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Tehnički engleski jezik 2

Student: Admir Aščerić

Homework 11


A) Postoji mnogo tipova spojnica koje se koriste za spajanje vratila.

Kako bi pravilno izabrali spojnicu za vratila sljedeći parametri se moraju uzet u obzir:
ugao između dva vratila, snaga koja se prenosi, torzijske i lateralne vibracije, udarna
opterećenja itd.
Trajne spojnice su tipovi spojnica koje se koriste za spajanje vratila elektromotora sa
transmisionim vratilom mašine ili hidraulične turbine na električni generator.
Zovu se TRAJNE pošto se njihova veza razdvaja samo u slučaju popravke ili
generalnog održavanja.
Obe spojnice, i krute i trajne, pripadaju tipu trajnih spojnica.
Vratila koja imaju dobru osnu centriranost zahtijevaju primjenu krutih spojnica.

B) Mechanical part that we use to transmit power is called shaft.

We need to make distinction between shaft and axle, since the axle is used like a
support for rotating parts e.g., wheels.
Shafts have a wide use, and we can find them in various mechanical devices in which
they are applied in different ways.
Like a mechanical part, shaft withstands different types of load, e.g. fluctuating load,
which is produced by the following: 1. weight of the shaft and its gears, sprockets,
rotors, clutches or other attached parts 2. the centrifugal force which is a product of
work from the parts that are rotating, especially if they are unbalanced, then 3.
because of belt and chain tension, and at the end 4. because of the gears and sprockets
torque. There is a few important factors which must be taken into account when it
comes to shaft construction, and those are primarily, load concentration, shaft
toughness, stiffness, resiliance etc.

Universal joint is a mechanical device which allows one or more rotating shafts
whose axes are inclined to each other to be linked together allowing the transmission
of torque and rotary motion.

Keys are used to prevent relative motion between a shaft and machine elements such
as gears, pulleys, sprockets, cams, levers and so on.

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