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The use constructed wetlands with horizontal sub-surface

flow for various types of wastewater

J. Vymazal a,b,∗
aENKI o.p.s., Dukelská 145, 379 01 Třeboň, Czech Republic
bCzech University of Life Sciences in Prague, Faculty of Environmental Sciences, Department of Landscape Ecology,
Náměstí Smiřických 1, 281 63 Kostelec nad Černými lesy, Czech Republic

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Constructed wetlands with horizontal sub-surface flow (HF CWs) have been used for
Received 20 August 2008 wastewater treatment for more than 30 years. Most HF CWs have been designed to treat
Accepted 29 August 2008 municipal or domestic wastewater. Nowadays, municipal HF CWs focus not only on common
pollutants but also on special parameters such as pharmaceuticals, endocrine disruptive
chemicals or linear alkylbenzensulfonates (LAS). At present, HF CWs are used to treat many
Keywords: other types of wastewater. Industrial applications include wastewaters from oil refineries,
Constructed wetlands chemical factories, pulp and paper production, tannery and textile industries, abattoir, dis-
Hybrid systems tillery and winery industries. In particular, the use of HF CWs is becoming very common for
Municipal wastewater treatment of food-processing wastewaters (e.g., production and processing of milk, cheese,
Nutrients potatoes, sugar). HF constructed wetlands are also successfully used to treat wastewaters
Organics from agriculture (e.g., pig and dairy farms, fish farm effluents) and various runoff waters
Sub-surface flow (agriculture, airports, highway, greenhouses, plant nurseries). HF CWs have also effectively
been used to treat landfill leachate. Besides the use as a single unit, HF CWs are also used
in combination with other types of constructed wetlands in hybrid systems.
© 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction passage the wastewater will come into contact with a network
of aerobic, anoxic and anaerobic zones. The aerobic zones
The technology of wastewater treatment by means of con- occur around roots and rhizomes that leak oxygen into the
structed wetlands with horizontal sub-surface flow (HF CWs) substrate (Brix, 1987; Cooper et al., 1996). Major design param-
was started in Germany based on research by Käthe Seidel eters, removal mechanisms and treatment performance have
commencing in the 1960s (e.g., Seidel, 1961, 1964, 1965a,b, been reviewed by Kadlec and Knight (1996), Cooper et al. (1996),
1966) and by Reinhold Kickuth in the 1970s (e.g., Kickuth, 1977, Vymazal et al. (1998), Kadlec et al. (2000), Vymazal (2005),
1978, 1981). In these systems the wastewater is fed in at the Vymazal and Kröpfelová (2008) or Kadlec and Wallace (2008).
inlet and flows slowly through the porous medium under the HF constructed wetlands have long been used primarily for
surface of the bed in a more or less horizontal path until it treatment of municipal or domestic wastewaters. However, at
reaches the outlet zone where it is collected before leaving present, constructed wetlands are used for a wide variety of
via level control arrangement at the outlet (Fig. 1). During this pollution, including agricultural and industrial wastewaters,

Correspondence address: ENKI o.p.s., Dukelská 145, 379 01 Třeboň, Czech Republic.
E-mail address:
0925-8574/$ – see front matter © 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
2 e c o l o g i c a l e n g i n e e r i n g 3 5 ( 2 0 0 9 ) 1–17

the differences in the degree to which the homologues are

adsorbed onto suspended particles and different biodegrada-
tion rates. The removal has also been found to be temperature
and HLR dependent. The comparison with the elimination of
pharmaceuticals and personal care products through other
types of wastewater treatment plants (activated sludge, bio-
filters) showed either similar or slightly better results for HF

Fig. 1 – Schematic representation of a constructed wetland

3. Industrial wastewaters
with horizontal sub-surface flow. 1, distribution zone filled
with large stones; 2, impermeable liner; 3, medium (e.g.,
There is variety of industrial wastewaters which have been
gravel, crushed stones); 4, vegetation; 5, water level in the
treated in HF constructed wetlands (Table 3). The quality of
bed; 6, collection zone filled with large stones; 7, collection
industrial wastewaters varies widely, with many wastewaters
drainage pipe; 8, outlet structure for maintaining of water
having very high concentrations of pollutants (Table 4).
level in the bed. The arrows indicate only a general flow
pattern. From Vymazal (2001).
3.1. Petrochemical and chemical industries

Concentrations of BOD5 and COD in refinery effluents usu-

various runoff waters and landfill leachate. The objective of
ally vary in the range of 10–1000 mg l−1 and 50–4000 mg l−1 ,
this paper is to evaluate the use of constructed wetlands with
respectively (Vymazal and Kröpfelová, 2008). Treatment of
horizontal sub-surface flow for various types of wastewater.
contaminated waters from the petrochemical industry (e.g.,
process waters from oil-fields, oil-contaminated waters,
2. Municipal wastewaters runoff waters from refineries, oil-refinery effluents) is aimed at
removal of various hydrocarbons including diesel range organ-
HF constructed wetlands are commonly used to treat munic- ics (typically reported as C10 –C40 ), BTEX (benzene, toluene,
ipal and domestic (single house or cluster of houses) ethylene, xylene). Probably the largest system (240,000 m2 )
wastewaters as both secondary and tertiary treatment was built in Heglig, Sudan, to treat oil-fields hydrocarbon-
stages (Table 1). In general, HF constructed wetlands are contaminated waters (D. Wood, pers. comm.). One of the
not used to treat raw municipal wastewater. Kadlec and largest HF constructed wetlands in Europe (total area of
Knight (1996) listed the “typical” composition of munic- 49,000 m2 ) was built in 1990 at the Air Products chemi-
ipal wastewaters—BOD5 : 220 mg l−1 , COD: 500 mg l−1 , TSS: cal works at Billingham, Teeside, United Kingdom (Sands
220 mg l−1 , NH4 –N: 25 mg l−1 , NOx –N: 0 mg l−1 , Norg : 15 mg l−1 , et al., 2000). The plant is producing alcohols for the plas-
TKN: 40 mg l−1 , TP: 8 mg l−1 . However, the concentrations vary tics and detergent industries, phenol/acetone and derivatives
widely as a consequence of water consumption, which varies for plastics, detergents, pharmaceuticals and flame-retardant
substantially in cities and villages and also among countries. purposes and amines and derivatives for drugs, detergents,
The results shown in Table 1 indicate that HF constructed paper treatment, agrochemicals and animal feedstock addi-
wetlands have been successfully used to treat municipal tives. A HF CW built in Portugal treats wastewaters rich in
wastewater with a wide range of inflow concentrations. Espe- nitrates from the production of nitric acid. For references, see
cially important is the fact that HF constructed wetlands can Table 3.
successfully treat wastewaters with very low concentrations
of organics. It is well known that conventional treatment 3.2. Pulp and paper, textile and tannery industries
systems such as activated sludge cannot treat wastewater
with low organic concentrations (usually less than 50–80 mg/l Pulp mill effluents are complex mixtures of wood-derived
BOD5 ). Average treatment performance of the HF constructed organics as well as some inorganic ions and compounds. In
wetlands is shown in Table 2. untreated effluents, the BOD5 is high (generally in the range
Besides pollutants commonly monitored in municipal of 200–800 mg l−1 ). Secondary treatment (by aerated lagoon or
wastewaters (see Table 1), HF CWs were also used for removal activated sludge) can be quite effective, reducing the BOD5 to
of linear alkylbenzensulfonates (LAS) (del Bubba et al., 2000; about 10–100 mg l−1 . The compounds responsible for the BOD5
Billore et al., 2002; Thomas et al., 2003; Huang et al., 2004; of untreated effluents are primarily simple sugars, organic
Kantawanichkul and Wara-Aswapati, 2005) and pharmaceu- acids (e.g., acetic) and alcohols (e.g., methanol). After treat-
ticals (Matamoros et al., 2005) from the sewage. The results ment, the residual BOD5 is largely caused by biological solids
indicated that sulfophenylcarboxylic acids represent the pri- and some more refractory organic compounds (Thut, 1993).
mary biodegradation products of LAS and, among these, The most common target parameters in pulp and paper efflu-
sulfonezoic acid is present at significant percentages. The ents are organics, suspended solids and ammonia. Besides
results also revealed that the longer alkyl chain homologues these parameters, also color and phenol have been targeted
were removed to a greater extent than the shorter alkyl chain in these wastewaters.
homologues in the order C13 > C12 > C11 > C10 . This decrease Concentrations of BOD5 , COD and TSS in tannery waste-
has been found by other authors and has been attributed to waters usually vary between 1000 and 2000 mg l−1 , 2000 and
Table 1 – Examples of treatment performance of HF constructed wetlands for treatment of municipal and domestic sewage
Location Country Area (m2 ) Flow BOD5 TSS TP TN NH4 –N FC Ref.
(m3 d−1 )

In Out In Out In Out In Out In Out In Out

e c o l o g i c a l e n g i n e e r i n g 3 5 ( 2 0 0 9 ) 1–17
Wigmore UK 328 87 5.8 1.1 9.7 3.8 0.67 0.24 1
Onšov Czech Republic 2100 92 5.9 2.7 12.0 5.2 1.3 1.0 17.9 10.7 5.2 4.2 5.4 4.4 2
Leek Wootton UK 825 306 8.5 2.3 17.7 3.8 5.5 0.44 1
Bear Creek, AL USA 2035 14.9 9.4 1.0 72 3.5 6.6 0.45 52 9.9 10.5 2.7 5.3 1.0 3
Pisgah Jamaica 90 0.9 27 13 57 13 9.6 0.4 40 1.6 5.8 0.4 5.6 2.2 4
Lifosa Lithuania 3780 180–400 51 7.8 30.6 12.2 11.2 9.6 9.4 7.4 5
Baggiolino Italy 96 6 81 7.2 55 18 5.7 1.8 72 25 6.5 2.5 6
Uggerhalne Denmark 2640 103 115 6.0 158 6.4 4.8 4.8 22.5 16.8 17.3 12.5 7
Ondřejov Czech Republic 806 50 143 14.8 129 2.4 8.8 7.0 57 42.5 35.5 33 7.4 5.6 2
Holtby UK 612 30 189 18.5 135 19 65.5 42.3 1
Koloděje Czech Republic 4495 176 204 15 102 11 10.1 6.8 42.1 22.2 8.2 5.2 2
Hasselt-Kiewit Belgium 896 23.3 232 6.0 196 9.0 12.4 4.0 81 29 8
Brondum Denmark 437 8.1 330 16 392 10 21 14.3 74.5 43.3 9
Middleton UK 168 10 390 25 116 21 63.2 15.7 1
Glavotok Croatia 360 40 427 56 171 32 13.2 5.9 152 80 6.2 3.0 10
Carrión de los Spain 229 5.8 513 67 304 33 14.5 10.9 110 53 84 48.7 11
Agronomica Brazil 450 6.6 979 19 224 104 49 16 12

Chemical parameters in mg l−1 , fecal coliforms (FC) in log CFU 100 ml−1 . Values are mostly annual means. From Vymazal and Kröpfelová (2008). 1, CWA (2006); 2, unpublished results; 3, Watson (1990);
4, Stewart (2005); 5 Gasiunas and Strusevičius (2003); 6, Pucci et al. (2004); 7, Kadlec et al. (2000); 8, VMM (2006); 9, Schierup et al. (1990); 10, Shalabi (2004); 11, Sardón et al. (2006); 12, Philippi et al.

4 e c o l o g i c a l e n g i n e e r i n g 3 5 ( 2 0 0 9 ) 1–17

Table 2 – Average treatment performance of HF CWs treating municipal and domestic wastewaters. Elaborated from
Vymazal and Kröpfelová (2008)
Concentration (mg l−1 ) Eff. (%) na Loading (kg ha−1 d−1 ) na

In Out In Out Rem

BOD5 (<40 mg l−1 ) 19.5 6.8 60.7 281 (122) 49.3 17.2 32.1 230 (103)
BOD5 (>40 mg l−1 ) 178 32 80.7 746 (261) 97 19.4 77.6 624 (213)
COD 287 76 63.2 556 (244) 237 88 149 493 (217)
TSS 113 22.3 68.1 975 (319) 111 28 83 828 (271)
TN 53.0 29.8 39.4 419 (182) 25.9 15.9 10 388 (162)
NH4 –N 28.4 17.1 21.1 789 (254) 18.2 12.9 5.3 711 (225)
TP 8.7 4.4 40.9 643 (247) 6.8 4.9 1.9 509 (213)

In = inflow to a vegetated bed(s), Out = final outflow, Rem = removed load.

The number denotes the number of annual means with number of systems in parentheses.

Table 3 – Examples of the use of horizontal flow constructed wetlands for treatment of various types of industrial
Industry Location Reference

Petrochemical USA Wallace (2002a)

UK Chapple et al. (2002)
South Africa Wood and Hensman (1989)
China Ji et al. (2002)
Taiwan Yang and Hu (2005)
Sudan D. Wood (pers. comm)

Chemical UK Sands et al. (2000)

Portugal Dias et al. (2006)
China Wang et al. (1994)

Pulp and paper USA Thut (1990, 1993)

USA Hammer et al. (1993)
Kenya Abira et al. (2005)

Textile Slovenia Bulc et al. (2006)

Australia Davies and Cottingham (1992)
Mbuligwe (2005)
Germany Winter and Kickuth (1989)

Tannery Portugal Calheiros et al. (2007)

Turkey Küçük et al. (2003)
USA Dotro et al. (2006)

Abattoir Australia Finlayson et al. (1990)

New Zealand Van Oostrom and Cooper (1990)
Mexico Poggi-Varaldo et al. (2002)
Ecuador Lavigne and Jankiewicz (2000)
Uruguay Perdomo (pers. comm.)

Food processing Slovenia Vrhovšek et al. (1996), Urbanc-Berčič et al. (1998)

Netherlands De Zeeuw et al. (1990)
USA White (1994), Wallace (2002b)
France Khalil et al. (2005)
Italy Pucci et al. (2000), Mantovi et al. (2007), Gorra et al. (2007)
Lithuania Gasiunas et al. (2005)

Distillery and winery India Billore et al. (2001)

Italy Masi et al. (2002)
South Africa Grismer et al. (2003), Sheridan et al. (2006)

Lignite pyrolysis Germany Wiessner et al. (1999)

Mining USA Gerth et al. (2005)

Germany Pantano et al. (2000)

Laundry Australia Davison et al. (2005, 2006)

e c o l o g i c a l e n g i n e e r i n g 3 5 ( 2 0 0 9 ) 1–17 5

Table 4 – Average treatment performance of HF CWs treating industrial wastewaters

Concentration (mg l−1 ) Eff. (%) na Loading (kg ha−1 d−1 ) na

In Out In Out Rem

BOD5 652 254 60.1 48 (23) 353 158 195 45 (22)

COD 1856 789 63.1 40 (25) 1212 652 560 40 (24)
TSS 239 128 71.6 37 (17) 212 137 75 37 (15)
TN 138 102 27.8 18 (8) 84.4 63.9 20.5 18 (8)
NH4 -N 65.2 48.6 28.0 46 (22) 34.1 27.0 7.1 43 (21)
TP 9.3 5.2 47.6 10 (4) 5.6 2.7 2.9 10 (4)

Elaborated from Vymazal and Kröpfelová (2008). In = inflow to a vegetated bed(s), Out = final outflow, Rem = removed load.
The number denotes the number of annual means with number of systems in parentheses.

4000 mg l−1 and 1500 and 3000 mg l−1 , respectively (Vymazal HF CW for food-processing wastewater was by White (1994) on
and Kröpfelová, 2008). The use of HF CWs for treatment seafood processor wastewater. Vrhovšek et al. (1996) described
of tannery wastewaters is relatively new, and experiments the use of 156 m2 HF CW to treat highly loaded wastewater
were carried out in Portugal, Turkey, and USA (Table 3). from a food-processing plant in Gradišče, Slovenia. The sys-
On the other hand, the attempts to use HF CWs for treat- tem exhibited excellent removal of organics—average COD
ment of textile wastewaters were carried out as early as and BOD5 inflows of 3674 and 962 mg l−1 , were reduced by
during late 1980s and early 1990s in Germany and Aus- 92% and 89%, respectively. The concentration of orthophos-
tralia (Table 3). Colored wastewater, with high COD (up to phate in the inflow reached a maximum value of 4.6 mg l−1
35,000 mg l−1 ), TSS (up to 25,000 mg l−1 ) and pH values and low and the removal efficiency varied between 92% and 99%.
BOD5 values (BOD5 :COD ratio usually between 0.1 and 0.4), Ammonium inflow concentrations varied between 2.1 and
is treated satisfactorily in HF CWs with very good removal 16.3 mg l−1 with an average treatment efficiency of 86%.
of COD, TSS, ammonia, sulfate and anionic sulfate. Also, the Also Urbanc-Berčič et al. (1998) reported on the use of
removal of visible colorization is high. On the other hand, low HF CW to treat food-processing wastewaters in Slove-
BOD/COD ratio indicates the hardly-degradable nature of tex- nia.
tile wastewater and therefore, high BOD5 removal cannot be Recently, HF CWs have been frequently used to treat
expected. cheese-processing wastewaters. Wallace (2002b) reported on
the use of 189 m2 HF constructed wetland with artificial aer-
3.3. Abattoir and meet processing effluents ation designed to treat cheese-processing wastewaters in
Eichten Cheese, a small dairy in Minnesota. Khalil et al. (2005)
The first experiments to treat abattoir wastewaters were reported on treatment of cheese dairy farm effluent in south-
reported by Finlayson et al. (1990) from Australia. Poggi- ern France. Gorra et al. (2007) reported on the use of an HF
Varaldo et al. (2002) described an 1144 m2 HF constructed constructed wetland for the treatment of wastewater from
wetland as a part of treatment system for wastewaters from a medium-size cheese-making plant in Aosta Valley, north-
an abattoir (slaughter house) in the State of Hidalgo, México. west Italy, in a mountain region at the altitude of 540 m. The
The system consisted of primary sedimentation, anaerobic wetland was a long (ca. 100 m) narrow ditch 1 m deep and
lagoon and an HF constructed wetland. The overall treatment about 2 m wide. The slope follows a natural terrain config-
efficiencies were 90%, 91%, 85% for COD, BOD5 and TSS, respec- uration. The wetland is divided into five sections filled with
tively. Reduction of fecal and total coliforms amounted to 5.5 gravel, ground ceramic wastes, magnetite, zeolite and local
and 5.0 log units, respectively. Lavigne and Jankiewicz (2000) soil supplemented with compost and marble sand. Mantovi
reported on the use of a 1200 m2 HF constructed wetland for et al. (2007) described the use of HF CW to treat wastewaters
slaughterhouse wastewater treatment in Ecuador. from the production of Italian cheese “Parmigiano-Reggiano”
Van Oostrom and Cooper (1990) used the HF CW for the (400 m2 , 10.5 m3 d−1 ) and “Grana Padano” (2700 m2 , 70 m3 d−1 ).
treatment of meat-processing wastewater in New Zealand. The treatment efficiency in both systems was very high
Gasiunas and Strusevičius (2003) and Gasiunas et al. (2005) and amounted to 94%, 96%, 98%, 62% and 45% for TSS,
presented the results from a 1880 m2 HF constructed wetland COD, BOD5 , TKN and TP, respectively. Also, the reduction
designed to treat meat-processing wastewaters in Lithuania. of vegetable fats and oils was very high—the inflow con-
centrations of 59 mg l−1 (Parmigiano) and 167 mg l−1 (Grana
3.4. Food processing Padano) were reduced to 1 and 2 mg l−1 , respectively. The
HF constructed wetland was also used to treat domestic
There is a wide variety of food-processing wastewaters which (75%) and wastewaters produced by seasonal food process-
have been treated in HF CWs. Food-processing wastewa- ing (cheese, tomato sauce, apple and grape juice, olive oil
ters usually contain high concentrations of easily degradable etc., 25%) near Florence in Tuscany, Italy (Pucci et al., 2000).
organics up to BOD5 and COD of 80,000 and 200,000 mg l−1 , De Zeeuw et al. (1990) used HF constructed wetlands for
respectively, for oil olive production wastewaters (Vymazal the treatment of wastewaters from potato starch process-
and Kröpfelová, 2008). One of the first reports on the use of ing.
6 e c o l o g i c a l e n g i n e e r i n g 3 5 ( 2 0 0 9 ) 1–17

3.5. Winery and distillery stored for a long time in an effluent pond. Jardinier et al.
(2001) reported on the use of the pilot-scale two-stage HF
Winery wastewaters are characterized by the high content of constructed wetland to treat coke plant effluents in France.
organic (up to 45,000 mg l−1 BOD5 ) and solids content, high The authors concluded that HF constructed wetland may be
acidity and large variations in a seasonal flow production a valid method to substantially decrease nitrogen concentra-
(Shepherd et al., 2001; Masi et al., 2002). Also, the winery tions and also to retain some metals and PAHs. Gerth et al.
wastewaters are characterized by low N/C and P/C ratios. (2005) used a hybrid FWS–HF constructed wetland (total area
Detailed studies on the organic composition indicated that of 1400 m2 ) to treat seepage water from uranium mining in
ethanol and sugars (fructose and glucose) represent more Achlema-Alberoda, Germany. The authors pointed out that
than 90% of the organic load. However, the wastewater also different conditions are needed for removal of arsenic (aero-
includes low amounts (about 0.1–5% of the total COD) of recal- bic) and uranium (anaerobic). Pantano et al. (2000) reported
citrant constituents (polyphenols and lignins), that could be the use of HF CWs to treat mining impacted groundwater
difficult to degrade because of their structure as well as high with elevated metal concentrations in Butte, Montana, USA.
molecular weights. Constructed wetlands may offer an effi- The wetlands were effective in removing Cd, Zn and Cu while
cient low-cost, low-maintenance and energy alternative for arsenic was released from the system and lead concentrations
wineries that have sufficient land available for a wetland cre- were not affected by the wetland. Davison et al. (2005, 2006)
ation. Constructed wetlands also have the advantage of being reported on the use of an HF constructed wetland planted with
able to accept seasonal flow fluctuations without adversely a mixture of Typha orientalis and Bolboschoenus fluviatilis for the
affecting the functional aspects of the treatment system (Masi treatment of laundry wastewater in Australia.
et al., 2002; Grismer et al., 2003). For example, Masi et al. (2002)
reported on three HF CWs in Tuscany, Italy and Sheridan et al.
4. Agricultural wastewaters
(2006) described the HF CW for treatment of winery effluent
in South Africa.
Billore et al. (2001) reported on the use of an HF constructed Wastewaters from various feedlot operations are commonly
wetland to treat the secondary treated distillery effluent from treated with free water surface constructed wetlands with
a private distillery, Associated Alcohols and Breweries, Ltd. series of lagoons as pretreatment step (Kadlec and Knight,
at Khodigram village in the outskirts of Baraha town in Cen- 1996; Kadlec et al., 2000; Vymazal and Kröpfelová, 2008). HF
tral India. The BOD5 and COD concentrations in the distillery constructed wetlands are used to a lesser extent but many
effluent even after the conventional secondary treatment fine examples could be found in the literature (Table 5). Aver-
amounted to 2540 and 13,866 mg l−1 , respectively and, there- age treatment performance for HF CWs treating wastewaters
fore additional treatment was necessary. The system achieved from agro-industrial operations are presented in Table 6. The
COD, BOD5 TKN and TP reductions of 64%, 84%, 59% and 79%. inflow concentrations are much lower as compared to raw
The study indicated that constructed wetlands may be a suit- wastewaters because of intensive pretreatment.
able tertiary treatment option.
4.1. Pig farms effluents
3.6. Other industrial effluents
Finlayson et al. (1987, 1990) reported on the use of HF CW
Wiessner et al. (1999) reported on the use of an HF constructed for the treatment of piggery wastewater at Cooper County
wetland to treat lignite pyrolysis wastewater which had been Hog Farm, in Springs, Australia. Wang et al. (1994) reported

Table 5 – Examples of the use of horizontal flow constructed wetlands for treatment of various types of wastewater from
agricultural operations
Type of wastewater Location Reference

Pig farms Australia Finlayson et al. (1987, 1990)

China Wang et al. (1994), Junsan et al. (2000)
United Kingdom Gray et al. (1990)
Thailand Kantawanichkul and Somprasert (2005)
Lithuania Strusevičius and Strusevičiene (2003)
Taiwan Lee et al. (2004)

Fish farm effluent USA Zachritz and Jacquez (1993)

Canada Comeau et al. (2001), Naylor et al. (2003), Chazarenc et al. (2007)
Germany Schulz et al. (2003)

Dairy Italy Mantovi et al. (2002, 2003)

Germany Kern and Brettar (2002)
USA Hill et al. (2003), Chen et al. (1995), Drizo et al. (2006)
New Zealand Tanner (1992)
Denmark Schierup et al. (1990)
Lithuania Gasiunas et al. (2005)
United Kingdom Gray et al. (1990)
e c o l o g i c a l e n g i n e e r i n g 3 5 ( 2 0 0 9 ) 1–17 7

Table 6 – Average treatment performance of HF CWs treating agricultural wastewaters

Concentration (mg l−1 ) Eff. (%) na Loading (kg ha−1 d−1 ) na

In Out In Out Rem

BOD5 464 183 68.2 43 (19) 541 294 246 43 (18)

COD 871 327 63.0 38 (17) 1239 602 637 37 (17)
TSS 516 180 76.9 56 (26) 1430 779 651 54 (23)
TN 116 57.5 51.3 31 (13) 68.0 42.0 26.0 31 (13)
NH4 -N 71.5 39.6 33.8 45 (18) 74.6 19.0 55.6 45 (18)
TP 19.8 8.5 54.3 44 (18) 13.7 7.0 6.7 44 (18)

Elaborated from Vymazal and Kröpfelová (2008). In = inflow to a vegetated bed(s), Out = final outflow, Rem = removed load.
The number denotes the number of annual means with number of systems in parentheses.

on the use of an HF constructed wetland for treatment of bic digester. Pollutant removal was generally very good with
a pig farm in Leping, south China. The system consists planted wetlands (Phragmites australis, Typha latifolia) clearly
of screens, sedimentary pond, upflow anaerobic hydrolysis outperforming unplanted units in term of BOD5 , COD, TKN,
pond, HF constructed wetland and fish pond. The average NH4 –N. The removal of TSS, NO3 –N PO4 –P and TP were com-
inflow/outflow concentrations for the whole system were parable. Chazarenc et al. (2007) used a combination of a HF
15,000/99, 8000/58 and 70,000/432 mg l−1 for COD, BOD5 and constructed wetland (28 m2 ) followed by static columns filled
TSS, respectively. Gray et al. (1990) reported on the use of with electric arc furnace slag to treat effluent from anaero-
HF wetlands for the treatment of a combined stream of bic digester-sludge storage tank at the flow-through trout fish
wastewater from a septic tank and farmyard runoff result- farm. The TSS, COD, TKN and TP concentrations of 120, 710,
ing from muck from pig housing being scraped across the 29 and 25 mg l−1 in the storage tank effluent were reduced to
yard. Junsan et al. (2000) used a 4-stage HF constructed respective values of 23, 43, 5.9 and 11 mg l−1 in the HF wetland
wetland with a total surface area of 449 m2 for the treat- effluent. Slag columns reduced the TP concentrations down
ment of pig farm effluents in China. The system performed to 2.3 mg l−1 . Schulz et al. (2003) reported successful use of HF
quite well—concentrations of BOD5 , COD and TSS were constructed wetlands to treat rainbow trout farm effluents in
reduced from 1038 to 124 mg l−1 , 1865 to 246 mg l−1 and 558 Germany under various hydraulic retention times (HRT: 1.5,
to 51.5 mg l−1 , respectively. Kantawanichkul et al. (2003) and 2.5 and 7.5 h).
Kantawanichkul and Somprasert (2004, 2005) used a combi-
nation VF–HF and HF–VF constructed wetlands to treat pig 4.3. Dairy effluents
farm effluents in Thailand with TKN and COD concentrations
of about 400 and 1000 mg l−1 . Strusevičius and Strusevičiene Mantovi et al. (2002, 2003) reported the use of a HF constructed
(2003) presented the results from a 50 m2 HF constructed wetland to treat dairy parlor effluent and domestic sewage
wetland designed to treat pig-breeding farm wastewaters in in an isolated mountain rural settlement in the province of
Lithuania. The wetland was filled with sand and planted with Reggio Emilia, Italy. The treatment system consisted of pre-
Phragmites australis. The pretreatment unit consisted of a 3- treatment in an Imhoff tank and two 72 m2 HF cells filled
chamber septic tank. Lee et al. (2004) used HF CW for the with washed gravel and planted with Phragmites australis. The
treatment of swine effluent in Taiwan. results were quite promising and the authors pointed out that
this technology is an appropriate treatment to reduce pollu-
4.2. Fish farm effluents tants in wastewater from rural activities to values acceptable
for discharge into surface waters. Gasiunas et al. (2005) pre-
Effluents from trout farms are typically 20–25 times more sented results from a gravel-based HF constructed wetland
diluted than medium-strength municipal wastewaters. With treating domestic wastewater and wastewaters from a dairy
respect to receiving water quality objectives, the most con- farm in Lithuania. Kern and Brettar (2002) reported on the use
straining element to remove from freshwater fish farm of the experimental HF wetland to treat dairy farm wastewa-
effluents is phosphorus (Comeau et al., 2001). Zachritz and ter in Potsdam, Germany. The wetland was filled with gravel
Jacquez (1993) reported the use of HF constructed wetland for (2–8 mm), compost and sand (0.5–2 mm) in the upper layer and
a treatment of recycled water from a geothermal aquaculture planted with Spartina pectinata, Phragmites australis and Carex
– high density finfish culture – in New Mexico. The authors acutiformis. Despite high inflow N concentrations (264 mg l−1 )
concluded that the potential of HF constructed wetlands as the overall removal was 91.6% for NH4 and 80.6 for Norg . Hill
an ecologically attractive and economical method for treating et al. (2003) reported on the use of HF system to remove sol-
fish farm effluents to reduce solids and phosphorus discharge uble P from an 800-head dairy farm in New York State. Eight
appears promising. In Canada, Comeau et al. (2001) used two 55 m2 beds were filled with four different materials: wollas-
HF constructed wetlands to treat trout farm effluents at the tonite tailings (by-product of a mining operations containing
Pisciculture du Lac William near St-Ferdinand, southeast of approximately 15% wollastonite and 70–80% garnet), Norlite
Québec City. In another study from Canada, Naylor et al. (2003) (shale that has been crushed and fired; it is a construction
reported on the use of experimental HF constructed wetlands material that is classified as a lightweight aggregate), lime-
to treat diluted sludge from a freshwater fish farm anaero- stone and soil. Over 1.5 years, soil removed the most soluble P
8 e c o l o g i c a l e n g i n e e r i n g 3 5 ( 2 0 0 9 ) 1–17

Table 7 – Average treatment performance of HF CWs treating landfill leachate

Concentration (mg l−1 ) Eff. (%) na Loading (kg ha−1 d−1 ) na

In Out In Out Rem

BOD5 155 96 32.8 25 (13) 28 17.1 10.9 24 (12)

COD 933 698 24.9 7 (6) 330 279 51 7 (6)
TSS 391 86 54.5 8 (5) 40 17 23 8 (5)
TN 211 126 33.1 8 (5) 46.3 37.8 8.5 8 (5)
NH4 -N 162 98 38.7 25 (11) 32.2 21.7 10.5 26 (10)
TP 1.7 0.29 66.1 11 (3) 0.16 0.02 0.14 8 (3)

Elaborated from Vymazal and Kröpfelová (2008). In = inflow to a vegetated bed(s), Out = final outflow, Rem = removed load.
The number denotes the number of annual means with number of systems in parentheses.

(53%), followed by Norlite (34%), wollastonite tailings (13%) and ment in United Kingdom with wetland area up to 2800 m2 .
limestone (4%). Drizo et al. (2006) used HF wetlands planted The use of HF constructed wetlands was also reported by
with Schoenoplectus fluviatilis to treat dairy wastewaters in Ver- Sanford (1999) from Ithaca, NY, USA or Sloop et al. (1996) from
mont, USA. The results indicated that constructed wetlands New Hanover County, NC, USA. The summary of treatment
have a good potential for dairy farms wastewater manage- performance landfill leachate treatment systems (Table 7)
ment under cold climate conditions. The use of HF constructed indicated quite low removal of organics as compared to
wetlands to treat dairy farm wastewaters was also reported by other types of wastewater. This is because organics in land-
Gray et al. (1990) in United Kingdom, Chen et al. (1995) in USA fill leachate frequently consist of compounds which are not
or Tanner (1992) in New Zealand. easily biodegradable as indicated by high COD/BOD ratio.

5. Landfill leachate 6. Stormwater runoff

Infiltration of precipitation and migration of water through 6.1. Airport runoff

municipal solid waste landfills produce leachate that con-
tains undesirable or toxic organic chemicals. The chemical Airport runoff (Table 9) contains de-icing and anti-icing com-
quality of landfill leachate differs greatly from one landfill pounds applied to the aircraft, runways and taxiways. The
to another and fluctuates seasonally within an individual principal materials involved are ethylene, di-ethylene, and
landfill. Leachate composition is waste- and site-specific propylene glycols (Worrall et al., 2002). Probably the first full-
depending on the waste type, landfill age, and amount of scale HF constructed wetland for airport-runoff was a 5500 m2
infiltrating water (Staubitz et al., 1989). Leachate is gener- system of a Kickuth type built in 1994 to treat de-icing runoff
ally colored, anoxic and has high concentrations of total water at Zürich-Kloten Airport (Röthlisberger, 1996). After the
dissolved solids, COD, BOD5 (with very low BOD/COD ratio), trial reed beds experiment constructed in 1994 (Revitt et al.,
ammonia (Table 7), phenols, benzene, toluene, chloride, iron, 2001) a full-scale system at London Heathrow International
manganese, arsenic, heavy metals such as lead, cadmium, Airport was completed in 2002 with the primary aim to treat
zinc or chromium but little or no phosphorus (McBean and de-icing compounds contaminated runoff from an extensive
Rovers, 1999). catchment of some 600 ha of runways, taxiways, cargo areas
HF constructed wetlands have been frequently used for and terminal buildings. The system comprises a series of aer-
landfill leachate treatment (Table 8). CWA (2006) database ated balancing ponds combined with 2.08 ha of gravel-based
includes 17 HF constructed wetlands for landfill leachate treat- HF constructed wetlands together with a kilometer of rafted

Table 8 – Examples of HF constructed wetlands used to treat landfill leachate (Vymazal and Kröpfelová, 2008)
Country Location Area (m2 ) Flow (m3 d−1 ) Reference

Canada Richmond, BC, Canada 6 × 45 Birkbeck et al. (1990), Experimental units

Norway Bølstad 40 2 Mæhlum et al. (1999), part of a complex system

Poland Szadółki 3600 50 Obarska-Pempkowiak et al. (2005)

Slovenia Dragonja 450 10 Bulc et al. (1996), Urbanc-Berčič (1997)

Mislinjska Dobrava 600 35 Urbanc-Berčič (1997)
Lubevč 275 11 Urbanc-Berčič et al. (1998)

United Kingdom Monument Hill 1800 Robinson et al. (1999)

USA Tompkins Co., New York 720 8 Surface et al. (1993)

Jones Co., Iowa 93 0.55 Nivala et al. (2005) Pilot-scale
e c o l o g i c a l e n g i n e e r i n g 3 5 ( 2 0 0 9 ) 1–17 9

Table 9 – Examples of HF constructed wetlands used to treat various types of stormwater runoff
Runoff waters Location Reference

Airport UK Revitt et al. (2001), Worrall et al. (2002)

USA Karrh et al. (2002)
Switzerland Röthlisberger (1996)
Canada Higgins and Dechaine (2006)
Germany Abydoz Environmental (2005)

Greenhouse and nursery Canada Prystay and Lo (1996)

Australia Headley et al. (2001)
France Merlin et al. (2002)

Agricultural China Zhou et al. (2004)

Urban Australia Geary et al. (2006)

Highway UK Shutes et al. (2001), Revitt et al. (2004)

Italy Bresciani et al. (2007)

reedbeds. Results have been reported by, e.g., Richter et al. 6.3. Agricultural runoff
(2004). Karrh et al. (2002) reported on the use of an HF con-
structed wetland for the treatment of anti/de-icing runoff built Zhou et al. (2004) reported on the use of HF constructed
at Westover Air Reserve base in western Massachusetts. De- wetlands to treat agriculture stormwater runoff in China.
icing runoff is also treated in HF constructed wetlands at The beds were filled with gravel and planted with Phragmites
Edmonton, Canada (Higgins and Dechaine, 2006), and Berlin- australis and Zizania caduciflora. The average TN inflow concen-
Schönefeld (Abydoz Environmental, 2005). The catchment tration was approximately 22 mg l−1 in which about 80% was
area at Edmonton International Airport is very large, and this, nitrate, 10% ammonia and 10% organic nitrogen and removal
coupled with the airport’s tight clay soil, result in very large varied between 27% and 80% depending on the hydraulic
amounts of stormwater runoff. The HF constructed wetland retention time.
consists of 12 square gravel-filled cells with sides of 47.5 m
each arranged in six trains of two cells each. Wetland surface 6.4. Urban and highway runoff
area is 2.7 ha and design conditions for the wetland were for
the treatment of stormwater runoff contaminated with up to For treatment of urban stormwater runoff, FWS constructed
1350 mg l−1 of ethylene glycol at flows of up to 1500 m3 d−1 wetlands are mostly used (Scholz, 2006; Vymazal and
(Higgins and Dechaine, 2006). Kröpfelová, 2008). However, there are some examples of the
use of an HF constructed wetlands as well (Table 9). Geary et
6.2. Greenhouse and nursery runoff al. (2006) reported on the use of an HF constructed wetland
to treat urban runoff from a 21 ha urban catchment at Blue
Runoff from a nurseries and greenhouses (Table 9) typically Haven, Australia. Shutes et al. (2001, 2003), Pontier et al. (2004)
contains high concentrations on nitrogen (mostly as nitrate) and Revitt et al. (2004) described the use of HF CW for highway
and very low concentrations of organics. Prystay and Lo runoff treatment along the A34 Newbury Bypass in the United
(1996) tested the potential use of an HF constructed wet- Kingdom. The authors pointed out that the wetland had been
land with a surface area of 254 m2 for the treatment of low designed as an HF wetland; however, during the storms, the
organic carbon, high nutrient wastewaters (TOC 21 mg l−1 , runoff water will over-top the substrate and therefore, it turns
TP 126 mg l−1 , NH4 –N 38 mg l−1 , NOx –N 240 mg l−1 ) generated the system into surface flow part way through an intense
in the greenhouse operations in Canada. The authors sug- storm event. The target parameters, copper, chromium, nickel
gested that the treatment efficiency appeared to be related and zinc, were removed sufficiently. Bresciani et al. (2007)
to the organic carbon concentration in the system implying reported on the highway runoff treatment project for the high-
increased treatment efficiencies can be achieved as the wet- way connection Villesse-Gorizia in Italy. The project includes a
land mature and larger litter layer accumulates. Merlin et al. total of 60 constructed wetlands along 17 km of highway. Each
(2002) tested in Nimes, France HF constructed experimen- system consists of a first flush sedimentation tank, HF con-
tal units to treat tomato greenhouse drainage solutions with structed wetland, wet pond and a final vegetated retention
the mean nitrate–N concentration of 329 mg l−1 . Up to 70% of area.
nitrate was reduced in Phragmites-planted units. Headley et al.
(2001) noted that in New South Wales, Australia, the introduc-
tion of legislation to control runoff and charge for water used 7. Endocrine disrupting chemicals and
in agricultural production has encouraged commercial plant special organics
nurseries to collect and recycle their irrigation drainage. The
authors tested HF pilot-scale units filled with 10 mm basaltic Chemical substances that can interfere with the normal func-
gravel and planted with Phragmites australis. TN and TP load tioning of the endocrine system have been termed Endocrine
removals were >84% and >65%, respectively, at HRTs between Disrupting Chemicals (EDCs) (Keith, 1997). Masi et al. (2004)
2 and 5 days. pointed out that the full list of EDCs includes a large range of
10 e c o l o g i c a l e n g i n e e r i n g 3 5 ( 2 0 0 9 ) 1–17

anthropogenic organic compounds, such as phthalates, pes- 1996; Braskerud and Haarstad, 2003; Sherrard et al., 2004),
ticides, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), dioxins, polycyclic but studies with the use of HF systems are limited. Stearman
aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), alkylphenols, bisphenols and et al. (2003) used HF constructed wetlands to treat runoff
steroid estrogens (Birkett and Lester, 2003). EDCs do not repre- water from container nursery containing herbicides simazine
sent any special wastewaters but they occur in most types of (Princep) [2-chloro-4,6-bis(ethylamino)-s-triazine] and meto-
wastewaters (municipal agricultural and industrial) and there- lachlor (Pennant) [2-chloro-N-(2-ethyl-6-methylphenyl)-N-2-
fore they are evaluated separately in this review. Vymazal and methoxy-1-methylethyl-acetamide]. Removal of both her-
Kröpfelová (2008) summarized that a number of EDC classes bicides was high with planted cells more efficient than
(phthalates, pesticides, PCBs and bisphenols) are industrial unplanted cells; during the 2-year period, R wetlands planted
products, worldwide used for several applications and are with Scirpus validus removed 82.4% metolachlor and 77.1%
therefore common pollutants (Staples et al., 1997; Kupfer, simazine compared with control cells without plants, which
1975; Chen et al., 2002). Other EDCs compounds such as diox- removed 63.2% metolachlor and 64.3% simazine. Removal also
ines and PAHs are not commercial products, but are formed as depended on hydraulic loading rate—at 2.3 d HRT 62% of the
by-products of various industrial and combustion processes; applied herbicide was removed while at 5.1 d HRT 82% of the
they are transported from atmosphere to soil and water bod- herbicide was removed.
ies (Birkett and Lester, 2003). Alkylphenols are metabolites of Moore et al. (2000) used the HF constructed wetland to
their ethoxylate precursors, which are non-ionic surfactants treat condensate-contaminated groundwater at the Gulf Stra-
used in many industrial, commercial and household functions chan Gas Plant, near Rocky Mountain House, approximately
(Del Bubba and Lepri, 2002). The presence of steroid estrogens 200 km northwest of Calgary, Alta., Canada. The groundwater
in wastewater mainly arises from direct female excretion, in contained between 15 and 20 mg l−1 of C5 –C12 hydrocarbons,
particular from pregnant females and women using oral con- including 50% BTEX compounds (benzene, toluene, ethylben-
traception or hormone replacement therapies (Arcand-Hoy et zene, xylenes). An HF constructed wetland with a total area
al., 1998; Andrews, 1995). In Table 10, examples of the use of of 850 m2 was planted with Phragmites australis and Typha lat-
HF CWs for treatment of EDCs are presented. ifolia. The wetland was supplemented with artificial aeration
Masi et al. (2004) monitored the removal of EDCs in a HF at the bottom of the bed to prevent freezing. With the use
(160 m2 )–VF (180 m2 ) constructed wetland treating wastewa- of aeration during the period November–May, hydrocarbons
ters from a hotel in Florence, Italy. Among EDCs (Table 10), were completely removed. Without aeration (May–November),
trace amounts of estrogens, PAHs and phthalates were found hydrocarbon removal efficiency in the wetland varied from
in inlet wastewater. All of these compounds were removed 30% to 100%. Without aeration, temperature appeared to be
at high percentage (up to 100% for estrogens), with the only a significant factor in the variable removal rates. The authors
exception of bis-2-ethylhexylphthalate which was released pointed out that the main removal mechanism appeared to
by the HDPE liner. Giraud et al. (2001) described the use of be volatilization. Also, Wallace (2002a) reported effective BTEX
an HF constructed wetland to treat water contaminated with removal in HF constructed wetland in South Dakota.
PAHs, particularly fluoranthene and the possible role of fungi Zachritz et al. (1996) reported excellent removal of benzoic
present in these ecosystems. Out of 40 fungal species from 24 acid (ca. 90%) in pilot-scale constructed wetlands planted with
genera, fluoranthene was degraded efficiently by 33 species Scirpus validus up to inflow concentration of benzoic acid of
while only 2 species were able to remove anthracene over 70%. 80 mg l−1 . The vegetated units outperformed unplanted units.
Container nurseries apply pesticides and nutrients at vari- Behrends et al. (2000) described the use of an HF constructed
ous times throughout the year. Overhead irrigation systems wetland to treat groundwater contaminated with explosives
are commonly used to water the plants daily. As much as (Table 10) at the Milan Army Ammunition Plant near Milan,
70–75% of this irrigation water runs off the packed gravel beds TN, USA. Del Bubba et al. (1998) reported on the success-
that the container plants rest on (Cabrera, 1997; Beeson and ful use of an HF constructed wetland in tertiary treatment
Knox, 1991). This runoff may have significant concentrations of municipal activated sludge system in Florence, Italy with
of pesticides. Removal of pesticides has been often reported respect to hydrocarbons removal (Table 10). Braeckevelt et al.
using FWS constructed wetlands (e.g., Alvord and Kadlec, (2006) described the use of pilot-scale HF constructed wetland

Table 10 – Examples of Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals (EDCs) treated in HF constructed wetlands

EDCs Location Reference

Estrogens (17-␣-estradiol and ethynyl-estradiol), PAHs (naphthalene, Italy Masi et al. (2004), Del Bubba et al. (1998)
phenanthrene, fluoranthene and pyrene), Phthalates (diethyl,
di-n-butyl and bis-2-ethylhexylphthalate), Alifatic hydrocarbons,
alkylbenzenes (C2 –C3 ), naphatalene, nonylphenols and phthalates
PAHs (fluoranthene, anthracene) France Giraud et al. (2001)
Herbicides (simazine, metolachlor) USA Stearman et al. (2003)
Monochlorbenzene Germany Braeckevelt et al. (2006)
Explosives (TNT, RDX, HMX, TNB, 2A-DNT, 4A-DNT) USA Behrends et al. (2000)
BTEX Wallace (2002a)
Benzoic acid Zachritz et al. (1996)
BTEX Canada Moore et al. (2000)
e c o l o g i c a l e n g i n e e r i n g 3 5 ( 2 0 0 9 ) 1–17 11

to treat contaminated groundwater with monochloroben- are called “hybrid constructed wetlands” (Vymazal, 2005). HF
zene (MCB) in Bitterfeld, Saxony-Anhalt, Germany. The results constructed wetlands suffer from the lack of oxygen in fil-
showed that MCB concentrations decreased along the wetland tration beds and, therefore, nitrification is very low. In order
transect with the most effective removal in the upper layer. to enhance ammonia removal, HF CWs are commonly com-
Isotopic fractionation provided evidence for in situ MCB degra- bined with VF constructed wetlands in a staged manner.
dation and suggested that anaerobic microbial degradation VF systems have a much greater oxygen transport capacity
processes played a relevant role. and, therefore, provide much better conditions for nitrifica-
tion. However, very limited or no denitrification occurs in VF
systems (Vymazal, 2007). Recently also, FWS constructed wet-
8. HF constructed wetlands used id
lands have been combined with sub-surface flow constructed
combination with other types of constructed
wetlands in order to achieve better treatment performance.
Therefore, the optimum combination of various types of con-
Various types of constructed wetlands may be combined structed wetlands always depends on the target pollutants
in order to achieve higher treatment effect. These systems (Table 11).

Table 11 – Examples of hybrid constructed wetlands used for various types of wastewater
Type of CW Country Type of wastewater Reference
Sewage UK VF–HF Burka and Lawrence (1990)
USA VF–HF House and Broome (2000)
Estonia VF–HF Öövel et al. (2007)
France VF–HF Lienard et al. (1990)
Ireland VF–HF Oı̌Hogain (2003)
Tunisia VF–HF Mı̌hiri et al. (2005)
Turkey VF–HF Korkusuz et al. (2004)
Greece VF–HF Tsihrintzis et al. (2004)
Denmark HF–VF Brix et al. (2003)
Poland HF–VF Obarska-Pempkowiak et al. (2005)
Mexico HF–VF Belmont et al. (2004)
Greece FWS–HF Zdragas et al. (2002)
Canada HF–FWS Laouali et al. (1996)
Kenya HF–FWS Nyakangı̌o and van Bruggen (1999)
Poland HF–VF–HF Obarska-Pempkowiak (1999)
Estonia VF–HF–FWS–P Mander et al. (2003)
Thailand VF–HF–FWS–P Brix et al. (2006)
Italy HF–VF–HF–FWS Pucci et al. (2004)

Landfill leachate Slovenia VF–HF Bulc (2006)

Norway HF–FWS Mæhlum et al. (1999)
Canada HF–FWS Kinsley et al. (2006)
USA FWS–HF Eckhardt et al. (1999)
Portugal VF–HF–P Dias et al. (2006)

Hospital Nepal HF–VF Laber et al. (1999)

Dairy Japan VF–HF Kato et al. (2006)

Cheese dairy France VF–HF Reeb and Werckmann (2005)

Pig farm Thailand VF–HF Kantawanichkul and Neamkam (2003)

Winery Italy HF–FWS Masi et al. (2002)

Italy VF–HF–FWS–P Masi et al. (2002)

Fish aquaculture Taiwan FWS–HF Lin et al. (2002)

Shrimp aquaculture Taiwan FWS–HF Lin et al. (2003, 2005)

Polluted river Taiwan FWS–HF Jing et al. (2001)

Industrial China FWS–HF Wang et al. (1994)

Mining Uganda FWS–HF Byekwaso et al. (2002)

Compost leachate France VF–HF Reeb and Werckmann (2005)

Slaughterhouse Poland VF–HF Soroko (2005)

VF = vertical flow, HF = horizontal flow, FWS = free water surface, P = pond.

12 e c o l o g i c a l e n g i n e e r i n g 3 5 ( 2 0 0 9 ) 1–17

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