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Tehnički engleski jezik 2

Student: Admir Aščerić

Homework 3

A) The blast furnace is the oldest industrial furnace. That is a huge furnace in
which the iron ore, that contains many unwanted impurities, is heated up
under the pressure so that it melts and in that way pig iron is produced as
well as the cast iron.
Modern blast furnaces are generally very large and they are made from
steel and covered from inside with the firebrick. Through the opening on
the top of the furnace various materials are added, like coke, as well as flux,
usually limestone which enhance the steel production.
Refinement of the iron ore is very important process in iron production and
it is done in the reducing atmosphere of a blast furnace.

B) Livena gvožđa, legure željeza koje sadrže 2 do 4 % ugljika spadaju u 3

osnovne grupe: sivi, temper liv i nodularni liv.
Sivi liv može se proizvesti iz sirovog gvožđa topljenjem sirovog gvožđa, tako
ukljanjajući neželjene dodatke (kontaminante).
Željezo koje se kombinuje sa 0.03 do 1.7 % ugljika je čelik i proizvodi se u
jednoj od nekoliko tipova peći, redukujući liveno gvožđe i otpadni čelik.
Osim sivog liva i livenog gvožđa, meki čelik se također može proizvesti iz
sirovog gvožđa. Ovaj tip željeza sadrži najmanju količinu ugljika od bilo
kojeg željeznog metala koji se koriste komercijalno.
Sistem duplih zvona se koristi za napajanje visoke peći da bi se smanjilo
istjecanje gasova visoke peći i prašine u okolinu.
Meki čelik je željezna legura sa veoma malim sadržajem ugljika (manje od
0.08 %) za razliku od onog u livenom gvožđu (2.1 do 4 %).
• Proizvodnja čelika u visokoj peći:
The blast furnace contains various openings for different purposes.
On the top is the main opening for adding the necessary materials and those are:
iron ore, coke and various types of flux, commonly limestone.
Near the top is the opening (the exit) for hot gases escape, they are refining and
then using for preheating the cold air.
Near the bottom is the opening (the entry) for the preheated air, which is used to
enhance and accelerates melting and burning the mixture of iron ore, coke and
Few meters below is the opening from which the impurites are removed.
Impurities are collected by the flux (limestone) in the mixture. Their task is to link
all those unwanted substances and contaminants into slag which flouts out on the
top of the melted iron so it can be easily removed.
The lowest opening is for the melted iron from which the iron is pulled out.

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