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May, 22, 1845 St.

Petersburg, Missouri

Publisher: Giulia l



We write frankly and fearlessly but then we "modify" before we print."

Book Review

And now for the weekly Book Review. It appears to be on The Little Match Girl. A Sad story. Well let us see what Ms. Tiffton has to say about it.

The Little Match Girl

The Little Match Girl is a lovely book. It narrates the story of a poor girl who lives on the streets and selling matches, striving to survive. It is a wonderful story. It is a wonderful book because it show the life of a poor girl at Christmas. She is all alone, left only with memories of her grandmother.
It is also a great book because it demonstrates that not all people are so fortunate. The little match girl doesn't have anything and the other people have loads. It is Christmas and the other people have food and presents and everything but the little match girl just has matches that nobody wants to buy. It is a sad book but helps people understand just how fortunate they are.
I loved this book because it also had a great vocabulary. The vocabulary is so descriptive and establish's many pictures in your mind. That is another reason people should read it. The Little Match Girl just expands your vocabulary immensely. Again I really recommend this book. There is one defect in this book though. Do not read this book to children under 6 years of age. It is a melancholy book, since the little match girl dies in the end. Otherwise, it is a great book. So overall The Little Match Girl is a book you should at one part of your life read. It just changes your prospective on life. Especially if you have selsh children. So all I can say is: read it, read it, read it!

Dear Mr. Editor, I am disappointed to announce I regret ever trying last weeks recipe. The cake looked pretty good but when my guests tried it they spat it out and one turned green in the face. I hope I will be more satised with this weeks recipe. Sincerely, Ms.Brown


As easy as their name says ( makes 20 doughnuts).

The Monthly Recipe: Easy Doughnuts.

Take a big bowl. Crack the eggs inside. 1/2 cup of yeast 2 teaspoons of sugar Then add all the our, add the butter, and add the yeast. Mix for 10min, and 70g of butter then put the mixture in the doughnut 2 eggs 20g of powdered sugar mold. Bake for 30min then add the powdered sugar and enjoy! 70g of our

Lets check how our townspeople are doing. I see we have some dilemmas with love

Letters and Poems

! Teacher
by Tom Sawyer

Dear Wise-Person, My boyfriend Tom Sawyer has left me! He has another girlfriend: Becky Thatcher. Oh, that witch, she stole my Tom! Tom too though, how could he? Please give me some advice. Im quite heartbroken. Sincerely, Amy Lawrence

Green is the feeling you get when you help the ecosystem, Green is the taste of zucchini, peppers and lettuce, Green is the smell of a new plant, Green is the feeling you get when a new plant sprouts, Green sounds like grasshoppers hopping, And green is the color of serenity.

To much arithmetic. Eats all the juicy apples. Attention? Has to be on him. Dear Amy Lawrence, Crushes us with learning. I know this may be a tough moment for Hits with no mercy. you but, hell eventually come back. Elected by the students? I wish. Dont ask for him, he just wants attention. Randomly gives out tests and quizzes. Sincerely,
The Wise One

And now for the poems. It looks like even Huckleberry made one, a pretty good one too if it won the contest.

The Frog and the Hawk

By Huckleberry Finn

Frog on lilly pad, Hawk passes, by frog spotted. Swoop! Green frog has just perished. Green By Becky Thatcher Green is the color of the grass, Green is the rind of the juicy watermelon, Green sounds like the wind blowing through shamrocks, Green smells like the fresh moss on rocks and trees,

Mr. Dobbins giving Tom a severe whipping for being late.

The Disappearing Warts

By Tom Sawyer

One night, John (one of my relatives striding in the woods. It was dark and a little scary but he was determined to get the warts of his hand he had been playing with frogs that day and now his hands were all warty. It was midnight and there was a full moon. Suddenly in the darkness he heard a wolf howling. How scary! He hurried on. Then after 50 feet, he came to an old tree stump full of spunk water. Wasn't he lucky? So he stuck in his hand and recited these words: '''Barley-corn, barleycorn, injun-meal shorts,spunk-water, spunk-water, swaller these warts'" then he kept his hand in for 5 minutes and when he took it out, it was wart free! I got this story from my aunt who got it from her grandma, who got it from her uncle who got it from his father and on and on and on. It's a lovely story."

Jackson Island- The Perfect Place To Be

Come to Jackson Island, the perfect place to be. It is uninhabited by humans so you can enjoy calmness. You could come and stay in the apartments or you could live by yourself catching sh and sleeping under trees. You can do anything from watching a beautiful red, pink, purple and orange sunset to swimming in the beautiful turquoise seas ofJackson Island to shing tuna sh and cod sh. The food is pretty much what you would eat in a normal place but here you can have fruits like coconuts and watermelons. People from all the way of one kilometer away come toJackson Island just to relax and have fun. Jackson Island really is the perfect place to be!

Muff Potter, Guilty or Not?

Yesterday at the courthouse there was Muff Potter's trial. Muff Potter's lawyer seemed to be giving him up without a ght? Would he really? Then after all the witness's had been called the lawyer called Tom Sawyer. Tom Sawyer? Why Tom Sawyer? The question hung on all of our lips. Then the lawyer started questioning Tom. Here is a piece of their dialogue: Lawyer:Where were you on the seventeenth ofJune, about the hour of midnight? Tom:In the graveyard Lawyer:Were you anywhere near Hoss William's grave? Tom:Yes, sir. Near as I am to you. And so on. Tom ended up revealing the whole story; apparently it was Injun Joe that killed Dr.Robinson for revenge, not poor hopeless, drunk Muff Potter. So be on the lookout for Injun Joe!

Wanted: Injun Joe, dead or alive Why: killed Dr. Robinson Contact: St.Petersburg police Appearance (of criminal): Reward: $75

Birth and New Families

Apparently we have a new baby in the community: Isabella Machlan. Also there is a prominent new family, relatives of the Thatchers also called Thatchers.

an engagement too, Becky and Tom. Here is a picture of them together:


Yesterday, May 21 at 3:00 the Machlans had a new baby girl. Her name is Isabella and she is quite a silent baby. She is quite plump and already weighs 4.00kg. She is quiet and almost never cry's. She is adorable as I am sure you may see by the picture below. For gifts they would like some money they will then give to a charity.

Mom and baby are both well. Here is a picture of Isabella Machlan:

Here is a picture of Becky herself:

Isabella Machlan, newborn.


The Thatcher's just recently came to town. They come from 12 miles away and are really rich. They have a daughter named Becky and the father is an important judge. Maybe he will be there for Muff Potter's trial the judge is a strict and stout person, the mother is a sweet and cheerful lady and Becky is a pretty and cute child, I have heard about

Looks like we have quite a few wanted things and some advertisements.

Advertisements and Want Ads

50% of apples,josh Hackman's stand, 21,Baker street.
Toothbrushes, 23, Jane Matts store, 33 pat street

Wanted: a pair of girls shoes size 11, contact Ms. Thatcher Wanted: a small bible, contact Tom Sawyer Wanted: a watermelon, contact Ms. Tach Wanted: a big mansion, contact Judge Thatcher Wanted: a book on warts, contact Huckleberry Finn Wanted: 15 lettuce seeds, 20 carrot seeds and 5 tomato seeds, contact Mr. Wellington Wanted: a teddy bear, contact Susy Harper Wanted: a pinch bug, contact Tom Sawyer Wanted: a rolling pin, contact Ms. Gurt Wanted: a blue tie contact, Mr. Garm Wanted: a notebook, contact Mr. Larkin Wanted: a goldsh, contact Jack Starkin Wanted: a red pirate bandana, contact Joe Harper



Small house for $25, contact Sara Knight

Huckleberry 5

White horse for $8.70, contact Ms.Hillary

Garments to wear, 20% off, 25 Himalaya street,

Books Twain, Mark. The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. New York: Penguin, 2006. Print. Web Sites PbEktNChpt4/s200/Mr+Dobbins+and+Tom.jpg %20View/TurquoiseSeaView06.jpg gallery/ viewItuna.jpg/33996905/tunajpg 79387---6046/Painting.html luann_haslam_O1.jpg 0/1840VestSideFront.jpg 1850dress.jpg 4s020f.Jpg images/notebook paper-l155xlO77.jpg 2011/03/Old_Toothbrush_Ad.jpg news/latestlnew-species-papua-new75/0698114175.jpg guinea-47032502 MOaUdG4QhYYISEZ4xzFZYCIAAAAAAAAA KQlyHNw13bfE8w/s3201/Apo-island-21.jpg https:/ Itickets.burnsfilmcenter.orglphplcalendar.php?sid &cmode-6&month=3&day=II&year=2004&org= 2010/07/sunset.jpg 18840931@N03/31883656051/ horse-pictures-breeders/foalslconnemara-ponypictures-breeders-foals/pictures/connemarapony-00l4.jpg nm1832865

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