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Unit 7 This is where I live

Unit 7
This is where I live ‫هذا المكان الذى أعيش فيه‬

Different environments ‫بيئات مختلفة‬

city ‫مدينة‬ building ‫مبنى‬ river ‫نهر‬ forest ‫غابة‬

desert ‫صحراء‬ village ‫قرية‬ mountain ‫جبل‬ oasis ‫واحة‬

the Nile the center of the earth the moon

‫نهر النيل‬ ‫باطن االرض‬ ‫القمر‬

Adjectives ‫صفات‬

too cold  ‫بارد جدا‬ too hot  ‫حار جدا‬ too small ‫صغير جدا‬ too big ‫كبير جدا‬

difficult  ‫صعب‬ easy ‫سهل‬ big  ‫كبير‬ small  ‫صغير‬

Review Unit 7

nervous ‫متوتر‬ classroom ‫فصل‬ T-shirt ‫تى شيرت‬ backpack ‫حقيبة الظهر‬

put on ‫يرتدى‬ pants ‫بنطلون‬ gray ‫رمادى‬ gate ‫بوابة‬

toy ‫لعبة‬ family ‫عائلة‬ school ‫َمدرسة‬ teacher ‫ُمدرسة‬

Key vocabulary
climate ‫المناخ‬ gas cars ‫سيارات تعمل بالبنزين‬
temperate climate ‫مناخ معتدل‬ fertile soil ‫تربة خصبة‬
memories ‫ذكريات‬ crops ‫محاصيل‬
wonder ‫يتسائل‬/‫يتعجب‬ environment ‫البيئة‬
pull out ‫يستخرج‬ bury ‫يدفن‬
pleased / delighted ‫مسرور‬ curious ‫فضولى‬
excited ‫متحمس‬ hole ‫حفرة‬/‫جحر‬
neighborhood ‫حى‬ mouse (mice) )‫فأر (فئران‬
history ‫تاريخ‬ corner ‫ ركن‬/ ‫ناصية‬
project ‫مشروع‬ moral ‫درس اخالقى‬
photo ‫صورة‬ value ‫قيمة اخالقية‬
neighbor ‫جار‬ noisy ‫مزعج‬
possible ‫ممكن‬ shopping area ‫منطقة تسوق‬

‫‪Unit‬‬ ‫‪7‬‬ ‫‪This is where I live‬‬

‫‪Grammar‬‬ ‫قواعد لغوية‬

‫‪Past simple‬‬ ‫الماضي البسيط‬ ‫‪1‬‬

‫‪1‬‬ ‫‪2‬‬ ‫‪3‬‬ ‫التكوين‬
‫باقى اجلملة ‪ +‬فعل فى الت�صريف الثانى ‪ Subject +‬فاعل (كل ال�ضمائر)‬

‫€ €يتكون املا�ضى الب�سيط من الت�صريف الثانى للفعل وتنق�سم االفعال �إىل‪:‬‬

‫‪-‬اوال‪:‬افعال منتظمة (‪ )Regular verbs‬وهى االفعال التى ي�ضاف اليها (‪ )ed‬فى املا�ضى كما يلى‪:‬‬
‫‪like‬‬ ‫‪liked‬‬ ‫‪ -‬اذا انتهى الفعل المنتظم بحرف (‪ )e‬نضيف اليه (‪ )d‬فقط ‪:‬‬
‫‪carry‬‬ ‫‪ -‬اذا انتهى الفعل بـ ( حرف ساكن ‪ y +‬نحذف حرف (‪ )y‬ونضيف (‪carried : )ied‬‬
‫‪play‬‬ ‫‪played‬‬ ‫‪ -‬لكن اذا انتهى بحرف متحرك ‪ y +‬نضيف ‪ ed‬فقط ‪:‬‬
‫‪stop‬‬ ‫‪stopped‬‬ ‫‪ -‬بعض االفعال يضاعف بها الحرف االخير عند اضافة ‪:ed‬‬
‫€ €ثانيا‪:‬االفعال غري املنتظمة وهى االفعال التى ال ي�ضاف اليها ‪ ed‬فى املا�ضى وحتفظ كما هى‪:‬‬
‫‪go‬‬ ‫‪went‬‬ ‫‪run‬‬ ‫‪ran‬‬
‫€ €ن�ستخدم زمن املا�ضى الب�سيط للتعبري عن فعل مت وانتهى فى املا�ضى‪.‬‬ ‫‪Use‬‬
‫‪We played football in the street.‬‬ ‫االستخدام‬

‫فعل فى الم�صدر ‪ + didn't + inf.‬فاعل‬ ‫€ €لنفى املا�ضى الب�سيط ن�ستخدم‪:‬‬ ‫‪3‬‬

‫‪I didn’t live in the city when I was young.‬‬ ‫النفى‬

‫?م�صدر الفعل ‪ + inf.‬فاعل ‪) + did +‬كلمة ا�ستفهام(‬ ‫€ €فى ال�س�ؤال ن�ستخدم‪ :‬‬
‫‪.‬باقى الجملة ‪ +‬فعل فى الت�صريف الثانى ‪ +‬فاعل‬ ‫€ €لالجابة‪:‬‬
‫ ‬ ‫‪Question‬‬
‫?‪How did Grandpa feel when he saw his old street‬‬
‫‪He was excited.‬‬
‫€ €فى حالة ال�س�ؤال بـ(هل ‪...‬؟) ن�ستخدم‪:‬‬
‫? م�صدر الفعل ‪ + inf.‬فاعل ‪Did +‬‬
‫?‪Did you clean your house‬‬
‫اجابة فى االثبات ‪Yes, I did.‬‬ ‫اجابة فى النفى ‪No, I didn’t.‬‬

‫‪yesterday - last (week - month - year) - in the past - ago -‬‬

‫‪ (2019) - once - when‬سنة ماضية ‪in +‬‬ ‫الكلمات الدالة‬

on Unit

1 Listen and write T (True) or F (False):

Test 7
: )‫استمع واكتب (صح) أو (خطأ‬
‫ا�ستمع �إلى الن�ص �آخرالمراجعة‬

True False
1 The country mouse gave the city mouse bread.

2 The smoke covered the stars.

3 There was a lot of noise in the city.

4 The country mouse went back to his village.

2 Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:  :‫اختر اإلجابة الصحيحة‬

1. Let's ................................ inside the box.
a  looks b  look c  looking d  looked
2. The water is ................................ hot. I can't drink it.
a  two b  to c  too d  do
3. We need water to ................................ our crops.
a  grow b  draw c  play d  throw
4. In the past, there................................ no cars.
a  was b  is c  are d  were

3 Read and complete the text with the words in the box:
 :‫اقرأ وأكمل النص بالكلمات من اإلطار‬
studied - carried - asked - crying
I don't forget my first day at school. I was six years old. I wasn't happy. I was
1 ........................... when
I left my mother. The Arabic teacher 2 ........................... me to sit next
to a boy. The teacher was very kind. Then, we 3 ........................... many subjects and
played games. I was happy at the end of the day.

4 Read and match (A) with (B): :‫اقرأ وصل‬

1 The Nile is a. the Nile crocodile?
2 The shirt b. a temperate climate.
c. the longest river in the world.
3 We like
d. is too small.
4 How long is e. with his toys.
Unit 7 This is where I live

5 Read the text and answer the questions:  :‫اقرأ القطعة واجب عن األسئلة‬
The Nile is very important in Egypt. It's the longest river in the world. It's about
6,675 kilometers long. The Nile has two branches in Egypt. The Nile is the home for
different kinds of animals. We should keep the Nile clean. The Nile brings us fresh
water. Without the Nile, there is no life. We all need the Nile to live.
A. Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1. The Nile is the ................................ river in the world.
a  long b  longer c  longest d  more long
2. There are ................................ branches of the Nile in Egypt.
a  three b  two c  four d  five
B. Answer the following questions:
3. How long is the Nile?

4. What's the Nile home for?

6 Reorder the words to make correct sentences:

 ً ‫اعد ترتيب الكلمات لتكوين جم‬
:‫ال صحيحة‬
1.  lived - Aswan - I - .

2.  is - Grandpa's - Where - village?

3.  cold - The - climate - polar - very - is

7 Punctuate the following: :‫ضع عالمات الترقيم لالتى‬

it's time to go back home 

8 Write a paragraph of TWENTY FOUR (24) words using the

following guiding elements: :‫) كلمة عن‬٢٤( ‫اكتب فقرة إنشائية من‬

‫مجاب عنه �آخر المراجعة‬
The River Nile
Fact file
1- What is the river? - The River Nile
2- How long is it? - It's 6,670 k.m

Review Unit 8
Unit 8
We had fun ‫استمتعنا بوقتنا‬

Different packaging ‫العبوات المختلفة‬

a packet of cookies a bar of chocolate a carton of juice a bottle of water

‫علبة من البسكويت‬ ‫قالب شيكوالته‬ ‫علبة عصير من الكرتون‬ ‫زجاجة مياة‬

a slice of cake a piece of cheese a bar of soap a bit of bread

‫شريحة تورتة‬ ‫قطعة جبن‬ ‫قطعة صابون‬ ‫كسرة خبز‬

a bag of candy a carton of milk a bottle of milk a slice of pizza

‫كيس حلوى‬ ‫علبة لبن من الكرتون‬ ‫زجاجة لبن‬ ‫شريحة بيتزا‬

trip ‫رحلة‬ Islamic ‫اسالمى‬

weekend ‫عطلة نهاية االسبوع‬ Shawwal ‫شهر شوال‬

Damietta ‫دمياط‬ delicious ‫شهى‬/‫لذيذ‬

deep ‫عميق‬ honey ‫عسل‬

octopus ‫اخطبوط‬ bakery ‫مخبز‬

meal ‫وجبة‬ celebration ‫إحتفال‬

Unit 8 We had fun

healthy ‫صحى‬ Eid Mubarak ‫عيد مبارك‬

dessert ‫طعام التحلية‬ mosque ‫مسجد‬

poem ‫قصيدة‬ mistake ‫خطأ‬

jellyfish ‫قنديل البحر‬ wife ‫زوجة‬

video ‫فيديو‬ friendly ‫ودود‬

movie ‫فيلم‬ bride ‫عروسة‬

salt ‫ملح‬ groom ‫عريس‬

horrible ‫سئ جدا‬/‫فظيع‬ funny ‫مضحك‬

festival ‫عيد‬ surprised ‫مندهش‬

Eid Al-Fitr ‫عيد الفطر‬ wedding ‫حفل زفاف‬

Muslim ‫اسالمى‬/‫مسلم‬ birthday ‫عيد ميالد‬

Ramadan ‫شهر رمضان‬ great-grandma ‫الجدة الكبرى‬

during ‫اثناء‬ picnic ‫نزهة خلوية‬

sunset ‫الغروب‬ decorate ‫يزين‬

Sham El-Nessim ‫شم النسيم‬ colored balls ‫كرات ملونة‬

Coptic Easter ‫عيد الفصح‬ symbol ‫رمز‬

Christmas tree ‫شجرة الكريسماس‬ new life ‫حياة جديدة‬

Christmas ‫عيد ميالد السيد المسيح‬ lantern ‫فانوس‬

Language Notes ‫مالحظات لغوية‬

.)‫) �أخر اجلملة املثبتة مبعنى (�أي�ضا‬too( ‫€ €ن�ستخدم‬

We saw lots of fish, and an octopus, too!
‫جدا‬ ً
ً / ‫ايضا‬
.)‫) مبعنى (جدً ا بدرجة زائدة عن احلد‬too( ‫€ €وميكن �أن ن�ستخدم‬
The day was too long.

on Unit

1 Listen and write T (True) or F (False):

Test 8
: )‫استمع واكتب (صح) أو (خطأ‬
‫ا�ستمع �إلى الن�ص �آخرالمراجعة‬

True False
1 My grandma is eighty years old.

2 My grandma's birthday was last month.

3 The family ate meat.

4 The family had dinner together.

2 Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:  :‫اختر اإلجابة الصحيحة‬

1. Many Muslims ................................ during the day in Ramadan.
a  eat b  fast c  call d  drink
2. Where did you ................................ ?
a  going b  went c  go d  goes
3. Noha had a ................................ of cake.
a  carton b  slice c  bottle d  tin
4. We ................................ fish last weekend.
a  catches b  catch c  catching d  caught

3 Read and complete the text with the words in the box:
 :‫اقرأ وأكمل النص بالكلمات من اإلطار‬
packet - slice - bar - bottle
We had a great time yesterday. It was my friend's birthday. We went to the park.
There was a lot of food. My friend Amr ate a 1 ................................. of pizza. It was delicious.
I had a 2 .......................... of chocolate. My friend Sameh ate a 3 ............................. of cookies.

4 Read and match (A) with (B): :‫اقرأ وصل‬

1 They listened to
a. had fun.
b. celebrate Eid?
2 How do people
c. photos of my grandma.
3 We saw some old
d. orange juice.
4 We all e. music.
Unit 8 We had fun

5 Read the text and answer the questions:  :‫اقرأ القطعة واجب عن األسئلة‬
In many countries all over the world, most people celebrate the beginning of the
year. It's in the first of January. People decorate Christmas trees at Christmas.
These trees are always green. The trees represent new life. People decorate the
trees with lights, colored balls and stars.
A. Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1. The Christmas trees represent a .................................. life.
a  sad b  bad c  new d  slow
2. People decorate the trees with .................................. .
a  lanterns b  fruit c  stars d  cakes
B. Answer the following questions:
3. What do people decorate?

4. What color are the Christmas trees?

6 Reorder the words to make correct sentences:

 ً ‫اعد ترتيب الكلمات لتكوين جم‬
:‫ال صحيحة‬
1. going - like - the zoo - you - Do - to?

2. fun - We - all - had.

3. made - They - a mistake.

7 Punctuate the following: :‫ضع عالمات الترقيم لالتى‬

my sisters have yellow hats

8 Write a paragraph of TWENTY FOUR (24) words using the

following guiding elements: :‫) كلمة عن‬٢٤( ‫اكتب فقرة إنشائية من‬

‫مجاب عنه �آخر المراجعة‬
Sham El-Nessim
celebrate - parks

Review Unit 9
Unit 9
What makes us special ‫ما الذى يجعلنا مميزين‬

Key vocabulary
party games ‫ألعاب احلفالت‬ serve ‫يقدم طعام‬
play games ‫يلعب العاب‬ sweet ‫طعام حلو‬
traditional ‫تقليدى‬/‫قديم‬ hospitable ‫ َمرحب‬/ ‫مضياف‬
pass the parcel ‫لعبة مرر احلزمة‬ karate ‫رياضة الكاراتية‬
give presents ‫يعطى هدايا‬ Cheese rolling ‫اجلبن‬ ‫دحرجة‬ ‫مهرجان‬
open presents ‫يفتح اهلدايا‬ Chinese New Year ‫العام الصينى اجلديد‬
unwrap ‫ يفك تغليف‬/ ‫يفتح‬ Kite festival ‫مهرجان الطائرات الورقية‬
musical chairs ‫لعبة الكراسيى الموسيقية‬ La Tomatina ‫الرتاشق بالطامطم‬ ‫مهرجان‬
hide and seek )‫لعبة الغميضة (االستغماية‬ bite ‫ قضمة‬/ ‫يعض‬/‫يقضم‬
seeker ‫باحث‬ feather ‫ريش‬
play music ‫يعزف او يشغل موسيقى‬ picnic ‫نزهة ىف اهلواء الطلق‬
tug-of-war ‫لعبة شد احلبل‬ unusual ‫غري مألوف‬
celebrate ‫حيتفل‬ stood back ‫وقف للوراء‬
proud ‫فخور‬ uncomfortable ‫غري مرتاح‬
wonderful ‫رائع‬

Grammar ‫قواعد لغوية‬

‫ ويعرب عن فعل‬past continuous ‫€ €ندر�س زمن املا�ضى امل�ستمر‬ Past

.‫ا�ستغرق وقت فى املا�ضى اثناء حدوث فعل �آخر‬ continuous

I / He / She / It + was + verb + ing. ‫الماضى المستمر‬

We / You / They + were + verb + ing.

I was playing tennis. - We were having a picnic.
:)was / were( ‫) بعد‬not( ‫€ €للنفى ن�ضع‬
I was not playing tennis.
:‫) قبل الفاعل‬Was / Were( ‫€ €لل�س�ؤال ن�ضع‬
Were you having a picnic?
Yes, I was. : ‫ اثبات‬- No, I wasn't. :‫نفى‬

on Unit

9 Test
Listen and write T (True) or F (False): : )‫استمع واكتب (صح) أو (خطأ‬
‫ا�ستمع �إلى الن�ص �آخرالمراجعة‬

True False
1 They saw a big dog.

2 They were at school.

3 The bird wanted money.

4 The bird wanted food and drink.

2 Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:  :‫اختر اإلجابة الصحيحة‬

1.  ................................ information is missing in your invitation?
a  How b  Where c  What d  Who
2. Players run ................................ the chairs in musical chairs.
a  in b  on c  around d  under
3. Beans are served with lots of ................................ and garlic.
a  water b  honey c  juice d  oil
4. My friend and I ................................ in the park.
a  am b  was c  were d  is
3 Read and complete the text with the words in the box:
 :‫اقرأ وأكمل النص بالكلمات من اإلطار‬
famous - clothes - wonderful - slow
We have a great culture in Egypt. We have a lot of traditional things like food,
special 1 .................................... and festivals. Our food can be described with one word 2 
.............................. ! Maybe the most
3 ............................... is ful Medames, beans cooked very slowly

and it is a very delicious meal.

4 Read and match (A) with (B): :‫اقرأ وصل‬

1 What are  a. of our parents.
2 It's very painful to b. a big colorful bird.
c. the children doing?
3 We saw
d. hurt your leg.
4 We should be proud e. and flew away.
Review Unit 9
5 Read the text and answer the questions:  :‫اقرأ القطعة واجب عن األسئلة‬
We prepare our Class Sports Day in the school yard every year. It happens on the
last day of the second term. We wear T-shirts and shorts. We prepare many kinds
of food and cakes. There are lots of games and we have fun.
A. Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1. They prepare Class Sports Day in the school ................................ .
a  class b  yard c  gate d  room
2. There are lots of ................................ in Class Sports Day.
a  books b  animals c  colors d  games
B. Answer the following questions:
3. When is Class Sports Day?

4. What do people wear in Class Sports Day?

6 Reorder the words to make correct sentences:

 ً ‫اعد ترتيب الكلمات لتكوين جم‬
:‫ال صحيحة‬
1.  did - hear - What - children - the?

2.  having - They - a picnic - were.

3.  see - We - our - use - eyes -to

7 Punctuate the following: :‫ضع عالمات الترقيم لالتى‬

the bird shook its feathers

8 Write a paragraph of TWENTY FOUR (24) words using the

following guiding elements: :‫) كلمة عن‬٢٤( ‫اكتب فقرة إنشائية من‬
Musical chairs
‫مجاب عنه �آخر المراجعة‬
1- How to play?
2- Where can players run?

Unit 10 I enjoy my life

Unit 10
I enjoy my life ‫استمتع بحياتي‬

An interesting research ‫بحث شيق‬

chameleon log into message password do research

‫حرباء‬ ‫يسجل دخول‬ ‫رسالة‬ ‫كلمة المرور‬ ‫يعمل بحث علمى‬

Key vocabulary

share ideas ‫يشارك افكار‬ light up ‫يضئ‬/‫ينور‬

contact ‫يتصل بـ‬ vibrate ‫يهتز‬

tag ‫ يذكر‬/ ‫يلحق‬/‫يشير‬ footprint ‫بصمة‬

personal ‫شخصى‬ digital footprint ‫بصمة رقمية‬

bully ‫ يتنمر‬/ ‫متنمر‬ click ‫يضغظ‬/‫ينقر‬

be friends ‫يكون صديق‬ like ‫يضغط اعجاب‬

keep ….secret ‫ سرى‬.... ‫يحفظ‬ upload ‫يرفع ملف على االنترنت‬

pros ‫مميزات‬ profile ‫ملف شخصى‬

cons ‫عيوب‬ privacy ‫خصوصية‬

precious metals ‫معادن ثمينة‬ protect ‫يحمى‬

rare earth ‫معدن ارضى نادر‬ positive ‫ايجابى‬

connect ‫يربط‬/‫يوصل‬ unhealthy ‫غير صحى‬

function ‫يعمل‬ healthy ‫صحى‬

pure form ‫الصورة الخام‬

on Unit

1 Listen and write T (True) or F (False):

Test 10
: )‫استمع واكتب (صح) أو (خطأ‬
‫ا�ستمع �إلى الن�ص �آخرالمراجعة‬

True False

1 We did research about farm animals.

2 My class did research last week.

3 We should write our own words.

4 We can get information from the library website.

2 Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:  :‫اختر اإلجابة الصحيحة‬

1.  I can ................................ photos with my friends.
a  eat b  play c  share d  cook

2. You ................................ have a strong password.

a  shouldn't b  should c  mustn't d  use

3. I shouldn't ................................ my phone late at night.

a  used b  uses c  use d  using

4. Chameleons have amazing ................................ and they can see all around.
a  eyes b  hands c  feet d  legs

3 Read and complete the text with the words in the box:
 :‫اقرأ وأكمل النص بالكلمات من اإلطار‬
hour - give - playing - make

My sister Heba has a new cell phone. She spends a lot of time 1 on
it. She doesn't talk to me. I am very angry. My sister doesn't 2 friends or
go outside. I advised her to stay for one 3 every day.

Unit 10 I enjoy my life

4 Read and match (A) with (B): :‫اقرأ وصل‬

1 We use silver a.your phone off at night.

b. and gold in cell phones.

2 You should turn
c. leave a footprint.
3 When we go online, we
d. to be respectful online.
4 Remember e. start a new school.

5 Read the text and answer the questions:

 :‫اقرأ القطعة واجب عن األسئلة‬

There are two different types of metals in cell phones. They are precious
metals and "rare earth" metals. Gold and silver are precious metals. They are very
expensive because they conduct electricity well. We can find rare earth metals
deep in the ground. We call them "rare earth" metals because they aren't in a pure
form, they are mixed with other metals. These metals make the cell phones light up
and vibrate.
A. Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:

1. There are ................................ different types of metals in cell phones.

a  three b  four c  five d  two

2.  ................................ conduct electricity well.

a  Gold and silver b  Cotton and wool

c  Glass and plastic d  Wood and cloth

B. Answer the following questions:

3. Why do you call some metals rare earth metals?

4. What are precious metals?

Review Unit 10
6 Reorder the words to make correct sentences:
 :‫اعد ترتيب الكلمات لتكوين جمال صحيحة‬
1.  have - Chameleons - eyes - amazing.

2.  with - my - I - friend - uploaded - a video.

3.  to - be - Remember - online - respectful.

7 Punctuate the following: :‫ضع عالمات الترقيم‬

what should you do in social media

8 Write an email of TWENTY FOUR (24) words using the

following guiding elements: :‫) كلمة عن‬٢٤( ‫اكتب إيميل من‬

Social Media
‫مجاب عنه �آخر المراجعة‬

password - share

To your friend Ahmed telling him about Social Media your email address Your friend's email address is

To  Cc Bcc
Dear  ,


‫‪Unit‬‬ ‫‪11‬‬ ‫?‪What can we do‬‬

‫‪Unit 11‬‬
‫?‪What can we do‬‬ ‫ماذا نستطيع أن نفعل؟‬

‫وسائل المواصالت ‪Transportation‬‬

‫مترو االنفاق ‪metro‬‬ ‫اتوبيس ‪bus‬‬ ‫ترام ‪tram‬‬ ‫قارب ‪boat‬‬

‫سفينة ‪ship‬‬ ‫طائرة ‪plane‬‬ ‫تاكسى ‪taxi‬‬ ‫قطار ‪train‬‬

‫سيارة ‪car‬‬ ‫مطار ‪airport‬‬ ‫سكة حديد ‪rail‬‬ ‫سيرا على االقدام ‪on foot‬‬

‫‪seat belt‬‬ ‫حزام األمان‬ ‫‪shocked‬‬ ‫مصدوم‬

‫‪road safety‬‬ ‫سالمة الطرق‬ ‫‪mask‬‬ ‫كاممة‬
‫‪safe roads‬‬ ‫طرق آمنة‬ ‫‪air pollution‬‬ ‫تلوث اهلواء‬
‫‪look left‬‬ ‫انظر يسارا‬ ‫‪dangerous‬‬ ‫خطري‬
‫‪look right‬‬ ‫انظر يمينا‬ ‫‪chemicals‬‬ ‫مواد كيميائية‬
‫‪helmet‬‬ ‫خوذة‬ ‫‪polluted air‬‬ ‫هواء ملوث‬
‫‪bike‬‬ ‫دراجة‬ ‫‪city‬‬ ‫مدينة كبرية‬
‫‪green light‬‬ ‫ضوء اخرض‬ ‫‪town‬‬ ‫مدينة صغرية‬
‫‪road signs‬‬ ‫الفتات الطريق‬ ‫‪dirty‬‬ ‫ملوث‪/‬قذر‬
‫‪Paris‬‬ ‫باريس‬ ‫‪solar power‬‬ ‫الطاقة الشمسية‬
‫‪parts‬‬ ‫أجزاء‬ ‫‪eat vegetables‬‬ ‫يأكل خرضاوات‬
‫‪camel‬‬ ‫جل‬
‫ََ‬ ‫‪good idea‬‬ ‫فكرة جيدة‬
‫‪in a hurry‬‬ ‫ىف عجلة من امره‬ ‫‪clean‬‬ ‫نظيف‬

‫‪Review Unit‬‬ ‫‪11‬‬
‫‪crosswalk‬‬ ‫ممر املشاة‬ ‫‪London‬‬ ‫لندن‬
‫‪fall over‬‬ ‫يسقط‬ ‫‪England‬‬ ‫انجلرتا‬
‫‪ambulance‬‬ ‫سيارة اسعاف‬ ‫‪electric bus‬‬ ‫حافلة تعمل بالكهرباء‬
‫‪rice straw‬‬ ‫قش االرز‬ ‫‪crops‬‬ ‫حماصيل‬

‫‪Grammar‬‬ ‫قواعد لغوية‬

‫€ €ن�ستخدم حروف اجلر (‪ )on / by‬مع و�سائل املوا�صالت كما يلى‪:‬‬

‫ريا على الأقدام ‪on foot‬‬
‫�س ً‬ ‫‪with‬‬
‫€ €الحظ ن�ستخدم )‪ (by‬مع و�سائل املوا�صالت عند عدم وجود فا�صل‪:‬‬ ‫حروف الجر مع‬
‫وسائل النقل‬
‫‪by car / bus / train / plane / ship / boat‬‬

‫€ €عند وجود فا�صل )‪ (a / an - the - my‬بني حرف اجلر و و�سيلة‬

‫املوا�صالت ن�ستخدم )‪:(in / on‬‬
‫‪in (a - the - my) car/taxi‬‬

‫‪on (a - the - my) bus / ship / train / plane‬‬

‫‪Language Focus‬‬ ‫مالحظات لغوية‬

‫€ €ن�ستخدم ‪ must‬وم�صدر الفعل للن�صيحة القوية‪.‬‬

‫م�صدر الفعل ‪ + must + inf.‬فاعل‬

‫‪You must wait for the green lights before you cross the street.‬‬

‫(م�صدر الفعل) ‪Need + noun / Need to + inf‬‬

‫€ €ن�ستخدم الفعل ‪ need‬مبعنى يحتاج عندما نقول �أن �شئ ما هام �أو �ضرورى‪.‬‬
‫‪We need safe roads.‬‬ ‫نحتاج إىل طرق آمنة‪.‬‬

‫ ‪You need to look left and right.‬‬ ‫جيب أن تنظر يمينًا ويسار ًا‪.‬‬

on Unit

11 Test
Listen and write T (True) or F (False): : )‫استمع واكتب (صح) أو (خطأ‬
‫ا�ستمع �إلى الن�ص �آخرالمراجعة‬

True False
1 My favorite transportation is the plane.

2 I like watching the Nile by boat.

3 There are crowded roads on water.

4 The boat is a clean transportation.

2 Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:  :‫اختر اإلجابة الصحيحة‬

1. We take a ................................ from the train station.
a  taxi b  bus c  bike d  train
2.  ................................ burn rice straw.
a  Didn't b  Don't c  Doesn't d  Does
3. Hani didn't stop because he was going ................................ fast.
a  two b  to c  too d  do
4. Mazin ................................ his leg. He went to hospital.
a  hurt b  see c  take d  play
3 Read and complete the text with the words in the box:
 :‫اقرأ وأكمل النص بالكلمات من اإلطار‬
near - takes - foot - have
My parents go to work every day. They work hard. I love them very much. My father
is a teacher. He works at school. He goes to school on 1 ........................... . The school is
2 ........................... our house. My mom is a doctor. She 3 ........................... the bus to the hospital.

4 Read and match (A) with (B): :‫اقرأ وصل‬

1 He called for a. rice straw.
b. in a car.
2 We wear a seat belt
c. an ambulance.
3 What happens
d. at the crosswalk?
4 Don't burn e. travel by plane.

Review Unit 11
5 Read the text and answer the questions:  :‫اقرأ القطعة واجب عن األسئلة‬
Our world has a big problem because of the air pollution. Experts talk about
ideas to stop this problem. People must help experts to solve this problem. For
example, we should plant more trees. We can have energy-saving lightbulbs in our
apartments and use public transportation.
A. Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1. We should use ................................ transportation.
a  more b  less c  public d  crowded
2.  Experts talk about ideas to ................................ pollution.
a  help b  plant c  stop d  make
B. Answer the following questions:
3. What problem does the world have?

4. How can people help the experts?

6 Reorder the words to make correct sentences:

 :‫اعد ترتيب الكلمات لتكوين جمال صحيحة‬
1. careful - road - Be - on - the.

2. school - Who - comes - to - bike - by?

3. a car - person - Share - with - another.

7 Punctuate the following: :‫ضع عالمات الترقيم لآلتى‬

we travel on water by ship or boat

8 Write a paragraph of TWENTY FOUR (24) words using the

following guiding elements: :‫) كلمة عن‬٢٤( ‫اكتب فقرة إنشائية من‬

‫مجاب عنه �آخر المراجعة‬
Your favorite transportation

Metro - clean

Unit 12 We can fix it

Unit 12
We can fix it ‫نستطيع إصالحها‬

Key vocabulary
Renewable energy  ‫الطاقة املتجددة‬ Non-renewable energy ‫الطاقة غري املتجددة‬
solar energy ‫الطاقة الشمسية‬ coal ‫فحم‬
water energy ‫طاقة املياه‬ oil ‫برتول‬
wind energy ‫طاقة الرياح‬ natural gas ‫الغاز الطبيعى‬


flames ‫نريان‬/‫هليب‬ chemicals ‫مواد كيميائية‬

heat ‫حرارة‬ sea animals ‫حيوانات بحرية‬

lights ‫أنوار‬ plastic trash ‫قاممة من البالستيك‬

shower ‫استحامم‬ landfill ‫مقلب نفايات‬

toy store ‫حمل لعب‬ toy repair store ‫حمل تصليح اللعب‬

energy-saving lightbulbs ‫مصابيح الطاقة املوفرة‬ toy doctors ‫اطباء اللعب‬

environment ‫البيئة‬ notes ‫مراسالت‬/‫مالحظات‬

clean energy ‫الطاقة النظيفة‬ the main reason ‫السبب الرئيسى‬

erosion ‫جتريف الرتبة‬ hydroelectric energy ‫الطاقة الكهرومائية‬

nutrient ‫عنرص غذائى‬ force ‫قوة‬

soil ‫تربة‬ wheel ‫عجلة‬

Review Unit 12
crop ‫حمصول‬ pollute ‫يلوث‬

humans ‫البرش‬ the High Dam ‫السد العاىل‬

cheap ‫رخيص‬ irrigation ‫رى‬

easy ‫سهل‬ sugarcane ‫قصب السكر‬

expensive ‫غاىل‬ flooding ‫فيضان‬

space ‫ مساحة‬/ ‫مكان‬ drought ‫جفاف‬

generator ‫مولد‬ warm ‫دافئ‬

solar panels ‫االلواح الشمسية‬ planet ‫كوكب‬

behavior ‫سلوك‬ movement ‫حركة‬

Grammar ‫قواعد لغوية‬

‫ فاعل‬+ can + inf. ‫م�صدر الفعل‬ 1

‫للتعبير عن‬
We can use more solar energy. ‫استطاعة فعل‬
:‫شئ نستخدم‬

‫ فاعل‬+ can’t + inf. ‫م�صدر الفعل‬
‫وللتعبير عن عدم‬
We can’t have fire in our living room. ‫استطاعة فعل‬
:‫شيء نستخدم‬



1 Listen and write T (True) or F (False): : )‫استمع واكتب (صح) أو (خطأ‬
‫ا�ستمع �إلى الن�ص �آخرالمراجعة‬

True False

1 We should recycle all our trash.

2 People put their trash in one bag.

3 Cleaners should send the bags to landfill.

4 We can make new things from the trash.

2 Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:  :‫اختر اإلجابة الصحيحة‬

1.  ................................ you think she'll like it?
a  Are b  Do c  Does d  Is

2. My sister's favorite ................................ is pink.

a  food b  color c  time d  sport

3. We can ................................ some old things.

a  eat b  sing c  recycle d  go

4.  ................................ I help you?

a  Is b  can c  Are d  Am

3 Read and complete the text with the words in the box:
 :‫اقرأ وأكمل النص بالكلمات من اإلطار‬

harms - talks - trash - beach

I went to Alexandria last summer. I saw the longest 1 .................................... cleanup. All
people helped each other to clean the beach from the 2 .............................. . I was happy and
helped them to collect all plastic trash because it 3 ............................... sea animals.

Review Unit 12
4 Read and match (A) with (B): :‫اقرأ وصل‬

1 A flood is a. need a lot of water.

b. too much water on the land.

2 Rice and sugarcane
c. harm the environment.
3 Wind energy
d. is a clean energy.

4 Coal, oil and gas e. lots of cars in one place.

5 Read the text and answer the questions:  :‫اقرأ القطعة واجب عن األسئلة‬

After we played football yesterday, we were thirsty and hungry. We went to the
restaurant near our house. My friend Ahmed asked me to have lunch together. I had
chicken and rice. Ahmed had meat and bread. Then, we drank orange juice. After
that, we went home in the evening.

A. Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:

1. We went to the ................................ yesterday.

a  park b  shop c  restaurant d  city

2. We drank ................................ .

a  juice b  tea c  soup d  coffee

B. Answer the following questions:

3. Where did they go after they played?

4. What did Ahmed have for lunch?

Unit 12 We can fix it

6 Reorder the words to make correct sentences:

 : ‫اعد ترتيب الكلمات لتكوين جمال صحيحة‬

1. cheap - is - It - and - clean.

2. is - hydroelectricity - Why - a - clean - energy?

3. humans - How - control - can - erosion?

7 Punctuate the following: :‫ضع عالمات الترقيم لآلتى‬

how can you save water

8 Write an mail of TWENTY FOUR (24) words using the

following guiding elements: :‫) كلمة عن‬٢٤( ‫اكتب إيميل من‬
‫مجاب عنه �آخر المراجعة‬

The Aswan High Dam
protect - flood

To your friend Samy to tell him about your visit to the Aswan High Dam last
week. Your name is Ali and your email address is Your friend's
email address is

To  Cc Bcc
Dear  ,


‫امتحانات شاملة على منهج الفصـل الـدراسى الثانى‬ Tests
٢٠٢٣/٣/٥ ‫طبقا ألحدث المواصفات بتاريخ‬

Test 1
1 Listen and write T (True) or F (False): : )‫استمع واكتب (صح) أو (خطأ‬
‫ن�ص اال�ستماع �آخر المراجعة‬

True False
1 My father has a big house near the Pyramids.

2 Our house is small.

3 There are lots of trees around our house.

4 The weather is bad.

2 Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:  :‫اختر اإلجابة الصحيحة‬

1. Bedouin people live in the ................................ .
a  river b  city c  desert d  farm
2. Our street ................................ quiet many years ago.
a  was b  were c  is d  am
3. Do you want a ................................ of bread?
a  tin b  bar c  bottle d  bit
4. I should ................................ my password secret.
a  keeps b  keep c  kept d  keeping

3 Read and complete the text with the words in the box:
 :‫اقرأ وأكمل النص بكلمات من اإلطار‬
games - information - decorated - picnic
We celebrated our great-grandma's birthday last week. We had a huge
1 . We 2 our house with lights. My mother made a big cake.
We drank lots of juice. We played 3 with our cousins.

4 Read and match (A) with (B): :‫اقرأ وصل‬

1 She did research a. a helmet on your bike.
b. ran around the corner.
2 What do people
c. at adapting.
3 You should wear d. eat in Sham El-Nessim?
4 We are very good e. on chameleons.
5 Read the text and answer the questions: :‫اقرأ القطعة واجب عن األسئلة‬
The internet is an important part of our life today. We can use the internet to do the
shopping, play games, and learn things. The internet helps us do homework. If we
want to do research, we can look at a lot of websites and find information. You can
find some nice pictures, too. However many people can use the internet for many
hours every day. When you use the internet too much, this may not be healthy. You
don't get much exercise and you may get a lot of weight.
A. Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1. When we use the internet, we can't get much ................................ .
a  exercise b  websites c  pictures d  research
2. We use the internet to do the ................................ .
a  pollution b  shopping c  weight d  swimming
B. Answer the following questions:
3. Why is using the internet many hours unhealthy? 
4. What can you use the internet for? 

6 Reorder the words to make correct sentences:

 ً ‫أعد ترتيب الكلمات لتكوين جم‬
:‫ال صحيحة‬
1. like - Did - story - you - the?

2. pollution - make - Cars - air.

3. lives - in - Dalia - a village.

7 Punctuate the following: :‫ضع عالمات الترقيم لالتى‬

did you have a healthy dessert 

8 Write a paragraph of TWENTY FOUR (24) words using the
following guiding elements: :‫) كلمة عن‬٢٤( ‫اكتب فقرة إنشائية من‬
An invitation to a party
1- Where's the party?
2- When's the party?


Test 2
1 Listen and write T (True) or F (False): : )‫استمع واكتب (صح) أو (خطأ‬
‫ن�ص اال�ستماع �آخر المراجعة‬

True False
1 My mom and dad went to our neighbor's wedding.

2 The party was outside the house.

3 My mom and dad went to the party on foot.

4 My parents got to the wrong party.

2 Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:  :‫اختر اإلجابة الصحيحة‬

1. They love playing ................................ games.
a  computer b  book c  box d  pen
2. The High Dam controls the ................................ .
a  sun b  flooding c  air d  moon
3. Now, there ................................ lots of vistors around us.
a  was b  are c  were d  is
4.  ................................ is a food made from milk.
a  Cheese b  Fish c  Honey d  Meat

3 Read and complete the text with the words in the box:
 :‫اقرأ وأكمل النص بكلمات من اإلطار‬
loud - best - air - better
Most people like living in the city. They think it's 1 than living in the
country. But the city has many problems. There are many transportations that make
2 pollution. The noise is very 3 . But the life in the country is quiet.

4 Read and match (A) with (B): :‫اقرأ وصل‬

1 We can get a. grow crops near the river?
b. deep and blue.
2 I felt very
c. energy from the wind.
3 Why do farmers d. to stop river erosion.
4 The sea was e. tired last night.

5 Read the text and answer the questions: :‫اقرأ القطعة واجب عن األسئلة‬
Air pollution is very dangerous for us. The polluted air we breathe makes us ill.
Experts talk about ideas to make the air cleaner. We can try to buy from shops near
our houses. Children can try to walk to school. We also need to plant trees. Trees
clean the air. They also make cities look pretty and we can sit by trees on a hot day.
A. Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1. We sit by trees on a ................................ day.
a  cold b  hot c  happy d  rainy
2. The ................................ talk about ideas to make the air cleaner.
a  engineers b  scientists c  experts d  doctors
B. Answer the following questions:
3. How can you save the world from pollution? 
4. What makes the cities look pretty? 

6 Reorder the words to make correct sentences:

 ً ‫أعد ترتيب الكلمات لتكوين جم‬
:‫ال صحيحة‬
1. games - They - computer - playing - are.
2.  food - Which - favorite - your - is?
3.  precious - Gold - and - metals - silver - are.

7 Punctuate the following: :‫ضع عالمات الترقيم لالتى‬

why is Mona sad 

8 Write an email of TWENTY FOUR (24) words using the

following guiding elements: :‫) كلمة عن‬٢٤( ‫اكتب إيميل من‬
animals - play
to your friend Ahmed - Telling him about your visit the zoo. Your name is Samir and your email
address is and your friend's email address is

To  Cc Bcc
Dear  ,



Test 3
1 Listen and write T (True) or F (False): : )‫استمع واكتب (صح) أو (خطأ‬
‫ن�ص اال�ستماع �آخر المراجعة‬

True False
1 Last Friday, I went to the park with my friends.

2 We had a picnic.

3 The day was bad.

4 We came back home at five o’clock in the morning.

2 Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:  :‫اختر اإلجابة الصحيحة‬

1. The village ................................ very quiet when I lived here.
a  was b  is c  were d  are
2. I played ................................ with my cousins.
a  food b  games c  jobs d  drink
3. I used my ................................ to bend my leg.
a  finger b  foot c  face d  knee
4. Did you ................................ your homework?
a  does b  do c  done d  doesn't

3 Read and complete the text with the words in the box:
 :‫اقرأ وأكمل النص بكلمات من اإلطار‬
message - found - tablet - felt
Last week, I had some homework. I worked with my friend Ramy. I sent him a 1 .
My friend did research on his 2 . We 3 some information. We
talked to plan the presentation. The teacher liked our presentation..

4 Read and match (A) with (B): :‫اقرأ وصل‬

1 The box is a. transportation.
b. my parents.
2 The metro is my favorite 
c. too big.
3 I feel proud of 
d. or new toys?
4 Do you prefer fixed toys  e. It stores water from rain.

5 Read the text and answer the questions: :‫اقرأ القطعة واجب عن األسئلة‬
Most people like to live near rivers, but Bedouin people prefer to live in the desert.
They like to live in open areas. They eat beans, lamb, dates, and bread. Bedouin
people drink the milk of animals like cows and camels. Bedouin people live in tents.
The tent is usually made of cloth. Bedouin people are very special. They have
beautiful clothes, delicious foods, and nice songs.
A. Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1. Bedouin people make their tents from ................................ .
a  cloth b  paper c  clothes d  food
2. Bedouin people live in the ................................ .
a  Arctic regions b  forests c  Nile d  desert
B. Answer the following questions:

3. Why are Bedouin people special?

4. What do Bedouin people eat?

6 Reorder the words to make correct sentences:

 ً ‫أعد ترتيب الكلمات لتكوين جم‬
:‫ال صحيحة‬
1. saw - - lots - fish - We - of.

2. uncomfortable - was - car - very - The .

3.  village - Where - is - Grandpa's?

7 Punctuate the following: :‫ضع عالمات الترقيم لالتى‬

the smoke from cars covered the city. 

8 Write a paragraph of TWENTY FOUR (24) words using the

following guiding elements: :‫) كلمة عن‬٢٤( ‫اكتب فقرة إنشائية من‬
The city life
noise - pollution


Test 4
1 Listen and write T (True) or F (False): : )‫استمع واكتب (صح) أو (خطأ‬
‫ن�ص اال�ستماع �آخر المراجعة‬

True False
1 Last week, I went to Damietta.

2 I went to Damietta with my father and my brother.

3 We swam in the sea.

4 My father caught a fish.

2 Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:  :‫اختر اإلجابة الصحيحة‬

1. What games did you ................................ today?
a  played b  plays c  play d  palying
2. I carry my ................................ to school.
a  train b  backpack c  bed d  bike
3. The High Dam is very ................................ .
a  short b  small c  fat d  big
4. I ................................ very tired last night.
a  am b  was c  are d  is

3 Read and complete the text with the words in the box:
 :‫اقرأ وأكمل النص بكلمات من اإلطار‬
helps - water - grow - control
Farmers in Egypt are good people. They 1 many crops. Crops need
2 . The High Dam 3 farmers to get water. It also stores water
and helps in droughts.

4 Read and match (A) with (B): :‫اقرأ وصل‬

1 Egypt is famous for a. from the sandwich.
b. very dangerous.
2 I took a big bite
c. school on foot?
3 Air pollution is
d. its history.
4 Who comes to e. a helmet on your bike.

5 Read the text and answer the questions: :‫اقرأ القطعة واجب عن األسئلة‬
My cousin Adam is 13 years old. He has an account on social media. He likes to
share ideas, thoughts, and information with other people. He also likes to have fun
with people. Adam is always careful when he is online. He accepts to be friends only
with people he knows. He keeps his personal information secret.
A. Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1. Adam is ................................ years old.
a  thirty b  thirteen c  eighteen d  sixteen
2. Adam is always careful when he's ................................ .
a  online b  outside c  airline d  inside
B. Answer the following questions:
3. What does Adam like to do?
4. How does Adam keep his personal information? 

6 Reorder the words to make correct sentences:

 ً ‫أعد ترتيب الكلمات لتكوين جم‬
:‫ال صحيحة‬
1. food - which - favorite - your - is?
2. don't - weather - We - the hot - like.
3.  listened - music - They - to.

7 Punctuate the following: :‫ضع عالمات الترقيم لالتى‬

mom and dad were at the wrong wedding 

8 Write a an email of TWENTY FOUR (24) words using the

following guiding elements: :‫) كلمة عن‬٢٤( ‫اكتب إيميل من‬
crowded - cars
to your friend Nabil to tell him about your city. Your name is Tamer. Your email address
is and your friend's email address is

To  Cc Bcc
Dear  ,



Test 5
1 Listen and write T (True) or F (False): : )‫استمع واكتب (صح) أو (خطأ‬
‫ن�ص اال�ستماع �آخر المراجعة‬

True False
1 I remember my second day at school.

2 My little brother drove me to school.

3 My teacher was kind and friendly.

4 I wanted to go to school every week.

2 Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:  :‫اختر اإلجابة الصحيحة‬

1. I hurt my leg. It's very ................................ .
a  good b  nice c  high d  painful
2. What games did you ................................ today?
a  played b  plays c  play d  playing
3. We need water to ................................ .
a  sleep b  play c  drink d  study
4. I should ................................ my password secret.
a  kept b  keeps c  keeping d  keep

3 Read and complete the text with the words in the box:
 :‫اقرأ وأكمل النص بكلمات من اإلطار‬
car - train - plane - boat
People like to travel. Some people travel by 1 , they go by air. Some
travel by 2 or bus. They go on the road. When I travel to Luxor, I go by
3 . It goes on a rail. Traveling is very interesting.

4 Read and match (A) with (B): :‫اقرأ وصل‬

1 You should tell your parents a. favorite color.
b. when someone bullies you online.
2 Gold and silver are
c. food made from milk.
3 Pink is my sister's. d. precious metals.
4 Cheese is e. my favorite festival.
5 Read the text and answer the questions: :‫اقرأ القطعة واجب عن األسئلة‬
Last week, it was my father's birthday. He was fifty years old. All my family came to
celebrate. My aunts, uncles, and cousins came to our house. There was lots of food.
My mother made a big chocolate cake. My sister made delicious cookies. We sang
"Happy Birthday" to my father. It was a great party. I gave a present to my father.
A. Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1. All the family came to ............................... .
a  decorate b  celebrate c  travel d  run
2. I gave a ................................ to my father.
a  flower b  cake c  computer d  present
B. Answer the following questions:
3. When was the father's birthday?

4. What did the sister do on the birthday?

6 Reorder the words to make correct sentences:

 ً ‫أعد ترتيب الكلمات لتكوين جم‬
:‫ال صحيحة‬
1.  go - school - I - by - to - bus.

2.  bully - some - you - people - can.

3.  do - have - at - What - you - parties?

7 Punctuate the following: :‫ضع عالمات الترقيم لالتى‬

what makes us special

8 Write a paragraph of TWENTY FOUR (24) words using the

following guiding elements: :‫) كلمة عن‬٢٤( ‫اكتب فقرة إنشائية من‬
Kinds of energy
renewable - non renewable


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