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3rd Quarter Periodical Test

Name: _____________________________________________ Score: ___________
I. Read and understand each item carefully and choose the letter that corresponds to your
1.The base word in untouched is ____________.
A. un B. touch C. ed D. touched
2.Can you measure the circumference of this circle? The root word circum means _______.
A. size B. around C. area D. smoothness
3.In the word “unilateral,” the prefix “uni” refers to _____________.
A. opposite B. single C. again D. none
4. Identify the word that means ‘at equal distance’
A. homodistant B. equidistant C. hyperdistant D. contradistant
5. The holy man whispered incantations which give life to the wooden man. What does
the underlined word means?
A. healing B. bewitchment C. holiness D. prayer

II. Directions: Read each situation below. Use the context clue in the sentence to figure out
the meaning of the underlined word. Write the letter only.

6. From the balcony, the creak of a rocking chair could be heard.

A. a sharp sound of a moving object C. falling
B. sharp sound when pounding an object. D. breaking
7. The creatively painted bronze jar was our humble offering to the great man.
A. expensive B. modest C. extraordinary D. immense
8. My friend is very eccentric. He eats the banana peelings but throws the fruit away.
A. normal B. strange C. messy D. wise
9. Being symptomatic for corona virus, the condition of the elderly woman was
described by the doctor as grave, as she could hardly breathe and move.
A. temporary B serious C. necessary D. important
10. During this pandemic crisis, our movements are being restricted, to protect all of
us from being contaminated by the deadly COVID-19 corona virus.
A. infected B. cleared C. counted D. compared
11. Many substances expand when heated and contract when cooled. Find the meaning of the
underlined word.
A. verb. decrease in size, number, or rage B. sluggish
C. verb. Reduce (a road) to an easy gradient D. Hindered
12.The ship ran free in the ocean. What is the antonym of the underlined word?
A. verb. decrease in size, number, or rage B. sluggish
C. verb. Reduce (a road) to an easy gradient D. Antonym. Hindered
13. The landscaper came to grade the yard. What is the meaning of the underlined word?
A. verb. decrease in size, number, or rage C. sluggish
B. verb. Reduce (a road) to an easy gradient D. Hindered
14. Self-discipline requires that we hold fast to the rules. What is the opposite meaning of the
underlined word?
A. verb. decrease in size, number, or rage C. Antonym. sluggish
B. verb. Reduce (a road) to an easy gradient D. Antonym. Hindered
15. The ocean’s current ran swiftly. What is the meaning of the underlined word?
A. noun. A body of water or air moving in a definite direction, especially through
the surrounding body of water or air in which there is less movement.
B. Verb. decrease in size, number, or rage
C. verb. Reduce (a road) to an easy gradient
D. Antonym. Sluggish

III. Read each selection details and distinguish the type of text according to its purpose
whether to inform, to persuade, or to entertain. Write A if it is to inform, B to persuade and
C if to entertain.
_____16. Pixel in Camera
For a limited period, we are offering the maxi-pixel camera. A special low price of just P
13, 499 only. An amazing 32 million pixels with other special effects. Grab now and you can get a
superior image quality and an endless quality. To capture everything.

_____17. Dosage of Amoxicillin

Take amoxicillin every 12 hours (twice a day) once every 8 hours (three times a day) with
or without food. Amoxicillin should be taken at the same time every day. Take the medicine
exactly as directed. Do not take more of less of it or take it more often than prescribed by your

_____18. Michelangelo
Michelangelo Buonarroto was a painter and sculptor. He lived in Italy at the time of
Michelangelo was famous for the colorful statues. He spent many years painting pictures in
Vatican City.

_____19. Young Man

One day a young man went to the woods. He was so happy, but after strolling, there he
saw a big bear. He ran until a big bear was in front of him. Suddenly he wakes up from the voice
of her mother, thankfully it was just a dream.

_____20. Camiguin Island

The best place to go is Camiguin Island. It has a lot of waterfalls and other beautiful
sceneries. You can also visit some of the great beaches around. It will be a journey that you will
never forget.

IV. Directions: Identify the propaganda technique described in each item. Choose the letter
of the correct answer from the choices below.
A. Glittering Generalities B. Card Stacking C. Bandwagon D. Plain Folks

______ 21. It uses regular people to sell a product or a service.

______ 22. It uses words or ideas that evoke an emotional response.
______ 23. It is all about persuading the target audience to act. It’s about creating an urge along
people to become a part of the “in crowd”.

V. Directions: Read the sentences carefully. Answer A if the statement is assertive and B if
it is non-assertive sentences.

_______ 24. Teachers are scrambling to adapt remote teaching.

_______ 25. Please refrain from attending social gatherings and parties.

VI. Directions. Answer letter A if the statement is real and B if it is make-believe.

_______ 26. The tree has many leaves.
_______ 27. The cat bought a milk.
_______ 28. There was no one at home so the fish opened the door for us.
_______ 29. Carl found one hundred pesos on the street.
_______ 30. The baby called her mother to tell her she was lost.
VII. Identification. Identify the words described in the sentence. Choose the letter of the
correct answer.
31. Is a reference book that contains many different words grouped as synonyms and antonyms.
a. Dictionary b. Thesaurus c. Almanac d. Atlas
32. It is a credible source for clarifying the word. It contains accurate meanings of different words,
provides you with the assistance of pronouncing a word in the right way, syllabication, accent and
a. Dictionary b. Thesaurus c. Almanac d. Atlas
33. The first and last entry words on a dictionary page. It can be seen at the upper part of the
a. entry word b. guide words c. definition d. word forms
34. This is how the entry word can be used in a sentence.
a. pronunciation b. syllabication c. parts of speech d. homographs
35. A special spelling that shows how to say the entry word allowed.
a. pronunciation b. syllabication c. parts of speech d. homographs
36. Are helpful tools and platforms in finding meaning of an unknown or unfamiliar word and in
searching information that are available online.
a. internet access b. search c. online resources d. google scholar
37. Is to find something by looking or otherwise seeking carefully and thoroughly.
a. internet access b. search c. online resources d. google scholar
38. Is the ability to connect to the Internet using computer terminals, computers, and other devices
a. internet access b. search c. online resources d. google scholar
39. Is a free, customized academic search engine designed specifically for students, tutors,
researchers and anyone interested in academic materials.
a. internet access b. search c. online resources d. google scholar
40. Strives to enable and inspire connection, communication, learning, creativity, and expression
in a world powered by words. You can also download this on your cellphone or simply use your
computer or laptop.
a. b.
c. d.

VIII. Directions. Arrange the words in alphabetical order. Write your answer on the blank.
41. feet 42. doctor 43. sharp 44. xerox 45. trial
damage fight collide xylophone time
election doodle sign zebra trade
fruit file shine worry timing
draft doughnut sing worries tray

__________ ___________ __________ __________ ___________

__________ ___________ __________ __________ ___________
__________ ___________ __________ __________ ___________
__________ ___________ __________ __________ ___________
__________ ___________ __________ __________ ___________

IX. Write on the blank the abbreviation of the following words:

__________ 46. that is
__________ 47. for example
__________ 48. example
__________ 49. Dutch
__________ 50. Old English

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