Teacher Leadership Review

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Both of these articles talk about interventions on foundational skills, fluency,

comprehension, and oral language. These studies were done over a span of 20 years and
include a plethora of research and subjects. The main focus being to provide guidance in
understanding current K-3 reading interventions evaluated by means of rigorous high quality

Fluency Interventions for Elementary Students with Reading Difficulties: Hudson, Koh,
Moore, Binks-Cantrell (2020) conducted a study about Oral Reading Fluency (ORF) deficits
along elementary students. They examined sixteen empirical studies done from 2000-2019 to
identify the characteristics of effective ORF intervention and heir impact on the English oral
reading fluency and comprehension outcomes. The findings were that the 16 studies included in
this review showed that repeated reading with multiple features (e.g., choral reading, verbal
cueing, error correction) was most often empirically examined in order to determine the
effectiveness on improving the oral reading fluency for elementary students with reading
difficulties. The author suggested that repeated reading and one-on-one with teacher had small
to large effect on measures of oral reading fluency. With regard to the first question on the
effectiveness of oral language interventions on reading outcomes, out of the 16 studies
examined in this review, 12 (75%) were found to produce small to large effects on the oral
reading fluency of students with reading difficulties. Further, eight (50%) studies had small to
large effects on reading comprehension outcomes for these students, with the majority of
interventions yielding moderate to large effect sizes across a variety of measures. Broadly,
these findings point to the efficacy of targeted fluency instruction in promoting reading
comprehension, and to a lesser extent, oral reading fluency outcomes, among first to fifth
graders with reading difficulties.

The State of Current Reading Intervention Research for English Learners in Grades K-2:
A Best-Evidence Synthesis: Roberts, Hall, Cho, Cote, Lee, Qi, Ooyik (2021) conducted a study
on effective programs of instruction for Grade K–3 English Learners (ELs), as well as to
determine the average effect of reading instruction on reading outcomes for this population. The
population was 10 studies, all of which only included students in Grades K, 1, and/or 2. These
studies evaluated the effects of seven programs, reporting 76 effect sizes. The findings were:
Proactive Reading, delivered in a small group setting, produced some of the largest effects on
foundational skills, fluency, and reading comprehension outcomes. Sound Partners was also
shown to be effective even when delivered for a shorter duration, in a one-to-one setting.
Finally, for practitioners and researchers aiming to improve oral language outcomes, Early
Vocabulary Connection, delivered to small groups of students for 20 weeks, had the largest
effects on oral language outcome measures.

Fluency Interventions for Elementary Students with Reading Difficulties: A Synthesis of

Research from 2000–2019. Education Sciences. 2020; 10(3):52.
“The State of Current Reading Intervention Research for English Learners in Grades K–2: a
Best-Evidence Synthesis.” Educational Psychology Review, vol. 34, no. 1, 2022, pp. 335–61,

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