Iwb Assignment - Tpack

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TPACK Template

Subject Mathematics

Grade Level Third Grade


Learning Objective 3.12 c) combine and subdivide polygons with three or four sides
and name the resulting polygon(s).

Complete the sentence below:

Pedagogy Planning

In this interactive white board activity, the children will touch the board to name shapes, as
well as correctly identify the number of sides different shapes have, while learning more
about the topic of polygons.

Activity 1. When students enter the classroom, they will be handed

a blank piece of paper. Once everyone is in the
classroom, the teacher will ask the students to think
about the word “polygon” and ask students to draw 5
polygons on their paper. This will be a warm-up activity
to give the teacher an idea as to where the students are
at with the topic.
2. After about 5 minutes, the teacher will ask students to
volunteer to share a shape they believe is a polygon.
This will lead the class right into the path of the whole-
group lesson.
3. On the first slide, the teacher will begin with reading the
information regarding polygons, then name each of the
shapes that are polygons.
4. Before continuing to the next slide, the teacher will ask
the class to take a vote. First, the teacher will ask
students to raise their hand if they think a circle is a
polygon. Then, the teacher will ask students to raise
their hand if they think a circle is not a polygon.
5. On the next slide, the teacher will discuss with students
that a circle is NOT a polygon, and give a brief
explanation as to why. Following on slide four, the
teacher will discuss the qualities that make up a
6. On slide five, the teacher will ask students to come up to
the white board to categorize different polygons into a
t-chart by the number of sides they have. Once the

shapes have been categorized, the teacher will go over

the answers with the class, and discuss how some
shapes may have not fit into the t-chart because they
obtain less than three side or more than four sides. That
leads right into slide six, which tells students how to
name shapes through the number of sides they contain.
This will also follow into slide seven, which discusses the
term quadrilaterals.
7. On slide eight, students will use all their learned skills to
name different polygons. Students will volunteer to
come to the board to name a shape. Once all shapes are
named, the teacher and students will check each shape
to ensure it is correctly named.
8. Once the IWB lesson is complete, the teacher will then
ask the students to look back to the sheet of paper from
before the lesson. The teacher will ask students to
identify any shapes they drew that are not a polygon
and to color them red. The teacher will then ask
students to color the shapes they drew that are
polygons green.

Technology https://exchange.smarttech.com/preview/0f9b315b-4bc4-41b5-


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