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Name of Occupation Income Who else Occupation Income Total How many How many
the head of has any Income members expenses
family other are you in your
work in your family gain
your family? in every
family? month?

Beltan Farmer 3000 Vic Perez Farmer 1000 4000 8 3400


Santiago Mason 12,000 None None None 12,000 6 11,200


Efren Construction - 11,550 Judith BHW 900 12,450 4 10,074

Tepace Skills Tepace

Cerelino Construction - 8,400 Castor Construction - 8,400 16,800 3 4,329

Tuballas Labor Tuballas Labor

Juvy Pinca Construction 5,000 Jericho Labor 3,500 8,000 6 5000


Edilberto Tricycle driver 5,600 Margarita Sari-sari store 3,500 11,200 3 7,000
Balanguit Balanguit

Renaldo Farmer 5,000 Leandro Labor 3,500 8,500 7 9,000

Ortega Ortega

Samuel Fisherman 5,000 Evelyn BHW 2,000 7,000 6 5,000

Luna Luna

In the occupation there are three, two of them are construction workers, they are Efren Tepace, he
earns 11,550 a month as salary for his family, his wife Judith Tepace also has a job at BHW here in
Camparanga, her monthly salary is only 900 when included their salary they have 12,450 a month, 4 of
them in a house and their expenses in a month are at 10,074 and Cerelino Tuballas his 11,550 a month
and his son Castor Tuballas is also the same salary, in a house They are three, their expenses in a month
are 4,329. There are two Farmers they are Beltran Perez his income in a month is 3000 and his son Vic
Perez is 1000 they both have a total of 4000 in a month when combined. There are 8 people living in
their family and their expenses for that one person is 3400 right in their salary. And the last one is
Santiago Jazmin, his work is a Mason 12,000 his month, no one else worked in their family, their
expenses in a month is 11,200 they are 6 families living under the same roof.Juvy Pinca he earns 5,000 a
month his occupation is a Construction and also his son Jericho Pinca same occupation 3,500 a month
total income 8,000 they 6 members. Elberto Balanguit tricycle driver his occupation he earns 5,600 a
month same to her wife Margarita Balanguit sari-sari store his occupation, they 3 members and the
expenses gain in every month is 7,000. Renaldo Ortega is a farmer his income in a month is 5,000
another worker in her family is his son Leandro Ortega Labor his occupation in every month he earn
3,500 the total income 8,500 the expenses gain in every month is 9,000 they are 7 members. And the
last is Samuel Luna is a fisherman his income is 5,000 another worker in his family is her wife Evelyn
Luna BHW she earn 2,000 every month the total income is 7,000 and the expenses in every month is
5,000 also they are 6 members in her family.

One of the places I've been to is Pambujan, I haven't been around many of them yet, but one of
the places I'll never forget is the Pambujan church because it's where I first met my parents and brother.
Now that I have grown up, the Church that is still standing there was built by the Japanese here in
Northern Samar, so it will never be forgotten that we have something to be proud of. Second, that I
went to was the square before it was not as beautiful as it used to be but now it is so beautiful that I
used to go here during Pantawid but now I see it every week. Third, is the sea, when you talk about the
sea, you know what's here, of course in the sea you can taste the fresh air, the sound of the water and
you can see its light on the water when the sun hits it, you feel like you're in paradise .

The fourth is the night market that I just went to but I haven't eaten there yet because they say
it's expensive, heh I don't have any money of course it's just road after road I'm envious when I see
people eating I want to eat too but at least I saw I have it. When you pass by here, I feel like I'm in the
City of Manila because of the caution of the people and the amount of it after the night light. Fifthly, the
lighting at Christmas was beautiful and its light seemed to indicate that today is Christmas because of
the careful different kind of lighting and the many families that go there, so I can say that this is one of
the things I will never forget.

Pambujan is one of the places here that was known to us in the past and now because of
remembering it, it was made into a song called "Uswag Pambujan" no matter where you are there you
will never forget Pambujan. I will never forget it because this is where I first had fun and this is also
where I first met our hero, Dr. Jose P. Rizal when I was young I thought he was the owner of the
Ligislative but because of my father and mother they told me that he standing in front of me was none
other than our hero Jose Rizal but now that I'm grown up when I see that I laugh because I can't deny
that I was very young then. And this ends my dramatization of Pambujan that I went to, thank you..

Republic of the Philippines

Department of education
Region VIII

San Roque - Pambujan Vocational High School




Submitted by: April Tepace

Grade & Section: 12 Luna

Submitted to: Ma'am Amelyn Mañoso

Subject Teacher








Submitted by : April Tepace

Grade 12 Luna

Submitted to: Ma'am Genalyn B. Chan

Subject Teacher

Short Story:


By: April Tepace

Once upon a time, there was a couple living on an island. They were Alberto, 27 years old,
and his wife Samiana, 25 years old; they were just newly married. Alberto is a fisherman, and his wife
is at home doing housework; their only source of income is fishing. Samiana is a loving, hardworking,
and kind wife. One day Alberto woke up early to prepare for his trip to the sea. When Samiana felt
that her husband was no longer by her side, she got up. She saw her husband getting ready, so she got
up and went to help her husband. She had already prepared their food so that before going to the sea,
his husband could eat breakfast. It was cooked in a few moments, so she got ready to eat. After they
ate, Alberto said goodbye so that he could catch a lot of fish right away. Samiana, on the other hand,
made their bed; after that, she washed their food and many other things. After she cleaned inside the
house, he went out and pulled weeds. While she was pulling weeds, someone spoke behind him, so
he looked at Aling Rosa, their neighbor, who was kind, generous, and attentive to those in need. They
talked about different things, because in their conversation, Aling Rosa forgot that she still had
something to do at her house, so she immediately said goodbye to him, went in, and sewed clothes
that already had holes in them. It's been a day, and she felt it getting darker and darker, so she put
away her sewing equipment and went to the kitchen to cook and fry the leftover fish. A few hours ago
he finished his work so he sat by the door and waited for his husband. While she was waiting, she saw
his husband carrying a bucket with only a net and a sack, which he knew was his last fish. That's why
he went to him and helped his wife with what she was carrying. When they entered their house,
Samiana immediately prepared something for them to eat and also for her husband to rest. After they
ate, Alberto fell asleep immediately because he was tired from fishing, while Samiana washed up
before going to bed.

A year ago they had children; the eldest is Elias, who is 7 years old, and the youngest is
Jelay, who is only 5 months old. She does not buy him milk from the store because they don't have
enough money from fishing, but the child grows up healthy. Alberto, on the other hand, is not as
hardworking as before in fishing; there is a chance that they are not able to eat because the fishing
money is used for drinking. That is why she and his children go to Aling Rosa's house to beg for food,
even though they are ashamed that she is because she has no help or replacement for Aling Rosa, but
because of Aling Rosa's kindness, he considers Samiana's children as grandchildren. Until one night,
Alberto came home with fish and gave them five small fish, so Samiana spoke to Alberto, "Is this all
you caught?" And why is the smaller fish meant for us, is that 7 are you going to sell the fish that you
caught?  He asked his wife. Alberto replied, "Ahhhh, I'm holding this, I'm not going to sell it, we'll pick
it up, it's only for you who are small; it's embarrassing if our fish are small, and I'm leaving," he said as
he left, unable to speak to Samiana because he left immediately, so she just cooked their dish because
her son was hungry and he had something to eat. There was a knock at their door while they were
eating, so they opened it and saw Aling Rosa with a plate of pulled pork for them. Samiana thanked
her because Aling Rosa knew they didn't have any decent food, so she gave it to her because she
treated Samiana like a child. She slept there because she didn't come home; maybe tomorrow when
she comes home, she will sleep there. She saw Alberto drinking with 7 more unopened bottles of
wine, so because of his concern for Samaina's children, she will sleep there.
The next day, she always told Alberto to increase the catch because yesterday he couldn't
sell and they didn't have any rice to buy. Alberto was very angry with him because he was fishing too
much, and that's why he hasn't been able to drink wine for a long time. Because of his annoyance
with Samiana, as soon as he returned home, he violently moved the fish in the basin in front of her
and then left. Samaina, on the other hand, just let it go. Her son saw her, so she asked if she and her
father had a fight because she put it in the basin. Samiana sold the big fish and kept the rest for food.
While she was selling, she saw Aling Rosa sitting and holding a knife, peeling the mango she was
holding. She approached him and gave him five big fish for his kindness to his family; she is very
grateful. When she finished his goods, she went home and found his husband holding a net. She
immediately went and asked where he was going, took him by the hand, and dragged him towards
the boat. "Where are we going, Alberto?" he asked his wife. "We will expand so that we can have
more and more sales," he replied to her. She is very happy because the hardworking, loving Alberto is
finally back. When they were in the middle of the sea, he was ordered to take the net, so he obeyed
him, but when he stood up to take the net, he pushed him into the sea and said at the same time, "I
hope you become a fish so that I can catch big fish when I come." of time" after you said that he left
without mercy to his wife, Samiana did nothing but cry when she felt that she had gills on the side of
her ear, and then she said to herself that she is no longer human When he got home, he continued to
cry until night fell, and she knew that his youngest child was hungry. When she returned home, his
son Elias saw him and said that she immediately hugged him and gave Jelay a hug. She told Elias that
if they didn't have food here, they would just go to Aling Rosa. Elias also found out that his mother
would not come home because he saw a fish-like gill on the side of his mother's ear. 

Samiana confessed to her son that she will not be able to return home and that when the
sun goes down she and her brother will go to the sea for his sister to eat. Elias nodded and after
saying that he fed his son first, even though he also put them to sleep a few minutes ago, they fell
asleep, so she went to Aling Rosa's house to watch over them and not leave his children. She also told
Aling Rosa the whole incident so she will take care of his children. After she said that, she left because,
from now on, his house is in the ocean. Every day Elias goes with his sister to be bathed, and every
day she misses the tenderness of his children when he bathes them. Until she got tails, when Elias
sees it, he cries because his mother's legs are gone, and he gives his sister to his mother to be fed with
the bow. Jelay pulls him to sleep while she pulls, and she speaks, "Elias, my son, tomorrow you won't
come here because I can't see Jelay anymore because my scales are up to my chest." When your sister
is hungry, go to your grandmother, Rosa, and ask for help there. Whatever you need, and one day I
know that your father will catch me if I am caught and made into a dish by your father's friends, just
let me be, and if I am sold, just let me be, and if you make me into your dish, if possible, don't eat it,
Elias, because I don't want to eat it myself. If you have children, tell your grandmother Rosa not to
buy it, okay? Elias nodded, crying because of what his mother was saying. "I forgot, don't be angry
with your father because that's bad, okay?" - added Samiana.  When his children came home, he
looked at them and said to himself, "My fate is bitter; I hope the time will come when he grows up
kind, his children will be respectful, and they will not forget me." He left with pain in his heart and
sorrow for his children.

The time has come that he was afraid of; his husband caught him; he will kill him. The
last time she saw his children sleeping soundly, she promised herself she would never see them grow
up. "Goodbye, my children; I love you," were her last words to her children until her husband killed
her. Alberto is very happy because he will earn a lot of money here other than the honey and their
dish. When he was able to sell half of Samiana's body and leave the other half for them to collect, he
also distributed it to the neighbors of his comrades and also to their dish. He woke up his son so he
could eat. Elias was very happy because their dish was his favorite thing to eat, and suddenly his
father said that he had caught a big fish. He remembered his mother's teaching, which is why the fun
was replaced by sadness and crying. He told his father that he would not eat it because of his
mother's teaching, and he confessed to his father about the big thing he did to kill her husband. Since
then, Alberto has changed, but because of Elias' anger, he ran away with his sister and lived at his
grandmother Rosa's house even though his mother told him not to be angry with his father, but when
he remembers what his father used to do, he can't help but get angry because only his mother is his

A few years later, Elias is a young man and Jelay is a teenager, but they still go to the
ocean every time the sun sets, and Elias reminds Jelay of what happened when he was little. Jelay is
thankful because, in the last chance he had, his mother still remembered them. Even though he didn't
see his mother's face, she is still thankful. When night fell, their grandmother Rosa called them, so
they went inside.



April Perez Tepace

Home Address: Brgy. Camparanga Pambujan Northern Samar

Cellphone Number: 09383954276

Email Address:

Date of Birth: April 16, 2004

Gender : Female
Religion: Catholic

Failed of Training:

Education Year Graduated

San Roque Pambujan Vocational High School In Progress (2023)

Senior High School

San Roque Pambujan Vocational High School 2021

Junior High School

Camparanga Elementary School 2017

Elementary School

Field of Study GAS

Relevant Work Experience

Skill/Qualifications Time Management

Special Award/ Honor/ Certificates Elementary

Activities/ Interests Drawing, taekwondo, Arnis, singing

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