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GE304: Resource Conservation and Management

Assignment 2: Position Paper

Name: Helen Manukia
Student Id#: S11191287
Campus: Laucala
Tutorial: Friday 3 - 4 pm

Topic: Additional work is needed to restore the river's uneven ecosystem and safeguard
its resources.
Today's conception of development is based on the profit motive theory, according to which
large-scale development occurs for economic advantages. The rivers provide exceptionally
effective as well as diverse ecosystems which promote monetary growth, nutrition
production, and all-around wellness. In Fiji, rivers provide fresh water to more than 220000
people who live in rural areas, according to estimates (Prakash & Raturi, 2018). Yet, since
every action has a corresponding opposite response, these development activities have a
higher influence on the natural resources. Throughout time, the Ba River ecosystem has
started to experience problems with the dumping of industrial garbage. Hence, this essay will
assess, describe, and discuss how the Ba River's ecology was organically generated, how
often this has occurred over time, and what effects this has had on the neighbourhood.
Initially, the major component of a river ecosystem is flowing water that eventually drains a
landscape that is home to biotic relationships between plants, animals, and microorganisms as
well as some degree of abiotic physical elements. At the centre of Ba Town's central business
area is where you'll find the Ba River. This makes it a simple choice to use it as a disposal
site for waste produced by surrounding industries. The ecosystem of the river, which was
naturally formed, is incredibly productive and helpful to the residents which they both
specifically and broadly reliant on the natural resources that inhabit the river. The river's
resources deterioration and pollution are the main reasons to be worried, which are essential
to the local population's way of life (Tang, 2002). Women and men from the many local
communities go out and harvest freshwater mussels that are present in the ecosystem in order
to support themselves and their families.
In addition, the river's water is used for drinking, domestic use, and agriculture, but it is also
occasionally polluted by nearby industries and some people in the society. For illustration,
according to a 12 August 2009 Fiji Sun report, the Rarawai Sugar Mill has been discharging
its trash into the BA River for a long time. The Ba Town Council (BTA) is collaborating with
the Environment Department to look into the dumping of mill waste into the Ba Raver,
(Chand, 2009). The two main effects of this pollution are acidity and aquatic eutrophication.
It causes the water quality to further deteriorate, eventually throws off the ecological cycle,
and may even lead to the demise of many aquatic organisms that are part of the river
ecosystem (Pereda et al, 2019).
Furthermore, in order to properly safeguard and preserve the original river ecosystems and to
restore river mussel expansion in the Ba River, stronger management and conservation
concepts and sustainable development approaches are required. Applying the appropriate 5
suggested ways to resource conservation and administration will help biodiversity
conservation to lessen pollution of the Ba River.
To sum up, it is clear that the Ba River's environmental ecology is being harmed by pollution,
which has thrown the river's ecosystem out of balance and led to eutrophication and
acidification. But nevertheless, in order to replace the growth and lessen the effects of water
river pollution on the river ecology, this natural water resource (river mussels) needs to be
properly managed and cared for. The Ba River is essential in bending the biodiversity curve
by being protected and restored. Many freshwater species can be found in rivers as well as
various terrestrial habitats they support with the waters and nutrients they transport. As a
result, Viti Levu residents now have to access to clean, and safe water.
(Word count: 605)
Prakash, V. V., & Raturi, A. K. (2018). Solar energy for clean water access in Fiji. In  APSRC,
2018,‘Proceedings of the Asia Pacific Solar Research Conference 2018. Australian PV Institute.

Chand, N. (2009). Ba Town Probes Mill Waste Dumping. Fiji Sun. Retrieved from
Pereda, O., Acuña, V., von Schiller, D., Sabater, S., & Elosegi, A. (2019). Immediate and legacy
effects of urban pollution on river ecosystem functioning: A mesocosm experiment. Ecotoxicology and
environmental safety, 169, 960-970.

Tang, T. (2002). River ecosystem health and its assessment. Ying yong sheng tai xue bao= The
journal of applied ecology, 13(9), 1191-1194.
Marking criteria
Marks Marks Given
The main 3 2
argument/statement is clear
and supported
Development of main ideas 2 2

Effective use of examples to 2 2

support ideas from credible

Conclusion 3 2.5

Correct citations 2 2

List of References (minimum 3 3

4 credible sources)

Within word limit (- 2 marks 2 1

if over word limit)

Coherent, relevant and free 3 2.5

of grammatical/spelling
20 16.5

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