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$ MYTHOS THEMEBOOK ARANGE OF MAGIC SPELLS - ADAPTING TO HARSH ENVIRONMENTS - SHAPESHIFTING OR POWER HLS cs oa ane SaaS ne eee Rat nothing is permanent, everything is ephemeral ferent challenges require entirely different means to Cee ue een to adapt to circumstance. Do they consciously do eesti POR en Peete iene ood esa eee Pree eee eee Peete ene ee STIs aN enero SRC a eee eed SCC ene eu could shapeshift into animals and monsters. A oe age aa eg Rifts it touches. And Pinocchio’ father, Geppetto, CO core eu Adaption themes gravitate towards broad tags by Sree ce nc allowed for your character (see Broad vs. Specific ‘Tags, page 76). However, ifthe variety of effects Peo ee cee doppelganger, who can only copy existing powers, ‘the MC may rule that a tag still qualifies as specific. CONCEPT ‘Think about your Mythos. In the legend, did your Mythos possess many different powers? Was she able to shape a substance, element, form, or con- Pensa g et a Tec the unifying element in all of the manifestations of peared Ue eR eae ao Prenton eR She One Ld far an yaad Beetroot ened + Itcan control and/or shape Seno Next, think of a few details from your legend that SEE Ce na eats ey inspire your answers to the tag questions below. aa etsy) by Osea ec eg Eee Cea nacre) single description no more than a few words long. reese ound that will be useful to your character during the game. Fach answer becomes a power tag. Write it Pree eect ee Tore ore ran oe eae De NCL ua SARA R COL) PSs arp hae Az est TION? ‘cast a magic spell, lord of the tempests, shape- Seed Cae cULe Dona eect ATL Soran onan TNA coon Po transportation spells, create bad weather, beasts of the forest, steal protective powers, Ba LE Rea hea ets Neneh Com Co hi Cer ec a a ‘True Shape of the Lion, leave them powerless, exploding wind-up toy, rotting touch Rea ROSE ALOR OLS Peete a a go ual of the wild, prolonged contact with victim, eluttered workshop, dead of the night RUROINI ae Rory O proto ee oats EES ‘cushion @ fall with feathers, scale a barrier on ee a a aa ee ete ee summon the ghost ofan enemy's loved one DR RU i Cana Oe Prensa OE counterspell, impervious to all weather, sniff ‘out other shapeshifters, “You cannot steal from Ca eae Ed RIE Eee UENO) LOCC OFUO PALES EV MU (ote el Oe UA ad knowledge over power, wrath ofthe seas and eM ear Dee a oer Rares Cameo g NC Te te INGS CAN YOU PRODUCE OR SUMMON? Cee ea Cr A reed | WHAT STRATEGY OR COMBINATION OF EF- Eran rome nnn deflect & dazzle, electrocute wet targets, ar ae ad ‘one with their own power, deploy contraptions eo a DORN R CEA OTe AUN g Ean eR en aad ‘hapeshif grant someone the powers of anoth= er, annoying bells and whistles, suck out their rod Per SOE) Cea Ec Rissa tat) ty eee oe Ce Und Poe er Cece cnc aL Pees eee ind that will impede your character's actions during the game. Your answer becomes a weakness tag. erase ken eat AL ‘TAGS along with the letter of the question. Peace Sous Toe aad DEPENDENT ON? only works with a magic wand, needs moisture ea een ‘nature, must gain the victim’s trust, missing cured PMMa URN aC SOB COLLS MYTHOS TO ACHIEVE? dark magicis forbidden, struggles to calm weath= Ce coe ‘can't hold more than one power at atime, puppets don’t really ook rel, hard to control the swarm RMN SRC SET SLES SNS ONS TTS ‘susceptible to areas of thick Mist, blocked by shelter, instinctively drawn to native forms of ‘current location, flammable toys, hallowed Po DACRE Rota ata eae Soltero Coen em ecm CR em Co a eee SE ae eed living EXTRATAGS If you have not done so in other themebooks, you. oa eee eee eee ee nner ace Meee uni ea ees PLAYER'S GUIDE MYSTERY. ea rg Sa eres ee a Poe ee csr cn ts powers, to your legend, or to your mundane life. eee d + (Merlin) Where is the Holy Grail now? Ce et oh nee eT nn etre + (Geppetto) Who or what can breathe life into peed You can try exploring the following options: + Philosophical questions about the nature or Reena id see ee ccc ae) + Fears of losing touch with your original nature SCRE sR acre Let the MC know what kind of clues your character ‘might find interesting. The MC will provide oppor- tunities for you to find answers to your Mystery. eee a Cre eS cos aia 3 Oe nae ee Cn nature and style. Write its name on your theme eae asco Secon gency oye aed eer sea CREW RELATIONSHIPS Peacoat ead Peres eee eee RO aS following scenarios, after receiving their approval: + One of them once challenged you to push the boundaries and flexibility of your adaptive pow- Pee eee ce? Help point on them. Scr eee Cetera proaching every situation with the same solu- tions over and aver again. In fact, this has hurt See oa eee e Lec? ‘Take a Hurt point on them, Seen ACEC aa oe PRR S ne tw Caner recy them feel. If t fascinates them, take a Help point. Soe ee easy Pree Cae omen ADAPTATION THEME Pilg ai | eS Pe Re a cas Re Neer tons froin fekemetartt When you Change the Game with power tags Sad bern Or ee et ecg cd TER eee ees circumstances ofthe current scene. You cannot add this batch to another batch. Rung When you spend a Clue to ask the MC or one of the other players “What would be most useful to me in Cone eet have any remaining Clues in the same batch, you Souk ete tay itto come up with the thing you need most. This Preeti Een ete snares fine eRe When you use tags from this theme in a creative way, choose one of the most affected characters and ask whoever is playing it (the MC or another Se euca nt eeu ants answer honestly. If they didn’t, take a temporary Pete FOE oR er reTtCny SOR Cen eas eee Pee Mee sae een cued of the other Mythos themebooks except Relic and answer it. Write down the answer as a new power: eee ca & Gave MYSTERY “WHEE 6 THE POWER TAGS A CAST A maarc seg D cASIET Witt A spEBook. EF custtion A PAUL Wirt WEAKNESS TAGS D oacesce Wirt orter sorcerers Per eco]

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