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Thinking Log

In regards to the advancement of Arctic exploration, the 2014 discovery of Sir

John Franklin's HMS Erebus shipwreck was a significant turning point. It was a turning
point that contributed to filling in the blanks in our knowledge of what happened to the
crew, who vanished in 1845 while looking for the Northwest Passage. The discovery of
the Erebus has helped increase knowledge about the harsh conditions in the Arctic and
the difficulties faced by those who attempted to explore it. It has also given us a better
understanding of the tragic fate of the crew.
Furthermore, Erebus' discovery has made a significant contribution to our
knowledge of the cultural heritage of the Arctic. The Franklin expedition played a
significant role in the history of the Arctic, and the artifacts and information recovered
from the shipwreck have helped to illuminate the past, present, and way of life of the
native peoples. The rich cultural heritage of the Arctic and its inhabitants has become
more widely recognized and respected thanks to this discovery.
The discovery of the Erebus has also advanced our knowledge of the Arctic
ecosystem. Research is difficult to conduct in the Arctic because of the region's bitter
cold, darkness, and ice. But the Erebus shipwreck offers a singular chance to research
how the environment has changed and evolved over time. Global warming is causing
significant changes in the Arctic, and the scientific information gathered from Erebus's
discovery is crucial for forecasting upcoming environmental changes.
Finally, the discovery of Sir John Franklin's HMS Erebus has had a significant
impact on how we currently understand the Arctic and its inhabitants. It has improved
understanding of what happened to the crew, raised awareness of the harsh conditions
in the Arctic and the difficulties faced by explorers, shed light on the history and culture
of the indigenous peoples, and given researchers a chance to examine how the
environment has changed over time. We now know more about the Arctic and its
inhabitants thanks to the remarkable discovery of the Erebus.

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