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Dear Alice

Sorry I haven’t written for ages, how are you doing? Never did I think that the end of the
summer holidays would arrive and now I’m studying for my first exam of Bachillerato. The
return to high school has been awesome as it’s less difficult than I expected.

Oh, by the way, this summer I went to Barcelona, a stunning city. The majesty of all the
buildings was breathtaking, for example the Batllo house. As you know, I’m a shopaholic, so
I was over the moon when I was going for a walk in the Ramblas, where there are many
fancy shops.

Secondly I went camping with some friends. I’m not a fresh air friend, however It was an
amazing experience. Rarely did I imagine that I could live without using my mobile phone for
a week. That is to say, live in the countryside where the signal doesn’t reach.

After all these trips it is taking me a while to adapt to the routine of waking up early and to
adapt to study everyday. I wish I was still on holidays, don’t you? However, we’ll have to wait
until Christmas to have a break.

Anyway I should get going as I have a lot of homework. Don’t forget to drop me a line soon
telling me what you have done this holidays.

Kind regards,

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