AO4 Task B

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National Diploma Unit 7 Anatomy and Physiology for exercise and sport Assessment Objective Four Task Four

B Criteria You must show an understanding of the vascular system covering all aspects we have spoken about during lessons

Knowledge understanding and skills You will create a PowerPoint presentation covering all aspects of the vascular system Explain HR, SV and Q also explain what impact exercising has on them (Remember the three graphs we drew in class) Explain what starlings law is? Explain the vascular system i.e. arteries, arterioles, capillaries, venules, veins Explain the properties of arteries, veins and capillaries What is venous return Explain the 5 mechanisms that effect venous return Explain what the cardiac control centre is and what it does i.e. sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems What three factors effect the Cardiac control centre system Explain the vascular shunt mechanism i.e. vasomotor control centre and the effect it has on the pre capillary sphincters. Explain how exercise effects this process

Date Set: 17/03/10 Date to be handed in: 19/04/10 AO4 Describe the structure and function of the heart and the vascular system in relation to sport and exercise PASS Candidates provide a basic description of the structure and function of the heart and the vascular system. Their description demonstrates a limited understanding in relation to sport and exercise. MERIT Candidates provide a detailed description of the structure and function of the heart and the vascular system. Their description demonstrates a sound understanding and is supported with some examples related to sport and exercise. DISTINCTION Candidates provide a comprehensive description of the structure and function of the heart and the vascular system. Their description demonstrates a thorough understanding and is supported with a range of examples related to sport and exercise.

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