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The partial molal volumes computed from these tions of the binary solutions are therefore chiefly
equations and given in Table I11 with a probable characteristic of the undissociated molecules.
error of f0.05 ml./mole decrease continuously with TABLEIV
increasing dilution of each component. This de- MOLAR OF BrFa-BrFs SOLUTIONS
crease between the mole fractions 1.0 and 0.0 Mole fraction dZ4, REX*, Rldeal,
amounts to 4.7% for BrF3 and 2.7y0 for BrFS. of BrFo g./rnl. *==D cc./rnolc cc./rnole
However, the volume contraction which occurs on 0.0 2.8030 1.4536 13.22 13.22
mixing is always less than one per cent. .1 2.7648 1.4413 13.45 13.44
.2 2.7277 1,4293 13.67 13.66
.3 2.6918 1,4177 13.87 13.88
PARTIALMOLALVOLUMES OF BrFa AND BrFb AT 25.0" .4 2.6567 1.4066 14.08 14.10
V R ~ F ~
-VkIrFs .5 2.6225 1.3959 14.28 14.32
of BrFi ml./mole ml./rnole of BrFa rnl./mole rnl.,'rnole .6 2.5891 1.3859 14.48 14.53
0.0 48.85 69.17 0.6 48.15 70.72 .7 2.5562 1.3765 14.69 14.75
.1 48.83 69.50 .7 47.86 70.87 .8 2.5239 1,3677 14.91 14.97
.2 48.78 69.80 .8 47.50 70.99 .9 2.4920 1,3599 15.15 15.19
.3 48.69 70.07 .9 47.07 71.07 1.0 2.4604 1.3529 15.41 15.41
.4 48.56 70.31 1.0 46.54 71.09 The atomic refractions of fluorine and bromine
.5 48.38 70.53 cannot be computed with any certainty from the
The experimental molar refractions were com- above data. Bromine in particular must have dif-
puted from the Lorenz-Lorentz expression 6, using ferent R values in the two compounds, since it has
values of n and d obtained from equations 2 and 3 two more unshared electrons in the trifluoride than
in the pentafluoride. Any R value ascribed to
n 2 - 1 NIMI -I- Y M
= ( d * 21 ') (6) fluorine may be expected to vary also, but to a
lesser extent. The interaction between bromine
The R values are given in Table IV with a probable and fluorine probably has an effect upon the molar
error of f0.02 cc. In an ideal system, R would be refractions of these compounds analogous to that
a linear function of Nz; in the present system, R is which occurs in the alkali fluoride^.^^^^ The molar
linear within experimental error for Nz between 0.0 refractions of the alkali fluorides are larger in the
and 0.4, then exhibits a negative deviation from lin- solid state than in solution, due to the loosening of
earity which is greatest (0.06 cc.) a t N2 = 0.75. the cation electronic system by the intense force field
This maximum deviation is no larger than that of the fluoride ion. Although in the bromine
commonly found in a mixture of neutral molecules, fluorides the bonding is largely covalent, similar
such as carbon tetrachloride and b e n ~ e n e . ~Al- loosening of the bromine electronic system by
though bromine trifluoride is known to contain fluorine can be expected.
(BrFzf) and (BrF4-) ions,* its equivalent con- Acknowledgment.-The authors wish to thank
ductance decreases upon dilution with bromine Dr. Robert K. Steunenberg and Mr. Warren Z. Wade
pentafluoride, and the effect of the ions becomes for their suggestions and technical assistance.
progressively less important. The molar refrac- (9) K. Fajani and G. Joos,Z . P k y s i k , 2S, 26 (1924).
(IO) h'. Bauer and K. Fajans. THISJ O U R N A L6,4 , 3023 (1942).
(8) A. A. Banks, H. J . Emeleus and A. A. Woolf, J. Chem. Soc., 2861
(1949). LEMONT,



Heat of Neutralization Studies at High Acid-Base Concentration. 11. Sodium

Hydroxide-Hydrobromic Acid1g2
29. 1954

The hcats of neutralization of sodium hydroxide and hydrobromic acid solutions have been measured a t 25' for reactant
concentrations from 3 to 16 molal, with an accuracy of 0.1 %. The results have been used to calculate the relative enthalpies
of hydrobromic acid solutions from 3 to 16 molal.

The chemical similarity between hydrochloric hydroxide since all supplementary data are avail-
acid and hydrobromic acid makes i t desirable that able and reasonably reliable.
some studies be made of the thermodynamic prop-
erties of hydrobromic acid for comparison with the Experimental Details
The apparatus was very similar to that described in a
properties Of hydrochlolic acid' The previous paper.8 A second was placed in the calor-
relative enthalpies of hydrobromic acid solutions imeter can to reduce the time required for equilibration, and
can be determined by heat of neutralization meas- the hollow lid of the calorimeter well was eliminated because
urements of the system hydrobromic acid-sodium of the mechanical difficulties in maintaining water-tightness.
Instead, the well was closed with a brass plate which seated
(1) Aided by a grant from the National Research Council, C a n a d a . -
(2) Paper I . ref. (3). (3) P. Bender and W.J. Biermann. THIS 7 4 , 322 (1952).

on a gasket and the thermostat water level was raised by

addition of water from a reservoir. Access t o the well was
where m' = 65.51 m/(111.02 m). The experi- +
made by pumping sufficient thermostat water back to the mental data are presented in Table I and are esti-
reservoir t o expose the well closure. mated to be accurate to better than 0.1%.
The GSAP camera was replaced by a Robot I1 camera for TABLE I
recording time-temperature data. The twenty-four frames
obtained from one winding of the camera spring motor were EXPERIMENTAL
adequate, and the 1" X 1" negative is more easily read than OF SODIUM
16-mm. film strips.
AT 25"
Temperature measurements were made with a Leeds and -LA", -~ H N ,
Xorthrup type 8160 metallic sheathed platinum resistance def. cai. def. cal.
thermometer calibrated by the makers and checked with a 111 per mole #L per mole
glass sheathed type made and calibrated by the Sational 2.930 14,084 9.775 16,802
Research Council of Canada, who also calibrated the stand-
ard cells used in the electrical calibration of the calorimeter. 3.961 14,368 11.079 17,488
Conventional calibrations were made of the Mueller bridge, 4,997 11,703 13,015 18,570
potentiometer, weights, etc., used in the measurements. 6.005 13,085 14,427 19,442
Determination of the heat of neutralization of hydro- G . 935 15,476 16.029 20,885
bromic acid and sodium hydroxide had been done a t several 8 470 16,150
concentrations in the earlier calorimeter, and when these
were compared with the series done in the present calorime- Computation of the relative enthalpies of hydro-
ter all deviations noted were substantially smaller than the bromic acid solutions is made through the follow-
accuracy claimed in this work.
Solutions.-The sodium hydroxide solution was prepared ing expression for the heat of neutralization
and analyzed as noted p r e v i ~ u s l y . ~
Below 11 molal hydrobromic acid solutions were prepared
AHN = AH{ + &(SaBr,nz') - &(SaOH,m) - +,,(HBr,m)
by distilling reagent grade 480/, hydrobromic acid over tin The apparent relative enthalpy of sodium bromide
to remove free bromine, collecting only the constant boiling solutions is taken from Hammerschmid and Robin-
middle fraction of the distillate and diluting as required. son's6recalculation of the data of Wiist and LangeS7
Higher concentrations were prepared by cooling the constant
boiling solution and passing in hydrogen bromide. Hydro- The apparent relative enthalpies of the sodium
gen bromide was generated by suspending red phosphorus hydroxide solutions are taken from Bertetti and Mc-
in 48% hydrobromic acid and dropping bromine into the Cabe'sYheat of dilution data, corrected to 25" by
cooled suspension until the liquid was almost saturated
with hydrogen bromide. Gentle warming then liberated means of their specific heat values, and c:2 and c:,
much of the hydrogen bromide with no visible bromine values given by Gucker and Schminke,$ and Os-
present. The hydrobromic acid was analyzed by the gravi- borne and Ginnings,lo respectively. An additional
metric silver bromide method. 27 calories was added to each of these values of the
Both silver bromide and silver chloride were collected in
sintered glass crucibles and dried overnight at 170". I t relative enthalpies of sodium hydroxide solutions to
was reported4 t h a t silver chloride dried in this manner re- correct the extrapolational error introduced by in-
tained up t o 1% water. A chloride analL-sis carried out clusion of Richards and Gucker's" low concentra-
on fused reagent grade potassium chloride, with the silver
chloride dried as above, reproduced the original sample TABLE
weight t o within 0.02%, provided t h a t the silver chloride ACID AND
had been "aged" before filtering for a t least six hours a t
room temperature. The retention of significant amount.; SODIUM HYDROXIDE A N D THE APPARENTRELATIVE Es-
of water was observed only in the case of freshly precipi- TIIALPY A N D T H E RELATIVE PARTIAL MOLALENTHALPY OP
Calculations and Results 25O
Because the heat capacities of concentrated solu- +L(?*TaOH, +L(NaBr, +L(HBr, 1 , ~( H B r ,
,I, ill' -lax 112) 711') fI2) in)
tions of hydrobromic acid are uncertain it was de- 3 1.460 14,096 -20 -120 675 1272
sirable to avoid calculation of the temperature co- 4 1.930 14,386 +3 200 862 1660
efficient of the calorimeter reaction. The starting 3 2.392 14,705 64 272 1048 2054
temperature of the reaction was therefore adjusted ii 2.846 13,085 163 336 1265 2491
to within a few hundredths of a degree of 23". Cor- 7 3 292 15,489 297 395 1476 2942
rection for concentration differences of the react- 8 3.731 15,925 470 449 1685 3411
ants, or thermal effects due to dilution of excess 9 4.162 16,411 673 493 1922 3944
acid, would have involved a successive approxima- 10 4.586 16,920 910 536 2154 4491
tions method in the calculations, so that the react- 11 ,5,001 li,44:3 1167 572 2383 5069
ant concentrations were adjusted carefully and the 12 , 5 4 1 1 17,984 1K18 ii0G 2619 5692
excess hydrobromic acid kept negligible in amount. 18 5.818 18,c5K3 1722 ti37 2883 638G
These corrections, when evaluated after calculation 14 6.216 19,200 2028 663 3187 7167
of the relative enthalpies of hydrobromic acid solu- 15 6.607 19,795 2334 682 3458 7964
tions, proved to be insignificant. 1fj ii.992 20 ,:361 2590" 695 3755 8843
\\-hen the heat of reaction was computed with the a Extrapolated.
heat capacity of the product sodium bromide soh- .

tion, which data were supplied by Bender and (6) H. Hammernchmid and A I,. Robinson, THISJ O U R N A L , 64,3120
Kaiser," the result was the heat of reaction a t 2.5" (7) K. Wrist and I3 Lange, Z . p h y s i k . Chern., 116,161 (1925).
for the process ( 8 ) J . \V Bertetti and W.I,. McCabe, I n d . Erzg. Chern., 2 8 , 247
(9) 17, 1' (>urker,J r , a n d K. M . Schminke, THISJ O U R N A L . 66, 1033
( I !I331
[SaBr + 55
4 il
1 ( I O ) X. S . Osbmne, H . F. Stimson a n d D. C. Ginnings, J . Research
.\-nti Bur . S f n i d i ~ r d s 23,
, 197 (1939).
Pro,.., Izall, 11 163 ( l ! l Z l ) (111 1' r\\ Richards and F. T. Gucker, J r . , THISJ O U R N A I . , 61, 712
( 4 ) J E , Willard, Kecui,d. C/LL.VL.
(j) P. Bender and A. Kaiser. pri\.ate communicatiun. I !12U).
Sept. 5, 1954 OF XENON,

tion heat of dilution work by Bertetti and McCabe. Discussion

The heat of neutralization a t standard conditions Comparison of the apparent relative enthalpies
was taken as - 13,321 defined calories per mole.3 of hydrobromic acid solutions with equivalent
To obtain relative enthalpies a t round concentra- values for hydrochloric acid solutions computed
tions the heats of neutralization a t these concen- from the data of Akerlof and Teare'? shows the close
trations were interpolated from the experimental resemblance anticipated. If the relative enthalpies
data. These heats of neutralization are given in of the two solutions are plotted against molality
Table_ 11. Table I1 also includes the values of 41, the hydrobromic acid plot shows somewhat greater
and LZfor hydrobromic acid, together with the so- curvature, and the relative enthalpy curve of hydro-
dium bromide and sodium hydroxide enthalpy data bromic acid is displaced from a few calories a t
used in their computation. LZ was computed in lower concentrations to a maximum of about 250
the conventional fashion by the expression of calories lower a t higher concentrations. Inter-
+L(HBr) as a function of molality. Combination of pretation of this comparison will be deferred until
the several sets of data limits the accuracy of the a later paper.
apparent relative enthalpies of hydrobromic acid (12) G . C. Akerlof and J . Teare, THIS JOURNAL,
59, 1863 (1937).
to about f30 calories/mole. WINNIPEG.CANADA



On Physical Adsorption. VI. Two-dimensional Critical Phenomena of Xenon,

Methane and Ethane Adsorbed Separately on Sodium Chloride1

Xenon, methane and ethane when adsorbed separately on { 100 ] surface planes of sodium chloride show two-dimensional
condensation and typical critical temperature phenomena as the temperature is raised. The two-dimensional critical tem-
peratures are observed a t ca. 104°K. for xenon, ca. 90°K. for methane, and ca. 132°K. for ethane. The isosteric heats of
adsorption are calculated from the isotherms, and their variation with degree of surface coverage is interpreted.

The previous paper of this series2 reported the dating the mechanism of adsorption of non-polar
two-dimensional condensation of ethane when ad- adsorbates on an ionic adsorbent.
sorbed as a monolayer on a variety of homotattic
solid surfaces, and set forth the conditions re- Apparatus and Materials
quired for two-dimensional condensation of an The adsorption system is a volumetric type, generally
adsorbate. These conditions were used to discover similar to that of Wooten and Brown,a using mercury stock
suitable adsorbates that would demonstrate this valves t o avoid the presence of stopcock grease in the sys-
tem. The stock-valves and the buret are surrounded by an
phenomenon on the uniform crystallographic sur- ice-water-bath while the apparatus is in use. The pressures
face, the { 1001 planes, of sodium chloride. The phe- are read with a cathetometer and a mercury manometer of
nomenon was investigated, however, only a t a single 12-mm. internal diameter.
temperature, and hence its interpretation as a gen- The cryostat consists of an aluminum block, hollowed out
t o hold the adsorption bulb and the bulb of the vapor pres-
uine monolayer condensation did not carry the au- sure thermometer. The block is wound with electrical
thority that could be conferred on it, if it were heating coils of constantan wire, which are used to balance
shown (by observing the behavior of the system a t the cooling of the liquid nitrogen bath and so provide tem-
different temperatures) to have a heat of transition perature control. This assembly is suspended inside a brass
can, which is evacuated during the determination of an ad-
and a critical temperature for the transition. The sorption isotherm. A large Dewar flask containing liquid
present paper reports the results obtained with nitrogen encloses the brass can. Figure 1 is a diagram of
xenon, methane and ethane adsorbed separately the arrangement of the cryostat.
on the same sample of sodium chloride a t different The glass tubing that is not enclosed by the aluminum
block would be cooler than the adsorption bulb were it not
temperatures. These systems were selected, ac- provided with a heater, the lead heater of Fig. 1. Two
cording to the principles stated by Ross and Wink- copper-constantan thermocouples are placed in the cryo-
ler,? as likely to display the phenomenon of two- stat; one measures the stability of the temperature of the
dimensional condensation on a solid surface. The aluminum block, and the other detects any differences in
temperature between the leads and the block, which dif-
predicted effects were actually observed, and it was ference need not be made t o disappear since it is enough t o
found that, for each system, there exists a critical make sure that the lead heater is warmer than the block, by
temperature, analogous to the normal critical tem- adjusting the current through the heater.
perature of liquefaction of a gas, above which the The authors are indebted t o Dr. J. A. Morrison, National
Research Council, Ottawa, for the original design of the
condensation does not occur. The purpose of this ~ r y o s t a t . ~I n its present slightly modified form, tempera-
paper is to find the region of the two-dimensional ture fluctuations are restrained t o within 0.02'.
critical temperature, as an important step in eluci- The temperature of adsorption is obtained from the vapor-
pressure thermometer, which has its bulb inside the cryo-
(1) This paper is based on a portion of a Thesis submitted by Had-
den Clark to the faculty of Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, in partial (3) L. A. Wooten and J. R. C. Brown, ibid., 66, 113 (1913).
fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy, (4) Dr. J. A. Morrison intends to publish a more extensive account
June, 1954. of this cryostat, which makes a fuller description in this place unneces-
(2) S. Ross and W. Winkler, THIS J O U R N A L , 76, 2637 (1954). sary.

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