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Program: Adults IS11-B

Teacher: Lic. William Huiza

Assignment: First Writing Assessment
Assessment: Business Pros & Cons.
Student´s Name: David Arturo Vanegas Hernández


Starting your own business is one of the most rewarding and challenging things to do. Sometimes
it's fun and other times it's emotionally draining. When we think about starting a business for
ourselves, we must ask ourselves, our business goal is to have satisfied customer, however: Do we
really take pleasure in building something from scratch and watching it grow? If the answer is TOPIC
positive, then the next step is to start your own business. SENTEN

However, before taking the first steps, it is important to reflect on the importance of undertaking:
What stages and actions should be taken into account when starting a business, what type of
profitable businesses can be developed today, what are the pros and cons, etc.

Steps to start a business

First, the market niche of the own business is defined.

It is important that you start a business that is in high demand and that, of course, generates
profits. The market niche must be defined thinking about the one that is most advantageous and TO
for finances, as well as the most interesting for the public with whom it is intended to work and START
advertise the services or products. S
Second, conduct market research

A market investigation is ideal to know if a proposal is profitable or not and make decisions based
on real data. It is intended to work, the target audience of the business, as well as analyze the
competition and launch the strategies that could be implemented to stand out and be successful,
well informed and well made.

Third work a client prototype

Prototype of the ideal client for the business proposal. When it is defined, it is much easier to
define the product high quality, price and promotion strategies of the product or service polite
that you plan to develop.

Then plan financially

It is recommended that you prepare yourself financially before investing, especially so that you
can at least cover basic needs while the business begins to turn a profit.
Next create a strategic plan TO
It is a basis to guide all the actions of the company. The idea is that this plan anticipates all S
possible scenarios for the venture.

Then network

It is having good contacts and the best way to achieve this is by networking. Take an interest in
meeting other entrepreneurs or professionals who can add new knowledge or ideas to the
business for set up a website amazing.

As soon as register the company

Legal issues are something that cannot be avoided when it comes to starting a business from
scratch. Register the company, comply with all local taxes and all those legal and administrative
procedures to avoid problems in the future.

Finally, think about scalability

A company capable of multiplying its income without having to increase its costs in the same way.
3 pros of owning your own business

MAIN To begin, you must create something that leaves a mark


Starting and creating your own business is a great opportunity to create something that is
important to you and leaves a mark on the world. Today there are a lot of profitable businesses TING
and business initiatives that, more than making money, seek to satisfy a need, solve a problem and DETAILS

make the lives of their customers much better, they are interested in helping the client.

Next dedicate yourself to what you are truly passionate about

It makes no sense to undertake something you don't like. When you start your own business and SUPPOR
work for your own benefit, you have the opportunity to work on something that you are really DETAILS

passionate about and motivates.

IDEAS In the end you can earn much more money

When you start a business, you stop working for the economic benefit of someone else and you SUPPOR
start to earn more personal income. The income from the business may be minuscule at first, but TING
over time you begin to realize that it is worth it, get it done.
3 cons of owning your own business

IDEAS In the first place the responsibility is much greater

When you own your own business, all the responsibility falls on your shoulders, which is why it is SUPPOR
very important to prepare well before starting a business, especially financially, academically, and DETAILS
psychologically, they are totally frustrating and annoying aspect, have them all super clear.
In addition, the risks are greater

It could be said that there will always be a risk and the possibility that the business will not work, SUPPOR
that money will be lost and that they will have to look for a job again, this happens when TING
uninformed and unprofessional.
IDEAS A final point to worry about all areas of the company
You must be aware of all areas of the company. Despite the fact that there are other people TING
working, an entrepreneur must always take care that everything works well. DETAILS

CONCLU To conclude, I believe that the perception of the pros and cons of starting a business has a lot to
DING do with each person's own experience. In short, no one can guarantee that starting a company will
CES be a success, but in any case, with effort and work you will be closer to achieving it.

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