David Koross Statement

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From: david koros <davidkoros@yahoo.

com> Date: 6 August 2008 15:00 Subject: Submission To: ********* (Edited to Protect Source)

MY SUBMISSION There were suspicions all over. On the Dec. 26, inciting rumors were circulated in Eldoret that marked ballot papers had been transported by Molo Line Bus. This led to riots in town and police station. It took the intervention of Hon. Ruto and Hon. Kosgey to quell, bring things back to normal. Ruto congratulated the police. - There was a nominated civic lead Farruk Kibet who addressed people at Eldoret police station where he claimed that Kikuyus occupied most of the jobs in the district and demanded that all kikuyus should be thrown out of the area. Then he asked the crowd Waende ama wasiende crowd.waende - Search was carried out and no ballot boxes were found. The crowd was not satisfied and believed the boxes had been hidden. The crowd went to Brookside in the believe that the boxes were being kept there. Why? Because it is alleged that the company is owned by Uhuru Kenyatta who was supporting Mwai Kibaki for president. - On that December 26 evening, a vehicle suspected to be carrying ballot papers was set on fire. However there were no signs of it having ballot papers or boxes. - On the 28th of December, violence disturbances began at Kisumu Ndogo, estate in Langas pitting Kikuyus and Luos. On 29th the Kikuyu began mobilizing themselves and the areas Chief Samoei (Pioneer Location) addressed them promising protection and urging them to remain calm at Kona Mbaya at around 10.am. The battle charged. Kalenjin and Kikuyu on Iten road began fighting up to Munyaka. - When sang came back from hospital he asked the Kalenjin youth to move to Munyaka. At Munyaka centre the Kikuyu resisted. A to and fro war began. The group let by hence Sang was overpowered and they ran away. Unlikely Lucas was got and killed by the Kikuyu crowd. January 1, 2008 A meeting convened by Jackson Kibor and a prominent former Mr. Kili. They were all concerned that Lucas Sang had died and they urged the crowd to continue the war to revenge the two deaths. Identification of houses was done in three ways. A calabash, numbers 4 or 6 meant it was a kalenjin house. At around 10.30, the group went through Beta Farm, as a way to avoid police detection,

well armed and with clear threats, that any one retreating will be killed. They found two dead bodies, one was sang. The police arrived and the group dispersed. They ran to Marura Centre where a bull and two rams had been slaughtered for the warriors as lunch. The cow belongs to a kikuyu. January 2nd A meeting was convened at Kuinet trading centre and this was the fund raise to enable them buy food arrows and other weapons about 150 people attended about 6000 cash was raised and three bags of maize. January 3rd, 2008 a meeting was convened at Kuinet Secondary School grounds where it was suggested that weapons especially arrows be purchased for fear that kikuyus may revenge. A fundraising was conducted; every person was to give Kshs. 500. Some in the meeting suggested that it would be more secure if guns were bought. Burning of houses was going on. On 3rd January around 4.00p.m, personally I was in the crowd in kapsoya trading centre. When people were blocking roads within the estate and denying entry of any vehicle through the trading centre. An administration police officer attached to chiefs camp Kapsoya called one of the persons and told him, You people are cowards, just go up there (Munyaka) and chase them! Further told him that military chopper will land in Eldoret air strip that evening caring one tribe and targeting our people, should go in their houses and sleep earlier. He meant the crowd of Kikuyus who were bordering the valley of Munyaka and the officer with the colleague went towards the chiefs office. I called the D.C about the situation but he promised to take action. The following day together with my colleague we went to his office to explain the situation in which the officer was partisan. He told us he will look into the matter urgently.

The event took place at Beishabor in Tapsagoi of Turbo division. This event was a meeting that was held on 31/12/07 and other subsequent ones held on 1st and 2nd of Jan. These meetings were a reflex of the O.D.Ms announcement of mass action countrywide. The attendance of these meetings was the locals and some leaders from neighbouring district since Beishabor is situated at the northern border of Uasin Gishu and Nandi North district. The conveners of these meetings were drawn from the local political leaders and some village elders. It was reported to me that the agenda of the said meeting and other subsequent one was to form a team of warriors for the purpose of invading the non-Kalenjins and even the Kalenjins perceived to be P.N.U supporters (Awendo). They appointed committees at village level. These meetings were also mandated to give progress when required.

Invasion was to destroy their property, burn houses and chase them from their farms. In Turbo town properties were destroyed all over and roads barricaded, Caltex petrol station was not spared. The locals perceived these properties to belong to Kikuyu. Kalenjins perceived as P.N.U supporters and who were ready to surrender and cooperate, were told to pay penalty /fine of a cow or cash (1000-5000). In every village, a representative to monitor and co-ordinate the above was appointed. The cows and cash collected as fine were used as food and allowances for the sustenance of the warriors. Apart from the taxes collected, other influential Kalenjin leaders offered financial and material support to the warriors. On the way to Eldoret, some youth walked singing war songs and some were transported in a lorry belonging to an aspirant. It was during and after these meetings that some of the armed youth were leaving to Eldoret town to cause havoc, and from Eldoret they were being fed at Jua Kali Center by one of the cllr. Mr. Elija Kosgey suffered the brunt of the youths as they descended on his home and extorted 5, 000/= from him. THREATS I received anonymous calls that I would face dire consequences should our people be arrested and prosecuted. Because they believed I was the source of the report by American Human Rights Watch which said that the violence was planned in Rift Valley. As a result of continued threats I reported to Eldoret Police Station by OB 23/38/08.

By David Koros.

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