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Olympiads School MCu8 class 8: notes

First name: ___________ Last name: ____________ Student ID: ______________

Mixed Review 1

1. Evaluate

1. 3 1 2. 5 17 3. 1 4
4 ×8 +1 5 ×
16 7 9 19 2 8

4. 1 3 5. 11 6 6. 5
9 − ÷4 7÷6
3 10 19 15 6

7. 6.3 × 2 × 2.5 + 3.7 8. (69.13 + 2.2) × (1.94 + 37.96)

9. 2 4 1 10. 3  7
÷ +5 − ×  − 3.5 ÷ 
7 15 2 4  8

11. 12.

13. 14. − 6 2 − 13 − 17
12 16 ÷ (− 8)

Olympiads School MCu8 class 8: notes

2. List all of the factors of each number.

1. 30 2. 48 3. 95 4. 32

5. 45 6. 78 7. 83 8. 284

3. Write each fraction or mixed number as a decimal and decimal to fractions.

1. 6 2. 4 3. 15 4. 13
8 10 16 20

5. 0.777…. 6. 9 7. 8.125 8. 2.1212…


4. Complete. Round your answer to the nearest tenth.

1. 10% of _____ = 20 2. 190% of 10 = _______ 3. ______% of 20 = 25

5. State whether the ratios are proportional. Write yes or no.

1. 7 39 2. 7 6 3. 46 92
, , ,
13 65 27 18 11 19

6. Write each expression in exponential form and find the value.

1. 9 × 9 × 9 × 9 × 9 × 9 2. 7 × 7 × 7 3. 52 x 53 4. (24)2

Olympiads School MCu8 class 8: notes

7. Solve.
𝑥𝑥+4 3
a) 4 = -2(x + 3) b) 4(2x - 3) + 4 = 8x – 8 c) +1=2

8. Solve each inequality and graph its solution.

Word problems
1. Jose got 15 of 25 questions correct on the most recent math test. If he wants to increase his grade
by at least 10% on the next 25-question test, how many will he need to get correct? Note: There is no
partial credit given on these tests.

Olympiads School MCu8 class 8: notes

2. Crispy Cones Company makes and packs ice cream cones in boxes of 12. The boxes are then
packed into crates of 60 boxes each. The crates are shipped on pallets that hold 8 crates each. Each
day 44 pallets are shipped from the company. How many boxes are shipped each day?

3. Brandon got 70% of 22 questions correct on the history quiz. How many did he get wrong? Note:
Partial credit is given on these quiz questions.

4. Blatuu the Space Robot offers a free trip to Hoag's Object if you can perform the following task:
"Use set notation to describe the integers, whole numbers, and natural numbers."

5. The Bigtown Economics Show was set up and ready to go at the Bigtown Municipal Center. The
organizers were counting their money. Non-profit organizations paid a $10 registration fee to set up a
booth at the event. For-profit organizations paid a $30 fee. The ratio of non-profit to profit
organizations was 2 to 6. If there were 112 organizations registered for the event, how much money
did the organizers receive in registration fees?

6. Elizabeth got her test score back in geometry class. She answered 62% of the 30 questions
correctly. How many questions did she get correct? You may have to round your answer to the
nearest whole number.

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