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Annotated Bibliography (Gender Equality)

Kimmel, M. S. (2015). The gendered society. Oxford University Press.
This book examines how gender influences our social interactions and identities. Kimmel gives
a general overview of how gender is socially constructed as well as the various ways that
gender inequality is maintained in society. He contends that gender inequality is a systemic
problem that calls for structural change rather than just a matter of personal attitudes and

Hooks, B. (2014). Feminism is for everybody: Passionate politics. Routledge.

A thorough introduction to feminist theory and activism is provided in this book. Hooks gives a
summary of the development of feminism throughout history and examines current feminist
issues. According to her, feminism is a movement that aims to confront and end all forms of
oppression, not just those that affect women's rights.

World Bank Group. (2021). Gender Data Portal.
A comprehensive database of gender statistics from all over the world can be found on the
Gender Data Portal. The portal contains information on a variety of subjects, including political
representation, labor force participation, education, and health. Users can download data sets
for additional analysis and create personalized data visualizations.

Global Gender Gap Index. (2021). Interactive map.
Users can interactively explore gender gaps in various nations by using the Global Gender Gap
Index map. Data on four crucial aspects of gender equality are shown on the map: political
empowerment, health and survival, educational attainment, and economic participation and
opportunity. Users can click on specific nations to view more information and rankings.

Written Evidence
Pew Research Center. (2021). On Gender Differences, No Consensus on Nature vs.
In this article from the Pew Research Centre, the public's perception of how much nature and
how much nurture contributes to gender differences is looked into. The article discusses
variations in opinion by gender, age, and political affiliation using data from a survey of
American adults. The article sheds light on how gender is viewed and comprehended in modern
United Nations Women. (2021). Gender equality.
A wealth of data on gender equality is available on the United Nations Women website,
including statistics, news, and resources. The website provides information on issues like
ending violence against women, empowering women economically, and involving women in
politics and decision-making.

World Economic Forum. (2021). The Global Gender Gap Report 2020.
The World Economic Forum publishes the Global Gender Gap Report every year as a way to
track global progress towards gender equality. The report tracks gender disparities in areas like
political empowerment, economic participation, health, and education. Country profiles and
interactive data visualizations are also featured on the website.

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