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The Sun dragon

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Mature
Archive Warning: Major Character Death
Category: F/M, Multi
Fandom: A Song of Ice and Fire - George R. R. Martin
Character: Arianne Martell, Original Characters, Doran Martell, Oberyn Martell,
Daenerys Targaryen, Tyrion Lannister, Jaime Lannister, Margaery
Tyrell, Asha Greyjoy | Yara Greyjoy, Theon Greyjoy, Jon Snow
Additional Tags: Self-Insert, trade, Boats and Ships, Magic, Valyrian Steel Swords (A
Song of Ice and Fire), Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, The
Ironborn (A Song of Ice and Fire), Dorne (A Song of Ice and Fire),
House Velaryon (A Song of Ice and Fire), War, Politics
Language: English
Stats: Published: 2023-04-24 Words: 1,012 Chapters: 1/?

The Sun dragon

by nymermartell


OC SI- son of doran martell and Allyssa velaryon.

Slight uplift.


See the end of the work for notes

Daemon Martell, Water Gardens, Dorne 299ac

I had been in this world for eight and ten years. From a mapped foreign land of science in a world
of unknown magics.

Though a terrifying reality, I had done as life had since the beginning, adapted. It was hard at first,
yet fate was on my side time and time again.

Dorne was arguably the only kingdom willing to embrace change. My uncle was inquisitive, i was
descendant from dragonlords, my dreams from the gods, reform was destined.

Power held by mere men was incredible. In the space of a decade, oberyn Martell had ushered in
enlightenment to the kingdom; from aqueducts to glass and metal industry, it was truly blossoming.

Most recently, the torrentine had been diverted east, stretching from blackmont to vaith, marking
the greatest engineering achievement since the building of the dragonpit.
Yours truly had been busy introducing galleons and forming colonies. Unlike the more optimistic,
should the long night come, the isle of birds would find its prince in his palace.

The summer isles were an untapped gold mine for dornish trade. Dorne was rich in metals,
currently accessible, fabrics, cottons and silks, where the islands were rich in woods, gems,
priceless in any world.

In a high domed room of rich gold, arabesque walls ornamented with lavish pink ivory furnishing,
sat a pair of children waiting for their father.

Beside me sat Arianne, a woman of charming soft beauty, with the same hazel eyes and curled
black hair. Unlike me, her wits were that of temper, delight, matching diplomats and captivating
the court, learnt from her time in tyrosh.

The pointlessly large yew door opened, heralding the ruling prince of dorne. Bowing respectfully,
they both awaited for the ruling prince to take his heavily cushioned seat.

Doran Martell was a plain man. Coloured by amber eyes and dark hair, his once strong features
had dulled though his mind had not.

“How are you, my children?”

“Well, father.” Arianne answered the almost ritual beginning.

“I trust you have heard of yronwood?” Doran asked, his face a mask.

It was a grating move that destroyed practically all knowledge from cannon; my dear foster father
had led a host past the boneway. He died after some key victories at nightsong and stonehelm, to a
blade in the night, i could not say whose.

“It could be easily rectified, father. We have curried great favour with house lannister, mayhaps
trystane and his princess be given summerhall, tis quite fitting.”

“Wise counsel, daughter. “

House Martell was the sharpest and boldest of the great houses. At present, following the invasion,
an act of war, we were up against the greatest host in the realm, yet there was little tension in the

“There is also news from oldtown, Daemon, your plot was successful.”

My plot was excellent. The only way one can bring unwanted change to mindset is religion, men
are fanatics.

I fabricated a tome, the seven teachings of hugo, which had strong progressive and liberal
undertones. It could be used for a great enlightenment at the right time, gods willing soon.

The ploy was only plausible due to the current political situations; the most devout were fractured
and the hightowers reclusive, allowing a pro dornish most devout within the starry sept.

Whilst king’s landing had led the faith for a century the war allowed a brief opportunity, one too
rare to let pass.

“How goes the New Sunspear Company, brother?”

“Well. In the summer isles; we owned Stonehead and the isle of women. We are allied with koj to
take the isle of birds within years. With doransport built, we control the eastern stepstones. Yet we
mustn't overreach, tyrosh is an uncertain ally and war with daughters’ would ruin our growth.”

“Our coffers could not afford expansion. Our gold goes as soon as it enters.” Arrianne replied.

“I have received confirmation that lord dayne is indeed dead.” Doran announced suddenly.

The Daynes had grown significantly in recent years; supplanting the yronwoods as foremost
vassals after the complete irrigation of the torrentine few moons past, they would yet reach new
heights as their lands were rich in quarries and gold.

“Allyria becomes Lady Dayne as such, her hand finds itself free after the infamous death of her
suitor.” Arianne declared astutely.

“I have sent her some suitors, preferably a salty dornish to bind the kingdom together.”

Dorans words spoke true; Dorne had went through immense change, it was not equal. Most lords
had seen their levies grow through welcoming freed slaves and stepstone migrants, with greater
yields from queer tools, yet so had the rest of the greenblood and torrentine in addition to far
greater investment in irrigation and mines. The martells had been bias with their boons.

“Sunspear has seen an increase in trade. As the ironborn rave the sunset sea, fewer ships dock in
the honeywine straits and lannisport, rather journeying up the new sand road and down prince’s
pass." Arianne reported.

It was perhaps the most immoral thing I had done during my tenure as a Westerosi noble, I had
bargained with the krakens. Balon Greyjoy slept in an assassin's bed, and I dealt with Asha, selling
three thousand crossbows to the isles, trading with them, something the free cities, slavers refused
to do.

Though it helped establish a technology industry, which was extremely expensive. I had spent
hundreds of coins on creating a paper industry and bore no profit.

“Tis good we expanded the docks, years past. Send men to patrol the streets lest banditry begin.”
Doran ordered.

Unlike many I did not view myself as the equal of these men, to this day I had no true idea of the
loyalties and ambitions of my father. Lord Baelish was further an enigma, it was why i had planned
a little escape on the summer isles, i’d still be a prince yet without such a deadly game.

After the meeting i slept sound in the cool salt breeze of the water gardens, thanking the gods i
wasnt a fucking stark.

End Notes

tried to show him as a hypocrite, ironborn are rapist and slaver scum yet he allies with
them. too many perfect si’s
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