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‫بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم‬

‫شاء َوفَ ْو َ‬
‫ق ُك ِّل ِذي ِع ْل ٍم َعلِي ٌم‬ ‫نَ ْرفَ ُع َد َر َجا ٍ‬
‫ت ِّمن نَّ َ‬

‫صدق هللا العظيم‬

‫سورة يوسف‬
‫من اآلية ‪75‬‬

‫‪The linguistic Examiner Certification‬‬

I certify that I have read the thesis entitled, (Pseudo Hopfian R-modules
and Pseudo co-Hopfian R-modules) and I have corrected the linguistic


Name: Dr. Ahmed Mohammed Salih Assistant profeisor

Date: / /2018

Supervisor Certification
I certify that this thesis entitled “Pseudo Hopfian R-modules

and Pseudo co-Hopfian R-modules" has been proposed under our

supervision at the Department of Mathematics / College of Education for

pure Sciences of the University of Tikrit, by "Adwar Hamed salih"

as a partial requirements for the degree of Master of Science in

. .Mathematics


Assis. Prof . Nada Khalid Abd-Allah

Date: / / 2018

Assist .Prof. Dr. Karim Sbr Khalaf
Date: / / 2018

In view of the available recommendation, I forward this thesis for debate

by the examining committee.


Assist. Prof .Dr. Raad Awad Hameed

Head of Mathematics Department

Date : / / 2018


We certify that we read this thesis entitled “Pseudo Hopfian R-

modules and Pseudo co-Hopfian R-modules” and, as an examining
committee, we examined the student “Adwar Hamed salih " in its
contents and what is connected with, and that in our opinion it meets the
standards of a thesis for the degree of master of mathematics with




Date: / /2018

Member Member

Name: Name:
Signature Signature

Date: / /2018 Date: / /2018

Member (Supervisor) Member (Supervisor)

Name: Name:

Signature Signature:

Date: / /2018 Date: / /2018

Approved by the Dean of College of Education University of Tikrit


‫‪Name:‬‬ ‫‪Date: / /2018‬‬


‫إلى مثلي األعلى وأستاذي األول ‪ ،‬إلى القلب الطيب والروح المتفانيةـ‬
‫المخلصة ‪ ...‬إلى من أهداني عمره وشبابه وعلمني أصفى معاني الحياة‬
‫وجعل روحه كمنهل يسقيني من ظمأ األيام ‪( ...‬أبي)‬

‫أليك يا منبع الحياة وخير الدنيا وصفاءها ‪ ،‬الى من اهدتني نور عينيها‬
‫كي يساعدني في ظالم الليلـ ويرافقني في وضحة النهار الى من كان‬
‫دعائها سر نجاحي وكان رضاها سر سعادتي ‪ ،‬والتي يغدو رد جميلها‬
‫مستحيل‪( .........‬امـــي)‬

‫ي ال يقل عن‬
‫والى فخري وسندي وعوني في هذه الحياة ومن فضلهم عل َّ‬
‫فضل امي وابي ‪( ...‬اخواني)‬
‫الى الذين واكبوا سنين المرحلة باخالص ‪(،‬اساتذتي الكرام)‬
I am most grateful to my supervisors Assist. prof. Nada Khalid and Dr.

Karim sbr khalaf for their advices, guidances, helpful suggestions, and

encouragements throughout the period during which I have worked

under their supervision. I would like to thank the staff of the Department

of Mathematics. I would like also to extend my thanks to the college of

Science for giving me the opportunity to pursue my graduate work.


Let R be a commutative ring with unity, and let M be a unitary left

R-module. An R-module M is called Hopfian if any surjective
endomorphism of M is an isomorphism. And an R-module M is called
co-Hophian if any injective endomorphism of M is an isomorphism. In
this work, we given generalization for the concepts of Hopfian R-module
and co-Hopfian R-module .We called R-module M is pseudo Hopfian if
any surjective endomorphism of M has a closed kernel. And we called R-
module M is pseudo co-Hopfian if for any monomorphism (briefly
mono.) f ∈ End ( M ) , f (M ) is closed submodule in M, also we generalize
some properties of Hopfian R-modules to pseudo Hopfian R-modules.
Furthermore, we generalization some properties of co-Hopfian R-
modules to pseudo co-Hopfian R-modules, as well We give conditions
under them to become pseudo Hopfian R-module and pseudo co-Hopfian

Keyword: pseudo Hopfian R- module , pseudo co-Hopfian R- modules,

Hopfian R-module , co-Hopfian R-module, closed , direct summand ,
simple , semi simple , extending R-module.
Table of Contents

Subject Page No.

Introduction 1-5

Chapter one : Hopfian and co-Hopfian R-module 6-16

Introduction: 6

S1. Basic Definition 7-12

S2.Basic propositions 13-16

Chapter Two : pseudo Hopfian R-Modules 17-28

Introduction: 17

S1.Basic properties of pseudo Hopfian R-module. 18-21

S2.the relationship between pseudo Hopfian R-module
and another R-modules
Chapter Three: pseudo co-Hopfian R-modules 29-53

Introduction: 29

S1 :Basic properties of pseudo co- Hopfian R-module 30-33

S2.the relation between pseudo co- Hopfian R-module 34-42

and another R-module
S3.pseudo co-Hopfian quotient R-module 43-53

References 54-55

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