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Data Analytics

Data Literate : Ability to read, speak, listen, and understand Data.

Example on banking system:
If you're a Data Literate, then

Can you read your balance?

Can you tell me when something shouldn't be there?

Can you explain the problem to the bank?

If you satisfy above conditions that means you're literate about your banking data!
Data Fluency: The ability to create something beyond just being able to understand, read,
and use it.
Banking example, If you're fluent with data, then you can

Turn your banking data from last year into insights that allow you to build a budgeting
system and a finance tracking system.

Note: to be a data fluent, you got to apply those in your daily life.
Approach is everything .

Data Governance
A framework that incorporates strategies to create solid quality data, enable accountability, and
provide transperency to data in the organisation.
Data Governance has processes, procedures, and people at various levels of organisation.
Its meant to control every aspect of the data in the organisation.
Data Governance support quality of data, accountability, trust, and compliance.
Note : there is some form of data governance in every organisation at every size and level.

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💡 Components of Data Governance that directly impacts Data Analysts

Access information, how you can access it.

An example from my personal experience

I once requested access to the back end of the system to my manager, he then sent the request to
the technology department, who then between the two parties agreed, i could have it little did, i

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know it would go to a third person to implement it and notify me, the third person was the person
in the cube to my left. I had lunch with him every day. It was very controlled and i did not
understand it at the time. The now i have an appreciation of it.

💡 As a Data Analyst we seek the Source of Truth

We ensure there is identifiable truth and that we can trust what we're working with.

💡 Master Data Management is also a key component of the data governance


Which helps in, making sure that the data we all need is completely accurate and needs the
business roles.
Challenges: This is one area where organizations that do not have a strong day-to-governance
plan or strategy will have suffering data analysts

You find yourself, always correcting something.

As simple as a product name, they've been entered incorrectly, but our literally the same

You might constantly be correcting customer address information and always telling
organizations that regardless of regulations, they have a day-to-governance plan in place,
whether they documented it or not.

Note : Strategy As a data analyst, determining the data governance plan in an organization will
help you to know who to talk to when to talk to them and how to adequately follow the process
of all things that relate to the life cycle of data at the organization.

Data Quality
Real-world life scenario Examples:

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I once got sick. I mean sick. My mother immediately took me to the doctor and they did an x-ray
because i had a headache so bad. I've been sick for two days.
The x-ray showed nothing but the physical signs of the illness and the blood work was enough
for the doctor to send me to the ER; a day or two later, they did another x-ray, and when they did
they discovered why i was so sick, you see i had a bacterial infection that was unfortunately on
his way to my brain. I was hospitalized for 11 days and then given the right types of treatments
to prevent it from getting worse and treatments to help, get it better.

What does this have to do with data quality? Well, the first x-rays showed nothing and what
they actually discovered is that their machine was broken.
When i have gotten better faster at that first x-ray and showed them what the second x-ray did,
we'll never know.
We can't go back in time.

Data Quality: is data that can be trusted to produce accurate insights. So, decisions can be made
in my situation had they waited even longer to do the second x-ray or even sent me home. I will
not be here today.

Note: Not all data decisions are life or death, but they can have terrible consequences for
businesses. If data quality is not an everyday part of the culture.
It is important for us to all remember as data professionals. That people are using data to make
decisions, In bad data can mean bad decisions with profound consequences.

There are data quality dimensions

Hallmarks of Data Quality


Do we have all the data needed?

Is any data missing?

Is it all usable?


Is this data in other systems?

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Is the information consistent ? (Ex: In other words, does the same record in
production system, match what we sent to the invoicing system.)


Does the data make the requirements or what we're attempting to do with?


Is the information accurate? (Ex: in my case it wasn't)

💡 Conclusion: So Data Quality at the highest rate is important…..


1. If You are a fluent data professional.

Ans. You can create tools, reports, visuals, and data sets.

2. What is the benefit of quality data?

Ans. Quality data can be trusted to produce accurate insights so decisions can be made.

3. Describe effective method Data Governance

Ans. Data governance is a framework that incorporates strategies to create secure and quality
data, enable accountability and provide transparency of data in the organization.

Introduction to Business Intelligence

Q. What is BI and Its value to the business?

Have you ever heard the phrase? Our company makes data-driven decisions

Well, of course, they do, and they are making data-driven decisions all the time. It could just be
bad decisions because the data is bad.

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Data-driven decisions happen all the time. We need more money in the account, so someone
gets those salespeople motivated, that is a data-driven decision and action.

The problem is, this is a single data point and at a crisis moment. I tend to ask people if they
want to be data, informed data, and business intelligence. Lets you have both information and the
ability to make intelligent business decisions.

For example, with the correct data and an understanding of the process and the business goals
defined with a solid set of KPI key performance indicators, a business can see a downward
trend in sales before it becomes a problem; this allows the business an opportunity to course
correct to attempt to prevent a crisis moment for business intelligence to be practical, it
requires you to store the data that's important to the business and all its processes. You
can't just focus.

✅ Store data that is important to the business and all its processes..

one number like our earlier example, just knowing one number and they, you have to hit. It
means that you understand the goal. However, it's not all the information, you need all the other
data that impacts that goal and needs to be analysed with the business roles. Fortunately, we have
business intelligence tools, and they are a tool to build business intelligence with the tools. Do
not provide it alone, just like a hammer requires nails and someone to use it to build something.

✅ Businesses need to define the metrics that help them track. The overall health of
the organization. Again, these metrics are KPIs

Let me make it practical and i'll use health as an example. If, you know, your heart rate as an
adult, it's supposed to be anywhere between 60 to 100 beats per minute and you watch it every
day and suddenly you see it's fine and stay elevated.
It was indicate to something is happening to make your heart be faster. With a bit more
information like tracking what you eat or drink you can analyze this data and you notice that it's
elevated when you drink a certain type of drink and it stays elevated for a couple of hours and
then goes back down.

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To make an adjustment, you can stop drinking that drink or reduce the amount of it. Whatever
the adjustment is, you make it, you then analyze your heart rate to determine the adjustment to
see if it made a difference.

When you apply this concept to the overall health of the business, you can easily
determine what the heart rate of the business is and what are the impacted
items. This allows you to start to define the metrics that help you monitor, help
with the business and provide business intelligence

Q. How are business analytics and BI different?

I started running about four years ago; it may be realized that businesses And it may be realized
that this business intelligence business analytics. And even data analytics are three individual
things with lots of overlap; let me break it down.
Real-world example:
I was preparing for my first half marathon, i needed the data to tell me how fast i was running, so
I could improve my speed.
Business Intelligence for the above example
Speed per mile

Speed per mile

That's speed for my mile, was my business intelligence.For this example. It represents a
single number.

Analyzing data and creating more of it

Business analysis focus on all the numbers that would allow me to get faster over time by
again, analyzing the data and creating more of it. Ex: For me, every time I made a run, I was
tracking that information.

Data Analysis
Analyzing and capturing data to compare over time

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Is where we analyze and capture the data. We can then analyze the historical data, keep
capturing new data as it grows every day.

The above example defines and uses all these concepts, so I was comparing every run to the last
run. However, initially, I just started capturing a run to establish a baseline and I just added
more runs and more miles.
The business intelligence tells me how fast on average I was running a mile or the timing of
certains miles, like my 5K speed versus just my single mile.

Application of business intelligence

Using business analysis skills,…….
I applied this to my running. I would also use other values like

1. Where I ran

2. what time i was running to determine my future outcomes.

For example,

Problem: I discovered i needed to change my shoes.

Solution: So, I changed my shoes.
Outcomes: are

1. I ran a little bit faster and i hurt a lot less.

2. I also discovered that if i picked more familiar routes that i'm going to a little bit faster than
on a route, those new I was using this pieces of information to adjust my routine so i could
say it faster speed over time.


Business intelligence tell us Understanding where we stand on any given day.

tells us where we are on any given day for any process that we use data to study. My
example is running, but it could easily be applied to business metrics, like sales or

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Business Analytics

helps us to see the trends and predict future outcomes, which are critical to businesses.

We need both business intelligence and business analytics. And

we use data analysis to determine where we are and how to reach our end goals or the desired
Think of it this way. Business intelligence can tell you how you're performing today and business

Data analysis. Can tell you how you can potentially perform in the future.

Q. How data can provide intelligence to the organization?

Call me strange, but i have a relationship with data to me. Data is living. I do realize it's an
inanimate object, but i do think it's an intelligent object.
Data cannot only provide information like this month sales and it can also communicate with
software to provide automation.
My first experience with data.
At this level, was with a regulated industry. They were required to provide information at
different time points and then they were required to report on all the things they did to meet those

Mail delivered to office

came into the office

Employees retrieve mail three times per day

People went to retrieve their mail for the contracts. They supported three times a day.

Employees print and scan information

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They also printed information and scanned it as needed by walking to and from the printer.

Now, Let's just look at the data around the printer and the scanner process alone.

Data points
Now, look at the data points as person walks,

Walking distance to printer .

Time to talk

Time spent at printer

Time spent in the line

Analysis: there is a distance and that distance takes time. And what if they stop and talk
that's more time. Think about the amount of time at the printer and what if two people walk up
at the same time?
Now there is a time, the person is there and the time the other person is waiting When they walk
back to the cube, they begin the real work.

When a person has everything ready to go? They walk back to get the mail and deliver the
mail this ready to go out. This occurred multiple times over time by different people all the time.

Mathematical analysis

X10 people

Now, let us multiply that by 10 people doing the same job all day long.

x260 business days

Then let's multiply that by 260 business days.

x hours spent in transit

Now, business intelligence says that today that's x number of hours spent and transit.

Business analysis says if we put a printer in their desk, we save X.

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This is just one way data can help support improvements to the process. We often think about
data in the form of a field or columns on a spreadsheet.
Just with one key day, we can create other dates to trigger other events.

Technology will allow us to create information automatically the very same information that a
human would have to figure out. And then we can have the human verify, the information save
time and be more accurate.



It's important to start learning to see it as a living thing that can help us refine prairie processes
like walk into a printer.
The automate process is like, creating more data.

Identifying DATA

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