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Tehnički engleski jezik 2

Student: Admir Aščerić

Homework 5

A) Besemerov proces je prva otkrivena metoda za masovnu proizvodnju čelika i

koristio je konverter kod kojeg se zrak upuhuje na dnu za prečišćavanje tečnog
željeza. Konverter se obično nagne na stranu kada se vruće željezo sipa u njeg.
Siemens-Martinova peć (SM) je tip peći koja koristi toplotu sagorijevanja gasova
ili tečnih goriva da konvertuje šaržu otpadnog željeza ili tečnog visokopećnog
željeza u tečni čelik.
Koji dio SM peći liči na veliku pravougaonu posudu koja može držati 50 do 175
tona željeza?
Za razliku od ognjišta SM peći, koje je pravougaonog oblika, ognjište elektro peći
je cilindrična zdjela koja je napravljena na taj način da olakša oboje, punjenje i

B) Pig iron is actually alloy of steel with carbon and it is produced by various
processes from which the eldest is the process in blast furnaces.
Usually after 2 hours, scrap is being almost totaly melted down, and in order to
continue the refinement process, the hot steel (pig iron) is added from the blast
furnace. Electric arcs which are positioned beetween movable carbon electrodes,
are producing heat which is necessary for this process to keep up proceeding.
In order to achieve high degree of purity and high quality of steel, the process
must be done in a right way.
One of the finale stages of this process is tilting or tipping over the furnace in
order to remove impure slag.

Answers on the questions:

1. The Bessemer process and the open-hearth process were important because the
production of steel started with them. Bessemer process is the first method
discovered for mass steel production and that is why it is so important.
2. One of the differences between those processes is in the shape of the furnace:
Pear-shaped vessel shape (Bessemer furnace), large rectangular basin shape
(open-hearth furnace) and the cilindrical bowl-shaped heart (electric arc furnace).

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