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Formal Observation #1

Throughout Case #2143, which included students processing information about famous

Americans and presenting to their peers, the teacher facilitated discussions to retain knowledge,

as well as establish healthy and correct communication skills within students' social networks.

The demographics of this class greatly affected the information being presented as this class

consisted of 20 first grade students ranging from age 6 to 7. Not only did the various

demographics affect the way this learning environment was maintained, but the positioning of

the students on the floor in groups and the teacher guiding these groups through the information

presented at the front of the class did as well.

While it wasn’t apparent what specific rules the teacher had established in the classroom,

however for this certain lesson there were rules and standards presented for healthy

communication among the students in partner-groups as well as overall listening procedures and

goals. These were presented on a poster board at the front of the class where all of the students

were able to see. The rules were reviewed as the teacher went through the various sections of the

lesson plan which demonstrated a consistent follow through of information, which allowed the

students to retain the information and apply it. It is evident that these rules allowed students to

easily follow them as they are able to report them back to the teacher when asked. This is also

clear throughout the entire lesson plan with easy comprehensible and explicit instructions,

students were able to correctly and sufficiently follow the plan while completing the teachers

objectives for the overall lesson.

During the lesson, the teacher also promoted a healthy and communicative learning

environment consistently through positive reinforcement and encouragement while presenting, in

partner-pairs, and answering questions. Even while not actively helping students the teacher

expresses herself in a way by standing at the front of the classroom that shows that she is

available to students. As far as helping students with various learning styles and problems that

may affect their performance in the classroom, there is not much detail provided or shows and

can be seen as somewhat lacking. Perhaps this can be improved by going into detail about certain

methods to help these students and how it is evident in the lesson plan.

Due to the fact that there is only one Bilingual student in the classroom there is not a

heavy presence of SDAIE strategies used to help the particular student. However, the strategies

are otherwise utilized to help all of the students in the classroom which all aid in creating a

healthy, communicative, and effective learning environment. Some of these strategies

specifically consist of the use of active learning, building new knowledge, questioning

techniques and many more. Another teaching strategy that the teacher applies is that of

assessments. To begin with, one assessment allows the teacher to see the various levels the

students are learning at then others are used to ensure that the students are effectively retaining

this information and keeping track with the curriculum. Overall, the teachers strategies and

overall composure in the classroom expresses that of democratic principles and concepts which

allows all students to have the same learning experience.

With this particular lesson and learning experience both the teacher and students are able

to benefit from it. The teacher was able to set and follow through with completing their goals for

the lesson which were to create and establish knowledge of famous Americans through healthy

communication that students gain from their peers. The students in turn are able to apply this

knowledge and communication skills to “real life” as it will benefit them outside of the

classroom as well. In this situation, the teacher was able to facilitate healthy discussion and a
learning environment through applying various techniques and strategies including those of

SDAIE with students being able to participate in an effective learning environment.

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