reading dis- distance up to the individual M.I.D. of the wearer.
tance to a fixed M.I.D. of 100 cm.
• Lens type Near: This office lens type provides
clear vision from reading distance to a fixed
M.I.D. of 200 cm.
• Lens type Room: This „indoor progressive“
office lens type provides clear vision from reading
distance up to a fixed M.I.D. of 400 cm.

Relationship between aN and M.I.D.

Objects within aN and M.I.D. can be viewed in focus. The visual acuity for objects outside aN and
M.I.D. depends on ametropia, the depth of field and the residual accommodation of the wearer
and can vary from person to person.

ZEISS office lenses – Possible working distances

Far distance Intermediate distance Near distance

a N (e.g. 38 cm)


M.I.D. 100 cm

M.I.D. 200 cm

M.I.D. 400 cm

400 cm 200 cm 100 cm Personal reading distance 0

From sharp & clear ... ... to undefined vision Not to scale.

Correlation of Addition and M.I.D. Power in near reference point (NRP)

The resulting effective addition in the lens is the Distance prescription + Addition
difference between the ordered addition and (based on the personal reading distance).
1/M.I.D. [in D]. In certain combinations of ordered
addition and M.I.D., the effective addition in the
lens may be smaller than 0,75 D. In such a case Power in „intermediate“ distance
the minimum addition of 0,75 D will be applied. reference point (DRP)
This results in the near power being higher than
originally ordered. Distance prescription + 1/M.I.D.
( = distance prescription + 0,25 D for ROOM /
+0,5 D for NEAR / +1,0 for BOOK)

Correlation of fitting height and M.I.D.

The power at the “Intermediate“ distance reference point (DRP), the fitting cross and the prism reference
point (PRP) depends on the M.I.D. value, the progression length and the ordered addition. The fitting
cross positioned in front of the eye ensures most comfortable head and body posture at these distances.

Vision distance Room (M.I.D. 400 cm) Near (M.I.D. 200 cm) Book (M.I.D. 100 cm)

Fitting height 14 mm 18 mm 20 mm 14 mm 18 mm 20 mm 14 mm 18 mm 20 mm
Short Standard FrameFit® Short Standard FrameFit® Short Standard FrameFit®
6.0 6.0 6.0

DRP 400 cm 400 cm 400 cm 200 cm 200 cm 200 cm 100 cm 100 cm 100 cm

Fitting cross 139 cm 161 cm 172 cm 111 cm 122 cm 127 cm 79 cm 83 cm 84 cm

PRP 70 cm 85 cm 93 cm 67 cm 78 cm 83 cm 60 cm 65 cm 68 cm

Example for near vision distances for a ZEISS office lens sph. 0,00 D Addition 2,00 D

Determination of M.I.D.

In order to be able to determine a consumer’s M.I.D., 2. Determination of required maximum

a detailed requirements analysis is recommended. intermediate distance
• How far away is the screen for PC work?
1. Detailed case history for required use of • What are the facilities like?
office lenses • How big is the office?
• Mainly desk work or dynamic activity? • Is a specific viewing distance required?
• Mainly near vision tasks?
• Mainly intermediate vision tasks?
• How many hours of monitor work per day?
• Any problems with neck pain, poor vision, tired TIP:
eyes etc. during work or the required activity?
• Hobbies? Experience shows that estimated distances are
frequently too short. Therefore, we recommend
hat the consumer does not estimate distances
but instead demonstrates them. Ideally the cus-
tomer measures the relevant distance on-site.

For monitor work, we also recommend adjusting

the workstation based on ergonomic consider-
ations (see ergonomics flyer).

Example of indoors and office activities

400 – 300 cm

300 – 200 cm

200 – 100 cm

< 100 cm

Office lens bag

For ZEISS officelens Individual you will find the

ordered M.I.D. with the individual parameters on Shortcut example ZEISS office lens:

the lens bag label. For ZEISS officelens Superb

and Plus the M.I.D. is fixed according to the lens Example: OFC PLU NS P60
type “Room”, “Near” or “Book”.
Lens category: Lens design type:
OFC = ZEISS office lens R = Room
N = Near
L OFCINDP60 Lens family: B = Book
Colour Coating LotuTec OPTIMA Ø75 IND = Individual RS = Room Short
Sphere Cylinder Axis Prism Base Additon Thickness SUP = Superb NS = Near Short
-1.75 +1.00 90 1.25 270 2.00 1.7 PLU = Plus   BS = Book Short
- 0.75 -  1.00 180
l 49.0 z 33.0 Ins 2.8 HSAz 10.2 CT 1.3 PMZ
h 40.0
AzG 19.3
y 18.0 FF
DeltaZ -0.02 an
6.0 FSW
40 V
7.0 MID
123 FLAT
Lens material:
P50 = Organic 1.5
Measurement Value 1. HS 2. HS Axis Prism Base

Distance -1.65 -0.75 89 1.27 269

P60 = Organic 1.6
Near 0.23 1.22 90
P67 = Organic 1.67
P74 = Organic 1.74
Reference 20003430 M60 = Mineral 1.6 

Individual parameters

After the analysis, the next important step is the For ZEISS officelens Individual it is possible to take
selection of the appropriate frame and careful pre- the following individual parameters into account.
fitting to the wearer‘s anatomy.

The following personal parameters of the wearer can be specified as usual

zR zL

Centration distance (z) Back vertex distance (BVD)

yR yL

Fitting height (y) Pantoscopic angle (V)

45 4 0


h h





Frame dimensions Wrap angle

Please find further information in the progressive lens guide.


As with ZEISS progressive lenses, ZEISS office lenses

are adjusted from a zero gaze direction with distance
PD. Therefore the fitting cross should normally lie
in front of the pupils when the consumer is looking  ecause of the fogging at distance, office lenses
straight ahead with a natural head and body pos- are not suitable for use when driving or similar
activities. Note that office lenses have additions
ture. Please only deviate from this rule in special
specific to the wearer, which means that the nom-
cases (see “centring prismatic prescriptions” in the inal value can differ from the measured value.
progressive lens guide).

Vertical and horizontal centration.

Adjustment for halfmoon glasses

For adjustment in half half-eye, we recommend The M.I.D. should be as short as possible for the spe-
the following ZEISS office lenses: cific near vision tasks of the wearer.
• ZEISS officelens Individual with a high FrameFit value

• ZEISS officelens Superb with a high FrameFit® value The fitting cross should be at the upper edge of the
• ZEISS officelens Plus standard frame and the glass centered to distance PD.

Vertical and horizontal centration of halfmoon glasses.

4. The office lens portfolio by ZEISS

No two office lens consumers are alike. They have their own personal needs –
and this applies not only to their visual requirements, but also to the price they
are prepared to pay. Three different segments in various materials are available
for your consumers to choose from. From an attractively-priced, branded lens
to a tailor-made, individualized lens – the ZEISS office lens portfolio has the right
solution every time.

ZEISS officelens Plus ZEISS officelens Superb ZEISS officelens Individual

Optimum visual performance

Consideration of all relevant individual

Perfect fit in the chosen frames

Available with variable corridor length.

Better spatial perception and

contrast vision
Binocular balance of progressive zones.

Thin & lightweight lenses

ZEISS variable thinning optimization

High visual performance

Advanced freeform technology & the
distinctive ZEISS design DNA.

High visual performance 2. Horizontal symmetry: Ensures that the wearer

experiences the same power, prismatic effects
Excellent quality and constant innovations are incor- and magnification effects when looking through
porated into each and every ZEISS office lens. Every the lens at corresponding visual points on the
single lens is characterized by the typical ZEISS design right and left.
DNA, with six distinctive features that not only make
every lens with an engraved ZEISS brand mark unique, 3. ZEISS design fingerprint: The combination
but also guarantee excellent wearer tolerance: of balanced ranges of vision featuring comfortable
transitions between the visual zones and an op-
1. Variable inset: Taking into account the differ- timum balance between optical and cosmetic
ent convergence of the eyes with various types properties is also taken into account in our new
of ametropia and different additions. office lens portfolio.

4. Minimization of higher order aberrations: Better spatial perception and
The ZEISS method and its design parameters contrast vision
enable the development of high-performance
office lenses with an extremely low level of The advanced optimization algorithm supports the
higher-order aberrations. fusion of the images of the two eyes, resulting in
enhanced binocular vision. Your consumers will
5. ZEISS design parameters: We have evaluated quickly discover and enjoy the advantages compared
millions of individual parameters on the basis of to conventional progressive lenses or office lenses.
our ten years of experience with individualized
progressive lenses. This experience, and the
knowledge gained from scientific research into Perfect fit into the chosen frame
visual fields and the visual process, has given us
important insights into the visual requirements Small, large, slim, rimless, full rim, nylor – no matter
of progressive lens and office lens wearers. In what kind of frames they are, the advanced FrameFit®
addition the C.O.R.E. technology is used to de- technology by ZEISS provides every consumer with
termine the distance between the corneal vertex uncompromising opportunities: a variable corridor
and the eye’s centre of rotation. In intensive length in the lens for the perfect combination of
research work Carl Zeiss Vision has enhanced this frames, lens and prescription for enhanced clear and
technique, allowing even more precise mathema- sharp vision.
tical calculation of this parameter. This is particular-
ly beneficial for high prescriptions.
Optimum visual performance
6. Advanced freeform technology: In addition the
advanced freeform technology ensures highly accurate The calculation and production of individualized
calculation and surfacing of the lens design. ZEISS progressive and office lenses incorporate not
only the prescription, but also the specific data and
dimensions of the consumer. Only the consumer’s
Thin & lightweight lenses personal parameters allow optimization of the lens
solution and provide the wearer with very wide
The special thinning of ZEISS progressive lenses has ranges of vision.
been made possible by the combination of OPTIMA
with the ZEISS thickness optimization algorithms.
The result of this crucial know-how is an innovative
technology for thin and lightweight progressive lenses.

5. Order options

Some office lenses offer technical features and product versions that allow you
to structure the ordering process in exactly the way you prefer: Expert mode
or easy order for more flexible lens choice.

FrameFit® value and fitting height

ZEISS officelens Individual and ZEISS officelens Superb order options

Ordering Without FrameFit® With FrameFit® Without FrameFit® With FrameFit®

Without fitting height Without fitting height With fitting height With fitting height

Delivery FrameFit ® 4.0 is Ordered FrameFit® The ordered fitting ZEISS internal
delivered. This is delivered. height is delivered plausibility check
equates to a fitting with corresponding before delivery.*
height of 18 mm. FrameFit® (between
0,0 - 4,0).

Details Fitting Produced Fitting Max.

height FrameFit® height FrameFit®

14,0 0,0 14,0 0,0

14,1 0,1 14,1 0,1

... ... ... ...

≥ 18,0 4,0 18,0 4,0

... ...

19,9 5,9

≥ 20,0 6,0

The FrameFit® value is determined according to the diameter overview or more precisely with the RV Terminal®
from Carl Zeiss Vision designed to analyze centering data.

* It is advised to use the minimum fitting heights for the evaluation since they correspond to a glazing of a half measured value for near vision.

FrameFit® Value
Fitting height Value
Example for diameter and FrameFit® value determination.

Inset on demand Variable decentration

With the specification of all shape and centration With specification of all shape and centring data
data, the individualized inset in ZEISS officelens and automatic selection of OPTIMA, the decentration
Individual is automatically optimize. For cases where and the optimum diameter from ZEISS freeform
special fitting is required, a variable inset order be- lenses are automatically calculated. Please therefore
tween 0,0 - 5,0 mm is possible via the Customer indicate all shape and centring data when placing
Competence Centre. the order. Note: If the individualized decentration is
determined manually, the required diameter and
associated decentration must be ordered by phone.
Variable base curves

In ZEISS officelens Individual adaptation of the base

curve is possible. In LOGON® please tick “flat as
possible” or “steep as possible”. TIP:

The more complete the data you send us, the more
Ordering in steps of 0,01  precisely we can calculate and produce the lens.
Especially the specification of individual data leads
to optimized zones of vision.
In ZEISS officelens Individual the ordered values can
be accurately specified in steps of 0,01 D. For order
placement with LOGON®, the method of entry must
be actively selected.

6. Technical data

Product availability ZEISS officelens Plus ZEISS officelens Superb ZEISS officelens Individual

Standard / Short variable variable

Fitting heights
18 mm / 14 mm from 14 to 20 mm from 14 to 20 mm

M.I.D. Room / Near / Book Room / Near / Book Individual

Maximum Intermediate Distance 400 cm / 200 cm / 100 cm 400 cm / 200 cm / 100 cm from 100 to 400 cm

Stamp and engraving* ZEISS officelens Plus ZEISS officelens Superb ZEISS officelens Individual

Individual engraving
(max. 5 digits)

Addition power
2 digits for Plus & Superb; 3 digits for 27 27 275

Lens type and material index

Short corridor length is marked with OS60 OI60
small letters

FrameFit® value and M.I.D. 400 or 200 or 100

40400 or 40200 or 40100 40321
e. g. 40321 = FrameFit 4.0 /M.I.D. 321 cm (M.I.D. only)

Near measuring area 1 5 0 5 0 5

In the near measuring area the measured
value differs from the ordered value in 0 0
certain power ranges. For checking 3 3
purposes, the measured values and the 6 6
position of the near reference point are
separately specified on the lens packet.

Note on orders for single lenses:

Due to the individualized thinning prism
a subsequent order for a single lens is
only possible if the data of the partner
lens specified and prescription data of
the ordered lens have not changed.
Unintended prismatic effects could other-
wise impair wearer tolerance. In follow-up
orders please always quote the SD number R
(on delivery note/lens packet) or the data
275 0 5 OI60
for the partner lens. If single lenses are 40321
subsequently ordered via Logon®, please 0

send all data required for both lenses and 3

mark the lens not required as “virtual”.
The unneeded second lens is only ordered
“virtually“ in the system, i.e. the lens is
neither produced nor charged.

* Shown values are only examples.


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