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Launch Mission Execution Forecast

Mission: Falcon 9 Starlink 6-2

Issued: 17 Apr 20203 / 0915L (1315Z)
Valid: 19 Apr 2023 / 0818 – 1200L (1218 – 1600Z)

Forecast Discussion: Morning showers and storms will give way to cooler and drier air as a cold front passes the
Spaceport later this morning. High pressure will build across the northern Gulf Coast and gradually shift eastward to
Florida on Tuesday and Wednesday. This ridge will create sunny skies and good weather conditions for the opening of
the primary launch window. The only distant concern for a Wednesday morning launch will be for Liftoff Winds.
On Thursday, high pressure drifts into the western Atlantic, with the Space Coast remaining on the southern flank
of the ridge. The tightening pressure gradient will likely increase winds out of the east. While low and mid-level moisture
will be on the rise, skies should remain mostly sunny. The main concern for the backup launch window will continue to
be for Liftoff Winds.

Probability of Violating Weather Constraints1

Launch Day

Primary Concerns: Liftoff Winds

Weather Conditions Additional Risk Criteria2

Weather/Visibility: None / 7 mi. Upper-Level Wind Shear: Low
Type Coverage Base (ft) Tops (ft)

Temp/Humidity: 68°F / 70% Cumulus Few 2,500 3,500 Booster Recovery Weather: Low

Liftoff Winds (200’): 060° 15 - 20 mph Cirrus Scattered 25,000 28,000 Solar Activity: Low

Probability of Violating Weather Constraints

24-Hour Delay

20% Primary Concerns: Liftoff Winds

Weather Conditions Additional Risk Criteria

Weather/Visibility: None / 7 mi. Upper-Level Wind Shear: Low
Type Coverage Base (ft) Tops (ft)

Temp/Humidity: 71°F / 80% Cumulus Scattered 2,500 3,500 Booster Recovery Weather: Low

Liftoff Winds (200’): 90° 17 - 22 mph Cirrus Scattered 28,000 31,000 Solar Activity: Low

1. The Probability of Violation (PoV) is the chance of a local safety or customer constraint violation occurring any random time during the launch window.

2. Additional Risk Criteria, which are not included in the PoV, are mission-specific constraints that may not include all phenomena within each risk factor.

See for more information

Next Forecast Will Be Issued 18 APR 2023

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