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This week at my internship I volunteered to work at Campus Corner.

Campus Corner is a

thrift store and food pantry open to all Georgia College students. Campus Corner helps reduce

waste by reusing donated items as well as reduce food insecurity in Milledgeville. Many college

students struggle financially with the cost of tuition and housing with little time to work a job

that gives them the money to pay for everything they need. Campus Corner is a valuable

resource for students who are struggling to afford the miscellaneous items in their home such as

clothes, food, school supplies, cleaning products, feminine products, and much more. Every day

we are receiving more donations from students on campus that want to downsize their

belongings and repurpose them for someone in need.

Many faculty and staff members have also asked if they can come by Campus Corner. As

of right now, the thrift store is mainly advertised to students, however we are working towards

receiving enough donations to have the resource available for employees on campus as well. Our

short-term goal is to fix the lock on the door so it can become more private. Many students feel

ashamed having to go to a food pantry, so we are trying to create a way for them to have more

privacy while also spreading the word of Campus Corner’s resources to students on campus. Our

long-term goal is to move locations so we can have more space for donations and have a

permanent location.

This week I mainly greeted students as they came in and informed them on Campus

Corner. Many students just stopped by to see what it was, and I explained to them how

everything works. If they would like anything, it is all completely free to students, and they can

take whatever they would like. If they are looking to donate items, they can drop the items off

anywhere in here and I will sort through them and find a place for them in the room. The main

challenge I faced while working here, is finding room for everything. It is a very tight space with
more donations coming in every day. So far working at campus corner went very well and I am

looking forward to contributing ideas to help it expand.

Day Time In Lunch Time Out Hours Worked

Monday, 9:00 AM 12:00 PM – 7:00 PM 8

February 6 2:00 PM

Tuesday, 1:00 PM No lunch 7:00 PM 6

February 7

Wednesday, 9:00 AM 12:00 PM – 7:00 PM 8

February 8 2:00 PM

Thursday, 9:00 AM 12:00 PM – 7:00 PM 9

February 9 1:00 PM

Friday, 9:00 AM 12:00 PM – 7:00 PM 8

February 10 2:00 PM

Total Weekly 39


Total Hours to 172


Weekly Hours: 39

Total Hours to Date: 172

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