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Omkar Singh Form: 5S

English B 2023/3/25
"The poems 'It is the Constant Image of Your Face' and 'South' exploring ideas about patriotism."
Write an essay in which you focus on this theme in these TWO poems. For EACH poem, describe how the
speaker displays patriotism. You must also discuss how ONE speaker's patriotism influences his/her choices.
Finally, for EACH poem, you must examine ONE device EACH poet uses to explore the theme of patriotism.
Literature has spent ages examining the strong and nuanced emotion of patriotism. Dennis Brutus' poetry
"It is the Constant Image of Your Face" and Kamau Brathwaite's poem "South" are two poems that explore this
issue. Both poems tackle the concept of patriotism from different angles and employ various literary techniques.
With the speaker's intense love for his nation and his willingness to fight for its liberation, Brutus
examines the concept of patriotism in "It is the Constant Picture of Your Face." In order to demonstrate his love
for his nation, the speaker claims that he can find traces of it in every rock, cloud, and blade of grass. This
strong sense of attachment to the land demonstrates that the speaker's patriotism extends beyond simple
allegiance to the government of his country and is instead a spiritual bond with the mental and emotional terrain
of his home.
Additionally, Brutus investigates how the speaker's sense of patriotism affects his decisions. The speaker
is prepared to put his own freedom and safety at stake in order to further the cause of his nation's emancipation.
Because his passion for his nation outweighs his fear of punishment, he is prepared to "take your lashes of pain"
and "front the bullet that shatters your brain." The speaker is so devoted to his country that he is prepared to
make the ultimate sacrifice for it.
One literary device that Brutus uses to explore the theme of patriotism is imagery. The speaker's vivid
descriptions of the land and his emotional connection to it create a sense of national identity and pride. The use
of imagery helps the reader understand the depth of the speaker's patriotism and his unwavering love for his
The subject of patriotism is also examined by Kamau Brathwaite in "South," although in a different way.
In this poem, the speaker expresses his love for his own place and its people while describing its history and
culture. The speaker's sense of patriotism stems from his kinship with his ancestors and his wish to carry on
their legacy.
The speaker's sense of patriotism also affects his decisions. In contrast to rejecting them in favor of a
more contemporary or Westernized lifestyle, he opts to celebrate and honor the traditions and customs of his
nation. He recognizes the value of preserving his nation's heritage and culture for future generations.
One literary device that Brathwaite uses to explore the theme of patriotism is repetition. The repeated use
of the word "south" in the poem creates a sense of unity and identity among the people of the region. The word
"south" represents a shared history and culture that connects the speaker and his people. This repetition also
emphasizes the speaker's deep connection to his country and his desire to preserve its traditions and culture.
In both, “It is the Continuous Picture of Your Face" and "South" each take a unique approach to
exploring the subject of patriotism. The speakers in these poems express their love for their nation by having
strong emotional ties to the landscape and its inhabitants. They are willing to make sacrifices for the benefit of
their country because their patriotism influences their decisions and behaviors. Kamau Brathwaite employs
repetition to reinforce the speaker's connection to his native country, whereas Dennis Brutus uses images to
foster a sense of national identity. These literary techniques aid in highlighting the patriotic message in these
two potent and poignant poems.

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