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Coursebook Margaret O'Keeffe Lewis Lansford Ed Pegg Resources -> , Partner eT) OE Cia ae LL @ Pearson iy] Publishing Margaret O'Keeffe Lewi ford Ed Pegg Business FT Publishing ih} UNIT1 > WELCOME p.7 |r videos: 1 What’syourname? 14Welcomingavistor = “ LAD hicetomestyou «1.2 >CanyouTllths «1.3 ycompany 14> Works: 1.5 > Business worlshop: inplease? Wiekomingvsker Surety Video: What'syour -Wocabulary: Personal details Ustningand reading: Video: Welcoming Speaking: Meeting hunan name? Frerentatinn > the Buldings departments and avistor resources an othe em Vocabulary: Countriesand alphabet (p.96) Seles. ‘Speaking: Workplace visits TeMbers natonaiies eee Communicative grammar: Writing: completing our Reading andlistei Communiatvegrammar: —Alinginfoms, = Desabing you company employee pre introduction, Pronunciation: Plurals Grammar: BP my, your bis ‘Task: Meeting others and ‘her, its, our, their a Iakingiodicons speaking Conpletnganew Wing: Adescipton of tinployseregetation form company x workplace Review p87 ce eaeest a Cosas 21> Whetdoyouds? «22 >Whatdoesthe —-—«.BDAMeckinthelfe 2.4 WorksllleSmaltle 2.5 > Buenese workshop: ‘ompany as? Ataconfernce Video: workinSales Vocabulary: What Reading: Twodierent Video: ISmalltalkatwork Reading: Aconference Vocabulary: The ware do omariesdo routes Grammar: Uing's este Pronuncation:-> Numbers Communicative grammar: ands Listening: 4a tak at Communicative grammar: Tabng about work tean Talengabovtroutres Speaking: Making aconference Teeahsetwateandwhat Retdingandistening: Pronuncavon:-> Questions. conversion Speaking: Networking i Compenyintormetion (p37) Grammar Pavan Wrting:Ashort log post uring Deeihiegs ——aconpanyintane company ri pe MEPs Ce ta cane |B Videos: 3.11 can workflexible hours 3.4.A progress meeting edges a> Werever/buy 32> Requens 33> lamveitng 3A >workslls Wehave 3.52 Busnes workshop: inbecember iceomplan Sorbie Aproblemwtnactert Video: ican woktexble Vocabulary: Orinat feading:Complaits Video: BAprogess fading Acustomer tours mbes a dates eh ea ee art conplant Vocabulary: Monthsand Pronundation:> Ordinal Tangaboutthepast Speaking Aprogess Speaking: Aprobiam solving seasons numbers) 98 Wig: Anerailto ——eetng meting phone cl Communicative grammar: ReadlngandUstening:Can!_descivea problem and Taking about sity havesometine of? request acon and possi ton, fron Pronuncitlon:-> can and : are taking time of Task Ang and taling bout your partners work Review p89 Eee Ann ena) Videos! 4)Problemsatwork 44Thereisa problem with. A> Whatwentwrong? — AZ>Howcanthelg? ABD Wearesonythat... 4.4 Works: 45 > business worahop: facetofececopiains ——_Canthelpyou? Video: BProblensatwark Veeabulay:Soltons «Reading: Aneralot = Video: EITheree problem Speaking: Making phone Vocabulary: Pastiregular Listening: Onthe phone __complaintandareply nn ed vets Communicative grammar: Speaking: Responding to Reading: Anema ranmar 1B Making fers Communicative grammar, amma, Meing FES Using negatnesinthe past; 3 complaint complaint Talking about the past: peut ‘Assra guerre apouttte Writing: Replying to vostsiple Ca me ong lang phone cals work ed eaieee ger Pronunciation: as 07 roeinis 29.99) ee ace ting: rely emai problemsin the past and ow you solved them Review p90 ees isd al eed | ti Videos: 5.1 What are they doing? 5.4 Can youhelpme? 5.12 Whatareyou 5.2>Neyoutreeattwo? 5.3 >Canwemeet 5.A>Workshils:Caniask 5.5 > Business workshop: ‘Working on? wedscuss?| Bevour™ ‘Themeetingss¢3 pm. Video: BWhotarethey _oeabulary: Word pais Reading: Emails arranging, Video: Can youhelp me? Writing: Anemallto doing? ean accepting or changing» i arrangea mecting to discuss ing: Organising Speaking: Doing favours Vocabulary: Word pairs meetings meting 3 problem _ Communicative grammar Speaking: Postponing Communicative grammar: Speaking: Arranging and at peaking: Talking about things postponing meetings Talking about future ‘a meeting eon arrangements Pronunciation: (x and Pronunciation: and Pr the Present Continuous ‘to. 100) ips00) Writing: An email acranging Task: Writing about what bday People are doing now fevew pst rena | videos: 6.1 An ofce move 6.4 presentation squipment 6.1 Dit'scheaperand better 6.2 > Whichis better? 6.3 >Which is the best? 6.4.> Work skills: Asyoucan 6.5 > Business workshop: seeonthesbse, The office move Video: BAnoffiemove Vocabulary: Orders Reading: ema about 0: UApresentation Reading: An emaifrom the Voctbulary:Oesipions spealingandreading: -Sanihgamabiephoreabovtoficeequpment” bos Communicative grammar; SUPPUeT quotes eraCioad a Speaking: Talking about Whiting and speaking Cooper Rng Grammar good beer mmuniaie grammar, resetaton shoes Comparing two offices ati = best/bad - worse - worst Sree ‘Speaking: Presenting your oneO/pIOH) Wing: Descbng dient rOnuRtion:-> a and choice _ options éndtp00) Task Choosing awarehouse ence comparing two offers Review p92 ire 1B Videos: 7.1 Paying suppliers 7.4 Anew workflow 7D What'sthe procedure? 7.2 Workflow 73> Amanval 7.4> Workskils:Changing 7.5 > Business workshop: Sworn How canweimprove Video: 1Payingsuppliess Vocabulary: Descriptions Reading: Amanual Video: BAAnewworkfow Reading: entying Vocabulary: Describing Reading and listening: Communicative grammar; Speaking: Making and prohleres = hore a procedure ‘Aworkflow problem. Instructions responding tosuggestions Speaking: Discussing {Communicative grammar: Pronunciation: /at/2né Pronunciation: > 2nd sclutons sponte Talking about obtigation fet/ (p.102) (p102) ee. Tasle Eiplaning procedure Speaking: mproving Wag Instructions for aor creating anivoice avian p93 EET Wn acai 1B Videos: 8.1 Making cars at The Morgan Motor Company 8,4 Feedbackin the office 8.1 >How ong does 8.2> Reducing costs 83>Panningprojecs BA >WorksKlls: Giving _8.5 > Business workshop: wake? feedback Updates and feedback Video: BMakingcarsatThe Voeabulary:Saving money Reading: Scopesttements Video: Bt Feedbackin Reading: team update Morgan Motor Company Reading: An onine Communicative grammar: ‘nee erat Vocabulary: roction interview Revision ofthetutore Speaking: Giving feedback weling: Replying oan Communicative grammar: — Communicative grammar: ee Revlon ofthe present Revision ofthe past Speaking: Giving feedback TasleSiplaininginformation Pronunciation: -> onacatabae Proncuncing the letter ot (p03) Witing: Actions and ests avian p94 [eer eens ney a videoscrits| eee eta iecrieec aaa eect materiatp13—_|p123 5 > Who is Business Partner for? Why a communicative methodology? Why... work skills training? Introduction +Business Partner Al & A2 i for learners wh have studied English before, at school or privately, but what they learnt has not been very useful for them in their job, or they simply don't remember much of it. + Now they need to study business English in order to better communicate in a workplace thats increasingly international + Toachieve this, they need to improve their knowledge of the English language but also develop key work skills, + They need a course whichis relevant to their professional needs Students of Business Partner may be working in diferent industries, indifferent job positions and in different countries but they all have in common the need to communicate in English in an international workplace, in an effective manne The objective ofthe courses to equip students with the kls they need to use English effectively without anxiety about their language ability Business Partner focuses on delivering practical language and skls training that learners need for successful communication when working with people from different countries, even ifthose learners begin the course with imited language ability. In Business Partner, every unit has video-based lesson on Work skills to expose students to best-practice scenarios of various business situations that they can use as models ‘The objective ofthis traning isto give learners a better chance of getting a job, or of moving jabs in an organisation What's in each unit? ach unitis divided into five lessons and each lesson starts with a Lesson outcome and ends with a short Self-assessment section: this iste help learners think about the progress that they have made, Vocabulary and functional language In order to meet the course objectives, the vocabulary and functional phrases in each unit focus on industries, jobs and job environments that are relevant to students to help them function in a varity of professional situations. ‘This vocabulary has been selected to answer learners’ needs at work and may seem high level or technical compared toa general English course. tis, however, basic professional ‘vocabulary that learners need to function in their jobs. Grammar Similarly, the approach to grammars to help students acquire language to survivein these situations. The grammar content comes from the communicative needs of learners and is given in chunks, witha light approach to rules. The grammar reference section atthe back of ‘the book provides additional practice of grammar points and a recorded list of irregular verbs. Listening and video There are many listening activities to help develop comprehension skills and to hear language in context. Alof the video and audio material available in MyEnglishLab and includes a range of British, US. and non-native-speaker English so that learners are exposed to a variety of accents, to reflect the reality of their working lives Learners will be able to watch and understand short authentic videos, which in turn they can use as a model forthe group tasks speaking ‘There are plenty of opportunities for speaking practice in relevant and engaging activities ineach lesson. The objective is to make apprehensive students feel comfortable developing this essential skill for the workplace. RMA Writing Learnerst this level ned to respond to emaitsand other functional pices of writing The lessons provide model fr students to follow, grammar practice ofthe structures they need to use when ‘iting and functional anguage stems io help them. The writing tasks allow freer practice ofthe target vocabulary and grammar, and offer elements of personalisation where possible Work skills Through authentic videos, students are shown best-practice scenarios of different work situations, They then have the chance to study and practise the relevant Functional language from each situation. Finally, students are encouraged to activate the skills and language they have learnt and practised by collaborating on group tasks, Business workshops Business warkshops allow learners to focus mostly on speaking and writing, and offera practical application and review ofthe content of the unit. Pronunciation “Two pronunciation points are presented and practised in every unit, which are linked tothe content ofthe units. The Pronunciation banks at the back of the book with signposts from the relevant lessons. This section also includes phaneti chart for British English and American English. Reviews Thereis a one-page review for each unit at the back ofthe coursebook. The review recycles, and revises the key vocabulary, grammar and functional language presented in the unit, Signposts, cross-references and MyEnglishLab [> Signposts for teachers in each lesson indicate that ther are extra activitiesin "_ MyEnglshLab which can be printed or displayed on-screen. These activities can be used to extend a lesson orto focus in more depth ona particular section, > page 000 ‘Cross-references refer tothe Pronunciation bank and Grammar reference pages. MyEnglishLab ‘Access to MyEnglishLab is given through a code printed on the inside front cover ofthis, book. Depending on the version ofthe course that you are using, you will have access to one of the following options: Digital Resources powered by MyEnglishLab inclucing: downloadable coursebook resources, al video clips, all audio recordings. Fall content of MyEnglishLab: all ofthe above plus the full self-study interactive workbook with an automatic gradebook. Teachers can assign workbook activities as homework. r>5« > COMMUNICATION SKILLS Video introduction Introduction — the Work skills videos {in Lesson 4 of each unit) show people in situations at work, ‘Murray8dahner isan international consumer goods company. They sell many products to the market and work with top brands. Yumiko Kobayashi is the Director at the London office. In the videos we see her and other employees at work in meetings, presentations and day-to-day interactions. Characters ‘Yumiko Kobayashi, KrzystotGreszak, 2 » Liz Rendell, Japanese Polish American ) this s5.67.8 fron f one) Andrea Hofmann, Jack Taylor Martin Evans, | German | British 1 British (unis2.5,8) (units2,5) (units3, 5,6) : | Paulo Caruso, | rachel peters, | brazilan-British British nit) (urts3, 5,7) (units, 5,0) > Video summary 1 Welcoming a visitor Unit 1 video: Krzysztof arrives fora meeting with Yumiko inthe office. 2 Small talkat work Unit 2video: Andrea meets Jack, anew employee 3 Aprogress meeting Unit’ video: Yuriko asks foran update from her team. 4. Theresa problem with ... Unit video: Liz shows her broken phone toa Customer Service Assistant 5 Can you help me? Unit 5 video: Employees ask fr and offer help, 6 Apresentation about office equipment Unit 6 video: Krzysztof givesa presentation about printers to Yumiko and Martin, 7 Anew workflow Unit 7 video: Yumiko and Paulo talk about how to improve the onboarding process fornew employees. 8 Feedback in the office Unit 8 video: Yumiko gives feedback to Andrea and Rachel on their work. ‘to meet you. Lesson outcome: Learners can introduce themselves anothers and say where they are from, Can you fill this in, please? Lesson outcome: Learners can campletea form giving personal detalls about themselves My company Lesson outcome: Learners can describe theircompany and workplace Work skills: Welcoming visitor Lesson outcome: Learners can introduce themselves when siting a company greet visitors to ther place of workand ‘make simple offers. Business workshop: Yourfirst cay Lesson outcome: Learners an introduce themselves n new jb forthe fist time, meet new colleagues and complete an employee profile Review: p87 | Pronunciation: 12 The alphabet 13Plural-s p96 ‘Vocabulary: Counties and nationalities Communicative grammar: Introductions Video: what's your name? Taske Meeting others and making invaductions Vocabulary: Personal details Reading and listening: Filing in forms Speaking: Completing a new employee registration form LUstening and reading: Buildings, departments and facies ‘Communicative grammar: Describing your company ‘Writing: description ofa company or workplace Video: Welcoming visitor ‘Speaking: Workplace visits Speaking: Meeting human resources and other team members Writing: Completing your employee profile (Grammar reference: 1.1 introductions 1.2 my, your, his her, ts, our, their 13 Describing your company p05, »7« sea ee Cy Lead-in 1A 101 Listen and match 1-3 with a-c. 1 Lena thse 2 tna 2 tka, Xb ryan ea 2 beaseme € Hesfom pin 5 102 Complete the dialogues withthe sentences in Exercise 1A. Then listen and check. Vocabulary Countries and nationalities 2 _Match ‘the flags with the countries in the box. Brazil India Japan leq] P 3A Choose the correct word. 1 Miguetis MevicokMenicad 2 Marcinis from Poland / Polish. 3. Paolais Brazil / Brazilian Nice to meet you Learners can introduce themselves and others and say where they are from. 4 Suresh is from india indian, 5. Shoko is Japan / Japanese, B 103 Complete the dialogues. Use the countries and nationalities in Exercise 3A. Then listen and check. 1. Miguel: Marcin, this is Paola, She's*_Srazilian : Hi, Paola. Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you, too. Where are you from, Marcin? rm ‘Are you from Warsaw? ‘No, t'm not. fm from Krakow. Paola: And areyou from? Miguel? Miguel: Yes, that's right 2 Suresh: Are you" Shoko? Shoko: Yes, am. 'm from Tokyo, ‘And you? Suresh: tm from? Shoko: And whe ‘Suresh: She's from® isPaola from? 4 4108 complete the tables. Then listen and check [ountries | Nationa ‘argentina ‘Argentinian 1_prazil Brazilian hina Chinese J German [p> rere esurees: | ina 2 extra activities | teland 7 theux | theusa 1.1 © nice tomeet you Communicative [> wrroouctions > Grammar reference: page 105 | grammar habla ram lam) from Poland Fmnot(= lam not from Poland YourWerThey'e(=You"We/They are) You/We/They arent(=YourWe/They are nat) From Broil from Braz | He/Sherit’s (= He/SheItis)from Spain. He/She/It isn’t (= He/She/Itis nav from Spain. 5 © 1.05 Complete the dialogue with the words in the box. Then listen and check. [ner | Hello, |__m _ Hans. aS Maria: Hi, Hans. My name? Maria, Hans: Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you, too 2__you from argentina? No,I*__. rm Brazilian, Isyourboss Brazilian? No,she’__ She's rom Mexico, Maria! Hello! Hi Mike! And Lisa! Hans this*__Mikeand lisa. hey?__from the UK. Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you, Hans. ki ‘Teacher's resources: Hans: © you from London? ever gctiiies lisa: No, we® We:__ from Liverpool VIDEO 6 B¥111 Watch the video and answer the questions. 1. Watch Par Are the sentences true or false FI? a Hernameis Asako, Shei Japanese © She's Designer 2. Wateh Part 2. Answer the questions a AretheyGerman? —b Arethey rom Warsaw? ¢ Isshean Office Manager? 3 Witch are3. Answer the questions 8 What'shisname? —b Whereishe fram? © What's his nationality? 7A Work in pairs. Take turns meeting each other Now work with another pair. Take and introducing yourselves. Talk about your ‘turns introducing yourself and your name, nationality and job. Partner. Ask questions. ASR My ames abt ane Put the words in the correct order. B: Hi Luis. Lise, Say goodbye to each other. ‘A: Where are you from? B: fm German. 'm from Berlin. Where are you fram? you later see ‘A: fm from Spain - from Madrid. | can introduce myself and others and say where we arefrom. ©) 1.2> Can you fill this in, please? Pee 1d Learners can complete 2 form giving personal details about themselves, Lead-in 1 ©105 Lookat the employee identification card. Complete the dialogue with the words in the box. There is one extra word. Then listen and check. ‘address emailaddress \Dcard number passport phone number Eee Leah: What's your, Jacek? Jacek: 1'528 Oak Road, London, WSS ITF What's your? 0 es124232 What's your® 2 Jacek: t', All lower case. Leah: OK, thanks. And what’syours_? Jacek: 1's020 7946 0800. Vocabulary — Personal details 2 Look at the hotel guest information, Match 1-9 with a-i, firstname / given name_2_ HOTEL IQBAL: GUEST INFORMATION. surname /ast name. Me *Withlns ens ‘Schmit title *Chausseestrasse 41 nationality __ Teterow, Germany ‘middle name sine. postcode /zip code 1.703996 55 0678 one aderess EWE et "Geman passport/ID cardnumber__ phane/mobile/cell number. "denification card number 129445678 One room, two nights Leisure/Businoss 3 Write information about yourself, HOTEL ARKADIA: GUEST INFORMATION STE MR/Ms/ OTHER Rs NAME MDL NAME SURNAME HoMe ADDRESS ae postcope MAIL ADDRESS womuenumneR NATIONALITY PASSPORT /ID CARD NUMBER D> page 96 see Pronunciation bank: The alphabet Ve Nd it AA Match 1-7 with a-g. \iecnmintoder%ecibom "nt mn lovrasen___galloweras mee at__— underscore capital W_ B 107 Listen and practise saying the email address in Exercise 4A. © $105 Listen and write the email addresses. 1 4 2 5 3 D Practise saying email addresses. Ask your classmates. What's your email address? It's Jorge underscore gomez at net hyphen mail dot com. t's all lower case. >10 1.2 >| can you fill this in, please? Reading and Filling in forms listening 5, 4109 Lookat the new employee registration form. Then listen to Anna's phone conversation and complete the form NEW EMPLOYEE REGISTRATION Sumame "ibow itt Neve exsiWeben unease Firstname Anna Gender: *male ] female) other 2) Nationality Marital status:* single [_]marvied Cy other 3) Ema address ¢ Phone / mobile / cell number 7 Emergency contact number ® ID card / Passport number nr N NT aa a Te NaS Ponsa sy oats = six five three, three three four zero D page 112 see Numbers B Match 1-6 with a-f. Then listen again and check. 1 whats 2 ational? 2 canyou yoursurame? 3. Whatsyour that please? 4 Sorry. couldyourepeat spell that pease? 5 Areyou maried oe address? 6 Whatsyouremai f orsinger > MY. vOUR, HIS, HER, TS, UR, THEIR > Grammar reference: page 105 Shes my manages isname the Hoel Arka, Whats youremalladéress?_Qurphone numberis 2324578 a This hisofice What are your passport numbers? acti hat’ sher nationality? What stheir adres? Speaking GA took atthe new employee registration form. What questions do you need to ask to get the information? Use Exercise 58 to help you, New Employee Registration SURNAME RST NAME. Gener: wave C] FemaveC] omner L) NATIONALITY, Marra staTUS: inate C] maRRieDC] ovHeR [EMAL ADDRESS: PHONE / MOBILE / CELL NUMBER. [EMERGENCY CONTACT NUMBER (© CARO OR PASSPORT NUMBER B Work in paits. Ask and answer the que: ns. Complete the form with your partner's information, | can complete a form giving personal details about myself. @ 1.3 My company Pee Learners can describe their company and workplace, Lead-in 11 ts your workplace like one of these? Which of these places are in your town or city? Fashion HiQ has workplaces around the wort ‘A warehouse, Poland B office, Germany © factory, China Listening 2 91.10 Listen to three people who work for the clothing maker Fashion HiQ. Match each speaker with a picture in Exercise 1. 1 2 3 3 Listen again. Tick (V) the buildings, departments and facil a a aT ies for each location. [fecary —fotice | warehouse | production | sles bleh ida canteen | gym epee. Head office, 7 Germany - ee ess : Z 7 Manufacturing division, china _ aalbee : Distribution | division, Poland | 2 __| 4A. Look at these staff comments on their workplace. Which comments are positive? Which are negative? 1 Theoffceistarge. — @/- 5 Wsnoisy. we 2 Wesvery light 4 6 Thebreakroomisq ue 3 Thecanteenissmall + /~ 7 Thewarehouseis old-fashioned and dark, +/~ 4 Thetactoryismodern, + /~ 'B Match 1-4 with a-d. 1 dark a large 2 noisy b light 3 old-fashioned modern 4 small 4 quiet C Which words in Exercise 48 describe your workplace or place of study? Reading 5 Complete the description of Fashion HiQ. Use the table in Exercise 3 to help you. canteen department divsion factory gym manager office warehouse | My company has three locations in three countries. There's a) in Germany, afr)? in China andain)'_in Poland fmatn) 1 inthe productions__.its part ofthe manufacturing < The factory is modern At the factory, there's an)” butthere’s no! >12¢ ‘ative grammar a/one restaurant—+ two restaurants a/one factory + ‘two factories Teacher's resources extra activities Writing SOUR Sug > escrisinc your company > Grammar reference: page 105 ‘There's (= There is)a canteen, There are three departments, There’s no gym. ‘There are smal restaurants near the office There are no offices, Company name: Scarpe, Portafogli e Borse,K.K, Hea office: Yokohama, Japan| Factory: Katowice, Poland Naples taly | + sales vision + manufacturing division | + distribution division + marketing department + production department | + shipping department + Sales Manager, Marketing | + Production Manager + Warehouse Manager, Manager + canteen Shipping Manager + gymand canteen + canteen 1. There'sa factory in Naples. F There are no factories in Poland, 2 Therearetwomanagersin the warehouse, 5 There's canteen in the warehouse, 3. There’smno gym in Yokohama, There's a production department in Katowice. 7 Choose the correct word. 1 There's / are four divisions. 4 There's are break rooms for employees, 2 There's / arena warehouses, 5 There's / are no canteen, 3 There’s/ are a factory, 6 There's/ are a gym, ‘8 Complete the sentences with There’s or There are. 1 a sales department in Madrid 2 large factories in Japan, 3 ___acanteen inthe factory. 4 no managersin the warehouse 5 thtee departmentsin the manufacturing division. 6. no gym for employees. PD page 96 See Pronunciation bank: Plural -s 9 Write a description of a company and workplace like the one in Exercise 5. Use your own, or the one below. Include information about + locations (offices, factories, warehouses, etc, and countries and/or cities) + departments and/or divisions + facilities in the location where you work. Company name: Muebles Mada S.A, Head ofc: Madi Spain | Factory: Puebla, Mexico | warehouse: Alicante, Spain + salen + manuacuing dision | «distbution dvsion + marketing department | + production department | shipping department + amplejobSalesRep | + examplejob:enginer | » eamlejob Warehouse Manager | + offices ght + workplace =nisy * buling~ aden | + camteenand gyn | + resaurantsneartnefactory | + canteen ‘can describe my company and workplace, @ @& 1 4> Ue) esi a y Welcoming a visitor ‘Learners can introduce themselves wien visiting a company, greet visitors to Le DSaLAI their place of work and make simple offers Lead-in 1A Match the photos (A and B) with the situations in the box. There is one extra situation. helo toafriendly visitor introducing acolleague giving yourname at reception | Complete the dialogues in Exercise 1A Could you spel that, please? No, thanis. My name's Kreysztof Greeszak Good to see you! How about coffee? sentences a-d. VIDEO 2, (B9261 Watch Pare1 ofthe video without sound, Tick (7) who says each tine. _ _ 7 1 eR Krzysztof | 1 Seodraring How may hap ya? 3 Sony ould yourepeat that pleas? ave a sea plese” . id youtke sore tear alee? Mil pease. No sugar. thanks’ B Watch Part 1 of the video with sound. Check your answers. BA [A142 Watch Part 2 of the video. Which of these items are in the video? Bs ~—E « tablet photocopier laptop coffee machine whiteboard printer B Is the receptionist and Krzysztof’s conversation formal or less formal? ‘And Yumiko and Krzysztof's conversation? 4 Watch the video agi in, Match 1-5 with a-e and 6-10 with f-j. 1 Could you a aseat, please 6 How about f really well thanks, 2 Have keep you waiting 7 How 9 acoffee? 3. MsKobayashiwill ¢ repeatthat, please? 8 Im hh you. 4 Sorty to d see you again! 9 Please i comein, 5 Goodto fe bereadyinafewminutes. | 10 After J areyou? 1.4 >| Work skills: Welcoming a client Speaking [> wonkeacevisns Formal language Gretings Good morning, How may help you? ‘m here to see Mr Lee. My name’sElla Jones. im sorry, he’s not at his desk. ‘Exchanging information What’ your name, please? Is Michael Connery. Could you repeat that, please? Yes, i's Michael Connery, Could you spel that, please? Sure. MECHA offers Have a seat, please Thankyou. Woulel you tke some tea or coffee? Coffee please. Thanks. Would you tke milk or sugar? Milk, please. No sugar, thanks Less formal language Greetings Hello! Good to see you again! Good to see you, too! How are you? Fm realty well, thanks, How about you? Offers How about a coffee/tea /somewater? No, thanks./ Yes, please, Please come in. 0K, thanks. Teacher's resources: ‘extra activities After you. Thanks. 5 Work in groups of three. Write two dialogues. Student A: You work at reception ‘Student B: You visit Student C. ‘Student C: Student B visits you, Dialogue 1 (Aisoyhetio to student B: Say the reason foryourvst. ) Askfor Student 8 name, and the speling. A { Acoterstudent 8a seatand a dink, 8: Say yournameand spelt when asked 8: Say yesor nto Student softs.) afer.) logue 2 B:Sayhellotostudent¢ (con OflerStudentBadtink, )& [EE as B: Say yesor no to student ofr invite Student 8 iors) > [Bs Accept Student Cs invitation iy hello to Student B G Practise the dialogues from Exercise 5. BOCs |can introduce mysel'when visting a company, gretvistorstomy place gy ge, of work and make simple offers BUSINESS lay > WORKSHOP Learners can introduce themselves in a new job forthe firsttime, meet new calleagues and complete an employee profile Peed Arriving 1 Workin pairs. t's yourfirst day ina new job. Take turns being Student A and Student 8. Student A: You're the receptionist. Student B: You're the new employee, + Sayhello to Student 8 + Saythe reason for your visit. + Ask or Student B'sname, and the speling, + Sayyour name and spell it when asked. + Offer Student Ba seat and a drink + Sayyesor no to Student A's offers Meeting human 2A Workin new pairs. Take turns being Student A and Student B. Follow the conversation resources __ outline below. Student A: You are the Human Resources Manager You know Student B Student B:You'e the newemployee. You know Student A. Student A~ Human Resources Manager sud nee Syn pana bestowing.) SMleee“Pew — So pabenandisgodose ioe) ‘Askhow Student Bis.) ~s[(sneihenakon Seti) Answer, and then offerStudent Ba coffee. |< 2 _Sayyesornoto Student A’ ofer ) {tte Student into your ofce Saythankyou. B Workin the same pairs. Student, Invite Student : Look at page 113. Student B: Look at page 115. © Change roles. Student A: Look at page 115. Student B: Look at page 113. Meeting other 3 Workin groups of three. Use your real name and nationality. team members ‘Student A: You're the Human Resources Manager. Introduce Student B and Student C, ‘Student B: Say hello to Student Cand ask where he or she's from, Student C: Say hello to Student &, answer his/her question and ask where he or shes from. Also ask where Student A is from. Completing your 4 Write information about yourself. employee profile Eee Surname | irst name’ Gender: male Q female © other Nationality’ Marital status: ‘single married © other Email address Phone / mobile / cell number Emergency contact number ID card or passport number’. ican introduce myselfin a new job forthe first time, meet new colleagues and complete ‘anemployee profile Review 2: p83 Unit overview What do you do? Lesson outcome: Learners can understand and qvea shart basic description ofcomman jobs What does the company do? Lesson outcome: Learners can understand and give a shortbasie description ofa company, Aweek in the life Lesson outcome: Learners can writesimple sentences about work routines and activities Work skills: small talk Lesson outcome: Learners can tak about thelr jobsand work routinesin a simple way, Business workshop: Ataconference Lesson outcome: eamers can introduce themselves informal situations and talk about theircompanies and jobs ina simple way, Pronunciation: 2.2 Numbers 23 Questions p.97 Vocabulary: Thework we do Communicative grammar: Talking about work workin Sales Task Where workand what! do Vocabulary: What companies do Reading and listening: Company information Writing: Describing a company Reading: Two diferent routines Communicative grammar: Talking bout routines ‘Writing shortblog postfora company intranet Smalltalk at work Speaking: Making conversation Reading: A conference website Listening: Smalltalk ata conference ‘Speaking: Networking Grammar reference: 2. Talking about work 22 a/an 2:3Talking about routines 2:4 Using'sands p.106 rI7¢ Cia eu / What do you do? Leamers can understand and give a shart basic description of common jobs. Lead-in 1 Lookatthe photos. Match the people (A-D) with the jobs. Digital Designer ITSpecialist Production Engineer Sales Manager Vocabulary The work we do Teacher's resources extra activities Carla Lombardi Where are you from? 1m from Florence in italy. ‘Where do you work? work for an e-commerce company. We sell sports clothes and equipment I workin the Milan office, What's yourjob? Hina Digital Designer. | work in the marketing department, What do you do at work? make designs for the ‘website and social media, > 18 < and department. 2A Read the information about people and their jobs below. Match the person, job ‘Name Job Carla Lombardi Production Engineer Ben Schmidt Sales Manager 7 Gnformation technology) Lucas Sousa IT Specialist production ‘Anna Robinson Digital Designer _ marketing 5 Complete the sentences with the correct name: Carla, Ben, Lucas or Anna. 1 __isGerman. 5 2 works on projects. 6 3 __makes website designs. 7 4 hhasmeetings with clients. 8 Ben Schmidt Lucas Sousa Where are you from? ‘Where are you from? ¥m from Hamburg in 1mm from Brasflia. It the Germany, capital of Brazil Where do you work? Where do you work? | work for a pharmaceutical ‘company in Berlin, I's the ‘capital of Germany. ‘What's your job? lima Production Engineer. What do you do at work? I check the production processes are safe and cost-effective. | work for Telefonica. Its big telecommunications ‘company, What's your job? man IT Specialist and | work in the IT department. What do you do at work? work on projects for other departments. | solve technical problems. answers phone calls, sells transport services. solves technical problems. ‘works in Milan. Anna Robinson. Where are you from? tim from Manchester in England, Where do you work? work fora transport ‘company, What's your job? | work as Sales Manager. What do you do at work? I manage my sales team, I have twelve people in the team, make and answer phone calls, have meetings with clients and write reports, 2.1 © what do you do? Communicative | > tacking asourwork > Grammar reference: page 10¢ grammar | workin the marketing department. She works in the marketing department. Youmanage shop assistants Hewrites reports Wework ina shop ‘She makes designs ‘They ell clothes. Hesels clothes, Wou/WerThey have meetings. He/She has meetings. 3 Match 1-4 with a-d and 5-8 with e-h, 1 Imanage a phonecallsto clients 5 Ihave technical problems 2 Youworkfor b hybridand electric cars, 6 Yousolve —F theprocessis safe. 3 Wesell € ateamoftwelvepeople. | 7 Wewrite —_g ‘meetings with clients. 4 Theymake ~ d amuttinational company. | 8 Theycheck hr emails and reports 4 Complete the texts with the correct form of the verbs in the boxes. David san Accountant, He*_fora chemical company. 2 chemical products. He? meetings with other departments and he®, financial reports answer manage work solve p> Tears esources: Linda’ asa Customer Service Manager She a team of twenty staf. She” phone cals from customers and ® their problems. VIDEO 5a E211 Watch Elena in the video and complete the information in the table. Elena Ellen Giey’Country | Southend-on-Sea | Leicester England tment | | Senior Research Mana Responsbtties the phone, with the team and thesalesteam, andgWvevisitors | withmanager make ‘meetings with cients pass phone alls and 2 emails 8 Watch Ellen and complete the information in the table. © Watch Steve and complete the inform: inthe table, GA Workin pairs. Ask and answer the questions. What's yourname? * Where areyou from? * Where do you work? + What’syour job? * What do you do at work? Student A: Read your role card on page 114 ar use your own information, Student B: Read your role card on page 116 or use your own information. 1B Work in new pairs. Use the question Exercise 6A and introduce yourself to your partner. © Work with your partner from Exercise 6A. Tell your partner about the person you talked to in Exercise 68. His/Hername is POLES SSCS can understand and give a short basic description of common jobs. @ 2.2.) What does the company do? 4 Terese) Learners can understand and give a short basic description ofa company. Lead-in 1 Doyouhave these products? What branc [ Vocabulary What companies do the product? car ereader_laptop/computer mobilephone TV washing machine | 2A Match the photos (A-F) with the business activi design cars -makeclathes make consumer electronics provide airtransport services providefinancialservices sell products online Match the companies with the business activities in Exercise 2A. [ hilnz Amazon ter QatarArwaps Sarsing_ Vouswagen 201 Choose the correct word. Then listen and check. Qatar Airways designs / provides air transport services. Allianz provides / makes financial services. Volkswagen designs / provides, makes and sells cars. ‘Amazon makes / sells books and other products online Inditex makes and sells / provides clothes in shops and online. ‘Samsung makes / provides mobile phones and home electronics. eaweunnW Write sentences about these companies using the verbs in Exercise 3 ‘Alibaba Apple Bankof China H8M Lufthansa Toyota Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions about the companies. A: Whatdoes Apple do? Brit makes. 202 Write the missing numbers. Then listen and repeat. [tee need anv aw Shunde 1,000 a/one thousand 55,367 forty seven | 360,000 three hundred. jghthu | 1,000,000 [vane nition sixty = nd ninety-two thousand, shxhundred and sevent D page 112 see Numbers aaa 1 6203 Complete the sentences with the numbers in the box. Then listen and check. Tao Allianzhas over ‘employees in more than seventy countries. ‘Amazonhas over? warehouse robots. Qatar Airways has aircraft and flies to over* destinations. Inditex has over stores and over © ‘employees in ninety-six countries. Teacher's resources: extra activities, © How many employees/students are there where you work/study? > page 97 see Pronunciation bank Numbers > 20¢ 2.2 >| What does the company do? Reading and Company information listening — & ook atthe company profil, Complete the table. About Tramuntana We are an e-commerce ‘company. We sell clothes and shoes in our online shop, We work with top brands. We are based in Paris and have offices in eighteen countries, ‘We have 700 staff ll over the. ‘world. Most of our sales are in Brazil, Mexico, Spain, Poland, Germany and ireland. Teacher's resources extra activities Writing Company nai Business Head office Number of countries ‘Number of Top sales 7 Read the company profile agai the false sentences. 1 Tramuntana designs cars 2 Itsells products on the internet. 3 Itsells famous brands. Weare We provide ur global head afficeis based We have over 360 offices Wehave wenn > wan company, etc. 9a InterContinental Hotels Group (HG) Company name Business hospitality services Head office | Denham, England z Hotels Over 5,300 Countries staff We are a/ Wemake/selt We are based in... We have fices)in Are the sentences true (T) ot false (F)? Correct 4 intemational company, 5 There are 700 staff in Pars. 6 Thetop sales are in Asia, 4204 Listen to Alan Murray talking about his company. Match 1-5 with a-e. ain Bonn, Germany, bb aninternational transport company, © in 220 countries 85,000 staff and 250 aircraft @ global logistics services. D Grammar reference: page 106, We use an with a word beginning with a vowel sound: an airtine, an e-commerce company, an international transport company, an MBA, an hour, an online We use a with other words: a bank, a car company, a manufacturer, etc. Look at the table about the InterContinental Hotels Group. Write a short description of the company, Use some ofthe phrases in the box. We provide .. services. We have over... staff/offices/etc. 8 Work in pairs. Write a similar description about a different company. Use some of the phrases in the box. Student A: turn to page 114, Student B: turn to page 115. © Compare your descriptions from Exercise 98 with your partner. {can understand and give a short basic description of company. @) @&) 22 Rene 4 2.3> Aweek in the life Learners can write simple sentences about work routines and activities. Lead-in 1A Putthe days of the week in order (1-7). Which days are the weekend? [ie Monday Saturday Sunday Thursday Tuesday Wednesday B $205 Listen and check. Then tisten again and repeat Reading 2 Complete the texts with questions a-i. a Where are you from? # Doyyou travel for work? b Where do you work? 4 Does the company have offices in other countries? € What da you do? (x2) fh What days do you work? d Whatdo you do atwork? (2) 1 What do you doin your free time? @ Doyou like your job? (x2) About Charlotte Thomas 1 man specialist | work for a German company. Its financial services provider. tm based in the Guildford office in England. I work on project for diferent departments. | design software programs and provide technical Solutions. Yes, the projects are interesting Yes, but don't travel aot, | go to the company head office in Munich every three months to see my boss. [spend a week there. Yes. Germany, the UK, the Netherlands and Japan. 3 Read the two texts again, Who does this inform: ‘THE WORK AND HOLIDAY BLOG Meet Alvaro and Pablo ‘We're stuconts from Spain. We have visas to liv, work and ‘study in Australia for a yea, ‘We work in a restaurant in Sydney. We're waiters, ‘We take food orders, prepare drinks and serve customers. 10 Five days a weak from Wednesday to Sunday. We don't work fon Monday and Tuesday. n ‘We don't work in the morning, we study English. On Monday ‘and Tuesday afternoon we go to the beach and relax 2 ‘Yes, it's good work experience and we have money to study and travel, refer to? 5 ~[ Ghartotte | Alvaro and Pabio | 1 travelstravelor ork v — 2 tes/he theo [3 works/work at te weekend ‘4 works/workin an afice [5 studies/study 2.3 >| Aweekinthelife Communicative | > tarxicasourrouTiNes > Grammar reference: page 106 | ee ee Poe ee | ee + (WYow/WerThey work fora German He/She designs software programs. company. He/She spends a week in Munich every WourWerthey live in Australia three months ~ InYow/We/They donot travel forwork, He/She does not work in the head affice. WourWerThey don’t workon Monday He/She doesn’t study inthe afternoon, and Tuesday, 2 Doyoutravel for work? Does he/she work at the weekend? Do they like their jabs? 2 Where do you work? What days does he/she work? What do they do at work? D page 97 See Pronunciation bank: Questions 4A Choose the correct word, 1 He don't/doesn’tworkin an office, 5 You don‘t/ doesn’t work on Monday. 2 dont? doesnt tive in Munich 6 She don't / doesn't spend a month in Germany. 3 Wedon't/ doesn't have visas. 7 They dont / doesn't goto the beach atthe weekend. 4 Hedon't/doesnttravel forwork, 8 TheIT department don't/ doesn't have an office intondon B Put the words in the correct order to make sentences. 1 not /websites/He does / design 4 does /language/ The provide / college 2 Uke/job/She/ not her / does Inot/ classes 3 pizzas /have/The/ does/not/restaurant 5 for/ does / He not / work travel 6 does/ food /She /not/the/ prepare Complete the questions with do or does. What Alvaro and Pablo study? Charlotte thomas work in London? Where ‘Alvaro and Pablo work? How often Chartatte go to Munich? What days Alvaro and Pablo work? What______Charlotte do at work? | BD aurunns Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions in Exercise 5A. GA Write questions with you, What days / work? 4 '5_workat the weekend? e | 6 travel for worl i iieyaiionn Teacher's resources oruaactiites Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions in Exercise 6A. Write about a new colleague at work. B Writing 7 Writea short blog post for your company intranet. Choose one option. 1 2 Youhave a new job. Write about yourself. | can write simple sentences about work routines and activities. @) @ WORK SKILLS STi] Gel h4 24> Peed Lead-in ‘LA Match the photos withthe situations. [friends in a cafe { family free-time activities health hometown job nationality nothing theweather work Te rm Tony. S: Hi, 'm Susan, Nice to meet you 5: Sales. in Mark's team, s:4 What about you? T: workin the IT department. other well? 4. Watch the video again and complete the table. v seek Learners can talk about thelrjobs and work routines ina simple way. ‘new colleagues by the coffee machine at work (1/aSales Rep). strangersina lift B Look at the situations again. What do people talk about in each situation? © Think of some more things to talk about for each situation. 2 Use the phrases to complete the dialogue for photo A in Exercise 1A, __(What /yournamer? (Which department / you workin, Susan)? (what/ you do)? (where / you work)? VIDEO 3A E241 Watch the video without sound. Do the people in the video know each B Watch the video with sound, What do Andrea and Jack talk about? Community? Blows | provide mages and videos tothe Arete and fe socal media, ‘ messages aeomerand witesowets Which job do you prefer, Andrea's or Jack's? Why? Director - |__ meetings with sales teamandbig cients *__tasales conferences in Europe every year 2.4-D| Work skills: Smatt talk > usine's anos ‘Marks team = Mark has team, the company’s image = the company has an image The employees’ canteen = the emplayees have a canteen The customers’ email addresses = the customers have email addresses Teacher's resources: extra activities > Grammar reference: page 107 SA Complete the sentences with one word in each gap. Watch the video again if necessary. 1 Youre here right? 2 Yes that’s, les my rstweek. 3 Nice to you 4 Which areyou in? 5 What. a Community Manager do? 6 write blogs and images and videos. 7 That sounds 8 do you work? 9 you travel for work? 10 talking toyou. B Work in pairs, Practise saying the sentences in Exercise 5A. Speaking | > makincsmau taux Starting a conversation Hil My name's Hello, im Nice to meet you (again) Asking questions Which department are you in? | Showing interest Realy? Oh, Isee, ‘That sounds interesting/boring/good/great, etc. ‘That's interesting/boring/good/areat, etc What about you? / And you? What do you do? Finishing a conversation Doyouworktinfinance/with _Nicetalkingto you. | Sylvia, etc? see you later. eacher's resources: secs mioy Doyouknow Uack/Susan, etc? See you soon, OU ecu g GA Workin pairs. Choose a role or complete the table for yourself. Write a dialogue between these people by the coffee machine at work. Use the Speaking box to help you. student are Andrea, Jack or yours. Student B: You are a new person in the company. Choose a role: Oscar, Veronica or yourselt Veronica Me Job Admin Assistant Department purchasing Tasks ansmerphones, make | phone suppliers, Photocopies take | make orders, write Fotesat meetings, | emails solve problems leam from colleagues | with orders, check documents 5 Practise the dialogue. tan talk about my job and work routines in asi impleway. @ @ BUSINESS WORKSHOP >» At a conference Learners can introduce themselves in formal situations and talk about their Pee companies and jobs in a simple way. Aconference 1 took at the website. Answer the questions. website 1 whereisit? 2 Whenisit? Global marketing conference Where top professionals from all industries meet every year London, 7-8 March Conference 2A Do you go to conferences? Do you have a business card? small tale 5 4)205 Listen toa conversation at the Global marketing conference. Complete the business cards with the persor’s job. Do the people know each other? eens, fer (OO CME sor8s Berlin, Germany Gry Gkour Here's my card ‘Anthony Kowalski Anthony "+49 30 200679740 3 Listen to the conversation again. What do they talk about? Tick (v) five options from the box. ‘their companies theirfamilies their home towns thehotel theirjobs theirnationalities theweather | 4A 207 Listen and complete the questions from the conversation. Use one word in each gap. 1 are you from, Anthony? 6 Sorry what's yourname 2 What you? You're American, right? 7_ Patrica ddoyoudo? 3 Whatdo you Anthony? 8 What a Digital Project 4 What do you doat fi Manager do? 5 What your company do? 9 Doyou__forworle Exercise 4A. B Listen again and repeat the question: Networking 5 Look at page 122 and follow the instructions. { can introduce myselfin forma situations and talk about my company and job ina simpleway. BY ru ulg We're very busy in December Lesson outcome: Leamerscantalkabout ther routines and the busy periods inthe jobs. Requests Lesson outcome: Learners can make and reply to requests am writing to complain... Lesson outcome: Learners can write a short email describing problem and requesting action Work skills: We havea problem Lesson outcome: Learners can describe problemsin a simple way and explain slutions Business workshop: Aproblemvitha client Lesson outcome: Learners can identify prablems, explain Solutions and make and reply to requests, 3: p89 | Pronunciation: 3.1 can and cant | 32ordinatnumbers p38 ‘Vocabulary: Months and seasons ‘Communicative grammar: Talking about ability and possibity Video: can work flexible hours Task Asking and talking about your partners wore Vocabulary: Ordinal numbers and dates ‘Reading and listening: Can havesome tine off? Speaking: Tlking about taking time off Reading: Complaints Communicative grammar: Talking about the past Writing: An email to describe a problem and request action Video: progress meeting Speaking: A progress meeting Reading: A customer complaint, Speaking: A problem-solving meeting ‘phone call Grammar reference: 3.1 Telking about ability nd possibilty a, non, rom. to 32Can., 2/Covid...2 3.3 Talking about the past p.107 >a 3.1 We’re very busy in December TES) Learners can talk about their routines and the busy periodsin their jobs, Leacl-in 1 Match the photos with the seasons. autumn spring summer winter | Vocabulary Months and seasons [Apri August December | 2A “2201 Putthemonthsin order. Then listen and check February January June | 6 Match the seasons in Exercise 1 with the months in Exercise 2A. | suty March May November October | September 3A 302 Listen to Emily and Mark talking about their jobs. Write the correct ee name next to each picture. | © What months are busy in your job? Listen again. Are the sentences true (1) or false (FI? Emily Mark 1 We're never busy in March or Apri 5 November and December are busy. 2 Winter is always quietsolusuallygoon 6 usually goon holiday in March, April or May. holiday in July or August, 3 always go on holiday in spring 4 Ieanspeak Japanese. 7 1¢an go on holiday in summer 8 | can’tspeak Spanish. > TALKING ABOUT ABILITY AND POSSIBILITY > Grammar reference: age107 Communicative grammar + WYou/He/She/It/We/They can speak seven languages. You/He/SherIt/WerThey ean go on holiday in spring. = Wou/He/SherIt/We/They can't speak ather Languages. Wou/He/She/itrwerThey can't finish work t2 p.m. 2 Can V/yau/he/she/it/we/they speak Japanese? Yes, Vyoushe/she/it/we/they can. / No, iyou/he/shesitvwe/they can't Can liyou/he/sherit/werthey go on holiday in January? Yes, Vyou/he/she/it/we/they can. / No, Vyousheyshevit/werthey can't > page 98 see Pronunciation bank: can and can't » 28 3.1 © Were very busy in December 4 303 Complete the office rules with can and can’t. Then listen and check. ime system, staf + Allemployees need to bein the office from 10.30 a.m. to3 pm. 1 hour + This means employees ® start after 1030 a.m, + They* finish work before 3 p.m. aoa + The building opens at 7 a.m. so employees © start work then, + Employees take one hour for lunch from 11.15 a.m, to 245 pm. + They’__ take lunch before 11.15 a.m. or after 2.45 p.m, + They! work until 8 pm. when the building closes + Remember, ifyou drive to work, you ‘only park your car in spaces 120-225, + Employees need their ID card orthey®______enter the car park S 4304 There are different ways to tell the time. Listen and tick (V) the one you hear. a 2 3 4 3 tenam.O) 22:00 tenpmO twelve) 19.30. seventhirtyO ten o'clock] ten o'clock) twelve oclock] hhalfpast seven] 5 6 7 8 0315 | tweercen(] ® teen forty eC] €3 conten] 1640 iowtoryCl quarter past three) quarter to twelve] ten pasteight] twenty to five] > Az, on, From...10 > Grammar reference: page 107 We can use the twenty four-hour clock to talk about schedules, the airport. The flights at 20.45 (twenty forty-five). at+time ‘at 3.30, at 11 o'clock ‘n+ month, season, year, partof the day {in June, in autumn, in 2020, in the morning ‘on + day, date, special day, official holidays ‘on Friday, on the 19th of June 2020, an my birthday, on New Year's Day ‘from + day, time, date to + day, time, date from Monday to Friday, from 10 otlock ta 6 otlock, from the 15th to the 3st of August Teacher's resources extra activities VIDEO Ga E211 Watch Part of the video. Are the sentences true (1) or false (F)? 1 Fiusually works from 2:30 05.30 5 Ellie usually finishes work at530 pm 2 Ficarrtwork flexible hours. 6 Elichasa meeting with her manager 3 Ficanspeakthree languages on Mondaysat 1200, 4 Finever goes on holidayin December. 7 Ellie cart go an holiday in September B Watch Part2 of the video. Answer the questions. 1 Whattime does Kathryn start work? 3 When isherbusy period? 2 When does Kathryn have team meetings? 4 When can she go on holiday? 7A Work in pairs. Use the ideas in the box to ask questions about your partner’s work. ha time tarnish work? when / busy? busy / spring? hen /gofor lunch? winen/ goon holiday? ‘A: When can you go on holiday? B: We can go on holiday in spring, sol usualy goon holiday in Apri Now explain your partner’s work toa new partner. ‘A: Susana can go on holiday in spring, so she usually goes on holiday in Api EUS ESCESUT ITS) can talk about my routine and the busy periods in myjob. @) eed Lead-in 3.2> Requests ‘Leammers can make and reply to requests ‘1. what's your favourite company? Why? Vocabulary Ordinal numbers and dates 2A 4305. Listen and complete thelist with the company names in the box. ‘Apple Berkshire Hathaway ExxonMobil General Electric Microsoft Novartis PetroChina Teyata Motor Corporation ‘Say yearsin two parts 1814 eighteen fourteen’ 1945 ‘nineteen forty-five" 2019 ‘twenty nineteen’. But 2000 is ‘two thousand ‘and 2001-2009 are two ‘thousand and one’, etc. > 30¢ usa | 7247 Insti and Commercial 9m | Bane of China oan 208) Usa [ses 40h ‘Swizarend | 267.8 usa | 3665 “th_| China Mobie Hong Kong | 267.2 ‘ih Usa | sie = ‘ath | Water Siow Usa ig) [um | es oY, Py ae 43th usa 2407 Fra vinsage Den ‘van | Nese ‘Switeniond | 2407 ‘ath | Jotnson@Jotnsen | USA open 2389 B The listin Exercise 2A is from 2015. Which companies do you think are first, second ‘and third today? What other companies do you think are on the list today? Look, there are no big e-commerce companies on this ist! think Amazon or Ababa are on the list today. © Workin pairs. Practise saying the numbers from 1st to 15th. Then try to say the ‘numbers in the box. eth sth 20th zist Zend 23rd 27th oth Sst 40th 100K SOO | Ist fist, 2nd - second... 200h - twentieth, .. 23rd ~ twenty-third © 306. Listen and underline the number you hear. ur department alwayshas a meeting on the Ist/ 3rd Thursday of the month. Mr Barker’ office ison the 22nd 32nd floor. ‘The delivery arrives on the 10th / 12th of November. Can you come to Sams 23th / 30th birthday on Monday? ‘That's the 15th / Soth email today. My holiday starts on the 9th /29¢h of uly. ‘Thank you for waiting, you ae Sth / 5th inne tim out ofthe office from the 12th / 20th of January fora week 4A $307 Listen and write the dates you hear. 1 _1s/2021 3 5 7 2 4 6 Work in pairs. Practise saying the dates in Exercise 4A, 14/9/2021 - the fourteenth of September twenty twenty-one 3.2 DI Requests ie ones 5 43.03 Play bingo, Listen and(ircle)the numbers as you hear them, ‘Student A: Look at the bingo card on the left. 10 | 50 a Student B: Look at the bingo card on page 113. = Student C:Lookat the bingo card on page 116 Student D:Lookat the bingo card on page 118. Teacher's resources entra activites =D page 98 See Pronunciation bank: Ordinal numbers Reading and Canthave some time off? Listening & ead the email. what does Michaela want? Why? HiColin, E< Good news! We move house on Tuesday 19th July. Could | please take some time off fom Mondlay 18th to Thursday 21st July for the move? And could | also take Friday 15th July to prepare? Can you let me know as soon as possible? I need to start organising things! Thanks, Michaela P/COULD....? > Grammar reference: page 107 Requests Use could to make polite requests, Use can for requests in informal situations. Could i please take some time off? Cam jtake some time off? Could you finish the report before you go? Can you finish the report for me? Replies To reply positively, use: Yes, of course (we can) ee To reply negatively but politely, use: extra activities Imssorry but we can't. Ymatraid you can't. We can‘. 'm sorry. We can’t m afraid. 7 4309 Listen to Colin’s phone call with Michaela. Answer the questions. 1 Does Colin give Michaela sometime off? 2 How many people are on holiday in July? 3 What dates does Colin suggest for Michaela’ holiday? 4 What does Colin ask Michaela todo? 'S Match 1-6 with a-f. 1 Could please take a assoonas possible? 2 You cantake from bb Monday 18th to Wednesday 20th. 3 Imaffaidyoucanttake ——_€-all the daysyou want 4 Could you let meknow 4. the reportbefare you go? 5 Could also take Friday € some time off? 6 Can you finish f 15th July Speaking 9 workinpairs. Student A: Look at page 114 and rea te information Student Look at page 119 and read the information, POUT ELC ag can make and replyto requests, ©) 3.3> | am writing to complain ... TIC Learners an writea short email describing a problem and requesting action. ‘L Match 1-5 with A-E. What's wrong? 1 My delveryistate. _C 4 Anitem missing, 2 Theproductis broken, —_ 5 Theprieisincorrect. 3 Thepackageisdamaged. Reading 2A what problems in Exercise 1 are complaints i-iv about? One problem is not used. 1 Our order was three parts, not wo! Only two parts were inthe box, How can we help? the third wasn't there. ii The price on the website was $250 but the price on the invoice was $300, An item is missing it Our delivery was 8-11 a.m. was here, but my packages weren't! iv My new laptop was broken. The package and box were both Ok, but the screen was damaged, B Use the questions 1-4 to continue the complaints in Exercise 2A. 1 ii. Whattimeisthedelvey? «3 __ Whatisthecomtect price? 2 __ Whereisthemissing part? =< & ___ When an yousend mea new laptop? Communicative [> tauawoasour THe past rammar reference page 108 CE + He/She was late for work. ~ _UMe/She wasn’t = was not late for work, YouWerThey were ate for work. _You/WeThey weren't (= were nt it or work reas broken, ews broken Therewasa problemwith the oer. There wa no problem with the invoice. There erethrelate deliveries There were nolate dlverisin February. inanvary 2 Were yourthey at work yesterday? +/- Yes, vhe/she was. / No, ¢he/she wasn't (= was nat) Was he/she at work yesterday? Yes, we/they were. / No, we/they weren’t (= were not) Was it broken? Yes, it was. No, wasn't (= was not Was therea latedelivery yesterday? Yes, there was. / No, there wasn’t (= was not) Were there items missing? ‘Yes, there were. / No, there weren't (= were not), Why was the invoice wrong? Where were the missing items? > 32 ¢ “Teacher's resources: extra activities From: Beata Mina Beata.Minari@TP¥.comm Subject: Missing order Writing 3 choose the correct word. There was were a problem with the order. How many items was/ were missing? The delivery wasn't / weren'tcorect Myitems was / were broken, ‘The delivery address on the invoice was / were wrong, Was / Were there three computers in the package? There was / were ive items missing. ‘Two items was / were late, and one was / were broken, What /the problem? Whyte packages damaged? When /the meeting? Where /the reports? he in the meeting yesterday? Where /the order? a 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 4. Write questions with was and were. 1 2 3 4 5 6 SA Read the email. Which of the problems in Exercise 1 does Beata have? Dear Sir/Madam, | am writing to complain about the order (Ref: 132678) from Monday last week. ur order three diferent parts, Unfortunately, only two parts» in yesterday's delivery - parts RIY4653 and PHG847'___both in the box, but NBG7896 ‘ Whereis the missing part? ‘This third item is now one week late, and this sa big problem for us. Can you" please? Hook forward to hearing from you. Best regards, Beata Minari Purchase Manage, PY ne B Complete gaps 1-4 in the email with was(n’t) or were(n’t) © Read the requests below. Then look at gap ain the email. Which two requests can Beata use? change the part, send the missing item, Canyou | sendadifferentitem, | please? resend the invoice, send the correct order, G Put the phrases in the correct order, Use the email in Exercise SA to help you. {look forward ta hearing from you. bb Best regards, lamvriting to complain about d Dear... 7 Look at the situations j-ivin Exercise 2A. Choose one and write an email like the one in Exercise 5A. Remember to: + use the phrases from Exercise 6 in your email + descrite the problem, + requestaction. | can write a short email describing a problem and requesting action. © WORK SKILLS 34> AVE Nee Mode) oC PERT) Learners can describe problems in a simple way and explain solutions. Lead-in ‘L Look at the photos. Complete the types of meeting (a-c) with the words in the box. solving [ ming proacee poten a a___meeting Gotten 2 “Thigieanew projectteam co “lets stare with introductions ba meeting I eee l er) How can we Fixhis? ca VIDEO 2a Match the problems 1-3 with the solutions a-c. 1 canttfind parts ata good price a askan IT specialist forhelp 2 peopleare on halidayin summer bir more people in July and August 3. website doesn’t work property € use big international suppliers [Teammectings |B Match the problems/solutions in Exercise 28 with the items on the agenda (ii). 10June, 1000-1030, ;00mS | € (E341 Watch the meeting. Who can meet their deadline? Who can't? AGENDA, i Project planning | ii New supplier ' fil Online invoice system Any other business Martin PETC} Put the words in bold in the correct order. Watch the video again if necessary. 1 Paulo, with are where we planning the new project? 2 arent we finished. 'm sorry. 3. And Rachel, situation the what's with finding a new supplier? 4 OK, what we do can to solve this? 5. Can finish we on schedule? 6 No. think time we more need. 7 Martin, you about tell can us the onine invoicing system? Speaking | > aPnocress meerie Talking about progress Where are you/we with planning the new project? We arent /It isnt finished. What's the situation withthe product testing? _—_We'eIt’son schedule. Talking about problems The problem is they can't make the parts we need, \We have a problem with the website, “There was a problem with the invoices. Talking about solutions Whatcanwedo tosolve this? We can look fr international suppliers How can we fxthis? ‘We need to change how the system works, We can seethe solution We can solveit. Talking about schedules Is everything on schedule? Yes, | think we can finish it by Friday. Tae Cenyou/we finish by next week? Ithinkwe need more time, "m sorry extra activites Can you/we meet the deadline? =a & Work in groups of four. You all wort ‘acar company. Look at the agenda ‘Team meeting: and have a team progress meeting. | AGENDA ‘Student A: Look at page 119 and read the information | 1 cardesign Student 8: Look at page 113 and rea the information. it supplier ‘Student C: Lookat page 115 and read the information, ii Website Student D: Look t page 117 and read the information. Any other business co? CES uraLay) tcandescive problemsinasimplewayand explainsolutions. BUSINESS WORKSHOP Perce Acustomer complaint ‘L Read the email and choose the correct words. 1 The order yesterday was correct / incorrect. 2 Three / Five parts were notin the package yesterday. 3 Theother partsin the order yesterday were right / wrong. 4 Thisisthe fist/ second time the delivery was late. 5 GKB Production want the missing parts / different parts. .charleston B< Order 452316 Dear Sir/Madam, | am writing to complain about our order (Ref. 45231C) yesterday from Denilson’. Unfortunately, the order was wrong. Three parts were missing and the other parts were incorrect, The package was also two hours late ‘This is the frst time there was a problem with late delivery, butts the third time there was a problem with an order. Last month, all the parts in our order were broken and last ‘week five ofthe items were missing This isa big problem for us. Can you send us the missing parts and improve delivery for the next order, please? ook forward to hearing from you. Best regards, Cris Charleston, Purchasing Manager, GKB Production Sere Learners can identity problems, explain solutions and make and reply to requests (ean dent problems, exlan solitions and make andreplytorequest. @ @ A problem-solving meeting 2 Read your role card and prepare for the meeting Student A: Follow the instructions on this page Student B: Lookat page 113 and follow the instructions. student A ‘Work with another Student A. Put the bold words in the correct order. 1 withare where we Gk8?__ 2 we fix how can this? 3. with the what's situation the delivery company? 4 change can we the delivery company? 5 find you can a solution this week? give we can GKB a discount on their next three orders. Read your role card and prepare for the meeting with your employee, You are the Sales Manager at Denilson’. + Meet your employee. He/She is a Sales Rep and GKB. Production is his/her client + Discuss the delivery problems with him/her. + Use the agenda and try to include the sentences above in your conversation, + Agree on possible solutions and a time to visit GKEB together. Workin Student A/B pairs. Have the meeting, ‘AGENDA 1 Discuss the problems with the GKB delivery 2 Discuss possible solutions, Aphone call 3 Work with a partner. Student A: Follow the instructions on this page. Student B: Look at page 115 and follow the instructions Student A Youare the Sales Manager at Denilson’s. Your employee, the Sales Representative for Denilson’, cals you to ask. for something. Listen to his/her request and use the information below in yaur cal. + The Sales Representative doesn’t need to go to the meeting at GKB + Youhavea meeting with the CEO on Monday 12th May at2pm. + You are on holiday on Friday 9th May, so you need to know about the new delivery company on Thursday 8th May. What went wrong? Lesson outcome: Learners can talkabout problems at work inthe pas, How can help? Lesson outcome: Learners can make simple phane call describing problem and offering solutions. We are sorry that... Lesson outeo email ofcomplain. eatnerscan reply in asimple way toan Work skills: Face-toface complaints {Lesson outcome: Learners can say sorry in work-related contexts, Business workshop: Can\ help you? Lesson outcome: Leamers can make andrecivesimple phone calls about problems at workand understand and reply to lemailsof complaint Review 4: p50 | Pronune 43 thas /0/ and 8/ 9.99. Vocabulary: Past irregular verbs ‘Communicative grammar Taking about the past Video: Problems at work Task: Talking about problemsin the past and haw yousolved them Vocabulary: Solutions LUstening: On the phone ‘Speaking and writing: Making phone calls at work Reading: An emai of complaint and a reply Communicative grammar: Using negatives in the pas: Asking questions aboutthe past Writing: A reply email Video: theresa problem with Speaking: Responding to 3 complaint Speaking: Making phone calls Reading: An emailof complaint Writing: Replying to 2 complaint i 41 The ed ending | Grammar reference: 4.2 Talking about the past Past Simple 4.2 Making offers and promises with will 43 Using negatives and questions inthe past Past imple. p108 >37€ 1 __Isaw the 2__ ame Peed Lead-in What went wrong? LLeammers can talk about probtems at workin the past ‘L Read the problems people have at work. Which sentences are true for you? 1. sometimes write the wrong address on an email 2 often send emails to the wrong person. 3. People sometimes give me the wrong contact information, 4 We always have problems with the internet. 5 Inever say that person's name corectly sit Gramiel? 6 ‘sometimes make mistakes onan invoice. 7 often see spelling mistakes in emai. 8 tmalways late for meetings. Vocabulary Past irregular verbs 2A 401 Lookat the pictures. Complete 1-5 with a-e. Then listen and check. a I made a mistake onan invic. 4 Theheadphones stopped working b sentthe report after the ceadine fe Tomwas late bute saisony when € Iwenttothewrong office thismorring, _‘hearive. The project 3 Wehadameetingat 4 Iwrotethewrong — § ___Theclient people talking but was delayed 3pm.yesterday.____addresslastweek.___complained and we gave ‘there was no sound. Teacher's resources: extraactvities Communicative grammar > 38 < hhim the money back Complete the second sentence in each pair with the pink verbs in Exercise 2A 1 Igo to workat 7 am. every day. |___went_ toworkat 8am. yesterday. 2 usually make two orthree phone cals a day. Yesterday ten phone calls 3 often write emailsto my clients.|_ thirty emails to clients last week 4. Hesaysa latin meetings. He a latin the meeting yesterday. 5 She sends invoices every day. She. twenty invoices yesterday. 6 Wehavea meeting every day. We two meetings yesterday. 7 Yousee your manager every day. You___ your manager last week 8 Wegivenew clentsa discount. | ‘two clientsa discount yesterday > TALKING ABOUT THE PAST =D Grammar reference: page 108 Past regular verbs WYou/He/SheyWe/They worked late lastnight. Your/He/She/We/They stopped working on Mondays last week. WWourHe/She/WerThey studied finance at university Itstarted last year Pastirregular verbs be-+ was/were; give-* gave; go» went; have shad; make -+ made; say ~ said; see saw; send ~ sent; write wrote > page 104 see regular verbs list > page 99 see Pronuncation bank: The ed ending Mei 3 Complete the sentences with the past form of the words in brackets. The verbs are regular at (work) in Paris last year, 21 (manage) big team ast month 3 She (iss the meeting this morning 4 They (provide) our internet last yea. 51 (traved to work by cr last week. 61 (stop) working in sales two months ago. 7 |____ (study finance at university 8 We (pres) the button an the photocopier stopped working 4A Complete the text with the past form of the words in brackets. Some verbs are irregular. Wet have) an important client presentation but we? (make) ' mistake on the slides. The wrong client’s name was on them! We (change) the name and {give} copy of tie new slides to everyone at the presentation but wes (send) the old presentation with the wrang name to the client by email, Complete te text with the past form ofthe words inthe box. Some verbs areirreqular, 90 have miss notbe say write ‘a meeting witha client at 100A Piccadilly in London, but? Db eet esta ia i to the meeting but there * alOlAall’, eee the meeting. called the client and__ sory. VIDEO 5 [411 Watch the video of people talking about problems at work. Put the three sentences for each person in the correct order. Leonora a called the specialist. b I checked the paper € Iturneditoffand on Rob a telephoned the client. b arrived an hour late € went by met. Al a sent more and more emails bb Theclient sent the dacuments € | called the client. GA Work in pairs. Tell your partner about Leonora’s, Rob's or Ali’s problem and how they solved it. 'B Work in pairs. Choose a problem from the box or use the notes for Student A and B. What was your partner's problem? Student A: Lookat page 114. Student 8: Look at page 122 ‘Attain orplanewaslate. You made a mistake on an invoice or arepart. You missed a deadline. You went tothe wrong building, Your computer stopped working, Other. € Tell your partner's story to a new partner. BSUS SSUCIIa Icantalk about problemsatworkinthe past. ©) 4.2> How can | help? Learners can make simple phone calls describing problems and offering solutions Mee Cd Leadi-in 1 Workin pairs. How often do you have these problems? 1. Aninvoice has the wrong information, 5 Adeliveryis ate. 2. You don't receive an important email 6 You forget your phone charger. 3 Anorderis ost 7 Thesound doesn’t workin video cal. 4 There's no ink for the printer. 8 Youcan'tfind a client’ office. [even orice noha inesa weak Nreies eye tine Vocabulary Solutions 2 Lookat the solutions (a~h). Which problem in Exercise 1 does each one solve? a Aska colleague fora charger _6_ Contact the delivery company about b Askacolleagueto checktheaddress__—_—‘theordev._ © Check your spam folder, __ £ Contact the supplier by email, _ 4 Checkthatyourheadphoneswork,___-—-« Send thedrivera message, _ hy Send an order to your supplier 3A Choose the correct word. 1A: |cartfind the email from Bronson Ltd. B: Are you sure? Do you need to check / contact your spam folder? We don’thave any ink et. 0k, Ican contact our supplier for/ about the order. | need to finish this report You can ask Chris about /tohelp you. My orderis three days ate. B: Why don’t you send / contact the delivery company? pam atea Te B Complete the text with the past form of the words in the box. The verbs are regular. contact abl Jhada video call but there wasn sound on the computer."__ the headphones ‘worked but there was tillno sound. 12 colleague: help me and | the headphones worked on her computer =f theproblem and | they fixed it but I missed the cal, © Write a solution for each problem. 1 Ican'tfind the email from the supplier. (check /spam folder) Chee your spam folder, 2 Most my 0 card (ask/ your manager /a new one) 3 My keyboard doesn't work (check its connected tothe computen) 4 John never answers his phone, (send /him /a message) 5 Theorderiswrong, (contact / the supplier/ phone) 6 My computer doesn't work (ask/1T/help you) 7 Theinvoice iswrong, (contact / the supplier / the invoice) Teocher‘srescurces: 8 The printer doesn’t work (send /the document /a different printer) extra activities > 40< 4.2>| Howcanthely a Listening onthe phone 4 402 Listen to a phone call and complete Maria’s notes. Sandra Dennison frow z phoned. SA Complete the words. “trong information on 1 How canth___you? 6 Ymsomrya____that fie eae cartel 2 Could!s____toChrs, please? 7 Could youa.__ Christo calle? Gan you call Ker on 3 ima Chrisisin a meeting. 8 Isthatr____? a, fi 4 Canit___amessage? 9 Mllg___ Chris the message 5 T___isSandra Dennison rom ATQ Global. 10 C__thelp you with anyting else? 1B 9403 Listen and check. Then listen again and repeat. Oe > MAKING OFFERS AND PROMISES WITH IWILL > Grammar reference; page 108 WYourHe/She/WerThey/t call = V/YourHe/She/We/They will calb you back. "UL give (| will give) Chris the message. ‘Ul send (=| will enh you a copy ofthe invoice Pp Lerten s resources extra activities G $404 Listen to Chris return Sandra's call. Tick (V) the solution Chris offers. [oaddanitentoihe order toceste anew veto ge Sn ermoey back 7A Put the bold words in the correct order. Hi, Chris, Sandra is this, This is Sandra Hi, Sandra. call returning 'm your. _ So\'m have we afraid only a record ofthe black ink add I can the colourink to your order now. —_ create Illa invoice new, you send Fl copya ofthe new invoice today. No. can the team ask to add it to your order. Can help | you anything with else? — $405 Listen and check. Then listen again and repeat. Pp ercrersrures extra activities Speaking 8 Workin groups of three. and writing student a:Lookat page 114. Student 8: Look at page 116. Student C: Look t page 118 I can make simple phone calls descbing problems andffering solutions. 4.3>> Weare sorry that PREETI Sceuut — Leamersccan reply ina simple way to an email of complaint. Lead-in 1 Tick (v) the reasons you write emails. Then tell your partner. apologise toacustomer arrangea meeting ask for/ give information complain contact friends and family request action solve problems other Reading 2 Read the email and answer the questions. 1 Why does Mr Taylorwrite the email? 3. What does MrTaylor want? 2 Whatwas the problem? m {am writing to complain about the printer/photocopier (Model: 132676) we received last week meet Unfortunately, the machine worked for three days but then the paper ran out. After we put more paper in, the machine turned on, but it didn't copy documents and didn't work when we fjeteneieee’ needed to print from our computers. Can you teplace the machine, please? ook forward to hearing from you. Best regards Matthew Taylor ‘office Manager, PAL Pot Insurance Communicative [> usinenecarives wv THE PAST > Grammar reference: page 108, grammar \UYou/He/She/We/They didnt finish (= /You'He/She/Werthey did not finish) the report ‘The printer didn print (= did not print) The photocopier didn’t copy 3 Rewrite the sentences using the past negative form. Remember to check the irregular verbs on page 104. The technician came, The technician didn‘ My computer worked. You lost your headphones. Ihad a problem, The delivery arrive. They complained. Teacher's resources: extra activities Reading 4A Read the reply to the emai Exercise 2. What does the company want to do next? we Dear Mr Taylor, Teenie ‘We are sorry that your printer/photocopier doesn't work FedericaFranchesa@Zafusicom To help us solve your problem, can we get some more information? Subject: Broken printer + Did you check that there was ink in the printer/photocopier? + Did you try turning itoff and on? + Did you try restarting it from the settings menu? We would like to send a technician to look atthe machine, Could you tell us what time i suitable? We can talk about a replacement when the technician checks the machine. We ate sorry again forthe problems you had. Best regards Federico Franchesa Customer Service Representa Zafus >4a2< 4.3 >| We are sorry that... Read the email again and answer the questions. 1 What three things does Federica ask about? 2 When can they talk about replacing the machine? Communicative > ASKING QUESTIONS ABOUT THE PAST > Grammar reference: page 108 grammar Did you try turning it off and on? Yes, l/youshe/shevit/we/they di. Did the technician checkthe machine? _ No, /you/he/she/t/we/they didnt Did it work after you put more paper in? \When did the machine stop working? What did the technician da? Where did you buy it? 5 Put the words in bold in the correct order. you did try restarting i? did the phone when stop working? what the technician say? Teacher'resources: 5. did where send youtthe delivery? tra actties > page 99 See Pronunciation bankth’as fo and Ja) Writing 6 Complete the sentences with the phrases in the box. aresorry again aresorrythat can alkabout some more information what time is would ike to We ‘your tablet didn’t work Canweget about the problem? we. check the phone, Could you tellus suitable? We: a replacement when our technician checks your phone, We for the prablems you had Look at page 115 and read the complaint email. Then write a reply lke the one in Exercise 4A. Follow these steps. Say sorry forthe problem. ‘Ask for more information and ask for details of the problem, = can/we/ more information? ~ try/remove tape? ~ try /tur offand on again ‘ay you want to send a technician to lookat the washing machine. ‘Ask fora good time to visit. ‘Say when you can talk about anew machine. SESS Tra) Icanreplyinasimple way to an emailofcomplaint, €) @& 44> Rene Cd VIDEO WORK SKILLS Face-to-face complaints Leamers can say sorry in work-related contexts, ‘L Work in pairs. Look at the pictures. What is each person complaining about? broken product software problem the wrong amount 2 406 Listen and read the dialogues. Match them with the pictures in Exercise 1. 1 Customer: Sorry, this is too much. only bought three. This isthe price forfour. Sales Assistant: I'm very sorry about that.'lljust change itand print you a new one. 2 Customer: When I make a video call, people can’t hear me. Customer Service: Really? Did you check the microphone settings? 3 Customer: | bought this yesterday but when | tookit out of the box, saw the screen was damaged Sales Assistant: 'mvery sorry. Can |havea look at it? 3 E441 Watch Part 1 of the video and answer the questions. 1. Whatisthe problem? 2 The Sales Assistant asks about two solutions. What are they? 3. Did the customertry them? 4A BA442 Watch Part 2 of the video. Tick (V) the offers the assistant makes. | tocontactthe phone maker to give the customer a different phone | toaivethecustomerher moneyback toorderanew phone to repairthe phone B Watch Part 2 again and answer the questions. 1. Whatoffer does the customer choose? 2. Why does she chooseit? 5 Match 1-4 with a-d and 5-8 with e-h. 1 Really? What’s a your money back 2 Didyoutry bb the problem? 3 So, can giveyou € tumingit off and on again? 4 Youcan choose 4 different phone. 5 Letmejust check inen € wecan getyoua replacement. 6 Mower fon Wednesday 7 Youcancollectit 9 itnow. h 8 OK.tMcall you when its ready for collection, 4.4 >| Work skills: Face-to-face complaints ‘Asking about the problem Making offers How can help you? Ican/could give you your money back What’ the problem? You can/could choose a different phone Can/Couldyou tellmeabout the problem? | can/could ordera new one. | Suggesting solutions Making promises | | did youttry turning it off and on again? Loder anew one now. | aioe at Did you change the battery? You can collect it on Friday. entra activities |___ Di you try reinstating the app? FU call you when i's ready _ | 6 Workin pairs. ‘Student A: Follow the steps below. Student B: Look at page 117. Student A: Scenario 1 ‘You bought a laptop yesterday. When you got home, the Laptop didn't turn on Takeit back to the shop and explain te problem tothe Sales Assistant Student 8) Read the notes and think about what you can say. + Bought laptop yesterday. + Didnt tum on, ‘ied charging it + Tiied taking battery out and putting it back in + Didn't help. + Listen to the Sales Assistant’ options. + Make a decision about what you prefer Student A: Scenario 2 Youworkin an electronics shop. A customer (Student 8) will come in with a problem, Listen to hissher problem and use the notes to help him/her Read the nates and think about what you can say + Listen to the customer's problem, + Ask the customer if he/she tried turning the phone off and on, + Ask the customer if he/she tried cleaning the volume button, + Tellthe customer that you can: 1 = give him/her his/her money back = give him/her a different phone. = ordera new one. + Usten tothe customer’ choice, + Tellthe customer what you will do next. SOU can say sorryin work-related contexts, BUSINESS WORKSHOP Pee Cy COC Eye) > Learners can make and receive simple phone calls about problems at work ‘and understand and reply to emails of complain. Phone calls 1 workin pairs. Roleplay a phone call. Student, Student lake the call. Read the information on this page. : Answer the cal. Read the information on page 117, Making a phone call Student A: Read the information. Then phone Student B, ‘Thisis yourname) from + You work for Masacati Manufacturing, (your company! + You boughta part for your machine from PTC Supplies. |uwe bought. yesterday / + The partis broken, last week/month. + The order number is PICSOO78S. The broken/ate/ost + CallPTC Supplies and ask them fora replacement. ‘There's problem with Can yousendus...? Complaints 2 Read the email. Tick (/) the problems the customer had. ‘adeliverywaslate apartwas broken an invoice was wrong someone sent the wrong replacement the price for apart was wrong Order number PTCS00785 S. Piancastelli Dear Sir/Madam, | am writing to complain about our order (PTCS00785) from last week: ‘The first part you sent me was broken when it arrived. | phoned you and you sent me a replacement the next day. But | received part PNZ2654A and that’s not what | ordered. ‘And the replacement partis aso broken. Can you replace the part again please and use a different delivery company, or give us our ‘money back? ook forward to hearing from you. Bost regards, Simone Piancasteli Purchasing Manager, Masacati Manufacturing Replying to a 3 writean email replying to the complaint in Exercise 2. Follow these steps and use complaint lees d the language in the box to help you. + Say you are sorry about the problems. + Aska question about the delivery (e.g, bow/arriver damaged? Aska question about the replacement parte, correct part number /PNZ2654H7) Offer to send the correct part Replying to complaints Weare sory that Can we get some more information (about. We willsend/give you. + Offer to give the customer his/her money back because We would tke to of the mistake. We are sorry again forthe + Sayyou are sorry again, problems you had can make and receive simple phone calls about problems at work and understand 3) ga and reply to emails of complaint What are you working on? Lesson outcome: Leamers an talkin a simple way about thei presentacivities t work. Are you free at two? Lesson outcome: eamers can make phone calls to arrange. and postpone meetings Can we meet to discuss Lesson outcome: Learners can write an emaltto arrange, acceptor changea meeting Work skills: Can laska favour? Lesson outcome: Learners can askforafavou offer help and respond to offers and requests fr help Business workshop: Lesson outcome: Learner can arrange, accep, cancel and postpone meetings by email and telephone, he meeting isat3 pm. ReviewS: p91 | Pronunciation: 5.1 /n/ andthe Present Continuous Vocabulary: Word pairs Communicative grammar: Talking about things happening now Video: What are they doing? Task: Vitng about what people are doing now ‘Vocabulary: Word pars LUstening: Organising meetings Speaking: Arranging and postponing meetings Reading: Emails arranging accepting ar changing 2 meeting Communicative grammar: Talking bout future arrangements ‘Writing: An email arranging a meeting Video: Can you help me? ‘Speaking: Doing favours ‘Writing An emit arrange a meeting to discuss a problem Speaking: Postponing a meeting Grammar reference: 5 1 Taking about thin 53 Talking about future arrangements .108 happening now a7 « oye TEST) Leamerscan talkin simple way about their present activities at work Lead-in 1 Workin pairs. What do you do every day? have meetings - make phone sendemails vsitclients writ Vocabulary Word pairs Designer HRManager Production Manager Purchaser Sales Manager 2 501 Listen to Jane, Katie and Mark. What is each person’s job? What do they. do every day? Jane ~ Sales Manager ~ go to meetings, Cross out the word in each group that you can’t use. have / prepare for make /go to ameeting ‘make / receive / wait for / do a phone cll write an email report / minutes /the telephone Visita client / colleague / supplier/a presentation Complete the sentences with words from Exercise 3. 1. Thesales team arent visiting a new right now. 2 He's having a) with the client at the moment. 3 ______ now. Can we talk tater? 4 Theyre not preparing fr the at the moment, 5 We're visiting a(n) tocheck the order now. Teachers resources 6 rmwniting tie _of yesterday's meeting right nov. evcrsacivies 1B. Match two sentences from Exercise 4A with the pictures. Communicative [> Taukine ABOUTTHINGS HAPPENING NOW > Grammar reference; page 109 grammar ———— Fi (nod writing the salesrepor now You're (not) waiting fora phone call from a client atthe moment. He/She's (not travelling right now. We're (not) having a meeting right now They/re (not visiting a supplier at the moment. D page 100 See Pronunciation bank: ny and the Present Continuous 5 Complete the email with the phrases in the box. arevisiting ‘mot working Hi Susan, - a< Thanks for helping when Im on holiday next week. There ae few impetant things I need to tell you before |g. The board meeting is on Monday. for itnow. 12 foran email from John with the presentation slides ‘mpreparing ‘mwaiting ‘stravelling All ofthe sales team Clients at the moment so please ask them to send you their client reports next week, Can you remind Sandra to do her report on Monday? She * at the moment and doesn't have access to email 15__in te office today, so can you ask me questions tomorrow when | see you? Thanks again! Best wishes, Tom > 48 « 5.1 © whatare you working GA Write sentences to describe what's happening in the pictures. v 1 (write /emaid) 2 Wisit/client) 3 thave/ meeting) Theyre visiting actient. wah al 4 (travel /for work) 5 (make /phone cal 6 (wait for / phone call) 7 (write / minutes) Teacher resources: 1B Make the sentences in Exe! ae 1m not waiting an email 6A negative. VIDEO 7A E¥521 Watch Part1 of the video, Tick (v) the person who talks about each of the activities. are Beata [Mo | sprinting some documents? [sain fora phone cal? | ewrtng mice? port? [ispreparinga B Watch Part 2 of the video. Complete the sentences with words from the video. 1 Megan a tient 3 Jenny invoices. 2 Riaz phone alltoactient. 4 John a sales report. SA Write sentences to describe what you think your colleagues, friends and people in your family are doing right now. B Work in pairs. Read your sentences to your partner: If you know the person, do you agree? Icantatkina simple way about my present actives at work @) 52> Are you free at two? Tec y) Learners an make phone call to arrange and postpone meetings. Lead-in 1 Tick(v) the people you have meetings with. colleagues classmates clients mymanager_myteam suppliers teachers other | . What do you talk about with the people in Exercise 1? contracts costs deadlines delivery dates payments projects schedules shipping tests other Vocabulary Word pairs BA 502 Match 1-8with a-h. Then listen and check. 1 Canwe arrange ameeting with the client 1 No,! didn't. need to speak to him tomorrow. next week? b We checked the product specifications Did you talk to Chris? € Ithinkit’s the 22nd of May. What dd you talk about in the meeting? d_ We have twenty-five models in our 2 3 4. Sorry, but need to cancel the meeting today, product range, 5 How many different models do you have? @ Wehave very high product quality. 6 Canwe postpone the meeting untilnextweek? \ OK. llemail Sandra and tell her. 7. Whatis the best thing about your products? 4g Sure. 'm free on Wednesday, 8 Dayau know the date ofthe product launch? hh Yes. Can we have it on Monday? B Complete each spidergram with words from Exercise 3A. Teacher's resources: extra activities Cancel Listening Organising meetings 4a 503 isten to three phone calls, Who does each caller want to have a meeting with? customer a colleague? [ asupplier?_ > 50 < Are you free at tw Listen to the phone calls again. Choose the correct option. Phone call 1 1 Thecalleriscaling to__ a arrangeameeting postpone a meeting € cancel meeting 2 Themeetingis about __ a aproductlaunch b newproduct specifications € the price ofa new product 3 Themeetingis__ a this afternoon 'b tomorrow morning € tomorrow afternoon Phone call2 4 The alles calling to a arrangeameeting —__bpostponea meeting € cancelameeting 5. Themeetingis about __ a product prices bb thecompany’sproductrange ¢ the product quality 6 Themeeting isat__ a 2pm.ontheisth —_b 3pm.onthe 18th © 2pm.onthe19th Phone calt3 7 Thecalleris calling to a arrangeameeting Bb postponea meeting © cancelameeting 8 Themeetingisabout__ a anew order b areorder © aretum 9 Themeetingisinthe @ momingonthe1Sth —b aftemoononthe18th _¢ morningon the 13th 5A 5.0% Complete the dialogue with the phrases in the box. Then listen and check. ‘A: Hello, Travel Marco Tavell speaking Hi. Marco. Ths is Dianne Grant at Malladi Tech here. Hello, Dianne, How are you? fm good, thanks. Listen, we have a new product range. Can? ‘ameeting totalkabout it? Yes. That would be great. Great. Are? ‘on Monday? \: Let me? Sorry. ‘on Monday, tm: Tuesday morning, ont, Tuesday. Can”, Wednesday morning? Yes, that’ fine. then, Great, see you on Wednesday, Bye. aye, can'tdo freon I'm busy. just check seeyou we arrange wedo youfree Teacher's resources: extra activities B Work in pair. Practise the dialogue with your partner. Speaking 6 Workin new pairs. Take turns being Student A and Student B. Student A Student 8 Answer the phone and introduce yourself. }. Offera day and time to meet a ‘ay you are not free and offer a new time Accept the new time and end the phone call. }<—| tomeet. 7 Work in pairs, Student A: Lookat page 116. Student B: Laokat page 117 Introduce yourself and ask for a meeting to discuss product specifications /anew product range. L#| RUSE SuTUla can make phone calls to arrange and postpone meetings. @) @®) Peed Lead-in 1A Workin pai { acontract adocument report aspreadsheet anagenda aninvoice ‘meeting minutes notes presentation slides ‘Learners can write an email to arrange, acceptor change a meeting, . Which words from the box are in the pictures? 5 Which things in Exercise 1A do you often send as email attachments? What other things do you send? Reading 2A read the emails and put them in the correct order. Ti vets, 22< BA seis, 03< Bi sore, aK Vim realy srry but | need to cancel Here's a copy of the presentation slides for the Thanks for the presentation Gur meeting tomorrow. We're having cients we're meeting next week Pease find slides. They ae vary good Snemergency team meeting. them attached Fm talking to the clint Are you working from home today? «Can we arrange a meeting before the tomorrow morning 0 its Can cal you ater you talk to presentation? like to discuss the key points. fine to moat on Thureday the client? I'm not workingin the ofice tomorrow so can afternoon. I see you then Best, swe meet on Thursday? Alter lunch? Sarah Thanks, Molise Saran _aaannneeee Tiveeinfomalwaye] © Complete email cwith the phrase from the box you prefer. teendanemaltare: | 3 Read the emails in the correct order. Answer the questions with Sarah, Melissa or both, seraet te ye prepared the presentaionslides? sarah We use them in the asks for ameeting? same way likes the presentation sides? Communicative grammar Teacher's resources extra activities >52¢ asks to change the meeting? hasa problem in their team? doesn’talways workin the office? 1 2 3 a 5 6 > Grammar reference: page 109 >> TALGING ABOUT FUTURE ARRANGEMENTS ''m starting a new job next month You/WerThey're meeting the client next week !He/She's working from home on Friday fm not writing the meeting minutes, You/We/They aren’t meeting the client until next week He/She isn’t working inthe office tomorrow. ‘Are we/you/they meeting the client next week? Ishe/she working n the office on Friday? > page 100 see Pronunciation bank: and: 5.3 >| canwe meet to discuss 4A Choose the correct words. & Hikiesha, As you know, we "ve starting /' starting a new project next month, Id like to talk about the team roles with you. Can we arrange a meeting to discuss this? |e not working /'m not working in the office tomorrow but Im free on Wednesday. is you working / Are you working in the office on Wednesday? Can we meet in the morning? AtQam?, Best regards, Tim Project meeting Tim Moralis ‘umoralis®webbertaylorcom 5 Complete the email with the correct form of the words i = HiTim, , i ean mi inesday at 9 am. but | (meet) some clients a on far Projet mowing Viednexiny morning soe neo nth By Tac Than | tn supper Kiesha Holongi in the afternoon but will be back in the office at 3 pm. if we need to talk more. * (you / work) from home tomorrow? If you prefer, we can do a video call, Best, Kiesha © Complete the email with the correct form of the words in the box. notwork talk visit work i= Hi Kiesha, th sore but | ean'tdo our meting tomorrow morning Some of our team next 1: Project meetin ey Re: Proje i ‘week so | need to speak to them, and then |? to the HR team from 10am. to 1 p.m. Tim Moralis bout some new staf Im not ree lter because ‘customer at 4 pn. and i ‘Lineealistpwebbertaytorcom busy on Thursday. | in the office all day on Friday so we can meet then. Thanks, Tim | Writing 5 match 1-6 with a-f. | 1. Fm free on Monday. trmnot free on Monday. ‘Tmreally sorry but need to cancel our meeting Can we arrange a meeting on Monday? {like to tatkabout the presentation. Please find the presentation slides attached a Fmsorry but | can’t do our meeting b alike to discuss the presentation, © Canwemeet on Monday? Here's copy ofthe presentation slides €mbusy on Monday. £ Leanmeet on Monday GA You are working with a colleague on a project. Write an email to him/her like the one in Exercise 4A. + Askto meet himvher to talkabout the project. | + Explain why you want to meet him/her. + Suggest day and time to meet. '8 Work in pairs. Exchange emails with your partner. Read your partner’s email and write a reply lke the one in Exercise 48. Say you will come to the meeting ‘on the day and time he/she suggested. Exchange emails with your partner Read your partner's email and write another reply like the one in Exercise 4C. Explain you need to cancel the ‘meeting. Give a reason and suggest a new day and time. Icanwrte an emai to arrange, acceptorchangea meeting, @ @® Pee icy WORK SKILLS Can | ask a favour? LLeammers can ask fora favour offer help and respond to offers and requests for help. ‘L who can you ask these questions? acolleague theiTteam yourmanager other Can you took at my computer? Icantt send emails. acolleague, Icanttfind my copy of the budget report. Do you know whee tis? Can you help me finish tis report? Can | eave earty today? My daughter's not well ‘Do you know Anna's email address? N $9505. Putthe sentences in the correct order. Then listen and check. Conversation 1 OK, Foundit. Thanks. —_ Oh... itsin the ‘product descriptions folder, —_ Sorry, Paul can laska favour? 1 Sure, Tony, How can help? __ I can'tfind the presentation we're working on. Where did you save it? —_ Conversation 2 OK, thanks, __ ti looking fr Viktor Darret’s contact details. Do you have them? __ Monika, do youhave a minute? _ Justa minute. Here they are. Uemail them to you, —_ Yes, sure, How can help? VIDEO 3a E541 Watch the video without sound. Do Martin, Jack and Andrea ask for help or offer help? B Watch the video with sound. Choose the correct option. 1 Why does Martinneed toleave early? 4 What does Paulo need help with? a Heisnotwell a Putting paper in the photocopier. 'b He wants to work from home, 'b Sending a document from his computer. His daughters not well © Changing the inkin the photocopier. 2 What does Yumiko want to know? 5. Why does Andrea need help? a If Martin willbe at work tomorrow. 1a She doesn’t know haw to do the task. bb If Martin can work from home. bb Her computer doesn’t work If Martin finished the report She has problems with her deadline 3 Why does Jack offer to help Paulo? 6 Why can’t Rachel help her? Paulo can‘t use the photocopier. ‘a She needs to finish some presentation slides. 'b Jack wants to use the photocopier bb Sheneeds to finish a report Paulo asks him for help. Shehasa meeting 4. Work in pairs. Are these problems common at your workplace or place of study? Coc 5A 4505 Listen and complete the dialogue. i, Martin, Do you need something? Martin: Hi, Yumiko. Ys, could |aska» ? 0 on. Martin: My daughter is not well and | need to pick her up from school, 2 Hleave early? you work from home? Yes, Ithink ican, Yumi That's OK. 1° see you tomorrow. |hope your daughter feels better Martin: Thanks, Yumiko, m sure she wil B Work in pairs. Practise the dialogue in Exercise 5A. Speaking DOING FAVOURS Asking for help Offering help | canvCould you help me? Canthelp you? | Can/Could ask you for some help? Do you need some help with the report? Can/Could | aska favour? ‘Agreeing to help ‘Accepting help ‘That's no problem, Yes, please Yes sure. ‘Thanks. That would be great. | | Refusing to help Refusing help | ‘Ym really sorry but I'm too busy. ‘No, thanks. | Yovafraidcanthelpyoubecausetim No, ine Thanks, | working on thispresentation. | | Suggesting someone else who can help You could ask Jessica. Maybe Zach can help. Teacher ena actwties Why don you aseichare? 6 Work in pairs. Make conversations. Asking for help offering help + Youhave one of the problems below. Ask your partner + You can see your partnerhas one of the prablems forhel, below. Offertohelp. 1A: Could laska favour? re you OK? Yes, sure B: No can't open this document. ‘A: Im having problems writing this report. Can you ..? ‘A: Cant help you? ‘Tean't find a file Ineed to work on.’ ‘Ineed help writing a report.’ ‘Ineed to know someone's phone number.’ ‘need to leave work early. ‘My computer doesn't work.’ ETS ES ES TUTIS | canask for a favour, offer help and respond to offers and requests forhelp. ©) BUSINESS WORKSHOP Peed Arranging ameeting Postponing ameeting Peers ci Learners can arrange, accept, cancel and postpone meetings by email, and telephone. ‘L Which sentences (1-8) can you use in an email to arrange a meeting? Which can ‘you use in an email to agree to a meeting? And which sentences are from other types of emails? Toarrange a meeting 1. Lam writing to complain about my invoice. 2 Icanmeet on Monday. see you then, 3 Canwemeetto discuss the problem? 4 We are sorry that your invoice was wrong 5. Yes, rm free at 10 clock 6 Areyou free at 10 otlock tomorrow? Toagree toa meeting other: 7 Canwe get some more information about the problem? 8 Canwe arrangea meeting to talk about the project? 2 Youneed to meet your colleague to discuss a problem with a project. Write an email to arrange a meeting. + Tellyour colleague you want to meet. + Saywhy you wantto meet. + Suggesta day and time to meet. 3 Work in pairs. Exchange emails with your partner. Read your partner’s email and write a reply. Say you can come to the meeting on the day and time he/she suggested. 4 Match the reasons for postponing a meeting (1-4) with the requests (a-d). 1 Myson’snotwellsoIneed topickhim a up from school early this afternoon, 2 John snotwelltoday and antcome to the office so need todo his work 3 Amachine broke and ineed to goto ‘ the factory. 4 Aclientis thinking about changing a supplier and I want to visit them, 5A Workin pairs. Roleplay a phone call. Student A: + You need ta change the day/time of the meeting you arranged in Exercises 2/3 + Callyour colleague to postpone the meeting + Askhimvher a favour. + Usean dea from Bercse 4 or one of your own, A: Hello. This is B: Hi... Thisis from school early this afternoon. Can we... ? at Could you email me a POF of our complete product range? Could you call the machine supplier and order a new part? fm meeting some new clients at3 p.m. Can you meet them for me? Can you tell Jane | can’t come to the meeting later because Ihave a lot of things to do? Student 8: ‘+ Answer Student A’ call + Sayit’snota problem to change the day/time of the meeting you arranged in Exercises 2/3. + Suggest an alternative time to meet + Agree to help when he/she asks for a favour, speaking. How can |help you? 1'm sorry but | can’t do our meeting. My son’s not well so need to pick him up B Change roles and postpone the other meeting you arranged by email. | can arrange, accept, cancel and postpone meetings by email and telephone. 3 It’s cheaper and better Lesson outcomes Learnesscan compare two options. Which is better? Lesson outcome: earners can explain why they chose aspecficoffer Which isthe best? Lesson outcome: Learners can write an emallrecommencing a service and giving reasons, Work skills: As you can see on the slide, Lesson outcome: Leamers can describe tables and graphs Business workshop: The ofice move Lesson outcome: Learners can compare diferent options and present the bes. : es Review 6: p92 | Pronunciation: 6.1 The vowel /a/ 63 m/ and ny p01 Vocabulary: Descriptions Communicative grammar: Comparing two things Video: An ofice move Taste Choosing a warehouse Vocabulary: Orders Speaking and reading: Supplies quotes Writing: Describing efferent options Reading: An email about changing a mobile phone contract Communicative grammar: Making proposals with i ‘Writing: An email comparing two offers Video: A presentation about office equipment Speaking: Talking about presentation sides Reading: An email from the boss Wiriting and speaking: Comparing wo offices Speaking: Presenting your choice Grammar reference: 6 1Corparing two things {6.2 good - better best/bad - warse- worst 63 Making proposals with if p:120 >57« (ey > ) It’s cheaper and better TeEeus tsi) Learners can compare two options. Lead-in LA which pairis wrong? ly ob /@ oo wy B Which words describe your officeyclassroom? Vocabulary Descriptions 20 Read the adverts and look at the words in bold, Match pictures A and B withthe advert. OL ddddddddddddedddddddddidd ddddiddddidddddadsssdsin 7 D-THE MARSHALLS 7 P ATTECHOUSE | Isitdicutt parkrnearyourcty.cente office? Large offices are always fr rom te cy | This new business parks in quiet green | centre or expensive, right? countryside ust 20 kilometres from te city. This 25,000 m? office buliing is traditional {thas 15,000? of oicesin ag warehouse in the busy centre ofthe city. ‘modern building nd carpark spacefor3,000 We are lose to bars, restaurants and shops, cars. Bus stops anda trai station are just and tree tain stations are nota long walk short fiteen-minute walk away, away —just five minutes —so your staf wll Rents at the business park start at €46,000 have an easy journey. year Office rents are from €54,000 a year. B Match the adjectives in bold in the adverts with their comparative forms in Exercise 2C. diffcult-more aitfeute © Choose the correct option. 1. Aztec House isin a quieter / busier area than the Marshals 2 Thewalkto public transport from Aztec House is shorter Longer than from the Marshalls. 3 Travel tothe citys easier / more diffcule from the Marshall. 4 Aztec House is more traditional / more modern than the Marshalls 5. The Marshall is more spacious / smaller than Aztec House. 6 The Marshalls is closer / further than Aztec House to /from the city centre. 7 Rentat the Marshallsis more expensive / cheaper than at Aztec House Teacher's resources: extea activities Communicative | > comparine Two THINGS > Grammar reference: page 110 grammar [0 ‘The Marshallsis cheaper than Aztec House. Aztec House is laser than the Marshalls to the city centre Their office is bigger than our office. \vs ina busier area than the other office It's more modern than our old offic. Parking is more difficult at Aztec House than at the Marshalls. good better bad—+worse far further > page 101 see Pronunciation bank The vowel /9 > 58 « wy, CMAN

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