Error Codes, Diagnostics and Troubleshooting

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e X-Ray Generation Subsystems

GE Healthcare


Name Date Sign off

Author PRUNIER Thierry
JEDI Lightning Integrator
Reviewer DUMOURIER Daniel
JEDI Platform Leader
Approval PAWLAK Celine
JEDI Lightning Project Leader

Revision Date Modifications Name

1 4-october-2004 B3 release T. PRUNIER

NOTE: Before using this document, make sure it is the latest revision. Access the PDM
system (e.g.: eDocs, GPCP, ePDM) to verify the current version.

GE Healthcare JEDI Error codes, Diagnosis and Troubleshooting for

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e X-Ray Generation Subsystems
GE Healthcare


1. Introduction about diagnostics and error management 3

1.1 JEDI tests and diagnostics ........................................................................................................... 3
1.1.1 Power-on self tests ............................................................................................................... 3
1.1.2 Application self tests ............................................................................................................. 3
1.1.3 Manual Diagnostics............................................................................................................... 3
1.2 Error Code Structure .................................................................................................................... 4
1.2.1 Simplified Error Code Definition ............................................................................................ 4
1.2.2 Generator Phase Definition................................................................................................... 5
1.2.3 Error Class Definition ............................................................................................................ 5
1.2.4 Error Code Definition............................................................................................................. 6
1.2.5 Data Associated with the Error Code .................................................................................... 6
1.2.6 Number of Occurrences ........................................................................................................ 6
1.2.7 Date & Time .......................................................................................................................... 6
2. Power on self tests 7
3. Error and warning code list 9
3.1 Error code list............................................................................................................................... 9
3.2 Warning code list: See chapter 5.1.2.......................................................................................... 11
4. Error reporting 13
5. Error troubleshooting 14
5.1 Detailed error description and troubleshooting guide ................................................................. 14
5.1.1 Errors .................................................................................................................................. 15 Tube spits detection Errors (code 30) .......................................................................... 15 Anode Rotation errors (code 40).................................................................................. 16 Filament Heater errors (code 50) ................................................................................. 18 Exposure errors (code 60) ........................................................................................... 21 Power supply (code 70) ............................................................................................... 25 Hardware errors (code 80) ........................................................................................... 27 Application errors (code 90) ......................................................................................... 29 Communication errors(code 100)................................................................................. 29 Thermal errors (code 110) ........................................................................................... 30 Manipulation errors(code 120) ..................................................................................... 31
5.1.2 Warnings errors .................................................................................................................. 31
5.1.3 Extended troubleshooting ................................................................................................... 31
See the following job card in annexe for extended troubleshooting ............................................... 31
See the next chapter for standard diagnosis ..................................................................................... 31
5.2 Diagnostics ................................................................................................................................ 32
5.2.1 Heating without HV nor rotation diagnostic ......................................................................... 32
5.2.2 Rotation without HV nor filament diagnostic........................................................................ 33
5.2.3 Inverter gate command diagnostic ...................................................................................... 34
5.2.4 Inverter in short circuit diagnostic........................................................................................ 35
5.2.5 No load HV diagnostic without anode rotation nor filament heating..................................... 37
5.2.6 AEC diagnostic ................................................................................................................... 38
6. Troubleshooting schematics 38
Annexe 41

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1. Introduction about diagnostics and error management

JEDI software performs self-test at power up and continuously monitors the correct operation of its
functions during application. Any malfunction is stored in the JEDI error log and reported to the
system through a protocol that transports error code. Errors found can only be reported if the
generator is powered on and live.
This diagnostics section is to introduce the JEDI Generator with the following information:
- Power-on self-tests LED indication.
- List all the potential error codes that can be issued by JEDI Generator.
- Provide error code explanation, potential cause and recommended action.
- List of diagnostics aids and explanation of diagnostics.

1.1 JEDI tests and diagnostics

There are different levels of tests and diagnostics implemented in the JEDI generator.

1.1.1 Power-on self tests

At power-up the PPC kV control performs its own initialization, checks its memory integrity
(checksum of program and NVRAM) and starts the communication with its peripherals as well as
the system. Communication is permanently checked afterwards. It then initializes the Rotation
board and Heater board with their respective database parameters and loads PPC kV control
Eight LEDs on kV the control board show the software status.
During power-on, the Heater board and the Rotation board CPUs are initialized and check their
memory integrity and hardware. If a problem is encountered, a PRD error is reported to the PPC kV

1.1.2 Application self tests

Under application mode the generator continuously monitors the correct operation of its functions.
Faults are reported through an error code and associated message. Some are straightforward and
convey the root cause. Refer to the recommended action in the error list and troubleshooting guide.

1.1.3 Manual Diagnostics

On the generator we can also perform test to check its functions independently.

• Heating function

• Rotation function

• Inverter gate command diagnostic

• Inverter in short circuit diagnostic

• No load HV function diagnostics

• AEC diagnostics

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These tests are referred to as manual diagnostics or diagnostics. Diagnostics are usually
implemented in the system console or in the service software (executed from the service laptop).

1.2 Error Code Structure

Application self tests and diagnostics generate errors. The error code structure described in this
chapter applies to JEDI error detection and logging. The JEDI error log file can be accessed from
the system through the system console or a laptop (JEDI error log upload functionality).
When an error is detected, it is sent to the system and is logged in parallel in the JEDI error log file.
The file contains a maximum of sixty-four logs.
Each log shows the following structure:

Simplified Generator Error Error Data associated Number of Date

error code Phase Class Code with the error code occurrences & time

The fields are described in the following paragraphs.

1.2.1 Simplified Error Code Definition

The simplified error code is a grouping of the JEDI error codes. This field gives a rapid
understanding of which part of JEDI is faulty.

Simplified Description
Error Code
30 Tube spits errors
40 Rotation errors
50 Heater errors
60 Exposure errors (HV inverter + mA measure + exposure control
70 Power supply errors (low voltage + DC bus)
80 Hardware errors (internal communications + cables)
90 Application errors (saved RAM + software)
100 External communication errors
110 Thermal errors
120 Manipulation Errors
130 Grid Errors
140 Tube Switch Errors
10 Rotation warnings (engineering use)
20 Heater warnings (engineering use)
25 LVPS warnings (engineering use)
27 Application warnings (mainly saved RAM battery change)

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1.2.2 Generator Phase Definition

The generator phase field contains the state of the generator when the error occurred.

Generator Description
0 idle: entered in diagnostic mode
1 powered up; waiting for configuration
2 Stand by: configuration completed, waiting for a preparation
3 Preparation in progress: JEDI gets ready to take X-rays
4 Ready for exposures (rotation at speed; filament; HV inverter drive
5 High voltage on
6 Error detected and not yet cleared
7 Tube Switching

1.2.3 Error Class Definition

There are five classes of errors that correspond to different levels of impact to the system. The
class of errors correspond to the seriousness of the error and the system software will manage

Class Description
1 Errors that have no impact on the system operation.
Errors detected in background diagnostics during application. They are referred as
”Warning” errors, to monitor drifts and used for engineering tracking.
The generator phase remains unchanged.
Errors are stored in the JEDI event log.
2 Errors that are detected by JEDI and that are recoverable automatically without
noticeable effect on the system, such as error related to recovered tube spits.
The generator phase remains unchanged.
Errors that usually occur during exposure.
3 Errors detected by JEDI during exposure. They stop the exposure and revert the
generator into a safe state.
Error will be reset on Exposure Command release. It will require another Exposure
Command to restart the sequence.
The generator phase is set to ”error” until the error is cleared.
4 Errors that are related to any hardware failures, software application or communication
JEDI will revert to a safe state.
If preparation is in progress, it is stopped.
Errors are cleared either by a reset error action from the system (for system having a
reset error mechanism) or by a prep release or by a new prep command.
The generator phase is set to ”error” until the error is cleared.
Application cannot work if errors are persistent.
5 These codes may appear when the generator or tube temperature limits are reached.
The application waits until the thermal information disappears. The error information is

GE Healthcare JEDI Error codes, Diagnosis and Troubleshooting for

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The generator phase is set to ”error” until the error is cleared.

1.2.4 Error Code Definition

Each error code comprises two fields (which cannot be generated and used separately);
• The first field describes the JEDI function which is faulty (referred to as the function code)
• The second field describes the error detected.

Example: error code 0306 means:

• 03: high voltage generation function;
• 06: no kV feedback on anode.
Function Codes List

Function Description
01 Rotation
02 Heater 1
03 High voltage generation
04 mA control
05 Power supplies
06 System interface
07 Software
08 Application
09 Tube control
10 Tube switch
11 Grid/Bias
12 Heater 2
13 AEC
14 Hardware
15 Operator error

1.2.5 Data Associated with the Error Code

The field ”data associated with the error code” shows detailed information over the state of the
generator when the error occurred.
Examples: rotation high-speed acceleration state, small focus preheat, tube number 1 selected.

1.2.6 Number of Occurrences

The field ”number of occurrences” is used to log the same error occurring several times
consecutively. Instead of filling the error log file with the same error that has occurred consecutively
several times, the first error is logged and successive errors are recorded through increasing the
”number of occurrences” field.

1.2.7 Date & Time

The field ”date & time” stores the date and time when the error occurred. This is the JEDI internal
date and time that may be different form the system date and time. In the case of logging the same
error several times, the field indicates the date and time of the first occurrence.

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2. Power on self tests

Refer to theory of operation for power-on sequence. This paragraph in this section is to provide
meaning of boards’ LED status. The LED display status is offering useful information at a glance to
proceed to error code based troubleshooting. Whenever in doubt, a simple step is to watch the
LED status display on the PPC kV control board, Rotation, Heater and AEC.

PPC kV control LED status:

The LEDs indicating the status are the yellow LEDs:
- DS19 to DS26 on PPC kV control V1 board
- DS17 to DS24 on PPC kV control V2 and V3 board.
Refer to the illustration part. PPC kV control board

~ ~~ ’’’’’’’’

Status leds

- Power On self-tests: LEDs DS17 to DS24 are lit successively several times very fast

- Application mode: LEDs DS17 to DS24 are lit successively more slowly. The power up self-tests are
completed, PPC kV control board is up and running.

Status leds

- Half of the 8 LED are lit: After the download of the boot this indicates that the PPC kV control board is
erasing the flash memory and preparing for the download of the application. When these tasks are done.
The four leds on the right will lit as shown in the following figure.

Status leds

- Half of the 8 LED are lit: Normal after the download of the boot. This can also indicate a corrupt software
problem or database checksum problem. In case of software problem communication with the generator
will not be possible. Try to download again the software or replace PPC kV CTRL board. In case of
database problem an error code is logged and communication with the generator is possible. Refer to
error code description.

Status leds

-When an application error occurs LEDs blink indicating the simplified error code in binary code. When
the error is cleared, the 8 LEDs are lit successively.

Heater board LED status:

After the power on diagnostics, heater board LEDs DS1 and DS2 are lit successively. Refer to the
illustration part. for complete explanation of LED indication on this board. Any different status corresponds
to an abnormal situation. An error code is logged. Refer to error code description.
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Rotation board LED status:

After the power on diagnostics, rotation board LED DS5 is blinking. Refer to the illustration part. for
complete explanation of LED indication on this board. Any different status corresponds to an abnormal
situation. An error code is logged. Refer to error code description.

AEC board LED status: See Illustration part

After the power on diagnostics, AEC board LEDs’ DS2 and DS3 are lit successively. Refer to the
illustration part. for complete explanation of LED indication on this board. Any different status corresponds
to an abnormal situation. An error code is logged. Refer to error code description.

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3. Error and warning code list

3.1 Error code list

Function Code Code Details

(hex) (dec)

Tube Spits 0305H 773 FPGA problem (restarting safety signal) 2

0324H 804 Tube spit (all kV drop/regul errors) 2
0328H 808 Warning, spit counter overflow 1
Rotor Error 0101H 257 No CAN message received within 5 sec 4
0102H 258 Database not correct 4
0103H 259 Current overload 4
0104H 260 Openload 4
0105H 261 Phases unbalanced 4
0106H 262 Phases error 4
0107H 263 Inverter permanent overcurrent 4
0108H 264 Command error 4
0109H 265 MAINS_DROP has failed 4
0110H 272 PRD error (Z3 Z4 = bitmap) 4
0111H 273 F0 main frequency problem 4
0112H 274 HW/FW config error 4
0149H 329 Unknown error 4
0162H 354 Acceleration while in error 4
0163H 355 No CAN message received within 4 sec 4
Heater Error 0201H 513 Heater 0: no CAN message received within 5 secs 4
0202H 514 Heater 0: database not correct 4
0203H 515 Heater 0: inverter permanent overcurrent 4
0204H 516 Heater 0: filament permanent open circuit 4
0205H 517 Heater 0: inverter permanent short circuit 4
0206H 518 Heater 0: filament Overload Pre-heat 4
0207H 519 Heater 0: filament Overload Boost 4
0208H 520 Heater 0: filament Overload Heat 4
0209H 521 Heater 0: command error 4
0210H 528 Heater 0: PWM rate too low 4
0211H 529 Heater 0: PWM rate too high 4
0212H 530 Heater 0: MAINS_DROP has failed 4
0213H 531 Heater 0: PRD error (Z3 Z4 = bitmap) 4
0214H 532 Heater 0: boost too long 4
0215H 533 Heater 0: filament selection error 4
0216H 534 Heater 0: current feedback not nul when inverter off 4
0221H 545 Heater 0: filaments database tube1 err (Z3= LF 4
0222H 546 Heater 0: filaments database tube2 err (Z3= LF 4
0223H 547 Heater 0: filaments database tube3 err (Z3= LF 4
0224H 548 Heater 0: filaments database tube4 err (Z3= LF 4
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Function Code Code Details

(hex) (dec)

0248H 584 Heater large focus error 4

0249H 585 Heater small focus error 4
Exposure 0306H 774 No kV Feedback on anode 3
error (60)
0307H 775 No kV Feeback on cathode 3
0308H 776 No kV Feedback on anode and cathode 3
0309H 777 kV detected during kV diag 3
0310H 784 kV max detected 3
0311H 785 ILP current not OK 3
0312H 786 ILR current not OK 3
0313H 787 ILR max current detected 3
0314H 788 ILR current timeout 3
0316H 790 Spit Max error 3
0317H 791 Spit Ratio error 3
0318H 792 kV did not reach 75%(rad) or 95%(gridded) after 3
0319H 793 kV unbalanced detected 3
0320H 800 FPGA problem (safety signal) 3
0323H 803 ILR and ILP current not OK 3
0325H 805 DSP overload 3
0326H 806 DSP exposure stop 3
0329H 809 wrong HV capa measure 3
0401H 1025 No mA feedback 3
0402H 1026 mA scale error 3
0403H 1027 mA out of range 2
0451H 1105 mA meter saturated 3
0504H 1284 Inverter Gate Power Supply error 3
0801H 2049 Exposure backup mAs exceeded 3
0802H 2050 Exposure backup time exceeded 3
0803H 2051 Exp cmd while gene not ready 3
1407H 5127 mAs counter problem 3
1408H 5128 AEC does not count 3
1409H 5129 mAs meter saturated 3
1410H 5136 FPGA locked 3
1411H 5137 Time counter problem 3
1420H 5152 Tomo cut too early 3
1421H 5153 Tomo cut by generator 3
Power 0501H 1281 DC bus out of range 4
Supply errors
0503H 1283 Inverter Gate Power Supply error 4
0505H 1285 Mains power supply has dropped during exposure 4
0510H 1296 HVPM AEC not 230V 3
0549H 1353 LVPS TRI: unknown error 4
0553H 1363 LVPS TRI: detected +160V too high (Z6 Z7 = value) 4
0557H 1367 LVPS TRI: detected +160V too low (Z6 Z7 = value) 4
0563H 1379 LVPS TRI: detected +15V too high (Z6 Z7 = value) 4
0567H 1383 LVPS TRI: detected +15V too low (Z6 Z7 = value) 4
0573H 1395 LVPS TRI: detected -15V too strong 4
0577H 1399 LVPS TRI: detected -15V too weak 4
Hardware 0180H 384 Rotor board com pb 4
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Function Code Code Details

(hex) (dec)

error (80)
0181H 385 Rotor board has reset 4
0280H 640 Heater 0 board com pb 4
0281H 641 Heater 0 board has reset 4
0322H 802 kV ref ADC / DAC failled 4
03A0H 928 DSP error 4
0601H 1537 RTL error (Z6 Z7 = bitmap) 4
0602H 1538 External CAN bus off 4
1000H 4096 Tube Switch com. Problem ! 4
1010H 4112 Tube Switch board has reset ! 4
1402H 5122 Internal CAN bus off 4
1403H 5123 Connectic Fault 4
1404H 5124 FPGA configuration problem 4
1413H 5139 Internal CAN bus Txo 4
1414H 5140 Internal LD CAN bus Txo 4
1415H 5141 External CAN bus Txo 4
Application 0701H 1793 Saved RAM checksum pb 4
errors (90)
0702H 1794 Software problem 4
0704H 1796 Heater / Rotor hold too long 4
0705H 1797 Configuration error 4
0706H 1798 Wrong DSP version 4
0707H 1799 Wrong FPGA version 4
1011H 4113 Unexpected tube switch board 4
Com errors 0603H 1539 Debug screen com error 4
1301H 4865 AEC Board com problem 4

Thermal error 0804H 2052 Tank Thermal sensor to high 5

0805H 2053 Inverter HW Temperature too high 5
0903H 2307 Tube exceeded 70degC 5
0905H 2309 Tube thermal protection 5
1405H 5125 Tank temp meas too low 5
1406H 5126 Inverter Temp meas too low 5
Manipulation 1500H 5376 Tomo brightness not good 3
error (120)
1501H 5377 Exposure switch release 3
1502H 5378 AEC does not cut exposure 3

3.2 Warning code list: See chapter 5.1.2

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Function Code Code Details

(hex) (dec)

Rotation 0151H 337 CAN Domain command number error 1
0152H 338 CAN Domain request with no transfer init 1
0153H 339 CAN Domain Toggle bit error 1
0154H 340 CAN Domain : less than 2 data to download 1
0155H 341 CAN Domain Abort received & applied 1
0156H 342 Bad index in config upload 1
0157H 343 Tube switch while rotor not off 1
0158H 344 Acceleration cmd while no tube selected 1
0159H 345 Acceleration cmd while database not OK 1
0160H 352 Database download while rotor speeding 1
0161H 353 Acceleration command not OK 1
0162H 354 Acceleration while in error 1
0163H 355 No CAN message received within 4 sec 1
0164H 356 Inverter overcurrent (< 3 times) 1
0199H 409 Unknown warning 1
Heater 0251H 593 Heater 0: received command is not OK 1
0252H 594 Heater 0: command not OK 1
0253H 593 Heater 0: no CAN message received within 4 secs 1
0254H 596 Heater 0: inverter overcurrent (inverter1) (<3 times) 1
0255H 597 Heater 0: filament open circuit (inverter1) (<3 times) 1
0256H 598 Heater 0: inverter short circuit (inverter1) (<3times) 1
0257H 599 Heater 0: tube switch while filaments not OFF 1
0258H 600 Heater 0: CAN Domain command number error 1
0259H 601 Heater 0: CAN Domain request with no transfer init 1
0260H 608 Heater 0: CAN Domain Toggle bit error 1
0261H 609 Heater 0: CAN Domain less than 2 data to download 1
0299H 665 Heater 0: unknown warning 1
LVPS 0550H 1360 LVPS TRI: no more warn +160V 1
0551H 1361 LVPS TRI: detected +160V too high 1
0555H 1365 LVPS TRI: detected +160V too low 1
0560H 1376 LVPS TRI: no more warn +15V 1
0561H 1377 LVPS TRI: detected +15V too high 1
0565H 1381 LVPS TRI: detected +15V too low 1
0570H 1392 LVPS TRI: no more warn -15V 1
0571H 1393 LVPS TRI: detected -15V too strong 1
0575H 1397 LVPS TRI: detected -15V too weak 1
0595H 1429 LVPS TRI: Recovery after power interruption 1
0599H 1433 LVPS TRI: unknown warning 1
Application 0703H 1795 Watchdog reset has just occurred (MSB) 1
0708H 1800 Watchdog reset has just occurred (LSB) 1
1401H 5121 Saved RAM Battery life time limit reached 1

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4. Error reporting
The system eventlog adds to the simplified error code the following information:
- Error message (refer to the system documentation)
- System phase: state of the system when the error occurred.
- System time: date and time when the error occurred.

Whenever a Generator error is logged in the system eventlog file and displayed on the operator
console (or workstation), the Jedi eventlog upload functionality is available to get more detailed
information about the error.
This function must be performed from the operator console (or workstation).
The simplified error code must be used to find the Jedi error code in the Jedi errorlog file.
Having these two in formations, look at the Jedi trouble-shooting table to find the FRU to replace.

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5. Error troubleshooting
This chapter describes diagnostics tools based on error codes and specific diagnostics.


Before any manual intervention, ensure the main power is off. Apply lock out-tag out
procedure for your own safety when manipulating inside the equipment.

5.1 Detailed error description and troubleshooting guide

The table below provides the guidelines to troubleshoot the Generator problems based on the error
For each code, there are:
-An associated message and additional explanation related to the error occurrence.
-A list of potential cause, in the order of the expected probability.
-A recommended action. In some cases, there is also more information, such as running
some specific diagnostics.
Codes are sorted by ascending order both for simplified code and error code.
Information about associated data structure is located at the end of each error code subset
whenever it applies.

Before servicing the JEDI retrieve the eventlog with the service laptop to have the list of the last

Whenever wiring, cabling, LED check is mentioned in the recommended actions, refer to the
Illustration part.

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5.1.1 Errors Tube spits detection Errors (code 30)

Error Error Message/explanation Potential cause Recommended action/

code code Troubleshooting guide
(hex) (dec)
0305h 773d FPGA problem (Restarting 1. External unknown cause - Do a power and Grounding Check. Verify
safety) (spikes). cabling and contacts.
Error occurring on safety 2. PPC kV control board. - If permanent or too frequent, replace PPC
kV control board.
line, while No root error
present at the error inputs
0324h 804d Tube spit (kV+ has dropped) 3. Anode side Tube spit. If too frequent:
kV drop/spit detected on 4. Anode HV cable - Check HV cables and contacts in tube and
data=1* data=1* Anode side 5. HV tank generator sides (no black traces, grease or oil
in them except on HV cable equipped with a
(see (see
mini connector for vascular tube)
note) note) - Remove HV in generator side, fill HV
receptacles with oil and run Open load kV test.
(See diagnostic section). If test fails, replace
HV tank.
- Swap and connect HV cables. Run Open
load kV test. (See diagnostic section) If test
fails, replace anode HV cable.
- Otherwise, tube problem (Anode side). Refer
to x-ray tube maintenance manual or replace
0324h 804d Tube spit (kV- has dropped) 1. Cathode side Tube spit. If too frequent:
kV drop/spit detected on 2. Cathode HV cable - Check HV cables and contacts in tube and
data=2* data=2* cathode side 3. HV tank generator sides (no black traces, grease or oil
in them, except on HV cable equipped with a
(see (see
mini connector for vascular tube no black
note) note) traces)
- Remove HV in generator side, fill HV
receptacles with oil and run Open load kV test.
(See diagnostic section). If test fails, replace
HV tank.
- Swap and connect HV cables. Run Open
load kV test. (See diagnostic section) If test
fails, replace anode HV cable.
- Otherwise, tube problem (Anode side). Refer
to x-ray tube maintenance manual or replace
0324h 804d Tube spit (kV+ and kV- X-ray tube spit (arc, spark Usual in tubes. If too frequent and varies with
dropped) between anode and cathode) HV (occurs at high kV), refer to x-ray tube
data=4* data=4* kV drop/spit detected maintenance manual or replace tube.

0324h 804d kV regulation error 1. Smooth HV tube spits If permanent or too frequent
This is a slow speed safety 2. PPC kV control board (HV - Check main AC fuses and DC bus voltage
data=8* data=8* circuit in case of “smooth” spits regulation problem) - Run inverter diagnostics (See diagnostic
(see (see or a case of a regulation 3. Too high line impedance
- Run Open load kV test. (See diagnostic
note) note) problem. 4. Half of AC/DC capacitors section)
open - Troubleshoot tube and contacts of HV cable.
5. Inverter (parallel inductor
or filtering capacitors)
6. HV tank
7. Tube (if filament is

0328h 808d Warning , spit counter overflow Too many spits

(Not applicable for Uroview, for
CT generator only)

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* Note to the error 30 0324H:

The generator sends only one message of error for all the spits (0324H) at the end of the exposure.
During the same exposure we may have different kind of spits.
In the data of this error we can distinguish between the different spits:
1: Spit in anode side
2: Spit in cathode side
4: Spit in both sides
8: kV regulation error.

For an exposure with anode and both sides spit, the data will be “5”.
In case of KV regulation error , decrease kV-mA target of exposure (for example 60kV-50mA) Anode Rotation errors (code 40)

Error Error Message/explanation Potential cause Recommended action/

code code Troubleshooting guide
(hex) (dec)
0101h 257d No CAN message received 1. PPC kV control main Unlikely to happen. This is a debug
within 5 sec’s software lost error. If error persists report to
The rotation board has not 2. PPC kV control or engineering.
received any signal from the Rotation board CAN
PPC kV control main driver failure
software for the last 5 sec., 3. Bad contact on one of
interpreted as a loss of the pin on the CAN bus
communication line connector

0102h 258d Data base not correct. Wrong PPC kV control data Reload Jedi database.
The firmware of the rotation base. It can only happen at If error persists, replace Rotation board.
board has detected that the power up.
data base received from the
PPC kV control board has
wrong data.
0103h 259d Rotation current overload 1. Tube stator winding Check stator windings impedance
Rotation board has detected problem (shorted) (16/47 ohm). If not OK, replace tube.
Main or auxiliary Rotation 2. Incorrect wiring Check wiring from rotation board to
current too high compared to (shorted) tube.
the max. Tube motor current. 3. Rotation board Check that phase shift capacitors are
correctly connected and not in short
Run Rotation diagnostic (See
diagnostic section). If test fails, replace
Rotation board
0105h 261d Rotation Phases unbalanced 1. Tube stator winding Disconnect rotation-to-tube-stator cable
The amplitude difference of problem and check stator windings impedance
the current between main 2. Incorrect wiring (one (16/47 ohm). If not OK, replace tube.
and auxiliary is too large. wire open) Check wiring from rotation board to
3. Phase shift capacitors tube.
inverted or wrong value Check that phase shift capacitors are
or not connected correctly connected
4. Rotation board Check that phase shift capacitors are
not in short-circuit
Run Rotation diagnostic (See
diagnostic section). If test fails, replace
Rotation board
0106h 262d Rotation phase error 1. Tube stator winding Disconnect rotation-to-tube-stator cable
The Rotation board has problem and check stator windings impedance
detected that the current in 2. Incorrect wiring (one (16/47 ohm). If not OK, replace tube.
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Error Error Message/explanation Potential cause Recommended action/

code code Troubleshooting guide
(hex) (dec)
the anode stator does not wire open) Check wiring from rotation board to
show the correct phase shift 3. Phase shift capacitors tube.
between main and auxiliary. inverted or wrong value Check that phase shift capacitors are
or not connected not swapped, check connection
4. Rotation board Check that phase shift capacitors are
not in short-circuit
Run Rotation diagnostic (See
diagnostic section). If test fails, replace
Rotation board
0107h 263d Rotation Inverter permanent 1. Tube stator winding Check stator windings impedance
over current problem (shorted) (16/47 ohm). If not OK, replace tube.
An over current has been 2. Incorrect wiring Check wiring from rotation board to
detected and 3 restart have (shorted) tube.
been tried unsuccessfully 3. Rotation board Check that phase shift capacitors are
within a single rotation state correctly connected and not in short
Run Rotation diagnostic (See
diagnostic section). If test fails, replace
Rotation board
0109h 265d MAINS_DROP detected 1. Mains drop If LVPS400 connected
The firmware of the rotation 2. Cable or connector Check if LVPS400 power supply is
board has detected the between LVPS400 (or abnormally down.
mains drop signal activation LVPS100) and heater Reset system. If error persists, check
and transmitted error to PPC board flat cable between LVPS400 and heater
kV control 3. LVPS400 or LVPS100 boards. If cable is OK, replace
board LVPS400 board
If LVPS100 connected
if the Dcbus is OK, change LVPS100
0110h 272d PRD error (Z3Z4=bitmap) Rotation board Reset. If error persists, replace Rotation
Firmware checksum, RAM board.
test and EPLD access are
performed at power up or
0111h 273d F0 main frequency problem. Rotation board Reset. If error persists, replace Rotation
EPLD has not applied the board.
inverter start command
0112h 274d Rotor HW/ FW Config error Rotation board Download official data base
If error persists, replace Rotation board

0113h 275d IUVW short circuit error IUVW signal short circuited Reset. If error persists, replace Rotation
on rotation board board.

0114h 276d HV cable short circuit error 1. Tube stator short Check HV cable impedance
2. Hemit secondary short Change tube
3. Anode HV cable short Change Hemit
4. Bearings of tube broken

0115h 277d HV cable open error 1. Tube stator open circuit Check HV cable connection and
2. Hemit secondary open impedance. Replace if open.
277d circuit Check tube stator impedance
3. Anode HV cable open Check Hemit secondary impedance.
circuit Replace HEMIT if open.
0149h 329d Unknown rotation error. Software problem No action.
The main software received
an error from rotation board
with no error code
Associated data structure:
PRD error (Z3/Z4 bitmap):
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component failure :
0002H=RAM stack
8000H=program checksum

Rotation database error:

2 bytes data, each value points to a specific parameter found as being erroneous

Other errors:
rotation state (rotor Z3 bitmap):
0=inverter OFF
1=acceleration 0 to low speed
2=acceleration 0 to high speed
3=acceleration low speed to high
4=low speed run
5=high speed run
6=high speed to low speed brake
7=brake reverse
8=brake DC Filament Heater errors (code 50)

Error Error Message/explanation Potential cause Recommended action/

code code Troubleshooting guide
(hex) (dec)
0201h 513d No CAN message received 1. PPC kV control main Unlikely to happen. This is a debug error.
within 5 sec’s software lost If error persists report to engineering
The Heater board has not 2. PPC kV control or Heater
received any command from board CAN driver failure
the PPC kV control main 3. Bad contact on one of the
software for the last 5 sec., pin on the CAN bus line
interpreted as a loss of connector

0203h 515d Heater inverter permanent Heater board Replace Heater board
over current.(SW limit)

Issued by the heater board

when an over current has been
detected and 3 restarts have
been tried without success
within 100 ms
0204h 516d Filament permanent open 1. X-ray tube filament open Unplug cathode HV cable on generator
circuit. 2. Heater to HV tank cable side. Measure impedance between pins.
Issued by the heater board 3. Cathode HV cable or pin If open circuit, check connection between
when an open has been contacts cathode HV cable and tube, and
detected and 3 restarts have 4. Heater board impedance between pins of tube HV
been tried without success 5. Open circuit in filament receptacle. Replace tube or HV cable.
within 100 ms transformer inside HV If no open circuit, check Heater to HV
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Error Error Message/explanation Potential cause Recommended action/

code code Troubleshooting guide
(hex) (dec)
Tank. tank cable (3 cables)
If cable OK, swap heater boards and
check errors.
If open circuit error is reported on the
other filament, replace heater board.
If open circuit error is reported on the
same filament, check HV Tank heater
transformers (cable connector on top of
JEDI inverter for primary winding,
cathode HV receptacle for secondary.
Replace HV tank.
0205h 517d Heater Inverter permanent Heater board Reset.
short circuit (HW limit) If error persists, replace Heater board
Issued by the heater board
when a short circuit has been
detected and 3 restarts have
been tried without success
within 100 ms
0206h 518d Filament overload Pre-Heat 1. Tube data base or Reload database and perform a tube
This is the result of an calibration filament calibration
integrated value of the RMS 2. Heater board If error persists, replace Heater board.
current measurement on
Heater board comparison with
max. Tube value in database.
0207h 519d Filament overload Boost 1. Tube data base or Reload database and perform a tube
Same as above calibration filament calibration
2. Heater board If error persists, replace Heater board.

0208h 520d Filament overload Heat 1. Tube data base or Reload database and perform a tube
Same as above calibration filament calibration
2. Heater board If error persists, replace Heater board.

0210h 528d PWM rate too low 1. Heater board Verify that 160V is present on Heater
RMS filament current board (DS3 on heater board, see
measurement (every 0.5 m Illustration part) Check cabling from LVPS
sec.) on heater board is too board.
low If 160V ok, replace heater board.

0211h 529d PWM rate too high 1. X-ray tube filament open Unplug cathode HV cable on generator
RMS filament current 2. Heater to HV tank cable side. Measure impedance between pins.
measurement (every 0.5 open If open circuit, check connection between
msec.) on heater board is too 3. Cathode HV cable or pin cathode HV cable and tube, and
high contacts open impedance between pins of tube HV
4. Open circuit in filament receptacle. Replace tube or HV cable.
transformer inside HV If no open circuit, check Heater to HV
Tank. tank cable (3 cables)
If cable OK, swap heater boards and
check errors.
If open circuit error is reported on the
other filament, replace heater board.
If open circuit error is reported on the
same filament, check HV Tank heater
transformers (cable connector on top of
JEDI inverter for primary winding,
cathode HV receptacle for secondary.

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Error Error Message/explanation Potential cause Recommended action/

code code Troubleshooting guide
(hex) (dec)
Replace HV tank.
0212h 530d MAINS_DROP detected. 1. Mains drop Check if LVPS400 power supply is
The firmware of the Heater 2. Cable or connector abnormally down.
board has detected the mains between LVPS400 and Reset system. If error persists, check flat
drop signal activation and has heater board cable between LVPS400 and heater
transmitted error to PPC kV 3. LVPS400 board boards. If cable is OK, replace LVPS400
control board
0213h 531d PRD error Heater board Reset. If error persists, replace Heater
Firmware checksum, RAM test board.
and EPLD access are
performed at power up or
0214h 532d Boost too long Loss of communication during Error followed by another communication
Boost command stayed longer boost. error. Troubleshoot comm error.
than 400ms

0215h 533d Filament selection error Heater board Replace heater board
The relay on the Heater board
selecting the filament is in the
wrong position with respect to
the selection
0216h 534d Current feedback not null Heater board Replace heater board
when inverter OFF
Inverter current has been
measured while the inverter
was not commanded
0221h 545d Filament Database not correct Wrong PPC kV control data Reload database. If error persists,
0222h 546d The firmware of the heater base. It can only happen at replace Heater board. If no error, perform
board has detected that the power up. tube filament calibration.
Received Data base from PPC
kV control contains erroneous
data for Tube 1, 2, 3, or 4.
0248h 584d Unknown heater LF error software problem No action
The main software received an
error from heater board with no
error code associated
0249h 585d Unknown heater SF error software problem No action
The main software received an
error from heater board with no
error code associated

Associated data structure:

PRD error :
Component failure :
0002H=RAM stack
8000H=program checksum

Filament database error :

2 bytes bitmap ( LSByte=small focus, MSByte=large focus)
Each bit points to an erroneous parameter

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other errors :
1 byte bitmap with the following structure:
bit7 (MSB) bit6 bit5 bit4 bit3 bit2 bit1 bit0 (LSB)
focus selected tube selected small focus state large focus state
0=small focus selected 1=tube 1 selected 0=inverter OFF 0=inverter OFF
1=large focus selected 2=tube 2 1=preheat 1=preheat
3=tube 3 2=boost 2=boost
4=tube 4 3=heat 3=heat Exposure errors (code 60)

Error Error Message/explanation Potential cause Recommended action/

code code Troubleshooting guide
(hex) (dec)
0306h 774d No kV feedback on anode 1. HV cable short circuit Remove anode HV cable on generator
side 2. HV tank to PPC kV control side and verify that there is no short-
kV measured <12kV 0,5ms board flat cable circuit between pins and ground. Verify
after start of exposure on 3. HV tank flat cable connection between PPC kV
anode side only 4. PPC kV control board control and HV tank. Remove anode and
cathode cables on generator side and run
no load HV diagnostic. If test fails,
replace PPC kV Control board or HV
0307h 775d No kV feedback on cathode 1. HV cable short circuit Remove anode HV cable on generator
side 2. HV tank to PPC kV control side and verify that there is no short-
kV measured <12kV 0,5ms board flat cable circuit between pins and ground. Verify
after start of exposure on 3. HV tank flat cable connection between PPC kV
cathode side only 4. PPC kV control board control and HV tank. Remove anode and
cathode cables on generator side and run
no load HV diagnostic. If test failed,
replace PPC kV Control board or HV
0308h 776d No kV Feedback (on anode 1. HV tank Verify flat cable connections between
and cathode) 2. PPC kV control board PPC kV control and HV tank. Run no load
kV measured <12kV 0,5ms HV diagnostic. If test fails, replace PPC
after start of exposure on both kV Control board or HV tank
anode and cathode.
0309h 777d kV detected during kV Wrong setup before the Refer to applicable diagnostic section for
diagnostics. diagnostic is run. correct setup
KV measured during inverter
diagnostics while no kV must
be generated.

0310h 784d kV MAX detected 1. HV tank Repeat the exposure. If error persists
kV reached 160 kV during 2. PPC kV control board replace PPC kV control or HV tank.
0311h 785d ILP current not OK. 1. Inverter LC resonant circuit Take some exposures. If error persists,
The current in the parallel (Inverter coil assy, capa run HV power diagnostics. Check
resonant circuit of the inverter inverter assy, current connections of resonant elements in
did not rise at the beginning of transformers.) Inverter. Run Inverter gate command
the exposure. 2. Inverter diagnostic. If test fails replace Inverter.
3. PPC kV control Run Inverter in short circuit test. If test
fails replace PPC kV control board or
Inverter. Else, run no load HV test without
removing HV cables. If test fails, replace
HV tank
0312h 786d ILR current not OK See above Take some exposures. If error persists,
The current in the serial run HV power diagnostics. Check
resonant circuit of the inverter connections of resonant elements in
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Error Error Message/explanation Potential cause Recommended action/

code code Troubleshooting guide
(hex) (dec)
did not rise at the beginning of Inverter. Run Inverter gate command
the exposure. diagnostic. If test fails replace Inverter.
Run Inverter in short circuit test. If test
fails replace PPC kV control board or
Inverter. Else, run no load HV test
without removing HV cables. If test fails,
replace HV tank
0313h 787d Inverter max. ILR current 1 Tube (it can be casing Take some exposures with reduced
detected. spits, error 0324H data=1 techniques (80kV). If error persists, run
This is a hardware detection of or 2) Inverter in short circuit test. If test fails
maximum current in serial 2 HV tank replace PPC kV control board or Inverter.
resonant circuit. 3 PPC kV control Else, run no load HV test without
4 inv LC resonant circuit removing HV cables. If test fails, replace
HV tank
0314h 788d ILR Current time out. 1. PPC kV control Take some exposures with reduced
The current resonant 2. Inverter techniques (80kV). If error persists, run
frequency is lower than 3. Current measurement Inverter in short circuit test. If test fails
expected circuit. replace Inverter or PPC kV control board.
Else, run no load HV test without
removing HV cables. If test fails, replace
HV tank
0316h 790d Spit Max error. Reasonably x-ray tube Try again at various kV/mA to confine
PPC kV control has detected problem. If error too frequent, replace
the number of tube spits during tube.
exposure has reached the limit If this error is associated to error 0324h
(see theory of operation, kV regul out, check mains input voltage
software section) Run no load HV diagnostics removing HV
cables. If test fails replace HV tank
0317h 791d Spit Ratio error. Reasonably x-ray tube Try again at various kV/mA to confine
PPC kV control has detected problem. If error too frequent, replace
the rate of tube spits during tube.
exposure has reached the limit If this error is associated to error 0324h
(see theory of operation, kV regul out, check mains input voltage
software section) Run no load HV diagnostics removing HV
cables. If test fails replace HV tank.
0318h 792d kV did not reach 75% after 1. Inverter Repeat the exposures. If error persists
20ms. 2. PPC kV control run Inverter gate command diagnostic.
Indicates that there were no 3. Tank If test fails replace PPC kV control board
HV ON signal generated for 4. Tube, HV cables (first) or Inverter.
exposure time count-up If test OK remove HV cables and run no
load HV diagnostics at several kV
stations to confine the problem. If test
fails replace HV tank.
Else replace the PPC kV control board.
0319h 793d kV unbalanced detected. HV tank Try some exposures at various kV, mA to
Detects that there is more than confirm the problem.
12kV difference between kV+ Replace HV tank
and kV -
0320h 800d FPGA problem; Safety hit with This may be due to transient Verify flat cable and contacts between
unknown reason interference (Spikes). PPC kV control board and HV tank.
No error at the inputs while Check the presence of the ferrite in the
checking for error source. cable between PPC kV control board and
HV tank.
If error permanent or too systematic,
replace PPC kV control board.

0321h 801d Spit retry failed 1. Tube (most probable) If this error is associated to spit detection
2. HV cables on anode side, same time, (0324h data
3. HV tank 1), change tube

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Error Error Message/explanation Potential cause Recommended action/

code code Troubleshooting guide
(hex) (dec)
Else run no load HV diagnostics removing
HV cables. If test fails replace HV tank
0323h 803d ILP and ILR current not OK 1. DCBUS loss Check main DCBUS voltage on inverter
No inverter current measures 2. Inverter LC resonant Take some exposures. If error persists,
at the beginning of the circuit. (Inverter coil assy, run HV power diagnostics. Check
exposure capa inverter assy, current connections of resonant elements in
transformers.) Inverter. Run Inverter gate command
3. PPC kV control board diagnostic. If test fails replace Inverter.
Run Inverter in short circuit test. If test
fails replace Inverter or PPC kV control
0325h 805d DSP overload 1. Main supply Check main DCBUS voltage on inverter
2. PPC kV control board Take some exposures. If error persists,
run HV power diagnostics. Run Inverter in
short circuit test. If test fails replace
Inverter or PPC kV control board.
Else, run no load HV test without
removing HV cables. If test fails, replace
HV tank
0326h 806d DSP exposure stop PPC kV control board Try again. If error repeated, replace the
PPC kV control board.

0329h 809d Wrong HV capa measure 1. HV cable problem Check HV cables connections
2. HV tank switch problem Run 2 tube capability diagnostic
3. Tube Replace HV tank
0401h 1025d No mA feedback 1. X-ray tube filament short Run 2nd tube capability diagnostic (only
mA measurement function: circuited or open for 2 tube HV tank)
PPC kV control has detected 2. Cathode and anode HV Verify that HV cables are not swapped
no mA feedback 20 ms after cables swapped after HV Verify filament impedance between pins
the beginning of the exposure. tank replacement of cathode HV cable.
3. HV tank Disconnect HV Tank to PPC kV control
4. PPC kV control board flat cable and verify with an Ohm-meter
5. Cathode HV cable short- that the value of the mA shunt resistors
circuited on the HV tank is 5 ohm (between pins
6. Heater function 45 and 46 of 50 pin female connector). If
it is out of range (4.9 to 5.1 Ohm,
including DVM accuracy) replace HV
Replace PPC kV control board

0402h 1026d mA scale error 1. PPC kV control board If the tube has just been replaced or
mA has been measured to be 2. default filament currents installed, run many exposures until the
either too low or too high with not correctly adjusted filament correction adjusts the default
respect to mA demand 20 ms 3. HV Tank (improbable) filament drive values.
after the beginning of the If the error occurs after a while on a
exposure system Disconnect HV Tank to PPC kV
control flat cable and verify with an Ohm-
meter that the value of the mA shunt
resistors on the HV tank is 5 ohm
(between pins 45 and 46 of 50 pin female
connector). If it is out of range, (4.9 to 5.1
Ohm, including DVM accuracy) replace
HV Tank. Replace PPC kV control board
0403h 1027d mA out of range Tube spit no action
Measured mA every 50 msec

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Error Error Message/explanation Potential cause Recommended action/

code code Troubleshooting guide
(hex) (dec)
exceeded 5% of mA demand.
This error is logged, but does
not stop the exposure.
0451h 1105d MA meter does not work 1. PPC kV control board Change PPC kV control
0504h 1284d Inverter Gate Power Supply 1. No 3ph input to generator Verify DC BUS voltage present in ACDC
error or input voltage too low or line module. Check main AC fuses and
Gate supply voltage has impedance too high DCBUS voltage.
dropped below the level 2. No DCBUS input to Gate Verify DC BUS voltage present in Gate
required to drive the IGBTs command board (Inverter) Cmd board (neon ON) If neon off, Verify
properly 3. PPC kV control board DC BUS voltage present in rotation board
(neon ON) If neon on , verify cabling to
Gate cmd board. If neon off, check fuse in
ACDC board.If fuse has blown, check if
the DCBUS input to rotation board or
Gate cmd board is in short circuit and
replace the Rotation board or the inverter.
If DC BUS ok, run Inverter gate command
diagnostics If test fails, replace PPC kV
control board (first) or Inverter
0801h 2049d Exposure backup mAs 1. Exposure command line Reset and retry changing parameters and
exceeded stuck to the active state duration.
The exposure command last 2. PPC kV control board If error persists, replace PPC kV control
so long that the maximum mAs board
allowed has been reached
0802h 2050d Exposure backup time 1. Exposure command line Reset and retry changing parameters and
exceeded. stuck to the active state duration.
The exposure command last 2. PPC kV control board If error persists, replace PPC kV control
longer than the duration that board
was loaded by the system
(Backup time + 5%.)
0803d 2051d Exp cmd while gene not 1. Generic IF board If problem persists, change Generic IF
ready. 2. System cable with real time board or PPC kV control board.
Generator received an lines
exposure command while not 3. PPC kV control board
in ready state 4. External cause (Spikes)
1407h 5127d mAs counter error PPC kV control board Replace PPC kV control Board
Error found in verifying the
counter normal operation.
1408h 5128d AEC does not count. 1. ION chamber Verify AEC board to ion chamber cable
If there is no AEC feedback in 2. AEC cable, connection and Generic IF to PPC kV control board
AEC station exposure. 3. AEC board cable.
Run AEC diagnostics (see diagnostic
section). If test OK, replace ion chamber.
If test fails, replace AEC board or PPC kV
control board or Generic IF board.
1409h 5129d mAs meter saturated. PPC kV control If persistent replace PPC kV control
A check is done on mAs board
counter operation at the
beginning of exposure and
found the mAs meter with
unrealistic value.
1410h 5136d FPGA locked. PPC kV control board If persistent replace PPC kV control
FPGA detected an error and
did not allow start exposure
after exposure command
signal was received.
1411h 5137d Time counter error PPC kV control board Replace PPC kV control Board
Error found in verifying the
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code code Troubleshooting guide
(hex) (dec)
counter normal operation.
1420h 5152d Tomo cut too early Positioner cut exposure before positioner trouble
programmed time

1421h 5153d Time cut instead tomo Positioner does not cut positioner trouble
exposure Power supply (code 70)

Error Error Message/explanation Potential cause Recommended action/

code code Troubleshooting guide
(hex) (dec)
0501h 1281d DC bus out if range (<400 or 1. mains problem (Too low or -Check mains line 3 phases incoming
>850) too high) voltage
2. One phase missing at -Verify line impedance if mains is low.
Generator input
0503h 1283d Inverter Gate Power Supply 1. No 3ph input to generator Verify DC BUS voltage present in ACDC
error (checked at prep) or input voltage too low module. Check main AC fuses and
or line impedance too DCBUS voltage.
high Verify DC BUS voltage present in Gate
2. No DCBUS input to Gate Cmd board (neon ON) If neon off, Verify
command board (Inverter) DC BUS voltage present in rotation board
3. PPC kV control board (neon ON) If neon on , verify cabling to
Gate cmd board. If neon off, check fuse in
ACDC board. If fuse has blown, check if
the DCBUS input to rotation board or Gate
cmd board is in short circuit and replace
the Rotation board or the inverter.
If DC BUS ok, run Inverter gate command
diagnostics If test fails, replace PPC kV
control board (first) or Inverter
0505h 1285d Mains power supply has unknown None
dropped During exposure

0510h 1296d HVPM AEC not 230V AEC board Disconnect ion chambers and run AEC
230V voltage generated in diagnostics. If test fails replace AEC
AEC board for ion chamber board. Else check ion chamber.
supply not OK
0549h 1353d LVPS TRI: Unknown error Software problem No action
The main software received a
LVPS error with no error code
0553h 1363d LVPS TRI: Detected +160V 1. LVPS Verify that the input voltage on LVPS
too high 2. Heater board board is in an acceptable range
+160V is higher than 225V (CF1/CF2). If no, verify AC/DC fuse.
(measured on heater board) Check 160V on CF2/1 on heater board. If
OK, replace heater board
Else, disconnect the CF2 cable and
measure again on the LVPS side. If
voltage is wrong, replace LVPS board.
0557h 1367d LVPS TRI: Detected +160V 1. LVPS Verify that the input voltage on LVPS
too low 2. Heater board board is in an acceptable range (J2). If no,

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code code Troubleshooting guide
(hex) (dec)
+160V is lower than 110V verify AC/DC fuse.
(measured on heater board) Check 160V on CF2/1 on heater board. If
OK, replace heater board
Else, disconnect the CF2 cable and
measure again on the LVPS side. If
voltage is wrong, replace LVPS board.
0563h 1379d LVPS TRI: Detected +15V too 1. LVPS open circuit Verify that the input power on LVPS board
high 2. Heater board is in an acceptable range (J2). If no, verify
+15V is higher than 17.3V AC/DC fuse.
(measured on heater board) Check 15V on heater board (J3, pin4). If
OK, replace heater board.
Else, disconnect the control bus cable
from the LVPS board and check the pin 2
of the connector: if voltage is wrong
replace LVPS board.
0567h 1383d LVPS TRI: Detected +15V too 1. LVPS open circuit Verify that the input voltage on LVPS
low 2. Heater board board is in an acceptable range (J2). If no,
+15V is lower than 13V 3. rotation (short circuit) verify AC fuse. For single phase
(measured on heater board) PPC kV control (short circuit) generator, check on ACDC SP board.
(improbable) Check 15V on heater board (J3, pin4). If
OK, replace heater board.
If voltage=0, check the continuity on
heater board between (J3, pin4) and
(J1,pin2).If no continuity, replace heater
Else, disconnect the control bus cable
from the LVPS board and check the pin2
of the connector : if voltage is wrong
replace LVPS board. Else,
check pin2 of the control bus cable when
disconnecting the cable from each board
successively to isolate the board inducing
a voltage drop
0573h 1395d LVPS TRI: Detected -15V too 1. LVPS Verify that the input voltage on LVPS
high 2. Heater board board is in an acceptable range (J2). If no,
-15V is lower than -17.3V verify AC fuse. For single phase
(measured on heater board) generator, check on ACDC SP board
Check -15V on heater board (J3, pin3). If
OK, replace heater board.
Else, disconnect the output power cable
from the LVPS board and check the pin3
of the connector: if voltage is wrong
replace LVPS board.
0577h 1399d LVPS TRI: Detected -15V too 1. LVPS (open circuit) Verify that the input voltage on LVPS
low 2. Heater board board is in an acceptable range (J2) If no,
-15V is higher than -13V 3. rotation (short circuit) verify AC/DC.
(measured on heater board) 4. PPC kV control (short Check -15V on heater board (J3, pin3). If
circuit) (improbable) OK, replace heater board.
If voltage=0, check the continuity on
heater board between (J3, pin3) and
(J1,pin3).If no continuity, replace heater
Else, disconnect the control bus cable
from the LVPS board and check the pin3
of the connector: if voltage is wrong
replace LVPS board. Else, check pin3 of
the control bus cable when disconnecting
the cable from each board successively to
isolate the board inducing a voltage drop.

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GE Healthcare Hardware errors (code 80)

Error Error Message/explanation Potential cause Recommended action/

code code Troubleshooting guide
(hex) (dec)
0180h 384d Rotation board communication 1. Rotation board Verify the flat cable between PPC kV
problem. 2. Control bus cable control and auxiliary module is correctly
PPC kV control board 3. PPC kV control connected to the Rotation board
communication Watch Dog Check that rotation firmware is running
with Rotation board popped up (DS5 on rotation board blinking).
because it did not get reply If firmware OK, replace PPC kV control
from Rotation board. board.
Else verify that RESET Led is not lit. If it
is lit, disconnect successively the control
bus cable from heater and PPC kV
control boards to find the board which is
holding the reset line and replace it. If
after disconnecting all the boards, the
Led remains lit, replace Rotation board
0181h 385d Rotation board has reset. 1. Rotation board Check flat cable conencted to Rotation
PPC kV control has detected 2. Interference (Spikes) board. Reset system
the Rotation board has reset. If error persists, replace Rotation board
PPC kV control will reload
Rotation data base.
0280h 640d Heater 0 board communication 1. Heater 0 board Verify the flat cable between LVPS board
problem 2. Control bus cable and Heater board is correctly connected
PPC kV control board 3. PPC kV control Check that heater firmware is running
communication Watch Dog (DS1-DS2 on heater board blinking).
with Heater board popped up If firmware OK, replace PPC kV control
because it did not get reply board.
from Heater board. Else verify that RESET Led is not lit. If it
is lit, disconnect successively the control
bus cable from Rotation and PPC kV
control boards to find the board that is
holding the reset line and replace it. If
after disconnecting all the boards, the
Led remains lit, replace Heater board
0281h 641d Heater board has reset. 1. Heater board Check flat cable connected to Heater
PPC kV control has detected 2. Interference (Spikes) board. Reset system
the heater board has reset. KV If error persists, replace Heater board
ctrl will reload Rotation data
0322h 802d kV ref ADC / DAC failed PPC kV control board Only if this error is repetitive and comes
PPC kV control DAC and ADC alone (Not following other errors), replace
capability are permanently PPC kV control board.
tested for coherency.
03A0h 928d DSP error PPC kV control board Reinitialize system, and retry.
DSP program corrupted If error persists, change PPC kV control
0601h 1537d RTL error (+ associated data 1. system communication Check communication to system cable
to check which of the 4 RTL power supply (for isolated Check system communication power
lines) communications) supply (if any)
Real Time Lines show a wrong 2. system communication Check system interface to PPC kV control
state. RTL’s are tested on a cable flat cable
regular basis in stand by. 3. system interface board Replace system interface board
4. system interface to PPC kV Replace PPC kV control board
control flat cable
5. PPC kV control board

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Error Error Message/explanation Potential cause Recommended action/

code code Troubleshooting guide
(hex) (dec)
0602h 1538h External CAN bus off 1. system communication Refer to Other errors section - JEDI
Communication to system power supply (for isolated communication problem
through CAN not possible. communications)
System will report JEDI comm. 2. system communication
problem. cable
3. Generic IF board
4. Generic IF to PPC kV
control board flat cable
5. PPC kV control board
0902h 2306d Tube Fan supply error. 1. No 115V tube cooling supply -Check presence of the AC voltage (DS6
Rotation board has detected 2. Cabling neon) at the input of the Rotation board.
that a wrong voltage is applied 3. Rotation board -Check the cables.
to the tube fan If ok, replace the rotation board
1402h 5122d Internal CAN bus off 1. PPC kV control Check a short circuit on CAN lines, pins 5
Can device on PPC kV control 2. Control bus cable & 6, of the control bus cable. Short circuit
board detected abnormal level 3. Heater or Rotation may be either on Boards or connector/
on it’s 2 line and sent error to cable.
the CPU If no fault detected, replace PPC kV
control board

1403h 5123d Connection Fault Cables between PPC kV control Check connection of the following cables:
One of the flat cable connector board, Generic IF board, HV PPC kV control to Generic IF board, PPC
is not connected in Generator. tank and inverter. kV control to kV measure board (HV
tank), kV measure to Gate cmd board
1404h 5124d FPGA configuration problem. PPC kV control board. Replace PPC kV control board.
Detected during power up. The
PPC kV control main software
cannot load the FPGA.
1413h 5139d Internal CAN bus Txo 1. PPC kV control board Replace PPC kV control board.
Internal CAN bus not 2. Cabling
1415h 5141d External CAN bus Txo 1. system communication Refer to Other errors section - JEDI com
External CAN bus not power supply (for isolated problem
transmitting. System to JEDI communications)
communication not possible 2. system communication
3. Generic IF board
4. Generic IF to PPC kV
control board flat cable
5. PPC kV control board
1416h 5142d Internal CAN RTL2 error

1419h 5145d 10V reference error 1. PPC kV control board Replace PPC kV control board

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GE Healthcare Application errors (code 90)

Error Error Message/explanation Potential cause Recommended action/

code code Troubleshooting guide
(hex) (dec)
0701h 1793d NV RAM checksum pb. 1. Database problem If persistent:
Generator PPC kV control 2. External cause (Spikes) -Reload the database. If no improvement:
board has detected corruption 3. PPC kV control -Replace PPC kV control board and
in the NV Ram verification reload the database.
(After power up)
0702h 1794d Software problem. 1. Software or Data Base Reload the software and database
problem. If no improvement, replace PPC kV
2. PPC kV control board control board

0704h 1796d Rotation/Heater hold too long. System software Problem. Will No action
Will pop up if preparation pop up if preparation command
command from the system is from the system is maintained
maintained longer than 3 longer than 3 minutes.
0705h 1797d System or database Database problem - Download the database
configuration error - Check system software release
The identifier of the system (Workstation)
and the database are not
0706h 1798d Wrong DSP version PPC kV control board -Reload the software and database
(Engineering debug) If no improvement, change PPC kV
0707d 1799d Wrong FPGA version PPC kV control board -Reload the software and database
(Engineering debug) If no improvement, change PPC kV
1011h 4113d Unexpected tube switch board Database problem Reload the database
A switch board has been
detected in a single tube
system Communication errors(code 100)

Error Error Message/explanation Potential cause Recommended action/

code code Troubleshooting guide
(hex) (dec)
0603h 1539d Debug screen com. error Engineering use

0604h 1540d Database download error 1. Database file incorrect Retry download
Generator has detected a 2. Transmission problem Check database file
problem during data base Potential laptop incompatibility
1301h 4865d AEC Board com problem. 1. Cables connection Verify flat cable between Generic IF
AEC communication problem 2. AEC board board and AEC board
3. Supply from system Check if AEC board is alive (leds blinking,
refer to Illustration part)
If board down and cable OK replace AEC
In case of a problem with +12V supply

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Error Error Message/explanation Potential cause Recommended action/

code code Troubleshooting guide
(hex) (dec)
from system to GEN_IF board this error
will show associated with communication
errors Thermal errors (code 110)

Error Error Message/explanation Potential cause Recommended action/

code code Troubleshooting guide
(hex) (dec)
0804h 2052d Tank Thermal sensor too high 1. Heat sink fans Wait until HV cools down for error
HV tank temperature has 2. Temperature sensor of HV clearance. Check that the heat sink fans
reached the maximum limit. tank are working properly. If not, replace fans.
3. PPC kV control If error persists when HV Tank is cool
check flat cable connection between HV
Tank and PPC kV control board
Replace PPC kV control
Replace HV tank
0805h 2053d Inverter HW temperature too 1. Inverter fan Wait until Inverter cools down for error
high. 2. Temperature sensor of clearance. Check that Inverter fan is
Parallel inductor temperature parallel inductor working properly. If not, replace fans.
has reached the maximum 3. PPC kV control If error persists when Inverter is cool
limit. check flat cable connection between HV
Tank and PPC kV control board
Replace PPC kV control
Replace Inverter
0903h 2307d Tube exceeded 70°C 1. X-ray tube too hot; normal Wait until tube cools down for error
Tube temperature switch error clearance. Troubleshoot tube cooling
detected open 2. Cooling problem system (if applicable)
3. Wiring problem If error persists, short circuit the sensor
4. Sensor problem (Tube) feedback (between pins 15 and 16 on
5. Rotation board rotation board connector J2) If error
disappears check cabling to tube and
tube thermal switch state. If no, replace
rotation board
0905h 2309d Tube thermal protection 1. X-ray tube too hot; normal Wait until tube cools down for error
Thermal protection algorithm error clearance. Reduce exposures technique
has detected that tube 2. Too powerful exposures (kV, mA)
exceeded its temperature limits
1405h 5125d Tank temperature sensor too PPC kV control Check flat cable connection between
low HV tank PPC kV control board and HV tank
HV tank temperature is below Replace PPC kV control board
< 3°C. Indicates sensor Replace HV Tank

1406h 5126d Inverter HW temp meas too PPC kV control Check flat cable connection between
low Sensor of parallel inductor PPC kV control board and HV tank.
Parallel inductor temperature Check flat cable connection between HV
is below < 3°C. Indicates tank and gate cmd board in Inverter.
sensor malfunction Check inverter temperature sensor cable
connection to gate cmd board (J5)
Replace PPC kV control board
Replace Inverter

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GE Healthcare Manipulation errors(code 120)

Error Error Message/explanation Potential cause Recommended action/

code code Troubleshooting guide
(hex) (dec)
1500h 5376 Tomo brightness not good System problem. kV not Change kV demand on system console
correctly set

1501h 5377d Release exposure switch During exposure switch is No action

released before its end
1502h 5378d AEC does not cut exposure mAs limitation (most cases) Increase selected mAs for the exposure
Exposure stopped by mAs Ion chamber problem If error persists remove ion chamber and
limitation AEC board run AEC diagnostics. If test fails, replace
AEC board, else troubleshoot ion
chamber and cable

5.1.2 Warnings errors

Warnings (class 1 and 2 errors) are the result of automated and regular background monitoring for either
software events or voltages check.
Those errors are merely for engineering use and do not indicate any hardware error failure.
Warnings are also logged into the generator event log file, just as the previous list of errors, and can help
to sort them out. Refer to the Error and Warning code list chapter for the complete list of warnings.

5.1.3 Extended troubleshooting

See the following job card in annexe for extended troubleshooting

Job card # Description
20001 Inverter Diagnostics
20002 No Load kV Diagnostics
20004 Anode Rotation Diagnostics
20005 Heating circuit Diagnosis
20014 Gate Command Diagnosis
20015 Internal low voltage power supply (LVPS) diagnosis
20016 3phases and DC bus diagnosis

See the next chapter for standard diagnosis

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5.2 Diagnostics

5.2.1 Heating without HV nor rotation diagnostic

The purpose of this test is to drive the heater inverter(s) on both filaments and all the tubes connected to
the Generator in order to identify a faulty heater FRU or a wrong connection between heater board, HV
Tank and tube(s).

- PPC kV control board alive and running : DS17-DS24 Leds are lit successively or a combination of them
- heater board alive and running : DS1 and DS2 Leds are lit successively
- heater DC supply present : DS3 Led is lit

Test type: No manual interaction with the use of the Diagnostic screen on system console

Once selected the tube the test is running on , start the diagnostic.
The following sequence runs on the small focus and then on the large focus :
- 5 seconds preheat
- 0,4s boost
- 5s heat ( focal spot max current - 1Amp )
There is 10s stop time between each focal spot run
During the test , the heater safeties are checked the same way than in application mode

Error codes reporting:

If test fails, generator goes onto error state with associated error code. Refer to the troubleshooting table

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5.2.2 Rotation without HV nor filament diagnostic

The purpose of this test is to drive the rotation inverter(s) in high speed mode (for application supporting
high speed mode ) and low speed mode on all the tubes connected to the Generator in order to identify a
faulty rotation FRU or a faulty dephasing capacitors FRU or a wrong connection between rotation board
and tube.

- PPC kV control board alive and running : DS17-DS24 Leds are lit successively or a combination of them
- rotation board alive and running : DS5 Led blinking
- rotation DC supply present : DS7 neon is lit

Test type: No manual operation on the generator is required for the test

Once selected the tube the test is running on, start the diagnostic.
The following sequence runs in low speed mode and then in high speed mode (if high speed mode
allowed) :
- acceleration ( time depends on tube type )
- 2s run
- brake ( time depends on tube type )
There is 2s stop time between each speed mode.
During the test , the rotation safeties are checked the same way than in application mode

Error codes reporting :

If test fails, generator goes onto error state with associated error code. Refer to the troubleshooting table

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5.2.3 Inverter gate command diagnostic

The purpose of this test is to verify that the HV power inverter drive is working properly. The IGBTs gate
drive supply and the IGBTs gate drive is verified. At the same time verification is made that no inverter
currents nor high voltage are measured. This test is performed without DC voltage applied to the inverter
so that no Xray is generated. Anode rotation and filament drive are not activated during this test.

- Generator input line in an acceptable range ( 380V-10% to 480V+10% for 3-phase AC input )
- PPC kV control board alive and running : DS17-DS24 Leds are lit successively or a combination of them blink
- Inverter gate_cmd board DC supply present : DS300 neon is lit

Test type: Manual operation is required.

1/ Disconnect the 2 DC bus cables between AC/DC board and Resonand Circuit Power Components in
Inverter ( see Illustration part )
2/ Power on the Generator
3/ Verify that the DS1-DS2 leds on inverter quad snubber board are not lit
4/ Start the diagnostic and verify :
- error reported on the operator console
- inverter gate_cmd board Leds DS101, DS 102, DS201, DS202 are lit : IGBTs gate drive supply is
working properly
5/ Press the exposure switch
6/ During the “exposure”, verify :
- error reported on the operator console
- inverter gate_cmd board Leds DS100 and DS200 are lit : IGBTs gate drive is working properly
7/ Release the exposure switch
8/ Power off the Generator . Wait until residual voltage disappears .
9/ Reconnect the 2 DC bus cables

Error reporting:
If test fails, generator goes onto error state with associated error code. Refer to the troubleshooting table

error Conclusion
DS1-DS2 lit Check that DC bus cables have been removed
DS300 neon off Check the gate_cmd supply cable between AC/DC and gate_cmd
0309/ 0310/ 0311/ 0312/ 0313/ Check that DC bus cables have been removed.
0314/ 0319/ 0323/ 0324 (hex) If yes, replace PPC kV control board
0320h if problem persists, replace PPC kV control board
0501h PPC kV control board or inverter fault, replace PPC kV control board
0503h 0504h PPC kV control board or inverter fault, replace PPC kV control board
DS101/DS102/DS201/DS202 Replace inverter
One led off while no error
DS100 and/or DS200 Leds off Check cabling between PPC kV control, HV Tank and gate_cmd
If cabling is right, PPC kV control board or inverter fault, replace PPC
kV control board first

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5.2.4 Inverter in short circuit diagnostic

The purpose of this test is to verify that the HV power inverter is working properly. The inverter is
commanded at a fixed frequency and is loaded with a short circuit. Verification is made that the inverter
currents are correctly set. At the same time verification is made that no High voltage is measured. This
test is performed without connecting the HV Tank to the inverter so that no Xray is generated. Anode
rotation and filament drive are not activated during this test.

- Generator input line in an acceptable range ( 380V-10% to 480V+10% for 3-phase AC input )
- PPC kV control board alive and running : DS17-DS24 Leds are lit successively or a combination of them blink
- inverter gate_cmd board DC supply present : DS300 neon is lit
- inverter quad snubber board DC supply present : DS1-DS2 led are lit
- Inverter gate command diagnostic passed without failure

Test type: Manual operation is required.

1/ Disconnect the HV Tank primary cables from the inverter ( see HV Tank replacement job card ).
Take care not to disconnect at the same time the plate cable connected to the quad snubber board which
is tightened with the HV Tank primary cables.
2/ Install the short circuit cable included in the first aid kit as shown in the picture (in red, the cable)

figure 1: inverter configuration


3/ The parallel inductor and serial inductor must be connected

4/ Power on the Generator
5/ Verify that the DS1-DS2 leds on inverter quad snubbers board is lit
6/ Verify that the DS300 neon on inverter gate_cmd board is lit
7/ Start the diagnostic and verify that no error is reported on the operator console
8/ Press the exposure switch (500ms exposure is taken)
9/ Release the exposure switch
10/ Verify error reported on the console
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11/ After exiting the test, power off the Generator

12/ Remove the short circuit cable, reconnect the HV Tank primary cables ( see HV Tank replacement job
card ).

Error reporting :
If test fails, generator goes onto error state with associated error code. Refer to the troubleshooting table

error Conclusion
DS1-DS2 leds off Check that DC bus cables between AC/DC and inverter
DS300 neon off Check the gate_cmd supply cable between AC/DC and gate_cmd board
0309/ 0310/ 0319/ 0324 (hex) Check that HV Tank primary cables have been removed.
If yes, replace PPC kV control board
0311/ 0312/ 0313/ 0314/ Replace Inverter or PPC kV control board
0320/ 0323 (hex)
0501/ 0503/ 0504/ 0505 (hex) Replace Inverter or PPC kV control board

Note 1 : Ilp and Ilr currents not detected

1/ Check the -15V (Led DS1) on PPC kV control board (see block diagram).
If it is not lit, refer to “other failures” section. Else :
2/ Power off the Generator. Wait until all neons are off
3/ Check that the currents transformers (capacitor set) to gate_cmd board cable is correctly
connected. If yes :
4/ Check that the inverter inductors are correctly connected. If yes :
5/ Check that HV Tank is correctly connected to the capacitors set. If yes :
6/ Check that the gate_cmd to HV Tank cable and HV Tank to PPC kV control cables are correctly
If yes, replace the inverter
7/ Reconnect all the cables

Note 2 : Ilp current not detected

1/ Power off the Generator. Wait until all neons are off
2/ Check that the parallel inductor is correctly connected. If yes :
3/ Check that the parallel inductor impedance is 0 Ohms. If no : replace inverter. If yes :
4/ Check that inverter capacitors (capacitors set) are not broken. If yes, replace the capacitor set.
Else :
5/ Disconnect the currents transformers to gate_cmd board cable. Check that the parallel current
transformer impedance is 0. If no : replace the capacitor set. Else :
6/ Check that the gate_cmd to HV Tank cable and HV Tank to PPC kV control cables are correctly
connected. If yes :
7/ Disconnect the HV Tank to PPC kV control cable. Check that the impedance between pin20 and
pin21 of J2 of HV Tank is 3,3Ohms. If no replace the inverter. If yes : replace PPC kV control
8/ Reconnect all the cables

Note 3 : Ilr current not detected

1/ Power off the Generator. Wait until all neons are off
2/ Check that the inductors are correctly connected. If yes :
3/ Disconnect the currents transformers to gate_cmd board cable. Check that the serial current
transformer impedance is 0. If no : replace capacitor set. Else :
4/ Check that inverter capacitors (capacitors set) are not broken. If yes, replace the capacitor set.
Else :
5/ Check that the gate_cmd to HV Tank cable and HV Tank to PPC kV control cables are correctly
connected. If yes :
6/ Disconnect the HV Tank to PPC kV control cable. Check that the impedance between pin20 and
pin21 of J2 of HV Tank is 5 Ohms. If no replace inverter. If yes : replace PPC kV control board.
7/ Reconnect all the cables

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Note 4 : Ilr current resonant frequency is lower than expected

1/ Power off the Generator. Wait until all neon’s are off
2/ Check that the inductors are correctly connected. If yes :
3/ Check that inverter capacitors (capacitors set) are not broken. If yes : replace the capacitor set.
4/ Disconnect the currents transformers to gate_cmd board cable. Check that the parallel current
transformer impedance is 0. If no : replace the capacitor set. Else : replace PPC kV control board.
5/ Reconnect all the cables

5.2.5 No load HV diagnostic without anode rotation nor filament heating

The purpose of this test is to verify that the HV power inverter and HV tank are working properly. The
exposure is taken as in application mode except that no filament drive nor anode rotation is running.
Verification is made that the inverter currents are correctly set and that kV regulation is operating
properly. As no filament drive is applied, no x-rays are generated.
This test also allows to separate generator from HV cable or x-ray tube problem by running it with or
without HV cables plugged on the HV tank ( see Warning)

- Generator input line in an acceptable range ( 380V-10% to 480V+10% for 3-phase AC input )
- PPC kV control board alive and running : S0-S7 Leds are lit successively or a combination of them blink
- inverter gate_cmd board DC supply present : DS300 neon is lit
- inverter quad snubber board DC supply present : DS1-DS2 leds are lit
- Inverter gate command diagnostic passed without failure
- Inverter in short circuit diagnostic passed without failure

HV receptacles must be filled with oil if HV cables are removed.

Test type : Manual operation is required.

1/ Power on the Generator
2/ Start the diagnostic and verify :
- error reported on the operator console
- inverter gate_cmd board Leds DS101, DS 102, DS201, DS202 are lit : IGBTs gate drive supply is
working properly
3/ Select kV (Default = 80 kV) and exposure time (Default = 1 sec.)
4/ Press the exposure switch
5/ During the exposure, verify any error reported on the operator console
6/ Release the exposure switch
7/ Power off the Generator

Error reporting:
If test fails, generator goes onto error state with associated error code. Refer to the troubleshooting table

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5.2.6 AEC diagnostic

The purpose of this test is to drive the AEC function in order to identify a faulty AEC, IF or PPC kV control
board FRU or the wrong connection between the AEC board and ion chambers.

• Application mode without AEC mode is running properly
• PPC kV control board alive and running: S0-S7 LEDs are lit successively or a combination of them
• Cabling between IF board, AEC board and ionisation chambers checked.

Test type: Manual operation is required.

Select AEC function in Generator Diagnostic screen
Press Start to run the test.
AEC function is verified through a series of 7 tests as follows:
• AEC return measurement test:
A voltage reference is switched to one input of the AEC select multiplex.
Nominal value of return voltage = 5.24 V
Test 1 is OK if: 4 V < measured value < 6 V
This test is also performed at lower frequency count up:
Test 2 is OK if: 4 V < measured value < 6 V.
• Switching Gain test (x10):
A voltage reference is switched to one input of the AEC select multiplex and count up gain is applied.
Nominal value of return voltage = 4.76 V
Test 3 is OK if: 4 V < measured value < 6 V.
• AEC ion chamber HV power supply test:
A portion of HV power supply is switched to one input of the AEC select multiplex:
- No cell selected, Test 4 is OK if return voltage measurement is 0 V.
- Select respectively one of the three cells, left, right, middle.
Test 5, 6, 7 are OK if: 1 V < measured value < 3 V.

Error codes reporting:

If test fails, generator goes onto error state with associated error code. Refer to the troubleshooting table

6. Troubleshooting schematics

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e X-Ray Generation Subsystems
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e X-Ray Generation Subsystems
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e X-Ray Generation Subsystems
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GE Healthcare JEDI Error codes, Diagnosis and Troubleshooting for

80 RD 1T Generator
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JEDI 80 RD 1T Page : 1/4 Jedi Diag #20001
Inverter Diagnostics
Personnel : 1 or 2 Time : 0h 25min
Job card. For short circuit diagnostics

1. Purpose:
The purpose of this test is to verify that the HV power inverter is working properly. The inverter is commanded at a
fixed frequency and is loaded with a short circuit. Verification is made that the inverter currents are correctly set. At the
same time verification is made that no High voltage is measured. This test is performed without connecting the HV
Tank to the inverter so that no Xray is generated. Anode rotation and filament drive are not activated during this test.

2. Test type:
• Test is automatically done and the console send the result of the test.

3. Prerequisites:
• Check that the system is powered off and that there is no residual voltage.

Short circuit installation

• Open the Auxiliaries and ACDC assembly by removing the two screws 1 holding it


• Remove the front cover (eight 5.5mm hex head screws)2

• Remove the three 13mm screws holding the primary connections of the HV tank 3
• pull the primary connections to dissociate them from the inverter
NOTE : the two primary connections with a white ring are screwed together on the middle .
the middle point of the inverter has to stay in place .

Short circuit this two

point with short circuit

• Install the short circuit cable included in the first aid kit as shown in the picture.
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JEDI 80 RD 1T Page : 2/4 Jedi Diag #20001
Inverter Diagnostics
Personnel : 1 or 2 Time : 0h 25min
Job card. For short circuit diagnostics

• Reconnect all cable on PPC KV CTRL board

• Power on the Generator

4. Diagnostic diagram:

Note: for identifying parts and leds, refer to illustrated part JEDI and for cable refer to hardware
configuration page 39.

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JEDI 80 RD 1T Page : 3/4 Jedi Diag #20001
Inverter Diagnostics
Personnel : 1 or 2 Time : 0h 25min
Job card. For short circuit diagnostics

Do diagnosis

Combination of
DS17 - DS24 on No
PPC board lit?

Yes Do low voltage diagnosis

jobcard "Jedi Diag#20015
LVPS diagnostics"

DS300 on Gate No
cmd board lit?

Do 3 phases and DC bus

diagnosis jobcard "Jedi
Diag#20016 3phases and
DC bus diagnostics"

DS1 and DS2 on

Quad snubber No
board lit?

Check cables
Yes 2307965 and
Start Inverter short circuit
diagnostic from SUIF

Diagnosis result
is PASS?

Change Inverter

Inverter OK

Do No load KV diagnosis
jobcard "Jedi Diag #20002 No
Load kV Diagnostics"
Note: For Diagnosis Tool on SUIF see instruction on SUIF (SUIF = System user interface)
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JEDI 80 RD 1T Page : 4/4 Jedi Diag #20001
Inverter Diagnostics
Personnel : 1 or 2 Time : 0h 25min
Job card. For short circuit diagnostics

5. Diagnosis Tool Sequence:

The short circuit diagnostic use the following sequence to check if inverter work properly:
- Send diagnosis configuration to JEDI
- Wait user action (hold exposure switch)
- Inverter start this regulation test.
- User action release exposure switch

The diagnostic is passed if no error is raised during this sequence. However be careful the test may be failed if
unexpected error appears (i.e. Fan return error)

6. Original configuration restoring

• Power off system

• Reconnect all cable
• Make sure that you remove all diagnostic tools (i.e. Short circuit cable)

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JEDI 80 RD 1T Page : 1/3 Jedi Diag #20002 No
Load kV Diagnostics
Personnel : 1 or 2 Time : 0h 25min
Job card. For No load diagnosis

1. Purpose:
The purpose of this test is to verify that the HV power inverter and HV tank are working properly. The exposure is
taken as in application mode except that no filament drive nor anode rotation is running. Verification is made that
the inverter currents are correctly set and that kV regulation is operating properly. As no filament drive is applied,
no x-rays are generated.
This test also allows to separate generator from HV cable or x-ray tube problem by running it with or without HV
cables plugged on the HV tank (see Warning)

2. Test type:
• Test is automatically done and the console sends the result of the test.

3. Prerequisites:
• Check that the generator is powered off and that there is no residual voltage.
• Remove HV cables and fill entirely the HV receptacles of the HV tank with oil.

Remove this
cables and Fill
with HV oil

CAUTION Don’t run the diagnosis with empty HV receptacle

• Power on the Generator

4. Diagnostic diagram:

Note: for identifying parts and leds, refer to illustrated part JEDI and for cable refer to hardware
configuration page 39.

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JEDI 80 RD 1T Page : 2/3 Jedi Diag #20002 No
Load kV Diagnostics
Personnel : 1 or 2 Time : 0h 25min
Job card. For No load diagnosis

Do diagnosis

Combination of
DS17 - DS24 on No
PPC board lit?

Yes Do low voltage

diagnosis jobcard "Jedi
Diag#20015 LVPS

DS300 on Gate No
cmd board lit?

Do 3 phases and DC bus

diagnosis jobcard "Jedi
Diag#20016 3phases and DC
bus diagnostics"

DS1 and DS2 on

Quad snubber No
board lit?
Check cables
2307965 and
Start No load KV
diagnostic from SUIF

Diagnosis result
is PASS?

Yes Change HV

Inverter and HV
Tank OK

Check HV cables
and tube

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JEDI 80 RD 1T Page : 3/3 Jedi Diag #20002 No
Load kV Diagnostics
Personnel : 1 or 2 Time : 0h 25min
Job card. For No load diagnosis

Note: For Diagnosis Tool on SUIF see instruction on SUIF

5. Diagnosis Tool Sequence:

The No load diagnostic use the following sequence to check if inverter work properly:
- Send diagnosis configuration to JEDI
- Wait user action (hold exposure switch)
- Inverter start this KV regulation test (125KV during 10s).
- User action release exposure switch

The diagnostic is passed if no error is raised during this sequence. However be careful the test may be failed if
unexpected error appears (i.e. Fan return error)

6. Original configuration restoring

• Power off system

• Reconnect all cable
• Make sure that you remove all diagnostic tools (i.e. HV plug)

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JEDI 80 RD 1T Page : 1/3 Jedi Diag #20004
Rotor Diagnostics
Personnel : 1 Time : 0h 15min
Job card. For rotor diagnosis

1. Purpose:
The purpose of this test is to drive the rotation inverter(s) in high speed on the tubes connected to the Generator in
order to identify a faulty rotation or a wrong connection between rotation board and tube.

2. Test type:
No manual operation on the generator is required for the test. However the operator should make some
manipulation like impedance measurement to improve diagnostic result

3. Prerequisites:
• None

4. Diagnostic diagram:

Note: for identifying parts and leds, refer to illustrated part JEDI and for cable refer to hardware
configuration page 39.

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JEDI 80 RD 1T Page : 2/3 Jedi Diag #20004
Rotor Diagnostics
Personnel : 1 Time : 0h 15min
Job card. For rotor diagnosis

D o diagnosis

C om bination of
D S17 - D S24 on No
PP C board lit?

Yes D o low voltage diagnosis

jobcard "Jedi D iag#20015
LV P S diagnostics"
D S5 on rotation
board is No

D o low voltage diagnosis

Yes jobcard "Jedi D iag#20015
LV P S diagnostics"

D S7 on rotation No
board lit?

Yes D o 3 phases and D C bus

diagnosis jobcard "Jedi
D iag#20016 3phases and
R un R otor diagnosis from D C bus diagnostics"

Yes D iagnosis is

R otation board No

Shutdown system and and check

that there is no residual voltage
before to continue

D isconnect and
m easure on rotation
No board J3 pin 3-4;4-5;5-3 Yes
,three im pedances m ust
by equal and around
R econnect all the cable
and Power up the system
Yes O pen C ircuit? No

R un R otor diagnosis from

R econnect all the cable
C ables and P ower up the system
2381501... O K ?

Yes D iagnosis is No
C able Failure R un R otor diagnosis from PA SS ?

R otation board C hange R otation

C heck tube OK board
cables and tube
Yes D iagnosis is No
P A SS ?

R otation board
OK C heck cable 2381501
.... If ok change tube

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JEDI 80 RD 1T Page : 3/3 Jedi Diag #20004
Rotor Diagnostics
Personnel : 1 Time : 0h 15min
Job card. For rotor diagnosis

Note: For Diagnosis Tool on SUIF see instruction on SUIF

5. Diagnosis Tool Sequence:
The Rotation diagnostic use the following sequence to check if rotor work properly. This diagnostic is ran in low
and high-speed mode :
- Acceleration in low speed (time 1.2s)
- 2s run
- Brake (time below 5s)
- Acceleration in High speed (time 1.2s)
- 2s run
- Brake (time below 5s)
During the test, the rotation safeties are checked the same way as in application mode

The diagnostic is passed if no error is raised during this sequence.

6. Original configuration restoring

• Power off system

• Reconnect all cable
• Make sure that you remove all diagnostic tools

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JEDI 80 RD 1T Page : 1/3 Jedi Diag #20014
Gate Command
Personnel : 1 or 2 Time : 0h 15min
Job card. For heating diagnosis

1. Purpose:
The purpose of this test is to drive the heater inverter(s) on both filaments and all the tubes connected to the
Generator in order to identify a faulty heater FRU or a wrong connection between the heater board, the HV Tank
and the tube.

2. Test type:
• No manual interaction with the use of the Diagnostic screen on system console. However to improve the
diagnostic in case of failure, the operator should make some manipulation (like remove HV connector and
replace it by HV tools or short circuits some connection)

3. Prerequisites:

4. Diagnostic diagram:

Note: for identifying parts and leds, refer to illustrated part JEDI and for cable refer to hardware
configuration page 39.

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JEDI 80 RD 1T Page : 2/3 Jedi Diag #20014
Gate Command
Personnel : 1 or 2 Time : 0h 15min
Job card. For heating diagnosis
D o d ia g n o s is
p r e r e q u is ite

C o m b in a tio n o f
D S17 - D S 24 on No
P P C b o a rd lit?

Yes D o lo w v o lta g e d ia g n o s is
jo b c a rd "J e d i D ia g # 2 0 0 1 5
L V P S d ia g n o s tic s "

D S1 and DS2 on No
H e a te r b o a rd s
D o lo w v o lta g e d ia g n o s is
jo b c a rd "J e d i D ia g # 2 0 0 1 5
L V P S d ia g n o s tic s "

D S 3 o n H e a te r No
b o a r d s lit? fig u r e 0 : R o ta tio n b o a r d J 3

Yes D o lo w v o lta g e d ia g n o s is
jo b c a rd "J e d i D ia g # 2 0 0 1 5
L V P S d ia g n o s tic s "
R u n H e a te r
d ia g n o s is fro m S U IF

Yes R e s u lt d ia g n o s is
is p a s s ?

H e a te r b o a rd s No
- S h u td o w n s y s te m
- R e m o v e J 3 o n r o to a tio n b o a rd (3 p in c o n n e c to r)
(fig u re 0 )
- R e m o v e H V C a b le fro m tu b e (c a th o d e ).
C o n n e c to r o n H V c a b le
- M a k e s h o rt c irc u it lik e fig u re 1 .
- P o w e rU P S ys te m
F ig u r e 1
R u n H e a te r
d ia g n o s is fro m S U IF

Yes R e s u lt d ia g n o s is
is p a s s ?

C hange Tube
- S h u td o w n s ys te m
- R e m o v e H V c a b le fr o m H V T a n k .
- M a k e s h o rt c irc u it o n c a th o d e H V
c a b le (H V ta n k s id e ) s e e fig u re 1 .
- R e p lu g th e H V c a b le in th e H V ta n k
- P o w e rU P S ys te m

R u n H e a te r
d ia g n o s is fr o m S U IF

Yes R e s u lt d ia g n o s is
is p a s s ?

C hange H V No
c a b le
- S h u td o w n s ys te m
- D is c o n n e c t c a b le 2 2 7 2 3 6 7 fr o m to p o f
in v e rte r.
- S h o rt c irc u it p in 1 ,2 a n d 3 .
- P o w e rU P S y s te m

R u n H e a te r
d ia g n o s is fro m S U IF

Yes R e s u lt d ia g n o s is No
is p a s s ?

C h e c k c a b le 2 2 7 2 3 6 7 . If o k
C h e c k c a b le 2 3 0 7 3 5 6 . If o k
c h a n g e H e a te r b o a rd .
c h a n g e H V ta n k

GE Healthcare JEDI Error codes, Diagnosis and Troubleshooting for

80 RD 1T Generator
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JEDI 80 RD 1T Page : 3/3 Jedi Diag #20014
Gate Command
Personnel : 1 or 2 Time : 0h 15min
Job card. For heating diagnosis
Note: For Diagnosis Tool on SUIF see instruction on SUIF

5. Diagnosis Tool Sequence:

The heater diagnostic use the following sequence to check if heater work properly. This diagnostic is ran on the
small focus and then on the large focus :
- 5 seconds preheat
- 0,4s boost
- 5s heat (focal spot max current - 1Amp)
- There is 10s stop time between each focal spot run
During the test, the heater safeties are checked the same way as in application mode.

The diagnostic is passed if no error is raised during this sequence.

6. Original configuration restoring

• Power off system

• Reconnect all cable
• Make sure that you remove all diagnostic tools (i.e. Short circuit)

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80 RD 1T Generator
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JEDI 80 RD 1T Page : 1/3 Jedi Diag #20014
Gate Command
Job card. For Gate command diagnosis Personnel : 1 or 2 Time : 0h 15min



1. Purpose:
The purpose of this test is to verify that the HV power inverter drive is working properly. The IGBTs gate drive
supply and the IGBTs gate drive are verified. At the same time verification is made that neither inverter currents
nor high voltage are measured. This test is performed without DC voltage applied to the inverter so that no Xray
is generated. Anode rotation and filament drive are not activated during this test.

Note: Gate command board is part of the inverter FRU

2. Test type:
• The operator should be able to see some leds during diagnosis. If the control room is not near the C1
cab 2 persons are required for executing this jobcard..

3. Prerequisites:
• Check that the generator is powered off and that there are no residual voltages.
• Disconnect the main DCbus cables on Inverter module as shown in picture bellow.

Terminal block M±

Remove these
two cables

• Power on the Generator

4. Diagnostic diagram:

Note: for identifying parts and leds, refer to illustrated part JEDI and for cable refer to hardware
configuration page 39

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JEDI 80 RD 1T Page : 2/3 Jedi Diag #20014
Gate Command
Job card. For Gate command diagnosis Personnel : 1 or 2 Time : 0h 15min

Do diagnosis

DS17 - DS24 on
PPC board lit No

Yes Check that JEDI are not in

permanent error. If no leds lit Do low
voltage diagnosis jobcard "Jedi
Diag#20015 LVPS diagnostics"
DS300 on Gate No
cm d board lit?

Do 3 phases and DC bus

Yes diagnosis jobcard "Jedi
Diag#20016 3phases and
DC bus diagnostics"
DS1 and DS2 on
Quad snubber No
board off?

Yes Cable 2307965

not removed

DS100 and
DS200 on Gate No
cm d board off?

Change Inverter

Start Gate command

diagnostic on SUIF

DS1 on PPC
board lit during No

Change PPC

DS100 and
DS200 on Gate
Yes No
cm d board lit
during diag?

Gate command
Change Inverter
board OK

Do Inverter short circuit

diagnosis jobcard "Jedi Diag
#20001 Inverter Diagnostics"

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80 RD 1T Generator
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JEDI 80 RD 1T Page : 3/3 Jedi Diag #20014
Gate Command
Job card. For Gate command diagnosis Personnel : 1 or 2 Time : 0h 15min

Note: For Diagnosis Tool on SUIF see instruction on SUIF

5. Diagnosis Tool Sequence:

The Gate command diagnostic use the following sequence to check if gate command board work properly:
- Send diagnosis configuration to JEDI
- Wait user action (hold exposure switch)
- Drive gate during 10s (leds DS1 on PPC and DS100, DS200 on gate command board lit)
- User action release exposure switch

The diagnostic is passed if no error is raised during this sequence.

6. Original configuration restoring

• Power off system and check that there are no residual voltages.
• Reconnect all cable
• Make sure that you remove all diagnostic tools

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80 RD 1T Generator
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JEDI 80 RD 1T Page : 1/3 Jedi Diag#20015
LVPS diagnostics
Personnel : 1 Time : 0h 25min
Job card. Low Voltage supply diagnosis

1. Purpose:
The purpose of this diagnostic is to verify that generator low voltage supply work properly.

2. Test type:
• The operator should make some leds check and measure with multimeter.

3. Prerequisites:
Generator input line in an acceptable range (380 -10% to 480 +10% for 3-phases AC input)

4. Diagnostic diagram:
Note: for identifying parts and leds, refer to illustrated part JEDI and for cable refer to hardware
configuration page 39.

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JEDI 80 RD 1T Page : 2/3 Jedi Diag#20015
LVPS diagnostics
Personnel : 1 Time : 0h 25min
Job card. Low Voltage supply diagnosis

Do diagnosis

NE1 on LVPS lit? No

Yes Do 3 phases and DC bus

diagnosis jobcard "Jedi
Diag#20016 3phases and
DC bus diagnostics"

DS1 on LVPS No
Yes board lit?

Change LVPS DS1, DS2 and DS3 on No

rotation, heater or PPC
board lit?

Change LVPS

DS2, DS3, DS4

DS1, DS2, DS3 DS1 and DS2 on
and DS5 on PPC No
on rotation heater board is
KV CTRL board No
board lit? blinking?
Check cable Check cable
Yes Check cable Yes Yes
2215903 if ok, 2215903 if ok,
2198267 if ok,
Change rotation Change rotation
Change PPC KV
board board
CTRL board

Combinaison of DS3 on heater

DS5 is Blinking
DS17 -DS24 lit No No board lit?
Yes Yes
Change PPC Change rotation
KV CTRL board Rotation board board Heater board
board OK No

- Switch OFF LVPS supply

- Remove cable 2215227
from Heater
- Measure impedance
between CF1 and CF2

Short Circuit?

Yes No

Change Heater
Change LVPS

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JEDI 80 RD 1T Page : 3/3 Jedi Diag#20015
LVPS diagnostics
Personnel : 1 Time : 0h 25min
Job card. Low Voltage supply diagnosis

5. Original configuration restoring

• Power off system that there are no residual voltages.

• Reconnect all cable
• Make sure that you remove all diagnostic tools

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JEDI 80 RD 1T Page : 1/3 Jedi Diag#20016
3phases and DC bus
Personnel : 1 Time : 0h 25min
Job card. Power supply diagnosis

1. Purpose:
The purpose of this diagnostic is to verify that generator power supply work properly.

2. Test type:
• The operator should make some leds check and measure with multimeter.

3. Prerequisites:
Generator input line in an acceptable range (380V-10% to 480V+10% for 3-phase AC input)

4. Diagnostic diagram:

Note: for identifying parts and leds, refer to illustrated part JEDI and for cable refer to hardware
configuration page 39.

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JEDI 80 RD 1T Page : 2/3 Jedi Diag#20016
3phases and DC bus
Personnel : 1 Time : 0h 25min
Job card. Power supply diagnosis

Do diagnosis

DS7 on Rotation
board lit?

DS1 on ACDC DS300 on Gate

J3 on rotation board baord lit? Cmd board lit?

1 1
Measure 470V to Measure 470V to
750V on rotor 750V ON Terminal Cable 2272368
board J3 PIN1 block Inverter OK?
and 2 (figure 1)

ShutDown the All 3 phases Cable failure

system and continue present on
PH1,PH2,PH3 of
EMC board
Cable failure DS101,DS102,
Check fuse box DS201,DS202
and supply cable on gate Cmd
DC BUS supply board lit?
1 Change Inverter
Fuse on ACDC
board blown?

Short circuit on
Cable failure or ACDC board J1
not connected pin 1 and 2?

Change fuse on
ACDC board and
Remove cable
retry connected on ACDC
board J2

Short Circuit still

Figure 1 terminal bloc M+/-
Check rotor Check cable
cable if ok 2372368 if ok
change rotation change inverter
board and fuse and fuse of

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JEDI 80 RD 1T Page : 3/3 Jedi Diag#20016
3phases and DC bus
Personnel : 1 Time : 0h 25min
Job card. Power supply diagnosis

5. Original configuration restoring

• Power off system that there are no residual voltages.

• Reconnect all cable
• Make sure that you remove all diagnostic tools

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80 RD 1T Generator
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