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Analyzing Data Assignment

Krista Nichols

Using Excel to analyze my students’ scores on this test was very helpful and insightful. I

was able to see exactly who is doing well on certain topics and who may need more help on

certain topics. Overall, the class did okay on this test. The entire class got question 4 correct.

87.5% of the class got question 12 correct. With the class average only being 65%, there are

some things we may need to work on. Juan had the highest score was a 100% which is excellent!

Patrick and Luke scoring only 40% is concerning but we will work on some things together.

Hugh, Juan, and Holly are doing great with addition as their averages for those questions was

83%. Juan, Cody, and Jamal all averaged 100% on subtraction questions which is wonderful!

Nathan, Molly, and Claire are not doing so great with addition as their averages for those

questions was under 50% each. Patrick, Nathan, and Luke seem to be struggling with subtraction

as they all got less than 50% of those questions correct. I will use this data to help the students

that may be struggling with certain topics and help the students that are struggling in general.

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