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Unit 4:Other Dance Forms

(Cheer dance and Contemporary dance)

Content standard Performance standard
■ Demonstrates understanding ■ Like practice healthy eating habits
of fitness lifestyle and that support an active lifestyle

■ The introduction of dance forms are

weight and health condition, body
In today’s world dominated by computers, a
great deal of change has happened that have
taken away the very essence of our physicality
as human beings: Massive shift physical labor
to office jobs , engagement in forms of
entertainment in recreation , and development
of lifestyle.
Increased weight gain has led leading to
obesity, development of heart diseases
diabetes, and certain types of cancer just
some of the eventual disadvantages of
physical inactivity. This is the reason why you
should be introduced to cheer dancing and
contemporary dancing as means to achieve
healthy living.
It is the fitting of timely that
these lessons are included,
that as early as now you enter
the work force, you will have
the informed decisions.

Weight management is a struggle for many Filipinos, but controlling body weight has
many benefits. Filipinos, nowadays have adopted western culture of excessive intake
of unhealthy, high-calorie food coupled with physical inactivity which often results in a
society called obesiogenic (a tendency to have a fat citizenry). This transformation
towards over fatness does not occur overnight. The number of overweight and obese
filipinos has already grown, according to the National Nutrition and Health survey by
the FNRI (Food and Nutrition Research in statute) and DOST (department of Science
and Technology) and it will most likely contribute to the development of related
The terms overweight and obesity are both used interchargebly to describe
situations in which the body weight is higher than that recommended for optimal
health, because being overweight or obese increases the risk of developing
diseases or health problems. Stated plainly, you are overweight if you weigh more
than what is expected for someone of your stature (height), and you are obese if
you weight a lot more than what is expected. To be more specific, Body Mass
Index (BMI) is used to classify people into four subclasses: underwieght, normal,
overweight and obese.

BMI is commonly used because it is very easy to measure and it also correlates
strongly with the percentage of body fats. Excess levels of body fat contribute to a
number of health concerns including heart disease, hypertension, diabetes and
some cancers. Typically, body fat levels are higher as BMI increases. A BMI between
18.5 to 24.9kg/m2 is considered normal, with a healthy body weight. This is because
BMI within this range is associated with the lowest risk of developing a chronic
diseases or dying. People classified as overweight have an increased risk of
diseases and death, and those who are obese have the highest risk of developing a
number of diseases.
Waist Circumference

Waist circumference is a measurement taken around the abdomen at the level

of the umbilicus (belly button). Health experts use waist circumference to screen
patients for possible weight-related health problems. But you can also learn how
to measure the waist circumference at home.
Physical Activity and Exercise

Physical activity simply means movement of the body that uses energy.
Walking, gardening, briskly pushing a baby stroller, climbing the stairs,
playing soccer, or dancing the night away are all good examples of being
active. For health benefits, physical activity should be moderate or vigorous

Exercise is a type of physical activity requires planned, structured, and

repetitive bodily movement to improve or maintain one or more
components of physical fitness. Examples of exercise are walking, running,
cycling aerobics, swimming, and strength training. Exercise is an activity
that requires a vigorous and intense effort.
Intensity of Exercise

When trying to develop the CR (cardio-respiratory) system, many people

ignore intensity of exercises. For muscles to develop, they have to be
overloaded to a given point. The training stimulus to the biceps muscle, for
example, can be accomplished with arm curl exercise using increasing
weights. Likewise, CR is stimulated by making the heart pump faster for a
specific period.

Health and CR fitness benefits result when a person is working between 30 to 85

percent of heart rate reserve (HRR) combined with an appropriate duration and
frequency of training. Health benefits result when training at a lower exercise
intensity, that is, between 30 to 60 percent of the person’s HRR. Even greater health
and cardio protective benefits, and higher and faster improvements in CR fitness
(VO2max), however are achieved primarily though vigorous intensity programs (at an
intensity above 60% percent).

Sprai Strai Knee

ns ns
A sprain is a Due to its complex
A Strain is a twist,
stretch or tear of a structure and
pull or tear of a
ligament, the band weight-bearing
muscle or tendon-
of connective function, the knee
a cord of tissue
tissues that joins is the most
the end of one commonly injured
muscle to bone
bone with another joint

Sprains can range

Knee injuries can
from first degree
range from mild to
(minor) to third Symptoms of a
serve. Less severe
degree (the worst). strain include pain
would be
Areas of the body muscles spasm
tendonitis, patella
most vulnerable to and loss of
sprains are the strength.
ankles, knees and
A fracture is a break in the bone
that can occur from either a
quick ,one-time injury to the
● Fractures
bone (acute fracture) or from
repeated stress to the bone over
time (stress fracture)

When the two bones that came

together to a form joint become
● Dislocations
separated, the joint is described

Pain ,Swelling ,bruising , difficult

and painful movement deformity ● Symptoms of
and a pop, snap or tear is
sometimes felt or heard when
the injury occurs
Mentioned injuries

Eating Well, in combination with participating in a regular exercise program, is a

positive step you can take to prevent and even reverse some diseases. Though
nutrition is a broad science, this reading focuses on some of its basics, along with
how to make healthy choices in your daily food intake and how often those
choices can influence your ability to be active.

Too often, people associate nutrition with diet and with restriction and
unappealing options (note that the diet, simply refers to what you eat, not a
particular weight loss plan). This reading presents a positive view of nutrition
and other suggestions for taking control of your diet to improve how you feel.
By providing your body with needed calories and nutrients, you will fully fuel
your body for physical activity and exercise, even for cheer dancing, if you are
so inclined. Just as a car needs quality fuel to run smoothly, your body needs a
balance of nutrients for optimal function.
Determining Nutrient Needs

Nutrients include carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, minerals, and

water. The first three: carbohydrates, protein and fats – are found in
larger (“macro”) quantities in the body and thus referred to as
Mascronutrients. Vitamins and minerals which are found in smaller
(“micro”) amounts are referred to as micronutrients

Macronutrients include carbohydrates, proteins and fats. Carbohydrates

and fats provide energy for daily activities and during exercise,
recreational activity, sports training and even in cheerdancing. Proteins on
the other hand provide both energy and raw materials for recovery and
repair. All these three nutrient groups provide slightly different numbers of
calories per gram as follows: Carbohydrate provide about 4 calories per
gram, Protein provide about 4 calories per gram, Fats provide about 9
calories per gram

Although some diets (e.g., Atkins diet) seem to suggest

that carbohydrates are the villain when it comes to
weight management, carbohydrates are actually vital
for optimal functioning of your body. For example, your
brain and central nervous system rely on blood glucose
(sugar) for energy which carbohydrates provide. Carbo
hydrates are also an important source of energy during
physical activity. Without sufficient carbohydrates in
your diet, you will not be able to fully enjoy a vigorous
workout or cheer dancing activity because of your
body will have not the fuel it needs to perform efficiently

Proteins are made of small units called amino acids, which are considered
the building blocks of the body. Proteins promote muscle growth and are
required for many body functions including assistance with chemical
reactions and hormones. Even though proteins can provide 4 calories per
gram, you typically do not use protein for energy unless you are deficient
your intake of carbohydrate or fat. This is so the proteins you consume can
be used to promote growth, normal body functions, as well as for recovery
from strenuous and long activities. .

Fats, also called lipids, are provided in the diet from such sources like animal
protein, butter, oils, nuts, and many refined products. Fats are often thought of
as bad, myth perpetuated by the many fat-free products flooding store
shelves. However, fats are needed in appropriate amounts for normal body
functions. For example, lipids are the main component of each cell in your
body. In addition, fat is the major source of energy, especially when you are at
rest or performing low to moderate intensity physical activity. Excessive
consumption of fat is unhealthy, but concerns also arise when fat intake is too
low. A balanced approach to fat intake will provide the necessary amount of
fat for optimal health.

Fats are present in a number of forms, including saturated fats,

monounsaturated fats, and polyunsturated fats. These designations have to do
with the chemical structure of the fat.

Water is a required nutrient for all human beings. Water is important for
hydration, however, it may be valuable for disease prevention as well. For
example, researchers have found a relationship between water intake and
reduction of gallstones and kidney stones as well as between water intake and
colon caner, Similarly, maintaining a sufficient intake of water flying may help
reduce the risk of blood clots.

Managing Your Weight

Establishing or maintaining a healthy body weight requires an

understanding of how the body uses food to provide energy. In addition,
when weight loss is desired, a plan of action is needed for long-term
Energy Balance

Understanding the concept of energy balance (EB) is critical if you want to

understand how body weight is regulated in human beings. EB in its simplest
from simply compares the amount of energy consumed as food with the
amount of energy expended through the combination of resisting
metabolism, activities of daily living, and voluntary physical exercise. The
three possible states of EB are positive, negative and neutral. Positive EB
occurs when you consume more energy (calories) than you expend,
resulting in weight gain. Negative EB occurs when you expend more calories
you consume equals the amount that you expend.

Estimating Calorie Needs

Probably the first question that comes to mind when contemplating your own
body weight is How many calories do I need? There are sophisticated
laboratory techniques to estimate this, but these tests are not practical for
most people. Table 4 of this module includes one simple method of estimating
needed calories based on body weight and activity level. An alternative
method devised by the U.S Department of Agriculture (USDA) estimate
energy needs based on sex, age and activity level.

Nutrition and Weight

When you consume basically the same number of calories as you

expend, your body weight remains relatively stable. If you want to gain
weight, you must manipulate this balance between calories consumed
and calories expended.
Gaining Weight

Some people have a difficult time gaming weight. This can be a result of a
higher-than-normal basal metabolic rate or higher physical activity level. When
weight gain is a goal, the focus is on gaining muscle and not fat weight. To do
this in a healthy way, you should consume three snacks per day. Consuming
about an additional 300 to 500 calories per day would result in about a 1
pound (0.45kg) per week weight gain. Healthy snacks include yogurt, peanut
butter and jelly sandwhiches, cereal with milk, fruit smoothies, and turkey
sanwhiches. It is also important to continue to exercise to ensure that the
weight gain is mostly muscle. Although it will take some time, the slower the
weight gain, the more likely it will be to be muscle gain not fat or water gain.

Losing Weight
Weight loss is a more common goal than weight gain. Losing weight involves a
negative energy balance. This can be achieved by increasing exercise and
decreasing caloric intake.
Determining Calorie Needs

What ● A calorie is defined as

that heat required to raise

the temperature of 1 gram of
water by 1 degree Celcius.
Because this is a relatively
small amount, scientist use

larger unit calories
(uppercase C), also called a
kilocalorie (abbreviated kcal).
The calorie is kilocalorie, is 1,

000 calories.
Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR)

Basal Metabolic Rate is defined as the energy required to maintain a body

at rest (e.g. breathing, circulation). To precisely determine your BMR, you
would need to fast from 8 to 12 hours then undergo a laboratory test in
which you sit quietly for about 30 minutes while the air you exhale is
analyzed. This determines how many calories you are burning while at ret.
The Basal metabolic rate is 60% to 75& of the total energy expenditure.
Typically, the larger and more muscular the person is, the higher the BMR
The thermic Effect of the Food

The thermic effect of the food is the energy required to digest and absorb
food. The thermic effect is measured in a similar way as BMR, although
the measurement time is usually about about for hours after you
consume a meal. The thermic effect of food is 10% to 15% of your total
energy expenditure.
The Thermic Effect of Physical Activity

The thermic effect of activity is the amount of energy required of physical

activity. It can be measured in a laboratory when you exercise on a
stationary bike or treadmill. The thermic effect of the activity is the most
variable of the three major components of total energy expenditure because
it can be as low as 15% for sedentary people and as high as 80% for athletes
who train six eight hours per day.

One other component of total energy expenditure that plays a role is

non-exercise activity thermogenesis (NEAT), which is energy expended in
unplanned physical activity. This can include taking the stairs instead of the
elevator, sitting on a balance ball at your desk, parking farther from your
destination in a parking lot, fidgeting, and other calorie-burning activities.
Maximizing Food Consumption

Consuming an appropriate number of calories and food from various

categories result in optimal nutrition. The table below shows an age
specific daily calorie and serving size recommendation for grains,
fruits, vegtables, and milk an dairy items for both boys and girls. Note
that the calorie recommendations in the table are for an inactive
child; about 200 calories would need to be added for a moderately
active child and 200 to 400 calories per day for a very physically
active child

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