Writing A Composition

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Writing a composition

How To Write A Whole Composition

The following is a general structure to follow for many kinds of writing.

The Basic Structure For Writing a Composition:

I. Introduction

The introduction is intended to draw the reader into the body of material to follow. It
should begin with a general statement or question.

The opening sentence will be the first sentence in your composition. It’s very important
because everything you will say in your composition must be connected with the idea
expressed in this sentence and nothing can modify it, contradict it or say something
which is not contained in this opening sentence.


Topic- Life in a village

Approach- better than cities

Opening sentence- Nowadays, most people prefer living in cities, but I prefer to live in a
village because life there is much better and healthy.

Another example of O.S.- Life in a village is very different from life in the city. (topic: life
in a village / approach: very different from life in the city).
II. Body (Argument)

The body of a written piece is where you elaborate, defend, and expand the ideas
introduced in the introduction. The body should support your main dispute with
supporting evidence and possible objections. A good body presents both sides of a
case, pros and con. As you make your case, save your best argument for last. When
presenting contrary views, be sure to set forth the strongest arguments.

When moving from one sub-point or argument to another, use connecting or transitional
words and phrases that enable your reader to easily follow the flow of your thinking.
The following is a partial list of logical connectors that you can use:

 exceptions – but, alas, however, etc

 illustrations – for instance, for example, etc
 conclusions – thus, so, therefore, consequently, etc
 comparisons – similarly, by contrast, etc
 qualifications – yet, still, etc
 additions – moreover, furthermore, etc.

Example of good points:

 no pollution
 people know each other
 friendly people
 contact with nature
 life is cheaper
III. Conclusion

Make your final appeal to the reader, a finishing, all-encompassing statement that wraps
up your presentation in a powerful. Normally a single paragraph, brief and concise, will
suffice. The purpose of the conclusion is to leave the reader with an idea or thought that
captures the essence of the body while provoking further reflection and consideration.

There’s no doubt about it: life in a village is much better than life in a city.
Thus, I really think I should leave the city and look for a nice house in a village as soon
as possible.
The writing prompt this test taker wrote on was:
In many countries it is becoming more common for people to have several part-time jobs
instead of one full-time job. What are the advantages and disadvantages of working parti time
jobs? Give examples to support your ideas.

Working Part-time Jobs

Part-time jobs are very common nowadays. I, myself, work part-time since I have to go to
school part-time as well. I think a lot of people opt for working part-time because of time
flexibility and we would still be able to attend to other things that are important in our day to day
A clear advantage of having several part-time jobs is for people to be developed in the different
areas where they are working. If one has several jobs, he or she will be able to meet several
people and supervisors that will expose them to different challenges and learning. Another
advantage of having several part-time jobs, is an opportunity to find out what you really want
as an occupation in life. This may be a stepping stone for you to be able to discover yourself
more in terms of your abilities and skills. Lastly, I think having several jobs will make you earn
more money than having a full-time job. This is because in a full-time job, you are only entitled
for a specific number of hours at work and sometimes, employers don’t give overtime pays.

The disadvantage on the other hand, is that most of the part-time jobs do not offer benefits to
its employees. Also, you have to adjust with your workmates from one workplace to another. It
will also be difficult if you have two or three jobs in a day and you don’t have your own car.
Commuting from one workplace to another can be very exhausting.

In conclusion, I would say that I’m in favor of having several part time jobs rather than one full-
time job. My decision is mainly in line with my current situation. I need to go to school and at
the same time, work for my family. Having part-time jobs will be very beneficial for me since I
can arrange my schedule with my employer. Also, based on my own experience, I enjoy
meeting and working with people from different walks of life. I was able to gain friends which I
think is very essential to be able to adapt easily in a country that is different from yours.

In some countries, the government policy is that all citizens should learn two foreign
anguages. Do you think this is a reasonable policy? Or do you think that other subjects
should be a priority in school? Please use reasons and examples to support your opinion

Benfit of Learnig two forgeign languages

I agree the government policy of all of the citizens should learn two foreign languages.
The world is getting more closer than before. It is very easy for us to travel to another country.
Students can go to another country for study. Businessman can find a parnet from other
country to improve thir business. Also, there are more and more information can find on the
internet. All of these are base on languages.

There are more and more students travel to another country for study. They travel to
another country because they want learn other language. If the students can speak more
languages, then they can talk to someone easier, and also can learn more. Also, they can
make some friends easily. These are the advantages for learing more languages.

International business is getting common. There are more and more companines located
in whole world. If the boss of the company can speak more than one language, then the boss
can find some parnets from different countries, then the boss can have a successful business
easily. Learning two languages is also good for the people who is working.

There are more and more information can find on the internet. Some people will translate
the information into their language. But sometimes they will lose some important information. If
we can know other language, then we can find more resources for the information, and also
more detail. Learning more languages can also learn more knowledges.

Learning two or more languages is good for us. We can go to other country for study,
boss of the company can try to improve the company becomes an international
company, and also we can learn more on the internet. There are the advantges of
learning more than one languages. So I agree the government policy of all of citizens
should learn two foreign languages.

Some people say that the Internet provides people with a lot of valuable information.
Others think access to so much information creates problems. Which view do you agree
with? Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.

The Internet

There is no doubt that the Internet is one of the greatest humankind's inventions of the
last century. It is fast and easy way to get a lot of valuable information. However, some
people believe that the Internet creates many problems. From my point of view I think that
the Internet brings us advantages as well as disadvantages.

First of all, I think that the Internet brings us many benefits. People can have access to
the latest news, weather, traffic, etc. Another important benefit is that the Internet is a
great mean of communication. A few years ago it was rather difficult to imagine that it
would be possible to communicate with people from all around the world. Students have
the opportunity to speak to the professors from prestigious universities, ask their opinions
and extend their range of interests .

People have the opportunity to communicate with the people from other countries, find
out their customs, traditions and even visit each other. I think that the Internet makes our
world smaller and friendlier. We've got the chance to learn more about the world's history,
our forefathers and gain more knowledge.

From the other hand, many questions and difficulties arose with the appearance of the
Internet. For example, children got the easy access to the information they are not
supposed to read. Also, people's security and privacy are often violated through stealing
and gathering information about people and then selling it.

Many banks had to increase their Internet security because of hacking. However, I
believe that Internet gave us more advantages and opportunities than disadvantages and

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