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United Nations UNSC//RES/0001

United Nations Security Council

November 19, 2020.


Block Heads: Islamic Republic of Pakistan and Republic of India.

Block Writers: Islamic Republic of Pakistan, Arab Republic of Egypt, Republic of India,
French Republic and People’s Republic of China.
Signatories: Islamic Republic of Pakistan, Arab Republic of Egypt, Republic of India,
French Republic and People’s Republic of China.

The Security Council,

Guided by the commitment of the Security Council and the application of its main
purposes placed on the Chapter 5, article 23 of the United Nations Charter;

Deeply concerned about the situation that has been affecting the territory and the
population of Kashmir since 1947, and the different conflicts that affected the stability of the

Taking into consideration that the Islamic Republic of Pakistan and the Republic of
India have recognized the roots of the situation;

Having examined the actual situation that involves countries such as the Islamic
Republic of Pakistan, Republic of India and People's Republic of China about the
administration of the territory of Kashmir;

Reaffirming the compromise of ending the different Human Rights violations and
humanitarian crisis that have taken place in both disputed territories;

Deeply emphasizing, that is highly important for all of the parties involved, to decide
what will be the laws that will be performed over the whole Kasmirian territory.

Expecting the improvement of the life quality of the Kasmirian people and the access
to the political opportunities;

Convinced of the disposition by the international community;

Fully aware of the historical milestone that the Security Council have created;


1. Recalls the parts involved in the conflict as a first step of the implementation, for a
ceasefire where the lives of civilians and soldiers should be protected under the
International Humanitarian Right.

2. Decides to ask for measurements to the involved parties in the search of a

establishment over the most important juridical text (whether is a Constitution or
jurisprudence) the importance of

3. Emphasize that the three countries that are primarily involved in this conflict, have to
find a point, during the resolution, where all of the parts agree with the terms, but
mostly will be beneficial for the people living in Kashmir.

4. Encourages all parts to prioritize the citizens of Kashmir, over any political, religious
or cultural differences between the countries.

5. Further Invites other countries to veil for the right functioning of the statements that
were made during the commission.

6. Recommends (...):
a. (...);

7. Condemns (...);

8. Expresses its hope (...);

9. Invites (...);


During the conversations among the United Nations Security Council held on November 20,
2020, about both the territory and the political situation in Kashmir, India; the committee
agreed to turn the state of Jammu and Kashmir, which has been administered by the Indian
rule for more than 40 years into another kind of legal territory. However, and taking into
account that the International Community showed during all the debate a distrusting attitude
about the management and guarantee of the Human Rights of the Kashmiri population, the
delegation of the Republic of India will commit to let international supervision enter into the
territory, in accordance with the resolution above.
Also the Republic of India asks in a public way to the Islamic Republic of Pakistan to release
their military activity all over the border between the country and the Republic of India, to
ensure that the territorial development of Jammu and Kashmir will not have ideological or
international pressure. It is important to state also the importance of this resolution to be valid
and respected, taking into account that the territory of Jammu and Kashmir brings cultural,
political, demographic and even geographic and hydric diversity to all the nations that share
it; that’s why the territory must not become a country itself in the future; otherwise, the
republic of India would be able to retire its commitment and approval to this initiative.
Thank you very much. End of communique.
Subrahmanyam Jaishankar

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