Adjective+preposition 2

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ACCUSTOMED TO (sth) be used to

TOLERANT OF showing tolerance

FAMOUS FOR (sth) known to many people for a good or worthy reason

AWARE OF (sth) knowing something

PATIENT WITH able to wait for a long time

EXPERIENCED IN (sth) having gained knowledge from experience

HOPELESS AT (sth) very bad

ANXIOUS ABOUT (sth) feeling worried or nervous

CAPABLE OF able to do something

BUSY WITH have a lot of things to do

POPULAR WITH liked by most people

NICE OF kind, friendly


EAGER FOR keen, wanting something very much

GOOD AT (sth) able to do something well

INTERESTED IN curious, eager to know about sth

INDIFFERENT TO not caring about something

DEPENDENT ON relying on sb for support

SUITABLE FOR right for a purpose or occasion

CONSCIOUS OF realising something

SKILFUL AT having, or showing, skill

GET MARRIED TO (sb) take in marriage

BORED WITH feeling tired and impatient

CRAZY ABOUT very enthusiastic about something

ASTONISHED AT/BY very surprised

READY FOR (sth) prepared for what you are going to do

FRIENDLY WITH (sb) treating somebody as a friend

TERRIBLE AT very bad at something

UPSET ABOUT disturbed, unhappy


EXCITED ABOUT (sth) showing happiness and enthusiasm

ACCUSE (sb) OF (sth) to tell somebody that you know

CROWDED WITH having too many people

DIFFERENT FROM/TO not the same

RESPONSIBLE FOR being able to be blamed for something

TYPICAL OF having the usual qualities

ADDICTED TO (sth) unable to stop taking harmful drugs

BRILLIANT AT very good at something

KEEN ON wanting to do something

ENGAGED TO (sb) having agreed to marry somebody

FAMILIAR WITH (sth) knowing about something

SAD ABOUT (sth) unhappy about something

JEALOUS OF feeling envy; envious

SUCCESSFUL IN (sth) having success

SAFE FROM protected; free from danger

BENEFICIAL TO having a helpful or useful effect

PROUD OF feeling pleased and satisfied about something

SERIOUS ABOUT (sth) not joking or funny

SATISFIED WITH happy or satisfied

ENTHUSIASTIC ABOUT (sth) feeling or showing strong excitement about sth

ATTACHED TO having strong feelings of affection

CLEVER AT (sth) quick to learn and understand


IRRESPECTIVE OF without considering something

DOUBTFUL ABOUT (sth) feeling doubt; not clear

GENTLE WITH not harsh or violent

SENSITIVE TO reacting to something

SCARED OF afraid of something; nervous or frightened

ELIGIBLE FOR able to do or receive something

RICH IN (sth) having a lot of something

SENSITIVE TO reacting to something

ABSENT FROM away, not present

IGNORANT OF/ABOUT knowing very little, not realising something

OBVIOUS TO (sb) easily seen or understood

DELIGHTED WITH (sth) very pleased

FORTUNATE IN lucky, having or bringing an advantage

RELATED TO (sb) belonging to the same family

THANKFUL FOR grateful, relieved and happy

MEAN TO (sb) not kind, nasty

ACQUAINTED WITH (sth/sb) friendly or familiar with somebody/something

CONTENT WITH satisfied, happy

SICK OF very tired of something

INTENT ON (sth) meaning, planning or wanting

NOTORIOUS FOR well-known for badness or wickedness

EFFICIENT AT (sth) capable, skilful

PRONE TO (sth) likely to experience

NEW TO (sb) unfamiliar, not experienced before

DESCENDED FROM to belong to a later generation of the same family

NECESSARY FOR (sb) needed, essential

DISCOURAGED FROM (sth) feeling that it is useless to try to do something

POLITE TO (sb) having good manners, courteous

INDEPENDENT OF having enough money to support yourself

SUFFICIENT FOR (sb) enough, as much as is needed

RELEVANT TO having some connection with what is being discussed

DEFICIENT IN (sth) not having enough of something

WRONG ABOUT used for saying that someone's opinion is not correct

IRRITATED BY annoyed or angry

TERRIFIED OF extremely frightened

PECULIAR TO belonging to one person, place or thing

PLEASED WITH (sth/sb) happy, satisfied

IDENTICAL TO exactly the same

FAMILIAR TO (sb) already well known

EXEMPTED FROM (sth) released from, or not subject to, an obligation, liability
CLOSE TO near in time, place, relationship

WORTHY OF good and deserving respect, praise, or attention

CAREFUL OF (sth) giving attention or thought to what you are doing

RESPECTED FOR (sth) admired by many people for your qualities

DISQUALIFIED FROM (sth) disqualified by law or rule or provision

NERVOUS ABOUT worried and anxious

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