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Read the two short articles and answer the questions:

1. Based on the text and on your own experience, what are the main reasons for classroom misbehavior?

-There are three main reasons for classroom misbehavior; first the student’s age attitude and level of language
competency, second the teacher context and last the family context .The student’s attempt to associate himself with a group
as a way to search for acceptance and belonging. This process is mostly achieved through indecent acts or attention-seeking
forms. For the misbehaved student, attention-seeking becomes the way to obtain admiration and approval in the classroom
community. The majority explained that disruptive behavior among students was motivated by the attempt to attract the
attention of the teacher and their peers. Some pointed to taking up bad habits, mainly drugs, which accompanied this critical
period of age. Moreover, the majority of these teachers noted that lack of concentration, which was a direct outcome of the
students’ poor ability to cope with the lesson, pushed the student to engage in disruptive acts.

Another reason is attributed to the students’ attitudes towards the school, namely to the teacher and the subject being
taught. The student’s negative image about the school, teachers, and the school subject is a significant impetus for
misconduct. Some participants in the research explained that most of the misbehaved students in their classes experienced
failure or led bad relations with some teachers.

Sticking to the textbook very often creates monotony and this in turn gave room for indiscipline to emerge. Other
participants warned that students’ feeling of neglect and teachers’ unfairness were other causes of this problem. Indiscipline
is triggered by the teacher than by the student. In line with this, some studies have explained that boredom, for example,
prevailing in some teaching contexts pushes students to behave badly. They also observe that misbehavior occurs when the
teacher is not motivated and the classroom environment is not conducive to learning.

Still, other studies linked learners’ misbehavior to their surrounding environment, namely the family. These studies
showed that learners transfer unconsciously the domestic violence they undergo to the classroom. The family had a strong
impact on the misbehavior they exhibit in the class. They stated that family problems and absence of parents control fueled
largely indiscipline among students. Violent behavior is triggered by learners usually belonging to social backgrounds where
the family does not satisfy children’s needs. Similarly, other studies showed that children’s feeling of rejection, alienation and
disconnectedness at home contributed to disruptive behavior at school.

2. Give examples of classroom misbehavior?

- Disruptive acts take the form of violence, absence, cheating, cursing, side talks, phone use, and inability to respond to the
teacher’s questions.

3. Define misbehavior.

Misbehavior in the classroom refers to the indecent acts students do during a course

For Fontana (1981, p 317), this term refers to “Any behavior that undermines the teacher’s ability to establish and maintain
effective learning experience in the classroom”

4. What countries do you think suffer from this phenomenon? Why?

Classroom misbehavior can occur in any country and is not limited to any specific region or culture. However, there may
be some factors that contribute to classroom misbehavior in certain countries more than others. For example:

1. Lack of resources: Countries with limited resources may have overcrowded classrooms, inadequate facilities,
and insufficient supplies, which can contribute to misbehavior.
2. High poverty rates: Countries with high poverty rates may have students who are dealing with challenging living
conditions, which can affect their behavior in the classroom.
3. Cultural differences: Cultural attitudes towards education and authority can also influence classroom behavior.
For example, in some cultures, questioning authority figures is encouraged, while in others, it is not.
4. Ineffective teaching methods: In some countries, teaching methods may not be engaging or may not meet the
needs of all students, leading to disengagement and misbehavior.

It's important to note that classroom misbehavior is a complex issue, and there are many factors that can contribute
to it. It's also important to avoid making broad generalizations about certain countries or cultures, as every situation
is unique. Instead, it's important to address classroom misbehavior on a case-by-case basis and to work towards
creating positive learning environments for all students.
-Implementing Character Education is a way that would help improve the students’ behavior In Moroccan secondary schools

Values or character education is the wider personal development of a child beyond the academic education they receive in
school. It aims to instill in pupils a number of key characteristics and values such as respect, honesty, motivation and
responsibility, all of which will help them in their adult lives .

The results of the study: the majority of students (91.3%) said that school is a place where they study, or a place where they
broaden their knowledge instead of a place where they develop their character or learn values; this, in fact, may imply that
students do not grasp the meaning and importance of character education, for them school is a place where they can only
develop academically.

Results concerning the covariances existing between variables showed that the teacher is the core of the character learning
process. Both learning/ practicing values at school and the presence of character education in textbooks’ success depends on
the role of teachers in modeling good character traits, as the increase in their role modeling goes in parallel with the increase
in students’ learning and practicing values at school as well as grasping the meaning of character traits present in textbooks.

The results obtained from this study suggest that many measures should be taken in order to improve the quality
of Moroccan Education and establish learner-centeredness in the educational system.

However, they all talked about the textbooks as outdated and not adapted for teaching character as they contain only few
units that stress the importance of values like citizenship and tolerance. Nevertheless, teachers gave examples of negative
behavior they witnessed in the school environment and agreed that with a proper implementation of character education,
the behavior of students may improve and this of course through employing various strategies such as: modeling good
character traits, creating school clubs, encouraging group work, engaging students in service learning and more importantly
engaging them in school life. Teachers agree upon the idea that character education is not properly implemented in our
schools, for this reason, we cannot witness its positive impact.

Providing professional development for teachers about the program of character education is the most effective
way to ensure that teachers are properly trained and consistent in their practice.

1) It is necessary for teachers be trained in order to recognize their roles in the implementation process and
to be aware of what is expected from them as teachers.
2) Morocco is a very rich country in terms of culture, in Morocco, there are numerous subcultures, so,
depending on the region where a teacher’s work, he/she has to be conscious of their students’ culture and
values. Thus, attending workshops to be well qualified culturally and socially is primordial to teach
students character education.
3) They also should grasp the instance of the program that is being implemented within their schools as well
as recognize the materials and resources that are available for them.
4) Another implication is the lack of understanding of the meaning of character education. Some teachers
believe that they do not have enough time to care for their students’ character or about their behavior
improvement (o, for them teaching character education is just an extra work that needs more time and
5) Another result of the lack of understanding of the meaning of character education is that we have
different ways and strategies of teaching it, depending on individual points of views of teachers, which is
very confusing and problematic.
6) Another important implication is that lesson plans are not promoting morals and character traits. For
instance, teachers of all school subjects should design lesson plans that aim to improve and foster the
character of their students.
7) It is important to make students practice decision making, as mentioned in the literature review, decision
making is an essential character trait that students have to foster to be able to encounter different life
8) Teachers and schools’ principals have to provide their students with opportunities where they can have
their say and take decisions that are related to their school environment.
It is a huge responsibility to contribute in shaping future generations who are not only equipped with
academic knowledge but, more importantly, equipped with values, life skills and good character traits.
Therefore, teachers, parents, school personnel and all community stakeholders should show a full
engagement in the process of modeling and instilling good character traits into Moroccan students.

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