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Dental Caries
Aetiology, Pathology and Prevention


© Chapter 2 B. A. Burt 1981
© Chapter 8 J. S. Wefel 1981
© Chapter 10 R. L. Speirs 1981
© Chapters 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 11, 12 L. M. Silverstone, N. W. Johnson, J. M. Hardie and R. A. D.
Williams 1981

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or

transmitted, in any form or by any means, without permission

First published 1981 by

London and Basingstoke
Associated companies in Delhi Dublin
Hong Kong Johannesburg Lagos Melbourne
New York Singapore and Tokyo

ISBN 978-0-333-21179-3 ISBN 978-1-349-16547-6 (eBook)

DOI 10.1007/978-1-349-16547-6

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Preface Vll

Acknowledgements viii

Part I The Disease Process 1

1 The Nature and Problem of Dental Caries in Man 3
2 The Epidemiology of Dental Caries (B. A. Burt) 18
3 The Microbiology of Dental Caries 48
4 The Formation, Structure and Microbial Composition of Dental Plaque 70
5 Biochemical Events in Dental Plaque 103
6 Enamel Caries 133
7 The Caries Process in Dentine: The Response of Dentine and Pulp 162
8 Kinetics of Enamel Dissolution (J. S. Wefel) 187

Part II The Scientific Basis of Caries Prevention 207

9 Possibilities for Caries Control by Modification of Diet 209
10 Fluorides: Systemic Balance and Cariostatic Mechanisms (R. L. Speirs) 228
11 Prevention of Caries by Control of Dental Plaque 249
12 Prevention of Caries by Increasing the Resistance of the Tooth 275

Index 305

This book is based on the 'Topic Course in Dental Caries', which was designed in 1972 for
undergraduate dental students at The London Hospital Medical College and is now conducted
annually. The objectives of the course are to provide the student with an understanding of dental caries
as a disease process so that he can appreciate its impact on the oro facial tissues of his patients, on their
general welfare, and on the community at large. Additional objectives are the provision of a sound
biological basis for the treatment of carious teeth and of a scientific basis for the design and evaluation of
preventive methods.
The book is thus aimed primarily at dental undergraduates at all levels; junior clinical students should
be in a position to assimilate much of the scientific content because of their proximity to dental anatomy,
biochemistry, microbiology and immunology. The practical implications of many of the concepts
discussed will, however, be better appreciated by more senior students because of their greater clinical
experience, and we hope that undergraduates will turn to the book at intervals throughout their
education. Other professional groups should also find it a useful source of reference.
Because of the comprehensive treatment of most topics the book should be of value to graduate
students in many specialities, and is deliberately aimed at them also. Some material, for example chapter
8 on the kinetics of enamel dissolution, is complex and will not be readily appreciated by the average
clinical student. However, this has been deliberately included since it is part of the broad scientific base
of cariology on which further progress in prevention and treatment depends. It is hoped that such detail
will not inhibit the average reader from grasping the important principles involved, and we have
therefore provided frequent summaries of the present state of knowledge.
All chapters describe the research findings upon which our current understanding is based. This
makes the treatment lengthy at times, but it is in our view the proper approach to teaching in a university

L. M.S.
N. W.J.
J. M. H.

We are grateful to numerous colleagues for helpful discussion and for providing tables and illustrations
of their own original research. Mr George Walters and Ms Lindsay Hitchcock produced most of the
photographs and Ms Jennifer Abrahams carried the major secretarial burden. Without them our task
would have been impossible.
Part I
The Disease Process
Chapter 1

The Nature and Problem of

Dental Caries in Man

1.1 Introduction
1.2 The Problems Created by Dental Caries
1.3 The High Prevalence of Dental Caries
1.4 The Causes and Initiation of Dental Caries
1.4.1 The acidogenic (chemicoparasitic) theory of caries.
1.4.2 The essential role of bacteria
1.4.3 The role of dietary carbohydrates: sucrose as the 'arch-criminal'
1.4.4 Other theories of caries aetiology
The proteolytic theory
The proteolysis-chelation theory
The sucrose-chelation theory
1.5 Pattern of Progress of the Carious Lesion
1.6 Theoretical Approaches to Caries Prevention

4 Dental Caries

1.1 Introduction

Dental caries and periodontal disease are the two

most common oral diseases and study of them
naturally dominates the teaching and practice of
dentistry. To some extent they have a common
cause and, frequently, a common end-point,
namely loss of the affected teeth. As a generalis-
ation, dental caries probably results in more pain
and discomfort and periodontal disease in more
tooth loss.
This book deals with dental caries in its
broadest sense, a subject which is beginning to be
defined as cariology in many countries. (a)
Cariology is a discrete subject because of the
unique structure of the dental hard tissues and
their response to environmental influences; it
represents an application to a particular health
problem of many other scientific disciplines such
as epidemiology, pathology, microbiology, im-
munology, physical chemistry, biochemistry and
biophysics. The fact that so many disciplines are
involved in understanding caries is sufficient
justification for the existence of cariology as a
subject and for this book. However, in con-
centrating our attention on caries we should
never lose sight of the equal importance of
periodontal disease to the oral and general health
of our patients.
Dental caries (caries-from the Latin, decay)
simply means decay or rotting of the teeth (figure Figure 1.1 (a) Molar tooth extracted with the gingival soft
tissues still attached to the cervical margin. This tooth has a
l.l). It is a form of progressive destruction of large carious cavity (C) on the approximal surface which
enamel, dentine and cementum initiated by mic- extends from just below the crest of the interdental papilla
(P) upwards to undermine the occlusal marginal ridge (R).
robial activity at the tooth surface. Loss of tooth
This is an advanced lesion which has taken many months to
substance is characteristically preceded by a reach this stage, and represents a failure of caries control
softening of these tissues, brought about by measures in this patient. (b) Molar tooth extracted with the
partial dissolution of mineral ahead of the total gingival soft tissues attached to the cervical margin, showing
an initial carious lesion (C) on the approximal surface. No
destruction of the tissue. Because of this, caries cavity has yet formed but subsurface decalcification has
can be distinguished from other destructive occurred over a large area between the gingival crest and the
processes of the crowns of teeth such as abrasion area of contact with the adjacent tooth. This is the area in
which plaque can grow relatively undisturbed. Lesions at this
due to mechanical wear and erosion due to acid stage can be arrested or can be encouraged to regress if
fluids which remove totally thin portions of the proper preventive measures are applied.
surface which they contact, layer by layer.
The purpose of this introductory chapter is to
describe the problems that this widespread di- the cause and mechanisms of dental caries in
sease creates for the individual and for society as man, and of how attempts can be made to reduce
a whole, to explain, briefly, modern concepts of the ravages of the disease by preventive mea-
The Nature and Problem of Dental Caries in Man 5

sures. All of these aspects are analysed in greater

detail in subsequent chapters.

1.2 The Problems Created by

Dental Caries
The need to restore carious teeth or to replace
teeth lost due to caries obviously presents the
individual with problems of time, discomfort,
inconvenience and expense. Unless satisfactory
prosthetic treatment is received, tooth loss may
result in aesthetic deterioration and impairment
of speech and masticatory function. Although
rarely of life-threatening significance with mo-
dern processed diets, this latter problem can
become an important consideration in aged
individuals, and the impact on the quality of life
of difficulty with chewing should not be under-
estimated. Loss of teeth leads inevitably to
atrophy of the supporting alveolar bone and this
may be accelerated by the provision of in-
adequate dentures. Following tooth loss there is
a progressive alteration of the whole of the facial
skeleton and associated musculature, and disease
of oral soft tissues and of the temperomandi-
bular joint may supervene (figure 1.2).
The pain and distress caused by inflammation
of the pulp due to the progression of caries is all
too familiar, and it has been estimated that one
million nights of sleep are lost, and 5 million days
disturbed by toothache each year in England
alone46 . As this condition is caused by bacteria,
the possibility of spread of infection to surround-
ing bone, to and through contiguous soft tissues1
and to more distant sites via the blood stream
and lymphatic system must constantly be borne
in mind. Today, caries rarely leads to fatal
infection, but a few deaths each year are recorded
by the Registrar General 1 as due to dental
disease and a visit to any dental emergency clinic
will confirm the extent of personal suffering (b)
which arises from dental infections. Oral in-
Figure 1.2 Two drawings by Leonardo da Vinci which
fections in patients with rheumatic or congenital illustrate poignantly the collapse of the face which follows
heart disease are particularly dangerous because tooth loss in old age. (a) 'Old Man and Youth' Red Chalk,
of the risk of provoking infective endocarditis 2 • about 1495, Uffizi Gallery, Florence. (b) 'Heads of
Warriors' (Study for the battle of Anghiari) Black Chalk
In addition to personal suffering, the almost 1503-5, Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest. Reproduced by
universal presence of caries in Western com- courtesy of The Phaidon Press Ltd., Oxford and London.
6 Dental Caries

munities presents society as a whole with a which had become exposed due to excessive wear
considerable problem. However financed, the associated with abrasive diets, and on root
cost to the community is large. In the financial surfaces and cervical portions of the crowns 6 • 7 .
year 1977, approximately £250 million was spent In modern communities, caries commences most
in England and Wales alone on dental treatment often at the enamel surface in the pits and fissures
within the General Dental Services section of the of the crown, beneath the contact areas of
National Health Service and a little over half of approximal surfaces of teeth in contact, and in
this was required for the restoration of carious the cervical third of the crown between the
teeth 3 . This sum, by no means the total cost of gingival margins and the point of maximum
oral disease, represents less than 4 per cent of convexity of the crown (figures 1.3 and 1.4). This
total NHS expenditure4 • 5 , although at one time is because it is in these areas that bacteria, in the
dentistry received 10 per cent; it is exceeded as a form of dental plaque, adhere to the teeth, and
single disease 'entity' only by the cost of the are relatively protected from becoming scraped
mental health services. The total cost of dental off. Root surface caries is still, however, common
care is estimated to be £7.1 per head per annum, in primitive and developing societies and, on a
perhaps a modest figure when compared to what global scale, may be the most prevalent form of
many individuals are prepared to spend on social the disease 8 •
and cosmetic activities. The prevalence of caries has increased steadily
Approximately 12 million working days are with the advance of civilisation; for example,
lost annually in Britain from dental disease and studies of ancient Greek skulls show that at
its complications. At the present time only appro- about the time of the birth of Christ I 0 per cent of
ximately 40 per cent of the British popu- that population were affected 9 . By AD 1000 this
lation regularly avail themselves of the dental had risen to 20 per cent and today, in most of the
care services 10 . If all were to do, so, the cost so-called advanced Western civilisations, the
would clearly rise steeply and the manpower figure approaches 100 per cent.
resources, at present 20 000 dentists, 1050 hy- Dental caries and periodontal disease are the
gienists and 500 operating auxiliaries 17 · 46 would most common diseases affecting Western man.
be unable to satisfy the demand. In England and Wales the prevalence of caries in
It is clear, therefore, that much greater em- adults is 98 per cent, and a National Survey
phasis is necessary on the prevention of dental conducted in 1968 found that only 3 people in
caries, as well as periodontal disease and other 1000 had 28 or more teeth present and free from
forms of oral disease. Only in this way will decay 10 . In all the major industrialised nations
individual suffering be reduced while the cost to the extent of disease increases with age, most
society is kept within practicable limits. Later in rapidly during childhood and adolescence, but
this chapter our present knowledge of the nature still steadily to middle age. In Britain, 25 per cent
of the caries process is outlined, in order to point of all teeth erupted in children up to 12 years of
out those places in this complex series of events age have been affected by caries; by the age of 15
where the process may be interrupted by pre- years this has risen to 33 per cent and by age 30,
ventive methods. Each of these theoretical ap- to 67 per cent. By the age of 45 years caries is
proaches to prevention are considered in detail in much less active, although many teeth continue
part II of the book. to be lost from periodontal disease.
Apart from age and the advance of civilisa-
1.3 The High Prevalence of tion, many other factors influence the prevalence
and incidence of dental caries in populations.
Dental Caries
These include dietary habits, race, geographical
Although dental caries was known to ancient location, sex, familial patterns and the influence
man, decay in his teeth usually began in dentine of treatment. The complex interrelationship of
The Nature and Problem of Dental Caries in Man 7

Figure 1.3 Diagram of sites on the surfaces of teeth where plaque accumulates and carious lesions preferentially develop. (a)
Mesio-distal section through a premolar and two molar teeth. (b) Bucco-lingual section through a premolar tooth. Lesions
are labelled:
( 1) Class I caries, commencing in pits or fissures
(2) Class II caries, interproximal lesions
(3) Class V caries, gingival third lesions and (4) root surface caries arising on exposed cementum or root dentine following
gingival recession.
The pattern of progress through tooth substance is also indicated: The lesion within enamel is labelled E. B represents the body of
the dentine lesion, TZ the translucent zone defence reaction in dentine and RD the reactionary dentine formed in response to the
early enamel and dentine lesions.

has been reached by approximately 25 per cent of

the population of England and Wales at the age
of 40 years, and this figure is 75 per cent at the age
of 60; 37 per cent of the population over 16 years
of age have no natural teeth 10 .

1.4 The Causes and Initiation

of Dental Caries
An oversimplified but essentially accurate con-
cept of the aetiology and pathogenesis of dental
caries has existed for a century and has come to
be known as the chemicoparasitic or acidogenic
Figure 1.4 'Bite-wing' radiograph showing a child with
deciduous molars and first permanent molars in function. theory. This holds that bacteria present in the
Prominent occlusal pit and fissure lesions (I) and appro- mouth interact with retained food particles to
xi mal (2) lesions are visible because of the marked radioluc- produce substances capable of dissolving en-
ency in the dentine. (Courtesy of Professor A. H. Brook)
amel. The three essential components of the
these factors is analysed in detail in chapter 2, but caries process are thus immediately appreciated,
the serious state of affairs in the whole of the namely the presence of a susceptible tooth, the
Western world can be emphasised here by con- presence of microorganisms and dietary factors.
sidering the extent of tooth loss. Complete tooth An enormous amount of subsequent research
loss- a state indicating total failure of both past has confirmed this concept and provided detail
preventive dentistry and past dental treatment- concerning those features of the structure and
8 Dental Caries


/Type: Streptococcus mutans
Streptococcus salivarius
Type: Sucrose
' '\
Other sugars \
I Lactobacilli
Other carbohydrates
Form: Adhesiveness \
I Interactions
Metabolic activity: acid potential

I polysaccharide synthesis
I SALIVA - - - - - - - - -... 1PLAQUE
Glycoproteins • ·
Bacterial content
+ Substrates
Agglutinating factors
Agglutinating factors CARBO~YDRATE Complement

(chelators/proteolytic enzymes)

Susceptible TOOTH surface

PROTEOLYSIS--+ Loss of matrix

- Ingress of organic matter

/ /
Buffering capacity Chemical
Ca. P, F, etc., content Immunological
Complement Occlusion
Leucocytes Appliances
Stagnation areas
Cariogenic or non-cariogenic Morphology of pits, fissures. etc. /
\ flora established Permeability
Immune status of host Any dysplasia present
F content
' Other trace elements /I
<'- Carbohydrate content / ""~
0 :-..., Sugar substitutes '"
C ..q ' F content / 't 0
( :-..., Other trace elements / C.
AGE p :-..., Phosphates and other additives / ~ ~ MATERNAL HEALTH

'I~ ......
S P O-s - -

_ - - I S 1:
- -
lfV ---- v.~S
(........ /C.
P';...... FAMILIAL/GENETIC FACTORS ...... / ~~
Is-- -- -
Pos 1 -
-- - - RES ,s"l: ,~G

Figure 1.5 Diagram showing the multiplicity of factors which influence the initiation and rate of progress of dental caries.
The Nature and Problem of Dental Caries in Man 9

composition of teeth which affect their suscepti- mineralised by incubating them in mixtures of
bility to caries, detail on which bacteria are most sugar or bread with saliva. At about the same
likely to be involved, and detail on those compo- time, Williams 12 recognised the fact that bacteria
nents of the diet which are particularly dangerous. adhered firmly to enamel surfaces, producing a
Many other factors, both local and systemic, gelatinous film which he considered might local-
influence the likelihood of caries developing and ise the acid to its most dangerous site, in contact
its speed of progression, so that caries is truly a with the tooth.
multifactorial disease. These factors and their In essence, therefore, the chemicoparasitic
interactions are presented schematically in figure theory postulates that acids are produced at or
1.5, the object of which is to indicate areas to be near the tooth surface by bacterial fermentation
discussed in detail in subsequent chapters. It may of dietary carbohydrates and that these acids
be helpful to return to this diagram from time to dissolve the apatite crystals which make up some
time during the reading of subsequent chapters, 95 per cent of the mass of the enamel. Washing
and to use it as a structure for revision. away of the acid is reduced by the presence of
As might be expected from such a highly dental plaque, which also serves to hold the
complex situation, the caries process is dynamic, products of dissolution close to the tooth surface
with periods of attack alternating with periods of (figure 1.6). We now know that many different
stasis or with regression of the lesion. This fact kinds of bacteria aggregate in protected portions
has an important bearing on any clinical ap- of the tooth surface to form dental plaque
proach to the management of patients, the prime (chapter 4), and that if the kinds of organism we
objective of which should be to tip the balance now recognise as cariogenic (chapter 3) are
towards arrest or regre~sion; that is, to control present in substantial numbers, damaging amou-
the cariogenicity of the patient's mouth and to nts of acid can be formed.
encourage remineralisation of damaged tooth Following the ingestion of readily fermentable
structure. carbohydrates, particularly those with a low
molecular weight such as the sugars glucose and
1.4.1 The acidogenic (chemicoparasitic) sucrose, the pH in plaque falls to 4.5 or 5 within
theory of caries 1-3 minutes and takes 10-30 minutes to return
to neutrality. Subsequent intakes of carbohyd-
A number of theories of caries aetiology exist rate may depress the pH even further. This
but, as stated above, most of the available characteristic graph (figure l. 7), known as a
evidence supports the 'acidogenic theory', or Stephan curve after the dental scientist who first
'chemicoparasitic theory', propounded in some brought it into prominence 13 , is further dis-
detail as long ago as 1890 by an American, W. D. cussed in chapter 5. Such levels of acidity are
Miller 11 . Miller based his ideas on a series of dangerous because, whereas at neutrality human
experiments conducted in the laboratories of the saliva and dental plaque are supersaturated with
famous German microbiologist, Robert Koch. calcium and phosphate, at about pH 5 this
He drew heavily on the new knowledge of saturation is overcome and enamel solubility
bacteriology emerging in Europe at that time, increases markedly.
principally from the laboratories of Koch and of There is ample evidence that a direct cor-
his great rival Louis Pasteur in France. Of relation exists between type and frequency of
particular significance was the observation that carbohydrate ingestion and the lowering of
many organisms could produce acid from the intra-oral pH, and a similar correlation between
fermentation of sugar. Miller showed that a dietary carbohydrate levels and caries incidence.
number of oral microorganisms had this pro- The acids involved can be identified easily in the
perty, that lactic acid was one of the major acids test tube in sugar-saliva mixtures, after in-
formed, and that extracted teeth could be de- cubation of various other foodstuffs with saliva
10 Dental Caries


__.........a caries-inactive
./.~~·-•slight activity
pH .~ / .
-•/~:;:::?/•___-•/·-• marked actovoty

0 • ·--·


............._ ___ ,.............
5·0 __.././

4 ' 0 .__--:':0-~10--::2~0-~30:---47:0:---::5"::0-"'*60

minutes after glucose rinse

Figure 1.7 The 'Stephan' curve. This shows the rapid fall in
pH following a glucose rinse in a group of individuals with
different caries activities (after Stephan 1944' 3 )

1.4.2 The essential role of bacteria

In the mouth, the presence of bacterial plaque is

essential to the production of a lesion, for it is
bacterial metabolism which produces the acid
(b) from foodstuff and the plaque consistency which
Figure 1.6 (a) Anterior view of adult dentition. Extensive helps retain the acid in contact with the tooth and
plaque deposits are present but cannot easily be seen in this protected from the diluting and buffering effect
photograph. (b) Some subject as in (a) immediately after of saliva. Proof of the absolute necessity for
staining plaque deposits with disclosing solution. Plaque is
particularly heavy interproximally and near to the gingival bacteria had to wait, however, until the 1950s
margin. when Orland and then Keyes and their col-
laborators showed that susceptible rodents on a
or dental plaque microorganisms 143 • 14 b, and highly cariogenic diet did not develop caries
with more difficulty in the dental plaque 15 and in under germ-free conditions, but that caries de-
carious enamel itself. These are all organic acids, veloped in the same animals when fed the same
principally lactic acid, and are produced as end diet after the introduction of bacteria 18 • 19 . In
products of the Embden- Meyerhoff glycolytic 1960, Keyes 20 proved for the first time the
pathway and of the Krebs tricarboxylic acid infectious and transmissible nature of dental
cycle, or of other pathways which these bacteria caries. He mono-infected germ-free animals
use in the catabolism of carbohydrate (see chap- with known strains of streptococci and showed
ter 5). Lactic acid is capable of producing exact that the organisms, and susceptibility to caries,
histological replicas of the early natural carious became transferred to uninfected litter mates.
lesion when sound extracted teeth are placed in Subsequently, the use of gnotobiotic rodents
sterile artificial systems containing the acid and a (that is, animals carrying a known flora) has
gelatinous medium, such as gelatin, which ap- done much to sort out which species of bacteria,
parently acts by providing a diffusion barrier for and which combinations of species, are ca-
the products of enamel dissolution 16 . riogenic to these animals and which might,
The Nature and Problem of Dental Caries in Man 11

therefore, be cariogenic to man 21 • 22 . These geneous structure which varies in composition

organisms, mostly streptococci of the viridans from site to site on any given tooth surface, from
type, particularly the species known as Strepto- tooth to tooth, and from mouth to mouth. Not
coccus mutans, and some strains of lactobacilli all portions of enamel covered by plaque become
and actinomycetes are cariogenic in animals and carious, indicating important regional variations
man (chapter 3). Such organisms isolated from in the pathogenicity of dental plaque. Much
human lesions have been used to induce caries in remains to be learned of the nature and signifi-
previously caries-free monkeys maintained on cance of these variations, which are discussed
diets rich in sucrose and other carbohydrates 23 ; further in chapter 4.
the organisms, and hence susceptibility to caries,
can be transferred readily from mother to offspr- 1.4.3 The role of dietary carbohydrates:
ing, although adult cage mates, in whom the oral sucrose as the 'arch-criminal'
flora is already established, are more resistane 4 .
Organisms of this type are more numerous in Dietary carbohydrates as substrates for acid
the mouths of caries-active than of caries- production and for the synthesis of extracellular
inactive persons, and their distribution within polysaccharides in plaque have already been
the mouth to some extent mirrors the distri- mentioned. The relative cariogenicity of different
bution of carious lesions. It thus seems possible carbohydrates depends on frequency of intake,
to regard dental caries in man as an infectious on their physical form-sticky, retentive sub-
and transmissible disease, although there may be stances such as toffee being worst-and on their
several different organisms involved. The fa- chemical type. Complex carbohydrates such as
milial pattern of caries prevalence may be partly starch are not digested to any significant degree
explained by cross-infection between parents and in the mouth. Low-molecular-weight substances,
children, although diet and other environmental particularly sugars, are more dangerous because
factors are also important. The essential they can more readily diffuse into the plaque and
cariogenicity of these organisms lies in their are more rapidly metabolised by the bacteria.
ability to produce acid rapidly from carbohyd- Sucrose has been described as the 'arch-
rate, that is they are acidogenic, in their ability to criminal' of dental caries 25 . It is much more
survive under acid conditions, that is they are cariogenic than glucose, for example, which
aciduric, and in their propensity to adhere to and diffuses just as readily into plaque and produces
proliferate upon hard tooth surfaces. Most ca- acid just as quickly. Sucrose is the most abun-
riogenic organisms also have the ability, through dantly consumed sugar in modern diets and some
possession of the necessary enzyme systems, to explanation of the mechanism by which it pro-
synthesise large amounts of extracellular polys- duces damage is now available. Cariogenic mic-
accharide from dietary sugars. These polysac- roorganisms synthesise extracellular polysac-
charides, mostly polymers of glucose (that is, charides faster from this disaccharide than from
glucans of variable complexity), make up much any other sugar-faster even than from equiva-
of the interbacterial matrix of dental plaque. lent mixtures of its constituents glucose and
Plaque polysaccharides are sticky, gelatinous fructose. The energy liberated from rupture of
substances which may help bacteria adhere to the the disaccharide bond is used, with the aid of
tooth and to one another, and which affect the bacterial glucosyl transferases, to synthesise
permeability characteristics of the plaque, thus complex glucans from the glucose. Fructose is
influencing the rate at which saliva can neutralise incorporated into fructans of the levan type
or dilute acid formed in the depths of the plaque, which are not so chemically stable and may be
and slowing the diffusion away from the tooth of metabolised to acid quite quickly.
the products of mineral dissolution. Plaque bacteria also make, and store, in-
It is clear that dental plaque is a very hetero- tracellular polysaccharides of the glycogen type
12 Dental Caries

from dietary sugars. Both intracellular and ex- 1t1atton of enamel caries. Lesions cannot be
tracellular polysaccharides may be used as sub- reproduced in vitro with proteolytic agents al-
strates for acid production in periods when no though, as we have seen, organic acids can do so
food is being taken into the mouth. It is as under appropriate conditions of diffusion limi-
important, therefore, to remove the bacteria as to tation or buffering. Furthermore, those portions
restrict carbohydrate intake, and teeth might of enamel with a relatively high organic content,
well be cleaned before meals with as much effect such as tufts and lamellae, do not show greater
as after meals; indeed, all our knowledge of the susceptibility to decay. Nevertheless it would be
pathogenesis of caries points to before-meal foolish to ignore the proteolytic activity which is
cleaning as the most rational oral hygiene ap- undoubtedly present for, along with the more
proach to caries prevention. obvious destruction of mineral, alterations in the
organic matrix of enamel undoubtedly occur 31
1.4.4 Other theories of caries aetiology and must influence the progress of the lesion.
These, however, are less easily detected because
of the small amount of organic material present
Several theories, other than the acidogenic
(less than I per cent protein by weight in sound
theory just described, have been advanced over
tissue 32 ). Organic changes certainly include
the years to explainthe cause of caries. The more
breakdown of intrinsic enamel matrix, and we
important of them will be outlined here, al-
now know that some of this is acid soluble 41 · 42 .
though none has convincing experimental sup-
In addition, there is ingress of additional organic
port26. Nevertheless it is important to realise that
matter derived from oral fluids and bacteria,
these mechanisms are by no means mutually
which fills the gaps between partially dissolved
exclusive, so that some may well operate, albeit
apatite crystals (chapter 6). In carious destruc-
to a minor degree, in the process of tooth
tion of cementum and of dentine (chapter 7),
proteolysis is undoubtedly a much more signi-
ficant event, although it may be necessary for the
The proteolytic theory tissue to be first demineralised by acid, thus
allowing the enzymes access for collagen and
This theory is attributed to Gottlieb who, in ground substance43 .
1944, suggested that proteolytic enzymes libe-
rated by oral bacteria destroyed the organic The proteolysis-chelation theory
matrix of enamel so that the crystals became
detached and the structure collapsed-rather The proteolysis~helation theory was proposed
like the mortar softening and weakening an old by Schatz, Martin and co-workers in the 1950s 33 ,
brick walF 7 • In the same year, a similar in- and in a large number of subsequent publications
terpretation was published by Frisbie 28 , and in by these workers. This theory proposes that
1949 Pincus 29 extended the concept by propos- products of the proteolysis of tooth substance,
ing that sulphatases of Gram-negative bacilli and possibly also of the acquired pellicle and
hydrolysed the sulphated mucosubstances of the foods, by bacterial enzymes act as chelating
matrix, liberating sulphuric acid, which then agents which remove Ca ions from the tooth. The
dissolved mineral. significance of this proposal is that chelation, a
While there is no doubt that a wide variety of process whereby metallic ions are complexed to
proteolytic enzymes are produced by dental another molecule by coordinate covalent bonds,
plaque, and these may be of importance in is most efficient at neutral or even slightly
damaging soft tissue in the initiation and pro- alkaline pH. Thus, enamel destruction could
gression of periodontal disease 30 , proteolysis is occur at times when plaque pH was close to
unlikely to be of prime importance in the in- neutrality.
The Nature and Problem of Dental Caries in Man 13

The peptides and amino acids produced in this Auto-immunity

way do have chelating activity, as do a number of
other molecules likely to be present in dental Jackson and Burch, in recent years 38 a, 38 b, have
plaque. These latter include citrate, lactate, hy- revived the old 'intrinsic' concept of caries aeti-
droxy and keto esters of the Embden- ology, by suggesting the primary event to be
Meyerhoff glycolytic pathway, and inter- placed within the tooth itself, rather than on the
mediates of the tricarboxylic acid cycle such as tooth surface. They suggest that clones or re-
citrate, and of the hexose monophosphate shunt; gions of odontoblasts in specific sites within the
but all are weak chelating agents and are not pulp of specific teeth are damaged by an auto-
present in sufficient concentration to account for immune process, so that the defence capacity of
the amount of demineralisation which occurs 34 . the overlying dentine and enamel is compro-
It is probable that chelators in plaque are mised, and conclude that caries should be re-
exhausted by binding with the more readily garded as a degenerative disease. The hypothesis
available and more soluble calcium and other is based on complex statistical analysis of the
cations derived from saliva. frequency and distribution of lesions within the
Nevertheless this theory is attractive in that it mouths of a large number of individuals, and
reconciles the conflict between whether it is comparison with statistical analyses of known
destruction of matrix or mineral which is the key auto-immune diseases.
event, by proposing that both occur simul- These authors argue that if, for example, caries
taneously and interdependently. Some features develops on the mesial surface of a maxillary
of the histopathology of enamel caries can be central incisor, it is reasonable to assume the
simulated in vitro with chelating agents 3 S, and disease will eventually involve the adjacent sur-
mixtures of oral bacteria and carbohydrates face of the adjoining tooth because of a common
permitted to undergo glycolysis and then neutra- plaque environment. However, they have shown
lised are capable of dissolving enamel 36 • Thus, that from the age of22 to 60 years, the ratio of the
while chelation cannot be regarded as a major number of attacks on single central incisors to
part of the destructive process in enamel caries, it those on both incisors remains approximately
may play a minor role for a period after plaque constant at I :0.7. They conclude that the initiat-
pH returns to neutrality following an acid pulse, ing events correspond to a form of somatic gene
such as is visualised in the Stephan curve. mutation in central growth control stem cells;
descendant mutant cells synthesise auto-
antibodies which damage specific groups of
The sucrose-chelation theory
odontoblasts and thus determine the sites of
caries susceptibility.
Eggers-Lura (1948-68) has proposed in a series Difficulties in accepting these arguments arise
of papers that the very high sucrose concen- from the fact that most of the data used are
trations often encountered in the mouths of derived from routine clinical studies, not from
caries-active individuals form Ca-saccharates rigorously conducted epidemiological trials, and
and Ca-complexing intermediaries which require it is even doubtful whether data from trials are
inorganic phosphate removed from the enamel accurate enough for mathematical analysis of
by phosphorylating enzymes 37 a, 37 b. This, how- this kind. Furthermore, the data are cross-
ever, is unlikely to be a significant process sectional, not longitudinal, and Edgar states that
because of the rapidity with which sucrose is the findings are a statistical artefact arising from
metabolised to acid and polysaccharide, and selection of subjects with similar caries ex-
because calcium saccharates can only form at perience at different ages 45 •
high pH, above the range usually found in the It may also be possible to reconcile the findings
mouth 44 • with events at the tooth surface, because we now
14 Dental Caries

know that there are marked local variations in and such lesions are capable of being arrested.
plaque flora and thus in metabolic activity. Treatment priorities for such lesions should,
Furthermore, an incisor which is caries-free therefore, be to minimise the cariogenic chal-
clinically may be carious at a histological level. lenge by control of diet and oral hygiene and the
Finally, no histological evidence of primary encouragement of remineralisation by topical
damage to odontoblasts has been produced. fluoride applications.
Once a cavity has formed in the enamel,
bacteria reach the enamel-dentine junction and
1.5 Pattern of Progress of pass along the dentinal tubules, although their
the Carious Lesion progress will be delayed for a time by the
presence of the translucent zone defence re-
Once bacterial plaque has grown and acids, and action. Initially, the organisms in dentine are
possibly from time to time proteolytic and mainly aciduric types like lactobacilli and strep-
chelating agents, are formed within it, destruc- tococci, but a more mixed acidogenic and pro-
tion of the tooth occurs in a highly characteristic teolytic flora soon follow. At this stage there is
manner. The initial enamel lesion is characte- direct soft tissue continuity between the mouth
rised by the important feature of sub-surface and the neurovascular connective tissue of the
demineralisation, a narrow zone of surface en- pulp. The pulp therefore becomes inflamed,
amel remaining relatively unaffected 39 . This oc- causing pain, and unless proper treatment is
curs not only because the surface has a greater instituted the bacteria themselves will progress
chemical resistance to acid, due in part to its through the remaining dentine to infect the pulp.
greater fluoride content, but also because of the An infected pulp often becomes necrotic and
resistance to diffusion away from the site of there is then the possibility of spread of infection
liberated calcium and phosphate ions. De- beyond the tooth.
mineralisation of the sub-surface tissue con- Nevertheless, the pattern of progress of the
tinues, the pattern of spread being determined by disease through tooth substance is a dynamic
structural features such as crystal and prism one, and if the intensity of the attack diminishes,
orientation and striae of Retzius, until it is so previously demineralised tissue may become pa-
weakened that a cavity results. Bacteria then, rtly remineralised. With the possible exception of
and only then, gain access to tooth structure. rampant (nursing-bottle) caries in infants, most
While these early changes are taking place in lesions show evidence of phasic demineralisation
sub-surface enamel, with the causative bacteria and remineralisation.
still confined to plaque on the tooth surface, the A detailed description of the structural cha-
dentine and pulp together mount a series of nges which take place in tooth substance during
defence reactions (figure 1.3). The most impor- the initiation and progression of a carious lesion
tant of these defence reactions are the laying is given in chapters 6 and 7.
down of reactionary dentine at the pulpal surface
beneath the enamel lesion and the sealing-off of
many tubules in a central zone of dentine beneath 1.6 Theoretical Approaches to
the lesion by a process of accelerated production Caries Prevention
of peritubular dentine. This latter process is
known as tubular sclerosis and results, histologi- Dental caries is a completely preventable disease,
cally, in the production of translucent dentine. by relatively simple means, in well-motivated
At the same time, demineralisation of the dentine individuals or families. The families of motivated
near the enamel-dentine junction occurs. dentists, for example, have a strikingly lower
However, because the dentine is not at this stage caries incidence than the population at large 40 .
infected, the pulp itself is not in imminent danger To achieve effective prevention on a community
The Nature and Problem of Dental Caries in Man 15

level is, however, much more difficult and re- Chapter 12 describes current methods by
quires both the deployment of all the currently which the resistance of the tooth surface to
available methods as well as continued research demineralisation may be enhanced. These in-
for new methods. clude a variety of topical fluoride applications,
Theoretically (table 1.1), attempts can be the sealing of pits and fissures with plastic resins,
made to prevent caries by modifying any of the and preparations which remineralise slightly
interacting aetiological factors in the top part of damaged tissue.
figure 1.5, shown earlier, or by improving some The most effective way of preventing caries on
of the resistance factors in the lower part of the a community scale is by fluoridation of public
diagram. Thus, attempts can be made to control water supplies. The mode of action of fluoride
caries by modifying an individual's diet-first so and its systemic balance is therefore considered
that the diet is nutritionally adequate and teeth in chapter 10.
are well formed in utero and in childhood, Chapters 9-12 thus emphasise the scientific
secondly by restricting the amount and fre- basis of caries prevention and constitute part II
quency of intake of cariogenic foodstuffs, par- of the text. For several decades, methods of
ticularly sucrose, and thirdly by the addition of caries prevention have tended to be rather em-
inhibitory agents such as phosphates and fluo- pirical. However, as part I of the book will show,
rides to the diet. These approaches are described in the past 20 years our knowledge of oral
in detail in chapter 9. physiology and of the caries process has in-
Dental plaque itself can also be a prime creased considerably, partly because dental re-
target--either by continually removing estab- search has benefited from the input of so many
lished plaque by mechanical cleaning or chemical scientific disciplines. It is now possible to base
disinfectants, or by retarding its formation by methods of caries prevention on a firm scientific
direct attack on the growth and aggregation of foundation and continued progress towards
constituent bacteria, particularly specific pa- more effective and more readily applicable me-
thogens, by immunological methods. Substances thods is to be expected.
which inhibit the biochemical processes in pla-
que of importance in caries production can also
be sought. Prevention of caries by plaque control References
is described in detail in chapter 11.
1. Registrar General's Statistical Reviews of
Table 1.1 Approaches to caries prevention England & Wales, Mortality Statistics by
Cause, Office of Population Censuses and
Plaque Control: Mechanical
Surveys, HMSO, London
Immunological 2. Nolte, W. A. (1977). Oral Microbiology,
3rd edn, C. V. Mosby, St. Louis, ch. 22
Dietary Control: Reduced frequency of
carbohydrate intake
3. Dental Estimates Board Annual Reports,
Sucrose substitutes Department of Health and Social Security,
Additives HMSO, London
Increasing the Resistance of the Tooth: 4. Office of Health Economics Information
Sheets, 162 Regent Street, London WI
Pre-eruptive methods Adequate
nutrition 5. Health and Personal Social Services
Systemic fluoride Statistics for England 1977, HMSO,
Post-eruptive methods Topical fluorides London, p. 20
Fissure sealants 6. Miles, A. E. W. (1969). The dentition of the
Anglo-Saxons. Proceedings of the Royal
Society of Medicine, 62, 1311-15
16 Dental Caries

7. Leigh, R. W. (1935). Notes on the stoma- Street, London WI

tology and pathology of ancient Egypt. 18. Orland, F. J., Blayney, J. R., Harrison, R.
Journal of the American Dental Association, W., Reyniers, J. A., Trexler, P. C., Gordon,
22, 199-222 H. A., Wagner, M. and Lockey, T. D.
8. Jordan, H. V. and Sumney, D. L. (1973). (1954). Use of germ-free animal technique
Root surface caries: review of the literature in the study of experimental dental caries.
and significance of the problem. Journal of Journal of Dental Research, 33, 147-74
Periodontology, 44, 158-62 19. Fitzgerald, R. J. and Keyes, P. H. (1960).
9. Krikos, A. (1935). The progress of decay in Demonstration of the aetiologic role of
Greece from the most ancient times down streptococci in experimental caries in the
to the present. Transactions of the American hamster. Journal of the American Dental
Dental Society of Europe. Quoted by Association, 61, 9-19
Dunning, J. N. (1978). Principles of Dental 20. Keyes, P. H. (1960). The infectious and
Public Health, Harvard University Press, transmissible nature of experimental
Cambridge, Mass., p. 129 dental caries- findings and implications.
10. Gray, P. G., Todd, J. E., Slack, G. L. and Archives of Oral Biology, 1, 304-20
Bulman, J. S. (1970). Adult Dental Health in 21. Harris, R. S. (Ed.) (1968). Art and Science
England and Wales 1968, HMSO, London of Dental Caries Research, Academic Press,
11. Miller, W. D. (1890). The Microorganisms of New York and London
the Human Mouth, S. S. White Dental 22. Stiles, H. M., Loesche, W. J. and O'Brien,
Manufacturing Co., Philadelphia. Repub- T. C. (Eds) (1976). Microbial Aspects of
lished, K. Konig, (Ed.), by S. Karger, Basel, Dental Caries, special supplement to
1973 Microbiology Abstracts, 3 vols, Infor-
12. Williams, J. L. ( 1897). A contribution to the mation Retrieval Inc., Washington DC and
study of pathology of enamel. Dental London
Cosmos, 39, 169, 269, 353 23. Bowen, W. H., Cohen, B. and Colman, G.
13. Stephan, R. M. (1944). Intraoral hydrogen (1975). Immunisation against dental caries.
ion concentrations associated with dental British Dental Journal, 139, 45-58
caries activity. Journal of Dental Research, 24. Bowen, W. H. (1968). Dental caries in
23, 257-66 monkeys, in Advances in Oral Biology, vol.
14a. Andlaw, R. J. (1968). Qualitative paper and 3 (Ed. P. Staple), Academic Press, London
thin layer chromatography of some non- and New York
volatile acids produced by whole human 25. Newbrun, E. (1967). Sucrose, the arch
saliva. Archives of Oral Biology, 13, 445- criminal of dental caries. Odontologist
56 Revy, 18, 373-86
14b. Andlaw, R. J. (1968). Qualitative gas- 26. Bibby, B., Gustafson, G. and Davies, G. N.
liquid chromatography of some non- ( 1968). A critique of three theories of caries
volatile acids produced by human whole attack. International Dental Journal, 8,
saliva. Archives of Oral Biology, 13, 457- 685-95
66 27. Gottleib, B. (1944). New concept of the
15. Geddes, D. A. M. (1975). Acids produced caries problem and its clinical application.
by human dental plaque metabolism in situ. Journal of the American Dental Association,
Caries Research, 9, 98-109 31, 1482, 1489, 1598
16. Silverstone, L. M. (1968). The surface zone 28. Frisbie, H. E., Nuckolls, J. and Saunders,
in caries like lesions produced in vitro. J. B. de C. M. (1944). Distribution of the
British Dental Journal, 125, 145-57 organic matrix of the enamel in the human
17. General Dental Council, 37 Wimpole tooth and its relation to the histopathology
The Nature and Problem of Dental Caries in Man 17

of caries. Journal of American College of groups between the normal and distal sur-
Dentists, 11, 243-79 faces of human permanent mandibular in-
29. Pincus, P. (1949). Production of dental cisors. Archives of Oral Biology, 17,
caries: a new hypothesis. British Medical 1343-50
Journal, 2, 358-62 38b. Jackson, D., Burch, P. R. J., Fairpo, C. G.
30. Cowley, G. and Macphee, T. (1975). (1972). The distribution of clinical dental
Essentials of Periodontology and Period- caries between the adjacent surfaces of
ontics, 2nd edn, Blackwell Scientific neighbouring mandibular mc1sors.
Publications, Oxford and Edinburgh Archives of Oral Biology, 17, 1351-5
31. Johansen, E. (1965). Electron microscope 39. Darling, A. I. ( 1958). Studies of the early
and chemical studies of carious lesions with lesion of enamel caries with transmitted
reference to the organic phase of affected light, polarized light, and microradiog-
tissues. Annals of the New York Academy of raphy. Its nature, mode of spread, points of
Sciences, 131, 776-85 entry and its relation to enamel structure.
32. Miles, A. E. W. (Ed.) (1967). Structural and British Dental Journal, 105, 119-35
Chemical Organization of Teeth, Academic 40. Bradford, E. W. and Crabb, H. S. M.
Press, London and New York (1962). Carbohydrates and the incidence of
33. Schatz, A., Karlson, K. E., Martin, J. J., caries m the deciduous dentition.
Schatz, V. (1957). The proteolysis chelation Proceedings ORCA: (The European
theory of dental caries. Odontologist Revy, Organisation for Caries Research). See also
8, 308-22 Idem (1961) British Dental Journal, 111,
34. Jenkins, G. N. (1961). A critique of the 273-79
proteolysis-<:helation theory of caries. 41. Robinson, C. and Lowe, N. R. (1975).
British Dental Journal, 111, 311-30 Amino acid composition, distribution and
35. Johnson, N. W., Poole, D. F. G. and Tyler, origin of 'tuft' protein in human and bovine
J. ( 1971 ). Factors affecting the differential dental enamel. Archives of Oral Biology, 20,
dissolution of human enamel in acid and 29--42
EDT A. Archives of Oral Biology, 16, 385- 42. Weatherell, J. A. (1975). Composition of
96 dental enamel. British Medical Bulletin, 31,
36. Morch, T., Punwani, I and Greeve, E. 115-19
(1971). The possible role of complex for- 43. Evans, D. G. and Prophet, A. S. (1950).
ming substances in the decalcification Disintegration of human dentine by bac-
phase of the caries process. Caries terial enzymes, Lancet, 1, 290-3
Research, 5, 135--43 44. Tatevossian, A. and Jenkins, G. N. (1974).
37a. Eggers-Lura, H. (1963). Recent investi- Sucrose and the role of saccharates in
gations supporting the non-acid caries enamel caries. Caries Research, 8, 317-31
theory. The biochemical properties of den- 45. Edgar, W. M. (1974). A 15 year retrospec-
tal plaques and sucrose. International tive survey of the distributions of clinical
Dental Journal, 13, 456-9. caries attacks in human permanent maxil-
37b. Eggers-Lura, H. (1967). The non-acid com- lary incisors. Archives of Oral Biology, 19,
plexing theory of dental caries. 1203-9
Published by the author, Holbaek 46. Miller, J., Elwood, P. C. and Swallow, J. N.
38a. Jackson, D., Burch, P. R. J., Fairpo, C. G. (197 5). Dental pain -an incidence study.
(1972). Dental caries: distribution by age British Dental Journal, 139, 327-8
Chapter 2

The Epidemiology of Dental Caries

B. A. Burt
Program in Dental Public Health, School of Public Health, The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor,
Michigan 48104, USA ;formerly Lecturer in Community Dentistry, The London Hospital Medical College

2.1 The Measurement of Disease

2.1.1 Development of the epidemiological method
2.1.2 Ecology and epidemiology
2.1.3 The uses of epidemiology
2.1.4 Methods for measuring dental caries
2.1.5 Indices used in measuring dental caries

2.2 The Ecology of Dental Caries

2.2.1 Age and dental caries
2.2.2 Sex and dental caries
2.2.3 Race and dental caries
2.2.4 Familial and genetic factors
2.2.5 Geographic variations in the prevalence of dental caries
2.2.6 Diet and dental caries
Early theories
General nutrition or local dietary factors
Classic epidemiological studies on diet and dental caries
Further epidemiological studies on diet and dental caries
2.2. 7 The effect of dental treatment

2.3 Dental Caries in Great Britain

2.3.1 Prevalence of dental caries
2.3.2 Treatment patterns
2.3.3 Future trends in the prevalence of dental caries in Britain

F.urther Reading

The Epidemiology of Dental Caries 19

Up, and after putting several things in order to environment, all endlessly changing and adapt-
my removal, to Woolwich; the plague having a ing to each other so that a permanent equilibrium
great increase this week, beyond all expectation,
of almost 2,000, making the general Bill 7,000, is never reached. It also allows for an easier
odd 100; and the plague above 6,000. Thus this understanding of the 'multifactorial' concept of
month ends with great sadness upon the public, disease causation, so that the 'cause' of modern
through the greatness of the plague everywhere disease problems is just as much bound up with
throughout the kingdom almost. Every day stress, affluence, diet, leisure, material and moral
sadder and sadder news of its increase. In the
city dies this week 7,496, and of them 6, I 02 of standards as it is with microorganisms. Both
the plague. But is feared that the true number of dental caries and peridon tal disease are examples
the dead this week is near I 0 000: partly from the of diseases with multifactorial causes.
poor that cannot be taken notice of, through the
greatness of the number, and partly from the
Quakers and others that will not have any bell
ring for them. 2.1 The Measurement of Disease

(The Diary of Samuel Pepys, entry for 31 2.1.1 Development of the

August 1665) epidemiological method

The word 'epidemiology' is of Greek origin. It An epidemic is an outbreak of a disease condition

can be defined as the study of health and disease affecting many people in a region at the same
in populations, and of how these states are time, although 'an epidemic disease' is frequently
influenced by the environment and by ways of understood to be a disease of high morbidity
living. As one example of how the environment which is only occasionally present in a com-
affects disease, the major causes of death in munity. The word has lost much of its dramatic
Britain at the end of the nineteenth century were impact in Western* society of the 1970s; the
diphtheria, scarlet fever, typhoid fever, tuber- periodic epidemics of upper respiratory infec-
culosis and other bronchial conditions, all of tions now experienced account for few deaths
which reflected the environment of the time. and do not disrupt the pattern oflife very much.
Current major disease problems, such as heart It should not be forgotten, however, that up to
disease, cancer, kidney disease, mental disorders, the mid-1950s epidemics of poliomyelitis pro-
venereal diseases and accidents, reflect just as duced serious consequences in Western count-
accurately the environment of our times. The ries, and the great influenza epidemic of 1918/19,
'epidemiological method' means the approach to more properly called a pandemic, was responsible
examining the states of health and disease in a for some 20 million deaths around the world. In
community as they relate to specific factors in its some countries, epidemics of cholera and ty-
environment. phoid fever still occur, although they are becom-
Epidemiology is related to ecology, that bra- ing less frequent. A cholera epidemic in Egypt in
nch of biology dealing with the interrelationships 1947 killed 10 000 people, and about that number
of organisms with their environment. The die each year of cholera in the Indian sub-
ecological view sees man as an organism in continent. In those countries, cholera is an
constant interaction with other organisms in the endemic disease, meaning that it is constantly
* Throughout this volume the terms 'Western society' or 'Western diet' are used to describe the predominant culture and diet
of those countries of Western Europe or countries of principally European origin, such as the USA, Canada, Australia and New
Zealand. It refers to those nations where industrialisation has produced high material living standards, and where modern diets
consist chiefly of processed and manufactured foods which are mass-distributed far from their point of preparation. These diets
are notable for their frequency of high-<:arbohydrate 'convenience' foods, and they include high quantities of sugar. In the so-
called 'developing' countries, industrialisation has not developed to the point where mass-distribution of processed foods allows
such high consumption of sugar as is found in the Western societies, although it is a matter of concern that this situation is rapidly
changing in some of them. This distinction between Western and non-Western societies, even from this oversimplified description,
needs to be recognised for the influence it has on the epidemiology of caries.
20 Dental Caries

present but occurring in a relatively small num- In 1854, John Snow went beyond describing
ber of cases. the distribution of disease and actually con-
Advances in medical treatment in Western trolled an outbreak of cholera in London by
countries have been so great in recent years that application of his epidemiological conclusions.
it is difficult for us to envisage the terror created Snow, a medical practitioner in the Soho area of
by the great epidemics of other years. The Black London, mapped out the residences of those
Death of the fourteenth century, and the periodic persons who died from cholera in the district. He
outbursts of plague from the Middle Ages until noticed that they were clustered around the
fairly recent times, all ravaged Europe. These public water pump in Broad Street (now
diseases struck so suddenly and so universally Broadwick Street), and after some further in-
that it was no wonder that the helpless popu- vestigations he concluded that the cholera came
lations of the time ascribed religious significance from some agent in the pump's water. Snow's
to them. Even in the more enlightened nineteenth method of preventing people from using the
century, the issuing of an official prayer in contaminated water was to persuade the autho-
November 1831 was seen as an appropriate rities to remove the handle of the pump, and the
response to the arrival of a long-feared cholera epidemic subsided. Snow was perhaps lucky in
epidemic in Britain. It was probably at least as that the epidemic may have almost have run its
effective as the ice, hot compresses, bleeding, course anyway, but his principles were correct.
electric shocks, incisions in the head and other Epidemiology has since become the science we
traumas and potions which were used to treat the know today, but the lessons of those pioneers
unfortunate cholera victims. must not be forgotten. They were all working
It was in the rational study of these epidemics before the bacterial origin of infectious diseases
that epidemiology took on its present form. was recognised (Pasteur's first work was pub-
Pepys, as we have already seen, used the Bills of lished in 1857), but time has since shown that
Mortality, the forerunner of death certificates, to their conclusions were substantially correct.
measure the progress of the plague. He also Today, the epidemiological method is being
observed that certain quarters of the City of applied to studies of chronic diseases, alco-
London were affected worse than others and that holism, drug addiction and even motor vehicle
the poor suffered more than the rich. accidents. Computers, sensitive indices and stat-
Later workers employed what could be called istics have replaced the crude measurements of
the scientific method, at least in embryonic form. the pioneers, but epidemiology still requires the
Dr Percival Pott wrote his 'Treatise of the same enquiring minds, meticulous observations
Chimney-Sweep's Cancer' in 1775, and Charles and logical deductions which they displayed.
Thrackrah his 'The Effects of Arts, Trades, and
Professions and of Civic States and Habits of 2.1.2 Ecology and epidemiology
Living on Health and Longevity' in 1831, the
same year as the first cholera epidemic in Britain. If we return to the broad ecological view, we can
These were times of profound social upheaval in see man as a host organism set in an environment
Britain, and it was the squalor produced by which can both harbour the agents of disease and
industrialisation that led to Edwin Chadwick's affect man's resistance to these agents. The
'Report of the Sanitary Conditions of the balance between host, agent and environment is
Labouring Population of Great Britain in 1842'. rarely static. The interplay between them de-
This landmark work provided the inspiration for termines whether disease will be clinically present
the 'sanitary movement' in the middle of the or absent, and whether it appears in an acute or
nineteenth century and, with the second cholera chronic form.
epidemic providing the spur, it led to public The host in the biological sense is defined as the
health legislation as we know it today. living organism which harbours a parasite or
The Epidemiology of Dental Caries 21

commensal. A host can be animal or plant, but obtained from the group, the science of biostatis-
the one in which we are most interested is tics must be employed in order to interpret the
naturally man. Man can present a wide range of measurements. Biostatistics has been called a
susceptibility or resistance to disease, conditions rigorous way of thinking about variable pheno-
which can alter through biological or social mena, and the application of biostatistics to
adaptation, or which can be deliberately in- epidemiological measurements is a fundamental
fluenced by processes such as vaccination. The step towards the reaching of correct conclusions
agent of disease is often a microorganism or a from the measurements made. Relationships
group of microorganisms. A successful parasitic between a disease pattern and some cultural or
invasion of a host usually results in chronic environmental factor, or variations between dif-
disease, for this implies a state of balance where ferent groups in response to the same factor, can
both host and agent can co-exist. If the agent then be identified.
overwhelms the host, as when death results from Epidemiology is employed to study the normal
an acute bout of illness, the invasion of the as well as the abnormal; for example, human
parasite has not been successful. Of course, the growth rates as measured by increases in height
terms 'success' or 'failure' here are used from the and weight, the distribution of blood groups and
biological viewpoint; the view of man as a human eruption dates for teeth. The last-mentioned
being would see 'success' from a different per- factor is a good example of where the epide-
spective, that is, when the host's resistance miological approach is a necessity; it is a matter
overwhelms the invader. of clinical observation that there is a wide
The environment can be a more difficult area to variation in the times of eruption of human teeth,
examine. It can be defined in terms of the so the collection of data from a large number of
immediate environment of the body such as the individuals is required for the facts to be
blood stream, the mouth or a particular organ. apparent.
There is also the wider social perspective- Epidemiology as it is understood today can be
factors such as housing, education, occupation, said to fulfil six purposes:
sanitation, water supply, diet and culture, all of
which can affect the disease processes in the ( 1) Provision of data which allow the de-
community or the individual. termination of normal biological processes.
(2) The classification of disease and the de-
2.1.3 The uses of epidemiology termination of its natural history.
(3) The development of hypotheses that can
The long-term aim of epidemiology is the control explain the patterns of disease distribution in
and prevention of disease. So it is with other relation to specific human characteristics.
branches of the health sciences, such as clinical (4) The testing of hypotheses, through spe-
medicine and pathology, so what is the value of cial studies, which relate to disease aetiology and
the epidemiological approach? In essence it is the occurrence.
recognition that biological variation can be (5) The evaluation of concepts and methods
enormous from one individual to another in any employed in disease control and prevention.
given situation. A drug that produces an effect in (6) The provision of data on disease distri-
one individual may not produce it in another; bution for use in planning and evaluating health
two members of the same family can have quite care services.
different patterns of dental caries. In a study
situation, biological variation can only be al- An epidemiological study can assess the pre-
lowed for by examining a group of subjects in valence of a condition in a population, pre-
which a range of variability can be expected to be valence being the occurrence of a condition at a
seen. Then, as a range of measurements will be particular point in time. If the occurrence of the
22 Dental Caries

condition in a population is assessed at two high prevalence the measure of the intensity of
separate points in time, the incidence can be the condition is more useful than a simple
determined, incidence being the increase or de- statement of its prevalence. Like prevalence, the
crease in the occurrence of a condition over a degree of intensity of the conditions are known
given period. For example, if a survey determines to be closely linked to a number of specific
that 40 per cent of the population of a country factors in the social environment.
has dental caries, that figure describes the pre-
valence of the condition. If a similar study 10 2.1.4 Methods for measuring dental
years later finds that 75 per cent are affected, the caries
difference between the two figures describes the
incidence of caries over 10 years. Disease is essentially a qualitative entity; against
Studies of this kind are usually cross-sectional, a background of scientific knowledge the good
meaning that a cross-section of the population is clinician quite rightly exercises a degree of sub-
examined each time, but the subjects are not the jective judgement during the diagnostic and
same people. Cross-sectional studies are more treatment planning process. The epidemiological
common in dental epidemiology, because longi- problem is to quantitate this qualitative entity.
tudinal studies, where the same group of subjects The most common method of measurement is
are followed over a period of time, are more by means of a rate-the number of occurrences
difficult to administer. Cross-sectional studies in a given population. For example, the infant
are quite adequate for many purposes, but in mortality rate in Britain in 1970 was 18.4 deaths
recent years it has been recognised that the per 1000 live births 1 . Changes in this standar-
pattern of development of caries, that is, its dised measure over the years can indicate im-
natural history, can only be understood with provements in the maternity and neonatal ser-
longitudinal studies. Furthermore, estimates vices, and it can also be used for comparisons
from cross-sectional data can be misleading with other countries. Rates can be used to
because of environmental variables introduced measure some of the less prevalent oral disease
over a period. For example, a survey in an inner conditions, such as oral neoplasms, but where a
London community revealed that 12.1 per cent condition is highly prevalent its measurement by
of people aged 35--44, and 52.7 per cent of those a rate is of limited value.
aged 55-64, were edentulous. It would be tempt- Dental caries can vary highly in the intensity of
ing, but quite wrong, to conclude that 52.7 per its attack, even in a society where it is highly
cent of the present 35-44-year-olds will be prevalent. It can affect one tooth in an individual
edentulous in another 20 years, because the or it can affect thirty-two; each lesion can be
factors influencing total tooth loss are not the barely discernible or it can destroy the entire
same for the two groups. Availability of dental crown of the tooth, so a measure of caries
care, the nature of dental practice, diet, socio- intensity is required for most purposes. Intensity
economic groupings and attitudes towards tooth is measured by an index, defined as: ' . . . a
loss may all be different. numerical value describing the relative status of a
Most dental epidemiology has been concerned population on a graduated scale with definite
with caries and periodontal disease in Western upper and lower limits, designed to permit and
societies, where both conditions are highly pre- facilitate comparisons with other populations
valent. In these instances, measurement of the classified by the same criteria and methods.' 2
simple presence or absence of the conditions is of An index should be clear and simple, repro-
limited use, as there is little practical difference ducible in the sense that different examiners can
between, say, 95 per cent and 98 per cent apply it in a similar way, and it should be
prevalence. Both conditions occur in a wide amenable to statistical analysis. It must also have
range of intensities, however, so in a situation of validity, meaning that it measures what it is
The Epidemiology of Dental Caries 23

intended to measure so that observed differences among the children of Hagerstown, Maryland 5 .
in measurements are likely to be true differences This index is based on the fact that the dental
and not those due to constant or random errors. hard tissues are not self-healing; established
For example, a thermometer measures tempera- caries leaves a scar of some sort. The tooth either
ture in the early morning and again in the heat of remains decayed, or if treated it is extracted or
the day. If the thermometer is a valid instrument, filled. The DMF is therefore an irreversible
the difference between the two readings registers index, meaning that it measures total lifetime
the true change in temperature. An index must caries experience. (By contrast, the Gingival
also be reliable, which means that it must be Index is an example of a reversible index-it
consistent. As an example, a colorimetric test for records conditions which can alter with time.)
a chemical reaction may be valid enough, but the The DMF is a simple and versatile index. The
experimenter's colour-matching with his set of examiner records each tooth in turn as being
standard test-tubes can be affected by the quality sound, decayed, filled or missing because of
of light in the room at different times. If the caries, and the sum of the decayed, filled or
matching is made only by the human eye under missing teeth is the subject's DMF. The DMF of
these conditions, then the test is almost certainly a group is the mean of each individual's score.
not reliable. The DMF index when used without further
Indices (the plural of index, sometimes called qualification refers to the whole tooth, rather
indexes) should vary in their sensitivity according than to any particular surface or surfaces. In
the purpose of the measurement. A two-year other words, a tooth with one decayed surface
clinical trial of a caries-preventive agent in small counts the same as a tooth with three decayed
groups of subjects will demand a more sensitive surfaces. This method is often called the DMFT
index than one which is to assess the caries index, but the index can also be employed as the
prevalence in a community. It is worth adding DMFS, meaning that each individual surface of
that an index should always be used for its each tooth is assessed rather than the tooth as a
intended purpose. To say that one group of whole. Choice of which approach to use depends
people has a Peridontal Index of 1.8 may be of on the purposes of the study; DMFS is more
great value for comparison with another group, sensitive and is usually the index of choice in a
but as a statistical abstraction it is of no use in clinical trial of a caries-preventive agent. This is
assessing the quality of the disease or the treat- because relative incidence is more likely to be
ment needs of the group. detected over the limited time period of a clinical
triaL On the other hand, a DMFS examination
2.1.5 Indices used in measuring takes longer, is more likely to produce incon-
dental caries sistencies in diagnosis, and may require the use of
radiographs to be fully accurate. For even more
H. Trendley Dean, in the 1930s, was faced with sensitivity in clinical trials, the 'D' component
the problem of determining the relationship can be graded according to the extent of the
between caries and fluorosis in a number of carious attack. One way of doing this is to grade
American cities. He devised an index for the caries as (a) in enamel only, (b) in enamel and
fluorosis; for caries measurement he computed dentine, and (c) with pulpal involvement.
the percentage of carious teeth in sample groups. Examination of the three DMF components
Later he scored the number of teeth affected by can indicate the type of treatment received in the
caries per l 00 children 3· 4 . community and so provide more information
The index most universally employed today is than does total DMF alone. For example, look
the Decayed-Missing-Filled index, the DMF, at the mean figures found in two groups of
introduced by Klein, Palmer and Knutson in British 20-24-year-olds, shown in table 2. I.
1938 when they studied dental caries distribution Although the total DMF scores are the same in
24 Dental Caries

Table 2.1 Average values for decayed, missing and age does not always mean that the intensity of the
filled (DMF) teeth in two hypothetical disease has increased-it may mean that there
groups of British persons aged are just more teeth at risk.
20-24 years old (from
Burt 33 )
Several 'shorthand' methods of DMF exam-
Mean DMF Mean D Mean M Mean F ination have been devised; they are intended for
use in surveys where basic prevalence is being
Group A 11.8 1.6 3.8 6.4
assessed. They are based on examination of
Group B 11.8 0.2 0.7 10.9
selected teeth only, and the object is to reduce the
time taken for each examination and still provide
each group, group B appears to have received a valid data.
higher quality of dental care than has group A. One such method is described by the World
The epidemiologist would then want to know Health Organisation 6 , and recommends the use
why; it could be through a better availability of of half-mouth DMF in its basic survey tech-
care, more regular dental attendance, or a dif- nique. Here, the object is to obtain assessments
ferent pattern of carious attack. of caries prevalence in a population which has
The DMF index, either whole tooth or sur- not been previously surveyed. This technique
faces, can be used to record basic prevalence, means that half the upper arch only is scored,
caries incidence and the natural history of the then the contralateral lower half-arch, and the
disease. It is used in clinical field trials of results doubled. It is quicker and easier than full-
preventive agents; if we say that water fluorid- mouth DMF, and the apparent symmetry of the
ation reduces new caries by 50 per cent or carious attack means that the data obtained are
fluoride mouth-rinsing can reduce it by 30 per still sufficiently valid for the purpose. Another
cent, these statements are based on field trial modification is to examine first molars and upper
measurements which have used DMF.Itcan also central incisors only; this method was devised to
be used to evaluate the effect of dental care on estimate total DMF in groups where caries
community dental health. prevalence was moderate to high, and where the
Like any index however, the DMF has its children had been exposed to little treatment 7 • A
limitations. These are: similar method is to examine the lower left first
molar and upper central incisors only 8 . This
(1) It has been developed for use in Western latter method has been tested in Brazil and was
populations, and can require modification in found to allow better inter-examiner compara-
some non-Western groups. bility than did the use of full-mouth DMP. Yet
(2) It can be misleading in adults, where another approach gets away from DMF alto-
teeth are often lost for reasons other than caries, gether and classifies individuals in a hierarchical
in particular because of periodontal disease. pattern according to which sites in the mouth
(3) It can be misleading in some child popu- have been attacked. If caries is found first in the
lations where there have been extractions for approximal surfaces of mandibular incisors, the
orthodontic reasons, or where a lot of 'pre- individual is graded in zone 5, the most severe
ventive' fillings have been placed. zone. If caries is first found on the labial surfaces
(4) The decayed component does not dis- oflower incisors, zone 4, and so on. This method
tinguish between early and advanced caries, nor was suggested by Grainger in 1967, and is
in an incidence study can it record the rate of described with some proposed modifications
increase of caries unless it is modified to score after field-testing by Poulsen and Horowitz 10 .
different grades of the carious attack. Caries in the primary dentition can be mea-
(5) DMF data are not related to the number sured by the dmf index, which is the exact parallel
of teeth erupted, so the 'increase' in caries with ofDMF (the index for the permanent dentition is
The Epidemiology of Dental Caries 25

always written in upper-case letters, that for the surfaces and soon afterwards on approximal
primary dentition in lower-case letters). surfaces, does not appear to have become com-
Exfoliation is a complication, so dmf can only be mon until Tudor times. Caries prevalence in
used up to the age of 5 years, or else applied only Britain rapidly increased during the second half
to canine and molar teeth in slightly older of the nineteenth century, during which time it
children. There is some lack of uniformity in approximated present-day levels 11 • 12 .
indices for measuring caries in primary teeth. In Since ancient times therefore, three distinct
1944, Gruebbel proposed the def index 103 , where changes in caries occurrence in Britain can be
the 'e' meant 'indicated for extraction' and identified. They are:
missing teeth were ignored, but defhas been used
where the 'e' has meant 'extracted'. Another (1) The prevalence of caries, and the in-
method of getting around the exfoliation pro- tensity of its attack, has increased greatly.
blem is to use df, where missing teeth are ignored; (2) Marked attrition, universal in ancient
this is the method of choice of the Warid Health times, has practically disappeared.
Organisation in its basic survey techniques 6 . Any (3) The pattern of the carious attack has
of these methods is satisfactory so long as it is changed from one where it began in root and
made clear just what is being recorded, and if the cervical areas to the present-day pattern of
objectives of the study are being met. beginning in fissures and contact areas. The rate
In summary, DMF remains as the index of of development of lesions has almost certainly
choice for recording the degree and intensity of speeded up over the ages.
carious attack. It has been modified in several
different ways, and the choice of which system to Dental caries, as a chronic disease, develops in
use in any one study is dependent upon the an individual from a particular host-agent in-
objectives and design of the study. teraction which occurs in a certain set of local
environmental conditions. These local con-
ditions in turn are influenced by wider en-
2.2 The Ecology of Dental Caries vironmental conditions, the whole social-
cultural environment of the community in which
Caries is known to have occurred in Britain the individual lives. The changes in caries occur-
during Neolithic and Bronze Age times, al- rence in Britain down the ages, just outlined,
though prevalence was low compared to the have taken place because of changes in the host-
present day. Examination of ancient skulls has agent--environment balance. One does not have
indicated that prevalence seemed to rise during to wait for centuries to pass, however, before
the era of Roman occupation, then to fall again seeing similar changes in parts of the world
during Anglo-Saxon times. The diet for most today.
people at the time was coarse, with little in the There are a number of instances, which we will
way of food preparation. Dental attrition was consider in detail later, where abrupt changes in
marked and occurred early, so that the caries caries experience, similar to the British ones over
that has been found most commonly was cervical the ages, have occurred over the space of a
and root-surface caries. The disease seems to generation or so. These rapid increases in caries
have been rare in the deciduous dentition, al- experience are found in previously isolated so-
though some lesions in younger persons seemed cieties, such as Eskimos, which have now come
to have begun in the occlusal fissures and then into contact with Western culture. The evidence
declined, probably because the rate of attrition is that these changes have been initiated by
was faster than the rate of progression. The alterations in the external environment, for they
pattern of caries in Western society today, where have all occurred when a society, unchanged for
the disease is usually first found in pit and fissure centuries, has been catapulted into the modern
26 Dental Caries

world. These external changes, in turn, appear to seen at age 10, and by age 14 caries has attacked
have led to changes in the local, intra-oral 14 per cent of upper central incisors, 19 per cent
environment; previously uninfected groups are of upper lateral incisors, and 20 per cent of upper
likely now to have become infected with caries- first premolars. An average DMF of 3.9 in 11-
inducing bacteria. Infection, together with the year-old British children has jumped to 8.4 by 15
abrupt departure from traditional dietary pat- years of age 104 .
terns, has led to drastic increases in caries among Berman and Slack 20 have shown that there is a
many populations which used to be considered sharp increase in caries activity between the ages
immune from the disease. of 11 and 15; at ages 11-12 the occlusal surfaces
Most of this book deals with agent factors in of the posterior teeth are the most susceptible to
dental caries, and some host and local en- attack, but soon afterwards the total DMFS for
vironmental factors in terms of the tooth surface, occlusal and approximal surfaces is the same.
the dental plaque and the conditions which can The first permanent molar is the most caries-
initiate the carious process. This section of the susceptible tooth in the British mouth, and 94 per
present chapter concentrates on some of the cent of these have been attacked at age 14-15 20 .
broader environmental factors which influence DMF scores continue to rise in Western societies
the occurrence of caries in man, and it will also until around age 24, where they appear to level
consider some host factors which influence the out, and soon after this age the DMF begins to
patterns of caries in a community. These can be lose its validity as an index of dental caries. By
listed as follows: adulthood, nearly all susceptible surfaces are
likely to have been attacked. Factors contribut-
Host factors Environmental factors ing to the decline in caries incidence are likely to
Age Geography and soil types be the build-up of fluoride in the outer layers of
Sex Diet enamel and perhaps the change in dietary habits
Race Effects of dental treat- assumed to come with adulthood. This latter
ment point is not universal, however, for sudden bursts
Familial and genetic patterns of caries activity have been observed in adults
who have given up smoking and have taken to
Let us now examine the relationship between sucking sweets instead.
dental caries and each of these factors in turn. One caries problem found in older age-groups
is that of root caries, frequently found where
2.2.1 Age and dental caries gingival recession has led to radicular exposure
and where bacterial plaque has accumulated
Dental caries has been described as a 'disease of around the exposed roots. This form of caries is
children', and certainly in Western society the found in both Western and non-Western so-
disease is seen early in life. In Britain, Sweden, cieties. Schamschula, Keyes and Hornabrook 21
Denmark, USA and French Polynesia, studies of described its occurrence in a remote adult group
children aged between 2 and 5 years show that in New Guinea where there was very little
57-80 per cent of them already suffer from coronal caries, and they commented on its
caries 13 -· 19 • 104 . Caries in the permanent den- similarity to the forms of caries in ancient
tition is found soon after the eruption of the peoples described earlier. They postulated that
first permanent molars, where it usually begins in there may be certain compositions of dental
the pit and fissure surfaces, and DMF scores plaque which are not conducive to coronal
mount steadily as more permanent teeth erupt. lesions but which can be associated with pe-
Among British children, half of the first per- riodontal disease and root caries (chapter 3). They
manent molars have become carious by 9 years also suggest that the global prevalence of root
of age 104 . Carious second molars begin to be caries may exceed that of coronal caries.
The Epidemiology of Dental Caries 27

2.2.2 Sex and dental caries A cross-sectional study in a London com-

munity showed that in all five-year age-groups
It has been stated that women have a higher from 10-14 to 35-39, females had higher DMF
caries attack rate than men. Bibby has said this 22 , scores than did males 33 . They tended especially
and Dunning has inferred it in his textbook to have higher scores for filled and missing teeth,
Principles of Dental Public Health 105 , but it is a but males tended to have more untreated de-
difficult claim to substantiate. cayed teeth. It must be remembered here that the
There are a number of studies on children aged DMF index records treatment patterns as well as
between 5 and 19, in a number of different basic carious attack; as the same study showed
countries, which show that in any one age and that women had a better record of dental atten-
race group the girls have higher DMF scores dance, it is likely that the observed difference in
than the boys 23 - 28 . Most of these differences DMF scores were at least partly attributable to
were small, however, and some were based on the different diagnostic criteria applied by the
small numbers of subjects. Against this, other epidemiologist and the dentists who had pro-
studies in different countries among people aged vided the treatment to the community. This point
between I and 25 have failed to show any will be discussed in more detail later in the
difference between the sexes in any one age and chapter.
race group13. 14. 16-18.29-32. This same London study found other differ-
Most caries epidemiological studies have con- ences between men and women, such as in oral
centrated on younger people because of the cleanliness, choice of dentist, attitudes towards
'disease of childhood' attitude, because repara- dental health, and patterns of tooth loss. Their
tive and preventive programmes are aimed at different patterns of dental attendance could
children, and because schools and colleges pro- have reflected further attitudinal differences, or
vide the researcher with convenient groups for they could have come about because dental care
study. Reliable data on the progression of caries was more accessible to women than to men-
in older people are hard to come by. Dunning many of the women being housewives, whereas
bases much of his argument on records from a the men would lose income if they took time off
treatment programme for employees of an insur- work to go to the dentist. On the other hand, the
ance company and on a questionaire survey of DMF figures could indicated some real differ-
dentists, but there is some self-selection in the ence in caries prevalence, perhaps brought about
choice of these samples. by different dietary patterns between housewives
It has been stated that teeth erupt earlier in and working men, as one study in Greenland
girls than in boys. For example, the national suggested 34 .
survey of children in England and Wales in 1973 If there are real differences between men and
showed that at any one age a higher proportion women in their lifetime experience of dental
of girls had particular teeth erupted. Early caries, it will require more precise studies than
eruption has been suggested as one reason why have so far been carried out to demonstrate
girls apparently get more caries than boys. them. Such differences as have been demo-
Studies in Indiana, USA, and in South Australia nstrated are attributable to cultural differences
have shown that at ages 18 to 39 months, and rather than to inherent ones, and even if there are
again at 14~ years, girls had more teeth erupted inherent differences they are likely to be of less
than boys 18· 23 . But studies of children aged 3- clinical importance than the social and cultural
5 have failed to show any difference in caries factors in the environment.
prevalence or intensity between girls and
boys 13 · 14· 16 - 18· 31 , so if there is any dif- 2.2.3 Race and dental caries
ference at this stage it is unlikely to be of any
clinical importance. The belief that some races were more caries-
28 Dental Caries

resistant than others came partly from early component, indicating that white people re-
observations of some non-European races and ceived a different standard of care from that
perhaps in part from the remains of the 'noble received by the blacks. Other studies in USA
savage' concept of the late eighteenth century. have examined black and white children living in
This belief has been fading in recent years as evi- the same geographic area. One looked at 13-14-
dence grows that racial immunity, if it exists at all, year-old boys living in a fluoridated area; the
is of less importance than environmental factors. white boys had a mean DMF of 3.5, the black
There is considerable evidence to show that boys 1. 738 (more caries-inducing streptococci
caries prevalence is much less among African, were cultured from the dental plaque of the
Asian and aboriginal peoples than it is among whites than from that of the blacks). Another
those of European origin; this evidence will be study compared the caries experience of the
examined in detail later in the chapter. Direct black and white students aged 14-17 in Detroit,
comparisons of the data are of little help in the Michigan, and Columbia, South Carolina 29 . The
racial context, however, because they ignore the DMF scores among the blacks in Detroit were
environmental variables, including social and only slightly lower than the DMF scores of the
cultural factors. Studies carried out where dif- whites in the same city, and in Columbia there
ferent racial groups share an apparently common was no difference. A further study in Portland,
environment, and where data are collected under Oregon, found that black primary-school chil-
the same research conditions, are more useful dren had a higher caries experience than did the
although they still do not answer all the questions. white children 24 . The latter two studies both
Australian studies have shown that caries concluded that there were dietary and cultural
prevalence among Aboriginal adolescents is reasons for the absence of difference between the
about half that found in Caucasoid children of racial groups.
the same age, and the severity is three to six times All studies on racial comparisons have difficul-
less 35 · 36 . There were, however, marked en- ties, even when the different races appear to share
vironmental differences between the groups stu- the same locality and life style, as in the
died. In Hawaii, caries was found to be more American studies. There is the problem of cate-
prevalent among children of Japanese, Korean gorising persons of mixed race, as well as trying
or Hawaiian parentage than among those of to determine just how common are the en-
Chinese, European, Puerto Rican or Filipino vironmental variables such as diet. It is possible
descent 25, and in Uganda there is more caries in that real differences in caries experience may
Asians than in the African populations stu- exist between races, but even if they do they are
died37. In the latter study the Asians were urban masked by, and are of secondary importance to,
dwellers whereas the Africans were rural. In the social and cultural factors in the
Birmingham, England, 5-year-old Negroid environment.
children had less caries than either Asian or
Caucasoid children of the same age, although 2.2.4 Familial and genetic patterns
different treatment patterns were noted 31 . of caries
The National Health Survey of the US Public
Health Service showed a marked difference in It is widely held by both the profession and the
DMF scores between white and black adults of public that 'good teeth or bad teeth run in
the same age-group 45 . These differences re- families'. However, it is difficult to ascertain
mained even when the groups were standardised whether any familial tendency is due to true
for income and education. The report did not genetic inheritance or whether it is the adoption
offer any explanation for the findings. The from an early age of habits and attitudes known
biggest difference in comparing the D, M and F to affect dental health.
components separately was found in the F Mansbridge 39 compared identical and non-
The Epidemiology of Dental Caries 29

identical pairs of twins with unrelated pairs of Table 2.2 Mean DMF scores for population groups in
various parts of the world; studies published
children of similar age and demographic status, since 1967
and concluded that whereas genetic factors could
affect caries experience to some extent, the Geographic locality Age-group Sex Mean Ref
influence of environment was stronger. In the
absence of further evidence, this conclusion is USA (national II M 2.4 46
still accepted today. Other evidence 62 has shown USA (national ll F 3.2 46
that a distinct familial pattern can exist even over sample)
Morocco (from 12 12 M 1.2-3.8 28
three generations, but it cannot be certain areas
whether this is due to genetic inheritance, bac- Morocco (from 12 12 F 1.2--4.2 28
terial transmission from mother to child, or the New Zealand 12 M&F 9.39" 32
perpetuation of dietary and behavioural pat- (Palmerston North)
USA (Rochester, NY) 12 M&F 9.48* 32
terns. Further research, not easy in this field, will Hawaii 12 M 5.27 25
be necessary to separate these variables. Australia
(aboriginal mission) 6-14 M&F 1.05-3.04 41
Nigeria (northern 10-14 M&F 1.14 49
2.2.5 Geographic variations in the villages)
Nigeria (European 10-14 M&F 4.95 49
prevalence of dental caries residents)
Scotland (Paisley) 14 M&F 13.04 48
Hawaii 14 M 7.14 25
Geography is a difficult variable to relate to USA (New England) 14 M&F 8.93 43
caries prevalence, as many other variables are USA (South 14 M&F 6.38 43
bound up with it. There is no doubt that caries Western Samoa 14 M&F 0.84 47
New Zealand
prevalence does show tremendous variations (Palmerston
15 M&F 15.46* 32
from country to country, and from region to North)
region within a country. But it can be im- USA (Rochester, NY) 15 M&F 15.78* 32
England (Essex) 15 F 11.71* 20
mediately appreciated that geographic variation Hawaii IS M 9.19 25
includes racial, climatic, dietary, cultural and Australia (South l 5 F 14.3" 23
economic variables as well. Australia (Brisbane, l5 F 12.7-14.4 42
Table 2.2 lists 36 different DMF scores in Qld.)
England and Wales IS M&F 8.4 104
young age-groups, taken from 23 recent studies (national sample)
in 12 different countries. This represents only a USA (Detroit, 14-17 M 10.85 29
Mich. white
fraction of the studies on caries prevalence which students)
have been carried out; those cited are from USA (Columbia,
SC, black
14-17 M 11.07 29

published work in the period 1967-73. The data students)

are arranged from the younger age-groups to the New Zealand 15-19 M&F 18.6* so
(national sample)
older, and the table is intended to provide a Uganda (rural) 15-19 M&F 0.4 37
general comparison of caries prevalence in dif- England (London) 15-19 M&F 9.8 33
French Polynesia 15-19 F 11.7 IS
ferent countries. Because the studies are con- Greenland (west) 15-19 M&F 13.0t 34
ducted by different examiners under differing Greenland (east) 15-19 M&F 7.7t 34
Canada (Ontario) 17-25 M&F 11.93 30
conditions and using variable criteria for caries, England and Wales 16-34 M&F 17.1 51
it would be wrong to interpret observed differ- (national sample)
ences too literally. Despite these qualifications, (Birmingham) 18-19 M&F 11.3 52
there is a clear pattern of higher D MF scores USA (national 18-24 M 13.4 45
appearing in those countries where Western USA (national 18-24 F 14.1 45
European civilisation is established, with lower sample)
England (London) 40-44 M&F 18.2 33
scores being seen in the non-European countries. New Guinea 40--45 M&F 2.3 44
Russell 5 3 has provided a great deal of data on
* These studies included radiographs.
the prevalence of caries in various parts of the t Some estimation involved.
30 Dental Caries

world. These data, collected as part of the colder climates may eat more processed carbo-
research work of the Inter-departmental hydrate than do those of warmer climates, as
Committee on Nutrition for National Defence carbohydrates are a convenient source of
(ICNND) around the early 1960s, have consider- warmth and energy.
able value as they were gathered by calibrated One geographic variable which has attracted
examiners under standardised conditions. The attention is that of soil type, the theoretical basis
results are similar to the trends shown in table 2.1 for this interest being because of the known
in that the lowest caries prevalence and intensity association of certain trace elements with the
was found in Ethiopia, Vietnamese hill tribes, prevalence of caries. Ludwig and Bibby43 , for
Burma, Thailand and Jordan, with highest DMF example, were able to show that caries pre-
scores in Chile, Colombia, urban Eskimos, white valence among 12-14-year-old white American
residents of Baltimore, USA, and among Aleuts children was higher in New England than in the
in the Alaska National Guard. Central Atlantic region, which in turn was higher
A true geographic difference in caries pre- than that in the South Atlantic states. This
valence must mean that factors such as latitude, decrease with descending latitude they related to
longitude, altitude, sunshine, rainfall and mean climate, but they were also able to relate it to soil
temperature will affect caries prevalence of and type, in particular to the trace element selenium.
by themselves. Dunning has examined this ques- Selenium has been known for some time to be
tion seriously 105 . He points out that relation- a caries-enhancing element, although the reasons
ships can be demonstrated between regional for this are not clear. Hadjimarkos 54 found that
dental caries prevalence and hours of sunshine, the caries prevalence in 14-16-year-old children
mean temperature, relative humidity and dis- in north-west USA was directly related to their
tance from the seacoast, although he emphasises intake of selenium. He found the selenium pre-
that such relationships must be interpreted cau- sent in varying quantities in milk and eggs, and
tiously because of other unknown variables that demonstrated its presence in the human subjects
are likely to be present. Certainly it is hard to find from urine samples. Hadjimarkos went on to say
a theoretical basis for purely climatic variations that it was difficult to relate caries prevalence to
in caries prevalence. the degree of selenium in the soil, because it is not
McPhail and Grainger 40 mapped out the the absolute amount of selenium which is critical
world-wide prevalence of caries from several but rather the factors governing its availability in
hundred sets of data for which they felt the the diet. He concludes, therefore, that there is
criteria and methods of data collection were little point in trying to correlate caries simply
similar enough to allow reasonable comparison. with soil type and with the level of trace elements
They concluded that the world attack rate varies in the soil, but exactly this procedure is being
inversely with the level of social and economic pursued by other researchers. There is some
development, rather than with purely geographic evidence to show that caries prevalence is in-
variables. versely proportional to molybdenum in
Broad regional variations in caries prevalence soil 55 • 56 , although a mechanism for any caries-
in USA have been known for some time, varia- inhibitory action of molybdenum is difficult to
tions which can still be seen when obvious offer.
environmental factors such as fluoridated water There are other long-term studies which sug-
are excluded from analysis. These variations can gest that soil types, perhaps because of their trace
be associated with climatic differences, but it is element contents, influence caries prevalence.
more likely that they are related to the different For example in Medellin, Colombia, caries pre-
cultures and life styles which result from climatic valence is about the same as in white urban
differences. The major factor is likely to be diet; populations in the USA. But in a nearby village
in Western societies, for example, inhabitants of there is a much lower mean DMF among the
The Epidemiology of Dental Caries 31

children which cannot be explained by differ- seem to be increasing, such as some of those just
ences in diet, fluoride or genetics. There was no discussed in New Guinea, are among the most
clustering of caries-free individuals within the isolated populations left in the world. At the
village. Some possible suggestions have been put other end of the scale, caries does not seem to be
forward as to what soil factors might be re- increasing in high-prevalence groups such as
sponsible for this phenomenon, but no con- Scandinavians, which could be due to a 'satu-
clusions have yet been reached 57 • 58 . ration' level of infection having been reached.
An even more intriguing situation has been The epidemiological evidence to support these
found in Papua, New Guinea 44 , where a series of suggestions is scanty. The necessary longitudinal
studies are attempting to find reasons why in studies, and especially the joint studies in epide-
some villages there should be a total absence of miology and microbiology, remain to be done.
caries in a region of low caries prevalence. The Other sections of this book deal with the micro-
proportion of children and adults completely biology of the oral cavity, but it can be said here
caries-free varies from zero to I 00 per cent that its complexity, added to the chronic nature
among the different villages of the region stud- of the disease process in caries, presents special
ied, and the proportion of teeth per person that problems in epidemiological studies. But such
are decayed varies from zero to 29.5 per cent. studies must be done in due course, and they will
There is no apparent reason for these variations, play an important role in our understanding of
meaning that no gross differences in diet, fluoride the aetiology of the disease.
intake, or effects of dental treatment could be To summarise this section, geographic varia-
found. Communities with low caries prevalence tions do exist in the prevalence and intensity of
in the study tended to have alkaline soils, they caries. There is no reason, however, why purely
were associated with higher soil levels of Sr, Ba, geographic factors such as latitude, altitude or
K, Mg and Ca. Analyses of food are also being mean annual temperature should in themselves
made, but the research team stresses that con- affect the distribution of caries; almost certainly
clusions to date must be cautious as analyses of if they do have an influence it is an indirect one in
this kind are complex, and the interrelationships that they affect culture and diet. Most geog-
of trace elements which are probably relevant are raphic interest at the present centres on relating
very difficult to define. This research, however, is soil types to caries prevalence, because of factors
of extreme interest, for if the reason for the in the soil thought to influence caries patterns
caries-immunity of a whole community could be through diet. There are 13 trace elements so far
found there may be potential worldwide identified which are thought to influence caries
implications. one way or another 59 , but nothing as yet has
It was mentioned earlier that some previously been proved conclusively. The potential exists,
isolated societies used to be considered immune however, for important future discoveries to be
from caries, but that this apparent immunity made concerning the role of trace elements in the
unfortunately disappeared when they came into development of dental caries.
contact with Western culture. In fact, a major The next great frontier, following the de-
health problem in the world today is the rapid monstration of geographic variations in caries
increase in caries prevalence in economically prevalence, is to relate the microbiology of these
underdeveloped countries, where resources for populations to their prevalence and incidence.
prevention or control of the condition are vir-
tually non-existent. This trend might demon- 2.2.6 Diet and dental caries
strate the infectious nature of dental caries.
Caries is a bacterial disease, so presumably it can Diet has been associated, either positively or
spread just as the plague used to and the common negatively, with the prevalence of dental caries
cold still does. Societies where caries does not for centuries, and in the total field of research
32 Dental Caries

into caries aetiology diet has probably received which began with his work on microorganisms in
more attention than any other subject. 1883 79 , won early acceptance.
'Diet' is defined by Webster's New Collegiate Theories on the preventive value of hard and
Dictionary as the habitual nourishment of a fibrous foods became even more widespread in
person, group or population; 'nutrition', on the the early years of the twentieth century with the
other hand, is the act or process of being writings of Wallace 73 and Pickerill 74 . Wallace
nourished, human nourishment in normal cir- was a firm proponent of 'cleansing foods'. He
cumstances coming from the constituents of the followed Miller in stating that accumulations of
diet. The distinction between diet and nutrition fermentable carbohydrates were the cause of
needs to be kept clear. caries; he further believed that such deposits
The diet of any society is woven into the fabric could be removed by eating hard and fibrous
of its culture. The food that people normally eat foods, the so-called 'cleansing' or 'detersive'
is influenced by geography, climate, tradition, foods. PickerilF 4 also believed that if a meal was
religion, costs and marketing practices, among finished with a salivary stimulant, such as an
other factors. In almost all societies, the process apple, the mouth would be kept free of fermen-
of eating is more than merely a way of taking in tation both by the cleansing effect of the fibrous
nourishment, it is a social act; mealtimes are an apple, and also because of the salivary flow that
important part of the family's day-sharing a the apple induced.
meal with friends is one of the oldest ways of The chemicoparasitic theory remains the basis
offering hospitality. All this is stated by way of for present beliefs on caries aetiology, although
indicating that dietary practices, whether they the process is far more complex than was imag-
are seen as good or bad, are deepy ingrained and ined in Miller's time. We can now see that
are not easily changed while living conditions Wallace, Pickerill and their followers were ham-
remain stable. Lasting dietary changes are usua- pered by the absence of indices and statistical
lly accompanied by fundamental changes in a methods, and frequently by poor research de-
way of life. sign. Many of their conclusions, in fact, were
totally subjective. The chief logical error to
Early theories which the proponents of cleansing foods suc-
cumbed was that it was not the presence of hard
It was mentioned earlier in the chapter that the and fibrous foods which led to low caries pre-
ideal of the 'noble savage' grew during the Age of valence, but the absence of fermentable carbo-
Reason-the latter half of the eighteenth cen- hydrates in the diet. At the time, however, the
tury. It was perhaps an understandable develop- theories were widely accepted, and more than
ment from this ideal that the apparent freedom traces of them remain today in dental health
from caries which the so-called primitive races education materials. Research over the past 20
enjoyed would be attributed to the 'natural' diet years has identified the role of bacterial plaque in
on which they existed. Eating hard, fibrous and caries and shown that carrots, apples and celery
unprocessed food, so the theory grew, led to have little effect on established plaque. The only
better development of the jaws and teeth and remaining value of the 'detersive' foods is the
helped to clear food debris from the surfaces of indirect one, meaning that a child wanting a
the teeth. Western man, by contrast, ate soft, between-meals snack is likely to be better off with
processed food, high in fermentable carbohy- an apple than with a bag of toffees.
drate, which did not properly exercise the masti-
catory apparatus and which remained stuck to General nutrition or local dietary factors
the teeth and so caused dental decay. With such
theories prevalent, Miller's chemicoparasitic ex- The 1920s and 1930s were a period during which
planation for the initiation of dental caries, the vitamins and their health functions were
The Epidemiology of Dental Caries 33

being identified, and dietary imbalances were some of it is still not fully understood. Much of
being associated with many disease processes. It the impetus for the basic research on the con-
was also a period when deficiency diseases were stituents of dental plaque and their role in the
common in the economically depressed Western carious process came from several conclusive
world. In Britain, rickets, the bone-mal- epidemiological studies. One of these was the
formation disease seen in children who have longterm study by Toverud 80 - 82 on the dental
not received sufficient vitamin D, was probably health of Norwegian children before, during and
the most common deficiency disease. Once again, after World War II. Norway was occupied for
the prevailing scientific climate was probably a much of war, and strict food rationing was
strong influence behind the development of the enforced for this period of some five or six years.
nutrition theory of caries, a theory usually Protein intake for all age-groups remained ade-
associated with Lady May Mellanby. Mellanby quate, but carbohydrate and fat intakes were
hypothesised 75 that the more perfect the struc- reduced. General mortality rates increased dur-
ture of a tooth then the less susceptible it was to ing this period; in particular there was increased
decay, and that resistance to caries could there- mortality from infectious diseases and from
fore be influenced by some of the factors which gastric and duodenal ulcers in men. However,
also controlled calcification. She related malfor- mortality from diabetes and circulatory disor-
med and hypoplastic teeth to a deficiency of ders fell from pre-war levels. Among children
vitamin D, and then assumed that such teeth aged 8-14, average height and weight were
were more susceptible to caries. Mellanby's reduced.
research, however, had design flaws and her Dental effects included delayed eruption of
conclusions were not always supported by her teeth, which began to be seen a year or so after
research results. rationing began and reached a peak after the
The nutrition theory faded in importance after war, only declining in the 1950s. Caries in the
some epidemiological research findings from permanent dentition was dramatically reduced,
studies conducted during World War II, and the number of caries-free children aged 7-8
after later research emphasised the role of local increasing by a factor between three and four
bacterial plaque. Some of the nutrition theory, times between 1941 and 1946 (with allowance
however, was still supported in 1952 76 , although made for the delayed eruption effect). Caries
it was not completely accepted even during the prevalence was back to 1941levels by 1949, after
1930s. Bunting 77 , for example, found that rationing had been removed. Toverud clearly
Michigan children on adequate high-sugar diets related the lower caries prevalence of the
had more caries than children on inadequate Norwegian children to the reduced intake of
low-sugar diets, and in England, Breese 78 used carbohydrates, and his work strongly indicated
his own observations to dismiss the nutrition that the reduced level of general nutrition did not
theory in a well-argued paper. have an adverse effect on caries prevalence rates.
Another site for long-term study has been the
Classic epidemiological studies on diet and dental island of Tristan da Cunha in the South Atlantic.
caries This is a remote and unique community of
mainly European descent, which for years lived
Dentists have long believed that eating sweets undisturbed by the world. The people lived
predisposes to caries, and much of this book simply, subsisting principally on a diet of fish.
describes in detail the role of fermentable car- The community's limited contacts with the out-
bohydrates, especially sucrose, in the carious side world gradually increased as modern com-
process. The traditional belief in this case has munications improved, and items of processed
been shown to be correct, although the complex food inevitably began to appear in the islanders'
mechanism has only recently been described, and diet. A volcanic eruption in the early 1960s
34 Dental Caries

necessitated the temporary emigration of the Perhaps the best-known research project into
entire community to England. The islanders diet and caries is the Vipeholm study 87 . This
returned when their island was habitable again, Swedish study, reported in 1954, was carried out
and in recent years the establishment of some over a period of several years in a mental
industry has created an economy and a demand institution. It raised so many ethical questions
for consumer foods. Much of the diet now that it is unlikely to be repeated, but its results
consists of processed food, in particular pro- were so conclusive that repetition is hardly
cessed carbohydrates. necessary. The inmates of the institution were
The initial remoteness of the community fol- divided into groups which had different amounts
lowed by its increasing contacts with modern of refined sugar intake, varying from none to ad
civilisation and its subsequent social changes, lib. intake of sticky toffees 24 hours per day. The
have presented a unique situation for studying variations in incidence of caries between the
the effects of dietary change over a period of groups were enormous, and the conclusions of
time. The islanders were dentally examined in the study are still acceptable at the present time.
1932, 1937, 1953, in England in 1962, and again They are:
on the island in 1966. Efforts were made, by the
different examiners involved, to keep to standar- (1) Sugar consumption increases caries
dised measurements which would allow the data activity.
to be comparable over time. The results tell a sad (2) The risk of the sugar increasing caries
tale; the prevalence of caries in the first per- activity is greater if the sugar is in sticky form.
manent molars of 6-19-year-olds, which was (3) The risk is greatest if the sugar is taken
zero in 1932 and 1937, increased to 50 per cent in between meals and in a sticky form.
1962 and to 80 per cent in 1966 83 . (4) The increase in caries under uniform
Hopewood House, an institution in the conditions shows great individual variation.
Australian state of New South Wales, was the (5) The increase in caries disappears on the
site for a long-term study of children living in a withdrawal of sticky foodstuffs from the diet.
protected environment on a basically vegetarian (6) Caries can still occur in the absence of
diet almost totally free of fermentable carbohy- refined sugar, natural sugars and total dietary
drate. The study began with 81 children aged 4--9 carbohydrates.
years, and continued for some 15 years.
Originally, 63 of the 81 children (77.8 per cent) Further epidemiological studies on diet and dental
were completely caries-free 84 and at age 13 there caries
were still 53 per cent caries-free compared to 0.4
per cent of the local non-institutionalised popu- A number of other studies have examined the
lation of the same age 85 . Over the years of the impact on oral health of a hitherto isolated
study, some of the rigid dietary conditions in the community being exposed to a Western diet over
institution were relaxed, but there were still 34.7 a fairly short period of time. One of the more
per cent of 13-year-olds caries-free when it was tragic of such groups are Eskimos, who were
concluded 86 . This study could be criticised on virtually caries-free when subsisting on their
the grounds of small numbers and some lack of original high-protein, high-fat diet, but who
rigidity in research design, but it was a study rapidly developed a high prevalence of caries
which took advantage of a real-life situation and when they began to get confectionery through
therefore had to be conducted within these the trading posts. One study 88 , showing the
limitations. Even so, the differences between the rapid increase in caries among Eskimos between
Hopewood House children and the general pop- 1933 and 1961, also showed that caries pre-
ulation are so profound that the dental value of valence varied inversely with the degree of re-
dietary control was adequately demonstrated. moteness from the trading post.
The Epidemiology of Dental Caries 35

Baume 15 found that caries prevalence in incidence, the effect of sweetened drinks is less
Polynesia is also related to sugar consumption. certain. Winter et a/. 16 found rampant caries
This is now over 76 kg per head per year on among pre-school children to be most common
Tahiti, whereas in the outer islands it is only when the children were given reservoir (or
16kg per head per year and is associated with 'dinky') feeders of syrups, while an American
substantially less caries. study found little increase in caries with the
A recent study in Greenland 34 shows that consumption of 12 oz of carbonated soft drink
caries prevalence there is rising, but it is much daily 95 . There could be a difference in time-
higher now in the main trading stations than in exposure to the sucrose here, as children can hold
the rural areas. The authors report that caries a reservoir feeder in their mouths for some hours.
prevalence in West Greenland increased from 58 Furthermore, children in the American group
per cent to 95 per cent between 1913 and 1945. were older than those in the London study.
The proportion of imported food in the diet of Jackson 64 reviewed the literature on caries
Greenlanders has been rising rapidly, and av- epidemiology in Britain betweenl947 and 1962,
erage sugar consumption is now around 50 kg and concluded that the decrease in caries in
per head per year, being higher in the west than in English children which could be attributed to
the east of the island. sugar rationing during World War II was not as
Hargreaves 27 compared a 1937 study on the great as had been supposed. He thought that
Scottish island of Lewis with his own 1967/68 much of the apparent increase in DMF in the
survey, re-calculating the earlier data where post-war era was due to the placing of more
necessary. Mean DMF scores for children aged 'preventive' fillings, especially after the introduc-
12-15 had approximately doubled in that pe- tion of the air turbine engine in the mid-l950s. If
riod, and although total sugar consumption had his argument is correct, some intriguing specu-
fallen, confectionery consumption had sharply lations arise. Is there, for example, a level beyond
increased. which sugar consumption has no additional
One of the conclusions of the Vipeholm study effect-a 'saturation' level, perhaps related to the
was that the form of the fermentable carbohy- qualitative and quantitative nature of the mi-
drate, chiefly sucrose, was as important as its crobiota in the population? Are the sites in which
chemical composition. Newbrun 89 also makes caries most commonly begins in England, the pit
that point when he presents two cases of hered- and fissure surfaces of molars 20 , sufficiently
itary fructose intolerance, both caries-free. resistant to preventive measures that reduction in
Glass and Fleisch 90 were unable to correlate caries prevalence among the age-groups studied
caries incidence with consumption of breakfast would always be minor? Had there been suf-
cereals and suggested that factors such as time of ficient data for Jackson to make good com-
eating, food consistency and the conditions parisons in, say, 15-16-year-olds in whom
under which it was eaten are likely to be impor- smooth-surface caries is more prevalent 20 ,
tant. Further studies have related high incidence would he have found a greater reduction?
of caries with between-meal snacks 91 and Additional speculations relate to the concept
availability of sweets in school canteens 92 . Much of 'herd immunity', meaning the gradual build-
higher sucrose-consumption scores have been up of resistance to disease in a population
found in caries-active dental students compared through constant exposure to that disease. As an
to caries-free students 93 , and caries-activity in a illustration, colds in Western societies are a
group of Swedish students was more directly minor inconvenience, but a lack of resistance led
related to between-meal sucrose consumption to American Indians and Australian Aborigines
than it was to socio-economic status 94 . dying from colds when they first came into
While there is now no doubt that consumption contact with the cold virus. Does 'herd im-
of sweet, sticky snacks is directly related to caries munity' play any part in the prevalence of caries
36 Dental Caries

in a population? Could societies such as Britain, important dietary factor in the initiation and
where caries in its modern form has been preva- progress of the carious lesion 99 . Our sweet-
lent for centuries, have developed some 'herd toothed society, however, is not prepared to give
immunity' over that time? (The subject of herd up its sugar, or is unable to do so without making
immunity is discussed in R. Dubos' book, unacceptable changes in its life style 104 . As a
The Mirage of Health, in the list of Further result, a lot of epidemiological and laboratory
Reading to this chapter.) research remains to be done to find how society
Other dietary vehicles have been studied in the can have its cake, eat it, and still minimize the
search for an agent to prevent, or at least retard, ravages of caries.
the development of caries. The role of trace
elements in caries epidemiology has already been 2.2. 7 The effect of dental treatment
discussed; they appear to play some part in the
carious process, although exactly what and why One problem facing the epidemiologist who
is not yet known. The addition of inorganic surveys the prevalence of caries in a community
phosphates to topical solutions of fluoride have is that every filled tooth or surface counts as one
been shown to increase the uptake of fluoride by 'F' unit in the DMFT or DMFS index, even
the enamel surface98 and to reduce the incidence though there is no way of knowing what was the
of caries 101 . Acidulated-phosphate-fluoride so- condition of the tooth or surface prior to the
lutions and gels (APF) are now in routine clinical restoration being placed. The assumption must
use. Incorporation of inorganic phosphates into be made that caries was present, although this
human diet for cariostatic purposes, however, may not always have been the case. A mesio-
has not produced such favourable re- occlusal restoration in a molar, for example,
sults97· 100 , although animal studies indicate counts as two filled surfaces, even though only
that some cariostatic benefits are possible 96 . It the mesial surface may have been carious.
remains to be seen whether the preventive effects It was stated earlier that there can be differ-
which dietary inorganic phosphates produce in ences in diagnostic criteria between the epidem-
laboratory animals, and which theoretically iologist and the dentists who provide the care
should be obtained in humans, can ever be in a community, as indeed there can be between
reproduced in a practical community-wide appli- different clinicians, or even the same clinician at
cation. Fluoride, which is a trace element, is a different times. These differences are likely to be
story unto itself and has been examined fully most pronounced in the diagnosis of the small
elsewhere 71 , as well as receiving consideration in early carious lesion and rigid criteria must there-
other parts of this book. fore be defined in epidemiological studies. Here is
It can be seen then that many questions remain an example of criteria for diagnosing dental
to be answered about the full relationship be- caries in pits and fissures, as used in one London
tween diet and caries. At this time, however, study:
it seems that diet is a dominant variable in Decay diagnosed if:
determining the caries prevalence rates in a (i) Frank and obvious caries was visible.
community, so much so that it can mask other (ii) A lesion was of sufficient size to admit a
possible genetic influences such as sex or race, or probe with moderate pressure, and
the effects of a community's geographic location. showed evidence of softening at the
When we consider that diet is an integral part of a base of the lesion and/or resisted the
society's culture and is affected by other factors, removal of the probe.
which in their iurn are influenced by diet and (iii) If an enamel opacity was sufficient to
dietary habits, it can be seen that the ecology of indicate undermining of the enamel,
caries is complex indeed. even though the enamel lesion itself was
Sucrose has been clearly identified as the most minimal.
The Epidemiology of Dental Caries 37

Criteria such as these attempt to eliminate the nearer the absolute truth is irrevelant. The
questionable lesion as far as possible, and a short epidemiologist records the status of teeth as they
study of them will show that a lesion requires to are at that time, according to specific criteria;
be fairly well established before it is diagnosed as where inter-group comparisons are required,
carious. On the other hand, a clinician may feel consistency in diagnosis is more important than
justified in filling a tooth in which the fissures just the absolute recording of all possible lesions. On
catch the point of the probe, or in one where the the other hand, the clinician exercises the art of
fissures are only lightly stained. Some clinicians dentistry as well as the science. He must look
place what are sometimes called 'preventive ahead and decide if it is in the interests of the
fillings' in teeth which are not carious at the time, patient to restore teeth now, even if overt caries is
but which they believe are likely to become so. not present. The philosophy behind the two
When a school-age population under study types of examination is quite different, so it is
has received a lot of reparative dental treatment, hardly surprising that the diagnosed conditions
for example in Norway or New Zealand where are also different.
there are highly organised school dental pro- Socio-economic status has been described as
grammes60, it is likely that this type of clinical an important vehicle in community dental health
practice is more common than when the and so it is, to the extent that attitudes and
dentist: population ratio is less favourable. In behaviour vary in different social classes. But the
the former situations, missing permanent teeth question we must ask is do people of the same
and untreated decayed teeth are uncommon, and age, sex, nationality, and with the same access to
the 'F' component comprises the bulk of the dental care, vary in their basic attack rate of
overall DMF score. In addition, frequent radio- caries?
graphic examination among populations receiv- Jackson, Murray and Fairpo 68 examined the
ing a lot of treatment will detect more initial effect that regular or irregular dental attendance
caries of approximal tooth surfaces than would had on dental health in two communities. In all
be found by clinical examination alone. When age-groups where DMF is a valid measure, they
these initial lesions are restored they add to the found that the regular dental attenders had
DMF score, whereas the same teeth would higher DMF values than did the irregular
probably have not been recorded as carious attenders. The regular attenders had a lower
under survey conditions when radiographs were number of untreated decayed teeth, about the
not employed. same number of missing teeth, and a con-
A study in Louisville, Kentucky 61 , demon- siderably higher number of filled teeth than did
strated the differences between diagnosis the irregular attenders. They also noted that
reached by epidemiologists and by clinicians regular attendance had little effect on primary
preparing a treatment plan. A group of children prevention of disease. In a London survey con-
who were attending for treatment at a dental ducted around the same time 33 , the higher socio-
clinic were first examined by an epidemiologist. economic groups, who visited the dentist more
He found that children aged 6-10 averaged 0.7 frequently than lower socio-economic groups,
decayed permanent teeth each, but their clinic had the higher DMF values. The same pheno-
records showed that the dentists providing the menon has been reported in the USA 45 .
treatment diagnosed an average of 1. 7 per- So the apparent anomaly exists that people
manent teeth each which required treatment. who act on the advice to 'see your dentist
Among the 11-18-year-o1ds, the epidemiologist regularly' have higher DMF values. It is possible
diagnosed 1.74 untreated decayed teeth per sub- that such people could be a self-selected group
ject, whereas the clinicians recorded 4.90 decayed with higher disease prevalence. However, it has
teeth per subject requiring treatment. been demonstrated that regular dental atten-
The question of which set of diagnoses is dance is predominantly a function of higher
38 Dental Caries

socio-economic groups 69 · 70 . The answer is far caution, as was stated earlier, and only general
more likely to be related to the factor described conclusions can be reached.
earlier, that of differing criteria between the The studies by Hardwick 11 and Moore and
epidemiologists and the clinicians. When a na- Corbett 12 have shown that caries as we know it
tional survey finds that irregular attenders have today was almost unknown in ancient times.
more sound, unfilled teeth than regular atten- Present-day patterns of dental caries appeared
ders51 it might be pertinent to ask whether some during the latter half of the last century, the same
teeth are being unnecessarily filled. period when cheap sugar became widely avail-
This brief discussion has centred on the effects able. Figures from the time are not reliable, but
of dental treatment on young populations. The caries was obviously prevalent enough by 1885 to
question is more complex in older groups where provoke W. M. Fisher, of Dundee, to suggest at
tooth extraction can reflect treatment for pe- the annual meeting of the British Dental
riodental disease, and/or patients' prosthetic Association that legislation to secure compul-
demands, which in turn are influenced by atti- sory attention to the teeth of school children was
tudes prevailing in the community. The impor- required. Eventual action led to the School
tant factor to accept is that the dental health Dental Service.
status of a community, however measured, is Some data on caries prevalence in Britain have
influenced by the treatment it receives as well as already been given. Caries commences early in
by the disease patterns it experiences. life; a London survey of pre-school children
found that 58 per cent of 4-year-olds had experi-
enced caries, and a quarter of them had rampant
2.3 Dental Caries in Great Britain caries 16 . In another study, 5-year-old children
from non-flouridated areas near Birmingham
Dental caries is a major public health problem in were found to average one lost tooth each
Britain, as it is in many other nations; the Adult through caries 31 . The first permanent molar is
Dental Health Survey of 1968 51 found that only highly vulnerable to caries 51, and only 12 out of
three adults in 1000 had not suffered from caries 666 girls aged II in clinical trials in southern
at some time in their lives. Unlike many other England were found to be free of caries 20 . Some
countries, however, dental treatment is reason- 90 per cent of these girls had first permanent
ably available to most people in Britain through molars attacked by caries at age 11.
the National Health Service. As most people in The national survey of children in England
Britain use dental services, at least to some and Wales in 1973 produced some sobering
extent 51, it is impossible to examine the epide- findings 104 . There were 63 per cent of 5-year-olds
miology of caries without considering the effects who had active caries, and 40 per cent of 8-year-
of the treatment services at the same time. The olds who had some active caries in their per-
existence of comprehensive data from several manent teeth. A perusal of figure 2.1 shows that
recent national surveys, and the ready avail- at all ages from 5 to 15, untreated decayed teeth
ability of treatment statistics from National make up a considerable portion of the average
Health Service records from 1948 onwards, DMF score. Longitudinal studies 20· 102 show
make Britain a valuable source for the study of that there is a sharp increase in caries incidence
caries epidemiology. between the ages of II and 14, which appears to
level out a little after that, at least up to age 17.
2.3.1 Prevalence of caries British studies on the young adult population are
few, and none of them is longitudinal. Treatment
It is never easy to judge whether 'teeth are worse' statistics from the Dental Estimates Board sug-
in Britain than they are anywhere else. Cross- gest that caries incidence could still be high in the
national comparisons must be carried out with 17-24 age-group.
The Epidemiology of Dental Caries 39

8 Decayed

7 Filled

M issing (due to decay)


nu mber of

5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

number of 0.0 0.3 0.8 1 .7 2.2 3.0 3.9 4 .8 6.1 7.4 8.4
DMF teeth

Figure 2.1 Average number of decayed, missing and filled (DMF) permanent teeth in children aged 5- 15, in
England and Wales, 1973 (from Todd 104)

Data on whether caries prevalence and in- much of the increase in DMF values since the end
cidence are increasing or remaining static are of World War II has been due to the placing of
equivocal. James, Parfitt and Roydhouse 63 con- so-called 'preventive fillings' . If this is so, it is a
cluded that caries prevalence increased between further indication of how apparent caries pre-
1950 and 1961; they related this finding to the valence can be influenced by treatment patterns.
ending of sugar rationing in Britain in 1953. They There appears to be little regional variation in
argued that the restriction of sugar postponed the basic caries attack rate in Britain, but there is
the time of onset of caries, but once initiated the a sharp difference in the availability of dental
rate of increase in DMF values was the same as services 51 . As a result, the balance ofD, Mand F
that seen when sugar was no longer rationed. The components of the DMF index varies con-
study by Jackson 64 , previously mentioned, chal- siderably from region to region. The correlation
lenged the assumption that caries prevalence and is not simple, however, for availability of care,
incidence had increased sharply since the ending public attitudes, socio-economic status of the
of sugar restriction. Jackson suggested that community and dental health as measured by the
40 Dental Caries

DMF index are all linked in a little ecology of younger persons has sharply decreased 51 , al-
their own. Table 2.3 shows how the components though it still occurs to an undesirable extent.
of the DMF index, in 15-19-year-old British Data from the National Adult Dental Survey
teenagers, varies from region to region. It is of 1968 51 show that the dentist: population ratio
noticeable how total DMF in Hartlepool, the varies from 1 : 3290 in south-east England to
only fluoridated community in the group, is 1: 6070 in Wales and the south-west and to
lower than the others, but untreated decayed 1 : 5750 in the north; these regional variations in
teeth still account for nearly half of the DMF dentist: population ratios can be roughly linked
total. This reflects the low socio-economic status to the different patterns of care received, as
of the area and the low availability of care, shown in table 2.3. However, why is the
factors discussed earlier in the chapter. dentist: population ratio more favourable in one
area than another? What attracts dentists to a
Table 2. 3 Decayed, missing and filled teeth in groups locality or region? To what extent does availab-
of 15-19-year-old persons in various ility of care stimulate demand, or are dentists
areas of Britain attracted to an area because demand already
Study Mean D Mean M Mean F Mean Ref. exists?
location DMF In summary, it can be said that basic rates of
attack of dental caries do not vary much, if at all,
Warrington 1.8 3.0 6.1 10.8 66 in different regions of Britain. What do vary
London* 0.7 0.8 9.9 11.4 66 considerably are the treatment services. Sep-
Londont 1.1 1.5 7.2 9.8 33
York 1.3 2.3 8.0 11.6 67
arating the different influences of care
Hart1epoo1 + 2.3 1.2 2.5 6.0 67 availability, community attitudes and socio-
economic status on the dental health of the
* Sample was 86 per cent persons in social classes I, II and community is very difficult, but at the same time
t sample was 34 per cent persons in social classes I, II and very important. The first step is to realise that
III. these factors are interrelated.
t naturally fluoridated.
2.3.3 Future trends in the prevalence
of dental caries in Britain
2.3.2 Treatment patterns
This chapter began by introducing the ecological
Despite the absence of reliable comparative data, concept of dental caries. It follows that if the
there is little question that the dental health of the prevalence of dental caries is to be substantially
British people has greatly improved since the reduced in the future it must be by increasing
introduction of the National Health Service in host resistance, nullifying the action of the agent,
1948 65 . Perhaps the most profound change in or altering the environment where the disease
dental health behaviour since 1948 has been the process takes place. If prevalence does not
increased demand for dental services. Reports decrease, there remains the possibility of increas-
from the Dental Estimates Board show that the ing resources to repair the diseased tissues.
number of courses of treatment in the general Dental plaque is the environment where the
dental services rose from 7 million in the first full bacterial agent thrives and, as described earlier,
year of the service to 23 million by the early sucrose is a major factor in the development of
1970s. This increase in demand was propor- dental plaque 89 ' 99 . Figures from the Board of
tionately far greater than the increase in either Trade indicate that annual sugar consumption in
population or dental manpower during the same Britain has remained at around 45 kg per head in
period. There is evidence now to show that the 1960s and 1970s, a rate of consumption
during this period the rate of total tooth loss in which must be a major contribution towards the
The Epidemiology of Dental Caries 41

high caries prevalence in the country. So long as however, are unlikely to be effective in reducing
sugar remains a significant part of British cul- community-wide prevalence of decay to any
ture, meaning its image as a treat, a reward and a extent, because they require conscious action on
symbol of all good things for children, then caries the part of the individual and are therefore used
prevalence is likely to remain high. only by motivated persons. They are also con-
Dental health education programmes for siderably less cost-effective than water fluorid-
years now have been exhorting the public to eat ation 72 • Newer preventive measures, such as the
less sugar, but despite evidence that sugar might use of fissure sealants in reducing occlusal caries,
be implicated in other disease processes, these are promising, but they require further eva-
efforts have met with little wide-scale success. luation before they can be confidently used in
Sugar consumption seems so much a part of the community programmes.
British way of life, and commercial sugar in- At present then, water fluoridation remains
terests work so effectively to keep it that way, the only effective community-wide measure for
that nothing short of a major economic or social substantially reducing the incidence of caries,
upheaval is likely to change this situation in the and hence in time its prevalence. The social
foreseeable future. climate in Britain, however, does not favour
Host resistance may be radically increased fluoridation, and even after the 1974 reorgani-
some time in the future with the development of a sation of the National Health Service its per-
vaccine against dental caries; the immunological manent acceptance has remained slow.
processes involved are described elsewhere in this From what has been said to date, it is unlikely
book. It is apparent however, that a vaccine will that caries prevalence will drop substantially in
not be available for some time yet, if at all; more Britain in the foreseeable future. Some progress
practical at the present time are methods for in fluoridation, more use of other fluorides and
increasing the resistance of the tooth surface fissure sealants and some response to dental
against acid-induced decalcification. health education may lead to slight decreases
Incorporation of fluoride into the enamel has over the next generation, but for all practical
been shown to be the most effective approach to purposes current levels are only likely to be
increasing resistance to caries, and a number of changed by deep social and economic changes.
workable methods for this process are currently This leaves as a final consideration the ques-
available. Fluoridation of water supplies is tion of manpower available to treat the results of
widely accepted as the most feasible and economic the disease. Dentist : population ratios in Britain
method of bringing fluoride to whole vary by region, as previously described, and
communities-the effectiveness of fluoridation there are indications that this imbalance is
in reducing the incidence of carious lesions is getting worse rather than better. The overall
now beyond question 71 . Fluoridation's greatest dentist : population ratio is now approximately
strength is paradoxically its greatest weakness as 1 : 3500, a figure derived from some 16 000 active
well-the fact that it reaches a whole community dentists in a population of 55 million. If, over the
without conscious action on the part of the next 10 years or so, the population increases to,
individual. This makes fluoridation a social issue say, 57 million and the number of active dentists
as well as a preventive health measure and, as a reaches 20 000, the dentist : population ratio will
consequence its progress in Britain has been be 1 :2850. Even if this more favourable figure is
slow. reached, it does not automatically mean that care
Other methods of incorporating fluoride into will be more available to all. If the proliferation
enamel, such as by topical application, mouth- of dentists in the south-east corner of England
rinsing, dentifrices, or by systemic alternatives continues at its present rate, then other regions
such as fluoridised salt or milk, have all shown will remain short of manpower. If the apparent
varying degrees of success. All of these methods, trend, seen in recent years, of dentists leaving the
42 Dental Caries

National Health Service to practise privately Slack, G. L. and Burt, B. A. (Eds) (1974). Dental
continues, then large sections of the population Public Health; An Introduction to Community
will not have access to care. Dentistry, Wright, Bristol, 338 pp.
It is quite possible that future efforts to Young, W. 0. and Striffier, D. F. (Eds) (1969).
improve the dental manpower situation will be The Dentist, His Practice, and His Community,
directed towards ancillary personnel of various 2nd edn, Saunders, London, XIII + 346 pp.
kinds. Building up such a corps takes time; at Yudkin, J. (1972). Pure White and Deadly; the
present there is still only one auxiliary to every 20 Problem of Sugar, Davis-Poynter, London,
dentists. Questions too are being asked about the 164 pp.
proper role and duties of auxiliary personnel,
and research is being conducted to examine the
most effective ways in which dentists and their References
ancillary staff can provide care to a community.
To summarise, it is probable that national 1. Department of Health and Social Security
levels of dental caries prevalence will not be (1971). Digest of Health Statistics 1970,
reduced much in the next generation. It seems HMSO, London
more likely that methods of providing dental 2. Russell, A. L. (1964). Epidemiology and
care will attract more attention than will the rational basis of dental public health
methods for preventing dental caries. Certainly, and dental practice, in The Dentist, His
effective preventive methods are already at hand. Practice, and His Community, I st edn (Eds
What perhaps is required is more will on the part Young, W. 0. and Striffier, D. F.),
of the profession to see that they are applied to Saunders, Philadelphia, pp. 58-59
the whole community, and more will on the part 3. Dean, H. T. (1938). Endemic fluorosis and
of the community to demand and to accept its relation to dental caries. Public Health
them. Reports, 53, 1443-52
4. Dean, H. T., Jay, P., Arnold, F. A., Jr.,
McClure, F. J. and Elvove, E. (1939).
Further reading Domestic water and dental caries, includ-
ing certain epidemiological aspects of oral
Barker, D. J.P. (1973). Practical Epidemiology, L. acidophilus. Public Health Reports, 54,
Churchill Livingstone, Edinburgh and 862-88
London, 168 pp. 5. Klein, H., Palmer, C. E. and Knutson,
Chadwick, E. (1842). Report on the Sanitary J. W. (1938). Studies on dental caries. I.
Condition of the Labouring Population of Great Dental status and dental needs of elemen-
Britain (Ed. and introduced by M. W. Flinn), tary schoolchildren. Public Health
Edinburgh University Press, 1965, 443 pp. Reports, 53, 751-65
Dubos, R. (1959). Mirage of Health, Doubleday, 6. World Health Organisation (1971). Oral
New York, 230 pp. Health Surveys; Basic Methods, World
Dunning, J. M. (1970). Principles of Dental Health Organisation, Geneva, 51 pp.
Public Health, 2nd edn, Harvard Univ. Press, 7. McClendon, B. G., Abrams, A. M. and
Cambridge, Mass., 598 pp. Horowitz, H. S. (1972). Test of a method
McMahon, B. and Pugh, T. F. (1970). Epi- for estimating prevalence of DMFT.
demiology; Principles and Methods, Little, Journal of Public Health Dentistry, 32,
Brown and Co., Boston, 376 pp. 165-8
Morris, J. N. (1967). Uses of Epidemiology, 2nd 8. Viegas, A. R. ( 1969). Simplified indices for
edn, Churchill Livingstone, London and estimating the prevalence of dental caries-
Edinburgh, 338 pp. experience in children seven to twelve
The Epidemiology of Dental Caries 43

years of age. Journal of Public Health experience among the pre-school children
Dentistry, 29, 76-91 of Philadelphia. Journal of Public Health
9. Lopes, E. S., Filho, H. N., Chiodi, J. and Dentistry, 29, 24-6
Tavano, 0. (1973). Inter-examiner va- 20. Berman, D. E. and Slack, G. L. (1972).
riability when using Viegas' simplified Dental caries in English school children; a
caries index. Journal of Public Health longitudinal study. British Dental Journal,
Dentistry, 33, 7-12 133, 529-38
10. Poulsen, A. and Horowitz, H. A. (1974). 21. Schamschula, R. G., Keyes, P. H. and
An evaluation of a hierarchical method of Hornabrook, R. W. (1972). Root surface
describing the pattern of dental caries caries in Lufa, New Guinea. I. Clinical
attack. Community Dentistry and Oral observations. Journal of the American
Epidemiology, 2, 7-11 Dental Association, 85, 603-8
11. Hardwick, J. L. (1960). The incidence and 22. Bibby, B. G. (1970). Inference from na-
distribution of caries throughout the ages tural occurring variations in caries pre-
m relation to the Englishman's diet. valence. Journal of Dental Research, 49,
British Dental Journal, 108, 9-17 1194-1200
12. Moore, W. J. and Corbett, M. E. (1971). 23. Fanning, E. A., Gotjamanos, T. and
The distribution of dental caries in ancient Vowles, N. J. (1969). Dental health and
British populations. I. Anglo-Saxon pe- treatment requirements of South
riod. Caries Research, 5, 151-68 Australian secondary schoolchildren.
13. Poulsen, S. and M01ler, I. J. (1972). The Medical Journal of Australia, 2, 899-901
prevalence of dental caries, plaque and 24. Creighton, W. E. (1969). Dental caries
gingivitis in 3-year-old Danish children. experience of Negro and Caucasian child-
Scandinavian Journal of Dental Research, ren in Portland, Oregon. Journal of
80, 94-103 Dentistry for Children, 36, 139-43
14. Kohler, L. and Holst, K. (1973). Dental 25. Chung, C. S., Runck, D. W., Niswander,
health of four-year-old children. Acta J.D., Bilben, S. E. and Kau, M. C. (1970).
Paediatrica Scandinavica, 62, 269-78 Genetic and epidemiological studies of
15. Baume, L. J. (1969). Caries prevalence oral characteristics in Hawaii's school-
and caries intensity among 12,344 school- children. I. Caries and periodontal di-
children of French Polynesia. Archives of sease. Journal of Dental Research, 49,
Oral Biology, 14, 181-205 1374-85
16. Winter, G. B., Rule, D. C., Mailer, G. P., 26. Ainamo, J. and Alvesalo, L. (1970). Caries
James, P.M. C. and Gordon, P. H. (1971). prevalence in a Finnish rural population.
The prevalence of dental caries in pre- Acta Odonto/ogica Scandinavica, 28, 271-
school children aged 1-4 years. I. 81
Aetiological factors. British Dental 27. Hargreaves, J. A. (1972). Changes in diet
Journal, 130, 271-7 and dental health of children living in the
17. Dodd, D. M. (1974). Dental caries in five- Scottish Island of Lewis. Caries Research,
year-old schoolchildren. Public Health 6, 355-76
(London), 88, 131-9 28. Poulsen, S., M0ller, I. J., Naerum, J. and
18. Hennon, D. K., Stookey,. G. K. and Pedersen, P. 0. (1972). Prevalence of
Muhler, J. C. (1969). Prevalence and dis- dental caries in 2,383 Moroccan school
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19. Bronstein, E. (1969). A survey of caries- (1971). An epidemiologic study of dental
44 Dental Caries

caries in race and geographic area. Journal 40. McPhail, C. W. and Grainger, R. M.
of Dental Research, 50, 1553-6 (1969). A mapping procedure for the
30. Stamm, J. W. (1973). Dental caries in 506 geographic pathology of dental caries.
young Ontario adults. Journal of the International Dental Journal, 19, 380-92
Canadian Dental Association, 39, 338-41 41. Kailis, D. G. (1971). Dental conditions
31. Beal, J. F. (1973). The dental health of observed in Australian aboriginal child-
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92. Fanning, E. A., Gotjamanos, T. and phylaxes with an acidulated phosphate
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children related to availability of sweets at Dental Association, 87, 155-9
school canteens. Medical Journal of 99. Makinen, K. K. (1972). The role of suc-
Australia l, 1131-2 rose and other sugars in the development
93. Duany, L. F., Zinner, D. D. and Jablon, of dental caries: a review. International
J. M. (1972). Epidemiologic studies of Dental Journal, 22, 363-86
caries-free and caries-active students. II. 100. Jenkins, G. N. (1972). Current concepts
Diet, dental plaque, and oral hygiene. concerning the development of dental
Journal of Dental Research, 51, 727-33 caries. International Dental Journal, 22,
94. Martinsson, T. (1972). Socio-economic 350-62
investigation of school children with high 10 l. Horowitz, H. S. (1973). Fluoride: research
and low caries frequency. 3. A dietary on clinical and public health applications.
study based on information given by Journal of the American Dental
the children. Odontologist Revy, 23, Association, 87, 1013-18
93-113 102. Sutcliffe, P. (1973). The need for treatment
95. Steinberg, A. D., Zimmerman, S. 0. and in 11 to 17-year-old children: a longitu-
Bramer, M. L. (1972). The Lincoln dental dinal epidemiological survey. British
caries study. II. The effect of acidulated Dental Journal, 135, 153-7
carbonated beverages on the incidence of 103. Gruebbel, A. 0. (1944). A measurement of
dental caries. Journal of the American dental caries prevalence and treatment
Dental Association, 85, 81-9 service for deciduous teeth. Journal of
96. Keyes, P. H. (1969). Present and future Dental Research, 23, 163-8
methods for dental caries control. Journal 104. Todd, J. E. (1975). Children's Dental
of the American Dental Association, 79, Health in England and Wales, I973.
1395-1404 HMSO, London
97. Rogerson, M. J. (1973). The role of a 105. Dunning, J. M. (1970). Principles of
calcium sucrose phosphate -calcium or- Dental Public Health, 2nd edn, Harvard
thophosphate complex in the reduction of Univ. Press, Cambridge, Mass.
Chapter 3

The Microbiology of Dental Caries

3.1 Evidence for the Role of Microorganisms in Caries

3.1.1 In vitro experiments
3.1.2 Reduction of caries by antibiotics
3.1.3 Caries in experimental animals

3.2 Microorganisms Shown to be Cariogenic in Animals

3.2.1 Lactobacilli
3.2.2 Streptococci
3.2.3 Actinomyces

3.3 Microorganisms Associated with Caries in Man

3.3.1 Lactobacilli
3.3.2 Streptococci
3.3.3 Other microorganisms
3.3.4 Summary of studies on microbial aetiology of dental caries

3.4 Some Properties of Caries-inducing Organisms

3.5 Caries-activity Tests
3.6 Protective Mechanisms Against Cariogenic Microorganisms
3.6.1 Non-specific antimicrobial factors
Salivary flow
Chemical factors
3.6.2 Immunological mechanisms in the mouth
Salivary antibodies
Serum antibodies

Further Reading

The Microbiology of Dental Caries 49

As was mentioned in chapter l, there have been a technique', in which extracted teeth were covered
number of theories concerning the aetiology of in wax leaving a small opening of unprotected
dental caries, of which the acidogenic theory has enamel. When these prepared teeth were exposed
been the most generally accepted. According to either to dilute acids or fermenting mixtures of
this theory, caries is initiated by organic acids microorganisms, decalcification of the window
produced by oral bacteria as a result of their areas was observed. However, this was usually
fermentative activity on carbohydrates. The complete etching of a layer of outer enamel and
credit for the 'Chemicoparasitic' or acidogenic not the deeper partial loss of sub-surface mineral
theory is usually ascribed toW. D. Miller', but it which is characteristic of the natural carious
is fair to say that his conclusions were based on lesion.
the accumulated efforts of a number of other In his famous studies, Miller incubated teeth
investigators, as well as his own, during the with saliva and mixtures of different foods such
nineteenth century. In 1897, N. B. Williams as bread and sugar. This resulted in decalcifi-
reported his observation that the enamel of cation of the teeth, although once again it was of
human teeth was covered with adhesive 'gelatine- the surface-etching type. Miller also demon-
like' material, consisting largely of micro- strated that many different types of oral bac-
organisms, and suggested that this material might teria could produce enough acid to decalcify
be responsible for the localisation of acid attack enamel, and identified lactic acid as one of the
to certain areas of the tooth surface. Writing a products of his incubation mixtures.
year later, G. V. Black coined the phrase 'gela- In recent years it has been shown that artificial
tinous microbial plaques' for the bacteria on the lesions which are histologically indistinguishable
tooth surface, and supported the idea that acid- from natural caries can be produced in vitro 3 .
producing bacteria were the main aetiological This has been achieved using a window technique
agents in caries. similar to that described a 100 years earlier by
A considerable amount of work was carried Magi tot, but incorporating the acid into a gel such
out by pioneer research workers during the past as gelatin or cellulose. It has also been found that
century and the early part of the twentieth experimentally produced deposits of oral bac-
century 2 , but these early studies will not be teria on the enamel surface alter the effect of acid
considered in any detail here. In this chapter, the on the tooth in vitro, and can produce an
evidence for regarding caries as an infectious appearance similar to that of early natural
disease will be discussed and some of the proper- lesions 4 . However, although it has been possible
ties of those bacteria thought to be of importance to mimic natural caries, little is known of the
in the disease will be described. In addition, some physical chemistry which leads to the peculiar
of the oral defence mechanisms which may structure of the carious lesion.
operate to protect the teeth against such or- More recently, other workers have used mo-
ganisms will be considered briefly. dified artificial mouth systems 8 and continuous
culture apparatus (known as a chemostat) to
study the growth and physiological properties
3.1 Evidence for the Role of of cariogenic microorganisms such as Strepto-
Microorganisms in Caries coccus mutans 9 .0ne of the advantages of
such systems is that experiments can be con-
3.1.1 In vitro experiments ducted at slow rates of bacterial growth which
may be more directly comparable to the normal
Early in the nineteenth century it was shown that intra-oral situation than the conventional batch
teeth could be corroded by inorganic acids such culture methods traditionally used in most labo-
as sulphuric and nitric acid. Experimental ca- ratories. However, complete and realistic in vitro
rious lesions were produced by the 'window simulation of the tooth surface microflora in all
50 Dental Caries

its complexity remains to be achieved. cent was achieved after one year, the figure
Some research workers have gone to great increasing to 58 per cent reduction in the second
lengths to simulate oral conditions in the labo- year of the trial 12 .
ratory, and several 'artificial mouths' have been Epidemiological studies on children receiving
designed for caries studies. A historical review of long-term administration of penicillin for medi-
the early in vitro studies leading up to the cal reasons indicate a significantly reduced caries
development of the artificial mouth has been incidence in this group when compared to un-
provided by Pigman 5 • 6 . Although these more treated children in the same populations. In one
elaborate experiments allow better control of the retrospective study, a reduction of 55 per cent in
in vitro environment in which the tooth is placed, DMFS of penicillin-treated subjects compared
it is arguable that they have not really contri- to controls was recorded after 2! years 13 , and in
buted greatly to our understanding of the caries another investigation, where subjects were com-
process. Several types of bacteria, particularly pared to siblings, the caries reduction was 56-69
streptococci, have been shown to produce en- per cent 14 .
amel demineralisation in the artificial mouth, The clearly demonstrated fact that penicillin
while others, such as Candida albicans, can reduce the incidence of caries strongly in-
Leptotrichia dentium (now called Bacterionema dicates that the disease is of microbial origin,
matruchotii) and Actinomyces odontolyticus ap- since it is difficult to explain the cariostatic effect
parently did not 7 • of an antimicrobial agent on any other basis.
It appears, therefore, from in vitro experiments These observations also indicate that the cau-
that several types of bacteria can produce sative bacteria are likely to be Grampositive,
enough acid from carbohydrate substrates to since penicillin is most active against these
decalcify tooth enamel. Furthermore, in the pre- organisms.
sence of added acid, bacterial deposits modify At first sight it might appear that antibiotics
the rate of decalcification to produce a sub- offer an attractive method of preventing dental
surface lesion closely resembling natural caries. caries. However, as will be discussed in a later
chapter, there are several contra-indications to
3.1.2 Reduction of caries by the widespread use of antibiotics for this pur-
antibiotics pose, particularly the danger of side effects,
development of hypersensitivity reactions to the
Several studies have shown that antibiotics can drugs, and the overgrowth of antibiotic-resistant
reduce the incidence of dental caries, both in microorganisms.
experimental animals and in man. In animal Further, more detailed consideration of the
experiments, a reduction in caries has been effect of antibiotics on dental caries can be found
achieved by administration of penicillin in the in two recent reviews 15 • 16 .
diet or drinking water 10 , and in man by brushing
the teeth with a penicillin-containing dentifrice. 3.1.3 Caries in experimental animals
In one clinical trial of a penicillin dentifrice, in
which the subjects' toothbrushing was unsuper- Untill954 there was no conclusive evidence that
vised, no reduction in caries incidence was obser- bacteria were essential for the initiation of caries.
ved 11 . However, subjects using the same con- In that year, Orland and co-workers 1 7 demon-
centration of I 000 units of penicillin per gramme strated that completely germ-free rats of a
of toothpaste in a supervised brushing regimen caries-susceptible line failed to develop caries
showed a slight reduction in caries (16 per cent) even when fed a cariogenic, high-sucrose diet. By
compared to control subjects using an ordinary implanting bacteria into the mouths of these
paste. In another study, with supervised tooth- germ-free animals, caries was produced.
brushing, a significant caries reduction of 55 per Unfortunately, the precise identity of the
The Microbiology of Dental Caries 51

strains of bacteria used in these pioneer experi- often not known in any detail. 'Specific pathogen
ments is not known, except in general descriptive free' animals are those which are guaranteed not
terms such as 'an enterococcus' and 'a pro- to be harbouring particular pathogenic micro-
teolytic rod', and the original strains are no organisms, but here again the supposedly non-
longer available for further study. However, pathogenic indigenous microflora is not gener-
these experiments established a basic method by ally specified.
which dental caries can be studied in an animal Since the original studies on germ-free and
model system. Such experimental systems have mono-infected rats, many other reports have
subsequently been widely adopted in dental appeared in the literature to confirm and extend
caries research for studying the microbial aeti- Orland's findings. In addition to rats of several
ology of the disease. They can also be used to varieties, caries can be produced experimentally
good effect for estimating the caries-enhancing in hamsters, gerbils, white-tailed rats and mon-
properties of various dietary substrates and for keys. Keyes and Fitzgerald and their col-
testing potential cariostatic or preventive leagues, working at the National Institute for
measures. Dental Research in the USA, demonstrated that
The term 'gnotobiotic' means, literally, particular dextran-producing streptococci, sub-
'known life'. It is applied to the situation where sequently shown to belong to the species
the composition of the microbial flora of an Streptococcus mutans, were highly cariogenic in
experimental animal is completely controlled by mono-infected animals 18 • 19 . They also showed,
the investigator. Thus, animals can be raised and in hamsters, that caries-producing micro-
maintained in a completely sterile or germ-free organisms could be transmitted from one animal
environment. Subsequently, these moeths may to another, either by caging them together or via
be inoculated with one or more known varieties infected faeces 20 . The streptococcal strains used
of bacteria. Many of the studies on experimental originally were isolated from animals, but sub-
caries have been carried out using mono-infected sequently similar strains of human origin were
animals which have only one known species of found by several workers to produce caries in
bacteria inhabiting the mouth. Mixed flora stu- gnotobiotic animals 21 - 25 •
dies, where combinations of two or more species Many strains of bacteria representing several
are introduced into the oral cavity, are more species have now been tested for their cariogenic
difficult to monitor and control, but have oc- potential in animals and the literature on the
casionally been undertaken. subject is extensive 26 • 2 7 . It is clear, in some cases,
Another condition which is sometimes utilised that a given bacterial strain may be cariogenic in
in animal studies is referred to as 'relative one animal species but not in others. Thus it may
gnotobiosis'. In this case a conventionally raised be misleading to extrapolate the results obtained
animal, which carries a normal oral flora, is in one animal and assume that the same situation
treated with antibiotics (such as erythromycin or would apply m other animals, or m
streptomycin) in order to suppress the indi- man 28 •
genous microorganisms. Then a test strain of Although much useful information has been
bacteria, known to be resistant to the particular gained from studies on caries in rodents, there
antibiotic employed, is introduced into the are obviously fundamental differences between
mouth of the animal. Thus the oral flora of such the situation in the rodent mouth and that of
animals may be dominated by an erythromycin- man. Primates are in many ways preferable to
resistant strain of streptococcus, although the rodents for experimental caries studies, since
exact composition of the remainder of the (sup- their dentition and the pattern of caries attack is
pressed) flora is not known. 'Conventional' similar to that of man. In addition, it is possible
animals are those which carry the 'normal flora' to maintain primates on a diet which closely
of the particular animal species, although this is resembles that consumed by humans, and the
52 Dental Caries

microbial flora of the mouth of monkeys is also animals have been concentrated on the ca-
quite similar to that of man. riogenic potential of streptococci, especially the
Caries research on monkeys has been limited species Streptococcus mutans. However, a few
to a small number of centres, largely due to the investigators have reported the production of
high cost of maintaining a suitable colony of caries by other genera. It is important to re-
animals and also because of the considerable member that the situation in which a germ-free
technical problems involved in such an enter- or relatively gnotobiotic animal is mono-infected
prise. Pioneers in this field have been the staff at with a pure culture of bacteria is a highly artificial
the Royal College of Surgeons Research one. Under natural conditions, caries occurs in a
Establishment, in Kent, where a series of experi- very complicated microbiological environment
ments have been carried out since the 1960s. It in which the caries-producing organisms a re
has been demonstrated that caries can be induced associated with large numbers of other bacteria
in monkeys (Macaca fascicu/aris) which are of a variety of species. In addition, the animals
infected with cariogenic streptococci 29 and many used in caries experiments are usually fed a diet
of the observations made originally on rodents containing over 50 per cent sucrose, and this is
have been confirmed in primates. Since the mon- quite unlike their natural diet.
key appears to provide such an excellent model
for human caries, this experimental system is
being used increasingly for studies on prevention
of caries by various means, including immuni-
sation (chapter 11). In addition to M. fasci-
cu/aris, the rhesus monkey (M. mu/atta) is also of
value for caries research 30 .
The majority of gnotobiotic animal experi-
ments have been designed to test the caries-
inducing effects of mono-infections with specific
bacteria, usually streptococci. A very interesting
recent development at the University of
Nijmegen has been the introduction of com-
binations of different bacterial species in the
mouths of animals 31 . In these studies it has been (a)
observed that the normal cariogenic effect of
implanting strains of Streptococcus mutans into
the rodent can be reduced by simultaneously
introducing a strain of Vei//one/la, which is
capable of utilising lactate produced by the
streptococcus. It is to be hoped that many more
investigators will turn their attention to the
interrelationships of bacteria in the oral cavity
and their relevance to dental disease.
The appearance of caries in rodents and m
monkeys is shown in figures 3.1 and 3.2.

3.2 Microorganisms Shown to be (b)

Cariogenic in Animals Figure 3.1 Appearance of dental caries in rodents.
(a) Gross appearance of caries in molars of a hamster
Most of the published studies on gnotobiotic (b) Section of carious posterior teeth of a rat
The Microbiology of Dental Caries 53

negative rods which are characteristically both

acidogenic (acid producers) and aciduric (acid
tolerant). Their unique ability to survive and grow
at low pH levels is utilised in selective culture
media such as Tomato Juice agar and Rogosa
(MRS) medium, where the pH of about 5.0
inhibits the growth of most other bacteria and
allows the recognition of lactobacillus colonies.
For many years lactobacilli were widely con-
sidered to be the causative agent of human caries.
Lactobacilli can be isolated from human saliva
and from dentinal caries, but their numbers are
usually extremely low in dental plaque. At least
three reports have been published in which
strains of Lactobacillus were shown to be capable
of inducing caries in gnotobiotic rats. One of
these strains was L. acidophilus, the second was
L. casei, and the other report was of an un-
named Lactobacillus species 26 ' 32 . A number
of other Lactobacillus strains tested have failed to
produce caries under the experimental conditions
The evidence available to date indicates that at
least some lactobacilli are capable of producing
caries when inoculated into the mouths of germ-
free animals. It is not possible to make realistic
comparisons between the cariogenic potentials
of lactobacilli and streptococci, since few wor-
kers have systematically studied them in this
way. However, from his observations on dental
caries in monkeys, Bowen 29 has suggested that
'the importance of these microorganisms (lacto-
bacilli) in the aetiology of dental caries cannot be
Figure 3.2 Appearance of dental caries in monkeys. 3.2.2 Streptococci
(a) Upper jaw of monkey (Mucucu fusciculuris) showing
caries in molar teeth. (b) Appearance of carious molar in
monkey. (Photographs by courtesy of Dr. G.Colman, Royal Streptococci are Gram-positive, catalase-
College of Surgeons, Research Establishment, Downe.) negative cocci, sometimes appearing as short
rods, which may form chains under certain
In the following sections, some of the bacterial conditions of growth.
types which have been found to produce caries in The original streptococcus used in the first
animals will be considered. gnotobiotic animal studies by Orland and co-
workers was described as an enterococcus, but
3.2.1 Lactobacilli the precise identity of this strain is not known.
Several other known enterococci (i.e. Lancefield
Lactobacilli are Gram-positive, catalase- Group D streptococci, normally found in the
54 Dental Caries

gut) have subsequently been shown to be caries produced caries, but neither were they success-
inactive in gnotobiotic rats. fully implanted in the mouth of the hamsters.
Those species which are known to produce The authors concluded their interesting report
caries in experimental animals are S. mutans, S. with the following statement: 'These facts show
sanguis, and S. salivarius *. Of these S. mutans has the obvious limitation of animal caries-models in
been the most extensively investigated and ap- elucidating the specific role of various micro-
pears to be more effective than the other species organisms in human caries. This also means
in producing caries in mono-infected animals. that the designation "cariogenic" and "non-
The name S. mutans was given to streptococci cariogenic" streptococci should only be used
isolated from human carious teeth by Clarke in when referring to specific animal experiments.
1924. Although Clarke's findings were confirmed Comparison of characteristics between "ca-
by one or two other workers in the 1920s, the riogenic" and "non-cariogenic" strains collected
species was almost completely forgotten until the from various experiments leads to more con-
experimental animal caries studies got under way fusions than useful information'. We have been
more than 30 years later. During the past decade warned!
a great deal of research has been carried out on
the properties of S. mutans and the recent 3.2.3 Actinomyces
literature on the subject is very extensive.
Dozens of strains of S. mutans, originally Actinomyces are pleomorphic, Gram-positive
isolated from both man and animals, have now rods, sometimes with branched cells, which may
been tested for cariogenicity in rats, hamsters be anaerobic, micro-aerophilic or facultative.
and monkeys. In many laboratories all over the Catalase-negative and catalase-positive species
world it has been conclusively demonstrated that are found within the genus.
strains of S. mutans are cariogenic in suitable In recent years, several studies have been made
mono-infected animals. It also appears from on the ability of strains of Actinomyces to
some experiments that the chances of successful produce periodontal destruction in hamsters and
implantation of test strains are enhanced by other animals. During these experiments it was
feeding the animals with a high sucrose diet. also noted that the infecting organisms caused
A few strains of S. sanguis and S. salivarius root surface caries, although enamel surfaces
have been shown to produce caries in experimen- were generally not involved. Two of the species
tal animals, although other strains of these which have this pathogenic potential are
species apparently are not cariogenic. The A. viscosus (originally named Odontomyces vis-
amount of caries produced is generally less than casus) and A. naes/undii. A. viscosus was first
that caused by S. mutans infections. S. sanguis isolated from the mouth of hamsters, but the
induces caries in rats but not in hamsters, species can also be isolated from humans al-
probably due to the fact this species is less easily though there are serological differences between
established in the hamster mouth. strains of animal and human origin. A. naeslundii
The relative caries-inducing ability of anum- resembles A. viscosus in many respects and the
ber of streptococci has been tested in albino two species are often difficult to distinguish in the
hamsters by Krasse and Carlsson 28 . laboratory by conventional biochemical and
Their results showed that all 10 strains of physiological tests. Serological cross-reactions
S. mutans tested produced highly significant between these named species also occur 33 .
amounts of caries in the animal model system used, Recently, filamentous organisms isolated from
and that (r7 of the S. salivarius strains produced human root surface cavities have been characte-
a lesser, but still significant, degree of caries. rised and several of these isolates were shown to
None of the other species tested, which included be Actinomyces species. One strain of A. viscosus
examples of S. sanguis, S. mitior and S. bovis, and one of A. naeslundii from this source were
* Recently strains of S. mi/leri have also been shown to be cariogenic in gnotobiotic rats 84 • 85 •
The Microbiology of Dental Caries 55

used to mono-infect gnotobiotic rats, and all the The observed fact that lactobacilli occur in
animals developed severe periodontal infections relatively small numbers in dental plaque in-
and root surface caries. dicates that they may not be a major aetiological
Whether or not there is a specific microbial agent in the initiation of enamel caries. However,
aetiology for root surface caries which differs where micro-colonies of lactobacilli do occur in
from that responsible for enamel lesions is plaque they may well contribute to the carious
far from certain at present. However, since process.
Actinomyces species are extremely common in The real importance of lactobacilli in the
human supragingival plaque, and also from initiation of caries in man cannot be stated with
gingival plaque in some situations, their possible any certainty at present. Almost certainly they
role in the aetiology of both caries and pe- play an important part in the destruction of
riodontal disease should not be discounted. dentine in established lesions.

3.3.2 Streptococci (particularly

3.3 Microorganisms Associated with S. mutans)
Caries in Man
Following the observations made upon the abi-
3.3.1 Lactobacilli lity of S. mutans to produce dental caries in
experimental animals, several investigators have
During the 1920s, several investigators reported looked for an association between this species
an apparent correlation between the numbers of and caries in humans. Thus, in the past few years
lactobacilli in the mouth and dental caries. It was a number of reports have appeared of epide-
observed that these organisms could usually be miological surveys in which dental caries scores
isolated from carious cavities and people with have been correlated with the presence of S.
active caries had higher counts of lactobacilli in mutans in the mouth. The majority of these
their saliva than caries-free subjects. Restoration studies have been cross-sectional in design,
of open lesions led to a reduction of the salivary which means that subjects have been examined
lactobacillus count. The method of assessing the and samples taken at one particular time. Such
number of aciduric bacteria in saliva, or studies may show an association between a
'Lactobacillus Count' as it is usually called, was disease, such as dental caries, and a particular
adopted as a 'caries-activity test'. Such tests are microorganism, but they are not capable of
considered in greater detail in a later section of demonstrating a cause and effect relationship. In
this chapter. longitudinal studies, a given population of in-
Although the correlation between the salivary dividuals is examined sequentially over a period
Lactobacillus Count and caries was reasonably of time, so that the incidence rather than the
consistent on a statistical basis when large prevalence of the disease can be measured and
groups of subjects were considered, it did not correlated with other findings, such as the pre-
always hold good in the individual case. sence of numbers of S. mutans (or any other
Unfortunately, the presence of high numbers of bacterial species). Such studies may give a better
any particular organism in the mouth after caries indication of the significance of particular mic-
has been detected does not necessarily constitute roorganisms in dental caries. However, very few
proof that the organism in question caused the of the published investigations have, to date,
disease. It is possible that established carious been of the preferable longitudinal type.
lesions provide a particularly suitable environ- In one of the earlier studies, carried out in
ment for the growth and multiplication of lacto- Sweden 34 presumptive S. mutans occurred in
bacilli and that, therefore, their high numbers plaque material from about 80 per cent of 235
might occur as a result of caries. people examined, sometimes constituting as
56 Dental Caries

much as 80-90 per cent of the total cultivable This study also showed that S. mutans appears
streptococci in the samples. No significant cor- to be isolated more frequently from approximal
relation was established between the incidence of and occlusal sites than from the buccal or lingual
these 'caries-inducing' streptococci and previous smooth surfaces.
caries experience, either in school children or In a further investigation by the same workers,
dental students. However, there was a significant it was demonstrated that subjects carrying S.
correlation between active caries cavities and the mutans in their mouths were more likely to have
number of S. mutans detected. Forty of the developed caries a year later than non-carriers of
subjects were re-examined a year later, and those this species40 . Ten out of 17 initially caries-free
who had developed four or more smooth surface naval recruits who were found to be S. mutans
lesions tended to have significantly higher levels carriers had developed at least one carious cavity
of S. mutans in their plaque. a year after the initial examination. None of the
Studies on several populations in the USA, four subjects not carrying detectable S. mutans
South America and the Netherlands have shown showed evidence of caries development during
a correlation between the numbers or isolation the same period of observation.
frequency of S. mutans and the DMF caries One of the few published longitudinal studies
index, whereas no such relationship has been was carried out on 12 Negro children in the
reported with other streptococcal species 35 - 38 • USA 41 . Plaque samples were collected from pits,
Commonly in these studies, the numbers of S. fissures and approximal surfaces at intervals of 3,
mutans colonies observed on a selective medium 6 and 12 months following an initial baseline
such as Mitis-Salivarius agar (MSA) are ex- examination and caries increments were assessed
pressed as a percentage of the (presumptive) total periodically for 18 months; levels of S. mutans
streptococcal count on that medium. Such me- and lactobacilli in the plaque samples were
thods tend to bias the results in favour of the assessed. S. mutans was isolated from all sites
particular streptococci which can readily be which developed caries during the period of
recognised on these high-sucrose culture media, observation, whereas not all carious sites yielded
and often the remainder of the flora, which may positive lactobacillus cultures. Mean levels of
in fact greatly outnumber the streptococci, is both S. mutans and lactobacilli were found to
completely ignored. increase before the detection of carious lesions in
A simplified summary of the results reported pits and fissures and at approximal areas, but the
from one study on the isolation frequency and numbers of lactobacilli only became significant
prevalence of S. mutans from carious and caries- after the development of carious cavities.
free surfaces in the same mouth is given in table A recently reported longitudinal study on 54
3.1. pre-school children in Denmark 42 failed to show
an unequivocal correlation between the presence
or numbers of S. mutans and the development of
Table 3.1 Isolation frequency of Streptococcus caries at the approximal surfaces of primary
mutans at different sites from two groups molar teeth. However, in a few of the small
of naval recruits (from Shklair, Keene number of subjects who developed approximal
and Cullen 39 ) caries,relatively high levels of this organism were
Tooth sites Caries-active Caries-free found 6-12 months before caries detection.
group group Significant changes in the ratio of aerobic to
(%) ( %) anaerobic organisms in relationship to the de-
velopment of caries were reported in this study.
Appro xi mal 71.7 33.6 Another recent cross-sectional study from the
Occlusal 69.6 37.1
Buccolingual 30.4 12.9
USA has shown further evidence of an asso-
ciation between S. mutans and dental decay in
The Microbiology of Dental Caries 57

three groups of children 43 . Statistically signi- human caries are awaited with great interest. If it
ficant correlations were demonstrated between can be shown that human caries is caused
the concentrations of S. mutans in material specifically by infection with S. mutans, this
collected from single occlusal fissures and the provides the basis for specific prophylaxis and
presence of clinically detectable decay at those treatment of the disease directed against that
sites. Less clear, but still significant, correlations organism. As discussed in a later chapter, two
were obtained between levels of this organism in theoretically possible approaches are specific
pooled occlusal and pooled approximal plaque chemotherapy and immunisation. If, on the
samples and caries prevalence. No clear asso- other hand, dental caries is found to be a clinical
ciation was shown between salivary concen- syndrome which can be produced by colonis-
trations of S. mutans and caries, although such a ation with several different combinations of
relationship has been reported in some other bacteria, the problems of finding suitable anti-
investigations. When discussing the significance bacterial prophylactic measures will be con-
of their results, the authors of this report ac- siderably greater. Since longitudinal studies on
knowledge the shortcomings of cross-sectional dental caries, by design, take several years to
investigations, and state: 'This dilemma (i.e. the complete, it will be some time before the essential
presumptive cause and effect relationship) may data required become available.
be resolved by more precise longitudinal studies
which show that "S. mutans" colonisation pre- 3.3.3 Other microorganisms
cedes caries and by elimination studies which
show that surfaces rid of"S. mutans" have lower The evidence from human studies concerning the
caries experiences than surfaces which retain "S. role of organisms other than streptococci or
mutans"'. lactobacilli in dental caries is limited. In theory,
Interim results from a longitudinal study on any acid-producing organism present in plaque
11-15-year-old schoolchildren in the London may contribute towards the carious process. This
area have so far failed to show a clear re- is especially likely if the bacteria are concentrated
lationship between the presence of S. mutans and in a micro-colony immediately adjacent to the
the initiation of caries at specific approximal enamel surface. The ability to induce caries in
sites 82 • 83 . After a two-year period of obser- mono-infected animals, although indicative of a
vation, it appeared that the isolation frequency high cariogenic potential, is probably not an
and prevalence of S. mutans increased after the essential prerequisite for bacteria to contribute
radiographic detection of carious lesions, rather towards caries in the normally complex mic-
than before. No isolations of S. mutans were robial environment of the tooth surface.
made at any time from two of the fifteen reported As mentioned in the section on caries in
sites which developed caries 83 . animals, certain Actinomyces species appear to
More recent findings from the same study be able to produce a particular type of caries
suggest that large increases in the relative num- experimentally, and there is some evidence that
bers of S. mutans at particular sites may be these organisms may be involved in root surface
associated with the progression of enamel le- caries in man 44 ' 45 . This type of caries occurs in
sions, as opposed to their initiation. From the older subjects than the more common enamel
data now available it would appear that more caries of childhood and adolescence, and attacks
attention should be given to the cariogenic exposed cementum. Further studies are required
potential of various combinations of plaque in order to establish the relationship between A.
bacteria. This may prove to be more relevant viscosus, and possibly other Gram-positive rods,
than the mere presence or absence of one parti- and root surface caries.
cular species. In addition to positive relationships between
The results of further longitudinal studies on particular bacterial species and human caries, it
58 Dental Caries

is possible that some organisms may exert a extensive, longitudinal studies are required. Such
modifying or protective effect. Thus, for exam· studies should include examination of other
pie, high levels of Veillonella in plaque may microorganisms in addition to S. mutans.
reduce the harmful effects of other organisms (6) In some situations, such as root surface
which produce lactic acid. As already mentioned, caries, other bacteria (for example, Actinomyces
such phenomena have been demonstrated in species) may play a significant role in the in-
animal experiments but remain to be shown in itiation of caries.

3.3.4 Summary of studies on microbial 3.4 Some Properties of

aetiology of dental caries Caries-inducing Organisms

A major problem in dental caries research is the All the bacteria which have been implicated in
highly complicated nature of the oral microbial dental caries are capable of producing acid from
flora. This complexity makes it difficult to decide carbohydrates. Streptococci and lactobacilli, in
which particular microorganisms to look for, particular, will reduce the pH of glucose broth to
and which ones to ignore, when attempting to below 5.0 in conventional culture-systems.
relate bacterial species to the development of Streptococcus mutans strains generally produce a
caries. However, from the large number of terminal pH in batch cultures in the range 4.2-
published studies on the relationship of bacteria 4.6. Lactic acid is the expected end-product of
to dental caries, certain conclusions can be fermentation of these bacteria, although other
drawn: products are found when strains are grown under
conditions of carbon-limitation 46 . Similar varia-
(1) Studies on gnotobiotic animals have tions in the types of acid produced in dental
shown that many strains of Streptococcus mu- plaque in vivo, under different conditions of
tans, of both animal and human origin, are carbohydrate availability, have also been
highly cariogenic under suitable experimental demonstrated 47 .
conditions. In addition to their ability to produce acid, S.
(2) Some other bacteria, to a lesser extent, mutans and S. sanguis possess two further pro-
are also capable of inducing caries in some perties which may be relevant to their cariogenic
animal model systems. Among those species potential:
shown to have this ability are strains of S.
sanguis, S. salivarius, S. milleri, Lactobacillus (1) Both species produce extracellular glu-
acidophilus, L. casei, and Actinomyces naeslundii cose polymers (glucans) from sucrose.
and A. viscosus. (2) Both species display an ability to adhere
(3) The cariogenic potential of streptococci to and grow upon hard surfaces such as glass,
in animals may be modified by the presence of wire or teeth.
other microorganisms such as Veillonella species
in the mouth. The latter property can easily be demonstrated in
(4) Cross-sectional surveys on human popu- the laboratory, and artificially produced deposits
lations haveindicated an association between the of such bacteria have been used experimentally in
presence of S. mutans and the degree of caries an attempt to simulate dental plaque. The for-
experience. mation of adherent surface deposits is not con-
(5) Few longitudinal studies on humans have fined to streptococci, and several filamentous
been undertaken, but there is some evidence of a bacteria, including some actinomyces, also share
relationship between colonisation of teeth by S. this property. The relative ability of different
mutans and the incidence of caries. Further, more bacterial species to adhere to and colonise hard
The Microbiology of Dental Caries 59

and soft tissue surfaces may be an important mannitol fermentation-almost invariably

factor in the formation of dental plaque and is positive
considered further in chapters 4 and 5. sorbitol fermentation-usually positive
A great deal of research has been carried out production of extracellular glucans-positive
on the extracellular polysaccharides produced by hydrolysis of aesculin-usually positive
oral streptococci, especially S. mutans, and also production of ammonia from arginine-almost
on the enzymes involved in their synthesis. invariably negative (apart from occasional
Strains of S. mutans appear to produce both serotype b strains)
water-soluble and water-insoluble glucans, with
varying structures (chapter 5). It has been de- As outlined earlier, a considerable amount of
monstrated that mutant strains of S. mutans interest has been shown in the potential role of S.
which have lost the ability to produce insoluble mutans in dental caries. Many investigators have
extracellular glucans are less cariogenic in gnoto- studied the properties of this streptococcus,
biotic animals than the parent strain from which including some who have concentrated on the
the mutants were derived 48 . Such evidence in- antigenic structure and serological divisions that
dicates that the production of these polymers can be made within the species. A Swedish
may play an important role in the cariogenicity worker (Bratthall) described five serological ty-
of some bacterial strains. Although the extracel- pes49, designated a, b, c, d and e, and the number
lular glucans produced by S. sanguis strains of types has now been extended to seven 50 . A
differ in some respects from those of S. mutans it good measure of agreement has been found
is not known if this is the only reason why S. between those serotypes, the chemical com-
sanguis appears to be less cariogenic. position of the cell walls, and genetic types
In order to study the relationship between based on DNA base ratios and hybridisation
bacteria and any disease, it is necessary to have studies 49- 5 3 •
suitable taxonomic criteria so that the organisms More detailed studies on the immunochem-
can be identified with certainty. In studies on the istry of the type-specific polysaccharide antigens
relationship of oral bacteria to dental caries, of representative strains of most of the known
much reliance has often been placed on colonial serotypes have now been reported 5 4. Such infor-
morphology under particular cultural con- mation is of value in the development of precise
ditions. This has been especially common with serological typing schemes for epidemiological
investigations on the streptococcal flora, since investigations, since it may be that certain se-
extracellular polysaccharide-producing species rotypes are more pathogenic than others in
such as S. mutans, S. sanguis and S. salivarius particular populations. In addition, an under-
often produce characteristic colonies on culture standing of these antigens is essential for studies
plates containing sucrose. However, these spe- on immune responses to S. mutans in animals or
cies can exhibit a variety of colonial forms which humans.
may lead to mistaken identification in some Characteristics of other microorganisms pre-
cases. It is always desirable to confirm the sent in the mouth, and which may be involved in
presumptive identity of bacteria, based on col- dental caries, are given in the next chapter.
onial morphology, by other, more reliable tests.
In chapter 4 some of the properties of the
numerous types of bacterium found in the mouth 3.5 Caries-activity Tests
are discussed, including a description of a re-
latively simple scheme which can be used to For many years, research workers and clinicians
identify most oral streptococci. Physiological have searched for a suitable laboratory test to use
characteristics which allow recognition of S. as an indicator of caries activity, either in
mutans include the following: individual patients or groups of subjects. Some
60 Dental Caries

of the potential uses of such a test are listed below Some of these tests have shown a reasonably
(after Socransky 55 ): good correlation with dental caries, while others
have shown little or none. It is arguable that since
(1) Determination of the need for caries caries is initiated at the plaque enamel interface,
control measures. and since it is known that the salivary microflora
(2) An indicator of patient cooperation. does not necessarily reflect the microbial popu-
(3) Aid in timing of recall appointments. lation of plaque, it is unreasonable to expect such
(4) Guide to the desirability of placing exten- tests on saliva to bear much relationship to
sive restorations. caries. It should also be remembered that caries is
(5) Help in the determination of prognosis. a multifactorial disease and that the composition
(6) Guide to the orthodontist when under- of saliva is only one of the variables concerned.
taking appliance therapy. The two tests which have been most widely
used are the Snyder colorimetric test and the
lactobacillus count, and these will be described
In addition to these clinical applications, a briefly here. In the Snyder test, a measured
reliable caries-activity test would be extremely volume of paraffin-stimulated saliva is inocul-
useful in the selection of patients for studies on ated into a semi-solid culture medium of low pH
caries and the screening of potential cariostatic (approximately 5.0), which contains glucose and
agents. A suitable test should ideally be simple, bromocresol green as a pH indicator. The in-
rapid and relatively cheap to perform, should oculated medium is incubated for 3 days at 37cC
correlate closely with the caries experience of the and examined daily to see if the colour changes
individual subject, and should be reproducible. from green-blue to yellow-brown, indicating that
Numerous test systems have been described in acid has been produced. This gives a simple
the literature, most of which are intended to be indication of the number of aciduric and acid-
carried out on samples of saliva. Some of the ogenic bacteria present in the saliva, and the
types of test are listed below: rapidity with which colour change occurs is
taken as an indication of caries activity. This test
(A) Biochemical properties of saliva: appears to correlate better with caries activity
pH than many of the others, at least on a group basis,
buffer capacity and fulfils the desirable criteria of speed and
uptake of oxygen simplicity. However, it is not considered to give
oxidation-reduction potential sufficiently accurate predictive results on an
alpha amylase activity individual basis to be adopted as a universally
urea concentration applied test.
hyaluronidase activity The salivary lactobacillus count, first de-
(B) Acidogenic potential of salivary scribed in 1933 by Hadley, has been widely
constituents: employed by many investigators. This test is
enamel dissolution (Fosdicke) more elaborate to perform than the simple
pH (Dewar) colorimetric tests, and depends upon counting
pH and titratable acidity (Wach) the number of viable lactobacilli in 1 ml of saliva.
double colour indicator (Rickles) Serial dilutions of saliva are made, and aliquots
colour indicator (Snyder) of each dilution are spread on the surface of
(C) Viable counts of bacteria in saliva: selective media such as Tomato Juice agar or
acidogenic bacteria (Davies, Slack and Rogosa's lactobacillus medium. Each of these
Tilden) media has a low pH of about 5.0 which inhibits
lactobacillus count (Hadley: Rogosa) the growth of most non-aciduric bacteria and
Streptococcus mutans allows colonies of lactobacilli to be recognised
The Microbiology of Dental Caries 61

easily. After incubation, the numbers of pre- or to difference in the cariogenic challenge. Some
sumptive lactobacillus colonies are counted and individuals remain free from caries throughout
the concentration of these organisms in the their lives, even though they may live in a
original saliva sample can be calculated. community where the disease is prevalent. As
Different studies have shown reasonable cor- explained in chapters 1 and 2, the reason for this
relations between lactobacillus count and past apparent immunity is usually not known, al-
caries experience, but poor correlations have though various factors such as diet, fluoride
been found when the test is used to predict future intake, enamel structure, race and poorly defined
caries increments. This is unfortunate, since it is genetic factors may be important. Racial differ-
the predictive ability of such tests which would be ences in caries susceptibility often appear to be
most useful. Both the Snyder test and the lacto- related to dietary customs, since so-called 'primi-
bacillus count are measuring essentially the same tive communities' living on simple, unrefined
thing (i.e. numbers of aciduric organisms in diets and enjoying a low caries rate, tend to
saliva) and a good case can be made for using succumb to extensive carious attacks once they
these tests for monitoring the progress of diet have been exposed to modern 'civilised' diets.
therapy, particularly when good oral hygiene (chapter 9).
procedures have been adopted 56 . Several in- Within the oral cavity, a number of protective
vestigators have shown that the lactobacillus mechanisms exist to control the invasion by and
counts in saliva are significantly reduced once activities of potentially harmful microorganisms.
open carious cavities have been restored and Some microorganisms are able to survive quite
dietary carbohydrate intake is restricted. happily in the presence of these factors, so that a
In view of the evidence implicating S. mutans normal resident microflora becomes established
in the aetiology of caries, discussed earlier in this in the mouth during the first few months of life.
chapter, it would seem reasonable to use this Once this has occurred, invasion and colonis-
organism as the basis of some caries-activity ation by extraneous microorganisms is usually
tests. A few workers have attempted to correlate prevented by a combination of the chemical and
salivary levels of S. mutans with caries activity. In physical actions of saliva and competitive anta-
two such studies, a positive correlation was gonism by the indigenous flora. Thus, it is
found, but this was not confirmed in a more relatively uncommon for the many organisms
recent report 43 . which are inhaled or ingested every day to
However, the latter study did show significant become permanently established in the mouth.
correlations between the presence of S. mutans in Similarly, it is difficult to implant bacteria expe-
plaque and caries experience. It would appear, at rimentally into the mouths of animals or humans
the moment, that further experimental work is with a normal oral flora, unless conditions are
required before a caries-activity test based on the altered in some way.
presence or numbers of S. mutans in saliva The antimicrobial factors present in oral sec-
and/or plaque can be recommended as a routine retions include non-specific factors and specific
procedure. 57 immunological agents. Some of these may have
an influence upon the incidence of caries.

3.6.1 Non-specific antimicrobial factors

3.6 Protective Mechanisms Against
Cariogenic Microorganisms Salivary flow

In many population groups there is a wide range It is well established that events which eliminate
of caries experience, which may be due to or markedly reduce the flow of saliva, giving rise
different levels of resistance among individuals to the condition known as xerostomia (dry
62 Dental Caries

mouth), predispose to the rapid development of All studies on the relationship of salivary
caries. In experimental animals this effect has factors to dental disease are frustrated by the
been demonstrated by surgical removal of the practical problems involved in collection and
salivary glands, resulting in a marked increase in analysis of specimens. Flow rates vary in dif-
the caries scores compared to normal control ferent individuals, in different glands and in
animals maintained on the same diet. However, response to different stimuli, and the chemical
such drastic surgical measures may produce a composition of the saliva may be altered by such
number of different alterations in the animals, variations. Thus, some of the contradictory
both systemic and local, so that it is difficult to results on salivary components in the literature
establish which are the most important factors may be due to variations in flow rate and
influencing the development of caries. methods of collection of saliva.
In humans, xerostomia may occur following
irradiation of the salivary glands or surrounding Chemical factors
tissues during the treatment of malignant tu-
mours of the head and neck. Reduction of Several non-immunological, antibacterial fac-
salivary flow is also found in several other tors have been described in oral secretions, and
conditions, such as obstruction of the salivary although the biological significance of these is
ducts, Sjorgren's syndrome, as a result of surgical not fully understood, they may play some part in
treatment, or following therapy with certain protection of the oral tissues.
drugs. There have been many well-documented Lysozyme is a hydrolytic enzyme which clea-
cases of rampant caries occurring in later life in ves the linkage between N-acetylglucosamine
patients who develop xerostomia, particularly and N-acetylmuramic acid. Such linkages occur
after irradiation treatment. In these cases the in the cell wall mucopeptide (peptidoglycan) of
deterioration of oral health may be extremely bacteria. Some species of bacteria, such as
rapid and dramatic. This type of caries may Micrococcus lysodeikticus, are extremely sen-
occur in patients with little or no previous sitive to lysis by this enzyme. Other organisms
experience of the disease, and widespread cervi- are less sensitive or even completely resistant to
callesions are characteristically produced 58 • 59 . its action. In some situations, lysozyme may be
It is not known exactly which functions of involved in antibody-complement mediated lysis
saliva are most important in protection against of bacteria. Lysozyme is widely distributed,
dental caries. The physical, chemical or biologi- being found in saliva, nasal secretions, tears,
cal characteristics may be significant in this tissue and body fluids, and in egg whites.
respect, and numerous workers have attempted Microorganisms which colonise the mouth are
to correlate one or other of the known properties generally resistant to the action oflysozyme, and
of saliva with caries experience. The physical so it seems unlikely that this enzyme plays a
washing and irrigation effects appear to be significant role in protection against dental ca-
necessary for maintenance of a clean mouth and ries. However, it may be a useful factor in
are most important in mastication and swallow- preventing colonisation of the mouth by ex-
ing. The buffering effects of saliva (chapter 5), traneous microbes.
based mainly on bicarbonate--carbonic acid and Lactoperoxidase is a haemoprotein enzyme,
phosphate buffer systems, are likely to be a major found in high concentration in colostrum, which
importance in relation to caries. Attempts have also occurs in saliva. It has an antibacterial effect
been made to establish a relationship between against certain bacteria which do not produce
caries incidence and a variety of salivary com- catalase, including lactobacilli and streptococci.
ponents, including urea, ammonia, calcium, The enzyme requires thiocyanate as a cofactor
phosphate and amylase, but so far no clearly and reacts with hydrogen peroxide, which accu-
significant associations have been found. mulates in susceptible microorganisms. In some
The Microbiology of Dental Caries 63

of the literature, the lactoperoxidase- bodies or immunologically active cells might

thiocyanate system has been referred to as the reach the plaque-tooth surface interface; one is
'anti-lactobacillus factor' 60 . The precise role, if the saliva and the other via the crevicular fluid.
any, of lactoperoxidase in protection against Theoretically, both humoral (antibody-
dental caries has not been conclusively estab- mediated) or cell-mediated immune responses
lished as yet, although interest in this possibility could be involved, and these can be either local or
has been re-stimulated by recent studies in the systemic. Until now, most of the reported studies
Netherlands 61 . on the immunology of caries have been confined
There are known to be bacterial agglutinating to antibody responses rather than cell-mediated
factors in saliva which show some specificity immunity.
towards particular species (such as Streptococcus
mutans) and serotypes. These agglutinins appear Salivary antibodies
to be glycoproteins and are not apparently It has been known for several years that there is a
immunoglobulins 62 ' 63 . Whether these salivary special secretory-immunological system, distinct
components have a protective function or, con- from systemic responses, which operates locally
versly, actually contribute towards colonisation as part of the defensive mechanisms of mucous
of the tooth and accumulation of plaque, is not membranes 66 . Immunoglobulin A(IgA), which
fully understood at present. is found in relatively low proportions in serum, is
In addition to the soluble fractions of saliva, the predominant class of antibody found in fluids
cellular elements can also be demonstrated. such as saliva, tears, colostrum, nasal and gastro-
Leucocytes are derived either from the gingival intestinal secretions. Within the salivary glands
crevice via the crevicular fluid or from the the IgA molecules are secreted by plasma cells,
mucous membrane surfaces of the mouth. There while another protein, referred to as 'secretory
is no clear evidence to show that these cells play a component', is produced in the epithelial cells
significant part in the defence mechanisms of the lining the ducts. Some studies on the total
mouth against dental caries. More detailed re- concentration of IgA in saliva in subjects with
views of the protective role of saliva can be found varying dental caries experience have indicated
in the list of recommended Further Reading at that there might be an inverse relationship
the end of this chapter. between lgA level and DMF score 67 •68 . This
contrasts with the situation in periodontal di-
3.6.2 Immunological mechanisms in sease, where increasing amounts of inflammation
the mouth and tissue destruction appear to be accompanied
by higher salivary IgA levels 69 •70• However, the
It has sometimes been argued that the enamel observations on a negative correlation between
surface of the tooth is effectively 'outside' the caries experience and salivary IgA levels have not
tissues of the body and that, consequently, been confirmed by all investigators. The differ-
immunological or other defence mechanisms ences between the results reported from different
would be unlikely to play a role in protection laboratories may be partly due to variations in
against caries. However, recent evidence in- the techniques used for collection and handling
dicates that this view may not be entirely correct of saliva specimens. At high salivary flow rates, a
and several mechanisms of possible significance lower concentration of IgA is found than at low
have been described. During the past few years a flow rates 71 •72•
great deal of research has been carried out on In one recent investigation, both the con-
immunological aspects of dental diseases, and centration of IgA and the flow rate were esti-
much of this work has been reviewed recently mated in a number of subjects, so that a 'parotid
elsewhere 64 • 65 . IgA secretion rate' could be calculated 7 3 • In this
There are two routes by which either anti- case a significant negative correlation was found
64 Dental Caries

between the DMF index and IgA secretion rate, present in the intestinal tract or elswhere in the
whereas no such correlation could be established body. Serological cross-reactions between dif-
from the same data when lgA concentrations ferent bacteria are common, particularly with
alone were taken into account. The authors of some widely distributed antigenic determinants
this report concluded that there is probably a such as those present in cell wall or membrane
true association between caries susceptibility and teichoic acids 75•76•
the output of parotid IgA. However, since the Differences in serum antibody titres to cell
opposite trend was observed when IgA secretion wall preparations and crude ultrasonicates of
rates were plotted against the Periodontal Index, Streptococcus mutans have been demonstrated
it seems likely these relationships will be ob- between subjects with high and low caries ex-
scured when both diseases are present perience77-79. Patients with higher DMF scores
concurrently. were found to have lower antibody titres than
There is only a limited amount of information those with a lower DMF. A significant negative
available at present concerning the presence of correlation was also found between serum
specific antibody activity in saliva and its role in haemagglutination titres of IgM and IgA anti-
caries. In one study, antibodies were found in body classes to crude GTF enzyme and the DMF
whole saliva against a crude glucosyltransferase caries score 74 . There appears to be no obviously
enzyme* (GTF) preparation from a strain of consistent relationship between the levels of
Streptococcus mutans 74 . A positive correlation serum and salivary antibodies in these studies.
was observed between the antibody-titred mea- The investigations referred to in this section
sure and the DMF of subjects in whom no active have been confined mainly to observations made
caries could be detected. Thus it could be postu- on relatively small groups of human subjects.
lated that the salivary antibody titre may reflect The present wave of experiments on prevention
the whole-life caries experience of the individual of dental caries by immunisation, described later
and not have a protective function. On the other in chapter 11, should help to establish the
hand, significantly lower salivary antibody titres mechanisms by which immunological protection
against GTF were recorded in subjects who had may be afforded and provide additional infor-
untreated carious lesions, suggesting that there mation on the relative importance of systemic
may be a fall in titre associated with the onset of and local salivary responses. The possible place
caries. of cell-mediated immune responses in dental
Further studies are required before the signifi- caries remains to be examined.
cance of salivary antibodies in the prevention of Possible mechanisms by which antibodies may
caries can be fully assessed. Some new light on operate to inhibit caries include:
this problem is likely to be shed by the studies on
immunisation against caries in experimental ani- (1) Prevention of adherence of bacteria to
mals which are currently being undertaken in the tooth surface and/or plaque.
several laboratories. (2) Inhibition of specific enzymes (such as
the glucosyltransferases which are responsible
for the synthesis of extracellular polysaccharides
Serum antibodies from sucrose).
A number of investigators have demonstrated (3) Inactivation of metabolism of bacteria
the presence of circulating antibodies in the (such as fermentation of carbohydrates).
blood against a variety of different oral microor- (4) Inhibition of growth or killing of
ganisms. Interpretation of such data is difficult, bacteria.
since antigenically related organisms may be (5) Opsonisation of bacteria.

* This enzyme is required for synthesis of extracellular polysaccharide and is discussed in detail in chapter 5.
The Microbiology of Dental Caries 65

An immunologically mediated bacteriocidal and S. Livingstone, Edinburgh and

effect is unlikely to occur, since this requires the London, pp.49-75
availability of complement which is not present 3. Silverstone, L. M. (1968). The surface zone
in saliva, although it is found in crevicular fluid. in caries and in caries-like lesions produced
There is little evidence to indicate that the in vitro. British Dental Journal, 125, 145-
presence of antibodies to oral bacteria markedly 157
affects their ability to produce acid 80.81. 4. Hardie, J. M., Silverstone, L. M. and
An interesting suggestion has been made that Bowden, G. H. (1971). Modification of acid
caries of smooth surfaces may be affected pre- attack on enamel surfaces in vitro, by
dominantly by serum antibodies, which are aggregations of bacteria. Caries Research,
present in crevicular fluid, while salivary anti- 5, 290-304
bodies may exert their influence mainly on pit 5. Pigman, W, Elliot, H. C. and Laffre, R. 0.
and fissure caries 65 . This hypothesis remains to (1952). An artificial mouth for caries re-
be tested. search. Journal of Dental Research, 31,
6. Pigman, W. (1968). In vitro simulation of
Further reading dental caries using bacteria, in Art and
Science of Dental Caries Research (Edited
Bibby, B. G. and Shern, R. J. (Eds) (1978). Harris, R. S.), Academic Press, New York
Methods of Caries Prediction. A Special and London, pp. 319-30
Supplement of Microbiology Abstracts, 7. Sidaway, D. A. (1970). The bacterial com-
Information Retrieval Inc., Washington D.C. position of natural plaque and the in vitro
and London production of artificial plaque, in Dental
Newbrun, E. (1978). Cariology. Williams and Plaque (Ed. McHugh, W. D.), E. and S.
Wilkins Co., Baltimore Livingstone, Edinburgh and London
Kleinberg, 1., Ellison, S. A. and Mandel, I. D. 8. Coulter, W. A. and Russell, C. (1976). pH
(Eds) (1979). Saliva and Dental Caries. A and Eh in single and mixed culture bacterial
Special Supplement of Microbiology plaque in an artificial mouth. Journal of
Abstracts, Information Retrieval Inc., New Applied Bacteriology, 40, 73-87
York and London 9. Ellwood, D. C., Hunter, J. R. and
Stiles, H. M., Loesche, W. J. and O'Brien, T. C. Longyear, V. M. C. (1974). Growth of
(1976). Microbial Aspects of Dental Caries. A Streptococcus mutans in a chemostat.
Special Supplement of Microbiology Archives of Oral Biology, 19, 659-64
Abstracts, Information Retrieval Inc., 10. McClure, F. J. and Hewitt, W. L. (1946).
Washington D. C. and London Relation of penicillin to induced rat dental
caries and oral Lactobacillus acidophilus
Journal of Dental Research, 25, 441-3
References 11. Hill, T. J. Sims, J and Newman, M. (1953).
The effect of penicillin dentifrice on the
1. Miller, W. D. (1890). The Micro-organisms control of dental caries. Journal of Dental
of the Human Mouth, S. S. White Dental Research, 32, 448-52
Manufacturing Co., Philadelphia. 12. Zander, H. A. (1950). The effect ofpencillin
Republished, K. Konig (Ed.), by S. Karger, dentifrice on caries incidence in school
Basel, 1973 children. Journal of the American Dental
2. Schroeder, H. E. and De Boever, J. (1970). Association, 40, 569-74
The structure of microbial dental plaque, in 13. Littleton, N. W. and White, C. L. (1964).
Dental Plaque (Ed. McHugh, W. D.), E. Dental findings from a preliminary study of
66 Dental Caries

children receiving extended antibiotic the- of human origin. Archives of Oral Biology,
rapy. Journal of the American Dental 11, 549-60
Association, 68, 520-5 23. Edwardsson, S. (1968). Characteristics of
14. Handleman, S. L., Mills, J. R. and Hawes, caries-inducing human streptococci re-
R. R. ( 1966). Caries incidence in subjects sembling Streptococcus mutans. Archives of
receiving long term antibiotic therapy. Oral Biology, 13, 637--46
Journal of Oral Therapeutics and 24. Krasse, B. (1966). Human streptococci and
Pharmacology, 2, 338--45 experimental caries in hamsters. Archives of
15. Bibby, B. G. (1970). Antibiotics and dental Oral Biology, 11, 429-36
caries, m Dietary Chemicals vs. Dental 25. Guggenheim, B. (1968). Streptococci of
Caries, Advances in Chemistry Series 94 dental plaques. Caries Research, 2, 147-63
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bility tests. Annals of the New York 66. Brandtzaeg, P. (1974). Immunoglobulin
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74. Challacombe, S. J., Guggenheim, B. and in dental caries II. Specific immune re-
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of Streptococcus mutans, containing gluco- Pathology, 34, 69-86
syltransferase activity, related to dental 82. Bowden, G. H. Hardie, J. M., McKee, A.
caries in man. Archives of Oral Biology, 18, S., Marsh, P. D., Fillery, E. D. and Slack,
657-68 G. L. (1976). The microflora associated
75. Hardie, J. M. and Bowden, G. H. (1976). with developing carious lesions of the distal
Some serological cross-reactions between surfaces of the upper first premolars in 13-
Streptococcus mutans, Streptococcus sa- I4 year old children. Microbial Aspects of
nguis and other dental plaque streptococci. Dental Caries, Stiles, H. M., Loesche, W. J.
Journal of Dental Research, 55, c50- and O'Brien, T. C. (Eds.) Special supple-
c58 ment of Microbiology Abstracts vol. I,
76. Knox, K. W. and Wicken, A. J. (1973). 223-4I, Information Retrieval Inc.,
Immunological properties ofteichoic acids. Washington, DC and London
Bacteriological Reviews, 37, 215-57 83. Hardie, J. M., Thomson, P. L., South, R. J.,
77. Kennedy, A. E., Shklair, I. L., Hayashi, J. Marsh, P. D., Bowden, G. H., McKee, A.
A. and Bahu, A. N. (1968). Antibodies to S., Fillery, E. D. and Slack, G. L. (I977). A
cariogenic streptococci in humans. longitudinal epidemiological study on de-
Archives of Oral Biology, 13, I275-8 ntal plaque and the development of caries -
78. Lehner, T., Wilton, J. M. A. and Ward, R. interim results after two years. Journal of
G. (1970). Serum antibodies in dental caries Dental Research 56, c90-c98.
in man. Archives of Oral Biology, 15, 48I- 84. Drucker, D. B. and Green, R. M. (I978).
90 The relative cariogenicities of Streptococcus
79. Challacombe, S. J. (1974). Serum milleri and other viridans group strepto-
complement-fixing antibodies in human cocci in gnotobiotic hooded rats. Archives
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80. Sims, W. (1970). The concept of immunity 85. Drucker, D. B. and Green, R. M. (1979).
in dental caries I. General considerations. Potential of streptococci for inducing
Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral dental caries in gnotobiotic rats, in Patho-
Pathology, 30, 670-7 genic Streptococci (Ed. Parker, M. T.),
81. Sims, W. (1972). The concept of immunity Reed Books Ltd, Surrey, pp. 206-7
Chapter 4

The Formation, Structure and

Microbial Composition of
Dental Plaque
4.1 Introduction and Definition
4.2 Clinical Appearance and Distribution of Dental Plaque
4.3 Clinical Measurements of Plaque and Oral Debris
4.4 Factors Which Affect Plaque Formation
4.5 Formation and Development of Dental Plaque
4.5.1 Theoretical considerations and mechanisms of plaque formation
4.5.2 Pellicle formation
Structure of pellicle
Formation and composition of pellicle
4.5.3 Bacterial succession during plaque formation
4.5.4 Formation of the matrix of dental plaque
4.6 Structure of Established Dental Plaque
4. 7 Bacteriology of Established Dental Plaque
4. 7.1 Quantification of dental plaque microorganisms
Sample collection
Dispersion of plaque specimens
Methods of counting
4.7.2 Differential microbial composition of established dental plaque
Site variations in bacterial composition
4.8 Some Characteristics of the Predominant Groups of Plaque Bacteria
4.8.1 Streptococci
4.8.2 Gram-positive rods and filaments
4.8.3 Gram-negative cocci
4.8.4 Gram-negative rods and filaments

Further Reading

The Formation, Structure and Microbial Composition of Dental Plaque 71

4.1 Introduction and Definition bution, quantity and appearance in different

individuals and different parts of the mouth, but
As explained in chapter 1, dental plaque is the is always preceded by plaque accumulation.
name given to the aggregations of bacteria and Particularly heavy calculus deposition often oc-
their products which accumulate on the tooth curs near to the openings of the major salivary
surface. The term 'gelatinous microbial plaque' glands, so that the lingual surfaces of the lower
was first employed by Black in 1898 to describe incisors and the buccal aspects of the maxillary
the felt-like masses which he and several other molars may be especially affected. Bacterial
early investigators observed on the teeth. plaque continues to form on the surface and
Reference to much of the older literature, to- around the periphery of calculus deposits, where
gether with detailed summaries of more recent it may be protected from attempts at oral
ideas and knowledge on dental plaque, can be hygiene.
found in the book edited by McHugh 1 . No
attempt will be made to review in detail the many
original papers on this topic which have been 4.2 Clinical Appearance and
published since the late nineteenth century, but it Distribution
is the aim of this chapter to give an account of of Dental Plaque
our current understanding of the development,
structure and microbial composition of human When plaque accumulates on the crowns of the
dental plaque. teeth, the natural, smooth, shiny appearance of
Plaque collects rapidly in the mouth, although the enamel is lost and a dull, matt effect is
the actual rate of formation varies from one produced. As the plaque builds up, the mass of
individual to another. If the deposit is not bacteria becomes more readily visible to the
removed from the tooth surface within a few naked eye. The presence and distribution of
hours, it builds up into a thick, adherent layer plaque in the mouth can be visualised most
which cannot easily be removed by mouthrinsing clearly by the use of dyes or disclosing solutions
or with a jet of water from a syringe. More (such as erythrocin) which stain the deposits.
loosely-adherent, creamy-white material, which Several different disclosing preparations are
may bl! removed with a stream of water, may also commercially available in solution or tablet form
be seen to collect on the teeth, particularly in for this purpose*. The technique of disclosing
people with poor oral hygiene. plaque with coloured dyes has been used for
This material often referred to as 'materia research purposes, but is also particularly valu-
alba' consists of the most superficial layers of able for demonstrating plaque deposits to pa-
dental plaque (i.e. mainly bacteria), together tients as an aid to oral hygiene, and can be used
with food and cellular debris derived from as a check on toothbrushing efficiency, either at
leucocytes and desquamated epithelial cells. home or in the dental surgery.
Since the distinction between 'plaque-proper' Plaque normally collects most rapidly and
and materia alba is difficult to define precisely, it extensively in inaccessible areas of the mouth,
is simpler to confine clinical descriptions of such as interproximally and in the pits and
accumulated deposits on the teeth to the terms fissures. These areas have often in the past been
supragingival and subgingival dental plaque. called 'stagnation areas', but nowadays the alter-
Such plaque deposits may be of varying thick- native term 'uncleanable areas' is preferred by
ness and extent. some clinicians. In the mouth of people with
Dental plaque which has been left undisturbed poor oral hygiene, dental plaque may accumulate
for a prolonged period (i.e. weeks or months) extensively over all the surfaces of the teeth.
may become calcified and is then referred to as Dental plaque which accumulates on the tooth
calculus (or tartar). Calculus varies in its distri- * See also chapter II
72 Dental Caries

above the level of the gingival margin is referred the upper and lower arches are divided into 12
to as supragingival plaque, while that found areas (right, left, anterior, buccal and lingual),
below this level is called subgingival plaque. The each of which is assessed separately for the
extent of subgingival deposits, which frequently presence of debris (plaque, stain and food debris)
become calcified, depends upon the depth of the and calculus. The areas are scored for debris as
gingival crevice or periodontal pocket. Some follows:
investigators have designated the plaque de-
posits immediately adjacent to the gingival mar- 0- No debris or stain present.
gin as 'gingival plaque'. In this situation, which is I -Soft debris covering not more than one-
a narrow, transitional zone between clearly third of the tooth surface, or the presence
supra- and subgingival plaque, epithelial cells of extrinsic stains without other debris,
and leucocytes may be particularly noticeable in regardless of surface area covered.
microscopic preparations. 2- Soft debris covering more than one-third,
but not more than two-thirds, of the
exposed tooth surface.
4.3 Clinical Measurements of Plaque 3- Soft debris covering more than two-thirds
and Oral Debris of the exposed tooth surface.
For clinical purposes, and especially for epide- A similar scale is used for scoring calculus
miological surveys or clinical trials, it is useful to deposits. The overall Oral Hygiene Index is
have a method of quantifying or scoring the calculated by adding the individual scores re-
amount of plaque present in the mouth. Several corded and dividing by the number of segments
different systems have been described for this examined. Debris and calculus scores are com-
purpose and the choice of the most suitable monly pooled, although they may also be re-
scheme depends upon the particular require- ported separately.
ments of the user. For epidemiological studies it Another commonly used scoring system is the
is important that the debris scoring system Plaque Index of Loe 5 • According to this index,
should be reproducible, both by the same exam- mesial, distal, buccal and lingual aspects of each
iner on different occasions and between exam- tooth are given a score from 0 to 3, depending
iners. A full description of some of the more upon the thickness of the plaque present rather
commonly used indices can be found in the than the area of tooth covered. In epidemiologi-
references given at the end of this chapter 2 - 7 • cal surveys, this Plaque Index (PI) is often used
The simplest estimates are those in which an together with the Gingival Index (GI) of Loe and
arbitrary classification of oral cleanliness is used, Silness 6 •
the condition being described subjectively as The choice of appropriate indices for scoring
good, fair or poor. The whole mouth may be dental plaque, periodontal disease and caries
assessed in this way to give an overall impression, depends upon several factors, including the
or different segments of the dentition may be purpose of the investigation, the number of
scored separately. Several plaque or oral cleanli- subjects to be examined and the conditions under
ness indices rely on partial recording methods, in which examinations are to be carried out 7 • No
which only a few selected teeth are examined, and single index is universally suitable for all epide-
the observations on those areas are extrapolated miological surveys and clinical trials.
to produce a score for the whole mouth. Similar
sampling techniques are also used on occasions 4.4 Factors Which Affect Plaque
for estimating the amount of periodontal disease Formation
A commonly used scheme is the Oral Hygiene The rate of formation of dental plaque varies in
Index of Greene and Vermillion 4 . In this system different individuals, as does its qualitative and
The Formation, Structure and Microbial Composition of Dental Plaque 73

quantitative microbial composition. Some of the need to be aware of this damaging potential of
factors which may influence the amount and type their treatments and take the necessary steps to
of plaque which develops are listed in table 4.1. avoid subsequent problems arising from in-
adequate plaque control.
Table 4.1 (after Egelberg 8 ) Roughness of a enamel surface and small
developmental or acquired surface defects, such
Physical Environment Availability of nutrients as microscopic pits or cracks, are likely to
Anatomy and position
encourage the accumulation of plaque bacteria.
of the tooth Such defects are completely inaccessible to nor-
Anatomy of surround- Gingival fluid mal toothcleaning methods and could provide a
ing tissues Remnants of epithelial ready source of organisms to recolonise an
cells and leucocytes otherwise clean surface. Unfortunately, there is
Structure of the tooth Diet little that can be done to counteract these factors,
surface and in most cases their presence would be
Friction from diet undetected anyway.
and masticatory Theoretically, the amount of plaque which
collects on the teeth may be controlled to some
Oral hygiene procedures
Presence of restorations extent by the degree of friction produced during
or appliances mastication. Although this may have been an
important factor in earlier generations, and may
still play some role in primitive peoples, the
In addition to the normal anatomical factors, nature of modern civilized diets makes this of
such as the differences in habitat between pits dubious significance. Inspection of early skulls
and fissures, smooth and approximal surfaces, shows considerably more evidence of attrition of
malocclusions may predispose areas of the the teeth, indicating a diet which contained large
mouth to excessive plaque accumulation. In amounts of roughage. Modern diets do not
particular, overcrowding of teeth may give rise to normally contain much in the way of fibrous
areas which are especially difficult to clean components, and most of our food is eaten
adequately. Similarly, orthodontic or prosthetic cooked rather than raw. The few published
appliances may interfere with oral hygiene pro- studies on the so-called 'detergent effect' of raw
cedures and encourage plaque formation. apples, carrots or similar foods have not shown a
Patients wearing appliances should be instructed marked reduction in plaque levels, caries or
carefully in the application of suitable cleaning gingivitis scores 9 • 10 .
methods and checked regularly to ensure that Oral hygiene, including toothbrushing and
plaque control is adequate. inter-dental cleaning aids, can reduce the level of
Restorations with overhanging edges or rough plaque virtually to zero under ideal conditions.
surfaces, especially large approximal fillings, As will be discussed later, in chapter 11, complete
crowns or bridges, are potential traps which may elimination of plaque deposits can control the
enhance plaque formation. Adequate cleaning of incidence of caries and periodontal disease.
the edges of such restoration is impossible for the However, it is difficult for most people to attain
patient until overhangs and other faults are such excellent oral hygiene, either for physical
corrected. reasons or because they are insufficiently moti-
From these examples it can be seen that many vated to spend the requisite time and effort.
routine dental treatment procedures, if not car- Thus, in most individuals imperfect tooth clean-
ried out to a high standard, may predispose to ing procedures are used which may modify the
accumulation of dental plaque or render the formation of plaque. Commonly this will lead to
mouth increasingly difficult to clean. Clinicians large accumulations of well-established, older
74 Dental Caries

plaque in those areas which are difficult to clean, plaque formed on the tooth in vivo during
whereas the more accessible sites will be refor- different dietary periods were based on visual
ming plaque after each toothbrushing. In this observations using a stereomicroscope. Other
way, the mouth will usually contain plaques at studies, using cultural techniques, have shown
several different stages of development at any that the relative numbers of polysaccharide-
given time. producing streptococci in plaque increase during
The contribution made to the nutrition of oral periods of high sucrose intake. Similarly, in
bacteria by saliva, gingival fluid and cell re- animals, the establishment of species such as
mnants is difficult to evaluate, and there is little Streptococcus mutans may be facilitated by high
information available on these aspects of oral sucrose intakes. Thus, from both animal and
ecology. However, the availability of gingival human experiments it has been demonstrated
crevice exudate may explain, at least in part, the that dietary factors may influence the formation
differences between the microbial flora of the of dental plaque and that sucrose may favour the
gingival area and other sites in the mouth 11 . growth of certain species.
Subgingival plaque does seem to form more A recently reported study on the effect of diet
rapidly in individuals with gingivitis, and hence on the development of human dental plaque
an increased flow of crevicular exudate. showed that a high sucrose intake had no
Without doubt, a major factor influencing demonstrable effect on the total amount of
plaque formation is the composition of the diet, plaque which accumulated during the 4- and 12-
although some plaque is still formed in animals day study periods employed. However, during
fed by a stomach tube, thus bypassing the the sucrose-rich dietary regime the total mic-
mouth 12 . Studies on early plaque formation in robial density and the numbers of Streptococcus
humans under different dietary regimes have mutans and lactobacilli increased 14 .
been reported 13 . Subjects consuming a mixed
protein- fat diet, a glucose diet or a fructose diet
showed the teeth to be covered with pellicle at 1 4.5 Formation and Development
day, with a few discrete colonies of bacterial of Dental Plaque
growth. After 2 days the buccal surfaces were
covered with a thin, relatively amorphous, pla- On eruption into the oral cavity, the teeth are
que layer which increased in thickness by the initially covered with developmental, primary
third day. The plaque appeared to be thicker enamel cuticle and cellular components of the
following periods of high glucose intake com- reduced enamel epithelium-Nasmyth's mem-
pared to that formed during protein- fat diet or brane. These constitute a 1-5 ,urn thick layer
fructose diet periods. However, a markedly dif- which is soon lost and probably contributes little
ferent appearance was observed during experim- to the surface integuments of the tooth after the
ental periods of high sucrose intake. In this case, first few days following eruption. The acquired,
no pellicle was seen after 1 or 2 days. Individual post-eruptive surface deposits include various
bacterial colonies were seen to develop, primarily structureless organic layers, referred to as cuticle
localised to cracks and furrows in the enamel or pellicle, in addition to dental plaque.
surface. These colonies of plaque growth, which
were larger than those observed during the other
(non-sucrose) dietary periods, were considered 4.5.1 Theoretical considerations and
to resemble the appearance of some mechanisms of plaque formation
polysaccharide-producing streptococci when
grown on sucrose-containing culture media in Several different mechanisms are thought to play
the laboratory. a significant part in the initial colonisation of
These studies on the differences between early tooth surfaces by bacteria and their subsequent
The Formation, Structure and Microbial Composition of Dental Plaque 75

development into dental plaque 15 . These Oral streptococci have been studied particu-
include: larly, as several species form extracellular glu-
cans or fructans in the presence of sucrose.
(1) Adherence of bacteria to pellicle and/or
However, other bacteria, including certain
exposed enamel surface.
Neisseria species and some anaerobic Gram-
(2) Adhesion between bacteria, either of the
positive rods, produce extracellular polymers
same or different species.
which may also be important in plaque for-
(3) Growth of bacteria, either from small
mation, and these are not necessarily dependent
cracks or defects in the enamel surface, or from
upon the availability of sucrose.
those cells which have initially become attached
The ability of different oral bacteria to adhere
to the tooth.
to various surfaces has been studied extensively
The various adhesive mechanisms which exist by Gibbons, Van Houte and their colleagues in
in plaque serve to maintain the integrity of the Boston 16 ' 1 7 . These workers have shown that
material and prevent its removal by normal some organisms adhere preferentially to teeth
physiological processess and gentle forces such surfaces, while others favour epithelial cells for
as mouthrinsing. The surface properties of pla- attachment. Certain important plaque con-
que bacteria are particularly important in this stituents, especially Streptococcus mutans, ap-
respect, and each species has its own character- pear to have only weak adhesive properties on
istic surface polymers. These polymers vary in their own and presumably rely on initial col-
chemical and antigenic properties and may carry onisation by other species. The production of
different charges. Several oral bacteria produce extracellular polysaccharides from sucrose may,
extracellular polysaccharides which may play an in some cases, be responsible for retention of
important role in initial colonisation of the teeth organisms rather than initial adherence to the
and also contribute towards the inter-microbial plaque. The relative adhesive properties of some
plaque matrix (see below and chapter 5). species are shown in table 4.2.

Table 4.2 Ability of bacteria to adhere to oral surfaces as related to their proportions found indigenously (after
Gibbons 16 )

Proportions found indigeneously Experimentally observed adherence

tooth tongue cheek tooth tongue cheek

Streptococcus mutans Low to high low low low to high low low
Streptococcus sanguis high moderate moderate high moderate moderate
Streptococcus salivarius low high moderate low high moderate
Neisseria species low low low low low low
Veillonella species low high low low high low

Recently, several groups of research workers of the tooth. This is one of the theoretical
have concentrated on elucidating the me- mechanisms by which an anti-caries vaccine
chanisms of adherence of S. mutans to various might work (chapter 11). At the present time,
surfaces. Since this particular species is con- despite some elegant published studies, the pre-
sidered to be of great importance in the aetiology cise method of attachment of S. mutans and
of caries (chapter 3), an understanding of its other plaque bacteria is not fully understood,
mode of attachment to the tooth may lead to the but work on this interesting phenomenon con-
development of methods which interfere with tinues in several laboratories. It appears, ho-
this process and reduce the level of colonisation wever, that the affinity of this organism for hard
76 Dental Caries

tooth surfaces, even in the presence of sucrose, is the test tube 18 . Investigations into the nature of
not as great as was once thought, and that its the acquired surface integuments are technically
prevalence in dental plaque is dependent upon very difficult because of their intimate contact
factors such as interaction with other with enamel. As has been pointed out by
microorganisms. Saxton 19 , research workers have attempted to
The formation of dental plaque on teeth is overcome these practical problems in three basic
analogous to the development of microbial films ways:
in many other natural habitats. Five stages have
been proposed during the deposition of such (I) Separation of pellicle from the surface
films on surfaces 82 • enamel by dilute hydrochloric acid (a flotation
technique), followed by chemical or structural
(I) Polymer sorption (that is, adsorption of examination.
macromolecules, as observed in pellicle for- (2) Dehydration and embedding in situ, fol-
mation from saliva). lowed by decalcification of the tooth, either with
(2) Chemical attraction of mobile bacteria. dilute acid or ethylenediamine tetra-acetic acid
(3) Reversible sorption of bacteria to the (EDTA).
surface. (3) Formation of pellicle on various artificial
(4) Irreversible sorption. surfaces, in vivo, such as plastic strips, which can
(5) Development of a secondary microflora. easily be removed from the mouth when
Stages one to four take place in the mouth within It is now apparent from the several, sometimes
a few hours, while the secondary community contradictory, published reports on the com-
develops over a period of several days. During position of pellicle that the method used may
the irreversible phase attached organisms may significantly influence the results of subsequent
produce extracellular polymers which aid in their analyses.
retention; this phenomenon is known as
polymer-bridging 83 . As mentioned above, the Structure of pellicle
extracellular glucose polymers produced by
some oral streptococci may be of greater impor- At the light microscopic level, pellicle appears to
tance in the irreversible phase than during initial be a structureless, homogeneous layer 0.3-1.0
attachment to the tooth surface. J1.m thick, although deposits up to 5 J1.m have
occasionally been described. McDougall 40 was
4.5.2 Pellicle formation one of the first to describe pellicle, which he
invariably found to be present beneath appro-
When a thoroughly cleaned and polished tooth is ximal plaque when examining sections in the
exposed to saliva it rapidly becomes coated with light microscope. However, using the electron
an amorphous organic layer, usually referred to microscope, other workers have occasionally
as the acquired pellicle. In fact, several pellicle or observed plaque bacteria in direct contact with
cuticle structures have been described in the surface enamel, without an intervening pellicle or
literature and these have been investigated from cuticular layer 20 .
the point of view of their structure, mode of Several investigators have used transmission
formation and chemical composition. or scanning electron microscopy to study the
It is generally agreed that the acquired pellicle
structure of the acquired pellicle. MeckeF 1 de-
is derived principally from salivary components scribed the following surface layers;
and it has been shown experimentally that the
presence of bacteria is not essential since salivary (I) Primary enamel cuticle (developmental,
glycoproteins are absorbed to hydroxyapatite in lost soon after eruption).
The Formation, Structure and Microbial Composition of Dental Plaque 77

(2) Sub-surface cuticle. example, samples obtained by scraping from the

(3) Surface cuticle. enamel contained more than twice as much
(4) Pellicle. serine 25 as that estimated in acid-insoluble pel-
licle obtained by the acid flotation method
The distinction between (3) and (4) was based favoured by some workers 22 • 24 . Readily de-
upon the staining of these layers, and most tectable levels of the amino acid diaminopimelic
other workers consider these together as one acid and the amino sugar muramic acid were
entity-the acquired surface pellicle. There is reported in one study 26 , although this finding
also a tendency in the literature to refer to very has not been confirmed by others, at least in early
thin layers as cuticles and thicker deposits as pellicle specimens. The significance of this obser-
pellicles. Other workers 22 have also observed the vation is that these particular components are
presence of a sub-surface, dendritic cuticle layer characteristic of bacterial cell walls, but are not
on approximal surfaces, but not on buccal found in saliva or other material of human
surfaces, and it has been suggested that this origin.
phenomenon may be related to early loss of It would seem that, initially, the selective
enamel material at caries-susceptible sites. The adsorption of salivary components is the impor-
idea that etched enamel might be repaired by tant mechanism in pellicle formation, but that at
exposure to saliva had also been suggested earlier later stages, when bacteria have begun to accu-
by other workers 23 (chapter 12.3.2). mulate, the distinction between pellicle and pla-
The outer edge of the acquired pellicle, ad- que material is difficult to define. The differences
jacent to the inner plaque layer, may show a in chemical composition reported in the litera-
scalloped outline when examined in sections at ture indicate how difficult it is to separate pellicle
very high power 22 • 24 , the recesses, indicating and plaque for the purposes of analysis.
areas occupied originally by bacteria. Several mechanisms have been suggested for
the deposition of salivary glycoproteins on to the
Formation and composition of pellicle enamel surface; these include the effects of
surface charges (for example, negatively charged
Pellicle forms very rapidly on a clean tooth terminal sialic acid groups), the concentration of
surface within minutes of exposure to the oral calcium ions (increased Ca 2 + may precipitate
environment. It increases in amount for about I! glycoprotein) and pH effects (decreased pH
hours and then appears to level off to a fairly favours the adhesion of proteins to hydro-
constant thickness 25 , its composition apparently xyapatite). The results of several chemical studies
not varying greatly from one tooth to another. indicate that acidic amino acids adhere more
As mentioned previously, pellicle is thought to be abundantly than basic amino acids.
derived mainly from glycoproteins in saliva, Although the composition of the enamel sur-
which several workers have shown to be selec- face is important, structurally and chemically
tively absorbed to both synthetic hydroxyapatite similar pellicle layers may be deposited on artifi-
crystals and natural enamel. Reported differ- cal surfaces placed in the mouth, such as plastic
ences in the detailed chemical composition of films, and these have been widely used for
pellicle are probably related to the various experimental studies. However, one recent study
methods used for collection of samples and the has shown that pellicle formed more rapidly on
techniques used for analysis. hydroxyapatite crystals in the mouth than on the
Chemically, pellicle appears to be composed of epoxy resin splints on which the crystals were
undegraded salivary glycoproteins which are held 27 • Thus, when comparing the results of
made up of amino acids and sugars. Varying different studies on pellicle composition, it is
amounts of different amino acids have been important to take into account the surface on
detected in pellicle by different investigators. For which the material was deposited.
78 Dental Caries

In addition to the suggestion that pellicle are reasonably similar for short-term plaque
formation may act as a repair mechanism for development studies and so it is possible to
small surface defects produced by acid damage, it present a simplified summary of the sequence of
may also play a role in colonisation of the tooth events.
by plaque bacteria. Thus it has been postulated As described above, the newly cleaned tooth
that the pellicle may act as a substrate for the surface is rapidly covered with a thin film of
growth of certain bacteria, or alternatively that it pellicle, largely of salivary origin, which soon
might aid the adsorption and adhesion of bac- becomes colonised by bacteria. This initial col-
teria to the tooth surface. Whether or not these onisation has been studied both culturally and by
or other mechanisms operate, formation of a means of the scanning electron microscope. 29
pellicle layer normally precedes the colonisation The earliest organisms to be found are pre-
of the enamel by bacteria. dominantly coccal in form. Cultural studies have
shown that both Gram-positive and Gram-
4.5.3 Bacterial succession during negative cocci are present, and these may be
plaque formation aerobic or facultative. Gram-positive rods have
also been isolated from early plaque.
Once dental plaque has developed for several Streptococci form a prominent proportion of the
days or weeks it contains large numbers of a wide earliest colonisers, but other organisms, such as
variety of bacterial types. Before this stage is Neisseria species, also play a significant role in
reached, often referred to as 'mature' or 'estab- initial plaque development 30 . It is thought that
lished' plaque, it is possible to demonstrate that most of these are derived from saliva, but
the microflora builds up in numbers and com- outgrowth from enamel defects may also
plexity in a reasonably ordered and reproducible contribute.
fashion28, 84, 8s. More recent studies have indicated that
Several workers have studied the pattern of Streptococcus sanguis is a prominent organism
colonisation as plaque develops on previously amongst the earliest colonisers of the tooth
clean surfaces in the mouth, usually over short surface 86 · 87 . Actinomyces viscosus has also
periods of up to 7-14 days. Some of these studies been found consistently in early plaque, together
have been based on microscopy, either at the with S. mitis, Staphylococcus epidermidis, A.
light or electron-microscopic level, others have israelii, Peptostreptococcus sp. and Veillonella
utilised counts of viable bacteria, while a few alcalescens 87 • Some species have been reported
investigators have employed both methods con- as occuring regularly in mixtures of two or more
currently. A variety of surfaces have been used, intimately associated organisms or 'suspected
including natural teeth in situ, extracted human pairs'. 87
teeth or artificial teeth carried on a fixed bridge or After the plaque has developed undisturbed
removable appliance, and various other artificial for a day or two it becomes thicker and a greater
devices held in the mouth, such as plastic films variety of morphological types of bacteria are
and agar gels. The advantage of the various found, including filamentous forms which start
artificial devices in such studies is that they can be to appear at about the third day. The proportion
removed from the mouth fairly easily at the of the total flora made up of rods and filaments
appropriate times for sectioning or culture, whe- increases with time so that by 7-14 days the
reas plaque that has formed on natural teeth is plaque may appear in sections to be composed
more difficult to sample and handle repro- largely of filaments. However, even at this stage
ducibly. On the other hand, it is arguable that high numbers of cocci and rods can be cultivated.
plaque which grows on artificial surfaces may This sequence of plaque development from a
differ from that on natural teeth. Fortunately, predominantly coccal type at the beginning to a
the results obtained using different techniques mixed, filamentous flora a few days later has
The Formation, Structure and Microbial Composition of Dental Plaque 79

been shown by numerous investigators 3 L 32 . drops from an initial value of +200m V to about
An example of the data obtained from such - 112 mV after seven days. Such successional
studies is shown in figure 4.1. changes in both microbial composition and
As well as the shift in morphological types of physiological conditions are associated with the
bacteria seen during early plaque development, development of gingivitis and may also be
there is also a shift towards increasing anae- relevant to the initiation of other disease
robiosis as the plaque builds up in mass and processes. 84
complexity. Thus, anaerobes such as
Fusobacterium, Veillonella, Actinomyces, 4.5.4 Formation of the matrix
Bacteroides, etc., appear in increasing numbers of dental plaque
after the initial colonisation by aerobic and
facultative species. Correspondingly, the relative The microorganisms in dental plaque are embe-
numbers of aerobes, such as Neisseria and Rothia dded in an organic matrix which occupies the
(formerly known as Nocardia), appear to de- space between individual bacterial cells or micro-
crease (figure 4.1). The changes in anaerobic colonies and accounts for approximately 30 per
conditions during plaque development have been cent of the total plaque volume. It is thought that
demonstrated clearly by Kenney and Ash 3 3, who the matrix has a significant effect on the ecology
showed that the oxidation- reduction potential of the plaque and may also be important in
caries; by acting as a diffusion-limiting mem-
brane, potentially harmful bacterial products
Streptococcus such as lactic acid may be retained in high
concentrations at particular sites where they can
initiate caries. The same diffusion-limiting effect
may also slow down the arrival of buffers from
saliva, thus delaying their neutralising action.
The origin of the plaque matrix is thought to
-... Corynebacterium be twofold. Part of the organic material is protein
' ' Neisseria
and is derived principally from salivary glycop-
'"0(1.8) roteins, while the remainder consists of extracel-
\ Fusobacterium lular polysaccharides produced by the bacteria
0 0

\ ',._------ .. !0. 90) themselves. The discovery that plaque matrix
'b.----<> ,,' contains bacterial polysaccharides, largely glu-
"\ ,
~-\ cose polymers, has led to a great deal of research
' "\
"\ work on the production of such extracellular
Qj (0.18) "\ Nocardia materials, especially with some of the oral strep-
a.-1.0 "'"-- -"(0.10l
tococci, and this is described in some detail in
-' '' ---Aerobes
chapter 5.
' A simplified summary of some of the main
' '' - - Facultatives-microaerophiles
------Anaerobes factors in the production of the plaque matrix
has been suggested by Leach 3 4, and this is
3 5 7 represented in figure 4.2. According to this
Plaque age !days) theory, the protein component of the matrix is
deposited by enzymatic removal of the terminal
Figure 4.1 Graph showing shift in relative proportions of sialic acid residues on the side-chains of salivary
selected organisms in developing dental plaque. Samples glycoprotein molecules. Several oral microor-
taken from labial surfaces of upper and lower incisors of six
adult male subjects (graph reproduced by courtesy of Dr ganisms produce an enzyme, neuraminidase,
H. L. Ritz 31 and the editor of Archi~es of Oral Biology) which effects this reaction. The altered glycop-
80 Dental Caries

Bacteria outside



Contributes to

Bacteria inside


Figure 4.2 A diagrammatic representation of proposed enzymically controlled reactions that lead to the formation of the
principal protein and carbohydrate components of the matrix of dental plaque (diagram reproduced by the courtesy of DrS. A.
Leach 34 and E&S Livingstone Ltd.)

roteins, minus their sialic acid mmetles, are both soluble and insoluble glucans, and fructose
apparently in a less soluble configuration and polymers. These polysaccharides are produced
consequently are deposited around the by means of extracellular enzymes which cleave
microorganisms. the disaccharide sucrose molecule and utilise
The carbohydrate components of the matrix either the glucose or fructose moieties for po-
are derived mainly from the several different lymer formation. These enzymes, glucosyl and
extracellular polysaccharides produced by pla- fructosyl transferases, are sometimes referred to
que bacteria, usually from sucrose (chapter 5). as dextransucrase or levansucrase.
Since the chemical composition of plaque matrix The water-soluble extracellular glucan is an IX-
is complex and is derived from several sources, it 1,6 linked polymer, usually referred to as de-
is difficult to discover which components have xtran. Dextrans are produced by several other
been derived from which particular microor- microorganisms (not only oral bacteria), in ad-
ganisms in vivo. Because of such problems, dition to S. mutans, including S. sanguis, S.
research workers have examined the production mitior, S. bovis and Leuconostoc mesenteroides.
of extracellular polysaccharides by pure cultures This last organism is the usual source of dextrans
of bacteria in vitro, and extrapolated their find- produced commercially, for which there are a
ings to the situation which exists in the mouth. number of important applications.
Streptococcus mutans has been studied in great S. mutans also produces insoluble extracellular
detail in this respect. Strains of this species have glucans, which have different linkages between
been shown to produce several types of extracel- the glucose units, such as IX-1, 3 or IX-1, 4. The
lular polysaccharides from sucrose, including insoluble IX-1, 3 glucan produced by a particular
The Formation, Structure and Microbial Composition of Dental Plaque 81

strain of S. mutans (strain number OMZ 176) has the microbial activity in plaque is not limited by
been studied in great detaiP 5 , and this polysac- the supply of fermentable substances. Little
charide is called 'mutan'. Several workers have evidence was found for the presence of levan
isolated the extracellular enzymes responsible material in the plaque matrix, thus confirming
for polysaccharide production from bacterial the results of other studies.
strains and have been able to synthesise the As indicated in the preceding discussion, most
glucans from sucrose in the test-tube, using such work on the origin of plaque matrix carbohyd-
enzyme preparations in the absence of live rates has been confined to the streptococci.
bacteria. Such investigations have allowed de- However, for the sake of completeness, it should
tailed structural analysis of pure preparations of be mentioned that several other groups of bac-
microbial polysaccharides to be made. teria produce extracellular materials which may
S. sanguis and some strains of S. mitior also contribute to the plaque matrix. These include
produce extracellular glucose polymers from Neisseria, Actinomyces and Lactobacillus spe-
sucrose 36 • 3 7 • Since these species are often cies, and several anaerobic organisms. An in-
present in high numbers in dental plaque, it is teresting inhabitant of the tongue, Micrococcus
probable that in many situations they contribute mucilagenosus (formerly known as Staphy-
more polysaccharide material to the plaque lococcus salivarius) is sometimes isolated from
matrix than S. mutans. plaque, and this organism produces a highly
Fructan or levan is the polysaccharide charac- viscous, extracellular heteropolysaccharide 39 .
teristically produced by S. salivarius, although It is clear from the available knowledge that
small amounts of fructose polymers are also the plaque matrix is highly complex, and may
produced by strains of S. mutans and other vary both chemically and structurally in different
streptococci. It is likely that the amount of this locations, depending upon the microorganisms
polymer formed in dental plaque is low, since S. present. Formation of the streptococcal extracel-
salivarius usually occurs in small numbers on the lular polysaccharides is clearly influenced by
tooth surface. In any event, levan seems to be the availability of dietary sucrose, but other
very much more labile than the glucans and is controlling influences are little understood at
rapidly broken down and utilised as a substrate present.
by oral microorganisms.
A detailed chemical study of the carbohydrate
composition of pooled dental plaque 3 8 , collected 4.6 Structure of Established
from 3500 school children, showed that fresh Dental Plaque
plaque contained approximately 80 per cent
water. This water content was similar to that As described above, dental plaque builds up in
obtained in several previous reports. Ap- complexity over a period of days from a pre-
proximately 30 per cent of the plaque dry dominantly coccal flora to a highly mixed mic-
weight was water-soluble and 67 per cent was robial mass which appears to be highly filamen-
insoluble. The soluble and insoluble fractions tous when examined under the microscope.
contained 6.9 per cent and 11.3 per cent carboh- Some particularly fine illustrations of the mor-
ydrate, respectively. This investigation revealed phological features of plaque development on
that about 1.35 per cent of the plaque dry weight epoxy resin crowns have recently been
could be accounted for by water-insoluble matrix published 41 •
polysaccharides, containing predominantly a-1, Sections or smears of mature plaque examined
3 linkages (i.e. mutan-Jike in structure). A sur- under the light microscope clearly show the
prisingly high level (5.6 per cent) of low- complexity of the structure (figure 4.3).
molecular-weight, soluble carbohydrates was Filamentous forms often appear to be particu-
found, and the authors concluded from this that larly profuse in older specimens, and these are
82 Dental Caries

Figure 4.3 Gram-stained smear of dental plaque. This

shows some of the variety of morphological types of bacteria
seen in mature plaque

20 ~tm

Figure 4.5 Gram-stained section of dental plaque. This

field illustrates the appearance of morphologically similar
bacteria which can be seen as discrete microcolonies within
the plaque

commonly arranged parallel to one another, at

right-angles to the tooth surface (figure 4.4). At
different points along the length of a section it is
possible to recognise discrete microcolonies of
morphologically similar bacteria. (figure 4.5) In
the studies by Listgarten41 , referred to above,
vertical columns of similar microorganisms were
demonstrated. When filamentous forms were
observed after a few days, they appeared initially
to colonise the surface of the predominantly
coccal plaque and subsequently seemed to invade
and replace the underlying bacteria.
Figure 4.4 Gram-stained section of established plaque The organisms at the base of the plaque,
showing predominantly filamentous bacteria which are ar- nearest to the enamel, are usually more closely
ranged perpendicular to the enamel surface. Some loosely
attached micro-organisms can be seen at the outer surface of packed than those towards the outer plaque-
the plaque saliva interface, where the bacteria often appear
The Formation, Structure and Microbial Composition of' Dental Plaque 83

Figure 4.6 Scanning electron micrograph of mature dental

plaque showing micro-organisms described as 'corn-cobs'

Figure 4.8 Transmission electron micrograph of dental

plaque showing a mixture of bacteria of different mor-
phological types

gests that these corn-cobs consist of a central

Figure 4.7 Transmission electron micrograph of dental
filament of Bacterionema matruchotii surroun-
plaque showing predominantly coccal flora ded by streptococci 90 .
Several authors have published elegant pic-
more loosely bound. In this situation, distinctive tures illustrating the structure of plaque at the
bacterial aggregations, often referred to as 'corn- electron microscopic level 43 •44 . Both trans-
cobs', have been described by several workers 42 • mission and scanning methods have been em-
These consist of a central filament covered with ployed, and special techniques such as freeze-
a dense layer of coccal forms (figure 4.6). Until etching and electronhistochemistry have also
recently, the identity of the microorganisms found a place. All such studies underline clearly
showing this type of arrangement has not been the extreme complexity of the tooth surface
known, but morphologically different forms of microflora and emphasise the variations which
corn-cob have been described 40 , indicating that may occur at different sites (figures 4. 7and 4.8).
several microbial species may be involved in the Although it is possible to recognise differences in
formation of such structures. One group of the morphology of bacteria within plaque and
workers has now provided evidence which sug- make observations on their cell wall structure, it
84 Dental Caries

is not usually possible to identify microor-

ganisms to the genus or species level by standard
microscopic techniques. A possible exception to
this is in the case of spirochaetes, which have a
sufficiently distinctive morphology to allow them
to be differentiated from other organisms.
Some special techniques are available for
specific labelling of bacterial antigens and these
allow direct identification under the microscope.
At the light microscope level the fluorescent
antibody technique may be used for this purpose.
In this method, antisera containing antibodies to
bacterial antigens are coupled with a fluorescent
dye, such as fluoroscein isothiocyanate, and used
as a specific stain. Bacteria stained with such a Figure 4.9 Transmission electron micrograph of section of
conjugated antiserum are examined under the dental plaque stained to show intracellular and extracellular
polysaccharide. The polysaccharides appear as darkly-
microscope, using an ultraviolet light source, and stained black material
if they have reacted they will fluoresce brightly.
This technique has been used by a few workers
for examination of plaque to demonstrate the tary conditions in vivo 45 (figure 4.9).
localisation of specific bacteria, but as yet has Structural studies on plaque associated with
been limited to the examination of a small dental caries have not so far revealed any striking
number of species. At the electron microscopic differences when compared to plaque overlying
level an analogous technique exists, in which sound enamel.
specific antibodies are coupled to ferritin or
peroxidase. Because of the considerable techni-
cal difficulties associated with these specific 4. 7 Bacteriology of Established
labelling techniques, they have not yet been used Dental Plaque
extensively for studies on dental plaque.
However, within the past few years there has 4. 7.1 Quantification of
been a rapid increase in our knowledge of the dental plaque microorganisms
antigenic structure of some oral bacteria, notably
S.mutans, and it is likely that this information There are a number of intrinsic technical difficul-
will enable further developments to be made in ties in examining and quantifying the microbial
the identification and localisation of bacterial composition of plaque. These include:
antigens within plaque. (a) Method of collecting samples from the
In addition to observations on the microor- tooth surface.
ganisms in plaque, electron microscopic studies (b) Method of dispersion of plaque
have allowed studies to be made on the structure specimens.
of the inter-microbial matrix material. In some (c) Methods of counting and identifying mic-
instances, this appears to have fibrillar structure roorganisms present: (i) microscopic counts, (ii)
similar to that of extracellular polysaccharides viable count.
produced by known bacteria in culture 7 7 •
Histochemical techniques have been used to Sample collection
demonstrate variations in the amount of intra- A variety of different collection techniques have
and extra-cellular polysaccharide material syn- been described, and the suitability of a particular
thesised by plaque bacteria under different die- method depends upon the exact site to be
The Formation, Structure and Microbial Composition of Dental Plaque 85

examined. The easily accessible smooth surface pends upon adequate dispersion of clumps of
(buccal and lingual) can be sampled with stan- bacteria to give an even suspension of individual
dard dental instruments such as scalers or exca- cells. This is especially important for viable
vators, and these present no real problems. For counts, where each colony counted is assumed to
approximal surfaces, either dental floss or a be derived from a single bacterial cell. In prac-
specially made device constructed from abrasive tice, it is impossible to tell whether an individual
tape may be used 46 . Plaque from pits and fissures colony has grown from one cell, a chain of cells
can be obtained by means of sharp probes or or a clump, and the term 'colony-forming units'
small pieces of tapered orthodontic wire held in a is often used. It is largely because of problems in
haemostat. Because of the adherent and tough achieving adequate dispersal of plaque that
nature of plaque specimens; cotton wool throat accurate and reproducible quantification is
swabs are not particularly suitable for obtaining difficult.
plaque specimens. At the present time, no method of dispersal is
In some studies, samples of plaque are weighed universally accepted by all workers and in the
so that subsequent analyses can be related to unit end the method chosen is a compromise between
weight (for example, total number of bacteria per the best physical disruption and optimum main-
milligramme). Wet weight measurements need to tenance of viability of the organisms. Methods
be made immediately after the sample is collected which have been used include shaking with glass
in order to avoid loss of water by evaporation, beads, grinding in a glass tissue homogeniser, a
and can only be carried out accurately on blender, and ultrasonic probes. The last method
samples of 1 mg or more. This is quite possible probably achieves the best disruption but may
with large, pooled samples from several sites but also kill a number of Gram-negative organisms.
is not feasible for single-site specimens. In the Whichever technique is adopted, best recoveries
latter case, subsequent counts are usually related of viable organisms are obtained when care is
to the original sample (for example, viable count taken to avoid undue exposure of anaerobes to
per floss sample). oxygen in the atmosphere. For this reason,
Immediately after plaque collection, the manipulations are sometimes undertaken in an
samples are usually placed in a small volume of oxygen-free anaerobic chamber or under a st-
some transport medium. The composition of this ream of oxygen-free gas.
transport fluid should preserve the viability of
the microorganisms to be enumerated, and nor- Methods of counting
mally includes a reducing agent such as cysteine
or dithiothreitol to aid in the preservation of (i) Microscopic counts Direct counts of sus-
anaerobes. Ideally, samples should be processed pended plaque bacteria, either stained or un-
in the laboratory within the shortest possible stained, can be made on special slides (for exam-
time after collection. Where this period extends ple, Helber chamber, Petroff- Hauser chamber).
unavoidably to more than two hours, there is a These chambers are similar to those used for
danger that growth of some bacteria in the counting blood cells, and depend upon filling the
transport media will distort the microbiological chamber accurately with a known volume of
picture and for this reason some transport media suspension and counting the number of cells in
contain growth inhibitors. several squares of a grid. By simple arithmetic,
the number of cells in the original suspended
Dispersion of plaque specimens sample can then be calculated. By such methods,
dental plaque has been shown to contain appro-
Accurate quantification of the numbers of bac- ximately 2-2.5 x 10 8 bacteria per mg wet weight.
teria in a given plaque specimen, either by direct
microscopic or viable counting technique, de- ( ii) Viable counts The principle of viable cou-
86 Dental Caries

nts is extremely simple. A series of dilutions of sion, adhesion to glassware used in dilution and
the original suspension of organisms are made, spreading, and inability of culture media to
and measured aliquots of each dilution are support growth of all types of bacteria present.
dispensed on to the surface of culture plates. The In this study, optimum recovery was achieved
drop of liquid is spread all over the surface of the when samples were dispersed under anaerobic
plate with a sterile bent glass rod and, after conditions by sonic oscillation in pre-reduced
appropriate incubation, each colony is counted. one-quarter strength Ringers solution (supple-
From the colony count and dilution factor, the mented with I per cent sodium metaphosphate,
number of organisms or, more precisely, colony- 0.05 per cent L-cysteine and 0.0001 per cent
forming units (CFUs) in the original suspension resazurin). Incubation of specimens plated on 5
can be calculated. Variations of this technique, per cent sheep blood agar plates in Brewer jars
such as pour plates and roll tubes, in which the containing 80 per cent N 2 , and 10 per cent C0 2
organisms are mixed with molten agar before allowed recovery of 60 per cent of the total
pouring, are also used, but in each case the microscopic count. Use of additional media and
underlying principle is the same. cultural conditions permitted the recovery of a
The success of this method depends upon further 15 per cent of the organisms present. It
providing cultural conditions suitable for the was estimated that 5% of the organisms were lost
particular organisms concerned. Such conditions due to adsorption to glassware and that appro-
include suitable culture media, temperature and ximately 10 per cent of the bacteria remained in
atmospheric conditions. Since plaque usually undispersed clumps.
contains a large variety of bacterial species, some
aerobic, some facultative, and others strictly Table 4.3 Recovery of anaerobic bacteria from de-
anaerobic, it is necessary to provide a variety of ntal plaque-viable anaerobic count ex-
media and gaseous conditions when attempting a pressed as percentage of total microscopic
complete count. No single set of cultural con- count (based on several published
ditions is optimum for growth of all the bacteria reports 4 7 - 54 )
present. Commonly, some non-selective medium
Per cent recovery Technique
(such as blood agar) is included in an attempt to
grow the majority of species, together with a 18.4 Anaerobic jar
number of selective media to allow isolation and 33 Anaerobic chamber
recognition of particular species. 24 Anaerobic jar
The proportion of the total microscope count 70.4 Roll tube
50 Anaerobic jar
which can be recovered in viable counts is to a 8-18 Anaerobic jar
large extent a function of the success of the 32-54 Anaerobic chamber
anaerobic techniques employed. In table 4.3 the
results of several investigations are illustrated,
using different techniques. The most fastidious The number of anaerobes counted in plaque
technique (roll tube) employed allowed a 70 per samples as related to wet weight in several
cent recovery, while careful conventional me- independent studies are shown in table 4.4, and
thods, using anaerobic jars and bench-top mani- range from 4.0 to 7.9 x 10 7 per mg. The ratio
pulations, gave from 8 to 50 per cent of anaerobic to aerobic viable counts also varies
recovery 4 7 - 54 • according to the methods used, and values
In a recent investigation, several methods were ranging from approximately 2:1 to 12:1 have
compared in an attempt to increase the recovery been reported by different workers. Clinical
of viable bacteria from supragingival plaque 88 • estimates of the amount of plaque in a mouth can
Failure to recover microorganisms was attri- be correlated with the actual weight of plaque
buted to three main causes; inadequate disper- present and the microscopic count 55 •
The Formation, Structure and Microbial Composition of Dental Plaque 87

Table 4.4 Anaerobic bacteria in dental plaque- are represented by several different species.
relationship of anaerobic viable count to Many investigations have reported figures
wet weight which give an idea of the overall quantitative
composition of dental plaque. Most commonly
No. of Mean count per mg Technique Ref
samples (X 10 7 )
these are expressed as percentages of the total
(usually anaerobic) viable count, but may also be
10 4.6 co 47 related to the microscopic count or unit weight of
97 5.0 co 48 the samples. Despite considerable differences in
40(G) 4.0 co 49
the sampling procedures and laboratory me-
18(G) 5.0 co 50
8(G) 5.4 co 51 thods used there is a reasonable degree of
8(G) 17.9 RT 51 agreement between reports.
16 11.3 co 52 It can be seen from table 4.6, that the numeri-
33 12.3 co 53 cally dominant groups of bacteria are the Gram-
11 10.0 CH 54
positive rods and filaments which consist largely
Symbols: of Actinomyces species, and the streptococci.
G = gingival plaque specimen used. Both of these large groups include several dif-
CO = conventional anaerobic jar technique. ferent species, which may be microaerophilic,
RT = roll-tube (Hungate) technique.
CH = anaerobic chamber technique. facultative or strictly anaerobic. Anaerobic
Gram-negative cocci belonging to the genus
Veillonella, and anaerobic Gram-negative rods
4. 7.2 Differential microbial (mainly Bacteroides species), can reach quite
composition of established high levels, but there is considerable variation
dental plaque between the relative number of these organisms
reported in different studies. Aerobic Gram-
negative cocci (Neisseria species), fusobacteria,
Probably of greater interest than the total num- haemophili and several other genera are com-
bers of organisms present in plaque is the monly isolated, but these organisms generally
differential microbial composition. The variety comprise a small percentage of the total cultiv-
of types of bacteria which can be found in almost able flora.
any sample of dental plaque from any site in the Detailed studies on plaque collected from the
mouth is bewilderingly large and complex 56 • 57 . distal surfaces of upper first premolars have
The genera most commonly isolated from shown a similar distribution of bacteria to that
plaque are listed in table 4.5. Most of the genera given in table 4.6. The results obtained in two

Table 4.5 Microorganisms commonly present in dental plaque

Gram-positive Gram-negative
cocci rods and filaments cocci rods and filaments

Streptococcus Actinomyces Neisseria Bacteroides

Peptococcus Lactobacillus Branhamella Fusobacterium
Peptostreptoccus Bacterionema Veillonella Haemophilus
Staphyloccus Rothia Vibrio (Campylobacter)
Micrococcus Arachnia Leptotrichia
Bifidobacterium Capnocytophaga
Eubacterium Selenomonas
Propionibacterium Spirochaetes
88 Dental Caries

Table 4.6 The microbial flora of dental plaque- Table 4.8 Further studies on the microbial composition of
overall composition based on published approximal dental plaque-results on 291 sam-
surveys* ples from 50 subjects (from Bowden, Hardie and
Slack (1976), unpublished data)
Type of organisms Per cent viable
Type of organisms Mean per cent Isolation
count (range)
frequency /o
(of viable count)
Streptoccocci 17-38
Gram-positive rods and filaments 22-52 Streptococci 14 100
Neisseria 0--2 Gram-positive rods
Veillonella 1-13 and filaments 45 100
Gram-negative anaerobic rods 0--17 Anaerobic Gram-
Fusobacteria 0--7 negative rods 18 98
Veillonella 17 94
Neisseria 3 99
* These figures have been assembled from five independent Fusobacterium
surveys by different authors, who have used a variety of I 55
sampling methods and laboratory procedures46· 54, ss-60. Rothia 0.5 40
Lactobacilli 0.3 36
8 35
Table 4.7 The microbial composition of approximal Bacteroides
Bacterionema 0.6 16
dental plaque-results of 59 samples from
ten 14-year-old children (from Bowden
Hardie and Slack 46)*
wide (table 4. 7), underlining the intrinsic difficul-
Genera Mean Range
per cent ties of obtaining accurate and reproducible via-
ble counts from mixed bacterial populations.
Streptococci 23 0.4-70.0 The isolation frequencies shown in table 4.8
Gram+ Rods (mainly 42.1 4.0--81.0 indicate that, in addition to streptococci and
Actinomyces) actinomyces, Veillonel/a, Neisseria and Bac-
Gram -rods (mainly 7.8 0--66.0
Bacteroides) teroides species are almost invariably pre-
Neisseria 1.5 0--44.0 sent. Other species and genera are detected less
Veillonella 13.1 0--59.0 frequently in plaque samples, but this may either
Fusobacterium 0.4 ()..... 5.4 be a true reflection of their occurrence or possibly
Individual species due to the technical problems of isolating bac-
S. mutans 2.2 0--23.0 teria which are present only in very small num-
S. sanguis 5.9 0--64.0 bers, since these may be obscured by overgrowth
S. salivarius 0.7 0--33.0
S. milleri 0.5 ()..... 7.0 of the more numerous species present. Some
A. israeli 16.5 0--78.0 compensation for the latter problem can be made
A. viscosus/naeslundi 19.1 0--74.0 by judicious use of selective media, but it is
probable that many organisms present in low
* Selected organisms expressed as percentage of total concentrations are missed.
viable count; samples obtained from distal surfaces of upper
first premolar teeth.
Site variations in bacterial composition

recent investigations are shown in tables 4. 7 and Several investigators have shown that the quanti-
4.8. tative composition of plaque can vary quite
Once again, the Gram-positive rods predo- markedly at different sites in the mouth, or even
minate, but the streptococcal counts are rather at different points on the same tooth 28• 56 • 61 .
lower than those in most previously published The best documented differences are probably
reports. It can be seen that the range of values those related to the plaque which is formed in or
obtained for any individual type of bacteria is adjacent to the gingival crevice. In this situation
The Formation, Structure and Microbial Composition of Dental Plaque 89

Table 4.9 Variations of cultivable plaque flora on 3 sites of the same tooth*

Subject Site Streptococci Actinomyces Bacteroides Fusobacterium V eillone /Ia

A 11.4 0.04 8.5 0.85 11.4

B 65.5 5.7 9.0 11.4 0
c 0.4 0.6 0.08 0.26 73.0
Mean 25.7 2.1 5.9 4.2 28.1
2 A 8.6 85.3 0.65 0 1.7
B 71.5 18.7 8.0 0.93 0
c 14.3 56.6 0 0 16.6
Mean 31.2 53.5 2.9 0.3 6.1
3 A 30.0 14.0 2.0 0 23.0
B 65.0 7.0 25.0 3.0 14.0
c 64.0 25.0 0 0.5 10.0
Mean 53.0 15.3 9.0 1.2 15.6
Mean for all
sites 36.6 23.6 5.9 1.9 16.6

* Figures expressed as percentage of total viable count. Site A = contact area; site B = gingival crevice below contact; site
C = buccal surface.

the proportion of anaerobes is generally higher, sometimes there appears to be a remarkable

and increased numbers of fusobacteria, bac- degree of stability in their numbers. The locali-
teroides, vibrios and spirochaetes have been sation and persistence of S. mutans has been
reported. investigated, and this species does seem to re-
An example of the variations in quantitative main fixed at some sites, while other comparable
composition which may occur on a single tooth is areas in the same mouth may not become
given in table 4.9. In this experiment, plaque colonised. An example of the localised distri-
material from three adjacent sites, appro- bution of this particular streptococcus is shown
ximately 2-3 mm apart, was removed from the in table 4.10 62 •
surface of freshly extracted teeth and the mic- In summary, from the large number of pub-
robial composition of each was compared. It can lished accounts of the microbial composition of
be seen that there are obvious variations in the dental plaque, the following general conclusions
relative numbers of the bacterial types from one may be drawn:
site to another, but that some of these differences
may be obscured when mean values are calcu- (l) The microbial flora is highly complex. In
lated. The differences in the relative proportions any sample of plaque a large variety of bacterial
of cultivable bacteria counted in this and other species can be isolated.
studies reflect the observed morphological varia- (2) The overall quantitative composition ap-
tions in plaque composition that can be de- pears to be similar if the results of many different
monstrated by microscopic examination. estimations are averaged. This similarity be-
Repeated collection of plaque samples from a tween plaque examined by different workers is
particular site over a period of time shows especially marked if relatively large, pooled
fluctuations in the relative numbers of bacteria samples have been used.
present, although part of this may be due to (3) More specific and detailed studies, in
unavoidable experimental errors. However, which plaque samples are collected from re-
there is also some evidence of persistence of latively small well-defined sites on the tooth
particular species of bacteria at certain sites, and surface, indicate that each microenvironment
90 Dental Caries

Table 4.10 Percentage of Streptococcus mutans on comprise a significant proportion of the total
approximal molar surfaces sampled plaque flora, in some situations they are com-
at weekly intervals (from Gibbons monly outnumbered by Gram-positive rods of
et a/. 62 )
various kinds, as will be described below. The
Subject Site Week majority of strains of streptococci found in the
mouth are of the greening (alpha-haemolytic)
2 3 4 5
types and have often been referred to simply as
14 A 'Streptococcus viridans'. However, this term is
B 4 12 20 8 highly misleading since it includes several readily
c distinguishable species, and its use should be
D 25 36 43 26 32 discontinued. Beta-haemolytic streptococci,
24 A such as the pathogenic species S. pyogenes
B (Lancefield Group A) are not generally found in
c plaque, although they can be isolated from the
D 36 8 2
saliva of patients suffering from streptococcal
5 A 38 20 40 18 52 sore throats. Some characteristically oral species,
B 12 30 I 6 78
c 36 8 8 64 including strains of S. mutans and S. sanguis, can
D 76 20 2 72 be found occasionally which produce complete
(beta)-haemolysis on blood agar plates, but these
* A, B, C and D represent four different sites in the same can fairly easily be distinguished from haemol-
ytic streptococci belonging to Lancefield group
may harbour a unique and characteristic Our understanding of the greening or viridans-
type streptococci has been increased in recent
It is clearly of the utmost importance for these years, thanks especially to the studies of Colman
regional variations, and their relationship to and Williams 65 , and Carlsson 66 . Based on the
disease, to be better understood. work of these and other workers, the following
species may be recognised amongst the oral
streptococci 67 : S. mutans, S. sanguis, S. mitior, S.
4.8 Some Characteristics of the salivarius and S. milleri. One characteristic of
Predominant Groups of Plaque several of these species is that their microscopic
Bacteria appearance may be highly variable or pleomor-
phic and on occasions they may be mistaken for
4.8.1 Streptococci Gram-positive rods.
These species can be identified in the labo-
For various reasons, streptococci have probably ratory by relatively simple means (table 4.11),
been studied more intensively than any other and other named species, such as S.faecalis, may
genera amongst the oral microflora. As men- also occasionally be isolated from plaque.
tioned in chapter 3, one species in particular, However, there remain other streptococci whose
Streptococcus mutans, has received a consider- properties do not appear to conform to the
able amount of attention in recent years. known or expected species and further work is
However, despite the large number of published required in order to characterise these and
papers, the taxonomy and nomenclature of facilitate their identification.
streptococci still cause some confusion.
Streptococci are characteristically found in- Streptococcus mutans
habiting mucous membranes, and several species
are regularly found in the mouth. Although they This species was first described m 1924 by
The Formation, Structure and Microbial Composition of Dental Plaque 91

Table 4.11 Simple scheme for identification of oral streptococci (from Hardie and Bowden 67 )

S. mutans S. sanguis S. mitior S. mi/leri S. sa/ivarius

Fermentation of:
Hydrolysis of:
arginine + +
aesculin + +
Production of:
acetoin + + v
glucan + +
HzOz +
+ = most strains positive.
- = most strains negative.
v = variable results.
a = some negative strains known.
b = serotype b strains positive.
c = some positive strains known.

Clarke 68 , and has been extensively studied in structure and cell wall composition of S. mutans
recent years. The name mutans was given because serotypes have been shown to correlate well with
this species characteristically charges from a genetic differences, by means of DNA base ratio
round, coccus shape to a rod shape under certain and DNA homology studies 71 •
growth conditions, such as low pH. Since S. mutans is thought to be particularly
Some of the properties which are useful for important in the aetiology of dental caries (chap-
identification purposes are shown in table 4.11. ter 3), this species continues to be the subject of
This streptococcus ferments a wide variety of detailed investigations in many research labora-
carbohydrate substrates, producing a terminal tories all over the world. In addition to its
pH in the region of 4.2--4.6 in broth cultures. A relevance to dental caries, several reports have
particular characteristic of S. mutans is the also been made of infective endocarditis due to
production of extracellular polysaccharides of this species.
the glucan type from sucrose. Bratthall 69 de-
monstrated that there are at least five serologi- Streptococcus sanguis
cally distinct types of S. mutans (designated a-
e), and more recently the number of proposed This is another oral species which produces
serotypes has been increased to seven 70 • Most of extracellular glucans from sucrose. Originally the
the type antigens demonstrated in the serological species was isolated from the blood cultures of
differentiation of these serotypes have now been patients with endocarditis, and several years later
shown to be cell wall carbohydrates 7 8 • Over the it was shown to be one of the predominant
past two or three years, several investigators species in dental plaque. S. sanguis does not
have begun the complex task of unravelling the colonise the mouth of infants until about the age
antigenic structure of S. mutans and several type- of 6 months, when the first teeth erupt, but from
specific and cross-reacting antigens have been then on it is universally present in plaque. The
isolated and characterised from a few repre- interesting studies on adherence of organisms to
sentative strains. The difference in antigenic different surfaces, described elsewhere in this
92 Dental Caries

chapter (section 4.5.1) have shown that S. sa- One of the characteristics of S. mitior strains is
nguis adheres strongly both to enamel and to absence of significant amounts of rhamnose in
epithelial cells. It is thought that S. sanguis is of their cell wall, and although they share some
particular importance in the early stages of common antigens with S. sanguis and other
colonisation of the clean tooth surface. species, they are serologically distinct.
Identification of S. sanguis by biochemical and
physiological tests is relatively straightforward Streptococcus salivarius
(table 4.11). Most strains are alpha-haemolytic,
but occasional beta-haemolytic strains are also This species is generally not found in very high
found. The serology of S. sanguis is complex and numbers in plaque, but can be found as a
not completely understood at present, but most dominant part of the streptococcal flora of the
strains react with Lancefield Group H antisera tongue and other soft tissue, and in saliva. It has
and there is some published evidence which been shown experimentally that strains of S.
indicates that the group H antigen may be a salivarius adhere well to epithelial cells, but
teichoic acid. However, further work on the poorly to hard tissues.
various antigens possessed by different strains of Colonies of S. salivarius are often recognised
S. sanguis is required in order to clarify some of by their large, mucoid appearance on sucrose
the confusion which still exists in this area. agar. This particular morphology is due to the
production of another extracellular polymer,
Streptococcus mitior fructan or levan, from sucrose.
Identification of S. salivarius is facilitated by
Strains allocated to this species include some the colonial appearance just described, but other
which were previously referred to as S. sanguis characteristics are not particularly clear-cut, as
serotype II, and others which have been called S. the results of many commonly used tests tend to
mitis. The latter 'species' name was never very be negative or variable. At least two serotypes
well defined and several organisms with different are known to exist, one of which reacts with
properties have been included in the species. Lancefield Group K antisera. On blood agar,
Many oral strains of S. mitior, likeS. sanguis, strains of S. salivarius are usually non-
produce an extracellular polymer of the dextran haemolytic, but occasional beta-haemolytic
type from sucrose. Both species tend to produce strains are also found.
hard, adherent colonies on sucrose-containing Because of the low numbers of S. salivarius in
agar media and can usually be distinguished plaque, it is not thought that this species is of
from S. mutans on the basis of colonial mor- great significance in caries. However, as men-
phology on such media. However, all these tioned in chapter 3, one or two strains have been
species tend to produce several colonial variants shown to produce some caries in experimental
on sucrose media, and they may also alter in animals.
appearance between initial isolation and sub-
sequent subcultures. Hence, it can often be Streptococcus milleri
misleading to base identification on colonial
morphology alone, and presumptive isolates This species had not been recognised as part of
should always be checked by other tests. the oral flora until comparatively recently, but it
S. mitior, together with S. sanguis, often is now known to be present frequently in dental
comprise the numerical majority of the streptoc- plaque. It can be recognised fairly easily by
occi in plaque. Their significance in human caries biochemical tests (table 4.11), but serologically it
is not known, but like other species they occur as is extremely heterogeneous. Strains reacting with
the causative agent in endocarditis from time to antisera to Lancefield Groups F, G, C and A
time. have been allocated to the species, together with
The Formation, Structure and Microbial Composition of Dental Plaque 93

other strains which fail to react with any of the the numerically dominant organisms isolated.
Lancefield grouping sera. They include aerobic, facultative and anaerobic
The importance of S. milleri in dental caries or species, many of which may be pleomorphic and
other oral conditions is not known at present, display variable staining characteristics. Spore-
but in other parts of the body this organism forming Gram-positive rods belonging to the
seems to be associated with localised collections genera Bacillus or Clostridium have been re-
of pus, such as brain and liver abscesses. ported only occasionally and are not isolated
It is interesting that S. milleri strains are often with any frequency from plaque samples col-
isolated on a selective medium containing sul- lected from British subjects. It is possible that
phonamide which was designed for isolations of there may be some geographical variations in
S. mutans, and this may have caused some their distribution. Clostridia have been isolated
confusion in earlier studies 72 . The name S. from the mouths of mentally retarded indi-
milleri is not currently accepted by all workers, viduals living in an institution in the U.S.A. 73 .
particularly in the U.S.A., and several alter-
natives can be found in the literature (for exam- Actinomyces
ple, S. anginosus).
More detailed reviews on oral streptococci Representatives of this genus are the most com-
may be found in the list of further reading at the mon and numerous Gram-positive rods found in
end of this chapter. the mouth. They are characteristically micro-
aerophilic or anaerobic, although some strains
Other gram-positive cocci grow quite well aerobically. Microscopically,
Actinomyces cells are often pleomorphic and
In addition to the streptococci, which are gener- may display branching and filamentous forms.
ally facultative anaerobes with varying degrees They do not produce spores. Most species are
of dependence upon carbon dioxide in the atmos- catalase-negative, with the exception of A. vis-
phere, strictly anaerobic cocci belonging to the casus. The animal pathogen, A. bovis, which
genera Peptococcus and Peptostreptococcus have causes lumpy jaw in cattle, has never been
been reported in plaque. The organisms are not isolated with any certainty from human sources.
always isolated from plaque samples using con- The species found in the human mouth are A.
ventional anaerobic techniques and it is not easy israelii, A. naeslundii, A. viscosus and A. odonto-
to comment on their significance. However, they lyticus; in addition to their presence in plaque
may be isolated from infected root canals and and possible involvement in caries and per-
purulent infections of the mouth and jaws. iodontal disease, some of these species are the
Catalase-positive cocci such as Staphylococcus causative agents of actinomycosis 63 .
and Micrococcus species are sometimes isolated
from plaque, although usually in comparatively A. israe/ii This species is common in dental
low numbers. One organism, M. muci/agenosus plaque and is also the most common cause of
(formerly called S. sa/ivarius), which is found human actinomycosis. Of the different
primarily on the tongue and in saliva may Actinomyces species it is the most dependant
occasionally be found in plaque. This interesting upon anaerobic conditions for growth. Two
species produces copious amounts of an ex- serologically distinct types can be recognised
tremely viscous extracellular heteropolymer 3 8 • within the species64 .

4.8.2 Gram-positive rods and filaments A. naeslundii This species is also sometimes
isolated from cases of actinomycosis and has
A wide variety of Gram-positive rods are found been shown to cause periodontal destruction and
in plaque, and collectively these often constitute bone loss in experimental animals. Together with
94 Dental Caries

A. viscosus, which it closely resembles, A. naes- some homofermentative and some heterofer-
lundii comprises the most commonly isolated mentative. Probably the most commonly found
type of Actinomyces in dental plaque. varieties in plaque are L. casei and L. acidophilus,
both of which are homofermentative, but
A. viscosus Apart from the catalase reaction, heterofermentors (which produce gas as well as
this species is very similar to A. naeslundii in most acid from glucose) also occur. These organisms
of its properties. The original animal isolate was produce a low terminal pH in carbohydrate
called Odontomyces viscosus, but similar isolates media (that is, they are acidogenic), and they can
were subsequently found in humans. The animal also survive and grow in a low pH environment
and human strains are serologically distinct. A. (aciduric). Their aciduric potential is utilised in
viscosus strains have been shown to produce several selective media for lactobacilli, such as
periodontal destruction and root surface caries Tomato Juice agar and Rogosa's medium, both
in animals. of which have a low pH which inhibits the
growth of most other bacteria.
A. odontolyticus This species was first isolated
from carious dentine, and characteristically pro- Bifidobacterium
duces reddish-brown colonies on blood agar pla-
tes. It is isolated less frequently and in lower These organisms have only occasionally been
numbers from human plaque than the other isolated from the mouth. They are anaerobic,
Actinomyces species described above. Gram-positive rods, typically with bifid ends. In
the past they have often been referred to as
Arachnia propionica anaerobic lactobacilli. When grown in glucose
broth the major end-products are acetic and
This organism resembles very closely lactic acids in a ratio of greater than 1 : 1. These
Actinomyces israelii and may be difficult to dis- organisms are more commonly found in the
tinguish when isolated from pathological speci- intestines, where they occur in large numbers.
mens. It can be differentiated on the basis of acid
end-products from glucose fermentation, since Propionibacterium
Arachnia produces propionic acid whereas
Actinomyces species produce acetic, lactic and These catalase-positive, anaerobic, Gram-
succinic acids. These products are usually esti- positive rods are common inhabitants of the
mated by means of gas-liquid chromatography. human skin and have occasionally been isolated
Ar.propionica has only occasionally been de- from dental plaque. They are distinguished by
scribed from plaque samples and is probably of the production of large amounts of propionic
minor significance. acid from glucose. As with Arachnia, they may be
difficult to identify unless their acid end-products
Lactobacillus are known. The significance of finding pro-
pionibacteria in the mouth is not known, and
Lactobacilli are Gram-positive, catalase- when detected they are often taken to be con-
negative, facultatively anaerobic rods. In the taminants from the skin.
past they were one of the favourite candidates as
the causative agent of caries because their num- Rothia dentocariosa
bers in the mouth tend to increase with the
amount of caries present. In many plaque sa- This species is commonly present in plaque,
mples, especially from caries-free surfaces, their producing typical large, rough, matt, ridged
numbers are extremely low. Several species of (cartwheel-type) colonies on aerobic blood agar
Lactobacillus may be isolated from the mouth, plates. Under the microscope the cells are pleo-
The Formation, Structure and Microbial Composition of Dental Plaque 95

morphic; large filamentous forms are seen, which is required before clear statements can be made
may fragment to coccal forms at certain stages in as to the identity of these particular anaerobes.
the growth cycle. This organism was formerly Fortunately they do not usually represent a
call Nocardia sativae, and it does have a number numerically important proportion of the plaque
of morphological factors resembling a true flora, as far as is known, but presumptive
Nocardia. Notwithstanding the specific epithet Eubacteria, including£. alactolyticum, have been
'dentocariosa', this organism is not currently isolated from the advancing front of carious
considered to play an important role in caries, dentine.
although the original isolates were obtained from
carious teeth. 4.8.3 Gram-negative cocci

Bacterionema maturchotii Aerobic

This is another pleomorphic, Gram-positive fi- Several species of aerobic, catalase- and oxidase-
lamentous species, which typically produces rais- positive, Gram-negative cocci belonging to the
ed, rough colonies. It is usually a facultative genus Neisseria are commonly isolated from
anaerobe, and although strictly anaerobic va- plaque. The taxonomy of this group of or-
rieties have been described, isolations are more ganisms is very confused at present, and there is
commonly made after aerobic incubation. an abundance of names in use which are difficult
Microscopically, the long filaments commonly to define (for example, N. flava, subflava, per-
have a thickened, rod-like end, giving rise to flava, sicca, etc.). One species, N. catarrhalis, has
the characteristic 'whip-handle' morphology. been transferred to a new genus, Branhamella.
Recent chemical and taxonomic studies indicate Preliminary studies indicate that the Neisseria
that Bacterionema may be closely related to the species from the mouth can be divided con-
genus Corynebacterium. 89 veniently into four groups
This species is fairly common in plaque samples,
but usually in low numbers. It has no known ( 1) Saccharolytic, polysaccharide producers.
association with caries, but has been considered (2) Saccharolytic, non-polysaccharide pro-
to be of significance in the formation of calculus, ducers.
since cultures of B. matruchotti will calcify under (3) Asaccharolytic, polysaccharide pro-
appropriate experimental conditions. Recent ducers.
work indicates that this species occupies the (4) Asaccharolytic, non-polysaccharide pro-
central, filamentous position in the structures ducers.
referred to as 'corn-cobs' 90 .
The most common varieties in plaque appear
Eubacterium to belong to group (1). However, further work is
required before strains isolated from dental
Although there are a number of recognisable plaque can be identified with confidence.
genera and species among the Gram-positive It has been shown that neisseriae may play a
rods found in dental plaque, as described briefly significant role in the colonisation ofteeth 30 , and
above, there remain other isolates, usually anae- approximal plaque samples usually contain re-
robic, which cannot easily be identified at pre- latively large numbers of these organisms. The
sent. Some of these are probably varieties of extracellular polysaccharides produced by some
Eubacterium, a rather ill-defined genus which species may be of significance in the ecology of
includes a number of anaerobic, non-sporing, plaque, possibly providing a substrate which can
Gram-positive rods that generally produce gas be utilised by other bacteria, or by contributing
from glucose. This is an area where further work towards the bulk of the plaque matrix.
96 Dental Caries

Anaerobic prominent member of the flora of dental plaque,

if present at all. However further studies are
Small anaerobic Gram-negative cocci belong to needed to confirm this impression and to estab-
the genus Veillonel/a, the two species found being lish the identity of the fairly high numbers of
V. a/kalescens and V. parvu/a, are almost in- non-pigmented, Gram-negative rods found in
variably present in plaque often in high numbers. plaque.
These organisms do not provide any great
problems for isolation or identification. Fusobacterium
Metabolically they are interesting in that they
can utilise lactic acid, which is an end-product of Long, spindle-shaped, filamentous rods of the
many of the other bacteria present in plaque. genus Fusobacterium are also commonly isolated
Studies on mixed cultures of Veillonella with from plaque, and usually can be recognised on
various other organisms, such as streptococci, the basis of their colonial and microscopic mor-
have been reported by Dutch workers 74 . It is phology. The diagnosis is readily confirmed by
possible that the presence of lactate-utilising showing that they produce butyric acid as a
bacteria in plaque might modify the potentially major end-product of glucose utilisation. These
damaging effects of lactic acid produced by organisms have frequently been implicated, to-
streptococci or lactobacilli (chapter 5). gether with spirochaetes, in acute ulcerative
gingivitis (Vincent's gingivitis).
4.8.4 Gram-negative rods and filaments
Other Gram-negative microorganisms
Leptotrichia bucca/is This is another anaerobic
Anaerobic Gram-negative rods belonging to the filamentous rod which sometimes resembles
genus Bacteroides are commonly present in fusobacteria microscopically. In young cultures
plaque, particularly near the gingival crevice. it may appear to be slightly Gram-positive, but
Black pigmented varieties have been studied has been shown to possess a cell wall com-
more than non-pigmented ones, probably be- position more typical of Gram-negative or-
cause they are easier to recognise and isolate ganisms. This species produces characteristic
from primary isolation plates. Three subspecies rhizoid colonies on culture plates.
of Bacteroides melaninogenicus have been de- Although isolated quite commonly from pla-
scribed, ss. intermedius, ss. asaccharolyticus and que samples, L. bucca/is is usually only present in
ss. melaninogenicus, and all have been reported low numbers and its significance, either in
from the mouth. Recent taxonomic studies in- plaque ecology or disease processes, is unknown
dicate that despite their similar colonial and at present.
microscopic appearance, these organism should Aerobic or facultative Gram-negative rods are
be divided into at least two separate species 81 . also recovered from plaque. Haemophilus species
There have been suggestions in the literature that are probably present much more commonly than
B. melaninogenicus, which produces a colla- most people have hitherto realised 75 •79 • It
genase, may be of significance in destruction of is likely that their presence in plaque has often
periodontal tissues in periodontitis. been obscured by overgrowth of other bacteria
The non-pigmented Bacteroides strains, which on non-selective media, but suitable selective
include B. ora/is, are not very well understood at media (for example, chocolate agar containing
present, and further work on these is required. 10 units/ml bacitracin and 5 pg/ml. cloxacillin)
The common intestinal inhabitant, B. fragi/is, can be used to demonstrate them.
which is frequently implicated in anaerobic in- Curved, motile, anaerobic rods are present in
fections all over the body, does not appear to be a plaque and these have been described as Vibrio or
The Formation, Structure and Microbial Composition of Dental Plaque 97

Campylobacter species. In addition, small pro- presence of microorganisms which are not nor-
tozoa called Selenomonas sputigenum are also mally, if ever, cultivated in the laboratory. It is
found. All of these, and other types which often clear that more sophisticated methods are re-
defy precise identification, are commonly isol- quired to isolate the very fastidious organisms,
ated in small numbers from dental plaque, and and particular attention must be paid to achieve
their numbers are greater in samples from the appropriate conditions for strict anaerobes. As
gingival crevice 80 . laboratory techniques improve, it is likely that
other microorganisms, hitherto unrecognised,
Spirochaetes will be discovered to play a significant role in
dental plaque.
Several morphologically different types of spiro-
chaetes can be demonstrated in dark-field pre-
Further reading
parations of plaque, particularly from gingival
areas or periodontal pockets. The small spiro-
Bowden, G. H. and Hardie J. M. (1978). Oral
chaetes have been differentiated into three spe-
pleomorphic (coryneform) Gram-positive
cies, Treponema denticola, T. macredentium
rods. In Coryneform Bacteria (Ed. I. J.
and T. ora/is 76 • The large spirochaetes include
Bousefield and A. G. Callely), Special
Borrelia vincentii. Special techniques are re-
Publications of the Society for General
quired for isolation and characterisation of these
Microbiology No. 1, Academic Press,
strictly anaerobic organisms, and they are not
London, New York and San Francisco, pp.
seen on routine culture plates such as blood agar.
They can be isolated from dental plaque by
Hardie, J. M. and Marsh, P. D. (1978).
inoculating material on to a membrane filter
Streptococci and the human oral flora. In
which is laid on the surface of a serum-enriched
Streptococci (Ed. F. A. Skinner and L. B.
agar plate. After incubation, the spirochaetes
Quesnel), Society for Applied Bacteriology
grow through the filter into the agar beneath,
Symposium Series No. 7, Academic Press,
while the other bacteria are confined to the upper
London, New York and San Francisco, pp.
surface of the filter. Subcultures can be made
from the 'haze' of spirochaetal growth in the
Melcher, A. H. and Zarb, G. A. (Eds) (1976).
Preventive dentistry. Nature, pathogenicity
Purification and maintenance of cultures of
and clinical control of plaque. Oral Sciences
spirochaetes is extremely difficult and is usually
Reviews, 9, Munksgaard, Copenhagen
only carried out in a few specialist laboratories.
Nolte, W. A. (Ed.). Oral Microbiology. Mosby,
St. Louis
Other microorganisms
Parker, M. T. (Ed.) Pathogenic Streptococci.
Reedbooks Ltd., Chertsey, Surrey
From time to time, bacteria other than those
Skinner, F. A. and Carr, J. G. (Eds). The Normal
described above are isolated from dental plaque,
Microbial Flora of Man. Society for Applied
although often these are transient inhabitants. In
Bacteriology Symposium Series, No. 3,
addition to bacteria, it is sometimes possible to
Academic Press, London and New York
demonstrate the presence of yeasts, myco-
plasmas and also several types of protozoa,
including amoebae and trichomonads. References
Morphological examination of dental plaque,
either at the light-microscopic level using dark- 1. McHugh, W. D. (Ed.) (1970). Dental
ground or phase contrast illumination, or at the Plaque, E. and S. Livingstone, Edinburgh
electron-microscopic level, frequently shows the and London
98 Dental Caries

2. James, P. M. C. and Beal, J. F. (1974). Odontologisk Revy, 16, 112

Dental epidemiology and survey pro- 14. Staat, R. H., Gawronsky, T. H., Cressey,
cedures, in 'Dental Public Health. An In- D. E., Harris, R. S. and Folke, L. E. A.
troduction to Community Dentistry' (Ed. (1975). Effects of dietary sucrose levels on
Slack, G. L.), John Wright, Bristol the quantity and microbial composition of
3. Mandel, I. D. (1974). Indices for measure- human dental plaque. Journal of Dental
ment of soft accumulations in clinical stud- Research, 74, 872-80.
ies of oral hygiene and periodontal di- 15. Gibbons R. J. and Houte, J. van. (1973).
sease. Journal of Periodontal Research, 9, On the formation of dental plaques.
suppl. 14, 7-30 Journal of Periodontology, 44, 347-60
4. Greene, J. C. and Vermillion, J. R. (1960). 16. Gibbons, R. J. (1972). Ecology and ca-
The Oral Hygiene Index: a method for riogenic potential of oral streptococci, in
classifying oral hygiene status. Journal of Streptococci and Streptococcal Diseases (Ed.
the American Dental Association, 61, 172-9 Wannamaker, L. W. and Matsen, J. M.),
S. Loe, H. (1967). The Gingival Index, the Academic Press, New York and London
Plaque Index and the Retention Index. 17. Houte, J. van, Gibbons, R. J. and Pulk-
Journal of Periodontology, 38, 610-17 kinen, A. J. (1971 ).Adherence as an
6. Loe, H. and Silness, J. (1963). Periodontal ecological determinant for streptococci in
disease in pregnancy. Acta Odontologica the human mouth. Archives of Oral
Scandinavica, 21, 533-51 Biology, 16, 1131-41
7. Chilton, N. W. (Ed.) (1974). International 18. Hay, D. J. (1967). The adsorption of sa-
conference on clinical trials of agents used livary proteins by hydroxyapatite and en-
in the prevention/treatment of periodontal amel. Archives of Oral Biology, 12, 937-46
diseases. Journal of Periodontal Research, 19. Saxton, C. A. (1975). The formation of
9, Suppl. 14 human dental plaque M.Phil. Thesis, Univ.
8. Egelberg, J. (1970). A review of the de- of London
velopment of dental plaque, in Dental 20. Frank, R. M. and Brendel, A. (1966).
Plaque (Ed. McHugh, W. D.), E. and S. Ultrastructure of the approximal dental
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9. Lindhe, J. and Wicen, P-0 (1969). The carious enamel. Archives of Oral Biology,
effects on the gingivae of chewing fibrous 11, 883-912
foods. Journal of Periodontal Research, 14, 21. Meckel, A. H. (1965). The formation and
193-201 properties of organic films on teeth.
10. Longhurst, P. and Berman, D. S. (1973). Archives of Oral Biology, 10, 585-97
Apples and gingival health. Report of a 22. Leach, S. A. and Saxton, C. A. (1966). An
feasibility study. British Dental Journal, electron microscopic study of the acquired
134, 475-9 pellicle and plaque formation on the en-
11. Loesche, W. J. (1968). Importance of nut- amel of human incisors. Archives of Oral
rition in gingival crevice microbial ecology. Biology, 11, 1081-94
Periodontics, 6, 245-9 23. Lenz, H. and Muhlemann, H. R. (1963).
12. Egelberg, J. (1965). Local effect of diet on Repair of etched enamel exposed to the oral
plaque formation and development of environment. Helvetica Odontologica Acta,
gingivitis in dogs. 2. Effect of frequency of 7, 47-49
meals and tube feeding. Odontologisk 24. Armstrong, W. G. and Hayward, A. F.
Revy, 16, 50 ( 1968). Acquired organic integuments of
13. Carlsson, J. and Egelberg, J. ( 1965). Effect human enamel: a comparison of analytical
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The Formation, Structure and Microbial Composition of Dental Plaque 99

electron microscope examinations. Caries (1969). Purification and properties of de-

Research, 2, 294-305 xtransucrase from Streptococcus sanguis.
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27. Lie, T. (1975). Pellicle formation on hy- 39. Bowden, G. H. (1969). The components of
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28. Socransky, S. S. and Manganiello, A. D. 40. McDougall, W. A. (1963). Studies on the
(1971). The oral microbiota of man from dental plaque 2. The histology of the de-
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29. Saxton, C. A. (1973). Scanning electron 41. Listgarten, M. A. Mayo, H. E. and
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47. Gibbons, R. J., Socransky, S. S., Araujo, Press, New York and London
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individuals with poor oral hygiene. Journal Matsen, J. M.), Academic Press, New York
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56. Hardie, J. M. and Bowden, G. H. (1974). 66. Carlsson, J. (1968). A numerical taxonomic
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Physiological classification of oral viridans Biochemical and morphological aspects of

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89. Alshamaony, L., Goodfellow, M., 321-32
Chapter 5

Biochemical Events in Dental Plaque

5.1 Introduction

5.2 Metabolism of Substrates by Plaque Bacteria

5.2.1 Catabolism of carbohydrages
5.2.2 Catabolism of amino acids
5.2.3 Catabolism of the products of other bacteria

5.3 Acid-base Phenomena in Plaque

5.3.1 Acid production in plaque
5.3.2 Ammonia and base production in plaque
5.3.3 Buffering in saliva and plaque
5.3.4 Utilisation of lactic acid by Veillonella

5.4 Bacterial Products as Complexing Agents

5.5 Formation and Function of Intracellular Storage Polymers in Plaque Bacteria
5.5.1 Storage polysaccharide
5.5.2 Storage lipid
5.5.3 Polyphosphate

5.6 Formation and Function of Extracellular Polymers by Plaque Bacteria

5.6.1 Glucans
5.6.2 Levans
5.6.3 Heteropolysaccharides

5. 7 Calcium and Phosphorus Turnover in Plaque

5.8 Effects of Fluoride in plaque

104 Dental Caries

5.1 Introduction tatively anaerobic (able to live with or without

oxygen), and obligately anaerobic (unable to
The objective of this chapter is to outline the tolerate oxygen). The two types of anaerobes
significance of some of the biochemical processes predominate in plaque, especially as the layer
of dental plaque. Energy metabolism is of central thickens and oxygen penetration into the depths
importance for bacteria, which are able to use of the plaque is reduced. Anaerobic catabolism
various materials as energy sources, and produce of substrates involves no use of oxygen, and the
characteristic end-products from them. The im- end-products therefore have the same empirical
pact of these end-products, and also materials formula as the starting material. Such anaerobic
produced by extracellular hydrolyses and de- metabolic transformations are called fermen-
carboxylations, are briefly described together tations. For example, glucose catabolism by
with the role of salivary buffers, and the con- lactic acid bacteria may be summarised:
sumption of a strong acid in plaque. Reference is
made to the unlikely role of complexing agents in
the dissolution of enamel mineral. - - . . . , . ' \ : : - - - -..- 2 CH 3 CHOH.CO,H
The central role of glycogen as an intracellular
store of energy is emphasised, although poly- glucose energy 2 lactic acid (empirically 2C 3 H 0 0 3)

phosphate may act as a sink for phosphate within

the cells of plaque bacteria.
Extracellular polymers make a contribution to Fermentations are therefore molecular re-
the bulk of plaque and its ability to retain acids at arrangements in which a certain amount of
the tooth surface. energy is made available to the bacterium. In a
Finally, the occurrence of the inorganic com- process such as lactic acid fermentation, end-
ponents of plaque that are likely to affect tooth products other than lactic acid may account for
mineral solubility (calcium, phosphate and fluo- 10 per cent of the glucose used. An accurate
ride) are summarised, and the classical theories picture of the process is thus not obtained by a
of caries are reviewed in the light of the biochem- simple equation such as that given above, and a
istry of plaque. fermentation balance table (for example, table
5.3) is to be preferred, especially for the more
complex fermentations where no single end-
5.2 Metabolism of Substrates by product predominates. Carbohydrates are the
Plaque Bacteria preferred fermentation substrates for many bac-
teria, but amino acids may be used by some
Metabolism is the term given to all the biochemi- species as alternatives to carbohydrates, while
cal reactions of an organism. Catabolism is that other organisms may be unable to use carbo-
part of the metabolism which involves degra- hydrates and depend upon amino acids. Some
dation of organic starting materials, called sub- bacteria can use the fermentation products of
strates, to form a number of end-products (called other species as substrates, and examples of this
metabolites or catabolites). Thus, foodstuffs are are found in dental plaque. Fermentation of
converted to waste products by catabolism, and nucleic acid bases is rare, and fats seem not to be
in the process energy is released for use by the good substrates for fermentative metabolism;
organism concerned. The other major aspect of hence these two groups of compounds will not be
metabolism is called anabolism, which comprises considered here.
all the synthetic processes and which uses much Whatever the type of substrate used for fer-
of the energy produced in catabolism. mentation it should be emphasised that the
Strains of bacteria are found in dental plaque process of fermentation is energy-supplying.
which are aerobic (requiring oxygen), facul- Besides needing a supply of energy for growth,
Biochemical Events in Dental Plaque 105

oral bacteria also need a series of structural Table 5.1 Composition of the average diet in
components in order to synthesise cell material. selected countries 1954-56 (from
Oral bacteria are often quite demanding in their FAO (UN) Food Balance Sheets)
requirements for growth; for example, strains of Country Protein Per cent calories Carbohydrate
Streptococcus sanguis have been shown to need from fat
nine amino acids and vitamins, in addition to
mineral salts and a carbohydrate fermentation Japan 12 8 80
substrate for energy. India II 12 77
Italy 12 22 66
France 14 29 57
5.2.1 Catabolism of carbohydrates Belgium 12 35 53
UK II 38 51
Dental plaque contains bacteria capable of using USA 12 39 49
many different carbohydrates as substrates. Use
is made of this fact in the identification and
classification of bacteria, but many of these
substrates are sugars which occur at a very low American and Briton eats sucrose equivalent to
concentration, if at all, in the human diet and in 500 cal per day, amounting to over one-third of
saliva, and are therefore not significant in the his total carbohydrate consumption. As outlined
nutrition of plaque bacteria. in chapter 1, sucrose has a special role in the
The total carbohydrate content of the diet production of dental caries, and this will be
varies from country to country, and is lowest in emphasised in this chapter and also chapter 9.
the richer western nations (table 5.1). The ma- Sucrose is a disaccharide, its two sugar com-
jority of carbohydrate foods are supplied by ponents being f3o-fructose and ao-glucose. They
starchy plant products. Sucrose (cane or beet are linked from carbon atom 1 of glucose to
sugar) consumption is highest in the richer carbon atom 2 of fructose by a bond which has a
countries where total carbohydrate intake is free energy of hydrolysis similar to that of
lowest. It has been estimated that the average adenosine triphosphate (A TP):

om-glucose 4

0 sucrose


* 1-6 are the numbers of the carbon atoms in each ring
106 Dental Caries

The starch which compnses much of the which are metabolised by the glycolytic and
carbohydrate we eat consists of em-glucose mo- analogous pathways in bacteria. They are
lecules linked in chains by bonds between carbon equivalent as sources of energy. Metabolism
atom I of one glucose and carbon 4 of another: leads to a mixture of fermentation end-products.
Minor differences in the proportions of meta-
bolic end-products are found for different strains
of bacteria grown on glucose (e.g. a cariogenic
strain of streptococcus and a non-cariogenic
strain, table 5.3). The differences between these
types are no greater than that found between two
non-cariogenic strains, and such differences are
not significant in the caries-producing potential
This linear soluble polymer called amylose, of the strains.
commonly 250-300 glucose units long, accounts
for 20-30 per cent of native starches. Glycogen,
Table 5.2 Dietary sugars significant as substrates
which we eat in meats and in liver, is a branched for plaque bacteria
polymer of glucose, containing up to 30 000
glucose units per molecule, in which the main Sugar Occurrence
chains are of the amylose type, but with a branch
point every 10-14 glucose units. Such branches
are provided by bonds between carbon 1 and Glucose Small amounts in many foods and
beverages, minor end-product of
carbon 6 of two glucose molecules: oral starch digestion, occurs in
equal amounts with fructose in 'gol-
den syrup' (partially hydrolysed
sucrose syrup) and with maltose
CH 2 0H
and higher saccharides in 'liquid
glucose' (hydrolysed starch used in
-o .V)t---o"'J' confectionery)

~0 -1:6branchpomt
Fructose Small amounts in some foods particu-
larly fruits, 'golden syrup' (above),
OH / becoming more common due to use
of increasing amounts of glucose
isomerase-treated corn syrup, par-
ticularly in North America.
o o o- Fructose polymers occur as storage
2 compounds in some plants
OH OH Others Free pentose sugars occur in fruits,
particularly berries
Amylopectin, which comprises 70-80 per cent Maltose Small amounts free in honey and other
of starch, has a similar structure to glycogen, but foods, major end-product of starch
is less branched and has a smaller molecular digestion, also found in 'liquid
weight. Digestion of starch and glycogen begins Widely used in manufactured foods,
in the mouth, where hydrolysis by salivary may be one-third of the total car-
amylase produces lower-molecular-weight sac- bohydrate in diets in Western
charides including glucose and maltose. Such countries; also in honey, treacle,
hydrolysis products are suitable fermentation molasses and 'golden syrup'
Lactose Glucose-galactose disaccharide, oc-
substrates for many plaque bacteria (table 5.2). curs in milk (4-8%w/v)
Glucose, galactose and fructose are isomers
Biochemical Events in Dental Plaque 107

The majority of lactic acid bacteria ferment ( 180 g) will produce 2 mol ATP sufficient for the
sugars producing at least 90 per cent oflactic acid growth of 20 g (dry weight) of cells. Homofer-
(e.g. streptococci, table 5.3, and many lactoba- menters will produce approaching 180 g of lactic
cilli) when growing rapidly. Such bacteria are acid in the process (2 mol). Therefore, such
called 'homofermenters' or 'homolactic' strains,
but the proportion of lactic acid formed may be
altered markedly by the growth conditions.
Table 5.3 Fermentation balances of cariogenic and
Some species of lactobacilli produce 40 per cent non-cariogenic streptococci (from Jordan 1 ).
or more of metabolites other than lactic acid
according to a simplified linear formula that Product Cariogenic Non-cariogenic
strain strain
approximates to: (mol Product per 100 mol Glucose)

Lactic acid
CHyCHOH.C0 2 H 181.09 184.54
Acetic acid CH 3 .C0 2 H 9.18 9.52
C,H,O, - - - - • CH 3 .CHOH.C0 2 H+C0 2 +CH 3CH,OH
C0 2 8.31 10.96
Ethanol CH,.CH 2 0H 2.77 5.75
glucose lactic acid ethanol Formic acid H.C0 2 H 3.42 4.52
CH 3 .CO.CHOH.CH 3 0.60 0.20
Diacetyl CHyCO.CO.CH 3 0.01 0.01
Heterofermentative lactobacilli probably ac- Total recovery 96.98% 100.08%
count for 10-25 per cent of the total lactobacilli
of plaque, and they may form a rather higher
proportion of the lactobacillus population in
carious dentine and enamel. The total lactobacil- bacteria may produce nine times their own dry
lus count in saliva or plaque is low, and the weight of lactic acid during growth, and the
carious lesion, once formed, seems to provide significance of this will be discussed in section
them with a favourable environment for growth, 5.3.1 with respect to the acid produced by dental
probably because of their tolerance towards plaque.
acidic conditions. Recent work has demonstrated the biochemi-
When bacteria are grown anaerobically on cal basis of the departure from homolactic
carbohydrates in the presence of all the nutrients fermentation with differing growth con-
they require, the glucose is fermented com- ditions2· 3 . There are two alternative fates for
pletely. Incorporation of glucose carbon into the pyruvate, the well-known reduction to lactate,
components of the cell is negligible and glucose is and splitting into formate and acetyl CoA by
thus used entirely as an energy source, not for the pyruvate formate lyase (PFL):
synthesis of new cell material. In glycolysis, the
pathway by which homofermentative lactic acid CH.1.CO.C0 2 H +CoASH ...... CH.1.CO-SCoA + HC0 2 H

bacteria (such as the streptococci) metabolise pyruvate acetyl CoA formate

glucose, 2 mol of the 'energy-coinage' material

adenosine triphosphate (A TP) are synthesised
per mol of glucose. Because all bacterial cells followed by the conversion of acetyl CoA into
contain the same types of structural components acetate and ethanol. Lactate dehydrogenase
in about the same quantities, it takes the same (LDH) of Streptococcus mutans is stimulated by
amount of energy to produce a fixed weight of the high concentration of fructose diphosphate
any type of cell from growth requisites such as in cells exposed to plentiful carbohydrate, while
amino acids. Any bacterium using glycolysis PFL is simultaneously inhibited by the high
obeys the following relationship: I mol glucose concentration of glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate
108 Dental Caries

(G3P): much less than in excess nutrient concentration.

However, some oral bacteria produce proteases
which release amino acids that are available to all
bacteria in the vicinity. These proteases have
been implicated in damage to the gingival tissues.
I //
e.---...PFL //"acetyl CoA
glucose Degradation of amino acids by oral bacteria is
or ___.... FDP--. G3P-.. pyruvate~/
sucrose L_ E£> •
not as well studied as the catabolism of carbo-
LDH lactate hydrates, and in many cases the energy yield and
the pathway of metabolism is unknown. The
fermentation of arginine by certain oral strepto-
This explains the plentiful production of lactic cocci and lactobacilli is, however, well known:
acid when high concentrations of sugars are
present in plaque, or when the bacteria are grown
rapidly under cultural conditions in which car-
bohydrate is not the growth-limiting factor. NH, NH,
By contrast, when fermentable carbohydrate I arginme +
c-NH dihydrolase
is not available in high concentration, or when (two enzymes +
NH +2H 2 0 _ _ ___:•:::.:••:..::in:.:..:>o::_:l•::::ed!...i- - - NH,
bacteria are grown in conditions where carbo- I I
hydrate is growth-limiting, the lower intracel- (CH 2 13
lular concentration of FOP and G3P release the CH

stimulation of LDH and the inhibition of PFL, C0 1 H COzH

respectively. At the same time, such cells have an argimne ornithine

induced synthesis of PFL and therefore form
much more acetate ethanol and formate and less
This simple fermentation comprises the hy-
5.2.2 Catabolism of amino acids drolysis of the guanido group of arginine, pro-
ducing the shorter amino acid ornithine together
Although carbohydrates are the preferred sub- with carbon dioxide and two moles of ammonia.
strates of most oral bacteria, some strains use One mole of A TP is synthesised for each mole of
amino acids as alternative sources, and others arginine, compared with glycolysis in which two
catabolise amino acids but not carbohydrates. moles of A TP are produced for each mole of
Amino acids are found in low concentrations glucose. Bacteria which possess the arginine
in saliva, in foods, and in the fluid that oozes dihydrolase system can grow on arginine as an
from the gingiva in gingivitis. The lysis (break- alternative to carbohydrates, and it is noteworthy
down) of both host cells and plaque bacteria that the metabolic end-products are basic rather
releases further small quantities. Much greater than acidic. The fermentation of arginine by
amounts of amino acids occur combined in the streptococci and lactobacilli is unusual as these
proteins of foodstuffs, saliva, the host cells and bacteria are primarily fermenters of carbo-
the oral bacteria, but combined amino acids are hydrates. In other groups of bacteria, however,
not available for catabolism until the protein amino acid fermentation is more signi-
molecules which contain them are hydrolysed by ficant in the overall plan of energy production.
proteolytic enzymes. Proteolysis occurs in hu- Several Bacteroides grow well on media contain-
man digestion, but proteases are not secreted in ing hydrolysed proteins but no carbohydrate,
the saliva. The limited availability of nutrients and produce a mixture of volatile organic acids
such as amino acids contributes to the low as catabolic end-products. Many amino acids
growth rate of bacteria in dental plaque, which is can be fermented, so it is worth emphasising that
Biochemical Events in Dental Plaque 109

not all acids produced in dental plaque are fermentative process which approximates to:
derived from carbohydrate fermentation. The
acids formed by catabolism of amino acids
include acetic, propionic, butyric and valerie
acids, but the proportions of these vary with the
acetiC acid
strain, and with the mixture of amino acids lact1c ac1d prop1omc ac1d
+ C0 2 + H2
present. These acids are easily demonstrated in
dental plaque, but are weaker than lactic acid. A
second important consideration is that amino
acid fermentations usually produce a net excess This process provides the energy for the growth
of acid. In this respect, arginine is exceptional as of Veillonella. The significance of the conversion
it contains a higher proportion of nitrogen to of one acid into two others in terms of the acid-
carbon than any other amino acid, and its base relationships of plaque is described in
fermentation produces a net excess of base. section 5.3.4. The dependence of Veillonella on
Other degradative processes which involve lactic acid bacteria has been demonstrated by
amino acids, but which are not concerned with growing a strain together with Streptococcus
energy production, include deamination and mutans in a chemostae and in gnotobiotic rats 8 .
decarboxylation. These reactions, which are not
fermentations, are brought about by enzymes 5.3 Acid-Base Phenomena in Plaque
which are extracellular or located at the cell
surface, and are described in section 5.3.2. From the above discussion it is evident that
dental plaque may produce acid or base accord-
5.2.3 Catabolism of the products ing to the types of bacteria present and the
of other bacteria substrate molecules available to it. The extent of
both of these processes and the balance between
Bacteria in dental plaque are continually dying them is explored in this section.
and lysing (breaking open) and in so doing
5.3.1 Acid production in plaque
release their components, as nutrients for other
bacteria. The phenomenon of 'regrowth', 'can- In all living organisms the metabolic pathways
nibalism' or 'syntrophism' ensures that some leading from substrates (for example, glucose) to
bacteria in plaque survive at the expense of end-products (for example, lactic acid) are linked
others. However, besides this re-use of the struc- to energy-generating systems. As we have seen
tural components of dead cells, some bacteria (section 5.2.1) the relationship between glucose
specialise in the utilisation of the catabolic end- fermentation and growth of cells is fixed for
products of other strains, and the most signi- bacteria using glycolysis. Because many of the
ficant genus in this respect is Veillonella. Many bacteria of plaque use this metabolic process, it is
strains use the products of others as growth- possible to estimate the order of magnitude of
stimulating factors, but Veillonella species use lactic acid production by plaque as a con-
three carbon substrates, such as lactic acid, as an sequence of growth on carbohydrate. Given the
energy source. composition of mixed dental plaque as far as it is
When plaque is allowed to develop over a presently known, it is reasonable to assume that
period of 9 days 4 the Veillonella strains increase plaque will have produced approximately its own
in numbers only after the initial colonisation by weight of acid during growth. This is likely to be
the lactic acid bacteria. Veillonella cannot use an overestimate because of the operation of the
carbohydrate because they lack key enzymes of PFL system (page 107-8) at low growth rates.
glycolysis 5 and the hexose monophosphate path- Although carbohydrates from foodstuffs are
way6. Lactic acid is metabolised by them in a available only intermittently to plaque bacteria,
110 Dental Caries

many oral bacteria store glycogen for use later, !10

and some extracellular carbohydrates, and car-
bohydrates from salivary glycoproteins, may
also be used* . __......ocaries-inactive
Therefore, carbohydrate fermentation is pos- a;::::.--• caries-free
/.~-::::-:=·. - - • sI'19h t acttv1ty
' .
sible in plaque most of the time, although the pH .--?. /

magnitude of the process is obviously greatest

::::::::::: . .
7/ /
~~/ .~· • - - • marked activity

'- ._ //
when fermentable carbohydrates are ingested. 60
The amount of plaque per day that can be
scraped from the mouth of an individual who is
observing standard oral hygiene procedures va-
5·0 1 .. .._ ./
. ./


/ •-•extreme activity

ries from I mg to 50 mg or more. Therefore, the

quantity of lactic acid likely to be produced per
day is of the same magnitude. The impact which 4 -0L-___,0_-..1:10--2"'=0-....,!3~0_ _,.40,...--5~0-...,6~0
this quantity of acid may have on the pH of the minutes after glucose rinse
saliva and plaque is discussed in section 5.3.3. It
may be argued that some plaque bacteria obtain Figure 5.1 The fall in pH of plaque after a rinse with 10 per
cent glucose solution in individuals scored for caries activity
their energy by fermentation of amino acids (after Stephan, 19449 )
rather than of carbohydrates, and this is true.
However, as we have seen (section 5.2.2), the contact with the plaque, and a reference elec-
fermentation of individual amino acids only trode in the saliva in the floor of the mouth. After
rarely produces net base, and fermentation of recording the resting level of pH in an individual
mixed amino acids by plaque bacteria generally at least I h after the last meal, on a day during
causes a fall in pH. Therefore, amino acid which no fermentable carbohydrates were con-
fermentation does not counteract the acid pro- sumed, the mouth was rinsed for 2 min with 25 ml
duction of carbohydrate fermentation, although of I 0 per cent glucose. After a further 2 min the
amino acid decarboxylation may. pH was recorded again, and at 10-min intervals
So far, we have considered the chronic pro- thereafter. Stephan found that the shape of the
duction of acid by plaque as it grows. As was curve was the same in all cases, but that both the
explained in chapter I, the most dramatic pH resting pH value, and the minimum pH value,
effects are observed in acute acid production, which occurred at I2 min after the rinse, were
when fermentable carbohydrate is ingested. The lower in individuals with active dental caries. The
pH of plaque may fall from close to 6 to around 4 pH values plotted (figure 5.1) were the means for
in a matter of minutes, and this sharp fall in pH, the number of individuals in each group. If
followed by a slow return to the resting pH when another low-molecular-weight carbohydrate that
the fermentable carbohydrate is exhausted, is is readily fermented by plaque bacteria (such
called the 'Stephan curve' (figure 5.I). Stephan 9 as sucrose or fructose) is used instead of glucose,
noted that the drop in pH was progressively a similar curve is obtained. Low-molecular-
more pronounced in individuals in whom caries weight substances which diffuse into dental
was active at the time of the test. The curve was plaque, but which are not fermented rapidly in
recorded by placing an antimony electrode in plaque (such as sorbitol, mannitol and xylitol),

* If 1.5 I of saliva are formed per day, and this contains 8-10 percent hexoses (as well as 10--12 per cent of other carbohydrates)
in salivary glycoprotein, which is present at a total concentration of 300 mg/1 00 ml, then the day's flow of saliva contains over
400 mg of hexose component and more than this amount of other sugar molecules. If the hexose component were completely used
for fermentation in the presence of adequate other nutrients, it would support the growth of over 200 mg of plaque. Clearly, the
utilisation of sugars from glycoprotein is incomplete in the mouth (partly because it is polymeric, partly because much of the hexose
is not glucose), but the quantity of carbohydrate potentially available is considerable!
Biochemical Events in Dental Plaque 111

do not produce a large pH drop or perhaps none process, which gives rise mainly to lactic acid
at all (see section 9.3.2). Furthermore, little or no when homolactic bacteria are exposed to excess
pH drop is observed with high-molecular-weight glucose (table 5.3), may produce large pro-
polysaccharides such as starch. This may be for portions of other acids when fermentable car-
one, or both, of the following reasons: bohydrates are not plentiful (section 5.2.1 ).

(I) The starch molecules are long and do not

penetrate into the packed mass of the plaque. 5.3.2 Ammonia and base production
(2) Starch must be hydrolysed to glucose in plaque
and/or maltose before it can be fermented by
plaque bacteria. Fermentation (energy-yielding transformation)
of amino acids rarely produces more moles of
Starch hydrolysis can be effected by salivary base than of acid (section 5.2.2), but dental
amylase, but the extent to which this occurs in the plaque can become alkaline, a circumstance
mouth is negligible if the starch is soluble and favouring calculus formation (the mineralisation
rapidly cleared from the mouth. If the physical of plaque). This may be achieved by two mech-
form of the starch favours its retention in anisms which do not yield energy for use by the
proximity to the plaque, the production of cells concerned. These are the hydrolysis of urea
diffusable and fermentable sugars from it will be by urease:
facilitated. The effect of frequently consuming
fermentable carbohydrate is to produce a series NH, NH,

of Stephan curves. If the pH drop due to one I

c~o +H2o +C0 2

ingestion of carbohydrate occurs before the I

plaque pH has returned to resting level after the
previous ingestion, a summation of curves may
occur which results in decalcifying pH values and the decarboxylation of amino acids to
being maintained in the plaque for prolonged produce carbon dioxide and a primary amine:
periods of time.
Recent results indicate that despite the em-
phasis on the importance of lactic acid in caries, NH,
there are considerable concentrations of other I
acids in plaque 10 • 11 . In earlier sections we have 1
seen how volatile acids can be formed from H

carbohydrates at low concentrations and also

from amino acids. The actual concentration
ranges of the various acid anions in dental plaque In this last reaction, the amine is much less
were 1-l!Ommol/1 formate, 21-81 mmol/1 ace- volatile than the carbon dioxide. Both of these
tate, 3-208 mmol;l lactate, 1-16 mmol/1 pro- enzymes probably play a part in the production
pionate, and 1.5-75 mmol/1 butyrate. Variation of alkaline conditions in the plaque. Urease is a
within these ranges was particularly due to widespread enzyme among plaque bacteria, and
variation in plaque mass and availability of decarboxylases for a number of amino acids have
sucrose. The light thin plaques tended to have been demonstrated in mixed human plaque 12 .
higher formate and butyrate together with a Decarboxylase enzymes require the coenzyme
lower propionate than heavy plaques. This was pyridoxal phosphate in order to function.
considered to be due more to the limitation of However, adding pyridoxine to the sugar fed to
substrate availability in heavy plaque rather than experimental animals does not increase the de-
to differences in the microflora. The glycolytic carboxylase activity of their plaque, and unfor-
112 Dental Caries

tunately does not reduce their caries score 13 , nor permitted ad libitum. Such dietary regimes might
is there a decrease in the net acid production be expected to produce rampant caries in non-
caused by adding sugar solutions. Probably the uraemic individuals 17 .
decarboxylases produced by plaque bacteria are
fully saturated with pyridoxal phosphate which
is firmly bound to the enzyme protein. 5.3.3 Buffering in saliva and plaque
It seems likely that urea provides most of the
base formed in plaque because of the widespread The complete removal of the salivary glands of
occurrence of urease, and the large quantity of hamsters fed on a high-sucrose diet causes a
urea available in the saliva*. Statements are sixfold increase in caries compared to unoper-
commonly made to the effect that ammonia from ated animals 18 . Such a drastic procedure would
urea causes alkaline plaque pH values, but few be expected to have its effect on the composition
attempts have been made to measure the activity of dental plaque, the retention of food in the
of urease in plaque. According to Stephan 1 4, 0.1 mouth, and the duration of eating, as well as to
per cent urea abolished the net acid production deny salivary buffers to the plaque. However,
caused in homogenised plaque by 6 per cent increased caries has also been related to reduced
glucose; during a 4-5 h period the pH remained salivary flow (xerostomia) in several pathologi-
between 8.0 and 7.1, while the pH of the control cal states in man. In correlations between sa-
sample had fallen to 4.9. Biswas and Kleinberg 15 livary composition and caries score, the most
have shown that 0.17 per cent urea caused the pH significant relationship was with the buffer ca-
of 'suspended salivary sediment' (SSS) to rise pacity of the saliva 19 .
from 7.5 to close to 9.0 within an hour. Some of Saliva was reported to be ineffective as a buffer
the ammonia formed from urea is used in amino after dialysis to remove the small molecular
acid synthesis, but this is only a small proportion components. Two inorganic buffer systems
of the total. Dentifrices containing urea have not which participate in buffering the plasma also
been successful in reducing caries, probably occur in saliva, namely the carbonate buffers
because of the intermittent application of urea (HC0 3- /H 2 C0 3 , pK~ = 6.1 at 25oC) and the
involved, and the fact that urea is available for phosphate system (HPO~- /H 2 P04, pK.-= 7.2
base formation at times other than at mealtimes at 25°C). The concentration of the carbonate
when the formation of acid mainly occurs. buffers (expressed as volumes C0 2 that can be
Preliminary studies of caries incidence in patients displaced from 100 ml) lies between 5.5 vol% for
receiving dialysis treatment because of renal resting saliva and as high as 80 vol% for
failure, show that they have markedly less dental stimulated saliva. This liitter figure is higher than
caries than would be expected for adults residing the mean value for whole blood (60 vol %), in
in the same area. Such patients have abnormally which the carbonate system is the most signi-
high concentrations of urea in their plasma, and ficant buffer. Because of its low concentration,
therefore in their saliva 16 , and these conditions inorganic phosphate is a relatively unimportant
prevail for prolonged periods. This low caries buffer in plasma (3.36 mg phosphorus/100 ml,
activity occurs with diets that are deliberately range 2.56-4.16), and in whole blood (2.9 mg
low in protein in order to minimise urea for- phosphorus/! 00 ml, range 2.1-3.8). The con-
mation, but high in carbohydrate and, in parti- centration of inorganic phosphorus is higher in
cular, intermittent consumption of sweets is saliva (14.9 mg phosphorus/100 ml, range 8.1-

* If 1.51 of saliva are formed per day and the urea concentration is approximately 20 mg/100 ml the total flow of urea into the
mouth is 300 mg. If completely hydrolysed by urease this would produce 212 mg of ammonia, more than 10 times the amount that
would be needed to neutralise the 50 mg of lactic acid formed during the growth of 50 mg of plaque. Again, hydrolysis by plaque
bacteria can account for only a small amount of the urea which flows into the mouth, but the potential capacity of this base-
forming mechanism is enormous.
Biochemical Events in Dental Plaque 113

21. 7) than in blood or plasma. By contrast with shows us that plaques do become acid rapidly
blood, where proteins are the second most when presented with fermentable carbohydrate.
important buffers, the proteins of saliva are not The damage done to the tooth surface is caused
considered to contribute greatly to the total by the intense local production of acid which
buffer capacity 20 . The only significant amino 'breaks' the buffers of the plaque itself, and is
acid residue capable of buffering between pH 5 only slowly neutralised by the diffusion of acid
and 8 is histidine. This amino acid is not into saliva, the diffusion of salivary buffer into
uncommon in salivary proteins; indeed, a protein plaque, and the dissolution of tooth mineral.
with a very high histidine content ( 18 per cent) 21 Plaque appears to act as a membrane which
and basic peptides with as much as 26 per cent obeys the laws of diffusion, and its ability to
histidine have been isolated from saliva 22 . restrict diffusion of small molecules varies as the
However, the total protein content of whole square of the plaque thickness. It therefore seems
blood is of the order of I 00 times higher than that logical to clean the teeth to reduce plaque
of saliva, and it is undoubtedly this high con- thickness (if not remove it altogether) before a
centration which makes protein such a signi- meal, rather than afterwards!
ficant buffer in blood. There is no doubt that the
diffusion of inorganic buffers from the saliva into 5.3.4 Utilisation of lactic acid
dental plaque plays a part in reducing the effect by Veillonella
of acids produced by plaque bacteria. However,
plaque contains proteins (both of bacterial origin The dependence of members of the anaerobic
and from degraded salivary glycoprotein) in genus Veillonella upon lactic acid as an energy
much higher concentration than the saliva and source was described above (5.3.1). Although no
therefore buffering by proteins may be expected reduction in the total number of acid molecules
to be more significant in plaque than in saliva. A occurs as a result of the Veillonella fermentation,
third component of plaque buffers will comprise the substrate, lactic acid, is very much stronger
the salts of weak organic acids (such as acetic and than the products, acetic and propionic acids.
propionic) formed by bacterial metabolism, and This is indicated by the lower pKa for lactic acid
neutralised by salivary cations. (pKa is equal to the pH at which an acid is half-
Despite these buffering systems, it is clear that dissociated, table 5.4). A millimolar (mmol/1)
the acid-forming potential of plaque is such that [cone. wtjvol millimoles per litre] solution of
when confronted with sufficient fermentable car- lactic acid in water has a pH of 3.0 (91 per cent
bohydrate the buffers are 'broken' within mi- dissociated), whereas the corresponding values
nutes, as the pH is observed to fall dramatically for acetic and propionic acids are around pH 3.9
in the Stephan curve. ( 12-13 per cent dissociated). Hence, the effect of
As we have seen, plaque is likely to have Veillonella fermentation is to tend to reduce the
formed of the order of its own weight of acid pH of the plaque.
during growth. This acid will diffuse from the
plaque as it is formed, at a rate that depends on
the rate of acid production, the thickness of
plaque and the diffusion-limiting properties of Table 5.4 Strength of acids concerned in
fermentation by Veillonella
plaque itself. If the acid likely to be formed
during the growth of plaque in a day could be Acid Formula pK.(25°)
dispersed into the 1.5 I of saliva formed per day,
the pH of the saliva would be unaltered. The Lactic CH 3 .CHOH.C0 2 H 3.08
buffer capacity of saliva is enormous relative to Acetic CH 3 .C0 2 H 4.75
Propionic CH 3 .CH 2 .C0 2 H 4.87
this amount of acid. However, the Stephan curve
114 Dental Caries

5.4 Bacterial Products as

Complexing Agents
A sparingly soluble inorganic salt, such as the 2~
calcium phosphate of tooth mineral, will dissolve ~N~
in water until a saturated solution is formed. If OH
one of a number of organic 'complexing agents' MgSO++
are added, the quantity of undissolved solid will
be reduced, but the extra salt (or more strictly its
cations) concerned will not be in solution as ions,
Figure 5.2 The chelation of a divalent ion by 8-
but bound to the organic molecules. Complexing hydroxyquinoline
agents usually have electron pairs which they
share with cations, but they may also release
protons in exchange for the bound cations. In
spite of this proton release the binding agents powerful the complexing agent. It has been
themselves need not be strong acids. For example, shown that 0.1 mol/1 solutions of the trisodium
if a neutral solution of magnesium sulphate salt (pH 8.22) and tetrasodium salt (pH 11.32) of
is shaken with the complexing agent 8-hydroxy- EDTA can decalcify human enameJ2 5 . However,
quinoline (figure 5.2) in chloroform, the latter EDT A is a powerful chelater which does not
binds magnesium ions into the organic phase and occur in plaque or saliva. Citrate is a significant
ejects protons in their place. Thus the aqueous chelating agent for calcium and is a constituent
solution becomes acid and can be titrated with of mineralised tissue 26 , but it is not an important
sodium hydroxide. Organic compounds such as component of plaque or saliva. The organic
this, which bind metal ions with electron pairs on molecule which is both quantitatively significant
several sites within each complexing molecule, in plaque, and a moderate chelating agent, is
are called 'chelating agents' (che/e-from the
Greek claw).
One of the best-known and most powerful Table 5.5 Stability constants of calcium complexes
chelating agents is ethylenediamine tetra-acetic (from Sillen and MarteiJ2 3)
acid (EDTA, 'Versene'): Complexing agent log 10 stability constant of
calcium complex

C0 2 H.CH 2 CH,.C0 2 H Butyrate 0.5

~ ~ Acetate 0.6
-------- N.CH .CH .N......___
2 2
H 2 P04 0.7*
C0 2 .CH 2 CH 2 .CO,.H Propionate 0.7
Lactate about 1
H 2 citrate- 1.1
This molecule is a strong acid, but its ability to Glycine 1.4
dissolve calcium salts is not due solely to its Aspartate 1.6
Albumin 2.2
acidity, although some dissolution of calcium Globulin 2.2
salts will be due to the neutralisation of EDT A HPOi- 2.4*
free acid. However, a neutral solution of the H citrate 2 - 3.1
sodium salt of EDTA is a powerful complexing Citrate3- 4.7
agent for calcium salts. The complexing power of Pyrophosphate 5.0
Polyphosphate about 6
a number of agents is listed in table 5.5. The EDTA 4 - 10.8
higher the value of the log 10 of the stability
constant of the calcium complex, the more • Value from Gregory, Moreno and Brown 24 •
Biochemical Events in Dental Plaque 115



Figure 5.3 The chelation of a calcium ion by the sodium salt of lactic acid

lactic acid. It should be re-emphasised that Veillonella. Thus, there might be a role for
chelating agents which are also acids may form chelation in the dissolution of tooth mineral by
the calcium salts of their acid radicals. However, lactic acid produced in carbohydrate catabolism.
the neutral salts of these acids also solubilise Lactic acid is the strongest of the organic acids
calcium phosphates (figure 5.3). There is some but only a moderate chelating agent (millimolar
evidence that the sodium salt of lactic acid can lactic acid in water has a pH close to 3, whereas
dissolve tooth mineral when high concentrations the experiments that demonstrate chelation by
(for example, 0.5 mol/f) are used 25 . These ex- sodium lactate involved 500 mmol concen-
periments differ from the situation in plaque in trations). Although it is difficult to evaluate the
two significant ways; first, rather high con- relative contributions of the two mechanisms of
centrations oflactate were used, and secondly the calcium phosphate dissolution, the major factor
enamel was the only source of calcium to be definitely seems to be acidity. Therefore, the
complexed. Plaque itself contains high con- theories of caries aetiology involving chelation
centrations of calcium (section 5.8), and saliva is (chapter I) are not considered significant. In any
supersaturated with calcium. It therefore seems event, the two mechanisms are the result of a
likely that, as plaque develops, any chelating single process, carbohydrate fermentation.
agents which accumulate in it will complex the
readily available salivary calcium. This would
partly explain the high calcium content of 5.5 Formation and Functions of
plaque. Intracellular Storage Polymers
The situation in which chelaters are likely to in Bacteria
have the greatest impact is that of rapid for-
mation of complexing agents by a thick layer of Bacteria, like other cells, contain the biopoly-
plaque. The only significant complexing agent mers essential for life. These include nucleic acids
likely to be formed as a metabolic end-product in (concerned with the storage of genetic infor-
relatively high concentrations is lactic acid. The mation and its use in the cell) and proteins, which
factors that limit the neutralisation of a local are quantitatively the most important, and me-
accumulation of acid in plaque will be parallelled diate all the cell reactions. Other structural
by similar factors limiting the satisfaction of its components include carbohydrates, lipids and
calcium chelating capacity. These will include complex molecules containing these macromo-
limitation of the rate of diffusion of calcium into lecules combined together, and with proteins. In
the plaque and of the rate of diffusion of lactate addition, bacteria also polymerise within their
out of the plaque, and the utilisation oflactate by cells storage materials for the identification of
116 Dental Caries

which Wilkinson 27 has established three criteria: by many bacteria when the external concen-
tration of fermentable carbohydrate is in excess
(I) The accumulation of the reserve sub- of that required by the immediate energy de-
stance when exogenous energy sources are in mands of growth.
excess of the immediate requirement for growth The mechanism of synthesis and degradation
of cells. of bacterial glycogen is similar to that in mam-
(2) The utilisation of the reserve when exo- malian systems except that the substrate for
genous energy sources are insufficient for main- glycogen synthetase is ADP-glucose instead of
tenance of viability, and for growth (if other UDP-glucose 29 • The plaque bacterium Strepto-
nutrients permit this). coccus mitis can accumulate a highly branched
(3) The degradation of the reserve to pro- glycogen to the extent of 37 per cent of the dry
duce energy in a form utilisable by the cells, thus weight of the cells 30 . When this streptococcus
conferring an advantage over cells which do not was inoculated into medium containing 0.1 per
possess such a compound. cent glucose, glycogen storage commenced im-
mediately (figure 5.4). Over the first 3h growth
occurred (indicated by the increase in cell nit-
Storage compounds are important in the sur- rogen per ml), and glycogen synthesis also took
vival of bacteria, and in the competition between place (shown by the increase in carbohydrate to
them in mixed cultures such as dental plaque 28 • nitrogen (CH 2 0/N) ratio) in the cells. At this
point growth ceased due to exhaustion of glu-
5.5.1 Storage polysaccharides cose, and polysaccharide degradation began.
The turbidity of the culture fell during this phase
The most common storage polysaccharide is due to the loss of cell mass as the carbohydrate to
glycogen (section 5.2.1 ), which is readily formed nitrogen ratio fell. However, no lysis took place,


o------ -0 -o----- -f/- -o


I •


0 3 6 9

Figure 5.4 The growth and storage of glycogen by a streptococcus. Growth is

indicated by increase in cellular nitrogen (N/ml )and glycogen storage by the
carbohydrate to nitrogen ratio CH 2 0:N (after Gibbons and Kapsimalis 30 )
Biochemical Events in Dental Plaque 117

as indicated by the constant total bacterial was only 0.0 I per cent. This emphasises the value
nitrogen graph; therefore, the cells were not of glycogen in the survival of plaque
dying while the glycogen store was available. streptococci.
Washed cells of polysaccharide-rich streptococci
packed to a depth of 2 mm in a chamber I0 mm in
diameter were shown to produce lactic acid from
their glycogen stores (figure 5.5). When the •
7 o\
surface of the packed cells was constantly rinsed
with 67 mmol phosphate butTer 7.0 at 0.1
-polysaccharide+ buffer

ml/min, the pH at the bottom of the layer was pH h 0 •

\ \

r----t/1 '"
\o., •', -·-·o
\ •, • polysaccharide • buffer
6 . \ o_.....o
buffer out bufler in_
\ / 67mM phos phate ·o.... ~--A - · - o· - ·--o·
~ ......... ~
..........~...... ......
+polysaccharide- bu:;;r-.....4

0 20 40 60 so 100 120

ofgan1sm s
Figure 5.6 The pH of packed cells of streptococci with and
without glycogen stores when irrigated with phosphate
buffer or with water (after Gibbons and Kapsimalis3 0 )
e lectrode KCI · Agar bridge

Although same serological types of S. mutans

Figure 5.5 Apparatus for testing the acid production by do not form prolific intracellular polysaccharide,
packed cells of streptococci (after Gibbons and
Kapsimalis30) and are nevertheless able to cause caries in
experimental animals, the formation of intracel-
lular polysaccharide does appear to be a factor in
the virulence of other strains. Mutants of two
between 5.7 and 6.0 over a period of 2h (figure
strains of S. mutans serological group Ic with
5.6). If water was used instead of butTer the pH
impaired ability to form and utilise this type of
dropped continuously to reach 4. 7 in 100 min.
reserve, were able to colonise the tooth surface
When cells without polysaccharide were treated
and persist as prominent members of the oral
in the same way the pH remained above 6.8. This
flora of rats, but with loss of cariogenic
experimental design mimics dental plaque in a
potentiaP 2 .
tooth rinsed with saliva, and reveals how stored
glycogen can extend the period of acid pro-
duction at a tooth surface beyond the time when 5.5.2 Storage lipid
exogenous carbohydrate is available.
Van Haute and Jansen 31 have shown that Most of the lipids in bacteria are not reserve
glycogen-rich cells of Streptococcus mitis suspen- materials, and the triglyceride stores of higher
ded in phosphate-buffered saline pH 6.5 at 37°C, organisms do not appear to be formed in mic-
survived well during glycogen degradation, and roorganisms. There is, however, one reserve lipid
were 60 per cent viable at the end of 16 h. At this exclusive to bacteria, which is the polyester of /3-
time the residual viability of glycogen-free cells hydroxybutyric acid.
118 Dental Caries

However, it may act as a 'sink' for phosphate

derived from the saliva and the teeth in the
CH 3
I presence of an energy source. The source of
ICH, phosphate for plaque bacteria is more likely to be
I saliva than the tooth, for reasons described
C0 2 H

below (5.8). It is also possible that polyphos-

{l·hydroxybutync acid poly #-hydroxybutyrate phates may be involved in the accumulation of
fluoride by plaque.
In summarising this section on storage poly-
mers of bacteria we are led to conclude that
This substance is found in bacilli, where it may glycogen is the only storage material of proven
comprise a substantial proportion of the cell significance to the bacteria of plaque, although
mass under appropriate physiological con- there is some evidence that RNA (which has an
ditions. Analyses by the author (unpublished) essential role in protein synthesis) also decreases
failed to detect this material in a collection of oral in starving cells. This seems more likely to be the
bacteria including strains of streptococci, lacto- run-down of a component at an unnecessarily
bacilli, fusobacteria and actinomyces. high concentration, rather than the consumption
of a reserve material. The role of polyphosphate
5.5.3 Polyphosphate is uncertain in the metabolism of plaque
Many microorganisms possess stainable intra-
cellular granules ('volutin'), which consist largely
ofpolyphosphate in association with RNA, lipid 5.6 Formation and Function of
and protein. Some microorganisms can use poly- Extracellular Polymers by
phosphate to generate ATP and others use it as a Plaque Bacteria
source of phosphorus for the synthesis of nucleic
acids and phospholipids. The only instance in Polysaccharides are the most common extracel-
which polyphosphate has been studied in a lular polymers. Some bacteria do form extracel-
plaque bacterium appears to be in the caries- lular polypeptides (which are of quite different
conducive streptococcus SL1 33 . This strain pro- composition to proteins, being polymers of a
duced a small polyphosphate of 10-20 units single amino acid, for example, polyglutamic
(n=S-18): acid), but such products have not been detected
in dental plaque. Most is known about the
polysaccharides which are polymers of one type
of carbohydrate subunit (for example, glucose),

rl r
the homopolysaccharides. However, plaque bac-

teria have also been shown to produce extracel-
lular heteropolysaccharides containing several
different carbohydrates.
5.6.1 Glucans
linear polyphosphate
Polymers of glucose of all types including starch,
glycogen and cellulose are called glucans. The
structures of glucose, sucrose, and glycogen were
illustrated earlier (section 5.2.1) and it was noted
There is no indication of the possible role of that glycogen monomers are linked together by
polyphosphate in such bacteria at present. a1: 4 bonds in chains which branch by means of
Biochemical Events in Dental Plaque 119

od : 6 bonds. Other glucans, in which the cd : 6 Some authors claim that a primer dextran
link predominates, have been called dextrans molecule is needed to accept glucose residues
(after dextrose-an old name for glucose). The from sucrose, but there is good evidence that
simplest dextran is that formed by Leuconostoc such a primer is not absolutely essential for
mesenteroides, which does not occur in dental dextran synthesis, but does increase the rate of
plaque, but is important as a spoilage organism synthesis, and may also protect dextransucrase
in sugar refining. Sucrose readily gives rise to against inactivation 34 . Similar polymers are
extracellular polysaccharides because the bond made by living bacteria, causing the liquid in
between the fructose and glucose has sufficient which the cells are growing to become slimy and
energy to support the synthesis of a poly- viscous. The fate of the two components of the
saccharide bond without another energy source. sucrose molecule is therefore quite different. The
Therefore, polysaccharide synthesis can be glucose molecule is polymerised externally to the
achieved by mixing sucrose with a single enzyme, cell, but the fructose molecule is taken up by the
dextransucrase (synonym al :6 glucan: o-fructose cell and metabolised. Extraction of dental plaque
gl ucos yl transferase): with water and cold dilute alkali has produced

ex 1:6

HO ~bond
dextransucrase ~
o--~--------~• ~
CH 2

(n mol)
HO intracel!ularly
in metabolism
(sucrose) n -2
(n mol)

120 Dental Caries

mixtures of polysaccharides in which glucans soluble dextran from sucrose inhibits aggre-
predominate. Some authors use the term 'dex- gation such as is found in dextran-free cells
tran' for all such polymers in which cd :6 links grown on glucose 40 . Clearly, the chemical struc-
predominate irrespective of whether branching ture and quantity of the polysaccharide is signi-
occurs or the type of branch link. Thus Jeanes ficant in adherence and coherence phenomena.
described three groups of'dextrans' from several In the dental context the highly hydrated poly-
strains ofbacteria 35 . Type A had up to 2 per cent saccharides do not present a great barrier to the
1 : 3 linkages, type B 3-6 per cent of 1 : 3 linkages diffusion of ions and small molecules. The bac-
and type C had over 6 per cent of l : 3 linkages. teria themselves, with their selective surface
Others prefer to retain the name dextran strictly membranes, are less penetrable to small mo-
for the limar l: 6 linked polymer, and use the lecules diffusing through a layer. However, the
more general term glucan for all glucose production of voluminous polysaccharide in
polymers, but the new trivial name 'mutan' plaque thickens the plaque layer, spacing out the
for the branched, insoluble, polymers of bacteria cells in the gel that they form, and this
plaque. thickness of the plaque layer has its diffusion-
Unlike the situation with glycogen synthesis, limiting effect as diffusion varies with the square
separate enzymes are not required to synthesise of the length of the diffusion path.
the branching structure. Linear dextran is at-
tached to the enzyme by the reducing end, and 5.6.2 Levans
glucose units from sucrose are inserted between
the enzyme and the existing dextran chain. It Polymers of fructose (old name: laevulose)
seems that the dextran chain can also be transfer- called !evans are produced extracellularly from
red on to the 3' -hydroxyl of other dextran chains glucose by plaque bacteria. Dextrans are more
by the dextransucrase enzyme 36 . plentiful in plaque matrix, but after sucrose
Extracellular polysaccharides are often pro- consumption !evans form a significant secondary
duced by bacteria that might otherwise be wa- component of the polysaccharide 403. However,
shed away from their ecological niche. They help levan is utilised quite rapidly by plaque bacteria
the bacteria to adhere to each other and to solid (by comparison with dextran) and is a substrate
surfaces. If this adherence were reduced signi- for acid production after sucrose has been
ficantly, a large contribu1ion would be made to cleared from the mouth 40 b. Levan production
the prevention of dental disease. The mechanism has been ascribed to Streptococcus sali-
of adherence is under investigation at present varius, Streptococcus mutans and Actinomyces
and is likely to be multifactorial. Contributions viscosus.
are expected to be made by physical forces 37 , by A levansucrose (fructosyl transferase) capable
ionic bridges formed by calcium ions between of forming the classical linear {32: 6 linked levan
negative charges on the enamel pellicle and the has been purified from Streptococcus mutans 40c.
bacterial surface, and by hydrogen bonding or The levan from Streptococcus salivarius has a
other interactions between extracellular polysac- linear structure of this type with {32 : l branch
charides and the pellicle 3 8 . Bacterial adherence points and has a molecular weight of up to
in oral biology has been reviewed by Gibbons 3 x 10 7 daltons 40d. However, the levan produced
and van Houte 39 . It is clear that, in some cases, by Streptococcus mutans has been recently de-
extracellular polysaccharides favour adherence scribed as predominantly {32: 1 linked 40e.
and coherence of oral bacteria, and the loss of Different polymeric variations of the levan struc-
ability to synthesise such polymers in mutants ture may be formed by different strains; it has
of Streptococcus mutans is associated with loss been shown that some strains of Streptococcus
of virulence. However, in a (non-oral) strain of mutans form virtually no levan from sucrose
Leuconostoc, production of copious quantities of while other strains may produce levan as 30 per
Biochemical Events in Dental Plaque 121


glucose (n mol)

Sucrose (n mol)

cent of the total extracellular polysaccharide40f_ uronic acid and lesser amounts of other sugars
and glycerol 40 h, 40i.
5.6.3 Heteropolysaccharides

Few studies have been carried out on the more 5. 7 Calcium and Phosphorus
complex polysaccharides formed by plaque bac- Turnover in Plaque
teria. An acidic heteropolymer was first detected
as Alcian Blue-positive material around cocci At the pH of freshly secreted saliva, the calcium
subsequently identified as Staphylococcus sali- and phosphate concentrations are sufficient for
varius. This material, which was detected in 50 the fluid to be supersaturated. Spontaneous
per cent of experimental dental plaque samples dissolution of enamel mineral does not therefore
tested, contained glucose, mannose, rhamnose, occur. In the mouth, saliva loses C0 2 derived
amino sugars and possibly, uronic acid residues, from dissolved bicarbonate, and the pH rise
although the reason for its acidic nature was not which results causes calcium phosphate to pre-
established. Also present in the material, which cipitate. Salivary protein appears to assist this
was firmly adherent to the cells as a slime layer, precipitation which can occur when little or no
were traces of other sugars and amino acids that plaque is present 41 • The calcium and phosphorus
might be derived from the cell wall. The in- concentrations of dental plaque specimens are
effectiveness of dextranase against such poly- considerably higher than those of saliva. Plaque
mers was recognised as a factor that might limit from the lower incisor teeth has a higher calcium
the usefulness of the enzyme as an agent against content than that from around the maxillary
plaque 40 g. molars 42 . It is also more prone to form calculus,
Heteropolysaccharides have also been isolated because it is irrigated with saliva from the
from strains of Actinomyces viscosus containing submaxillary glands, which has approximately
N-acetyl glucosamine as the predominant com- twice the calcium concentration of parotid
ponent (60-62 per cent) with glucose, galactose, saliva.
122 Dental Caries

The pH of plaque is the key factor determining line rises sharply with fall in pH beyond that
whether calcium phosphates will tend to dis- critical point.
solve, or to precipitate within it. Figure 5.7 is a Figure 5. 7 is drawn in terms of saliva, and the
schematic plot of pH versus calcium and phos- critical point for a plaque sample will be set by
phate concentrations, which illustrates the re- the ionic product of that plaque specimen.
lative roles of these factors 43 . The ionic product Critical pH values are commonly accepted to be
of solution will be taken as the concentration of in the region of pH 5.5. Under conditions more
calcium multiplied by the phosphate concen- acid than the critical point the solubility product
tration (species of phosphate not specified). At required for saturation of the fluid phase is
any pH, the maximum value of the ionic product higher than the actual ionic product of the fluid,
in a saturated solution is the solubility product. and mineral will therefore tend to dissolve. When
Under neutral, basic and mildly acid conditions acid is produced in plaque, presumably mineral
the solid line representing the solubility product crystals within the plaque will tend to dissolve
falls below the broken line representing the ionic more readily than the t:namel mineral beneath.
product of saliva. Therefore, the enamel mineral Thus a high calcium and phosphate content of
will not dissolve and there will be a tendency for plaque acts as a buffer towards enamel dis-
saliva mineral to precipitate. The stippled area solution.
bounded by the solubility product line, a second In view of the relative· stability of salivary
solid line and the broken ionic product line calcium concentration compared to salivary
represents the metastable zone of supersatu- phosphate concentration, and its high concen-
ration where there is a tendency to precipitation, tration in plaque (perhaps 20 times that of
favoured by fall in pH and by the presence of saliva), it seems unlikely that variation in calcium
salivary protein, but in which precipitation may concentration could affect the susceptibility of
nevertheless be slow and incomplete. At more the teeth to caries. However, Luoma has shown
basic pH values, spontaneous deposition of that salivary phosphate is much more variable 44 ,
mineral occurs extensively, mineralising the and it is well known that bacteria require phos-
plaque to form calculus. Under acid conditions, phate for growth. Inorganic phosphate is used by
the solid line intersects the broken line at a point plaque bacteria for synthesis of phosphate esters
known as the critical point, beyond which mi- of intermediary metabolism, for example during
neral begins to dissolve. The solubility product glycolysis, and for the synthesis of nucleic acids

solubility product

Ionic product
of calcium
& phosphate ionic product of
- - -fresh saliva,
spontaneous supersaturated

Basic Neutral Acidic


Figure 5. 7 Idealised solubility product curves for calcium phosphate in basic,

neutral and alkaline conditions (after Kleinberg"')
Biochemical Events in Dental Plaque 123

and phospholipids. Therefore, bacteria growing ionic fluoride in human dental plaque has been
in the plaque will take up some phosphate from estimated to be only 1-2 p.p.m. 48 . Nevertheless,
the plaque fluid, and may therefore facilitate the this concentration is still higher than that in
dissolution of mineral caused by their metabolic saliva (commonly 0.1 p. p.m. 49 ), or in plasma
end-products. Luoma estimated that phos- (0.14-0.19 p.p.m. in people using water with up
phorus uptake by dental plaque bacteria was to 2.5 p.p.m. of fluoride, and slightly raised at
maximal at pH 6.8-7.0, and that uptake became 0.26 p.p.m. in people whose drinking water
progressively less at lower pH values 44 . This contains 5.4 p.p.m. offluoride 50 ). Dental plaque
reflects the preference of the predominant plaque may be expected to be saturated with calcium
bacteria for neutral, or moderately acid, con- phosphate, and several species of oral bacteria
ditions for growth. At higher acid concentration have been shown to calcify when exposed to such
the bacterial cells of plaque may release phos- saturated solutions in pure culture 51 • 52 .
phate rather than taking it up. In this way plaque Extensively mineralised plaque (calculus) has
may actually protect the enamel surface from been shown to contain both hydroxyapatite and
acid beverages. A further component in this brushite 53 , and although frank mineralisation is
protective effect may be the diffusion-limiting not often observable in soft plaque, the occur-
properties of plaque 45 , which may restrict the rence of microcrystals within and between the
access of acid beverages to the enamel surface. cells cannot be discounted. Early mineralisation
However, the erosion of teeth by acid beverages of plaque appears to begin in the intercellular
is much more readily prevented (by voluntary matrix 54 . It seems likely that the fluoride bound
restriction of consumption of such drinks) than is in dental plaque is extensively in the form of
dental caries, and any possible beneficial effect of fluorapatite 55 . It has been suggested that plaque
plaque is likely to be much less significant in bacteria 'concentrate' fluoride. Clearly any apa-
dental health than the cariogenic effect. tite or other phosphates that crystallise within
bacteria will be available as a 'sink' for fluoride.
It is also possible that intracellular proteins bind
5.8 Effects of fluoride in plaque fluoride.
What is less clear is whether non-mineralising
Dental plaque contains a surprisingly high con- bacteria take up fluoride to a higher concen-
centration of fluoride, estimated at between 6 tration than that of their environment. In a series
and 179 p. p.m.* in a group of 81 people, with a of determinations of the permeability of strep-
mean of 54.8 p.p.m. 46 . The concentration of tococci to fluoride at 8.5 p.p.m., fluoride entered
fluoride in plaque may be increased by rinsing the cells but cellular concentration was rather
with 0.2 per cent sodium fluoride, but remains less than the extracellular concentration 56 . In
higher than controls rinsed with sodium chloride these experiments, an indirect assay of cellular
for only 24 h or less 4 7 • The fall in plaque fluoride concentration was used because of the ease with
concentration after a fluoride rinse is probably which fluoride could be washed from the cells
due mainly to the growth of new plaque bacteria which were not mineralised. Streptococci grown
and the accretion of new matrix. There is little on nutrient agar medium 48 (a medium that
doubt that the majority of the plaque fluoride is would not be considered conducive to minerali-
not present as free anions. The concentration of sation) containing 0.8 to 5 p.p.m. apparently

* It is customary to express fluoride concentration in parts per million (p.p.m.) a measure which is used for trace elements
(1 p.p.m. = 1 mg/1-1 pg/ml). This concentration refers to fluoride irrespective of its compound. Thus, the concentration of fluoride
(at. wt. 19) in 0.1 per cent sodium fluoride (mol. wt. = 42) solution is452 p.p.m., but that in 0.1 per cent potassium fluoride (mol. wt.
58) solution is 328 p.p.m. The use of molarity obviates the difficulty presented by percentages. I m mol (0.001 mol) fluoride is
always equal to 19 p.p.m. whatever cation is present.
124 Dental Caries

concentrated the fluoride 26 to 34-fold, and the current of fluoride is reversed. This effect may
fluoride was reported not to be removed by explain the very different results of various
washing the cells. If the cells had been mineralis- workers who have studied this problem.
ing these findings could be rationalised (fluoride In summary then, plaque contains a high
is not readily washed from plaque, which con- concentration of fluoride, but there is some
tains much calcium phosphate). doubt about its distribution and its form. What is
The general theory of permeability of cells to certain is that relatively little of it is in the form of
weak acids 5 7 • 58 presumes that the undissociated the soluble fluoride ions and undissociated acid
acid HF is the permeating species, that the that are significant inhibitors of enzymes. It now
process is one of passive diffusion, and that the remains to speculate about the interaction be-
internal cell concentration will be governed by tween this plaque fluoride and the bacterial
Donnan equilibrium, in which the chief factors metabolism within the plaque. Before doing so,
are the external concentration, and the external however, it should be stated that there is no
and internal pH values, but this does not take doubt that 1 p.p.m. of ionic fluoride in solution in
account of any fluoride binding components the plaque fluid will have a marked effect in
inside the cells. Other workers have suggested reducing the solubility of enamel mineral 63 , and
that plaque fluoride is not bound to plaque promoting remineralisation of incipient caries
bacteria, or to the macromolecules that surround lesions 64 .
them 59 . Ultrafilterable cations from the saliva The question of the likely effects of fluoride in
can play a significant part in binding fluoride, plaque is not easy to answer, and for the
perhaps to the plaque matrix 60 , which lends purposes of discussion will be divided into two
support to mineralisation as a fluoride-binding aspects, posed as questions. Consideration will
factor. be given to the effects of fluoride that has
Recent work, which may well resolve these accumulated in plaque from sources such as
conflicting views, indicates that fluoride may be drinking water, the normal diet and fluoridated
driven into bacteria by a pH gradient. At pH 5.5 dentifrices. Topical application of fluoride in gels
in Streptococcus sanguis with an initial external and washes that produce temporary high con-
concentration of 1.0 p.p.m., the cells accumu- centrations of plaque fluoride, which sub-
lated 9.1 p. p.m. total fluoride of which almost 70 sequently revert to the more normal levels within
per cent was tightly bound, principally to cytop- 24 h, is a quite different circumstance akin to
lasmic components 61 . In a strain of S.mutans the acute poisoning, and will be discussed later. The
accumulation of fluoride was dependent on the two questions then are:
pH gradient between the medium and the cells 62 •
The accumulation of fluoride was greatest when (l) Is it likely that the fluoride in plaque
the washed cells were suspended in more acid inhibits the enzymes of plaque bacteria, and
buffers and measurement made at short time hence their growth and production of metabolic
intervals. On prolonged incubation the fluoride end-products?
tended to return to the extracellular compart- (2) Is it likely that the bacteria in plaque,
ment, so that at pH 4 a cellular to extracellular being constantly exposed to fluoride at the
ratio of almost 7 at 1.5 min became a ratio of3.47 prevailing concentrations of plaque over count-
at 5 min. If the cells were pre-equilibrated with less generations, are optimally adapted to
the buffer before fluoride was added, this accu- minimise the likely inhibitory effects of that
mulation was abolished so that at pH 4 the above fluoride?
ratio was 1.04 at 1.5 min and 1.07 at 5 min. When
the external medium is more acid than the cells, The anti-enzyme theory of fluoride action is
HF enters the cells and ionises facilitating further based on the fact that fluoride is known to inhibit
entry of HF. As the pH gradient is abolished the many enzymes including phosphatases, catalase,
Biochemical Events in Dental Plaque 125

peroxidase and cytochrome oxidase65 , hexo- holism of exogenous glucose 71 . This discounts a
kinase66, phosphoglucomutase 67 , enolase 68 and major effect of fluoride upon enzymic processes
succinate dehydrogenase 69 . Most of these stud- common to glycogenolysis and the glycolysis of
ies are of isolated enzymes examined in vitro, glucose (for example, phosphoglucomutase and
and interpretation of these results in terms of enolase) and indicates a significant inhibition
whole cells, where the enzymes are compartmen- prior to the formation of glucose-6-phosphate.
talised and, in many cases, coupled in metabolic In S.salivarius and many other bacteria, glucose
sequence, is highly problematical. is transported into the cells and phosphorylated
The only biochemical analysis of the effects of to glucose-6-phosphate by phosphoenolpy-
fluoride in moderate concentration upon an ruvate phosphotransferase (PEP-PT) rather than
oral microorganism has been carried out on by hexokinase 72 :
Streptococcus salivarius. Fluoride at 9 p.p.m.

completely blocked the synthesis of glycogen CH, CH,OH CH,<J®
when non-growing cells were incubated ana-
erobically with glucose at pH 7.0. Inhibition of I
C-0-® + OH O HOH-+l~o CH,

glycogen synthesis was 15 per cent at 1 p.p.m. I HO I HO

fluoride, and 50 per cent at 2-3 p.p.m. De-
gradation of glycogen was nowhere near as phosphoenol glucose pyruvate glucose-6-phosphate
sensitive as glycogen synthesis, and 135 p.p.m. pyru\ate

fluoride were required to inhibit glycogenolysis

by 50 per cent 70 . The sensitivity of glycogen The addition of 46 p. p.m. fluoride to cells
synthesis in vivo was not paralleled by the incubated anaerobically with glucose at pH 7.2
sensitivity of the enzymes of glycogen synthesis caused a rapid drop in intracellular concen-
in vitro. This indicates a highly fluoride-sensitive trations of both glucose-6-phosphate and ATP.
site in glucose absorption and phosphorylation. Figure 5.8 shows the circular nature of glycolysis
The degradation of endogenous glycogen was in bacteria using the PEP-PT system for phos-
negligibly reduced by 36 p.p.m. fluoride, a con- phorylating glucose.
centration that completely suppressed the meta- Since PEP, rather than ATP, is used to make



2-phosphoglyceric acid (2 molecules)

phosphoenolpyruvate (2 molecules)


exogenous 2 lactate
glucose Figure 5.8
126 Dental Caries

glucose-6-phosphate, the fall in A TP concen- does 77 , nor could it possibly do so for fundamen-
tration is consequent upon the fall in glucose-6- tal biochemical reasons.
phosphate, and PEP phosphotransferase is the The concentration of fluoride in plaque there-
major site of inhibition. Evidence is accumulat- fore seems sufficient to inhibit uptake and phos-
ing for an effect of fluoride upon membrane phorylation of glucose. Whether it actually does
function. In Escherichia coli fluoride does not so in plaque depends on the pH, and the
affect the phosphorylation of glucose by PEP-PT proportion of fluoride sequestered as inactive
but did affect its translocation into the cell. calcium salts. A fall in pH increases the activity
Luoma and Tuompo have shown that fluoride of a given amount of fluoride, probably by
affects the cellular potassium concentration in increasing the conversion of F to undissociated
S.mutans and that inhibition of glucose uptake HF 57 which can then cross cell membranes.
by fluoride can be partly alleviated by extracel- However, a fall in pH also favours the uptake of
lular potassium 73 • fluoride by the enameF 8 , and thus reduces the
Fluoride treatment of the S.salivarius cells quantity of fluoride available for inhibition.
does appear to inhibit enolase to some extent, as There is little direct evidence for an inhibitory
the concentration of 2PGA does rise somewhat effect of fluoride under conditions resembling
and the concentration of PEP falls 74 . Such those of plaque. Many experiments have been
changes have also been found in streptococci carried out with saliva or salivary sediment and
made resistant to fluoride 7 5 , and are to be are of dubious applicability to plaque because of
expected in view of the finding that fluoride the differences in the flora. Furthermore, the
behaves as a competitive inhibitor to enolase 76 • concentration of cells in saliva is much less than
As fluoride competes with 2PGA for the enolase in plaque, and the ratio of fluoride to sensitive
molecules, 2PGA would be expected to rise to a enzyme system much higher. Therefore, a given
new equilibrium concentration in the same way concentration of fluoride in saliva, or any other
that the water in a reservoir would rise if height dilute suspension of cells, would be expected to
were added to a dam. Thereafter, conversion of be more effective as an inhibitor than it would be
2PGA to PEP (flow over the dam) may be in plaque. A second shortcoming of the saliva
resumed. Thus it can be calculated from the data experiments is that there is no enamel surface to
of Cimasoni 76 that enolase has the same velocity deplete the available fluoride. On balance, the
in the presence of 7 p.p.m. fluoride with 3.5 mM evidence that the fluoride in plaque significantly
2PGA as it has in the absence of fluoride if the inhibits bacterial metabolism within plaque is
concentration of 2PGA is 0.7 mM. It should be weak, and the point must be considered
noted, however, that although the 2PGA pool unproven.
size increases somewhat, it does not accumulate The second point to be considered is whether
as an end-product in the way that lactic acid plaque bacteria, being constantly exposed to

Enolase '\

2-phosphoglyceric phosphoenolpyruvate
acid (2PGA) (PEP)
Biochemical Events in Dental Plaque 127

fluoride, are resistant to its inhibition. Several years reduced the caries and also reduced the
strains of streptococci have been rendered fluo- extracellular polysaccharide producing streptoc-
ride resistant by successive daily transfers in occi82. The plaque also contained less soluble
media containing 38, 190, 627 and 1900 p.p.m. hexose but more insoluble ketohexose. This
fluoride 79 . Similar results have been obtained finding may be related to the reduction of
with other streptococci using either exposure to 6 adsorption of proteins and bacteria to hydroxy-
p.p.m. fluoride, or to ultraviolet radiation (a gene- apatite by low concentrations of fluoride (1-5
ral mutagen) 80 . These fluoride-resistant strains p.p.m.)s3.
were able to take up glucose and synthesise Topical application of fluoride to the tooth
glycogen in the presence of 46 p. p.m. or 91 p. p.m. surface reduces caries but the effect seems not to
fluoride which normal fluoride-sensitive cells depend upon the concentration of fluoride
were unable to do 79 . They were also able to achieved in the enamel 84 . The mechanism of
metabolise glucose at a rate of 56-86 per cent of action may be by altering the metabolism of
controls in the presence of 46 p.p.m. fluoride and plaque 8S, by reducing the plaque population on
24-70 per cent of the control rate in the presence the tooth surfaces 86 , or by specifically reducing
of 91 p. p.m. fluoride 71 . It is important to realise the concentration of potentially cariogenic bac-
that in these experiments resistant cells were teria such as S.mutans 87 • 88 • The selective effect
being tested in the presence of fluoride, but the against S.mutans has been reported in some
controls were normal sensitive cells in the ab- groups drinking fluoridated water as described
sence of fluoride. This demonstrates the extent to above. By contrast other workers failed to find
which these fluoride-resistant streptococci are any such selective effect with topical fluoride
able to ignore high concentrations of fluoride, treatments 89 ' 90 . The significance of such discri-
and metabolise glucose at high velocities in its mination against particular bacteria is therefore
presence. Normal sensitive cells exposed to 46 open to question. Nevertheless, the possible
p.p.m. or 91 p.p.m. fluoride would barely me- mechanisms of action of topical fluoride treat-
tabolise glucose at all. It is clear that streptococci ment seem to include an antimicrobial com-
in the plaque with its high fluoride content are ponent, whereas the evidence points to changes
not resistant to fluoride in the way that strains in physical chemistry of the enamel mineral as
have been rendered resistant in vitro. It therefore the significant mechanism of action of dietary
seems that the same factors that minimise the fluoride which gives rise to plaque concen-
inhibitory effect of fluoride also minimise the trations of 50 p.p.m. fluoride.
selective pressure that would cause resistant
bacteria to colonise the plaque. The non-
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Chapter 6

Enamel Caries

6.1 Macroscopic and Radiographic Appearance

6.2 Relation between Structure of Carious Enamel and the Image in Polarised Light
6.3 The Structure of Carious Enamel as Seen with the Light Microscope and by Microradiography
6.3.1 Zone l: the translucent zone
6.3.2 Zone 2: the dark zone
In vitro studies on the nature of the dark zone
6.3.3 Zone 3: the body of the lesion
6.3.4 Zone 4: the surface zone
Relation between structure of surface·enamel and the presence of a surface zone superficial
to a lesion
6.4 The Effect of Caries on the Organic Matrix of Enamel
6.5 Electron Microscopic Studies of Carious Enamel
6.5.1 Scanning electron microscopy
6.5.2 Transmission electron microscopy

Further Reading

134 Dental Caries

6.1 Macroscopic and Radiographic More advanced lesions still give the macros-
Appearance copic appearance of white spots but are more
extensive in outline, usually following the curva-
The earliest macroscopic evidence of caries may ture of the cervical border of the interdental facet
be seen on an extracted tooth as a small opaque to give the lesion a kidney-shaped contour. The
white region positioned on either one or both of enamel surface overlying the white spot lesion is
the approximal surfaces. Similar opacities may hard and shiny, and cannot be distinguished
also be seen supragingivally on facial or lingual from the surface of adjacent sound enamel when
surfaces; these will also be visible in the mouth if examined with a sharp dental probe. When
the tooth surface is clean and dry. The approxi- examined with reflected light, the perikymata can
mal surface will show a small oval flattened often be seen passing from the sound enamel,
area of interdental attrition, the contact point. undisturbed over the surface of the lesion.
The small carious lesion is seen as an opaque Intact surface lesions may also appear brown-
white region, usually positioned at the cervical ish in colour, whereupon they are described as
margin of the interdental facet. This 'white spot' 'brown spot' lesions. The extent of discoloration
lesion contrasts with the translucency of adjacent or staining is dependent upon the degree of
sound enamel (figure 6.1), and is best demon- exogenous material adsorbed by the porous
strated when the specimen is dried thoroughly. enamel and it has often been stated that the
degree of discoloration is related to the length of
time the lesion has been present in the mouth.
Thus, stained white spots have been assumed to
be lesions of slow progress. However, factors
such as smoking, and other habits, must in-
fluence the degree of staining of the original
white spot lesion. If the lesion progresses, the
enamel surface superficial to the lesion even-
tually fractures and a cavity is formed, although
this can take anything from a few months to
several years. Not all lesions, however, progress
to cavitation.
Radiographic examination is an insensitive
method of diagnosing the full extent of a carious
lesion in both the permanent 1 - 4 and deciduouss
dentition. When a lesion is first detected on a
'bite-wing' radiograph, appearing as a small
radiolucent wedge in the outer enamel, histologi-
cally there is alteration of the underlying dentine.
The enamel surface is still, however, intact so
that it is important to emphasise that at this stage
the dentine is not infected by bacteria; this can
only occur after cavitation. Thus, small lesions
detected by radiography need not be restored
immediately. Restoration can be delayed or
avoided if adequate preventive procedures are
carried out (chapter 12). However, such teeth
Figure 6.1 Premolar tooth showing a small white spot must be kept under constant review by radiogra-
lesion on the approximal tooth surface phy as well as by clinical examination. If there
Enamel Caries 135

is evidence of progression of the lesion, it is

advisable to insert a small restoration.
With control of the cariogenicity of the tooth
environment, lesions may become arrested or
even remineralize (chapter 12).
The enamel lesion on the smooth surface of a
tooth is conical in shape, having its apex pointing
towards the dentine. On reaching the enamel-
dentine junction, spread of the carious process is
usually rapid along this plane. In the case of
smooth surface lesions, lateral spread along the
enamel-dentine junction results in a broad base
to the dentine lesion. In this manner the carious
process undermines sound enamel (see fig-
ure 7.6, page 171).
With fissure caries, the enamel lesion broadens
as it approaches the underlying dentine, since it is
guided by prism direction. With lateral spread at
the enamel-dentine junction, the area of in-
volved dentine is larger than with smooth surface
lesions. The lesion of fissure caries does not occur
at the base of the fissure but bilaterally on the
walls of the fissure, giving the appearance of two
small smooth surface lesions 6 (figure 6.2). Eventu-
ally the lesions increase in size, coalescing at
the base of the fissure. Clinically, fissure caries
may be seen as an opaque border zone related to
part or whole of the fissure periphery. Such Figure 6.2 Microradiograph of a longitudinal ground sec-
regions may also take up stain to become tion through an occlusal fissure showing a small carious
lesion ( x40). The lesion does not commence at the base of
discoloured. As the lesion increases in extent, the fissure, but occurs bilaterally on its walls
more of the surrounding enamel will be under-
mined by spread of the carious process along the
enamel-dentine junction. This is seen clinically grees of overlap. The division of the lesion into
as an extension of the opaque or stained region zones is important in that it separates, at the
across the occlusal surface. Eventually, the sur- histological level, different types as well as
face enamel fractures to produce a cavity, by magnitudes of change in the tissue, some of
which time the underlying dentine will be stained which are extremely subtle. While this is a useful
(dark) brown. procedure in the classification and subsequent
The histological features of the small carious identification of various regions of a lesion, it
lesion in human dental enamel have been de- must be emphasised that there is no sudden or
scribed by a number of workers. The small lesion dramatic change in the tissue from zone to zone.
has been divided into zones based upon its The entire lesion should be regarded as showing a
histological appearance when longitudinal gradual and progressive series of changes rather
ground sections are examined with the light than one with changes occurring abruptly in a
microscope 6 - 20 . The number of zones described step-like manner.
has varied from three 8 to seven 10 , the larger It is most convenient to subdivide the small
subdivision probably being due to varying de- enamel lesion into four zones 19 , each clearly
136 Dental Caries

distinguishable from the others. There is a trans- taken by the slower ( +) and faster (-) rays in
lucent zone at the inner advancing front of the relation to the morphology of the crystal. Since
lesion, whereas just superficial to this is found a in biological materials it is difficult to recognise
dark zone. The body of the lesion is the third crystal morphology, the sign of birefrigence is
zone and lies between the dark zone and the ap- related arbitrarily to some morphological feature
parently undamaged enamel surface. This third of structure which is approximately parallel to
zone shows marked demineralisation and pro- one of the vibration directions. In an enamel
vides the greater mass of the small lesion. The prism, the slower ray is found to vibrate at right-
relatively unaffected surface zone superficial to angles to the length of the prism, and therefore
the lesion is the fourth zone. Since the small the sign of birefringence is described as negative
lesion in enamel consists essentially of these four with respect to prism length (the opposite to that
easily recognisable zones, it is convenient to found with protein fibres). This is said to be the
describe the structure of carious enamel, at the 'intrinsic birefringence' of the tissue. Enamel
light microscope level, on this basis. thus has a negative intrinsic birefringence, re-
The histological features of caries in deciduous lative to prism direction. The sign of birefrin-
enamel are essentially similar to those in the gence of the organic component is positive
enamel of permanent teeth 20 . However, enamel with respect to prism length but its strength of
in deciduous teeth is approximately half the birefringence is very small, and can be disregar-
thickness of that in permanent teeth and the pulp ded for present purposes.
chambers are relatively much larger. Thus, the Apart from the mineral and organic con-
carious process needs to travel a shorter distance stituents of enamel, there are minute 'spaces' in
to reach the pulp in a deciduous molar relative to the tissue. During both development and carious
a molar from the permanent series. dissolution there is an increase in the total
volume of 'spaces' in enamel and these spaces, or
pores, themselves give rise to an additional type
6.2 Relation between Structure of of birefringence. A system of rod-shaped ele-
ments such as enamel crystals, separated from
Carious Enamel and the Image in each other by spaces containing a medium
Polarised Light having a different refractive index from that of
the rods, constitutes a 'mixed body' 21 . A rodlet
Mature human dental enamel consists largely of mixed body produces positive birefringence re-
crystals of apatite which are packed closely lative to the direction of orientation of the rods.
together in the tissue and which are aligned This is known as 'form birefringence'. Therefore,
approximately along the length of the prism in an form birefringence is produced when the spaces
orderly arrangement. Between the crystals, mi- in the tissue contain a medium having a refractive
nute spaces are present which contain both the index different from that of the enamel crystals
organic component of the tissue as well as an (RI = 1.62). Whereas the intrinsic birefringence
aqueous phase. The mineral component of en- is negative, relative to prism length, form bi-
amel, like most biological structures and non- refringence is positive in sign.
cubic crystals, has the property of resolving a Therefore, carious enamel will show a negative
beam of plane polarised light into two rays which intrinsic birefringence due to its orientated crys-
travel at different velocities. Such structures are tal component and positive form birefringence
termed 'birefringent'; that is, the structure has due to the intercrystal spaces. Thus the 'observed
two refractive indices, related to the two planes birefringence' is the sum of these two. Only when
of transmission within the crystal. the spaces, or pores, are filled with a medium
With non-cubic crystals, a sign of birefringence having the same refractive index as enamel, will
is given to the structure, determined by the path the form birefringence be eliminated. Therefore,
Enamel Caries 137

when enamel is examined in longitudinal ground siderations, can give accurate information relat-
section with the polarising microscope, the image ing to the sub-microscopic structure of carious
formed depends on both the refractive index of enamel. Two types of imbibition media are
the mounting medium and its degree of penetra- generally used in an attempt to explore the
tion into the tissue. The greater the difference internal pore volume of the tissue. Dilutions of
between the refractive index of the mounting potassium mercuric iodide (Thoulet's solution)
medium and the enamel, the more positive form form a series of aqueous media which are able to
birefringence will be produced. Similarly, as the penetrate the pore structure completely. These
internal pore volume increases (i.e. increasing media are usually prepared having refractive
demineralisation), the amount of form birefrin- indices of 1.41, 1.47 and 1.62 which, together
gence will also increase. The negative intrinsic with water (RI = 1.33) and air (RI = 1.0), form a
birefringence of the tissue can therefore be either series of aqueous media employed by most
reduced, compensated or reversed depending on workers in the field 7 ' s. 15' 17 . The second type of
the amount of form birefringence produced. medium employed consists of a series of 'non-
Thus, the observed birefringence, which is the aqueous' fluids. These are normal aliphatic al-
sum of the negative intrinsic birefringence and cohols, which are particularly useful as they
positive form birefringence, may be seen as a ascend progressively, from methanol to octanol,
reduction, a cancellation or a complete reversal in both refractive index and molecular size.
of the original negative birefringence. Quinoline is placed in this group of imbibition
Cancellation will be observed as absence of media and is commonly used because its re-
birefringence and this is referred to as pseudo- fractive index ( 1.62) is the same as that of enamel
isotropy. mineral. The observed birefringence at a specific
It is also possible to deduce the percentage point, or points, in a particular zone of the lesion
volume of spaces present in carious enamel by is calculated from values of total path difference,
measuring the observed birefringence of the which is measured directly using a suitable
enamel. This is carried out using a suitable optical compensator in conjunction with the
optical compensator in conjunction with the polarising microscope 12- 17 .
polarising microscope. The degree of positive
form birefringence can then be calculated from
the observed birefringence, if the intrinsic bi-
6.3 The Structure of Carious Enamel
refringence of the tissue is known. The intrinsic
birefringence can be measured directly provided as Seen with the Light Microscope
that all of the pores in enamel are filled with a and by Microradiography
medium having the same refractive index as the
enamel apatite, thus eliminating positive form 6.3.1 Zone 1: the translucent zone
birefringence. An aqueous medium must there-
fore be employed so as to penetrate freely all Much of our knowledge of the structure of
spaces in the tissues. A suitable medium is normal and carious enamel is based on the
Thoulet's solutions, prepared from potassium examination of ground sections, approximately
mercuric iodide, and this can be diluted with 100 .urn thick, examined in the ordinary and
distilled water to give any desired refractive polarised light microscope, as described above.
index. Enamel examined in Thoulet's medium In addition, much useful information has been
(RI = 1.62) will exhibit only the negative intrin- gained by the technique of microradiography, in
sic birefringence of the tissue. The volume of which the ground section is placed in contact
spaces in enamel can then be calculated s. with a photographic emulsion and exposed to a
Quantitative imbibition studies with the polar- parallel beam of X-rays. After development an
ising microscope, based on the foregoing con- X-ray absorption image, largely reflecting the
138 Dental Caries

amount and distribution of mineral present in The zone appears translucent because the
the section, is obtained. spaces, or pores, created in the tissue in this first
The translucent zone of enamel caries lies at stage of enamel caries are located at prism
the advancing front of the lesion and there is full boundaries, and other junctional sites.
agreement that, when present, this zone repre- Therefore, when the pores are filled with a
sents the first observable change in structure in medium, such as quinoline, having the same
the tissue. However, only approximately 50 per refractive index as enamel, normal structural
cent oflesions demonstrate a translucent zone at markings are no longer visible (figure 6.3).
the advancing front of the lesion 16 . This zone is Several workers have shown that the trans-
only seen when a longitudinal ground section is lucent zone is positioned deep to the region of
examined in a clearing agent, such as Canada visible radiolucency seen on microradio-
balsam or quinoline, having a refractive index graphs8· 17 • From this it was assumed that there

Figure 6.3 Longitudinal ground section through a small enamel lesion. The section is
examined in quinoline by transmitted light. The lesion shows a translucent zone over the
entire advancing front, while superficial to this a dark zone can he seen, surrounding the body
of the lesion. The striae of Retzius are enhanced in the body of the lesion ( x 100)

similar to that of the enamel (RI = 1.62). was no demineralisation in the translucent zone.
Canada balsam was the medium used by earlier Other workers claimed that the translucent zone
histologists but quinoline is more suitable since was produced by a loss of soluble protein from
its refractive index is identical to that of the enamel, but this work has not been substan-
enamel. When a ground section is examined in tiated. Using polarised light, it has been shown 8
transmitted light after imbibition with quinoline, that the translucent zone is more porous than
the translucent zone appears structureless, and sound enamel, having an imbibable pore volume
well demarcated from the normal enamel on its of 1 per cent compared with about 0.1 per cent
deep aspect, in which structural markings such as for sound enamel. Microradiographs of carious
prisms, cross-striations and striae of Retzius are enamel have been examined using a sensitive
visible, and from the dark zone (zone 2) on its two-dimensional microdensitometric tech-
superficial aspect (figure 6.3). nique22. Changes in density were recorded in the
Enamel Caries 139

region of the translucent zone indicating, for the

first time, that mineral loss had occurred in this
region. The histological zones have also been
micro-dissected from ground sections of enamel
lesions and chemical studies have been carried
out on the various regions 23 . The fluoride con-
tent of translucent zone enamel was found to be (a)
increased relative to adjacent sound enamel. No
evidence of protein loss was found within this
zone. The overall findings suggested that carious
attack had preferentially removed magnesium
and carbonate-rich mineral from the translucent
zone. These studies provided direct evidence that
the spaces created in the translucent zone were
caused by the removal of mineral and not
organic material.

6.3.2 Zone 2: the dark zone

The dark zone is the second zone of alteration (b)

from normal enamel and lies just superficial to
the translucent zone. It appears dark brown in
ground sections examined by transmitted light
after imbibition with quinoline or Canada bal-
sam (figure 6.4a). It is a more constant feature of
the advancing front of the lesion than is the
translucent zone, occurring in 90-95 per cent of
lesions in permanent enamel' 7 , and 85 per cent of
lesions in deciduous enamel 21 . Polarised light
studies8 have shown that the dark zone has a
pore volume of 2-4 per cent of spaces. When
examined with the polarising microscope after (c)
imbibition with quinoline, the dark zone shows
positive birefringence in contrast to the negative
birefringence of sound enamel, and a reduced
negative birefringence of the rest of the lesion
(plate Hence it is often also referred to as 100 J..lm
the 'positive' zone.
These effects were shown to be due to the
presence of very small spaces, or pores, in the Figure 6.4 (a) Longitudinal ground section of a small en-
zone in addition to the relatively large pores amel lesion seen in quinoline with transmitted light ( x50). The
which are present in the first stage, the trans- advancing front of the lesion shows both a translucent zone
and a dark zone. (b) When the section is examined in an
lucent zone. Therefore, when a ground section is aqueous medium having the same refractive index as enamel
examined in a mounting medium such as qui- ( 1.62), the dark zone is no longer seen, since the micro pore
noline or Canada balsam, the relatively large system has been completely penetrated by the medium.
(c) Microradiograph of the section. The body ofthe lesion in
molecules of the medium are unable to penetrate the sub-surface enamel shows marked radiolucency in con-
the micropore system of the dark zone. This trast to the surface zone, which remains well mineralised
140 Dental Caries

effect has been described as a 'molecular sieve' 12 . when examined in quinoline with the polarising
Since the micropores remain 'filled' with air or microscope (plate As the concentration of
vapour, light is scattered on passing through the the gel increased, so the prevalence and width of
zone, causing the brown coloration of the dark dark zones appearing in artificial lesions also
zone (figure 6.3). In a similar manner, the increased, and the lesion appeared more caries-
presence of a medium of low refractive index like17.19.
within the micropores is responsible for the It would seem from this work that the rate of
reversal of birefringence from negative to po- attack on the enamel is an all-important criterion
sitive in the dark zone when examined in pola- in producing tissue changes resembling those
rised light 8 • 19 (plate 6.1a). If the ground section is seen in caries. The concentration of the gel
examined in an aqueous medium having small appeared to be the most critical single factor in
molecules which penetrate the micropores, the determining rate of attack, there being an inverse
dark zone is no longer seen (figure 6.4b, plate 6.1 b). relationship between concentration and rate.
It was concluded 8 • 12 that the formation of a Quantitative imbibition studies with the polaris-
micropore system must be regarded as a result of ing microscope showed that the dark zone in
demineralisation. This was consistent with evi- these artificial lesions behaved in an identical
dence from microradiography, where the region manner to the dark zone in caries. When the
of visible radiolucency extended into the region section was removed from quinoline and exam-
of the dark zone (figure 6.4c). ined in an aqueous medium having an identical
refractive index, the dark zone was no longer
In vitro studies on the nature of the dark zone seen (plate 6.1 b), indicating that its appearance
was associated with a micropore system in the
Lesions created in human enamel in vitro, using zone, which was again acting as a molecular
dilute acid solutions, fail to demonstrate several sieve. On replacing the section into quinoline, the
histological characteristics of enamel caries, and dark zone was observed once again. Thus, the
this is especially the case with respect to the dark appearance of the dark zone was related to a slow
zone. Unlike the translucent zone, which is diffusion-controlled attack. These findings sup-
reproduced in enamel in vitro with no apparent port other observations 15 on the relationship
difficulty 16 , the dark zone is much more difficult between speed of lesion formation and his-
to simulate. Using a technique consisting of tological appearance.
hydroxyethyl cellulose acidified with lactic acid, In experimental studies on the 'reminerali-
in vitro lesions have been produced showing sation' of enamel caries 26 ' 27 , carious lesions and
narrow dark zones at their advancing fronts in artificial caries-like lesions were exposed to either
enameF 5. However, from a histological stand- saliva or a synthetic calcifying fluid in vitro. After
point, these lesions are not identical with those of exposure, there was a significant reduction in
natural caries since their advancing fronts main- pore volume throughout the lesions, resulting in
tain a direction parallel to the enamel surface, the histological appearance of a much earlier
unlike the irregular fronts seen in enamel caries. stage in lesion formation than that existing prior
Using acidified gelatin gels, lesions have been to experiment. This occurred with both natural
created in human enamel which appear in- and artificial lesions and was found when either
distinguishable from those of enamel caries when saliva or the calcifying fluid was employed.
examined histologically with the polarising mic- However, the synthetic calcifying fluid, which
roscope17· 18 . Under these conditions, an ex- contained no organic material, was more effec-
posure period of several months is required to tive in producing these changes than was sa-
create caries-like lesions. A dark zone was a liva27. When examined in quinoline with pola-
constant feature of the advancing front of such rised light, the most obvious change in the
lesions and appeared positively birefringent modified lesion was a significant broadening of
Enamel Caries 141

Figure 6.6 Diagrammatic representation of the lesion

shown in figure 6.5. The left-hand side shows the pore
structure in the lesion before experiment (figure 6.5a). Zone I
and 2 (translucent and dark zones) are seen at the advancing
front of the lesion. The right-hand side shows the pore
structure of the lesion after experiment (figure 6.5b), where
the dark zone appears much broader, spreading back
towards the enamel surface. For this to have occurred, a
micropore system must bave been created in an area that was
previously the body of the lesion

(zone 3) had reverted to the histological charac-

teristics of the dark zone (zone 2).
Figure 6.5 (a) Longitudinal ground section of a small
lesion examined in quinoline with polarised light before Prior to these findings, the dark zone at the
exposure to a calcifying fluid ( x 100). The advancing front advancing front of the lesion had been regarded
of the lesion shows a translucent zone and a positively as a breakdown stage successional to the trans-
birefringent dark zone. (b) Same section after exposure to a
calcifying fluid in vitro, also examined in quinoline with lucent zone and preceding the body of the lesion.
polarised light ( x 100). The dark zone is now seen to be It has always been difficult to explain why in the
much broader than in the control, extending back towards first zone of enamel caries, the translucent zone,
the enamel surface into the region previously identified as the
body of the lesion relatively large pores are found, whereas in the
succeeding stage of breakdown, the dark zone, a
smaller pore system is found in addition to the
the dark zone as a consequence of its extension large pores. The micropores in the dark zone
back towards the enamel surface (figure 6.5), into were explained as being due to deminerali-
the region identified previously as the body of the sation 12 , or 'opening up' of specific sites in the
lesion (figure 6.6). In addition, lesions which tissue which were not attacked in the first zone of
showed no evidence of a dark zone in quinoline breakdown. However, in the experiments on
were also exposed to the synthetic calcifying remineralisation 26 ' 2 \ an area previously iden-
fluid. After experiment, many of the lesions tified as the body of the lesion had, after experi-
demonstrated dark zones positioned at the 'cor- ment, taken on the histological characteristics of
rect' site between the translucent zone and the the preceding stage, the dark zone. If some of the
body of the lesion 19 - 27 when examined in qui- relatively large pores of the body of the lesion
noline. The imbibition behaviour of 'new' dark could, in effect, become the minute ones of the
zones, and those which increased in width after dark zone (figures 6 .6 and 6. 7) then this could
experiment, was consistent with that of the dark indicate that the micropore system of the dark
zone proper. Thus part of the body of the lesion zone may not be formed by a simple process of
142 Dental Caries

that lesions of 'arrested' caries have wide, well-

SUAfA.CE :ZO!\E marked, dark zones. Additional support for the
theory that remineralisation plays a role in the
formation of the dark zone has arisen from the
observation 28 that there was an apparent 'loss of
BODY LES 1 0!\
structure and filling-in of the prism markings in
the dark zone' when examined with the scanning
electron microscope.

6.3.3 Zone 3: the body of the lesion
The body of the lesion is the largest proportion of

carious enamel in the small lesion. It is the whole

of the area positioned superficial to the dark zone
and deep to the relatively unaffected surface
Figure 6. 7 Diagram to show the pore structure of a carious layer of the lesion. When a longitudinal ground
lesion in human enamel. The translucent zone shows re- section is examined in quinoline with transmitted
latively large pores, numbers of which increase as the dark
zone is approached. However, in the dark zone a micropore light, the body of the lesion appears relatively
system is present in addition to tbe large pores. The body of translucent compared with sound enamel (figure
the lesion shows an increased pore volume, with large pores 6.3). However, the striae of Retzius within this
which freely accept all imbibition media. The surface zone
shows a low pore volume with a number of very small pores in region are well marked and therefore appear
addition to moderately sized ones, similar to those of the enhanced in contrast to the translucency of the
translucent zone area (figure 6.3). When the section is examined
with the polarising microscope, the striae still
demineralisation. Thus, the dark zone may not appear as well-differentiated structures within
simply be a stage in the sequential breakdown of the general translucency of the zone. After
the tissue as was previously thought, but the imbibition with water, the body of the lesion
smaller micropores may be formed by 'reminera- becomes positively birefringent, in contrast to the
lisation', whereby either the size or the accessi- negative birefringence of the rest of the lesion
bility of the large pores is reduced by the and sound enamel (figure 6.8, plate This
deposition of material. The results from in vitro region shows a minimum pore volume of 5 per
studies suggest that mineral deposition could cent at its periphery, increasing to 25 per cent or
account for the 'closing down' of the original greater in the centre of the small lesion. Within
pores created as a result of demineralisation, the body of the lesion, the striae of Retzius are
although in vivo organic material might also seen to be enhanced when examined after im-
contribute. bibition with water, as they show a higher degree
If this is the case, then this lends further of positive birefringence relative to the interven-
support to the concept that the carious process in ing regions. The prism structure is also well
enamel is a dynamic one with phases of de- marked within this region and shows a pattern of
mineralisation alternating with phases of re- cross-striations.
mineralisation, rather than a more simple pro- When the lesion is examined by microradio-
cess of continuing dissolution. In this way, the graphy, the region of visible radiolucency cor-
variation in distribution and width of the dark responds almost exactly with the size and distri-
zone over the advancing front of the enamel bution of the body of the lesion (figure 6.4).
lesion may be explained as functions of the However, when the microradiograph is exam-
efficacy of the 'remineralisation' process. Of ined in more detail with the light microscope, the
significance in this respect are the observations 15 advancing front of the radiolucent region is seen
Enamel Caries 143



250 pm

Figure 6.8 (a) Longitudinal ground section showing a

small carious lesion examined in quinoline with polarised
light ( x 50). The dark zone (DZ) shows positive birefrin-
gence in contrast to tbe rest of tbe lesion (B) and tbe sound
enamel (E) which appear negatively birefringent. (b) same
section now examined in water with polarised light. The body
of the lesion (B) shows positive birefringence in contrast to Figure 6.9 Microradiograph of a longitudinal ground sec-
tbe relatively unaffected surface zone (SZ) which is negative tion through carious enamel ( x 150). Radiolucent and
in sign radiopaque lines are seen almost at right-angles to the well-
mineralised enamel surface (S). This indicates a pattern of
demineralisation in relation to the long axes of the prisms
to extend beyond the body of the lesion, into the
region of the dark zone. Superficially, the regions show a pattern of radiolucent lines
radiolucent region is limited by the presence of a passing at right-angles to prism direction. Since
well-mineralised, radiopaque layer at the surface these are spaced at approximately 4 JLm, they are
of the lesion (figure 6.4c). Alternate radiolucent thought to represent the cross-striations of the
and radiopaque lines pass obliquely through the prisms. By varying the exposure time of the
sub-surface region 8 . The radiolucent lines, show- microradiographic plate to the source of CuK tx-
ing an apparent preferential demineralisation, radiation, it is possible to highlight one or more
are spaced approximately 30 JLm apart and are of these structures exhibiting a so-called pre-
thought to be the striae of Retzius. The sur- ferential attack.
rounding sound enamel shows no evidence of These findings have also been recorded by
differential calcification of these structures. other workers 6 • 10' 11 .ts. 29 . It was reasoned that
Within the radiolucent region, a pattern of the radiolucent lines passing to the enamel
alternating radiolucent and radiopaque lines is surface almost at right-angles were part of the
also observed running approximately at right- prism structure, most probably the cores of the
angles to the enamel surface (figure 6.9). These prisms 8 . Microradiographs of sections of carious
structures are spaced 6-8 JLm apart and are enamel prepared in a direction transverse to
parallel to prism structure. In addition, many prism structure showed a pattern of circles
144 Dental Caries

having radiolucent centres with narrow radio- mineralised 8 . In contrast, it was also reported
paque borders (figure 6.10). The radiolucent that dissolution of mineral started at the peri-
circles had a diameter of approximately 5, phery of the prisms and then proceeded towards
while the outer opaque rim was 0.5-1.0 wide. their centres 10' 31 . However, not aU workers
These findings 8 - 30 were interpreted as de- agreed that the striae of Retzius were necessarily
monstrating a preferential demineralisation of the channels along which there was a preferential
the prism cores. demineralisation. It has also been reported that
Using the information gained from micro- the striae of Retzius showed marked positive
radiography, together with observations in pola- birefringence in the peripheral parts of the
rised light, the route along which the carious enamel lesion 15 • Since areas of positive birefrin-
process spread through enamel was proposed. gence seen in quinoline corresponded with
Entry of the carious process into the tissue was regions of slow advance 15 , the striae could
by way of the striae of Retzius at the enamel represent pathways of resistance to the spread of
surface 8 • Demineralisation then progressed the lesion rather than pathways of progress.
along the interprismatic 'substance', through the Quantitative microradiographic studies 32 sug-
cross-striations of the prisms, to gain access to gested that the characteristic appearance of
the prism cores which were subsequently de- alternate radiolucent and radiopaque bands

Figure 6.10 Microradiograph showing the body of the carious lesion from a section prepared in a direction transverse to the
prisms ( x 400). The prisms appear as circles having radiolucent centres with narrow radiopaque margins
Enamel Caries 145

parallel to the striae was not simply an indication origin 15 . The appearance of such lesions was
of demineralisation proceeding along these thought to be more likely associated with varia-
planes. The appearances were explained on the tions in the local environment in the mouth,
basis that alternate bands were being deminera- rather than the result of structural differences in
lised in fixed proportions. The alternate in- the tissue. In a histological survey of 100 carious
cremental banding thus appeared to be only lesions in deciduous molars 21 , 15 lesions showed
a reflection of an existing structural relation- relatively well-mineralised laminations passing
ship 'unmasked' in predetermined pro- through the body of the lesion. The laminations
portions. were less porous than the remainder of the body
Several workers have described carious lesions of the lesion. Examination of ground sections by
in enamel which showed well-mineralised bands microradiography showed that the bands of low
passing through the body of the lesion, giving porosity corresponded with the position of well-
the lesion a l' aminated' appearance 13 • 15 • 23 . mineralised zones passing through the lesion
Microradiographic examination of such lesions (figure 6.11 ). The laminations were positioned
showed the presence of one or more radiopaque with their greatest convexity towards the dentine
zones passing through the radiolucent sub- and appeared to follow a contour similar in
surface region (figure 6.11 ). It has been suggested outline to that of the advancing front of the
that these laminations may arise during a tran- lesion. Therefore, each lamination might well
sient phase of the carious process and persist have represented the advancing front of the
when the advance continued 13 . Laminated le- lesion at an earlier point in time as suggested
sions were found in teeth of African and Indian previously 13 " 15" 23 .

Figure 6.11 Microradiograph of a longitudinal ground section through a carioqs deciduous molar ( x 50). In addition to a
relatively well-mineralised surface layer, there are several radiopaque bands or 'laminations' passing through the sub-surface
body of the lesion (By courtesy of the Journal of Dentistry for Children; Silverstone, L. M., 1970, 37, 17-27)
146 Dental Caries

6.3.4 Zone 4: the surface zone abraded prior to exposure to various acid buf-
fers, a lesion could be produced that still had a
One of the important characteristics of caries of greater mineral content at the surface than at its
human dental enamel is that the greatest degree sub-surface region both in vitro 2 s, 3 s and in
of demineralisation occurs at a sub-surface level, vivo 39 • Using an acidified gel technique, lesions
so that the small lesion remains covered by a were produced on artificially abraded enamel
surface layer which appears relatively unaffected surfaces which had up to 500 llm of surface
by the attack. When a small lesion of enamel enamel cut away prior to experiment's. The
caries is examined with the polarising micro- lesions created on these surfaces still showed
scope after imbibition with a medium having a well-mineralised surface layers (figure 6.12).
refractive index remote from that of the enamel When examined in water with polarised light, a
(e.g. water), although the porous sub-surface negatively birefringent surface zone was obser-
enamel is seen to be positively birefringent (figure ved, overlying the more heavily demineralised
6.8), the surface zone retains a negative birefrin- sub-surface region.
gence's (plate 6.1c). This relatively unaffected These results suggest, therefore, that the 'spe-
surface zone is also identifiable on microradio- cial' physical and chemical properties of surface
graphs as a radiopaque surface layer, approxi- enamel, relative to sub-surface enamel, are not
mately 30 Jlm in depth, sharply demarcated from entirely responsible for the presence of a well-
the underlying radiolucent sub-surface region of mineralised surface zone above the small carious
the lesion (figures 6.4c and 6.9). lesion. An additional suggestion is that the
surface zone remains well mineralised because it
Relation between structure of surface enamel and is a site where calcium and phosphate ions,
the presence of a surface zone superficial to a released by sub-surface dissolution, or derived
lesion from the saturated solution in plaque (section
5.6), become re-precipitated into the surface
Many workers have suggested that the formation enamel. The high fluoride concentration of sur-
of a relatively unaffected surface layer overlying face enamel, presumably released at the in-
the small lesion of enamel caries is closely itiation of solution of outer enamel, would also
associated with the special properties of surface favour precipitation. The special properties of
enamel. If the original enamel surface is re- surface enamel relative to sub-surface enamel
moved, the remaining enamel is more susceptible would be responsible for maintaining the surface
to acid demineralisation. The greater resistance zone from demineralisation for longer periods.
of the surface enamel to carious dissolution has The surface zone is thus maintained at a
been explained as being due, in part at least, to its relatively low level of demineralisation through-
higher degree of mineralisation compared with out lesion formation and progression. The level
sub-surface enameP 3 - 35 . This, together with a of mineral loss appears to be less than 5 per cent,
higher fluoride and lead content 36 , and perhaps a in spite of a much greater degree of sub-surface
greater amount of insoluble protein in the most dissolution. However, the well-mineralised sur-
superficial layer of the surface enamels, may face zone is eventually demineralised. This attack
account for it being less soluble than sub-surface upon the surface itself has been reported as being
tissue as shown by acid-etching studies 3 7 . a late stage in the carious process and was
Several workers have removed part of the observed to commence from the outer contour of
natural enamel surface prior to in vitro experi- the surface zone inwards's. Histologically, this
ments with artificial caries systems, in order to was seen as small areas of positive birefringence
see if a surface zone would form superficial to the encroaching, from without, into the negatively
lesion on the new enamel surface. It was shown birefringent surface layer. When the surface was
by microradiography that when a tooth was finally demineralised, it still appeared to have an
Enamel Caries 147

Figure 6.12 Microradiograph of an artificial caries-like lesion created on abraded enamel ( x 100). Approximately 500pm of
the original enamel was ground off the tooth surface prior to lesion formation. The lesion was produced in an acidified gelatin gel
after an exposure time of 40 weeks. The lesion has penetrated the remaining enamel, showing marked demineralisation in the
body of the lesion. However, the surface overlying the lesion shows a deep, well-mineralised, surface zone (By courtesy of the
British De11tal Jourlfal: Silverstone, L. M., 1968, 125, 145-57)

intact surface contour. In vitro studies have work has been carried out on the organic ma-
shown that when this occurred, the rate of lesion terial within carious enamel.
progression was significantly increased 18 . The It was shown in earlier studies7 that demin-
surface enamel does, therefore, play a special role eralisation occurred before histological change
in the mechanisms involved in caries formation. could be demonstrated in the organic matrix.
The various integuments found in relation to the The time at which organic change in the matrix
enamel surface, together with other parameters became histologically identifiable was only a short
specific to the surface region, are shown diagram- time before cavitation of the lesion occurred.
matically in figure 6.13. Two organic components of the enamel, one
readily soluble in dilute acid and the other
6.4 The effect of caries on the insoluble, have been described40 . It was shown41
organic matrix of enamel that in the dissolution of powdered enamel by
dilute acid, the first material to be dissolved was
As developing enamel mineralises, much of its organic in nature and that its amount and
organic content disappears and that which re- nitrogen content was consistent with it being the
mains in the fully mature tissue is not distributed soluble organic material40 . The dissolution of
evenly. Although much is known of the chem- mineral occurred later, followed by the loss of
istry and structure of the protein matrices of more organic material but still leaving an in-
developing and sound enamel, relatively little soluble organic fraction. It has been reasoned 8
148 Dental Caries


Figure 6.13 Diagram showing the various integuments found in relation to the enamel surface, together with other features
specific to the surface layer of enamel
A. The ellllmel swface: almost always covered by an organic film except immediately after a thorough dental prophylaxis.
B. C11ticle: organic film on enamel surface derived mainly from salivary mucopolysaccharides and less than 1 pm in
C. S11b-s11rfau pellicle: exogenous organic material which penetrates 1-3 pm into the surface enamel, i.e. a sub-surface
extension of the cuticle/pellicle.
D. Pellicle: when the cuticle becomes 1 pm [and greater] in thickness it is called peiHcle; a structureless organic film.
E. P/aq11e
F. Wedge-shaped defects: these are fo~md at intervals along the enamel surface and filled with exogenous organic material
G. F111oride-rich sllrface layer: this is approximately 10 pm in depth.
H. The s11rface z;o11e: the fourth zone of enamel caries; approximately 30 pm in depth.
J. Prismless elllllflel: enamel with no prismatic markings detectable by light microscopy.
K. Lami11atio11s: laminations an often seen in prismless surface enamel running parallel to the enamel surface; thought by
some to be comparable with the cross-striations of prisms.
P. E11amel prism: structural unit of enamel having a 'keyhole' shape in transverse section and extending longitudinally from
the enamel-dentine junction to the enamel surface; approximately 5 pm in diameter, those in the outer third of the enamel
pass almost normal to tbe enamel surface whereas in the deeper enamel they follow more irregular courses.
R. Stria of Retz;ills: developmentally, enamel is laid down in increments each separated by a stria of Retzius representing a
period of quiescence during rhythmic deposition
S. Cross-striatio11s: these periodic markings traverse the prismatic structure at regular intervals of approximately 4 pm.
Body: Body of the lesion; this is the third zone of the lesion of enamel caries and represents the greatest bulk of the small

that the mineral crystallites were embedded in, component had an insoluble organic matrix. In
and coated by, the organic matrix. The soluble this way the differential solubility of the tissue in
mineral structures, identified in the lesion by caries was explained8 .
microradiography, had a matrix of soluble or- The appearance of the organic material in
ganic material. Similarly, the insoluble mineral both normal and carious enamel is affected by
Enamel Caries 149

the method of specimen preparation. It has been material is amorphous in appearance and may be
described as fibrillar or spongy in texture, or as a of bacterial, or mixed salivary and bacterial,
gel 42 which assumes different appearances de- origin. The outer layer of carious enamel has a
pending on how it is fixed and demineralised. higher organic content than deeper layers 57 - 59 .
Likewise, its distribution has been considered to A thin 'surface cuticle' lying immediately upon
include condensations at the periphery of the enamel surface has been described 57 (figure
prisms-prism sheaths-or to spare these re- 6.13). Beneath this, extending into the enamel to
gions creating peripheral gaps. a depth of 1-3 ,urn, was a dendritic network of
Electron microscopic studies on the organic fibrils, the 'sub-surface cuticle' (figures 6.13 and
component of sound and carious enamel have 6.22). This has been confirmed by several wor-
been carried out 43 - 45 . In normal enamel these kers5 8- 60 . The presence of surface and sub-
revealed a prism sheath type of structure having surface cuticles may play a significant role in the
a double membrane of condensed filaments. initiation and progress of the carious lesion by
Both prismatic and interprismatic areas were controlling the diffusion of ions into, and out of,
composed of a fine network of fibres. In areas of the enamel. In addition to these organic mem-
advanced caries, the basic morphology of the branes, many workers have reported the penetra-
organic matrix was maintained and the sheath tion of exogenous organic material into 'defects'
structure appeared to be quite resistant. The in the surface enamel overlying the small carious
fibrillar network was less dense and less regular lesion (figures 6.13 and 6.14). These plaque-filled
than in the sound tissue, frequently missing from defects are usually 4-5 .urn in width, penetrating
the prisms and interprismatic areas. Many the tooth surface to depths of 5-10 ,urn 59 • 61
areas showed an apparent increase in or- (figure 6.14).
ganic material, and this confirmed previous After demineralisation of ultra-thin sections of
reports4o. 46. 47. carious enamel 59 , the only structure remaining
Only two workers have directly supported the was a hyaline substance. This material, which
hypothesis that the initial attack in caries is on filled the spaces between the crystals, appeared to
the organic matrix. Earlier studies 48 on arti- be a mixture of organic matter and embedding
ficially demineralised lesions suggested that pro- material. Decalcified ultra -thin sections of carious
teolysis preceded demineralisation, since 'prism enamel from the body of the lesion stage revealed,
sheaths' were found to be damaged. Preferential in both transverse and longitudinal sections of the
proteolysis was also reported since the more prisms, a cellular network of organic material.
soluble organic matrix was dissolved from prism The spaces within this cellular network were
cores allowing the crystallites to wash out 49 - 52 . comparable in size and shape to the crystals in the
This hypothesis was based on the findings of sections before demineralisation (figure 6.15).
hollow prisms in electron micrographs of carious This gave the impression that the organic net-
enamel. The claim that the removal of organic work formed 'envelopes' which ensheathed the
material by cold ethylenediamine produces crystals 59 . Examination of ultra-thin sections of
changes in enamel in vitro, similar to those in the carious enamel which had been demineralised and
translucent zone of enamel caries 53, has not been stained specifically for carbohydrate gave a
confirmed. In fact, it has now been shown strongly positive histochemical reaction in dental
that mineral is lost from the translucent zone, plaque overlying the small lesion. Bacteria were
with no evidence of change in the organic stained intracellularly but the strongest reaction
matrix 54. was related to the cell walls and polysaccharide
There is widespread agreement that the or- capsules. Plaque matrix and surface pellicle
ganic content of carious enamel is greater than stained moderately. The organic matrix of sound
that of the sound tissuezs,4o,43-4?,ss.s6. enamel stained faintly or not at all. In contrast,
It is generally agreed that the additional organic the organic residues of carious enamel showed a
150 Dental Caries

Figure 6.14 Electron micrograph showing the outer enamel from a small lesion demonstrating a typical surface defect 3-4 pm
in diameter ( x31500). This contains a few bacteria and is filled with hyaline material continuous with the surface pellicle. At the
periphery o( the defect, small residual fragments of extensively dissolved enamel crystallites can be seen (From Johnson' 9 ;
courtesy of Caries Research)

reaction which was distinctly positive. The stain- mission electron microscopy. Whole tooth crowns
ing intensity was seen to decrease from the tooth or small blocks of tissue can be scanned at
surface inwards over a relatively short distance, magnifications compared to those obtained with
but it was not possible to determine exactly how the light microscope, increasing to ultrastruc-
close to the advancing front of the lesion the tural levels. The ease of specimen preparation,
positively staining matrix existed 59 . orientation of the field under examination, and
its great depth of focus, makes the scanning
electron microscope a valuable research tool. It is
6.5 Electron Microscopic Studies of clear from the evidence of previous workers 7 • 8 • 31
Carious Enamel that the carious process affects some structures in
enamel more readily than others. However, as
6.5.1 Scanning electron microscopy regards the location of sites of differential de-
struction, it has not always been easy to reconcile
The image capabilities of the scanning electron results obtained by different methods of
microscope enable simple and direct obser- examination.
vations of the ultrastructure of dental tissues In one study 62 small approximal carious le-
which are not possible by conventional trans- sions were examined with the scanning electron
Enamel Caries 151

6.16). Fractures tended to occur along structural

planes which were identified as the striae of
From the appearance of the fractured carious
enamel it was stated that the crystals in the
central part of the prism were often, but not
always, loosened in such a manner that they were
lost on fracture leaving shallow pits or occasional
deep holes (figure 6.16), surrounded by walls of
residual material. If a similar honeycomb is
produced during the preparation of ground
sections, it could account for the microradio-
graphic image of sections of carious enamel cut
in a plane perpendicular to prism direction, in
which a so-called preferential demineralisation
of prism cores is seen (figure 6.10). Despite the
identification of a few deep pits of the order of
20 11m in depth, the results indicated that there
was no general hollowing of the prisms into tube-
like structures during caries, even in the body of
the lesion stage. Nevertheless, there appears to be
some property of the peripheral region of prisms
enabling it to retain crystals more easily than the
central region after both fracture of carious
enamel and the acid-etching of sound enamel63 .
This property may be related to the structure at
Figure6.15 FJectron micrograph showing the junction prism junctions where abrupt changes in crystal
between three transversely sectioned prisms from a lesion orientation occurs64 • 65 and where new crystal
( x 43 000). The section was demineralised on the grid with
phosphotungstic acid; electron diffraction revealed no re-
forms may arise during caries43 • 66 • 67 . The
sidual crystals. A ceUular network remains, the spaces of arrangement of more parallel crystals with a
which correspond in size and shape to that of the crystallites lower organic content in the central part of the
present before demineralisation. A band of hyaline material
is present at one or the prism junctions and this corresponds
prism might make this region more liable to
to the juactional channels observed in the undemineralised collapse than the periphery after loosening of the
section (From Jobnson 66 ; courtesy or ArclliFes of Ort~l crystals has occurred.
In another study 28 , the most striking feature
was the appearance of the striae ofRetzius which
appeared to be less demineralised than the
microscope. Many of the carious surfaces pos- surrounding enamel. Gaps occurred between
sessed large cavities in which no structural prisms which were thought to be the result of
features were visible since the carious tissue was demineralisation. In more advanced lesions, loss
covered with adherent organic material. of tissue from between the prisms and from the
However, in a number of cases surfaces covering prism centres was reported. Evidence was pre-
white spot lesions had lost small flakes of enamel sented showing that demineralisation of the
to depths of 100-300 Jlm. Micro-cavities such as surface zone occurred along the prism structure
these were quite free of organic debris because, rather than along the striae of Retzius, as
apparently, they had been created traumatically suggested previously 8 . However, in vitro studies
during the process of tooth extraction (figure with artificial caries have shown that deminerali-
152 Dental Caries

Figure 6.16 (a) Scanning electron micrograph of the ap-

proximal surface of a premolar tooth showing the interdental
facet of attrition and surface perikymata. This surface
showed a white spot lesion, from which flakes of enamel have
fractured away to leave two small micro-cavities.
(b) Scanning electron micrograph showing the detailed
appearance of typical prism endings from the fracture plane
seen in the previous figure. Prism centres show depressions
which are shallow, varying in form from saucer-shaped to
conical. The texture of the fractured surface is extremely
granular. (c) Scanning electron micrograph showing an
occasional deep hole in the centre of the prism. Around the
wall of the hole is a suggestion of incremental rings. The
texture of the carious enamel is again seen to be granular or
lumpy in appearance. (By courtesy of Archives of Oral
Biology: Poole, D. F. G and Silverstone, L. M., 1969, U,
1323- 29).

However, progress has been slow mainly because

of the technical difficulties involved in the pre-
paration of ultra-thin sections from such a hard
tissue. Much of the earlier ultrastructural work
was carried out using replica techniques on
sation could occur along either pathway in the fractured or acid-etched surfaces. Some workers
surface zone 18 . claimed that their findings indicated that mineral
loss preceded damage to the organic component
6.5.2 Transmission electron microscopy of the tissue 68 - 70 whereas others 71 stated that it
was the organic material which was preferen-
With the introduction of ultrastructural tech- tially lost.
niques in caries research, it was hoped that direct Early work with ultra-thin sections, carried
visualisation of the diseased tissue would help to out on artificially demineralised enamel, could
resolve some of the problems of interpretation give no information on changes occurring to the
which have existed at the light microscope level. crystals themselves. Some workers were able
Enamel Caries 153

to prepare sections through advanced carious prisms to each other is such that all parts of the
lesions which were soft enough to overcome tissue can be ascribed to a particular prism and
many of the technical problems 45 • 48 • 72 . there are no true interprismatic areas. The crys-
However, it was not possible to assess the initial tal orientation in the head region is pre-
changes which occurred during lesion formation dominantly parallel to the prism long-axis, but
when examining such extensively damaged diverges from this in the tail. In the remaining
tissue. In recent years, improved techniques have patterns the relationship of prisms is such that
resulted in the sectioning of intact mature human parts of the tissue can be considered to be
dental enamel 64 and of small carious interprismatic. There is general agreement
lesionsss, 59, 66, 73. among electron microscopists that the basic
It is first relevant to clarify some aspects of the structure of these two areas is identical, the only
structure of sound enamel which have emerged visible difference being one of crystal orien-
as a result of the introduction of electron micros- tation. For this reason the term 'interprismatic
copy to dental research. In human dental enamel, enamel' is preferred to the previous term 'in-
three main types of prism shape and arrange- terprismatic substance'.
ment have been described 65 . In the most com- There are two major schools of thought con-
mon of these patterns, the prism junctions are cerning the pattern of destruction of enamel by
seen as arcade-shaped rows which are out of caries. The first is that the 'prism sheaths' or the
phase in successive layers, so that each prism 'interprismatic substance' is destroyed before the
appears to have a 'head' and a 'tail' region when prisms themselves. The second i~ that the prism is
cut in transverse section (figure 6.17). Such a the more susceptible structure. Ultrastructural
'keyhole'-shaped arrangement has also been de- studies have supported both the former 25 • 73 and
scribed by others64 . In this arrangement, termed the latter views 52 • 68 • 74 . In addition, it has also
type 365 , the tails of the prisms in one row been proposed that all components are equally
interdigitate with the heads of the prisms in the susceptible66 • 70 . Much evidence is available from
immediately cervical row. The relationship of the the light microscope and microradiography to
suggest that the initial breakdown in caries is
dependent upon structure. However, the ma-
jority of ultrastructural studies of normal and
carious enamel have failed to show several
structural features which are readily observed
with the light microscope.
It has been suggested that cross-striations of
the prisms are due to periodic narrowing of the
prisms 7 5 , or periodic variations in the density of
crystal packing76 . In addition, localised changes
in crystal orientation have been suggested as the
reason for the appearance of the striae of
Retzius 7 6 . However, neither of these structures
can be identified unequivocally in routine ultra-
thin sections. Therefore, since these features are
not observed at the ultrastructural level, it is
difficult, if not impossible, to report on their
significance in the initiation and spread of the
Figure 6.17 Diagrammatic representation of the structure carious lesion when using this technique.
of human dental enamel (By courtesy of Drs Meckel,
Griebstein and Neal: Archives of Oral Biology, 10, 775-83, The explanation, at the light microscope level,
1965) of differences in the degree of destruction of
154 Dental Caries

various regions of enamel, was related to the the tooth. If this is true, they must be present in
supposed differences in composition between the the average ground section and play a part in
prisms, 'prism sheaths' and 'interprismatic sub- formation of the image seen with the light
stance'. However, as mentioned previously, there microscope and by microradiography. However,
is now general agreement that the fundamental since these channels have not been identified in
structure of the tissue between the prisms is ultra-thin sections from sound enamel64 , it see-
identical with that inside, the only visible differ-
ence being one of crystal orientation.
One study66 attempted to correlate the fea-
tures of carious enamel seen with the electron
microscope with the degree of breakdown of the
lesion, as determined with the polarising micros-
cope. This was carried out by measuring the pore
volume in various regions of the lesion in a
ground section prepared from the slice of tooth
adjacent to that used for electron microscopy.
The results from examining specimens cut trans-
verse to prism direction suggested that obvious
intercrystallite spacing, and damage to the crys-
tals themselves, was not detectable unless the
section came from areas having a pore volume of
10-25 per cent. Thus, the first region of identifi-
able change from a normal appearance, using
transmission electron microscopy, was seen in
the body of the lesion. No changes could be
detected within the first two zones of the lesion as
identified by polarised light microscopy.
At low magnification, carious tissue frequently
appeared intact but examination at higher mag-
nification revealed a diffuse demineralisation,
with an increase in intercrystallite distance affect-
ing all areas within the prisms and interprismatic
enamel 66 . Many of the spaces between crystals
were filled with a hyaline material which
appeared to be mixture of organic matter and
embedding material, and was the only structure
remaining after artificial demineralisation of the
section. Narrow channels, 30- lOOnm wide, were Figure 6.18 Electron micrograph through the body of a
seen partially surrounding the prisms in the carious lesion cut transversely to prism direction ( x 10 000).
A large crack, filled with embedding material, crosses the
carious tissue (figures 6.18 and 6.19) when field following the curved occlusal aspects of a few prism
examined in transverse section. These channels junctions. Prism junctions elsewhere are marked by the
contained the embedding material and were presence of narrow channels, which are sometimes due to
tearing of the section but in which embedding material can
therefore unlikely to have been sectioning arte- frequently be seen, indicating that the channels existed
facts. This breakdown of prism junctions with before the enamel was embedded and sectioned. A diffuse
the development of narrow, sheath-like, struc- demineralisation is present throughout the tissue, although it
is difficult to detect. Intercrystallite spaces contain the
tures could be ascribed to mechanical shaking embedding material (From Johnson••; courtesy of Archives
apart of the prisms during the initial slitting of of Oral Biology)
Enamel Caries 155

Figure 6.19 Electron micrograph showing parts of two transversely sectioned pri!lllls from carious enamel. lntercrystallite
space containing embedding material can be clearly differentiated from artefact. A double row of enlarged, polyhedral crystals is
present at the prism junction lining a channel which is largely artefact, but which does contain Araldite. This is seen where it forms
a halo to crystals. The majority of crystals are irregular flattened hexagons with central deficiencies ( x67 200) (From
Johnson 66 ; courtesy of Archives of Oral Biology)
med likely that they were produced as a result of crystals are seen in longitudinal section (figure
the carious process. 6.20)45 • 55 • 59 . In transverse section, the damaged
The effects of caries on individual crystals in crystals are seen as hollow hexagons or
enamel appear to be of two main types. In order rectangles. A similar loss of structure in the
for the intercrystallite space to increase, mineral centres of crystals has been reported when they
must be removed from the external surface of are etched with acids in vitro 7 7 and this preferen-
the crystals 5 9 . In general the crystals of outer en- tial Joss of crystal centres appears to occur
amel showed only slight etching, as evidenced preferentially along the lattice c-axis 7 7 (crystal
by an irregularity of their margins (figure 6.20). long axis).
However, large plaque-filled defects, up to 4 ,urn In addition to damage to crystals in the carious
wide, commonly penetrated the enamel surface process, several workers have also recorded the
to depths up to 5 ,urn (figures 6.14 and 6.21 ). These frequent finding of a different crystal form at
contained a few bacteria and were surrounded by prism borders when examining carious enamel in
a layer of hyaline material continuous with the transverse section. These crystals at the prism
surface pellicle and plaque matrix. In the second periphery appear thicker and more electron
type of attack on individual crystals, central dense than those elsewhere in the tissue (figure
defects are also found, the preferential loss of 6.19). Their average size appears to be 120-
crystal centres resulting in the appearance of 150 nm across 66 , which is greater than the width
'hairpin' or 'double rodlet' shapes when the of the crystals in sound enamel. Although often
156 Dental Caries

The finding that there is a preferential removal

of magnesium-rich, and probably carbonate-
rich, mineral from the translucent zone of enamel
caries 54 suggests three possibilities for the first
attack on the enamel at the ultrastructural level.
First, crystal surfaces may be etched, as many
workers believe that the enamel magnesium
resides largely at, or near, the surface of apatite
crystals. Evidence of surface etching occurring
on individual crystals has already been
presented. Secondly, the first attack may be a
preferential dissolution of crystals containing
relatively high concentrations of magnesium
throughout their structure. Thirdly, the selective
dissolution of a separate amorphous calcium
phosphate phase, if present in enamel, may
represent the initial attack.
Thus, experiments described by a number of
electron microscopists indicate that carious de-
struction of human dental enamel may not be as
Figure 6.20 Electron micrograph showing details of trans- dependent on the structural detail of the tissue as
versely section crystals from the body of an intact surface
carious lesion in enamel ( x 106250). The external outlines
has previously been believed. However, such an
of the crystals are irregular, but the majority are basically interpretation must be viewed with caution, since
bexagonal in outline, measuring 100-150 nm by 40--60 mm. many structural features readily visible with the
Many crystals have central defects, from 5-ISnm wide.
Evidence of embedding material infiltrating into the section
light microscope cannot be identified by trans-
is seen mission electron microscopy. Indications are
that tissue changes within the first two stages of
enamel caries, as identified with the polarising
angular, or even hexagonal, in outline, they are microscope, cannot be distinguished from sound
more isodiametric than either the remainder of enamel by ultrastructural means. Such subtle
the crystals in the carious tissue or those of changes, which are readily identified at the light
normal enamel. These larger crystals are thought microscope level, may never be observed by
to be the result of recrystallisation or remineralis- direct visualisation of the tissue with the electron
ation rather than original crystals which have microscope. Demineralisation of the bulk of the
resisted dissolution. tissue appears to be diffuse, affecting both intra-
Decalcified ultra-thin sections of carious en- and inter-prismatic enamel. The appearance of a
amel revealed a cellular network (figure 6.15), the so-called preferential demineralisation of certain
spaces of which were comparable in size and regions of the prism, identified at the light
shape to the crystals in the sections before microscope level and with the scanning electron
demineralisation 59 . This created the impression microscope, may be due, in part at least, to
that the membranes constituting this network damage caused by section preparation tech-
formed the walls of 'envelopes' which had en- niques. Prism junctions do appear to be sites
sheathed the crystals. The narrowest of these where a preferential dissolution of tissue occurs,
membranes was 20--40 nm wide and was quite because narrow channels often develop between
electron dense, 'Particularly after treatment with adjacent prisms, at the margins of which re-
phosphotungstic acid which appeared to en- crystallisation occurs. This results in the for-
hance the contrast. mation of crystals larger than those of the sound
Enamel Caries 157

Figure 6.21 Electron micrograph of inner layers of plaque and outer enamel at the surface of a small enamel lesion ( x17150).
Bacteria are seen in direct contact with the tooth surface and there is little plaque matrix. A large, wedge-shaped defect is present
at the top of the field; elsewhere, narrow channels of organic material, 200 nm wide, can be seen penetrating the outer enamel.
The channels of organic material are often located at prism junctions (From Johnson'"; courtesy of Caries Research)

Figure 6.22 Electron micrograph showing plaque and ou-

ter enamel from a small lesion. The section, similar to that
seen in figure 6.21, was demineralised with EDT A and
stained by a modification of the Gomori silver hexamine
technique for the identification of carbohydrates. Positive
staining is demonstrated by the binding of discrete particles
of metallic silver. A stronger reaction is seen in the bacterial
cytoplasm and cell walls. All of the residual organic material
within the lesion accepts the stain, but the greatest intensity
is in the surface layer of enamel to a depth of approximately I
Jlm, corresponding to the sub-surface cuticle (From
Johnson 59 ; courtesy of Caries Research)
158 Dental Caries

tissue, and indicates the dynamic nature of the lesion of enamel caries with transmitted
carious process in which phases of deminerali- light, polarized light and microradiog-
sation alternate with phases of stasis, or of raphy. Its nature, mode of spread, points of
remineralisa ti on. entry and its relation to enamel structure.
British Dental Journal, 105, 119-35
9. Darling, A. I. (1963). Resistance of the
Further reading enamel to dental caries. Journal of Dental
Research, 42, 488-96
Schmidt, W. J. and Keil, A. (1971). Polarizing 10. Gustafson, G. (1957). The histopathology
Microscopy of Dental Tissues, 1st Eng. edn of caries of human dental enamel, with
(Eds Poole, D. F. G. and Darling, A. 1.), special reference to the division of the
Pergamon Press, Oxford lesion into zones. Acta Odontologica
Stack, M. V. and Fearnhead, R. W. (1965). Scandinavica, 15, 13-55
Tooth Enamel, Wright, Bristol 11. Soni, N. N. and Brudevold, F. (1959).
Microradiographic and polarized light stu-
dies of initial carious lesions. Journal of
References Dental Research, 38, 1187-94
12. Darling, A. 1., Mortimer, K. V., Poole, D.
1. Darling, A. I. (1959). The pathology and F. G. and Ollis, W. D. (1961). Molecular
prevention of caries. British Dental Journal, sieve behaviour of normal and carious
107, 287-96 human dental enamel. Archives of Oral
2. Marthaler, T. M. and Germann, M. (1970). Biology, 5, 251-73
Radiographic and visual appearance of 13. Kostlan, J. ( 1962). Translucent zones in the
small smooth surface caries lesions studies central part of the carious lesions of en-
on extracted teeth. Caries Research, 4, amel. British Dental Journal, 113, 244-8
224-42 14. Carlstrom, D. (1963). Polarization micros-
3. Gwinnett, A. J. (1971). A comparison of copy of dental enamel with reference to
proximal carious lesions as seen by clinical incipient carious lesions, in Advances in
radiography, contact microradiography Oral Biology, vol. 1, Academic Press, New
and light microscopy. Journal of the York, pp. 255-96
American Dental Association, 83, 1078-80 15. Crabb, H. S. M. (1966). Enamel caries:
4. Silverstone, L. M. (1978). Preventive observations on the histology and patterns
Dentistry, Update Books, London of progress of the approximal lesion.
5. Dwyer, D. M., Berman, D. S. and British Dental Journal, 121, 115-29 and
Silverstone, L. M. (1973). A study of ap- 167-74
proximal carious lesions in primary molars. 16. Silverstone, L. M. (1966). The primary
Journal of the International Association of translucent zone of enamel caries and of
Dentistry for Children, 4, 41-6 artificial caries-like lesions. British Dental
6. Mortimer, K. V. (1964). The histological Journal, 120, 461-71
features of caries in human dental enamel. 17. Silverstone, L. M. (1967). The histop-
Ph.D. Thesis, Univ. of Bristol athology of enamel lesions produced in
7. Darling, A. I. (1956). Studies of the early v"itro and their relation to enamel caries.
lesion of enamel caries with transmitted Ph.D. Thesis, Univ. of Bristol
light, polarized light and microradiog- 18. Silverstone, L. M. (1968). The surface zone
raphy. British Dental Journal, 101, 289-97 in caries and in caries-like lesions produced
and 329-41 in vitro. British Dental Journal, 125, 145-57
8. Darling, A. I. (1958). Studies of the early 19. Silverstone, L. M. (1973). Structure of
Enamel Caries 159

carious enamel including the early lesion, in lesion in enamel. British Dental Journal,
Oral Sciences Reviews: No. 3 Dental En- 105, 135-6
amel (Eds Melcher, A. H. and Zarb, G. A.), 31. Gustafson, G. and Gustafson, A. G.
Munksgaard, Copenhagen, pp. 100-160 (1961). Human dental enamel in polarized
20. Silverstone, L. M. (1970). The histop- light and contact microradiography. Acta
athology of early approximal caries in the Odontologica Scandinavica, 19, 259-87
enamel of primary teeth. Journal of 32. Crabb, H. S.M. (1972). Incremental bands
Dentistry for Children, 37, 17-27 in microradiographs of ground sections of
21. Wiener, 0. (1912). Theory of composite a carious lesion in enamel. Caries Research,
bodies. Abh. sachs Ges. Wiss., 33, 507 6, 169-82
22. Crabb, H. S. M. and Mortimer, K. V. 33. Thewlis, J. (1940). The Structure of Teeth
(1967). Two dimensional microdensitom- as Shown by X-ray Examination, Special
etry. A preliminary report. British Dental Report Series 238, HMSO, London
Journal, 122, 337-43 34. Brudevold, F. (1948). A study of the phos-
23. Weatherell, J. A., Robinson, C. and phate solubility of the human enamel sur-
Hallsworth, A. S. (1971). Micro-analytical face. Journal of Dental Research, 27,320-9
studies on single sections of enamel, in 35. Hals, E., Morch, T. and Sand, H. F. (1955).
Tooth Enamel, vol. 2 (Eds Stack, M. V. and Effect of lactate buffers on dental enamel in
Fearnhead, R. W.), Wright, Bristol, pp. vitro observed in polarizing microscope.
31-8 Acta Odontologica Scandinavica, 13, 85-
24. Poole, D. F. G., Mortimer, K. V., Darling, 122
A. I. and Ollis, W. D. (1961). Molecular 36. Isaac, S., Brudevold, F., Smith, F _A. and
sieve behaviour of dental enamel. Nature Gardner, D. E. (1958). Solubility rate and
(London), 189,998-1000 natural fluoride content of surface and
25. Gray, J. A. and Francis, M. D. (1963). subsurface enamel. Journal of Dental
Physical chemistry of enamel dissolution, Research, 37, 254-63
in Mechanisms of Hard Tissue Destruction, 37. Sullivan, H. R. (1954). The formation of
American Association for the Ad- early carious lesions in dental enamel.
vancement of Science, Washington, publ. Journal of Dental Research, 33, 231-44
No. 75, p. 213 38. Sperber, G. H. and Buonocore, M. G.
26. Silverstone, L. M. and Poole, D. F. G. (1963). Enamel surface in white spot for-
(1968). Modification of the histological mation. Journal of Dental Research, 42,
appearance of enamel caries after exposure 724-31
to saliva and a calcifying fluid. Caries 39. Fehr, F. R. von der (1967). A study of
Research, 2, 87-96 carious lesions produced in vitro in un-
27. Silverstone, L. M. (1977). Remineralization abraded, abraded, exposed in F-treated hu-
phenomena. In Cariostatic Mechanisms of man enamel surfaces with emphasis on the
Fluoride (Eds Brown, W. E. and Konig, K. X-ray dense outer layer. Archives of Oral
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28. Mortimer, K. V. and Tranter, T. C. (1971). 40. Stack, M. V. (1954). Theorganiccontentof
A scanning electron microscope study of chalky enamel. British Dental Journal, 96,
carious enamel. Caries Research, 5, 240-63 73-6
29. Bergman, G. and Lind, P. 0. (1966). A 41. Rowles, S. L. and Little, K. (1955). Some
quantitative microradiographic study of observations on histological techniques.
incipient enamel caries. Journal of Dental Journal of Dental Research, 34, 778
Research, 45, 1477-84 (abst.)
30. Miller, J. (1958). Note on the early carious 42. Eastoe, J. E. ( 1966). The changing nature of
160 Dental Caries

developing dental enamel. British Dental O'Connor, M.), Churchill, London, pp.
Journal, 121, 451--4 169-84
43. Johansen, E. (1962). The nature of the 56. Plack ova, A. and Stepanek, J. ( 1965). Die
carious lesion. Dental Clinics of North submikroskopische struktur der braunen
America, 305-20 Schmelzftecken. Deutsche Zahnarztliche
44. Johansen, E. (1963). Mechanisms of Hard Zeitschrift, 20, 925-30
Tissue Destruction (Ed. Sognnaes, R. F.), 57. Meckel, A. H. (1965). The formation and
American Association for the properties of organic films on teeth.
Advancement of Science, Washington, No. Archives of Oral Biology, 10, 585-97
75, pp. 187-211 58. Leach, S. A. and Saxton, C. A. (1966). An
45. Johansen, E. (1965). Tooth Enamel (Eds electron microscopic study of the acquired
Stack, M. V. and Fearnhead, R. W.), pellicle and plaque formed on the enamel of
Wright, Bristol, pp. 177-81 human incisors. Archives of Oral Biology,
46. Hardwick, J. L. and Manley, E. B. (1952). 11, 1081-94
Caries of the enamel and acidogenic caries. 59. Johnson, N. W. (1967a). Transmission elec-
British Dental Journal, 92, 225-36 tron microscopy of early carious enamel.
47. Bhussry, B. R. (1958). Chemical and physi- Caries Research, 1, 356-69
cal studies of enamel from human teeth. 60. Armstrong, W. G. (1968). Origin and na-
Journal of Dental Research, 37, 1045-53 ture of the acquired pellicle. Proceedings of
48. Frank, R. M. (1955). La carie dentaire the Royal Society of Medicine, 61, 923-30
au microscope electronique. Schweitz 61. Silverstone, L. M. and Johnson, N. W.
Monatsschr Zahnheilkd, 65, 635-6 (1971). The effect on sound human enamel
49. Little, K. (1957). The organic components of exposure to calcifying fluids in vitro.
of human dental enamel. Journal of Dental Caries Research, 5, 323--42
Research, 36, 815 (abst.) 62. Poole, D. F. G. and Silverstone, L. M.
50. Little, K. (1959). Electron microscope stu- (1969). Observations with the scanning
dies on human dental enamel. Journal of the electron microscope on trauma-induced
Royal Microscopical Society, 78, 58-66 micro-cavities in human enamel. Archives
51. Little, K. (1961 ). The use of the electron of Oral Biology, 14, 1323-9
microscope m the examination of pa- 63. Poole, D. F. G. and Johnson, N. W. (1967).
thological conditions affecting the con- The effects of different demineralizing age-
nective and hard tissues. Journal of the nts on human enamel surfaces studies by
Royal Microscopical Society, 80, 35--45 scanning electron microscopy. Archives of
52. Little, K. (1962). The matrix in caries Oral Biology, 12, 1621-34
resistant teeth. Journal of the Royal 64. Meckel, A. H., Griebstein, W. J. and Neal,
Microscopical Society, 80, 199-208 R. J. (1965). Structure of mature human
53. Darling, A. I. and Mortimer, K. V. (1959). dental enamel as observed by electron
Further observations on the early lesion of microscopy. Archives of Oral Biology, 10,
enamel caries. Journal of Dental Research, 775-83
38, 1226 (abst.) 65. Boyde, A. (1965). Tooth Enamel (Eds
54. Hallsworth, A. S., Robinson, C. and Stack, M. V. and Fearnhead, R. W.),
Weatherell, J. A. (1972). Mineral and mag- Wright, Bristol, pp. 163-67
nesium distribution within the approximal 66. Johnson, N. W. (1967). Some aspects of the
carious lesion of dental enamel. Caries ultrastructure of early human enamel caries
Research, 6, 156-68 seen with the electron microscope. Archives
55. Frank, R. M. (1965). Caries-Resistant of Oral Biology, 12, 1505-21
Teeth (Eds Wolstenholme, G. E. W. and 67. Silverstone, L. M. and Poole, D. F. G.
Enamel Caries 161

(1969). Histologic and ultra-structural fea- 73. Vahl, J., Hohlung, H. J., Plackova, A.
tures of 'remineralized' carious enamel. and Bures, H. (1966). Elektro-
Journal of Dental Research, 48, 766-70 nenmikroskopische ultradunnsch-
68. Matsumiya, S., Takuma, S. and nittuntersuchungen an zahnen mit
Tsuchikura, H. (1952). Etude au micros- Schmelzftecken, herruhrend von initialer
cope electronique des surfaces dentaires karies, artifizielles Karies und minerali-
lisses----carie de l'email dentaire humain. sations storungen. Deutsche Zahnarztliche
Actualites Odontologica Stomatologic, 6, Zeitschrift, 21, 983-9
409-19 74. Takuma, S. (1955). The electron micros-
69. Helmcke, J. G. (1955). Electronmikro- copy of the enamel surfaces of teeth under
skopische strukturuntersuchungen an ges- various abnormal conditions. Journal of
unden und pathologischen zahn. Schweitz Dental Research, 34, 152-63
Monatsschr Zahnheilkd, 65, 629-32 75. Helmcke, J. G. (1963). New results of the
70. Awazawa, Y. (1964). Electron microscopy electron microscope on shape structure of
of enamel caries. Journal of the Nihon normal and pathologically changed teeth.
University School of Dentistry, 6, 122-38 International Dental Journal, 13, 450-5
71. Frank, R. M. (1953). Etude de develop- 76. Hinrichsen, C. F. L. and Engel, M. B.
ment en surface de la carie dentaire par la ( 1966). Fine structure of partially demine-
methode des repliques ombrees et par une ralised enamel. Archives of Oral Biology,
technique d'usure inversee a la meule. 11, 65-93
Schweitz Monatsschr Zahnheilkd, 63, 683- 77. Johnson, N. W. (1966). Differences in the
94 shape of human enamel crystallites after
72. Scott, D. S. and Albright, J. T. (1954). partial destruction by caries, EDTA and
Electron microscopy of carious enamel and various acids. Archives of Oral Biology, 11,
dentine. Journal of Oral Surgery, 7, 64-78 1421-4
Chapter 7

The Caries Process in Dentine:

The Response of Dentine and Pulp

7.1 Defence Reactions of the Dentine-Pulp Unit

7.1.1 Tubular sclerosis
7.1.2 Reactionary dentine and atubular calcifications at the pulp surface
7.1.3 Pulpitis: inflammation within the pulp chamber
7.2 The Nature of Dead Tract Dentine
7.3 The Structure of Carious Dentine Prior to Cavitation of the Enamel and
Consequent Infection of the Dentine
7.4 The Shape of Lesions Arising on Different Tooth Surfaces
7.5 Progression of the Infected Dentine Lesion After Cavitation of Enamel
7.6 The Microbiology of Dentine Caries
7. 7 Biochemical Mechanisms in the Destruction of Dentine by Caries
7.8 Active and Arrested Caries
7.9 Caries of Exposed Root Surfaces
7.10 The Response of the Dental Pulp: Pulpitis
7.I 0.1 Symptoms of pulpitis
7.10.2 Open and closed pulpitis

Further Reading

The Caries Process in Dentine: The Response of Dentine and Pulp 163

Although caries of enamel is clearly a dynamic cavity preparation; thermal shocks transmitted
process, it is not a vital process in the sense that to dentine through large metal restorations from
living, cellular reactions occur. Indeed, enamel is hot or cold foods.
almost a unique tissue, because it is devoid of
cells and cannot, therefore, respond to injury. The fundamental defence reactions of the
On the other hand, pulp and dentine must be pulp-dentine unit, irrespective of the nature of
considered as integral parts of the same living the stimulus, may be considered as developing at
tissue. The odontoblast cell bodies lining the three levels within the tooth, namely in the
pulp chamber and their cytoplasmic extensions substance of dentine, at the pulp/dentine in-
into dentinal tubules are just as much part of terface and in the soft tissue of the pulp itself.
dentine as osteocytes and osteoblasts are part of These may be listed as: (a) within dentine-
living bone. The continued vitality of odontob- tubular sclerosis; (b) at the interface-
lasts is dependent on the blood supply and reactionary dentine and atubular calcifications;
lymphatic drainage of the pulp tissue itself. The (c) within the pulp-inflammation.
dentine/pulp unit is thus a fully vital tissue The phenomenon of dead tract formation is
capable of defending itself, and the progress of sometimes regarded as a defence reaction but, as
caries in dentine involves a fluctuating interplay explained below, this usually results from one of
between attacking forces and defence reactions. the first two processes listed above. Each of these
The state of the tissue at any time depends processes will now be considered in detail.
therefore on how these processes are balanced, so
that a knowledge of the defence reactions of the 7 .1.1 Tubular sclerosis
pulp-dentine system is an essential prerequisite
to understanding the nature of the caries process This is a process in which mineral is deposited
in dentine. within the lumina of dentinal tubules. When
examined by transmission electron microscopy 1
the tubules are partly or completely filled with
7.1 Defence Reactions of the crystals which are indistinguishable from those
Dentine-Pulp Unit of normal peritubular dentine (figure, and
electron diffraction studies confirm that they are
Caries attack is not the only form of injury to composed of apatite. Deposition begins on the
which the pulp-dentine system is subjected and walls of the tubules and appears to progress
the same defence reactions occur in response to a inwards in centripetal fashion 2 (figure, so
variety of stimuli of quite different nature. The that the process of sclerosis is thought to be an
more common stimuli may be grouped as acceleration of the normal mechanism of per-
follows: itubular dentine formation. However, in de-
mineralised ultra-thin sections, the organic mat-
(1) Bacterial-for example, dental caries. rix within the occluded tubules often appears
(2) Mechanical-for example, trauma; tooth denser and more homogeneous than that in
fracture; cavity preparation; attrition; abrasion. normal peritubular dentine, and no character-
(3) Chemical-for example, penetration of istic collagen cross-banding can be seen (figure
oral fluids through root dentine following gin- 7.1 b). The process, therefore, may not be entirely
gival recession; chemical erosion of enamel; analogous to that which happens during tooth
medicaments, cements and dressings placed in formation. Nevertheless, microbiochemical as-
cavities; dehydration of exposed dentine, par- say of sclerotic dentine reveals a higher hy-
ticularly during the cutting of cavities. droxyproline content than that of sound tissue,
(4) Thermal-for example, excessive heat indicating that its matrix is collagenous 3 . It is
generated by rotary cutting instruments during usually considered, therefore, that the process
164 Dental Caries

Figure 7.1 Electron micrographs of ultrathin sections of

translucent (sclerosed) dentine, cut transverse to the long
axis of the dentinal tubules. (a) The three tubules to the left
are completely occluded (sclerosed, S) so that there is
difficulty in distinguishing the zone of peri-tubular dentine
(P). The four tubules to the right show much earlier stages of
the process with a few fine intratubular aggregations of
crystals growing predominantly from the tubule walls.
Undecalcified section. (b) Similar section from translucent
dentine, but decalcified and stained by treatment with
phosphotungstic acid. Collagen fibres (C) with their charac-
teristic cross-banding are seen coursing throughout the
intertubular dentine. A network of fine non-banded fibres
makes up the matrix of the peritubular dentine
(P) and the original lumen contains a variable amount of
fibrous or homogeneous organic matrix (M).
(c) Enlargement of a sclerosed tubule similar to those seen
in (a). Whereas the hydroxyapatite crystals of intertubular
dentine are thin plates, appearing as denser needles when
seen in edge-view, the crystals obliterating the tubule lumen
are indistinguishable from those of normal peritubular
dentine and are smaller and more rounded in outline. The
spaces between the mineral in intertubular regions are
occupied by organic matrix, principally collagen fibres (C),
which are of low electron density because the section is
unstained. Spaces between the mineral within the tubules are
tears (T) produced during the sectioning process. (From
Johnson et a/. 1 ; courtesy of Caries Research.)

change in the apical third of roots of teeth6 • 7 , in

the crowns of teeth beneath areas of attrition,
and in response to a mild and discontinuous
carious challenge 8 (see below). For the same
reason, sclerosis tends to develop at the per-
iphery of carious lesions in dentine, some dis-
tance away from the focus of injury. Sclerotic
zones are an almost universal feature of the
dentine and pulp response to caries, being pre-
sent in 193 of 200 lesions surveyed by Levine 9 .
Tubular sclerosis leads to translucency in
tissue because the affected area is structurally
more homogeneous: there is less scattering of
light as it passes through the tissue and an area of
dentine so affected is called a translucent zone or
sclerotic zone (figure 7.2). Because of the in-
requires the action of vital odontoblasts 1 •4 •5 , creased mineral content, translucent zones ap-
and that it could not take place if the stimulus to pear more opaque than normal dentine in micro-
the dentine and pulp was so severe as seriously to radiographs2, and it is important to realise that
impair odontoblast function or to kill the odon- this is an essentially different type of translucent
toblasts in the area. Accordingly, this form of zone to that which appears in carious enamel
tubular sclerosis is best seen in response to (chapter 6), where it 1s produced by
relatively mild stimuli, for example as an age demineralisa tion.
The Caries Process in Dentine: The Response of Dentine and Pulp 165

however, that the term secondary dentine is

commonly used in a loose fashion to refer to all
types of post-eruptive dentine.
Reactionary dentine varies considerably in
structure, or quality, from well-formed tissue
with the appropriate number of evenly spaced
tubules, indistinguishable from the adjacent nor-
mal primary and secondary dentine, through
varying degrees of irregularity in the number,
width and spacing of the tubules and in the
degree of mineralisation, to severely dysplastic,
(that is, abnormally formed) tissue in which there
may be few tubules, numerous interglobular
areas and possibly entrapped odontoblasts (fi-
gures 7.3b, c, d).
Regular reactionary dentine arises in response
Figure 7.2 Groud section of a deciduous molar placed on
a dark backgroulld aad photographed by reftec:ted light so to a mild stimulus. With increasing degree of
that areas of traaslacency appear black. A broad band of severity of stimulus there is increasing likelihood
translucent or sclerosed dentine (TDl) has formed at the of damage to odontoblasts, with increasing dys-
junction of the outer one-third and inner two-thirds of the
coronal dentine beneath an oc:c:lusal carious cavity. A less plasia of the reactionary tissue formed. If the
pronounced, conical, translucent zone (TD2) has formed stimulus is overwhelming, causing death of large
beneath a lesion on the opposite approximal surface. Note numbers of odontoblasts, no reactionary dentine
the well marked neonatal line in this specimen (N).
may be formed. Under such circumstances a
defence reaction may not be provided at the
Protection for the pulp and deeper dentine is pulpal surface. Sometimes, however, other cells
presumably provided by the reduced permea- in the pulp differentiate to produce a layer of
bility of translucent dentine, as has been de- atubular calcified tissue, for which the word
monstrated by isotope and dye diffusion stu- 'eburnoid' was coined by Sir Wilfred Fish many
dies10. In a carious lesion the penetration of acids years ago, he being one of the first workers fully
and of bacterial toxins and enzymes towards the to appreciate the dynamic interplay between
pulp would be inhibited, and there would be disease processes and the defence mechanisms of
insulation against thermal and other stimuli. the tooth 11 .
An important factor determining the ability of
7.1.2 Reactionary dentine and atubular a tooth to respond to injury by the production of
calcifications at the pulp surface reactionary dentine is likely to be the blood
supply to the pulp. Indeed, Corbett 12 showed
Reactionary or reparative dentine is a layer of that whereas reactionary dentine was present
tubular dentine formed at the surface of the pulp beneath the lesion in about three-quarters of
chamber beneath, and as a reaction to, a stimulus carious deciduous teeth examined, it was present
acting further peripherally. Its distribution is in less than half of the permanent teeth. This is
thus limited to the area beneath which the possibly because deciduous teeth have wide
stimulus is operating-for example, beneath a apical foramena throughout much of their life
carious enamel fissure (figure 7.3a)-and is to be cycle, since the completion of root formation is
distinguished from primary dentine, formed followed by root resorption provoked by de-
prior to tooth eruption, and secondary dentine velopment of the permanent successor tooth.
which forms all over the pulpal surface at a slow Another factor influencing the presence or ab-
rate during the functional life of a tooth. Note, sence of reactionary dentine beneath caries is the
166 Dental Caries


··~· ~.

.. .· p


..· ."'


The Caries Process in Dentine: The Response of Dentine and Pulp 167

size and, by implication, the longevity of the it is a much misused term. This term, also, was
lesion. In a survey of 200 teeth, Levine 9 showed coined originally by Sir Wilfred Fish, who placed
that when the demineralised part of the lesion dyes into the pulp chambers of extracted teeth,
was limited to the outer third of the tissue, only later cutting ground sections and observing the
18 per cent had developed reactionary dentine, diffusion of dye into the surrounding dentine. He
but this rose to 68 per cent by the time the lesion noted that, whereas normal dentine was freely
had reached the inner third. A slowly progressing penetrated, there were frequently areas (or
lesion presumably provides the best opportunity 'tracts) of tissue beneath carious lesions and
for a wide, well-organised, reactionary dentine beneath areas of attrition which the dye was
defence to develop. unable to reach. This, he concluded, was
When formed, reactionary dentine and ebur- due to a physical obstruction within the
noid provide extra protection for the odontob- tubules at the pulpal end of the affected area. If
lasts and other cells of the pulp by increasing the a tubule does not communicate with the pulp, it
distance between them and injurious stimuli clearly cannot contain a vital odontoblast pro-
further peripherally. cess in continuity with its cell body. The tubule is
thus 'dead' and groups of such tubules form a
7.1.3 Pulpitis: inflammation within the pulp 'dead tract'~ 1
chamber Obstructions of this sort may be produced by
tubular sclerosis, by the discontinuity between
Inflammation is the fundamental response of all some tubules at the junction of normal and
vascular connective tissues to injury and is reactionary dentine, particularly if the latter is
provoked in the dental pulp by stimuli above the dysplastic, and by eburnoid. Remnants of nec-
threshold which results in the physiological de- rotic cells may also have this effect.
fence reactions which have just been outlined. Tubules within the dead tract itself may con-
The inflammatory process in the pulp is con- tain gases, fluids and degenerating cell remnants,
sidered in more detail later in this chapter and may be even more permeable than normal
(section 7.I 0), but at this stage it is important to tissue. Bacteria and toxic substances may thus
emphasise that, although the process is reversible progress rapidly through dead tract dentine, but
and its purpose protective, excessive and uncon- will ultimately reach the obstruction which has
trolled inflammation leads to increase in tissue caused the tract to form. This is of considerable
damage. Indeed, it is the rule rather than the practical importance, since, because it does not
exception that severe acute pulpitis results in contain vital tissue and is isolated from the pulp,
death of the tooth. it is likely to be relatively insensitive and can be
cut with a burr or other instrument with re-
latively little discomfort to the patient.
7.2 The Nature of Dead Tract When ground sections of carious dentine are
Dentine prepared, the largely empty tubules within dead
tracts readily become filled with air, and the tract
The so-called 'dead tract' is frequently regarded appears dark or even opaque when viewed in
as part of the spectrum of dentinal defences, but transmitted light.

Figure 7.3 (a) Longitudinal decalcified section of a molar tooth showing extensive deposition ofreactionary dentine (R) on the
roof of the pulp chamber beneath occlusal caries. (b-d) Higber power views of a range of reactionary dentine from several
different teeth. In (b) the reactionary dentine is evenly calcified and contains many tubules, though tbere is some irregularity of
tubule pattern between the primary and reactionary dentine. In (c) the reactionary dentine is also tubular but unevenly
mineralised, as indicated by the many interglobular areas present. In (d) the reactionary tissue has fewer tubules and is very
poorly mineralised with a wide predentine layer. Vacuoles have formed between the odontoblasts and the formative front of the
predentine. D, primary dentine; RD, reactionary dentine; IG, interglobular dentine; PD, predentine; Ob, odontoblast layer; P,
168 Dental Caries

7.3 The Structure of Carious Dentine

Prior to Cavitation of the Enamel
and Consequent Infection
of the Dentine
With this knowledge of the defensive reactions of -M---BODY
the pulp-dentine complex it is now possible to '"==-t--DZ
construct a picture of the histopathology of '-.....::1'+---TZ
caries in dentine by adding the degenerative or ,.q..- -+---DEAD TRACT
destructive changes. Dental caries is, by de- _.'---11---+--TRANSLUCENT
finition, a process of destruction of tooth sub- ZONE
stance so that the detailed appearance of a lesion ! +~~~---- NORMAL

in dentine at any time depends on the balance :ir---+-+_,_---REACTIONARY

reached between the defence reactions and the DENTINE
destructive processes.
Figure 7.4 is a diagram of a tooth in which a
slow but progressive enamel lesion is developing Figure 7.4 Diagram of carious lesion developing on the
smooth surface of a tooth. There is not yet a cavity in the
into a slow but progressive dentine lesion. The enamel but its structure has been affected resulting in the
advancing front of the enamel lesion has reached formation of a surface zone (S), body of the lesien, dark zone
the enamel-dentine junction, but the enamel (DZ) and translucent zone (TZ). The reactions on the part
of the dentine and pulp are indicated.
surface is still intact and no cavity has formed.
Because of the extent of the lesion, however, the
full thickness of the enamel in this area has an
increased permeability, and acid, enzymes and
other chemical stimuli from the tooth surface will
reach the outer dentine and cause the pulp-
dentine unit to respond. The visible features
(figure 7.5), from the pulp outwards, are likely to
be first the formation of some reactionary de-
ntine, then a zone of unaffected normal dentine
until the translucent zone is met; this walls off
and encloses the remainder, or body of the lesion,
which will obviously constitute a dead tract as
defined above. Translucent and reactionary den-
tine are, as we have seen, defence reactions.
Even at this stage the outer portion of the body of
the lesion may be partially demineralised and this Figure 7.5 Ground section of molar crown photographed
is, naturally, a destructive change; however, by reflected light. Two fissure lesions are present and these
have provoked extensive reactions in the dentine and pulp in
because the enamel surface is not breached, the spite of the absence of overt cavitation of the enamel in at
dentine cannot yet be infected with bacteria. least one of the lesions. Features visible are reactionary
Lesions on approximal tooth surfaces may be dentine (RD) and well marked conical zones of sclerosed or
translucent dentine (TD), enclosing the body of the dentine
detectable at this stage by clinical bite-wing lesion (B). Because of the obstruction caused by tubular
radiography 13 · 14 , but should not automati- sclerosis the body of the lesion would constitute a dead tract.
cally have a restoration inserted. If the cariogenic The black region towards the enamel-dentine junction is
produced by demineralisation, and possibly also limited
challenge at the tooth surface is controlled the proteolysis, of dentine. (From Johnson et a/.'; courtesy of
lesion may progress no further 15 • 16 ; indeed, it Caries Research)
The Caries Process in Dentine: The Response of Dentine and Pulp 169

may even regress and this possibility is discussed

in more detail at the end of the chapter.

7.4 The Shape of Lesions Arising on

Different Tooth Surfaces

Once a carious lesion in enamel reaches the

enamel-dentine junction, spread is usually re-
latively rapid along this interface, the anatomical
discontinuity between the two tissues apparently
being less resistant to penetration of the de-
structive agents. Fissure and smooth-surface
lesions thus tend to develop different overall
shapes: in the case of lesions on the smooth
surfaces of teeth (figure 7.6) the enamel lesion
tends to be conical with its apex touching the Figure 7.6 Diagram showing how, with fissure caries
(right), the enamel lesion broadens as it approaches the
enamel-dentine junction. Lateral spread from dentine-enamel junction and thus involves a larger area than
this point results in a broadened base to the that initially involved by a lesion on a smooth surface (left).
dentine lesion which is then itself conical· it
follows the primary curvature of the denti,nal
tubules so that its slightly narrowed apex ap- junction beneath the centre of the enamel lesion.
proaches the pulpal surface further cervically Close to this focus the stimulus may be too
than the level at which the lesion entered the intense to permit the odontoblast processes to
dentine. function, causing them to retreat closer to the
In the case of fissure caries (figure 7.6) the pulp before they can respond by producing extra
enamel lesion, as it spreads guided by the prism peritubular tissue. Laterally, however, a level of
direction, broadens as it approaches the dentine. intensity of stimulant will be reached which
With lateral spread at the enamel-dentine permits the odontoblast processes to function in
junction, the area of involved dentine is larger, this way along their whole length-thus walling
initially, than in a smooth-surface lesion and off the sides of the lesion.
because the tubules are relatively straight over It is useful to have a mental image of the
the occlusal aspect of the pulp chamber, it does characteristic morphology of dentine lesions
not taper so much toward the pulp. This explains during the preparation of a cavity for restoration
why, when an apparently small occlusal lesion is of the tooth, although this is understandably
entered, it is often found to have extensively more difficult if lesions commencing in one or
undermined enamel and a surprisingly large area more points in a pit or fissure have coalesced with
of softened dentine. lesions commencing on one or more of the
Nevertheless, dentine lesions, wherever they smooth surfaces.
arise, are characteristically conical, the shape
initially being determined by the distribution of
the translucent zone. It is not entirely clear why 7.5 Progression of the Infected
the distribution of translucency should be so Dentine Lesion after Cavitation
reproducible. However, one would expect a of Enamel
physiological defence reaction such as this to be
placed approximately equidistant from the focus Once there is a cavitation of enamel and bacteria
of stimulant-in this case the enamel-dentine have reached dentine, progress of the lesion is
170 Dental Caries

likely to be more rapid. The spectrum of defence because the tubules have become penetrated by
reactions described above will be seen, together microorganisms; and finally a zone of destruc-
with destructive or degenera tive changes. These tion, or necrosis, in which microbial action has
are represented progressively in figure 7.7 (A, B, completely destroyed the substa nce of dentine.
C): moving from the pulp outwards the features This distribution of destructive processes, en-
likely to be present (figure 7.7A) are first a mild closed by the translucent zone, is brought about
degree of inflammation in the pulp, secondly the because the first wave of bacteria infecting
production of some reactionary dentine, thirdly dentine are primarily acidogenic (section 7.6).
an area of normal dentine, and then the trans- Acid presumably diffuses ahead of the or-
lucent zone. Enclosed within this translucent ganisms, as there is widespread agreement in the
zone we again have the body of the dentine literature that a z one of demineralised tissue
lesion, but this is now divisible into three struc- surrounds the advancing front of bacteria 18- 2 1 •
tural components 1 • 17 : first, immediately within Toward the dentine enamel junction there is a
the translucent zone, a narrow area of de- more mixed bacterial population, in which pro-
mineralised dentine which does not yet contain teolytic and hydrolytic enzymes are added to the
bacteria; next a zone of penetration, so called acid effect, resulting in destruction of the organic

~~......,,--- DEMIN
lfi!C.-+---+- T Z
1+--:rl---i- NORMAL

W-,.4-1---+--1-- REACTIONARY

Figure 7. 7 A-C. Diagram of the increasing destruction of tissue once

cavitation of enamel has occurred and micro-organisms invade the
The Caries Process in Dentine: The Response of Dentine and Pulp 171

matrix of the tissue (sections 7.6 and 7.7). excavated with hand instruments in large sheets
Microorganisms, initially confined to tubules in a plane parallel to the enamel - dentine
and their lateral branches, now invade the per- junction.
itubular and intertubular dentine 1 • 8 • 22• 23 (figure During restoration of a tooth the major objec-
7.8). Small aggregations of bacteria and necrotic tive of'caries removal' is to excavate infected and
tissue coalesce to form what are known as necrotic tissue. Indeed when we speak, com-
liquefaction foci (figure 7.9). Destruction is monly but erroneously, of'caries' as a substance,
sometimes more advanced along the incremental we are referring loosely to demineralised and
lines of growth, producing 'transverse clefts', and infected tooth tissue, usually dentine. The zone
this explains why carious dentine can often be of demineralisation is, therefore, an ideal plane



Figure 7.8 Electron micrographs of ultrathin sections of

carious dentine cut transverse to tubule direction. In (a) the
section is taken from close to the advancing front of bacterial Figure 7.9 Decalcified section of carious dentine forming
penetration. Organisms are mostly confined to the original the floor of a carious cavity {C). {a) Dentinal tubules
tubule lumens and there has been variable destruction of the penetrated by bacteria stain deeply (P) and several liquefac-
peritubular tissue. The intertubular dentine is partially tion foci have formed (L). (b) Tubules penetrated by
demineralised though many crystals remain. In (b), from a bacteria are again visible and there is a thick bacterial
region of more advanced destruction, no peritubular dentine plaque (PI) on the cavity floor. Two transverse clefts have
remains and organisms are beginning to invade the in- opened up and bacteria are proliferating within them. The
tertubular matrix which is completely demineralised. (From incremental growth line associated with one of the clefts is
Johnson et ul. 1 ; courtesy of Curies Reseurch) clearly visible.
172 Dental Caries

in which to attempt separation of diseased tissue the reactionary dentine; in fact, the presence of
from the tooth substance which is to remain, significant pulpal inflammation will cause any
both because it is softened and therefore techni- reactionary dentine formed to be at best dysplas-
cally easier, and because the translucent zone, an tic or, more likely, completely to arrest further
important component of the tooth defence re- dentinogenesis. The translucent zone will ul-
action, will be retained. A knowledge of the timately be broken down by acids and enzymes
morphology and histopathology of dentine ca- diffusing from the zone of penetration, and
ries is thus an important basis for clinical pro- bacteria will come closer and closer toward the
cedures. Furthermore, because recognition of pulp. The frequent observation that the charac-
the translucent zone- demineralised zone in- teristic conical shape oflarge lesions is truncated
terface depends on difference in hardness, as well as the pulp is approached 24 has led to the
as on prior knowledge of its likely distribution, suggestion that circumpulpal dentine is more
successful excavation can only be accomplished resistant, in spite of its relatively low mineral and
at this level with hand instruments or slowly hydroxyproline content, when compared to the
rotating burrs, so that the necessary sense of feel main mass of dentine; the effect has been attri-
is retained by the operator. buted to its relatively high fluorine content 9 • 27 .
Because the shape of the advancing front of In the progressing lesion, organisms will ul-
bacterial penetration, of demineralisation and of timately invade reactionary dentine and reach
translucent zone formation is irregular on the the soft tissue within the pulp chamber (figure
'floor' of a lesion undergoing restoration it is, in 7.10). Concomittantly, the area of total loss of
practical terms, difficult to excavate infected dentine toward the surface of the cavity will
tissue with precision. Indeed, studies have shown increase.
that, in addition to leaving obviously harmless It has been shown 18 ' 21 ' 2 8 that inflammation in
areas of softened but sterile dentine after exca- the pulp is not normally seen until the leading
vation of caries, microorganisms are often left in organisms are within 0.3-0.8 mm of the pulp
situ even when excavation has been carried to the itself. The first pulp reactions are therefore due to
point of removing all clinically softened and bacterial toxins rather than infection of the pulp
discoloured tissue. Shovelton 20 showed, in a itself2 4 ; indeed, the application of bacterial pro-
series of 102 teeth in which cavities were prepared ducts to exposed dentine in experimental cavities
as would have been done clinically, that 36 per which do not, therefore, have underlying defence
cent still contained bacteria on subsequent his- reactions can be very severe 29 . If organisms are
tological examination. In spite of this, however, sealed beneath a satisfactory restoration they
restorative procedures are normally successful, may remain viable for many months 30• 31 but are
so it is not regarded as essential to remove all apparently dormant because an area of low pH
organisms from the cavity floor so long as the cannot be demonstrated under sound fillings 32
walls are rendered sterile and the cavity is well and the lesion does not progress. There is no
sealed and mechanically sound 20 • 24 • 25 . The need, therefore, to excavate deep lesions to hard
chances of leaving organisms behind may be shining dentine at the risk of exposing the pulp.
greater in rapidly advancing caries in children The technique of 'indirect pulp capping' in which
and adolescents than in older patients in which a lining material is placed over the remaining
the lesions are more likely to be slow or even infected dentine is to be preferred and it has been
arrested 26 . shown that several of the materials commonly
With further progress of the lesion, the de- used for this purpose actually cause the organisms
structive processes come to overtake the defence to die over a period of several months 33 • 35 . Zinc
reactions, (figure 7.7c). The degree of inflam- oxide-eugenol and calcium hydroxide formu-
mation in the pulp is likely to increase. There lations are especially effective in this regard, and
may or may not be an increase in the thickness of the latter also promotes remineralisation of the
The Caries Process in Dentine: The Response of Dentine and Pulp 173

layers of dentine from the pulp outwards. This

avoids misinterpretation due to contamination
with organisms from saliva or from plaque on
the tooth surface.
The first organisms to be isolated are acid-
producing (acidogenic) and capable of surviving
RD under acid conditions (aciduric) and, although
often comprising a number of species, the flora is
less complex than that of plaque on the enamel
surface. Lactobacilli are especially common and
McKay 38 showed, in a small series of permanent
molar teeth with rapidly progressing dentine
caries beneath occlusal fissures, that there is
often a primary wave of advancing organisms
consisting entirely of homofermentative
RD lactobacilli.
With successive samples further into the body
of the lesion and thus closer to the zone of
destruction, the flora becomes progressively
more mixed and includes many more proteolytic
species; it contains a mixture of aerobic, micro-
aerophilic and anaerobic bacteria and varies
considerably from tooth to tooth and from site to
500 ~tm site in the same lesion. Conditions in the deep
dentine lesion are likely to vary from place to
place in terms of substrate availability, pH and
Figure 7.10 Portion of the coronal pulp beneath an advan- oxygen tension, and thus to favour overgrowth
ced occlusal carious lesion. Bacteria can be seen penetrating of certain organisms at certain sites. In general,
the full thickness of the primary dentine and entering the however, conditions are likely to be markedly
reactionary dentine (RD). A small abscess (A) has formed at
the top of the pulp cornua and the rest of the pulp contains a anaerobic and if highly sophisticated isolation
diffuse inflammatory infiltrate. The odontoblasts have and culture techniques are employed, the anae-
degenerated. robic to aerobic recovery ratio may be as high as
7 to P 9 •
With more slowly progressing lesions, in
softened dentine, drawing calcium and phos- which the dentine defence reactions slow the rate
phate ions from the pulp fluid 25 • 34 • 36 • 37 . of invasion, the second wave of bacterial in-
growth may overtake the first, so that sampling
the advancing front of the lesion produces a
7.6 The Microbiology of more complex result. Nevertheless, lactobacilli
Dentine Caries still constitute at least 20 per cent of the dentine
flora and are at least as common as cariogenic
Studies which have attempted to identify and streptococci including Streptococcus mutans39 •
classify the types of microorganisms which infect Lactobacilli constitute only a small proportion
dentine once there is cavitation of the enamel of plaque bacteria on the tooth surface (ap-
and, by extrapolation, to associate their presence proximately 4 per cent 39 ; see chapter 3). Plaque
with causing the destruction observed, have been ecology must therefore change considerably once
based on sampling, under aseptic conditions, it occupies space in the enamel cavity and
174 Dental Caries

becomes more remote from salivary influences, nals 41 ' 42 . It is always wise, however, to bear in
so that when it contacts the dentine lactobacilli mind the possibility that large numbers of a
are the dominant survivors. particular type of organism may be the result of
One of the more comprehensive recent studies particularly favourable growth conditions rather
is that of Edwardsson 40 who found the dominat- than the primary cause of disease.
ing organisms in the deeper portions of infected
dentine to be Gram-positive bacteria. Gram-
positive rods and filaments were isolated from 93 7. 7 Biochemical Mechanisms in the
per cent of the teeth, Gram-positive cocci from Destruction of Dentine by Caries
32 per cent, Gram-negative cocci from 11 per
cent and Gram-negative rods from 5 per cent. That the decalcification of dentine by caries is
Most of the teeth studied were third permanent largely due to acid is suggested by the distri-
molars with either fissure or smooth surface bution of areas of low pH within lesions. These
lesions, so that the patients were presumably in are readily detectable by staining split teeth or
an age-group in which caries activity was lower sections with pH reactive dyes and show how
than that in children or adolescents. None of the acid diffuses ahead of the bacteria, producing the
genera or species was demonstrated in all teeth zone of demineralisation surrounding the zone of
examined, so that these results do not favour a penetration referred to earlier 32 . Most of the
specific pathogenic organism or group of or- infected dentine is acidic, except for areas of
ganisms in established lesions of this type. The advanced destruction toward the surface of the
relative frequency of the most common isolates cavity, where neutral or even alkaline conditions
in the teeth examined were: are sometimes found.
Gas chromatographic analysis 43 reveals that
Lactobacillus 48% most of the acid present is lactic acid and that
other Krebs cycle acids cannot be detected. High
Streptococcus 22% activities of lactate dehydrogenase, the enzyme
required for the production and catabolism of
Bifidobacterium 20% lactic acid, are found not only in infected dentine
but also in the zone of demineralisation, so the
Arachnia 17% enzyme as well as the acid itself must diffuse
ahead of the organisms which actively produce it.
Propionibacterium 17% Other dehydrogenases characteristic of the
glycolytic pathway, of the Krebs cycle and of the
Eubacterium 17% pentose-phosphate shunt can also be detected
diffusing away from the advancing front of
Anaerobic streptococci 13% bacteria, so that a number· of the possible
pathways for glucose utilisation and energy
Actinomyces 11% production are probably being employed by the
organisms. In liquefaction foci and other areas of
Note that lactobacilli are again found most advanced destruction, strong activity of these
frequently; when present they constituted more enzymes is demonstrable; it is not possible to be
than 50 per cent of viable organisms isolated. certain, however, about the flux through any of
Thus it seems likely that these organisms play a these pathways, given the artificial substrates
particularly important role in dentine caries. and incubation conditions so commonly used for
Indeed, several studies have also shown that their detection.
lactobacilli may outnumber non-haemolytic Nevertheless, it seems reasonable to conclude
streptococci in infected pulps and root ca- that lactate is the major acid produced and that it
The Caries Process in Dentine: The Response of Dentine and Pulp 175

is this substance, as in plaque on the tooth

surface, which is primarily responsible for de-
mineralisation of the tissue. Amino acids re-
leased by proteolysis of dentine matrix, and
citrate ions, may complex Cain regions of higher
pH, thus contributing to demineralisation, but
their relative importance is unknown. The disso-
lution of the small hydroxyapatite crystals of
dentine seems to take place from their external
surfaces so that they become progressively smal-
ler and irregular in outline 1 • 8 • 44 . Any amor-
phous calcium phosphate present as part of the
structure of the tissue will dissolve even more
The mineral ions thus liberated will diffuse
Figure 7.11 Electron micrograph of a single dentinal tu-
along a concentration gradient away from the bule close to the advancing front of the zone of bacterial
advancing front of demineralisation. Because the penetration. Remineralisation crystals of rhombohedral and
tubules between the area of active deminerali- plate-like morphology fill the lumen. The surrounding per-
itubular dentine has fractured during specimen preparation.
sation and the pulp are likely to be sclerosed, (From Johnson et al'; courtesy of Caries Research).
most of the movement of calcium and phosphate
ions will be outward through the zones of supporting a view put forward as long ago as
bacterial penetration and of tissue necrosis to- 1926 50 that 'fatty degeneration' was an impor-
ward the tooth surface. En route, areas of tissue tant early change in dentine caries. Other more
with a relatively high pH may be encountered recent histochemical studies reveal that caries
and reprecipitation of these ions may occur. Such first unmasks lipids in the peritubular dentine
'remineralisation crystals' have been described matrix 51 .
by several authors 1 ' 45 ' 46 within the lumen of A range of proteolytic enzymes have been
tubules close to the advancing front of bacterial detected, including arylaminopeptidases and
penetration (figure 7.11 ). They may appear as endopeptidases with collagenase activity 52 . The
large rhombohedral structures, thought to be progressive loss of collagen from the zones of
composed of P-tricalcium phosphate, or as thin destruction has been monitored by measurement
flat plate-like structures resembling octacalcium of hydroxyproline contene.
phosphate. More extensive reprecipitation of Most of these enzymes are thought to be
mineral, much of it as hydroxyapatite, is de- produced by the bacteria so that, in histochemi-
posited in both inter- and intratubular locations cal studies, they appear confined to the tubules
in arrested dentine lesions close to and on the close to the advancing front of the lesion, but are
surface exposed to oral fluids (section 7.8). more widely distributed in the area of more
In those areas of the zone of bacterial penetra- advanced destruction. Finally, as with the early
tion with a mixed flora, a range of hydrolytic lesion in enamel, parts of the tissue may acquire
enzymes with the potential for destruction of the an increased organic content, derived from bac-
organic matrix of dentine can be identified. An teria and from saliva 53 .
extensive study of these enzymes has been made
by Larmas and his colleagues in Finland 43 • 4 7- 49 . 7.8 Active and Arrested Caries
Enzymes identified include esterases with activity
against a wide range of substrates including We have seen that because of the balance be-
esters of fatty acids, phosphate and sulphate tween attacking and defensive forces, the rate of
esters and glycosidic and peptide bonds, thus progress of caries in dentine is highly variable. It
176 Dental Caries

is not surprising, therefore, that under suitable 7.9 Caries of Exposed Root Surfaces
environmental conditions progress can be com-
pletely arrested and the lesion may even Our knowledge of the mechanisms of root sur-
regress 24 • face caries is scanty compared to the immense
Clinically, actively progressing caries is soft amount of research conducted on enamel caries
and light brown or yeltow in colour. There are and the underlying dentine/pulp response. This is
actively growing bacteria on the surface and a in spite of the fact that, on a global basis, it may
wide zone of demineralisation beneath. Because well be the most common form of the disease,
of the rapid progress of the lesion, the defence being particularly common among certain primi-
reactions will not be well developed. Conse- tive peoples 63 - 65 . There is also a positive cor-
quently such lesions are often painful, pain relation between increased age and cementa!
being elicited by sudden change in temperature, caries, as shown in the classical Vipeholm study
by osmotic shock such as the intake of con- where more than half of all new lesions in
centrated sugar, by acid foodstuffs, or by patients around 50 years of age were of this
mechanical pressure from impacted food or type 66 . In Western communities, root surface
probing by the dentist 54 . caries is becoming increasingly common with the
If, however, the cariogenicity of the environ- lengthening of life span and the increasing effec-
ment is controlled and, particularly if the cavity tiveness of preventive measures directed against
has become open and more readily kept free of coronal caries 67 . It may have been neglected in
accumulations of food and bacterial plaque, the the past because affected teeth frequently have
tissue will become dark brown in colour and take advanced periodontal disease necessitating tooth
on a harder, somewhat leathery consistency 55 . extraction 68 .
Spontaneous pain and painful responses to sweet Root surface caries is initiated by bacterial
or acid foods are generally absent in teeth with plaque residing on the surface of cementum
such arrested lesions. Arrest of the caries process following gingival recession. Such plaque is
can be confirmed microscopically by the pre- likely to be different in composition from that
sence of new layers of reactionary dentine show- residing further coronally, in particular by con-
ing an incremental pattern and by new trans- taining more anaerobic, more Gram-negative
lucent zone reactions. The previously destroyed and more filamentous species 69 • Sumney and
tissue in the body of the lesion accumulates Jordan 70 , in a study of surface plaque overlying
organic matter and mineral from oral fluids; cementa! lesions in 15 teeth, found numerous
unusual crystal forms can be detected in such strains of Streptococcus mutans, S. sanguis and
regions in the electron microscope 1 • 45 and these S. mitis, and also large numbers of Neisseria
may result in considerable rehardening of the and Actinomyces species. Syed et a/. 71 suggest
tissue. The most striking remineralisation takes that A. viscosus may be of particular significance.
place on and within the surface exposed to the The initial lesion in cementum appears to
oral environment. This layer contains reformed involve sub-surface demineralisation with a re-
crystals in a matrix derived from saliva, food and latively intact surface layer somewhat akin to the
bacterial products. The crystals are predo- early enamel lesion 67 . The greater porosity of
minantly apatitic 56 but are larger than those of cementum and its higher organic content modify
sound dentine with a high Ca: P ratio 5 7 and high the pattern of attack, however. Several early
F content 58 . A number of non-apatitic calcium workers commented on the fact that the re-
phosphates may also be found 59 . mnants of Sharpey's fibres seemed to provide
Such observations suggest the possibility of pathways for penetration 72 • 73 and the electron
encouraging this rehardening with artificial mi- microscope study of Furseth and Johansen 74 has
neralising solutions, and such compounds are revealed microorganisms in lacunae within the
currently being developed 60 - 62 . structure of the tissue.
The Caries Process in Dentine: The Response of Dentine and Pulp 177

It is likely that root surface caries is initiated at mation and a sudden severe stimulus will pro-
several points over a wide area of the exposed mote an acute inflammatory response. However,
cementa! surface and that, because of the thin- the type of inflammation also depends on the
ness and porosity of this tissue, dentine changes nature of the stimulus (or injurious agent). Even
rapidly supervene. Tubular sclerosis has been the response to bacteria varies-organisms like
described 67 and it is generally assumed that a streptococci and staphylococci, when they infect
sequence of dentine/pulp responses similar to tissue, always produce an acute inflammatory
those which occur in the crown can take place. response, whereas organisms like those respon-
However, because there are fewer tubules per sible for tuberculosis or syphilis, after a fleeting
unit area in the root than in the crown, and acute phase, characteristically provoke chronic
because most of the patients are older, the inflammation.
defensive capacity of the dentine may well be Because with a slowly progressing carious
impeded. It is not surprising, therefore, that of a lesion in dentine the stimulae reaching the pulp
group of 99 lesions studied by Westbrook et are toxins and other diffusable products from
a/. 67 , 70 per cent showed active invasion of the bacteria and not the bacteria themselves (section
dentine by microorganisms and a further 18 per 7.5), together with mild thermal and osmotic
cent showed established pulpitis, pulp exposure shocks from the external environment, the over-
or pulp necrosis. The pattern of demineralisation all stimulus is low grade and sustained so that
and proteolysis of infected dentine is not de- chronic inflammation is the usual pulp response.
tectably different from that in coronal lesions 7 5 . When the organisms actually reach the pulp-a
Little is known of the nature of the bacteria in 'carious exposure'-acute inflammation is then
the advancing front of the dentinal lesion, al- likely to supervene.
though one study 70 has suggested the flora may Inflammatory reactions have vascular and
differ from that in the crown, with large numbers cellular components. The cellular component is
of diphtheroids present, together with a possibly most marked in chronic inflammation and such a
unique species of Gram-positive obligatory aero- focus in the pulp beneath a carious lesion will
bic coccus resembling Arthrobacter species. contain aggregations oflymphocytes and plasma
However, the true nature of these interesting cells, monocytes and macrophages (figure 7.12a).
bacteria remains to be established by further If of long standing, there may be increased
investigations. numbers of fibroblasts with increased collagen
production, leading to fibrosis (figure 7.12b).
Such chronic inflammatory foci in the dental
7.10 The Response of the Dental pulp are, however, defence reactions and pro-
Pulp: Pulpitis bably do not endanger the vitality of the tooth.
In contrast to the above, many of the signi-
Inflammation is the fundamental response of ficant events in acute inflammation (figure 7.13)
vascular tissue to injury, and the dental pulp is no are related to vascular changes, in particular the
exception. Of the two major types of inflam- dilatation of blood vessels, acceleration of blood
matory reaction classically recognised, acute and flow and exudation of fluid, all of which nor-
chronic, the latter is by far the more common, mally lead to swelling of tissue. In time there is
but clinically less obvious, occurrence in dental retardation of blood flow, due to concentration
pulp. of blood following exudation, and vascular stasis
Whether an acute or chronic inflammation may supervene.
results from injury to any vascular tissue depends The active emigration of leucocytes, particu-
largely on the duration and intensity of the larly polymorphonuclear leucocytes, further
stimulus. By and large a low-grade, long- contributes to the swelling.
lasting stimulus will result in chronic inflam- In general terms the possible theoretical se-
178 Dental Caries

Figure 7.13 Acute pulpitis. Numerous capillaries are vis-

ible and these are engorged with blood containing many more
leucocytes than usual. Polymorphonuclear leucocytes can be
seen migrating through the vessel walls aod many lie free in
the extravascular spaces. A significant number of plasma
cells is also present, suggesting that the acute episode may
have arisen on a more long-standing chronic pulpitis.

quelae of this type of acute inflammation are:

resolution, repair- if tissue has been destroyed,
suppuration, necrosis, extension of the lesion,
and reversion to a chronic inflammation.
When applied to the unique situation of acute
inflammation in the pulp chamber of a tooth,
suppuration and necrosis are particularly likely
outcomes. Suppuration with abscess formation
is common. If the abscess is small and confined to
the pulp chamber (figure 7. 10), clinical pul-
potomy may be successful but more extensive
necrosis is, unfortunately, likely. This is thought
to be because we are dealing with a delicate
connective tissue in a rigidly enclosed calcific
chamber receiving its blood supply from a li-
mited number of vessels passing through narrow
root foramenae. The possibility of the exudate,
Figure 7.12 Two examples of chronic pulpitis. In (a) a within the rigid confines of the tooth, raising the
small localised cluster of lymphocytes and monocytes has
formed beneath a band of reactionary dentine (RD ). The intrapulpal pressure above the local blood pre-
odontoblast layer is intact and the cellularity of the rest of ssure has long been considered of key impor-
the pulp is normal. (b) This shows a more diffuse and tance76. According to this view, the thin-walled
possibly longer-standing pulpitis. Whilst capillaries are
prominent they are not noticeably engorged with blood. The and lower pressure veins draining the pulp are
infiltrate within the tissue is dominated by plasma cells, likely to collapse, arresting the blood flow at the
though smaller numbers of lymphocytes aad polymorpho- apex of the tooth and leading to necrosis. Recent
nuclear leucocytes are also visible. Tbere is some fibrosis.
The reactionary dentine is atubular and may best be termed experimental studies however, utilising pressure
'eburnoid'. The odontoblasts have degenerated. transducers inserted into the pulps of monkey
The Caries Process in Dentine: The Response of Dentine and Pulp 179

teeth 77 suggest that this is an oversimplification. The small foci of mononuclear round cells
Local pressure may be as high as 60 mmHg, and often seen in localised chronic pulpitis contain
this is more than sufficient to collapse local blood lymphocytes and macrophages. Nothing is
vessels, but because the effects are so localised it known, however, of the ratio of T: B lym-
is possible that the inflammation can be con- phocytes in these lesions, so that it is difficult to
tained locally. The concept of self-strangulation know, pending further research, whether or not
of the pulp is now, therefore, regarded as an specific cell-mediated immune processes are
oversimplification 7 8 . operating.
In an infected pulp, however, the situation is
made more critical because the influx of in- 7.10.1 Symptoms of pulpitis
flammatory cells will have increased the demand
for oxygen. Necrosis will also result partly from Over the years, many studies have attempted
the direct action of bacterial toxins and enzymes, to correlate the clinical signs of caries in a tooth
and from by-products of the inflammatory re- and the symptoms of which the patient com-
action such as cytotoxic lymphocytes, lympho- plained with the level of inflammation in the
toxins and hydrolytic enzymes liberated by disin- pulp, determined by histological examination
tegrating polymorphonuclear leucocytes. after extraction of the tooth 84- 89•93• 94•
Immunological mechanisms must play an im- Although the results have usually been disap-
portant role in the pulp response to dental caries. pointing, some generalisations are possible.
Before bacteria themselves reach the pulp bac- First, a chronically inflamed pulp is usually
terial products, diffusing ahead of the organisms, symptomless, as are most chronic inflammatory
provoke inflammation (section 7.5). Many of conditions in the body until they are well advan-
these toxins, enzymes, cell wall components such ced. Periodontal disease is a very good example
as lipopolysaccharides from Gram-negative bac- of slowly progressing chronic inflammatory di-
teria and lipoteichoic acids from Gram-positive sease of which the patient frequently is not
bacteria are known to be antigenic, and to aware. Pulmonary tuberculosis is another good
provoke an antibody response in gingival tissue example; no pain may be felt by the patient in
when they diffuse to the soft tissues through spite of a significant degree of destruction of the
inflamed crevicular epithelium 80• 8 L. Similar lungs. Secondly, and in contrast to the above,
mechanisms must operate in the pulp, although acute inflammation is almost always painful. We
they have received surprisingly little attention. have all had the experience of an acute in-
The plasma cell aggregations seen in heavily flammatory lesion resulting perhaps from a
inflamed pulp chambers in carious teeth repre- traumatic injury or from the presence of a 'boil'
sent deployment of the humoral arm of the in the skin which causes considerable discomfort.
immune response 82 • Immunoglobin, particu- Pain is produced in acute inflammation by the
larly IgG but also IgA and IgE, is synthesised presence of kinins and other chemical me-
locally by these cells, as well as carried in the fluid diators 79 , and by pressure which is built up due
exudate from the dilated blood vessels 83 • It is not to exudation of fluid and cells so that in a
known, however, whether specific antibodies to generalised acute pulpitis pain is likely to be
the invading microorganisms are made to any severe, continuous and throbbing in character,
significant extent by these local plasma cells. and to be exacerbated by lying down due to a rise
Likewise it is not known whether the past caries in venous pressure in the tooth. Intermittent pain
experience of an individual patient, and the from the tooth or pain in response to hot or cold
possibility of an anammestic response to anti- stimuli may result from a mild acute inflam-
gens derived from a subsequent dentine in- mation, perhaps because heat transmitted to the
fection, influence the prognosis for the particular pulp results in further hyperaemia and further
tooth to any significant degree. increase in pressure. The third generalisation
180 Dental Caries

possible is that necrotic pulps are themselves normal, fully developed, root with a narrow
painless, because there are no viable nerves to apical foramen and an intact crown. Inflam-
transmit pain stimuli. Once periapical tissues are mation within a tooth of this type would be
involved, however, an extra set of symptoms a 'closed pulpitis' and most of the foregoing
develops such as pain on pressure-the tooth discussion applies to this situation. A pulp may
may be tender to bite upon or tender to per- however be 'open' if it has a wide apical foramen,
cussion by the clinician. either because the root is incompletely formed or
Accurate assessment of the nature and extent because it is undergoing resorption, such as
of pulpal inflammation is essential to successful preparation for the exfoliation of deciduous
treatment of teeth with advanced caries. We have teeth. The pulp also becomes 'open' when a large
already seen that localised chronic inflammation carious lesion or operative intervention has
precedes the actual arrival of microorganisms destroyed the overlying hard tissue of a tooth or
into the pulp chamber and that indirect pulp when a fracture involves the pulp.
capping is often successful in obtaining re- The prognosis for an inflamed pulp with an
solution of such inflammation. open apex is improved because it has a better
Acute inflammation, and even micro-abscess blood supply and because less pressure can build
formation, is also sometimes localised to a pulp up within the pulp space. Consequently, re-
horn or to the coronal pulp without necessarily solution of inflammation, reversion to a chronic
involving radicular pulp 90 . In these circum- inflammatory state, or the production of a
stances the procedure called 'pulpotomy', in localised abscess are more likely sequelae in this
which the affected pulp is excised and a bland situation. As stated earlier, acute inflammation
dressing placed over the remaining pulp, is with a closed apex is a potentially dangerous
theoretically possible. In practice, it is usually the situation in which pulpal necrosis is likely.
whole of the coronal pulp which is removed, the With the pulp chamber open to the mouth via
dressing being placed over the openings of the the crown, inflammatory change is of course
root canals. This procedure is usually applicable inevitable, because of the presence of bacteria
only to those teeth with open root apices and and other irritants in oral fluids. There may be
thus a good blood supply to the pulp, and is most less spontaneous pain than with a closed cham-
often carried out on deciduous molars. As be- ber, because oedema fluid and pus can now drain
fore, however, success depends on accurate diag- and pressure cannot build up to the same extent,
nosis: if due weight is given to the history of pain although sensitivity to pressure, thermal and
experience, the size of the physical exposure of osmotic shock will be marked. Reversion to
the pulp after excavation of infected dentine, the chronic inflammation is likely and it is usual to
type and extent of bleeding from the exposed speak of two types of chronic open pulpitis-
pulp and radiographic evidence of periapical ulcerative and hyperplastic.
involvement, the correlation between clinical An ulcer, by definition, is a break in the con-
and histologic findings can be high 91 . tinuity of an epithelium i-lined surface. The term
Once acute pulpitis is well established and 'chronic ulcerative pulpitis' is therefore a mis-
generalised, however, necrosis of the pulp is nomer but it is an analogous situation to a true
probable, leaving full root canal therapy or tooth ulcer of the skin or mucous membrane, because
extraction as the only treatment possibilities. in both situations connective tissue, normally
covered and protected by another tissue, is now
7.10.2 Open and closed pulpitis exposed to the external environment. Some pain
is inevitable because of the exposure of nerve
Apart from division into acute and chronic endings within the pulp and because there would
forms, it is usual to classify pulpitis as either open be a superimposed acute inflammatory process at
or closed. A so-called closed pulp is one with a the surface.
The Caries Process in Dentine: The Response of Dentine and Pulp 181

common in first permanent molars in young

children in which the roots have not been
completely formed and also in resorbing de-
ciduous molars. Once epithelialisation is com-
plete, the inflammation within the polyp and
within the pulp itself subsides and such lesions
are usually painless.
The extension of pulpal infection and in-
flammation to involve the periapical and more
distant tissues is common, but is beyond the
intended scope of this chapter; good accounts
exist in many of the standard texts of oral
pathology and oral surgery.

Further Reading
Baume, L. J. ( 1970). Diagnosis of diseases of the
pulp. Oral Surgery, 29, 102-16
Finn, S. B. (1968). Biology of the Dental Pulp
Organ, University of Alabama Press
Fish, E. W. (1948). Surgical Pathology of the
Mouth, Pitman, London
Massier, M (1967). Pulpal reactions to dental
caries. International Dental Journal, 17, 441 -
Seltzer, S. and Bender, I. B. (1975). The Dental
Figure 7.14 Deciduous molar tooth with massive coronal Pulp, Lippincott, Philadelphia and Toronto
caries exposing the whole of the pulp chamber. Granulation
tissue has proliferated into the cavity to form a pulp polyp Symonds, N. B. B. (Ed) (1968). Dentine and Pulp:
(P), which has become covered by a thick stratified squa- Their Structure and Reactions, University of
mous epithelium (E). Dundee

Chronic hyperplastic pulpitis, or pulp polyp

(figure 7.14), results when the crown is exposed in References
teeth which also have a very good blood supply
from the apical vessels. The endothelial cell and 1. Johnson, N. W., Taylor, B. R. and Berman,
fibroblast proliferation characteristic of granu- D. S. (1969). The response of deciduous
lation tissue forms a mass projecting outwards dentine to caries studied by correlated light
from the pulp chamber. This mass then becomes and electron microscopy. Caries Research,
epithelialised either by growth of cells from the 3, 348-68
gingival margin if the carious cavity is in con- 2. Weber, D. F. (1974). Human dentine
tinuity with the gingiva or because epithelial cells sclerosis: a microradiographic survey.
which have been shed into the saliva have fallen Archives of Oral Biology , 19, 163-9
on to the surface and proliferated to form an 3. Levine, R. S. (1972). The distribution of
epitheliallining92 • Because a good apical blood hydroxyproline in the dentine of carious
supply is a necessary prerequisite to the for- teeth. ArchivesofOral Biology, 17, 127-35
mation of a pulp polyp, these lesions are most 4. Bradford, E. W. (1960). The dentine, a
182 Dental Caries

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5. Frank, R. M. (1970). Etude autoradiog- 17. Taylor, B. R., Berman, D. S. and Johnson,
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186 Dental Caries

(1970). Dental pain and the histological Linden, R. (1974). Thresholds of vital and
condition of the pulp. Dental Practitioner non vital teeth to stimulation with electric
and Dental Record, 20, 333-6 pulp testers. British Dental Journal, 131,
94. Mathews, B., Searle, B. N., Adams, D. and 352-5
Chapter 8

Kinetics of Enamel Dissolution

J. S. Wefel
Division of Cariology, Dows Institute for Dental Research, College of Dentistry, University of Iowa, USA

8.1 Summary
8.2 Introduction
8.3 Kinetics of Bulk Enamel Dissolution
8.3.1 Mathematical models
8.4 The Role of Fluoride
8.5 Rotating Disc Dissolution Experiments
8.6 Kinetics of Incipient Caries Formation

188 Dental Caries

8.1 Summary differential equation for enamel dissolution:

The fact that enamel dissolves in acidic media has

contributed to the universal problem of dental
where k 1 and k 2 are functions of temperature and
caries. The occurrence of this disease is de-
agitation, K is the equilibrium constant for the
pendent on many factors of which one is tooth
acid buffer employed, and [H + ], [HB] and [B-]
enamel. Since enamel consists mainly of in-
are the concentrations of hydrogen ion, un-
organic calcium and phosphate in the form of
dissociated buffer and buffer anion, respectively.
hydroxyapatite (HAP), studies on the dissolution
Gray also showed that enamel dissolution in his
of enamel have often used synthetic apatites as
system was controlled by the diffusion rates of
models. These models have proved to be quite
the reactants and products of the dissolution
successful in describing many aspects of enamel
process. The success of Gray's semi-empirical
dissolution and will be mentioned throughout
equation led other workers to postulate more
this chapter. Since the mathematics needed to
detailed mathematical models.
describe thoroughly the dissolution rates of
Higuchi and co-workers 2 • 3 developed a physi-
enamel can become rather complex, this sum-
cal model based on Fick's law of diffusion that
mary is intended to describe the dissolution
met with moderate success and was generally
process without the detail found in the main body
applicable. The driving force for the dissolution
of the chapter.
is again governed by the solubility product of the
In describing the kinetics of dissolution of any
mineral phase in contact with the acid buffer, and
material it must first be realised that dissolution
the dissolution is a diffusion-controlled process
is controlled by the solubility of the material.
in the diffusion layer adjacent to the enamel.
This may be expressed as the thermodynamic
Some of the shortcomings of this model are the
solubility product, which for HAP would be as
uncertainties in the equilibrium constants, the
solubility product for HAP, the diffusion layer
thickness, and the mathematical modelling which
then occurs. The model also requires that dif-
fusion of ions be independent when, in fact, the
Therefore, the solubility product for HAP is diffusion of various ions during a steady-state
dependent on the activities of calcium, phosphate process is almost surely coupled and therefore
and hydroxide in solution. When this solubility not independent.
product is exceeded, HAP will precipitate and, Several of the above problems were eliminated
likewise, HAP will dissolve when a solution is with the development of rotating disc experi-
undersaturated. Another important factor in ments in which well-controlled fluid dynamics
describing enamel dissolution is the kinetics or allowed the calculation of the diffusion layer
rate at which enamel dissolves. In reaction ki- thickness. One such study 4 revealed that as the
netics, the rate-controlling step is the slowest initial dissolution proceeds, the rate-controlling
reaction step in the total process. Physical- step may change from diffusion to a surface
chemical concepts should make it possible to reaction involving the solution of the lattice ions.
distinguish between diffusion-controlled reac- Another investigator 5 noted that additives
tions and surface-controlled reactions. changed the dissolution behaviour of his apatite
One of the first quantitative descriptions of discs. This led to the development of a two-site
bulk enamel dissolution was made by Gray 1 . He dissolution model for dental enamel. In this
found that initial enamel dissolution was a model two sites of dissolution occur and are
function of the total buffer concentration, pH, governed by separate solubility products. Only
and buffer acid strength. This led to the following one site is affected by additives such as EDT A,
Kinetics of Enamel Dissolution 189

while the other is not. A consequence of such a diffusion of the reactants (acids) to the reaction
model is that a zone of dissolution rather than site (dental enamel), followed by reaction (disso-
surface dissolution is predicted. This may have lution) and diffusion of the reaction products
consequences in the development of a white spot away from the reaction site. The reaction between
lesion. solution and solid is a heterogeneous one and is
The investigation by White and Nancollas 6 , normally dependent on the rate of diffusion of
using the rotating disc, included the addition of the reactants to the solid surface. It is also
an inert electrolyte to minimise any charge possible, however, that the reaction at the tooth
gradients, as well as consideration of coupled interface is the rate-controlling step.
diffusion and concentration gradients. This work In chemical reactions the rate-determining step
has led to a semi-empirical equation which is the slowest reaction in the total process.
included coupled diffusion of ions as well as a Physical-chemical concepts should enable one to
change in the thickness of the diffusion layer due develop a quantitative description of enamel
to reaction within this layer. The overall dissol- dissolution. The dissolution of dental enamel by
ution rate was: acid occurs as a result of the reaction between
hydrogen (H +)ion and the inorganic materials of
dental enamel. This material is predominantly
hydroxyapatite, Ca 10 (P0 4 ) 6 (0Hh and its disso-
This work was carried out at similar concen- lution may simply be described as follows:
trations and solution conditions as employed by
Ca 10 (P0 4 ) 6 (0Hh + 8H+ -+10Ca+ 2 +6HP04 2
previous investigators and showed that disso-
lution of bovine enamel, like synthetic apatite, +2H 2 0
may be described by conventional thermody-
namics and kinetics. with the form of the phosphate ion being de-
In summary, the pH, acid buffer concentration, termined by the pH of the system. This simplified
and buffer acid strength are the main variables in concept of dissolution is affected, however, by the
enamel dissolution. The effect of other ions such environment surrounding the enamel surface.
as calcium and phosphate must also be con- Thus plaque, salivary pellicle, saliva, and surface
sidered, especially in the case of white spot mineral phases may influence the overall reaction
formation. Most studies seem to support dif- rates of enamel dissolution. In this chapter
fusion as the rate-controlling process in initial several mathematical approaches to enamel
enamel dissolution, although several reports have dissolution, together with a current model of
mentioned a possible surface reaction becoming caries formation, will be described.
rate controlling as the reaction proceeds. The
mathematical models are limited in describing all
parameters and must be used as guides in describ- 8.3 Kinetics of Bulk Enamel
ing more complicated systems. Dissolution

Several early attempts to correlate acid diffusion

8.2 Introduction with demineralisation 7 and the use of Donnan
membrane theory to explain sub-surface de-
The formation and histological appearance of mineralisation8 failed to result in an adequate
enamel caries has been described in chapter 6. mathematical expression of the carious process.
Enamel caries is the result of the chemical One of the first quantitative descriptions of the
dissolution of enamel and may be described in carious process was made by Gray in 1962 1 • He
terms of physical-chemical principles. At its prepared enamel blocks from human incisors
simplest level the caries process must include the which were placed into lactic acid buffer so-
190 Dental Caries

lutions. Initial solubility rates were determined where the k's are rate constants and the n's are
by measuring the concentration of calcium and also constants. Total buffer concentration (TB)
phosphate ions in the solution and expressing may be used for ease of calculation by substitut-
these quantities as grams of enamel dissol- ing the following equations:
ved/cm2 area. He was then able to vary the pH,
[TB] = [HBJ + [B- J (8.4)
lactate concentration, temperature of reaction,
agitation speed and foreign ion concentration. [H+J [B-J
The results showed that the enamel solubility K = [HBJ (8.5)
rate was greatly affected by agitation speed and
hardly affected by a 1oo C temperature change. As Now by substituting and rearranging, the
agitation will directly affect diffusion but not equation obtained can be used to evaluate the
surface reactions, these results clearly showed exponents (n) and rate constants (k) by holding
that the reaction was diffusion controlled and not the pH or buffer concentration constant. The
surface controlled. Thus, the reaction rate de- results of the experiments on enamel blocks
pends on how fast the hydrogen ions reach the yielded the exponents to be substituted into
enamel surface. As weak acids are only di- equation (8.3). This gives the following differen-
ssociated to a limited extent, the undissociated tial rate equation:
acid buffer (HB) becomes the principle source of dEn
hydrogen ions (H +) and must also diffuse to the dt = k 1 [H+J + k2K 1 i2[HBJ3i4[B-J-li4
enamel surface. The overall reaction rate can be (8.6)
expressed as follows:
The constants k 1 and k 2 are functions of tempera-
dEn ture and agitation, while K depends on the acid
dt=f[H+J+f([HBJ, [B-J, K) (8.2)
buffer system employed. As expected, the [B- J
where dEn/dt = grams of enamel in solu- term has a negative exponent which implies an
tion/cm2 of surface/second of exposure, and is a inhibiting effect. It was also verified by Gray's
function (f) of the dissociated acid buffer con- experiments with varying buffers that as K
centration in mol/1 (B-); the buffer dissociation decreased, the rate increased, reached a ma-
constant (K); the hydrogen ion (H +); and un- ximum, and decreased.
dissociated acid buffer (HB) concentrations. The effect of common ions such as calcium and
Thus, the first term in equation (8.2) represents phosphate and other inhibitors such as mag-
the action of dissociated hydrogen ions or a nesium were incorporated into the model by
strong acid on enamel. Since the rate of diffusion adding a kC" term for each ion. Interestingly,
of hydrogen ions depends on the concentration each inhibitor had the same exponent (1/2) when
of hydrogen ions in the bulk solution, the enamel measured experimentally. According to Gray,
dissolution is a function of the hydrogen ion this may be related to the mechanism of their
concentration. Likewise, enamel dissolution is inhibiting action. In the case of cations, Gray
also a function of the concentration of un- postulated that the irreversible dissolution of
dissociated buffer, since it may diffuse to the enamel provides calcium and phosphate (see
enamel surface and dissociate (HB ~ H + +B-). equation (8.1)) which may react to form surface
Gray then applied the usual rate function (kC") phases. With calcium, the surface phase formed
for diffusion-controlled reactions 9 to each vari- would be dicalcium phosphate dihydrate
able in equation (8.2). The following expression (CaHP0 4 . 2H 20). Likewise, other cationic in-
results from this substitution: hibitors of enamel dissolution would form in-
soluble phosphate salts and the more insoluble
the salt, the more effective is the inhibition. This
behaviour was illustrated in Gray's work by the
Kinetics of Enamel Dissolution 191

fact that enamel dissolution in acid approached and unreacted phosphate species, continues out
equilibrium as the reaction products accumu- of the diffusion layer into the bulk solution. The
lated. appropriate equations can now be formulated to
The same inhibition should also occur with describe mathematically the dissolution process.
anions (for example, phosphate and fluoride) that Using Fick's laws of diffusion 11 and mass
form insoluble calcium salts. In the case of balances in the steady state, coupled with the
fluoride, the inhibition of enamel dissolution is simultaneous diffusion and rapid chemical re-
well known and will occur if the fluoride is added action expressions, the following differential
to the buffer solution or occurs naturally in the equations are obtained:
In summary, Gray has deduced a semi-
empirical equation for the rate of dissolution of
dental enamel which satisfactorily describes the
experimental findings. This equation shows that (8.8)
initial enamel dissolution is a function ofthe total
buffer concentration, buffer acid strength and
pH. When present, the effect of other ions is
described by additional terms in the equation. A
mechanism for the retardation of enamel disso- d 2 [B-J
lution by foreign ions was also postulated. Ds dx 2 + cP2- ¢3 = 0 (8.10)

8.3.1 Mathematical models d 2 [HBJ

DHs dx 2 -¢ 2 +¢ 3 = 0 (8.11)

The success of Gray's theories and experiments

led Higuchi to use detailed mathematical models
based on Fick's laws of diffusion. In 1965, the first
in a series of papers 2 tested two mathematical The D's in equations (8.7)--(8.12) are the re-
models for relevance. The two models (figure 8.1) spective diffusion coefficients for Ca 2 +, HPO~-,
involve the use of either hydroxyapatite (model H 2 P04, the buffer ions-, monobasic buffer
A) or dicalcium phosphate dihydrate (DCPD; acid molecule HB, and H +. The bracketed terms
model B) as the dissolving phase. In model B it is are the concentration of the individual species.
assumed that the buffer solution is in contact The cPt. ¢ 2 and ¢ 3 terms are the respective rates
with DCPD, which may be more stable under the of reaction per unit volume for the following
acidic conditions of demineralisation and has reactions:
been identified as a reaction product of enamel
HPO~- + H+--. H 2 P04 (8.13)
dissolution 10 . In both cases the dissolution pro-
cess may be described similarly. The acid buffer HPO~- +HB-.H 2 P04 +B- (8.14)
and hydrogen ions must diffuse from the bulk
H++B--.HB (8.15)
solution across a diffusion layer of constant
thickness, h, to the surface. The acidic com- These reaction rates are assumed to be entirely
ponents diffusing inward will meet the phosphate diffusion controlled so that if other reactions,
species that are diffusing outward and may such as calcium complexation, occurred in the
interact within the diffusion layer to an extent solution phase, equations (8.7)--(8.12) would not
determined by the dissociation of both phos- describe the situation fully. Even though the
phoric acid and the buffer acid, and the con- extent of complexation would need to be exten-
centration of all the species involved. Outward sive to affect the overall calculations, incorpo-
diffusion of the reaction products, calcium ion ration of terms for calcium complexing with
192 Dental Caries

Model A



x::O X:;h

Layer of
HAP-Ca 10 (P0 4 ) 6 (0H) 2

Model 8



x=:O X=: h

thin layer of
DCPD-CaHP0 4 2H 20

Figure 8.1 Dissolution of enamel in acidic buffer solution, assuming solution adjacent to surface is in equilibrium with
hydroxyapatite (model A) or dicalcium phosphate dihydrate phase (model 8). (After Higuchi et af.2)

phosphate or other agents should eventually be [H+][PO~-]

performed. KJP = [HPO~-]
Within the diffusion layer the following
equilibrium expressions must also hold: Kw = [H+] [OH-] (8.19)

[H+][B-] at x = O,KHAP = [Ca 2 +]i 0 [P0~-] 6 [0H-] 2

at x 2 0, Ks = [HB] (8.16) (8.20)
These equilibrium expressions determine the
K _ [H+] [HPO~-] relative concentrations of the species at any point
2P - [H 2 P04] in the diffusion layer.
Kinetics of Enamel Dissolution 193

The other boundary conditions that may be + DHB [HB] _ DHB (DHs[HB]h + D8 [B- ]h )
established within the diffusion layer show that DH,P h DHzP DHs+ (DsKs)/([H+]o)
the rate of HB reaching the enamel interface must
equal the amount of B- leaving: 0.8Gh
-D d[HBJ = D d[B-] (8.21)
HB dx B dx and

Also, from the net dissolution reaction of [H+]b 4 = K~pK~ ([ca2+]h+~) 10 x

Ca1o(P0 4 ) 6 (0H) 2 + 8H+ ¢ 10Ca 2+
0.6Gh + DHP[HPO~-]h + D8 ,p[H 2P04]h ) 6
+ 6HPOi- +2H 20 (
(DH,P)/K2P + (DHP)/((H+]o)
it can be shown that (8.25)
When [H + ] 0 is eliminated from equations
10 (D d[H+J D d(H2PO.;-] d[HBJ)
(8.24) and (8.25), an evaluation of Gh for any set
H dx + H,P dx +DHB~
of values for the diffusion coefficients, K's and
d[Ca2+] species concentrations at X = h may now be
- 8Dca dx (8.22) made.
In model B a further assumption is made that
and the thickness of the surface dicalcium phosphate
d[HPO~-J d[H 2P04]) dihydrate layer remains constant over the time of
10 ( DHP d + DH p d reaction under study. All the equations in model
X ' X
A will apply in model B, except for the boundary
d[Ca2+] conditions of a DCPD surface versus HAP.
= 6Dca dx (8.23)
Thus, equation (8.20) will become
The integration of equations (8.7}--(8.12) may atx=O,K 0 cpo=[Ca 2 +][HPOi-J (8.26)
now be carried out if it is assumed that the The working equations for model B will become
diffusion coefficients and equilibrium constants equation (8.24) and the following expression:
are independent of their position in the diffusion
Kocpo = ( [ Ca 2 + h +Gh)
layer. Dca
It is seen that the constant of the first in-
tegration of equation (8. 7), C 1, is the negative rate 0.6Gh + D 8 p[HPO~ -]h+ DH,P[H2P04]h)
of diffusion of Ca 2 + through the layer. (
DHP + (DH,P[H+]o)/ K2P
Therefore, let G = - C 1, where G is the diffusion (8.27)
rate of Ca 2 + and is the quantity giving the rate of
The application of the theoretical models may
enamel dissolution. The value of G is the theoreti-
now be made. Higuchi used Gray's data on
cal value that may be compared to actual mea-
enamel blocks to test the relevance of both
sured values of enamel dissolution. In order to
models. The main problem encountered was the
solve for G, the quantity Gh is taken as a single
choice of equilibrium constants consistent with
unknown. A second integration, substitution and
the experimental conditions used in Gray's work.
rearrangement yields the two working equations
Thus, two sets of values were used in the calcu-
for model A:
lations with each model together with more than
one value of h, the diffusion layer thickness.
Under controlled hydrodynamics, h is constant
for any given stirring speed and may be de-
termined experimentally, but in this case was
varied to find the best fit.
194 Dental Caries

The results of comparing the models with the dered experiments, a weighed amount of pow-
experimental values of pH, buffer concentration, dered enamel or synthetic apatite (TV A or
acid buffers and common ion effect gave gener- Victor's HAP) was placed in a flask with acid
ally acceptable agreement. Both models, how- buffer and continuously shaken. Samples were
ever, showed rough quantitative agreement and then withdrawn at specified times, filtered and
suggested that the present method may be in- analysed for calcium and phosphate.
sensitive with regard to distinguishing the phases Flat round discs of 1/2 in. diameter were
that are dissolving. Since the experimental con- prepared from the synthetic-apatite samples and
ditions were close to those approximating an mounted to lucite blocks such that only one side
equilibrium between DCPD and HAP, Higuchi was exposed to the solution. The apparatus
suggests that the similarity between predictions employed affords reproducible hydrodynamics
of the two models supports the likelihood of a which allow for the calculations of h, the dif-
surface phase conversion of HAP to DCPD. fusion layer thickness, and the concentration of
A more critical evaluation revealed that model all species using the established Levich theory 13
B did not show good agreement with the obser- for fluid flow at a rotating disc. Higuchi found
ved common ion effects. Model A, however, that the use of TV A synthetic apatite did not yield
showed better quantitative agreement when acid smooth curves for the initial rates due to an
buffers such as acetic and chloroacetic were used. abrupt curvature in the amount of hydro-
One must also keep in mind that model B xyapatite dissolved versus time. No explanation
requires a very fast conversion of HAP to DCPD of this finding was given, although subsequent
for initial dissolution rates. Therefore, model B experiments used 'predissolved' TVA apatite
may be applicable at a point in time which is [TVA(PD)] samples, because smooth curves
closer to equilibrium, where DCPD has already were then obtained with this material.
been identified by independent means. The results showed that all powdered-enamel
In general, the results show that a diffusion- data were in good agreement with the previously
controlled mechanism, involving dissolution described model A. Thus, the model satisfactorily
from an hydroxyapatite surface, best explains all described the experimental values in two dif-
the data. Both pH and buffer concentration, ferent buffers, at several buffer concentrations
together with common ion effects, give satisfac- and pH values, as well as predicting the common
tory agreement. At very high initial rates of ion effects of calcium and phosphate. With the
dissolution, conversion of HAP to DCPD may choice of one KHAP value, the model also de-
occur, according to the theory. Uncertainties scribed Gray's enamel block dissolution rates.
exist in the chosen thermodynamic value for The value found for KHAP ranged from 10- 130 to
KHAP (Reference 12), the value for the diffusion 10- 132 and is noteworthy in that the normal
layer thickness, and the use of the physical model range of the thermodynamic solubility product
versus experimental models. of hydroxyapatite is known to be between 10- 110
The assessment of Gray's enamel block data and 10- 120 (Reference 12). The use of a variable
involved several problems in view of the un- solubility product provides better agreement
certainties in chosen equilibrium values. In 1969, with the theory, but implies an unclear picture of
however, Higuchi and co-workers 3 presented a the thermodynamics and driving potential of the
critical examination of the hydroxyapatite model dissolution reaction. The fact that one value of
both theoretically and experimentally. Both syn- KHAP• even though smaller than previously re-

thetic apatite powder and powdered enamel were ported values, showed good agreement with the
used in the dissolution experiments as well as experimental parameters is encouraging, since it
rotating disc experiments. The advantage of the implies a constant thermodynamic driving force
rotating disc method is that it allows calculation for dissolution. As stated by the authors, 'the
of the diffusion layer thickness, h. In the pow- proposed hydroxyapatite model for the disso-
Kinetics of Enamel Dissolution 195

lution rate of enamel in acidic media is a very which states that fluoride is neither consumed
generally applicable one'. nor generated during the steady-state dissolution
period. The second integration yields two equa-
8.4 The Role of Fluoride tions which describe the hydroxyapatite disso-
lution rate, G, for this FAP model:
An extension of Higuchi's hydroxyapatite model
of enamel dissolution was published in 1969 by
Mir, Higuchi and Hefferen 14 . This work con-
siders the role of fluoride in enamel deminerali-
sation, because of its relevance to dental ca-
ries15· 16 . A similar approach was used to derive
the theoretical equations, and most of the equa-
tions mentioned above apply. The basic assum-
ption in this model is that when hydroxyapatite is x [(0.6Gh)/D+[HPOi-~h+[H 2 P04]h] 6
exppsed to a low concentration of fluoride in K2P + [H ]o
acidic buffers, a thin layer of fluorapatite is (8.31)
formed around the HAP crystals. Thus, fluorap-
atite and not hydroxyapatite becomes the ther-
modynamically governing phase during disso-
lution. It does not matter for the model whether
the F AP phase is formed by surface exchange
_ [0.6Gh+D[H 2 P04]h +D[HPOi-lh
1 + (Kzp)/[H+]o
with the hydroxyl group or surface precipitation
of F AP from solution. This model is similar to
model B mentioned earlier, except that F AP is D[HB]h +D[B-Jh
assumed to have formed on the enamel crystals 1+(Ks)/[H+]o
instead of DCPD. The same reactions are expec-
ted to occur in the diffusion layer, equations All of the concentration terms with the sub-
(8.13}-(8.15), and the same equilibrium ex- script h are known since these are the bulk
pressions, equations (8.16}-(8.18), will govern. At solution concentrations. The only unknown
the interface between solid and solution (x = 0), terms are G (the congruent dissolution rate of
however, the following reaction for fluorapatite hydroxyapatite), h (the diffusion layer thickness)
holds: and (H + ) 0 (the concentration of hydrogen ions
(8.28) at x = 0). Since G and h always occur together
(Gh), they may be treated as one unknown and
This replaces equation (8.20) of the hydro-
hence (H + ) 0 may be eliminated from the two
xyapatite model. The expressions for Fick's law
equations by successive approximation methods
of diffusion in a steady state, equations
with a computer. The mathematical expressions
(8.7}-(8.12) are also applicable, but an additional
may now be used to compare the theoretical
expression must be formulated to account for the
values with those obtained experimentally.
fluoride in solution, namely:
The experiments consisted of placing weighed
amounts of either synthetic HAP or enamel
powder into acetate buffers at pH 4.5 or 6.0.
Integration of these equations gives similar Aliquots are then withdrawn at specified times
results as before along with and analysed for calcium, phosphate and fluo-
ride. Fluoride was added to the buffer solutions
d[FJ in concentrations up to 100 p.p.m. Con-
DF--=0 (8.30)
dx centrations above 100 p.p.m. caused the for-
196 Dental Caries

mation of CaF 2 which is not considered in the complex models would involve the kinetics of
present model. The results showed that fluoride dissolution in white spot formation, a plaque or
decreased the rate of enamel dissolution, as pellicle layer at the enamel interface, and
expected, with all hydroxyapatite preparations. the formation of surface phases during dissol-
In the case of the synthetic hydroxyapatite ution.
[TVA(PD)], the model gave good agreement The work by Higuchi and co-workers up to
with and without common ions present by using 1969 may now be summarised. A physical model
the same KHAP value of 10- 131 . The value found has been developed that describes the dissolution
for KFAP was very similar to KHAP and implied rate behaviour of human dental enamel and
that the F AP was formed by the isomorphous synthetic hydroxyapatite in weak acid buffers.
substitution of surface hydroxyls by fluoride ions The driving force of the dissolution is governed
rather than bulk precipitation. The good agree- by the solubility product of the hydroxyapatite
ment of model and experimental results with the phase, and dissolution is a diffusion-controlled
TVA (PD) samples showed that all the data process in a diffusion layer adjacent to the enamel
may be described by a single unified physcial surface. The model is able generally to account
model. for the effects of buffer types, buffer concen-
The experiments with enamel powder and tration, pH, and common ions. An extension of
acidic buffer solutions containing fluoride did the model showed that solution fluoride in-
not give good agreement between the model and fluences the reaction rates and was explained by
the experimental results. The theoretical model assuming that a surface exchange of 0 H- by F-
was then modified to account for the amount of occurs rapidly during dissolution.
fluoride originally in the enamel powder. The Thus, we have discussed two possible models
correction procedure improved the agreement for the dissolution of dental enamel. The first
between model and experimental data regarding involved a semi-empirical approach which gave a
pH effects, although the assumption that all the rate expression dependent on pH, buffer con-
fluoride is evenly distributed within the enamel centration and buffer type. The experimental
sample is highly unlikely. The same correction work by Gray showed the dissolution reaction to
procedure was used in the analysis of the be diffusion controlled and suggested to Higuchi
fluoride-treated enamel powder, and produced a and co-workers that Fick's law of diffusion may
good correlation with the model. The KHAP value be used to describe the dissolution of dental
used with enamel is 10- 116 to 10- 120 which is enamel. This approach has been criticised from
higher than that for synthetic apatites. This is several viewpoints. Brown 17 has stated that the
most probably due to the improved purity and diffusion of various types of ions during a steady-
crystallinity found in the synthetic samples when state process is so strongly coupled that it is
compared with enamel powder. The KFAP found questionable whether one should attempt to
to give the best consistency with enamel powder designate diffusion of any one component or ion
was 10- 119 . This was also similar to the KHAP as rate controlling. This concept was reiterated by
value found for enamel powder. Nancollas 18 at the workshop on Physiochemical
The use of a single value for KHAP for a given Mechanisms of Dental Caries. He also suggested
hydroxyapatite sample (either synthetic or na- that the dissolution studies be performed with
tural) is desirable. It is not expected that one well-characterised fluid dynamics. This is possi-
sample should change its thermodynamic solu- ble when rotating disc experiments are perfor-
bility product to meet the needs of a model. Thus med where one can apply the Levich equations to
far, the investigations of Higuchi and co-workers study the fluid dynamics. Several publications
have given much encouragement to the use of a now exist which have used the rotating disc
physical model. These studies should serve as experimental design and these will now be
baselines for more complex situations. The more discussed.
Kinetics of Enamel Dissolution 197

8.5 Rotating Disc Dissolution development of electrical field-gradients nor-

Experiments mally set up in the boundary layer by the moving
ions having different intrinsic mobilities. Thus,
One of the first studies using a rotating disc Fick's law of diffusion is not applicable when
experimental design for examining the disso- more than two ions are transferred in the
lution of dental enamel was published in 1973 by boundary layer unless charge gradients are sup-
Linge and Nancollas 4 . This work examines the pressed. Experiments designed to determine the
enamel dissolution under simple chemical and amount of inert electrolyte required, showed an
well-defined hydrodynamic conditions, which initial increase in dissolution rate below a con-
practically conserve the enamel surface. Bovine centration of 0.02 mol/! KN0 3 . This was a con-
enamel was mounted in a self-curing resin and sequence of the elimination of the electric field
machined to the required shape. The exposed gradient in the diffusion layer by the addition of
enamel surface was polished with suspensions of the electrolyte, and not due to a variable solu-
Al 2 0 3 and stored in synthetic HAP solutions to bility of HAP.
prevent dissolution. The tooth and resin were Dissolution-rate experiments were conducted
then mounted on a metal spindle with fixed at 6, 25 and 60° C and showed that enamel
rotation speeds from 300 to 3000 rev /min. The solubility decreases with increasing temperature.
dissolution experiments were performed by plac- An Arrhenius plot with this experimental data
ing the specimen in solutions containing various gave an apparent solubility activation energy of
amounts of added calcium and phosphate. The -4.0 kcaljmol T ca and provides support that the
rate of enamel dissolution was measured as a nature of the calcium phosphate surface phase
function of the proton uptake needed to maintain does not change during dissolution over this
a constant pH. Two factors are important in the temperature range.
current design. The experiments revealed no sub- Theoretical calculations of the diffusion pro-
surface demineralisation nor any effective surface cess under steady-state conditions of dissolution

area changes. This eliminates inherent uncertain- involved expressions of the following type 19 :
ties in assessing surface area changes. Also, the
levels of calcium and phosphate from the disso- Rddl = IF (a~~i)' }t J1°(i) (8.33)
lution of the enamel were less than 1 per cent of
the calcium and phosphate added; therefore, the where Rd is the steady-state dissolution rate, I is
amounts added reflected the solution com- the distance parameter perpendicular to the
positions. rotating disc surface, and F is a complex function
The results showed no systematic variation in of the mobility J1°(i) and electrochemical poten-
the rate of proton uptake compared to total Ca tial it(i) of each ion (i) in the diffusion layer (<5),
released d[H + ]/d[Tca] under different experim- The dependence of Rd on stirring, therefore, has
ental conditions. In this experiment, this value the form:
was found to be 1.42, which agreed well with the (8.34)
theoretical value of 1.40. Congruent dissolution
was also apparent from separate experiments and where </> is a complex integral, dependent on the
confirmed HAP as the dissolving phase. Sub- solution and surface concentration of each ion,
stantial changes in dissolution rate with ro- and w is the angular velocity. The parameter a has
tation speed of the source confirmed the results a value between 1/2 and 1 depending on the type
of Gray, showing that mass transfer in the Nernst of flow (laminar or turbulent) occuring at the disc
boundary layer contributes significantly as a rate- surface 20 . Plots of the dissolution rate, Rd, versus
determining step in the reaction. In order to use w 112 should give a linear relationship if diffusion
mass transport calculations, an inert electrolyte is the rate-controlling step. Initially these plots
must be present in the system to minimise the gave straight lines, but marked deviations from
198 Dental Caries

linearity occurred at higher stirring speeds as the diffusion control throughout the dissolution
reaction proceeded. Thus, the initial dissolution reaction.
rate appeared to be diffusion controlled but as Another study using the rotating disc was
the reaction proceeds, the surface-dissolution presented at the same meeting by Young 23 . This
step becomes rate controlling. Several possible work was performed by Higuchi and co-workers
semi-empirical equations were tested by Linge on human dental block enamel and compressed
and Nancollas and the one found to be consistent pellets of HAP. Their data revealed that 'there are
with the data had the following form: at least two solution partial saturation regions in
which the dissolution rate patterns for apatite are
significantly different'. They state that when the
solution activity product for KHAP is less than
where Rd is the dissolution rate, k is a specific 10- 128 the dissolution rate obeys the Levich
rate constant, Coo is the solute solubility, C is predictions for rotating discs. This activity pro-
the solution concentration at time t, and duct corresponds to the initial dissolution re-
ll(O ~ il ~ 1) describes the extent of the reaction. action, since very little calcium and phosphate
This type of equation is frequently found to have yet dissolved. As dissolution continues, the
describe the kinetics of surface reactions whene- calcium and phosphate concentrations increase
ver simple solvation of the lattice ions govern and the solution activity product reaches a value
crystal dissolution 21 . Quantitative analysis using of 10- 115 > KHAP > 10- 128 . In this region, the
this equation was to follow in a subsequent dissolution rates were found to be independent of
publication, but has not been published at this rotation velocities and therefore not diffusion
time. controlled in the boundary layer. The authors
In summary, Linge and Nancollas have studied interpreted the initial dissolution site as the one
the dissolution of enamel using a rotating disc previously investigated 3 , and related this site to
method, which gave well-defined hydrodynamic the rapid dissolution of individual crystals. In the
conditions. As the undersaturation is decreased, a second region (KHAP:: 10- 115 "'10- 128 ),
slow reaction at the crystal surface gains increas- dissolution occurred slowly from individual crys-
ing control of the dissolution. This reaction was tals and a zone of decalcification rather than
described qualitatively by a semi-empirical equa- surface dissolution resulted.
tion for the dissolution of enamel. The approach Subsequent work in Higuchi's laboratories
used by the authors has allowed a study of the with EDTA solutions showed that at pH 3-4
mechanism of the chemical reaction at the crystal EDT A decreased the dissolution rates, while at
surface during dissolution. In the earlier work by pH 5-6 it did not appreciably change the rates.
Higuchi, this was not possible since the diffusion This phenomenon was not consistent with the
step was always assumed to completely deter- physical model developed earlier. This study 5
mine the reaction rate. suggested that there may be two sites of enamel
Further studies by Nancollas and co-workers dissolution. The authors then formulated a two-
using the rotating disc design complemented the site dissolution model for dental enamel. The
earlier findings 22 and confirmed that a surface enamel crystals are assumed to have two different
reaction controlled the dissolution rate as the sites, one of which is inhibited by EDT A and the
reaction proceeds. The effectiveness of additives other is not. The site unaffected by EDT A,
on the dissolution rate of both sound and white however, may not be in instantaneous equilib-
spot enamel were investigated. The results in- rium with its surroundings. The initial model
dicated that the assumption of chemical equilib- gave an expression for the rate of release of
rium at the enamel surface during deminerali- material from this second site:
sation may not be justified. This assumption is
R, = k*[Cs -C(x)] (8.36)
basic to the physical model, which assumes s
Kinetics of Enamel Dissolution 199

where Cs is the equilibrium solubility character where [ T p] is the total concentration of all
of the site, and C(x) is the concentration at a given phosphate species, [ Tca] is the total concen-
point in the system. This expression was com- tration of all calcium species, and k' is equal to
bined with equations for Fick's law of diffusion (kD') 1 12 • The use of a single k for the surface
and the chemical equilibrium in the boundary reaction rate constant implies that the interfacial
layer. A consequence of this model is that a zone transfer coefficient is equal in all species. It should
of dissolution rather than surface dissolution is be mentioned that diffusion of more than one ion
predicted. This only seems to occur at partial may well involve coupled reactions at different
saturation or when an additive such as EDT A is rates.
present. The use of a rotating disc system and In the dissolution experiments, compressed
weak acid buffers under sink (site 1) conditions hydroxyapatite pellets were employed and nearly
showed similar deviations from the model. In sink conditions were maintained. The results
1976, a quantitative treatment of rotating disc once again showed that at low agitation speeds
systems was published by Wu et a/. 24 . In this the rates become almost linear with w 1 12 , which is
treatment the equilibria in the diffusion layer are to be expected with diffusion-controlled disso-
the same as those mentioned previously in the lution. At higher speeds, however, the rates
bulk dissolution section, but the dissolution significantly deviate from linearity indicating a
behaviour within the pellet must also be exam- surface-controlled reaction. The authors refer to
ined. For the steady state the authors expressed this as a 'substantial contribution of surface
this behaviour as: resistance to the dissolution reaction rate'. This
deviation from linearity is described in the model
D' dx 2 + k (Cs- C) = 0 (8.37) by the k' term and gives fairly good agreement
then between model and experiments.
where D' is the effective diffusivity in the pellet, Cs The results are explained on the basis of a
is the 'solubility' of the solute, C is the solution predominant dissolving site under sink con-
concentration in the pores of the pellet, and k is ditions being the one possessing a solubility that
the apparent first-order surface reaction rate is significantly less than the true thermodynamic
constant. In the other region of concern, the one. When the two-site model is used the pre-
diffusion layer, the flux of solute was expressed by dicted dissolution rate only differs by 4-5 per
the Noyes-Nernst equation 25 : cent under these sink conditions. The model
DA developed for the rotating disc experiments is
l=h(Co-Ch) (8.38) then able to establish the ionic activity product
(KHAP) that governs the dissolution reaction and
where A is the area of the pellet, h is the diffusion
the apparent surface dissolution reaction rate
layer thickness, and C0 and Ch the concen-
constant. The model appears to be applicable for
trations at the pellet solution interface and the
sink conditions but may not describe the disso-
bulk solution, respectively. The dissolution rate
lution kinetics in partially saturated solutions.
equations were obtained by applying equation
In contrast to the above model, White and
(8.38) to all species and assuming that the ap-
Nancollas 6 have described enamel dissolution
parent diffusivities for all species are equal. This
based wholly on conventional thermodynamic
gave the following expressions:
methods. The rotating disc design was again
[TP]s- [TP]h employed to study the dissolution of bovine
A= (8.39)
k' + h/D enamel. The experimental procedures were si-
Ire. milar to those used previously 4 and discussed
[Teal- [Tea] h
(8.40) above. The rate of reaction was followed by the
A k' +h/D
rate of acid uptake. A range of rotational speeds
lrc.=1.671Tp (8.41) and partially saturated calcium and phosphate
200 Dental Caries

solutions were used with the same disc. The pH of the individual species, and fz the activity coef-
the solutions were varied between 4.4 and 5.6 and ficient of an ion of charge Z.
the Ca: P ratio was varied from 3/5 to 5/3. This model showed satisfactory agreement
In order to quantify the ion transport process with the experimental data, except for a small
in solutions containing calcium, phosphate and non-zero intercept. This was due to an error in
hydrogen ions, one must consider the differences the choice of Ksp for HAP, and the use of 5.9
in ionic charge and diffusion coefficients, which x 10- 59 was found to give satisfactory con-
may lead to charge as well as concentration vergence of the data. The overall diffusion coef-
gradients. The addition of an inert electrolyte ficient found for HAP was 1.4 x 10- 5 cm 2 /s and
minimises the development of charge gradients. is similar to that used by Higuchi. However, when
Without the inert electrolyte, the application of the ratio of the theoretically calculated rates to
Fick's first law is inappropriate. As described experimental rates are plotted as a function of the
previously, the dependence of the steady-state hydrogen ion concentration, it was found that
dissolution rate on the stirring rate for laminar there is a dependence of Rd on the hydrogen ion
flow is Rd = w 112 ¢. All experiments performed by activity that is not explained by the simple model
White and Nancollas showed that laminar flow of equation (8.42). A straight line with positive
and diffusion-controlled kinetics occurred. slope and intercept gave a correlation coefficient
Previous work 4 showing a considerable depen- of 0.9996 over the experimental range. This was
dence on a surface reaction at higher spin speeds explained as coupled diffusion of hydrogen ions
was not confirmed by the current investigation. inward and dissolution products outward. The
Since an inert electrolyte was used to suppress term b N must be considered for each ion and may
charge gradients, Fick's law may be used to well be shortened in the case of PO!- and
represent the measured rate of dissolution. This OH- by reactions within the diffusion layer. This
could be done provided the diffusion of each model involving a decrease in the diffusion
species is independent. However, the diffusion distance explained the observed dissolution rate,
processes are coupled by both the solubility which is more rapid than diffusion control for a
product and stoichiometry. Thus an empirical single species and less mobile than a hydrogen
equation was used to relate the rate of diffusion ion. The overall dissolution rate was then ex-
of HAP in moljsjcm 2 to solution concentration: pressed as follows:

R = vd(HAP) = - snHAP [(HAP ) _(HAP)] Rd = -~~~;:P [(HAP.)- (HAP)] [ a(H +) + b]

d dt 103 bN °
(8.42) (8.44)
In equation (8.42), V is the volume of the cell
where the constants are a = 6.469 x 106 . and b
solution, in litres; Sis the area of enamel exposed,
= 32.99. At constant hydrogen ion concentration
in cm 2; DHAP is the 'overall' diffusion coefficient
this equation reduces to a form similar to equa-
of HAP in cm 2 js; bN is the thickness of the Nernst
tion (8.42).
diffusion layer; (HAP) is the molar activity of
In summary, the rotating disc method was used
aquated HAP in the bulk solution; and (HAP 0 ) is
to study enamel dissolution and led to a simple
the value of the activity at the enamel surface
equation based on fundamental solution chem-
corresponding to saturation. The activity of
istry and diffusion theory. Conditions of pH,
(HAP) is defined as follows:
ionic concentration and ionic strength similar to
([ ca2+],12 )st9([po3-Jf.
; 3
)3/9( [OW]J; )1/9 those in regions of carious lesions were ade-
5 quately explained by the model. For the first time,
an enamel dissolution model considers the coup-
(8.43) led diffusion of ions and forms the basis of a
where square brackets denote concentrations of rigorous representation of the reaction. The
Kinetics of Enamel Dissolution 201

solutions used represented partial saturation mation was used to establish a semi-empirical
conditions from 0 to 30 per cent and the coupled equation of the dissolution kinetics.
diffusion model showed good agreement over all It should be mentioned that in strictly empiri-
experimental ranges. This work has also shown cal curve-fitting operations, mathematical equa-
that the dissolution of bovine enamel, like syn- tions which describe differently shaped curves are
thetic apatite, may be described by conventional used. By adjusting the constants and adding more
thermodynamic methods. terms to the equation, the data could be made to
correlate perfectly with some equation, but the
equation would have little or no physical mean-
8.6 Kinetics of Incipient Caries ing. In the semi-empirical approach, variables are
Formation observed experimentally and are related in an
expression using physical-chemical concepts.
The enamel dissolution described so far concerns Deviations may be expected if not all the effects
only surface dissolution, which bears little re- have been taken into account.
semblance to the development of a carious lesion. In the 1966 paper, Gray found that the disso-
In the natural lesion the enamel is dissolved from lution rate was constant over the first 96 hours of
the sub-surface and this decalcified region is caries-like lesion formation. He therefore used
covered with a relatively sound surface layer. In the data at 96 hours and a differential approach
the oral environment the sound outer layer to establish the expression for lesion formation.
would be covered by salivary pellicle and pro- The basic equation takes a similar form to the one
bably also by plaque. The production of incipient used earlier for surface dissolution:
carious lesions in vitro has involved the use of
R = ko[H+]"'+ k 1 KA"' [H+]"z[HB]"'
inhibitors, 26 organic polymers, 27 gelatin gels 28
and non-agitation conditions in acidic buffers. 29
In 1963, Gray and Francis 10 reported an in vitro where R is the rate of enamel dissolution in
system for creating lesions which decalcify sub- mg/cm 2 /96 h; k 0 and k 1 are rate constants; KA is
surface enamel and produce a white spot without the dissociation constant of the acidic buffer, HB;
incurring surface damage. The system consisted [H +] is the concentration of hydrogen ions; and
of an organic, non-ionic polymer (hydroxyethyl [HB] is the concentration of undissociated buf-
cellulose) and acidic buffers. The rate of enamel fer. In a static system, sufficient calcium may well
dissolution during formation of the lesions was build up at the reaction interface and therefore
measured as a function of pH, buffer con- inhibit the dissolution process. This was accoun-
centration, calcium concentration and tempera- ted for by adding a third term to the equation,
ture. The rate was found to be directly pro- which gave the following expression:
portional to the total acid concentration ([H +]
and [HB]) and was not significantly affected by R = k0 [H+J"'+k 1 K/'[H+J"'[HBJ"'
temperature. This system oflesion formation was + k2 [H +J"'[Ca2+ J"' (8.46)
used by Gray in 196630 to study the kinetics of
incipient caries-like lesion formation. The enamel
samples were placed in various acid buffers, pH since it was found experimentally that the cal-
and buffer concentration for a specified time cium ion effect was pH dependent. To solve this
period. Samples were changed for each measure- expression several basic equilibria are involved:
ment at a different time period. The dissolution
rates became an average for various enamel
samples. At the end of the demineralisation time
period the solution calcium and phosphate con-
centrations were measured. The resulting infor-
202 Dental Caries

The end result when the exponents are eva- was the exponent for the undissociated acid. This
luated from the experimental data is: result was not totally unexpected, since surface
dissolution and sub-surface dissolution should
R = k0 [H+] + k 1K/ 14 [H+] 114 [HB]- be the same at the level of enamel crystalites. The
difference would lie in the extra diffusion steps in
KA[HB]2 (
k2 [H + r/4 K,
[B -] + K,
(8.49) the case of sub-surface dissolution and this seems
to have been absorbed in the undissociated acid
This equation was used to evaluate the agree- term.
ment between model and experimental results. This expression for sub-surface dissolution,
The results indicated that the important variables however, does not depend on any physical model
affecting the rate were undissociated acid con- of the lesion nor is decalcification a function of
centration, hydrogen ion concentration, acid exposure time. In 1968, Holly and Gray 31 exten-
dissociation constant and dissociation constant ded the study of the formation of incipient
of the acid anion complex of the calcium ion. A carious lesions based on a physical model and
relatively sound outer layer resulted from the diffusion concepts. Experimentally, the amount
presence of a protective agent. The amount of of enamel dissolved and depth of penetration of
enamel dissolved was also found to increase the lesion into enamel was measured as a function
almost linearly with time. of exposure time to acid buffers with 6 per cent
The caries-like lesion model may now be HEC added. It was found that both acid con-
described in non-mathematical terms. The pro- sumption and depth of lesion increased With
tective agent, HEC, adsorbs on the surface and exposure time. Normally, the consumption of
acts as a protective coating against acid disso- reactant and penetration of the decalcification
lution but otherwise is assumed to be inert. The front would be expected to vary with the square
undissociated acid buffer and hydrogen ions root of time. The data, however, showed that the
diffuse through the spaces between enamel crys- time dependence was almost linear. This was
tals, particularly at prism junctions where they explained by the restriction on diffusion by the
migrate to reaction sites in the enamel. After sound outer layer. Since diffusion through a
reaction (dissolution) the products must diffuse relatively intact layer would be the slowest pro-
back along the channels to the bulk solution. At cess, it would mask the normal time dependence
this time the buffer anion may complex with the that originated from increasing the distance
calcium ion and slow down the diffusion into the between the place of reaction and the source of
bulk solution. This fact necessitates the third the reactant.
term in the equation. The model was treated as a mass transport
It is interesting to compare the initial rate process of acidic reactant through a double
equations for surface and sub-surface disso- membrane, the relatively sound outer layer repre-
lution. The previous model for surface dis- senting one membrane of constant thickness, d,
solution when rearranged gave the following: and the sub-surface decalcified region represent-
Rsurrace = k[H+] + ktKAti4[H+]ti4[HB Jli2 ing another membrane which increases in thick-
(8.50) ness, x, with time.
The assumptions in constructing the model
while the current model for caries-like lesion were as follows: (1) An intact layer, d, separates
formation gave the following if the third term is the reactant solution from the decalcified region
neglected: and is constant in thickness. (2) The diffusion
pathways within the intact layer are formed
Rsub-surface = ko[H +] + k 1KA 114 [H +] 114 [HB] quickly and have a constant cross-sectional area,
A 1. (3) The sub-surface layer has a thickness of x
The only difference between the two expressions and cross-sectional area, A 2 • (4) At a certain
Kinetics of Enamel Dissolution 203

degree of decalcification in the second layer, the between the calculated and experimental results
reaction stops (A 2 becomes maximum) and the was reasonably good, with the largest deviation
reaction advances into the sound enamel. being for human enamel at longer reaction times.
(5) Reaction occurs only at the boundary be- This deviation was explained by the slight ap-
tween the decalcified region and normal sound parent increase in the value A 2 which was
enamel, therefore the reacting interface continues assumed to be constant.
to advance deeper into the enamel. (6) The rate Although the model gave fairly good agree-
of diffusion of HB is rate controlling. Since the ment with the experimental data, several com-
reaction at the interface is fast compared to the ments should be made in regard to recent obser-
diffusion of HB, no considerable accumulation of vations. Diffusion of more than one ion either to
acid will occur at the interface (CR) and the bulk the reaction site or away from it cannot be treated
solution concentration (Cn) will be large by separately since charge and mass coupling occur,
comparison. This will be the case as long as the as pointed out by Nancollas. Also, salivary
reaction is diffusion controlled. pellicles which may be compared to the pro-
The mathematical treatment of this model tective coating (HEC) have been shown to be
involves the use of Fick's first law: perm-selective membranes 32 and would de-
finitely affect the ionic diffusion of reactants and
dQ/dt = -DA(dc/dk) (8.52)
products. In the model system the protective
where Q is the amount of reactant that has coating may have only a passive role, but the
diffused into enamel of unit surface area at time, salivary pellicle has an active part in the pre-
t, D is the diffusion coefficient of the reactant in vention of dental caries. 3 3
the solution phase of enamel, and A is a measure During white spot formation a considerable
of the fractional cross-sectional area. By equating build up of calcium and phosphate concentration
the diffusion rate of acid through the outer may occur. Experiments without any added
surface and through the sub-surface region, the calcium and phosphate would describe only
following expression is obtained: surface dissolution. In the rotating disc study by
dQ DA 2 (Cn -CR) ~ DA 2 Cn White and Nancollas, partially saturated so-
dt A 2 d/(A 1 )+X = A 2 d/(Ad+X lutions of up to 32.5 per cent were used without
(8.53) appreciable deviations from the coupled dif-
fusion model. Studies with partially saturated
when C 8 ~C R as mentioned above. X is then solutions are believed to be important to the
replaced in the equation using the assumptions clinical situation of white spot formation. In
above and the conservation of matter to obtain: contrast to the predictable behaviour observed
dQ DA 2 Cn with 32.5 per cent saturated solutions, Fawzi
(8.54) Higuchi and Hefferen 34 have recently published
dt A 2 d/(A 1 ) + Q/SA 2
results of enamel dissolution with 50 per cent
Solving the differential equation with the in-
saturated solutions. These studies have shown an
itial conditions of Q = 0 when t = 0 yields the
unusual dissolution behaviour and will be de-
scribed here.
(8.55) A rotating disc method was again used to
where study the dissolution of both tooth enamel and
pellets of synthetic hydroxyapatite under con-
r:t = SA~d/A 1 ditions of relatively high partial saturation (for
example 50 per cent saturated with respect to
{3 = 2SA~Dtn
HAP). The dissolution of enamel was followed
This equation was then used to evaluate the data by withdrawing aliquots of fluid for calcium and
on bovine and human enamel. The agreement phosphate analysis.
204 Dental Caries

The results showed congruent dissolution del was provided in a companion paper 3 5 that
(stoichiometric amounts of calcium and phos- evaluated the above model. The study used
phate) and an unusual cyclic stepwise pattern of suspensions of HAP crystals in a dialysis bag
dissolution. This cyclic pattern was found with which was placed in a partially saturated acetate
various calcium to phosphate ratios, with both buffer. The dissolution of the HAP crystals and
lactic and acetate buffers and with experiments at diffusion of ions out of the bag was followed by
30° C and 37o C. The behaviour was also found to analysing the amount of calcium and phosphate
be independent of stirring rate and thus implied a within the bulk solution and the dialysis bag. The
surface-controlled reaction. According to the values obtained from the solution inside the bag
authors, calculations showed that no other phase corresponded to the microenvironment sur-
could be precipitating and therefore affecting the rounding the enamel crystals, while the ion
overall rate of dissolution. concentrations outside the bag would corres-
This unusual pattern of dissolution was ex- pond to those seen in the bulk solution.
plained by assuming a synchronisation among The results showed a steady increase in ion
an assembly of crystals and a large variation in concentration outside of the bag, but revealed
chemical potential at the sites of dissolution. This the cyclic pattern of dissolution inside the bag.
was related to substantial chemical potential The oscillation of ion concentration inside the
differences among different planes in domains of bag strongly supports the synchronised disso-
the order of dimensions of the unit cell. Thus lution hypothesis. When the ion concentration
variations in the 'driving force' for dissolution difference between the inside and outside of the
may occur that would be dependent on the stage bag was large, a very rapid diffusion out of the
of dissolution of these domains. bag occurred and the oscillations were not
Synchronisation was believed to occur when observed. It was also observed that when this
the ambient solution ion activity product can concentration difference was very small, only
oscillate about a critical value. The oscillations initial transient decay was observed. Thus, under
resulted from bursts of dissolution from the certain conditions the oscillatory pattern of
crystals followed by diffusional relaxation of the dissolution was observed and supported the
ambient ions into the bulk solution. Thus, when synchronised dissolution model for those con-
ambient solution conditions are appropriate, the ditions. This unusual behaviour has not been
faster dissolving crystals slow up, while the reported by other workers and may be the result
slower dissolving crystals catch up, and the of the experimental conditions employed.
whole assembly of crystals becomes synchro- Further independent studies of the proposed
nised. When the ambient solution activity again model should be carried out in the future.
drops below a critical value, sudden dissolution The kinetics of caries-like lesions have been
of all the synchronised crystals takes place. Thus, described in terms of a semi-empirical model and
the ambient solution activity is raised and the a physical diffusion model. The unusual be-
process repeats itself. haviour of enamel under conditions of relatively
This mechanism is more likely to occur during high partial saturation have also been described
in vivo dental caries than the model described in terms of a synchronised dissolution model. All
under sink conditions. The sub-surface demine- of the models proposed explain some aspect of
ralisation present in incipient carious lesions is enamel dissolution, but have been simplified to
consistent with the zonal dissolution of the allow the mathematical formulations. It is cer-
proposed mechanism. Since this is the first tainly difficult to express the in vivo situation of
reported case of this unusual dissolution be- plaque, pellicle, intact surface and sub-surface
haviour, further studies are necessary to confirm demineralisation in mathematical terms. The
the results. coupled diffusion, complexation and reprecipi-
Support for the synchronous dissolution mo- tation of ions further complicates the expressions
Kinetics of Enamel Dissolution 205

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7. Hals, E., Morch, T. and Sand, H. F. (1955). 19. Jones, A. L., Linge, H. G. and Wilson, I. R.
Effect oflactate buffers on dental enamel in (1972). The dissolution of silver chromate
vitro as observed in polarizing microscopy. into aqueous solutions. I. Analysis of mass
Acta Odontologica Scandinavica, 13, 85- transport of the lattice ions from the crystal
122 surface during the reaction. Journal of
8. von Bartheld, F. (1958). Decalcification in Crystal Growth, 12, 201-8
initial dental caries. Tijdschr. Tandheelk., 20. Riddiford, A. E. (1966). The rotating disk
65, 76-89 system. Advances in Electro-chemical
9. Laidler, K. J. (1950). Chemical kinetics, in Engineering, 4, 47-116
The Measurement of Reaction Rates 21. Linge, H. G. (1970). The dissolution of
McGraw-Hill, New York, chap. I, p. 1 silver chromate. Ph.D. Thesis, Melbourne
10. Gray, J. A. and Francis, M. D. (1963). Monask Univ.
206 Dental Caries

22. Bishop, D. W., Eick, J. D., Nancollas, G. 29. Sperber, G. H. and Buonocore, M. G.
H. and White, W. D. (1974). Dissolution (1963). Effect of different acids on charac-
kinetics of rotating discs of sound and ter of demineralization of enamel surfaces.
white spot enamel. Journal of Dental Journal of Dental Research, 42, 707-23
Research, 53t 575 (abstract) 30. Gray, J. A. (1966). Kinetics of enamel
23. Young, F., Fawzi, M., Dedhiya, M. G., dissolution during formation of incipient
Wu, M.S. and Higuchi, W. I. (1974). Dual caries-like lesions. Archives of Oral Biology,
mechanisms for dental enamel dissolution 11, 397-421
in acid buffers. Journal of Dental Research, 31. Holly, F. J. and Gray, J. A. (1968).
53, 576 (abstract) Mechanism for incipient carious lesion
24. Wu, M., Higuchi, W. 1., Fox, J. L. and growth utilizing a physical model based on
Friedman, M. (1976). Kinetics and me- diffusion concepts. Archives of Oral Biology,
chanisms of hydroxyapatite crystal disso- 13, 319-34
lution in a weak acid buffers using the 32. Zahradnik, R. T., Moreno, E. C. and
rotating disk method. Journal of Dental Burke, E. J. (1976). Effect of salivary
Research, 55, 496-505 pellicle on enamel subsurface deminerali-
25. Higuchi, W. I. (1967). Diffusion model zation in vitro. Journal of Dental Research,
useful in biopharmaceutics. Journal of 55, 664-70
Pharmaceutical Science, 56, 315-24 33. Moreno, E. C. and Zahradnek, R. T.
26. White, W. D. and Nancollas, G. H. (1975). (1974). Chemistry of enamel subsurface
The kinetics of enamel dissolution and demineralization in vitro. Journal of Dental
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Part II
The Scientific Basis of Caries Prevention
Chapter 9

Possibilities for Caries Control

by Modification of the Diet

9.1 Evidence for the Influence of the Diet on Dental Caries

9.1.1 Epidemiological evidence from human populations
9 .1.2 Evidence from the regulation of diet in supervised human groups
9.1.3 Evidence of the low caries incidence in hereditary fructose intolerance
9.1.4 Evidence that sucrose assists implantation and maintenance in the
mouth of cariogenic bacteria
9.2 The Relative Cariogenicity of Carbohydrates
9.3 Possible Modifications of the Human Diet to Reduce Dental Caries
9.3.1 The limitation of sucrose consumption to mealtimes
9.3.2 Possible replacement of sucrose by other sweeteners in foods
9.3.3 Possible addition of caries-inhibiting agents to foods
Inorganic phosphates
Organic phosphates

210 Dental Caries

The total food and drink intake of an individual, and particularly of dietary carbohydrates, upon
including non-nutrient components, is termed dental caries are many, and have been referred to
the diet. The constituents of the diet come into elsewhere in this volume, notably sections 1.4.3
contact with the external surfaces of the teeth, and 2.2.6. It is appropriate to summarise them
with the gingivae and with dental plaque. A here before drawing conclusions as to the possi-
dietary effect in dental disease is defined as a local bilities for control.
effect of substances eaten. There may be a direct
effect upon the tissues by a component of the 9.1.1 Epidemiological evidence from human
diet, or the effect may be indirect-for example, populations
due to production of acid by interaction of
dietary carbohydrate with plaque-but in either A marked increase in caries seems the inescap-
case the effect is produced from within the able result of the adoption of a modern 'Western'
mouth. Nutrition, on the other hand, concerns diet. A well-defined case is that of the inhabitants
the effects of digested and assimilated foods of Tristan da Cuhna, an isolated group who lived
upon the host, and nutritional effects are, there- for many years as subsistence farmers and fisher-
fore, systemic rather than local. A nutritional men. Their dental state was excellent in 1932 and
effect upon the dental tissues is, therefore, an 1937 when their diet comprised potatoes and
effect upon development, regeneration or repair. other vegetables, meat and fish. The sale of
It is the local interactions in the mouth due to diet imported manufactured foods and the eva-
which will be considered in this chapter. cuation of the population to Britain was as-
sociated with an increase in caries (figure 9.1)
9.1 Evidence for the Influence of which has continued since their return to the
Diet on Dental Caries island 1 • Fisher states 'Tristan is probably the best
example of dental deterioration associated with
The lines of evidence indicating an effect of diet, the consumption of sophisticated foods enjoyed

~ 1962
% toot h 4 .1966
by caries

age groups

Figure 9.1 The prevalence of dental caries expressed as percentage of decayed, missing and filled
teeth in various age-groups of the population of Tristan da Cunha in 1937, 1962 and 1966
Possibilities for Caries Control by Modification of the Diet 211

by populations with an improved standard of which the supplement was 300 g sucrose per
living'. day dissolved in drinks given only at mealtimes.
The severe dietary restrictions in many count- This group was very little different to the control
ries during World War II were accompanied by a group in rate of caries increase. No attempt was
decrease in dental caries. The teeth that had made in this study to test the effect of eating
already erupted showed the same reduced caries starchy foods between meals. The relative dental
score as the developing teeth and the improve- safety of taking sucrose in forms easily cleared
ment was therefore due to a local dietary effect from the mouth 3 and when consumed at meal-
rather than a nutritional one. In studies of these times was confirmed by experiments in which
phenomena, the dietary components which cor- large sucrose supplements were administered to
relate well with caries score are sucrose and its children in residential homes in Britain over a 1~
products. In the UK the consumption of sucrose 2-year period 4 .
rose from 9.1 kg per capita per annum in 1835 to A population of 80 children were brought up
54 kg in 1961. In a survey of children in from birth at Hopewood House, Bowral, New
Dundee in 1964, 49.6 g of sweets and candy South Wales, according to the dietary theories of
alone were eaten per child per week, and the 13- the founder. Their diet was vegetarian but did
year-olds had 10 decayed teeth per child. include dairy products. Refined carbohydrates
Although it has been possible to remark upon the were excluded, but wholemeal bread, oats, po-
coincidence of high sucrose consumption and tatoes, rice, treacle and molasses were permitted.
marked caries, it has been difficult to demon- The fluoride content in the water was low (0.1
strate a relationship between degree of caries and p.p.m.) and the standard of oral hygiene was
extent of sucrose consumption within present- poor as they had periodontal disease. However,
day urban populations. One reason for this may children of 5~ 13 years had only 10 per cent of the
be that it is impossible to identify groups of caries found in the general population 5 • After
individuals with a truly low-sucrose intake. The leaving the home the children suffered an in-
sucrose consumption of all individuals in a crease from 2 D MFT at 13 years to 11 ~ 14
natural urban population may be so high that it DMFT at the age of 18. The teeth were, there-
may not be easy to show marked differences in fore, not inherently resistant to caries due to
caries experience as a function of sucrose intake. some nutritional effect during their development,
and the low caries experience was therefore
9.1.2 Evidence from the regulation attributed to the absence of refined carbohyd-
of diet in supervised human groups rates in the diet while the children were in the
The effect of sucrose upon caries was tested on a
group of 436 patients of a mental hospital at 9.1.3 Evidence of the low caries
Vipeholm, Sweden 2 , and the frequency of con- incidence in hereditary fructose
sumption, together with the form in which the intolerance
sucrose was administered, were found to be of
paramount importance. The control group The saturation of liver hexokinase by glucose,
(which received the basal low-carbohydrate diet and the specificity of glucokinase for glucose,
with 150 g margarine) showed little increase in require a specific mechanism for metabolising
caries throughout the study (figure 9.2). In the fructose. Normally, fructose is phosphorylated
other groups (which received carbohydrate sup- by liver fructokinase to fructose-1-phosphate,
plements in various forms in place of the mar- which is not an intermediate of glycolysis. Liver
garine) there was a dramatic increase in caries aldolase, which splits fructose- I ,6-diphosphate,
when the supplements were allowed between also metabolises fructose-1-phosphate to glyce-
meals. A significant group is the sucrose group in raldehyde and dihydroxyacetone phosphate.
212 Dental Caries

Dental caries frequency 1946-1951

21 -------- _- 24 toffee F

24toffee M
Bread M
DMF 19
person 18

8 toffee


___ sugar consumed
at meals
14 - sugar consumed
both at and
betwen meals

12 ... ... ...

1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951

Figure 9.2 Dental caries expressed as number of decayed, missing and filled teeth
per person in participants in tbe Vipebolm study 2 • Tbe steepness of tbe curve is always
less if consumption of tbe sugar is restricted to mealtimes. Tbe form of administration
of sucrose is also significant

Glyceraldehyde can be phosphorylated by tri- sweating, nausea and vomiting, tremors and
okinase to glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate, so that convulsions, and may lead to coma and death. If
fructose normally gives the same triose phos- early childhood is survived, those affected learn
phates as glucose but by a different metabolic to avoid all foods containing sucrose and fruc-
route. tose, but they do consume other fermentable
A rare genetic defect (an inborn error of carbohydrates such as lactose (in milk) and
metabolism) called hereditary fructose intoler- starch (in bread, rice and potatoes).
ance (HFI) is due to the inability ofliver aldolase The symptoms of HFI are those of hypo-
to split fructose-1-phosphate, although fructose- glycaemia and resemble those of diabetes mellitus.
1:6-diphosphate produced from glucose is meta- Fructose ingestion results in abnormally high
bolised normally. Individuals with this defect fructose-1-phosphate concentrations in the liver
cannot tolerate fructose or sucrose. The major and depletion of tissue A TP and plasma in-
source of fructose in the human diet is sucrose or organic phosphate. The low blood glucose con-
sucrose products. Ingestion of fructose causes centration that causes the symptoms of HFI may
Possibilities for Caries Control by Modification of the Diet 213

be caused by inadequacy of A TP for the cyclic experiment sucrose and starch were equally
AMP production necessary to stimulate glyco- effective at promoting implantation, although
gen phosphorylase, the enzyme responsible for little caries occurred on the starch diet 9 .
producing glucose-1-phosphate from liver glyco- Sucrose has also been shown to be essential for
gen. However, the hypoglycaemia is probably the establishment of S.mutans in the dental
explained by the inhibitory effect of high plaque of man 10 . Furthermore, dental plaque
fructose-1-phosphate concentrations on liver formed in the absence of sucrose is not ca-
phosphorylase, and on the deficiency of the riogenic. Thus, mentally retarded.children who
inorganic phosphate necessary for this enzyme to were fed routinely by stomach tube had very little
function 6 • dental caries. Plaque from these children showed
Individuals affected by HFI have remarkably very little fall in pH when exposed to sucrose, and
little caries 7 and are often caries-free (for exam- hence contained few lactic acid bacteria 11 .
ple, 8 out of 19 patients 8 compared with 1 in 4000
in the general population). Siblings without this
autosomal recessive defect who were brought up 9.2 The Relative Cariogenicity of
with HFI patients had a degree of dental caries Carbohydrates
comparable to that of the general population.
The low degree of caries found in individuals Many studies of the effect of diet on caries have
with HFI is restricted to occlusal fissures and is been carried out in rats and other rodents. For
not found on the smooth surfaces of the teeth. example, in the experiments of Stephan 12 the
basal diet of skimmed milk powder and dried
9.1.4 Evidence that sucrose assists liver was non-cariogenic (table 9.1 ). In the scor-
implantation and maintenance in the ing system used, a value of 10 or more for a
mouth of cariogenic bacteria foodstuff supplement is considered significantly
cariogenic. It is notable that fruits such as apples,
The formation of a voluminous extracellular which contain over 10 per cent of fermentable
polysaccharide from sucrose is a consistent fea- carbohydrates and are moderately cariogenic
ture of cariogenic streptococci (sections 3 and when fed ad libitum to rats (table 9.1), are
5.6.1). In numerous studies it has been shown considered not to be cariogenic in man.
that attempts to introduce these bacteria into the Most research of this type has concerned the
mouths of hamsters, rats, monkeys and man was relative potency of different carbohydrates, and
more successful when sucrose was used than foodstuffs containing them, as causes of caries.
when other carbohydrates were included in the When carbohydrate of different types was in-
diet. The frequent chewing of sugar has also been corporated into a skimmed milk-liver powder
shown to assist the retention of easily identifiable diet at a level of 66 per cent, sucrose (mean caries
caries-inducing streptococci in human mouths. score 23 after 8 weeks) was much more cariogenic
Restriction of dietary sucrose reduces an already than either glucose or raw wheat starch (mean
established population of Streptococcus caries scores 7-8 and 2-3, respectively) 13 .
mutans in man and monkey, but in other studies Fructose had a similar cariogenicity score to
S.mutans was shown to be persistent in monkeys glucose, and as these two sugars are the com-
in the absence of dietary carbohydrate. The ponents of the sucrose molecule, it is evident that
relative success in implanting S. mutans in the sucrose is much more cariogenic than its con-
mouths of rats has been shown to depend on the stituents14. In the many different studies of
carbohydrate in the diet 9 • In one experiment, relative cariogenicity, sucrose has almost in-
both the proportion of S.mutans and the in- variably been found to be the most cariogenic.
cidence of caries were greatest with sucrose, less Presumably part of the special effect of sucrose is
with glucose and least with starch, but in another due to its ability to be converted into bacterial
214 Dental Caries

Table 9.1 Effects of human foods fed ad libitum to from these experiments that substituting whole-
rats on a basal diet~rats were fed 581 s meal for white bread would have any beneficial
diet for two one-hour periods per day, effect upon human caries rate 16 . Sweet biscuits
test food available continuously (From
Stephan 12 )
(cookies) have a high sucrose content, but it is
interesting to note that cooked biscuits, pow-
Additional food Mean caries score dered and added to the rat diet, were much more
cariogenic than the same biscuit mixture added
Nil--control group 0 to the diet in the same amount, but uncooked 17 .
Corn chips, peanuts, popcorn 0
Lettuce, cabbage 0
It was suggested that the cooking process pro-
Orange*, lemon* 0 duced a consistency which favoured retention in
Potato chips (crisps) 1.6 the fissures of molars. This idea is supported by
Carrots 2.1 the finding that very few of the carious lesions
Graham crackers (cracker 8.7 formed on the biscuit diet were on the smooth
White bread and raspberry 10.2
surfaces of the teeth.
jam It should be noted that all foods containing the
Apples* 19.4 lower-molecular-weight forms of the common
Bananas 21.0 saccharides are more cariogenic than those com-
Grapes* 24.1 prising the corresponding polymers. The corn
Candy mints 24.7
Cola* 29.6 syrup or liquid glucose (table 9.2) used exten-
Raisins 30.9 sively in British bakery products has a high
10% sucrose solution 32.2 content of glucose and maltose. Lately, the
Dates 32.7 development of industrial enzymology has al-
Milk chocolate 34.1
lowed corn syrup to be converted into a sweeter
product by isomerisation of glucose to fructose,
* Dental erosion caused. and this product has found extensive application
in prepared foods in North America.
extracellular polysaccharides (for example, de- The syrups remaining after the crystallisation
xtran), which form part of the matrix of dental of sucrose, molasses (70 per cent sucrose), treacle
plaque (section 5.6.1). Raw wheat starch caused (more sucrose and less impurities than molasses)
very little caries, and the same was true if the and golden syrup (partly inverted syrup contain-
starch was cooked to swell the grains, and the ing sucrose, glucose and fructose) are all highly
product then dried, and powdered to resemble cariogenic, as is honey (largely sucrose with some
raw starch in physical texture prior to incorpo- fructose and glucose). There is no convincing
ration in the diet 15 . evidence that the less pure forms of these sugars
When starch solutions are applied to plaque serve any less well as substrates for oral bacteria,
no Stephan curve is observed. This may be for or that the dirt and impurities they contain in any
two reasons: starch, being a polysaccharide, way reduce the impact of the acids produced
diffuses slowly into plaque compared to mono- from them.
or disaccharides, and secondly, it is a polymer
that must be hydrolysed by extracellular amylase
before it can be assimilated and metabolised by 9.3 Possible Modifications of the
plaque bacteria. The degree of refinement of Human Diet to Reduce Dental
bread seems to have little bearing upon its Caries
cariogenicity. White bread contains less than 2
per cent sucrose and about 60 per cent starch, Since it is quite clear that sucrose and its products
and caused little caries in a susceptible strain of are key factors in the aetiology of caries, means
rats, as did brown bread. There is no evidence of modifying its potentially damaging effects
Possibilities for Caries Control by Modification of the Diet 215

Table 9.2 The relative sweetness and cost of dustrial considerations, palatability and con-
carbohydrates and other sweeteners sistency, as well as health and safety factors.
Although sucrose is not an essential component
Sweetener Relative sweetness Cost in £ Cost per
(sucrose = 10) per kg" unit of of the diet, and could certainly be replaced by
sweetness other carbohydrates without harm, it seems un-
likely that many individuals will voluntarily re-
a b duce their consumption of sucrose (in all forms) to
Lactose 2.7 1.6 1.87 6.9 a degree that will reduce caries significantly.
Sorbitol 4.8 5.4 1.75 3.6
(glucitol) Caution should be used in giving nutritional
Glycerol 4.8 10.8 2.60 5.4 advice. In Western countries, about 50 per cent of
Glucose 5--6 7.4 0.66 1.1-1.2 calories are provided by carbohydrates, and this is
Maltose 6 9.24 15.4 both nutritionally satisfactory, and also inexpen-
Sucrose 10 10 0.83 0.83
Xylitol -HY
sive! What is desirable for dental health is not the
13.00' 13.09
Invert sugar 8-9 13 substitution of costly protein, or fat, for carboh-
Fructose 10--15 17.3 3.75 2.5-3.75 ydrate, but the replacement of more cariogenic
Sodium 300--800 300--800 carbohydrates by less cariogenic carbohydrates.
cyclamate In view of this the use of 'non-caloric' 18 sweeteners
Aspertame 1000--2000
(for example saccharin) can only be of limited
Saccharin 2Q00-7000 2Q00-7000 value unless in conjunction with carbohydrates
that are not cariogenic.
a. Data from The Carbohydrates Chemistry-Biochemistry, (3) The third possibility for dietary modifi-
vol. lA (Eds Pigman, W. and Horton, D.), Academic
Press, London and New York, 1972.
cation is that certain additives which are known
b. Data from Newbrun 18 (the relative sweetness of sub- to have an inhibitory effect on the initiation and
stances depends on physical factors in the solution used development of caries, might be included in the
and on the taster, hence the differences between data and
the ranges cited for some compounds).
diet, either by adding them to a wide range of
c. the relative sweetness of xylitol was not quoted in either a foods, or by educating the public to choose
orb, but it has been claimed to be equal to that of sucrose specific items that contain them.
in 10 per cent solution.
d. Costs of 1 kg of grades suitable for bacteriological tests, or 9.3.1 The limitation of sucrose
for consumption, from one supplier. Commercial quan-
tities would undoubtedly be much cheaper, and the shop consumption to mealtimes
price of sucrose is half that in this table.
e. Cost with reference to relative sweetness in column a.
The evidence that sucrose consumption at fre-
f £25 per kg in Finland (1970). Pilot plant production quent intervals is associated with high caries is
(2()()()-5000) tons/year for the Turku study reduced the overwhelming. Caries could be reduced in the
cost to £3 per kg (1975). Further cost reduction may be
expected on full-scale production (Scheinin, personal
population solely by restricting the eating of
communication). sweet snacks between meals (figure 9.3 and
g. 3.0 on the basis of the 1975 Finnish price. section 5.3.1).
have been considered extensively. There seem to 9.3.2 Possible replacement of sucrose
be three approaches that recommend themselves: by other sweeteners in foods
( 1) The limitation of consumption of sucrose The majority of people enjoy sweet foods, and
items, preferably in a non-sticky form, to meal- sucrose has come to represent one-third of the
times. This is a matter of education of the public, total carbohydrate intake (or one-sixth of the
either en masse or by individual dentists advising total calorie consumption) in Western nations.
their own patients. The reasons for this high consumption of sucrose
(2) The replacement of sucrose by other are several. It is the traditional sweetener, and is
sweetening agents in foods and beverages. This is an important ingredient in many well-loved
more difficult and involves economic and in- recipes, to which it frequently imparts a desirable
216 Dental Caries


8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
breakfast sweet coffee sweet lunch sweet tea, biscuit dinner coffee coffee

8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
breakfast coffee lunch tea dinner coffee
Figure 9.3 The plaque pH of individuals taking frequent snacks, above, and main meals only, below (After Jenkins 60 ).

consistency. Sucrose is sweeter than any simple equivalent, or if it is more expensive. The si-
carbohydrate except invert sugar (a mixture of tuation with caries is not like that of diabetes
glucose and fructose obtained by hydrolysing mellitus. Diabetics who wish to eat sweets or
sucrose) or its component, fructose (table 9.2), chocolate are obliged by their disability to buy
and is cheaper per 'unit of sweetness' than any items prepared especially for them that are more
other carbohydrate, although this may well be expensive, and less palatable, than those avail-
solely because of the scale on which sucrose is able to non-diabetics. No such restriction of
produced. However, it is worth remembering choice applies to the rest of the population. There
that huge industries are founded on the growth is also a lack of urgency in tackling the problem.
of sugar beet and cane, and on the purification of Many people are not willing to change their
sucrose, so that attempts to replace sucrose on a dietary habits in order to avoid dental caries that
large scale might be successfully opposed by may occur in the months or years ahead.
these interests (as in the case of cyclamate 18 , and In spite of these problems, trials of sucrose
the establishment of a fructose syrup industry in substitutes have been caried out, largely in
Europe). Scandinavia and Switzerland. Sorbitol (glucitol)
It is unlikely that an item of food containing a is the sweetener used in many diabetic prepara-
sucrose substitute will gain acceptance if it is tions. It is prepared by catalytic hydrogenation
worse in flavour, or texture, than the sucrose of glucose:
. · :.'. 2.:- . "-~>. .J;..'·.:-~·::L{;·.~: :. :,;~f. . _,

Plate 6.1 (Top left) Longitudinal ground section through an artificial caries-like lesion created
in an acidified gel after 20 weeks exposure. The section is examined in quinoline with the
polarizing microscope and shows a well marked, positively birefringent, dark zone at the
advancing front of the lesion (X100). (Top right) Same section but now examined in Thoulet's
medium, refractive index 1-62, with the polarizing microscope. The dark zone can no longer
be seen since the aqueous medium has penetrated the micropore system of the zone. The
lesion appears as a region of reduced negative birefringence relative to sound enamel (X100).
(Bottom left) Same section seen with polarised light after imbibition with water. The body of
the lesion shows as a region of positive birefringence, sharply demarcated from the surface
zone which shows a high degree of negative birefringence, since it is relatively unaffected by
the attack. It requires a region having a pore volume of 5 per cent to change from negative to
positive birefringence, under these conditions. (Bottom right) Same section now examined
dry in air with the polarising microscope. The body of the lesion appears almost black due to
the excessive positive form birefringence produced within this porous region. However, the
surface zone still exhibits a negative birefringence in part, showing that the pore volume in
this zone is approximately 1 per cent.
Possibilities for Caries Control by Modification of the Diet 217


I H--C--OH
I 2H I
HO--C--H ~ HO-C--H
H--C--OH ~ H-~--OH
H--C--OH H--C--OH
CH 2 0H
CH 2 0H
o-glucose o-sorbitol)

Sorbitol may be oxidised to glucose and Thus, sorbitol does not require insulin to enter
fructose in the liver of man and animals by polyol cells, but produces glucose and fructose within
dehydrogenases that are rather non-specific, but them. The normal energy yield of hexose meta-
which have sometimes been called specially sor- bolism is available from sorbitol, together with
bitol dehydrogenases: an additional amount from the oxidation of
NADH 2 • Although it is only about half as sweet

CH 2 0H


CH 2 0H

.NADV rrsorbitol

NADH 2 /

I l
CH 2 0H CH 2 0H
o-fructose o-glucose
218 Dental Caries

as sucrose, and less sweet than glucose, sorbitol preparations have 4.9-9.4 per cent free sorbitol
has apparent advantages as a 'dentally safe' and 14.5-23.8 per cent total sorbitoF 0 • Lycasin
sweetener. A mouth rinse with a 50 per cent caused less caries than sucrose in animals, and
solution of sorbitol produced little or no drop in less plaque was formed during its use in animals,
pH, and neither did candies made with sor- and in man. The sorbitol and maltitol (derived
bitoP9. This is in spite of the fact that there are from maltose by reduction) largely appeared in
bacteria in plaque (Streptococcus mutans) that the faeces unchanged, but the glucose com-
can ferment sorbitol, and that in a pure closed ponents of Lycasin were absorbed and metabo-
culture these bacteria may produce sufficient acid lised in man. Candy made with Lycasin has been
to cause a decalcifying pH. It seems likely that tested on 3-6-year-old children 20 , but there were
sorbitol is fermented so slowly by whole plaque problems in this study due to the consumption of
that the acid produced may diffuse away and be sucrose-lemonade and sucrose-candies by the
neutralised by salivary buffers, without generat- children who were supposed to be eating only
ing a pH low enough to cause decalcification. Lycasin products. Many children did not like the
This is not the case with a closed culture of fixed Lycasin candy, and occasionally flatulence was
volume. Sweets which do not cause the plaque reported. Nevertheless, the authors claim up to
pH to fall below 5. 7 may be described as 'safe for 25 per cent reduction in caries in the Lycasih
teeth' in Switzerland, and this designation is group, although it is not known to what extent
permitted for sorbitol candies. There are, this may be due to a general reduction of candy
however, problems with sorbitol. It is absorbed consumption.
more slowly than glucose, and as absorption is Human dental plaque forms acid from
not by active transport it is incomplete. This Lycasin faster than from sorbitol and maltitol
causes diarrhoea in some individuals, pre- but slower than from soluble starch. This in-
sumably by the osmotic effect of unabsorbed dicates that amylase hydrolysis releasing maltose
sorbitol retaining water in the intestine. Indeed, from the higher saccharides of Lycasin is re-
sorbitol has been used as a laxative. It has been sponsible for this acid production 21 . The amy-
suggested that the daily intake of sorbitol should lase involved was the human salivary enzyme
be restricted to l50mg/kg body weight (FAO- entrained in the plaque.
WHO Commission Report on Food Additives) Xylitol has a similar degree of sweetness to
which is equivalent to about two heaped teas- sucrose (table 9.2) and occurs naturally in a
poonsful per day for an adult. number of foods, particularly bananas and
A product called 'Lycasin' has been produced mushrooms. It may be made from xylose by
by the partial hydrolysis of starch to glucose, exactly the same process of reduction used to
maltose and larger saccharides of glucose, and make sorbitol from glucose, and Lycasin from
then catalytical hydrogenation to sorbitol, mal- partly hydrolysed starch:
titol and a mixture of reduced saccharides. Such

I H--C--OH
I 2H I
HO--C--H HO--C--H ~
-----~---.. I
H--C--OH H--C--OH
CH 2 0H
CH 2 0H
o-xylose o-xylitol
Possibilities for Caries Control by Modification of the Diet 219

CH 20H

H --C--OH
HO-~-H " ) ~0-~-H _ __;"~1_,.:0-~-H
H---c---OH H--C--OH H--C---OH
CH 20H
CH 20H
o-xylitol o-xylulose o-xylulose-5-phosphate

hexose phosphates ,..
pentose phosphates

glycolysis and
tricarboxylic acid cycle
n ucleotides

Xylitol is a normal metabolic intermediate in abnormal conditions such as a 30-50 g dose of

man 22 , and one route by which it may be xylitol in the morning on an empty stomach 24 .
metabolised is by dehydrogenation (by the same The effect of xylitol upon plaque pH is similar
enzyme that oxidises sorbitol) to xylulose, which to that of sorbitol. Thus, when xylitol solutions
is then phosphorylated and enters the pentose are applied to dental plaque little or no fall in pH
phosphate pathway: occurs 25 . Whereas it is known that sorbitol and
Xylitol may thus be metabolised to produce mannitol are metabolised by plaque bacteria,
energy and carbon dioxide or produce glycogen xylitol appears not to be converted to acids by
stores in muscle and liver, or to synthesise plaque. Xylitol has been shown to be less ca-
nucleotides. riogenic than sucrose or sorbitol in rats 26 , and
Xylitol has been proposed as a dietary additive less cariogenic than sucrose or fructose in man 27 •
for diabetics by the WHO/FAO Joint Foods The low cariogenicity is associated with a mar-
Program (1969), and is classified as a sugar- ked reduction in the quantity of dental plaque in
replacing substance. Its use has recently been individuals consuming a xylitol diet 28 . Some
investigated in a wide range offoods by a Finnish studies have shown that xylitol may inhibit
group. The only factor that appears to limit the certain streptococci, although this is not a un-
dosage of xylitol is the phenomenon of osmotic iversal finding. Prolonged exposure of plaque
diarrhoea, or soft faeces. As with sorbitol, in- bacteria to xylitol seems to result in an adap-
dividual susceptibility to this inconvenience va- tation, but this may well be an acquired tolerance
ries, and tolerance of xylitol is markedly in- to xylitol rather than an acquired ability to
creased by frequent dosage. The percentage of metabolise it 29 .
xylitol absorbed in man depends on the dose (90 Microorganisms that can metabolise xylitol do
per cent of 5 g oral dose to 60 per cent of a 30 g occur, but apparently not in plaque. From the
test dose )23 • beginning of the Finnish study it was realised
During a 4.5-year study of xylitol consum- that xylitol-metabolising mutants might arise in
ption, osmotic diarrhoea only developed under plaque. However, a selective pressure to establish
220 Dental Caries

such hypothetical variants might not be present, taste' agreeable (Scheinin, personal com-
due to the regular availability of small quantities munication).
of other sugars such as glucose. Dental plaque Another factor that is essential to the sub-
from subjects who had consumed xylitol- stitution of other sweeteners for sucrose is the
sweetened foods constantly for 4.5 years pro- active cooperation of the food industry. The
duced little or no pH fall with xylitol, although extent to which this has been achieved in Finland
acid was formed from both glucose and sorbitol. is illustrated in figure 9.4 2 7 , which shows some of
The use of carbohydrate sucrose-substitutes as the wide range of foodstuffs prepared with xylitol
effective means of controlling caries depends in place of sucrose. Any side-effects of possible
heavily on the palatability of the products. In this sucrose substitutes also affects the likelihood of
respect the xylitol foods have proved acceptable their widespread adoption. During long-term
during the Finnish study. In particular, the trials Scheinin found a notable absence of diar-
xylitol chewing gum, chocolate, wafers and ice- rhoea and other side-effects 30 , the solid products
cream were considered by many people to be were tolerated well by volunteers, but the intake
superior to the corresponding glucose products. of large amounts of xylitol-containing soft dri-
Xylitol dissolves more rapidly than sucrose, and nks resulted in osmotic diarrhoea of short du-
causes a slight drop in temperature in the mouth ration in a minority of cases 27 • Only one of 52
as it does so. Most people seem to find this 'cool participants in the xylitol group withdrew from

Figure 9.4 Range of foodstuffs prepared with xylitol instead of sucrose (from Scheinin et al. 2 7 )
Possibilities for Caries Control by Modification of the Diet 221

the study, and this was because of diarrhoea. The normal dietary intake of fluoride is 0.5~
Xylitol therefore seems to satisfy the require- 1.5 mg/day worldwide.
ments for a sucrose substitute. The use of food items as a vehicle for added
The possibilities for the utilisation of non- fluoride has received some consideration in view
carbohydrate sweeteners have been reviewed by of the opposition to water fluoridation. There is
Newburn 18 . There appears to be a wide range of no doubt that water is the best carrier for
such compounds available, but their flavour fluoride, but unfortunately some people feel that
properties often differ perceptibly from sucrose. an element of personal choice is removed if
However, it is also possible that the use of non- fluoride is added to tap water. The addition of
sucrose sweetners may be limited by government fluoride to foods presents a problem in that
regulations, as has already happened with individual consumption of many food items
cyclamates. varies considerably. Fluoridated salt (90 mgF /kg
NaCI) has been used in Switzerland. The caries
9.3.3 Possible addition of reduction over a 5-year test period was appro-
caries-inhibiting agents to foods ximately half that observed in children of the
same ages drinking fluoridated water ( 1.0 p. p.m.)
Fluoride in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Milk has been
tested as a vehicle for fluoride in small studies
A wide range of naturally occurring dietary with apparent beneficial effects. Half a pint of
components inhibit, or have been claimed to milk containing 1 mg fluoride was given daily for
inhibit, dental caries. Fluoride is so important 41 years. Ericsson 32 has concluded from inde-
among them that a whole chapter is devoted to it pendent experiments that fluoride in milk is
in this book (chapter 10). This section refers available, but that more clinical data relating to
solely to food as a vehicle for fluoride. As is more the efficacy of fluoridation of milk is needed. A
fully discussed in section 10.2, fluoride is widely Dutch study of consumption of bread and flour
distributed in many dietary components (table by 20 000 people has indicated a surprising
9.3) and is particularly abundant in calcified constancy which suggests that fluoridation of
tissues and in tea 31 . Seafoods, of which the bread may be an effective measure. It has also
calcified components may be eaten, may contri- been estimated that if 3.5 mg fluoride were added
bute significant quantities of fluoride to our diet. to each kg of cereal, 98 per cent of the Danish
population would receive 0.6~ 1.5 mg fluoride
per 3000 cal consumed.
Table 9.3 Fluoride in dietary components (from The effectiveness of many food additives in
Hodge and Smith 31 ) reducing caries has been tested in experimental
animals and it should be borne in mind that
Fluoride because of the many differences in eating habits,
tooth and oral cavity morphology, etc., there are
Meats 0.14-2 problems in applying the results of animal ex-
Most fish flesh approx. 1 periments to the human situation.
Sardines (whole) 8-40 As the tooth mineral comprises calcium and
Shrimp (Japan) 50 phosphate these components were obvious choi-
Shrimp meal (USA) 0.2-0.4
Cereals and products 0.18-2.8
ces for dietary supplements because increased
Vegetables 0.02-0.9 concentrations of calcium and phosphate ions in
Fruits 0.03-0.84 the oral environment might be expected to
Tea infusion 0.1-2.0 suppress the dissolution of tooth mineral in acid
Wine 0-6.3 by means of mass action. However, neither
Milk 0.04-0.55
dietary calcium, nor vitamin D, which promotes
222 Dental Caries

calcium absorption, seems to affect caries, al- groups of people over short periods of time, but it
though deficiencies of these nutrients produce presents great problems for a wider public over
their own developmental defects. prolonged periods. Phosphate-enriched chewing
gum has been tested and apparently produced a
Inorganic phosphates reduction of caries in one study but not in two
others 34 . The effects of inorganic phosphates on
When a mixed diet was ashed, the ash was caries have been reviewed 35 - 38 , and mechanisms
cariostatic in hamsters and only the phosphate of for the anti-caries effect have been postulated.
the components of this mixture had cariostatic One potential mechanism that has been in-
vestigated is that high concentrations of in-
organic phosphate decrease the acid production
OH 0 by oral streptococci including Streptococcus mu-

I o--P--o-
tans39. This may be partly due to the inorganic
phosphate preventing the activation of lactate
dehydrogenase by its normal allosteric activator,
1 fructose diphosphate 40 •

orthophosphate meta phosphate Organic phosphates

Many experiments have shown that purified

cereals in the diet of rodents produce more caries
o- o- than unrefined cereals. This parallels the epide-
miological evidence from human populations
1 I
O=P-0-P=O eating 'primitive' and 'civilised' diets. Such re-

sults have initiated searches for cariostatic com-
ponents of unrefined vegetable foodstuffs. The
inclusion in the diet of rodents of the husks of
oats, rice, peanuts, pecan nuts, barley, cot-
pyrophosphate tonseed and other seeds has commonly produced
a reduction in caries of 20-40 per cent, and the
effect has been as high as 75 per cent 41 . Finely
activity. Of the various phosphates tested, pyro- ground seed hulls were used in most cases so that
and orthophosphates were the least effective in an abrasive action on the dental plaque seems
preventing caries in rodents, and trimetaphos- unlikely to account for the magnitude of the
phate was most effective 33 • Acid and sodium effect. Such reductions in dental caries could not
salts were more effective than potassium, calcium be achieved by adding the ash of the seed hulls to
or magnesium salts. When 2 per cent CaHP0 4 the diet nor by adding calcium hydrogen phos-
was added to sucrose, flour, cakes and bread in phate, so that the effect seems to be due to an
the diet of children over a 2-3-year period a 3-9 organic component. Components in unrefined
per cent reduction of decayed, missing and filled foods were shown to reduce the solubility of
surfaces of the teeth was reported 34 . A problem calcium phosphate and tooth powder 42 . Active
in the assessment of these experiments is the fractions were readily extractable with water
fluoride content of the phosphates used. From a from brown flour, which contains 340 mg/1 00 g
practical point of view, incorporation of in- of organic phosphates, including 240 mg/1 00 g
organic phosphates into a range of food items is of phytic acid (myoinositol hexaphos-
possible for experimental animals, and for small phate).
Possibilities for Caries Control by Modification of the Diet 223

OP0 3H 2 OP0 3H 2 OH OH

H !----! OP03H 2 H L---b OH

c h""lc 1/k
'"'?P0 3 H 2
H203 PO ?
H OP0 3H 2

phytic acid (phytate) myoinositol

The solubility of calcium phosphate in acid with its partly degraded products), but other
buffers was perceptibly reduced by 0.01 mM active components may play a part, including
phytate, and this effect was maximal at 3 mM other organic phosphates.
phytate. In such experiments free phytate in One such phosphate that has been tested is f3-
solution decreased. Furthermore, teeth pre- glycerophosphate45. Monkeys given a diet con-
treated with phytate and washed still showed taining 1 per cent calcium /3-glycerophosphate
reduced solubility in acids. It therefore seems showed a considerable reduction in caries com-
likely that phytate binds to the mineral surface. pared to the control group, as well as a reduction
Phytate may have ester phosphate groups re- in the quantity of plaque on the teeth. Another
moved hydrolytically catalysed by the enzyme organic phosphate that has been tested is calcium
phytase, and such degradation probably occurs sucrose phosphate ('Anticay'), which has been
during the early stages of cooking. However, produced by phosphorylation of sucrose with
cooked brown bread does appear to reduce phosphorus oxychloride in the presence of cal-
enamel solubility43 , and myoinositol com- cium hydroxide. The major component is the
pounds with less than the maximum of six ester calcium salt of sucrose phosphorylated on the
phosphates have been shown to be capable of carbon 2 of the glucose ring, although other
reducing solubility, although to a lesser extent. monophosphates occur, together with small
Aqueous extracts of the fibrous coats of va- quantities of sucrose diphosphates. In a 3-year
rious seeds and nuts were found to be capable of clinical trial in which about 4.3 g 'Anticay' were
reducing enamel solubility. Aqueous extracts of given to 1500 children aged 5-17 years in
pecan nuts only were inhibitory to bacteria, but Australia, the substance was added to carbohyd-
alcoholic extracts of both wheat bran and oat rate foods at 1 per cent of the carbohydrate
husks inhibited a streptococcus and mixed sa- content. An overall reduction of 20 per cent in
livary bacteria. The cariostatic or anticariogenic caries was claimed, with a greater protection
effects of these fibrous components of foodstuffs being afforded to the proximal surfaces of pos-
were considered to be more likely to be due to the terior teeth where the caries reduction was as
water-soluble substances that might readily be high as 35 per cent 46 - 49 . This study has been
extracted during chewing, than by the alcohol- criticised in part because the sucrose phosphate
soluble antibacterial agents 44 . One of the water- contained significant amounts of fluoride, at
soluble agents is undoubtedly phytate (together least in the earlier batches.
224 Dental Caries


Sucrose-2-phosphoric acid

Dextranases mutanase from Aspergillus nidulans 59 reduced

the proportion of Streptococcus mutans in the
The effect of hydrolysing enzymes upon dental plaque without affecting the plaque accumu-
plaque presumably includes the reduction of lation. These enzymes, in tablets or mouth-
adherence and coherence of those bacteria that washes, may therefore find a role in oral hygiene.
need extracellular polysaccharides to establish In conclusion it may be said that fluoridation of
and maintain themselves in plaque. Caries has some staple foodstuffs is likely to be an effective
been prevented in hamsters by dextranases measure, although less desirable dentally than the
(al: 6 glucanases) from Penicillium and fluoridation of public water supplies. The effec-
Streptomyces species 50' 51 and the enzyme has tiveness of intermittent consumption of flouride
also reduced the caries in monkeys 5 2 when added is probably because flouride is retained by the
to the diet. However, dextranase was apparently enamel and plaque. Of the organic phosphates,
not effective in reducing plaque or caries in rats phytate also appears to bind enamel and may
with indigenous cariogenic flora 53 , although it therefore have a persistent effect if added to
was able to reduce caries in relatively gnotobiotic certain items of the diet. The use of other
rats infected with Streptococcus mutans 54 . Caries phosphates in the human diet seems, at present,
in rats infected with three serotypes of this not to provide a practicable and effective ap-
cariogenic species of streptococcus was reduced proach to significantly reducing dental caries.
by dextranase from Spicaria violacea 55 . An en-
zyme specific for the hydrolysis of a 1 : 3 bonds in References
the branched glucans sometimes called mutan
has been purified from Trichoderma harzianum 56 . I. Fisher, F. J. (1972). The pattern of dental
This enzyme, called mutanase (a 1:3 glucanase) is caries in Tristan da Cuhna. The Dental
reported to be more effective than dextranase in Practitioner, 22, 267-70
reducing the dental caries of rats 57 . In human 2. Gustafsson, B. E., Quesnel, C. E., Lanke,
subjects dextranase from Spicaria vio/acea 58 re- L. S., Lundqvist, C., Grahnen, H., Bonow,
duced the dry weight of dental plaque, while B. E. and Krasse, B. (1954). The Vipeholm
Possibilities for Caries Control by Modification of the Diet 225

dental caries study. The effect of different 13. Grenby, T. H. (1963). The effects of some
levels of carbohydrate intake on caries carbohydrates on experimental dental ca-
activity in 436 individuals observed for five ries in the rat. Archives of Oral Biology, 8,
years. Acta Odontologica Scandinavica, 11, 27-30
232-64 14. Grenby, T. H. and Hutchinson, J. B.
3. Lundqvist, C. (1952). Oral sugar clearance. (1969). The effects of diets containing suc-
Odontologisk Revy, 3, Suppl. 1 rose, glucose or fructose on experimental
4. King, J. D., Mellanby, M., Stones, H. H. caries in two strains of rats. Archives of Oral
and Green, H. N. (1955). The Effect of Biology, 14, 373-80
Sugar Supplements on Dental Caries in 15. Grenby, T. H. (1965). The influence of
Children, Medical Research Council cooked and raw wheat starch on dental
Special Report Series No. 288, London caries in the rat. Archives of Oral Biology,
5. Harris, R. (1963). Biology of the children of 10, 433-38
Hopewood House, Bowral, Australia. 4 16. Grenby, T. H. (1966). White and whole-
Observations of dental caries experience meal bread and flour in the diet of caries-
extending over five years (1957-1961). susceptible rats. British Dental Journal,
Journal of Dental Research, 42, 1387-98 121, 26-9
6. Hue, L. (1974). The metabolism and toxic 17. Grenby, T. H. and Paterson, F. M. (1972).
effects of fructose, in Sugars in Nutrition Effect of sweet biscuits on the incidence of
(Eds Sipple, H. L. and McNutt, K. W.), dental caries in rats. British Journal of
Academic Press, New York, chap. 22, pp. Nutrition, 27, 195-9
357-71 18. Newbrun, E. (1973). Sugars, sugar sub-
7. Linden, L. and Nisell, J. (1964). Hereditary stitutes and noncaloric sweetening agents.
intolerance to fructose. Svensk Lakartidn., International Dental Journal, 23, 328-45
61, 3185 19. Frostell, G. (1964). Substitution of fer-
8. Marthaler, T. M. and Froesch, E. R. mentable sugars in sweets, in Nutrition and
(1967). Hereditary fructose intolerance. Caries Prevention (Ed. Blix, G.), Symposia
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9. Huxley, H. G. (1974). The effect of dietary 6
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que by Streptococcus mutans in rats. Dahl, G. M., Edward, S., Fjellstrom, A.,
Archives of Oral Biology, 19, 941-6 Henrikson, C. 0., Larje, 0., Nord, C. E.
10. Krasse, B., Edwardsson, S., Svenssen, I. and Nordenvall, K. J. (1974). Substitution
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11. Littleton, R. W., Carter, C. H. and Kelly, 21. Birkhed, D. and Skude, G. (1978). Relation
R. T. (1967). Studies of oral health in of amylase to starch and Lycasin meta-
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Changes in the pH of plaque material after Scandinavian Journal of Dental Research,
the addition of sucrose. Journal of the 86, 248-58
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12. Stephan, R. M. (1966). Effects of different polyols, in Sugars in Nutrition (Eds Sipple,
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Research, 45, 1551-61 23. Brin, M. and Miller, 0. N. (1974). The
226 Dental Caries

safety of oral xylitol, in Sugars in Nutrition dental caries development in rats. Journal
(Eds Sipple, H. L. and McNutt, K. W.), of Dental Research, 46, 290-4
Academic Press, New York, chap. 33, pp. 34. Harris, R. S. (1970). Minerals: calcium
591-606 and phosphorus, in Dietary Chemicals
24. Makinen, K. K. and Virtanen, K. K. Versus Dental Caries (Ed. Gould, R. F.),
(1978). Effect of a 4.5-year use of xylitol American Chemical Society, Washington,
and sorbitol on plaque. Journal of Dental DC, chap. 8, pp. 116-22
Research, 57, 441-6 35. Nizel, A. E. and Harris, R. S. (1964). The
25. Miihlemann, H. R. and de Doever, J. effects of phosphates on experimental
(1970). Radiotelemetry of the pH of in- dental caries: a literature review. Journal of
terdental areas exposed to various carbo- Dental Research, 43, 1123-36
hydrates, in Dental Plaque (Ed. McHugh, 36. Ericsson, Y. (1965). Phosphates in relation
W. M.), Livingstone, Edinburgh to caries. International Dental Journal, 15,
26. Miihlemann, H. R., Regolati, B. and 311-7
Marthaler, B. M. (1970). The effect on rat 37. Harris, R. S. (1970). Fortification of foods
fissure caries of xylitol and sorbitol. and feed-products with anti-caries agents.
Heivetica Odontologica Acta, 14, 48-50 Journal of Dental Research, 49, 1340-4
27. Scheinin, A., Makinen, K. K. and Ylitalo, 38. Gilmore, N.D. (1969). The effect on dental
K. (1974). Turku sugar studies I. An in- caries activity of supplementary diets with
termediate report on the effect of sucrose, phosphate. A review. Journal of Public
fructose and xylitol diets on the caries Health Dentistry, 29, 188-207
incidence m man. Acta Odontologica 39. Handelman, S. L. and Kreinces, G. H.
Scandinavica, 32: 383-412 (1973). Effects of phosphate and pH on
28. Makinen, K. K. and Scheinin, A. (1974). Streptococcus mutans acid production and
Turku sugar studies II. Preliminary growth. Journal of Dental Research, 52,
biochemical and general findings. Acta 651-7
Odontologica Scandinavica, 32, 413-21 40. Brown, A. T. and Ruh, R. (1977). Negative
29. Makinen, K. K. (1974). Sugars and the interaction of orthophosphate with glyco-
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Nutrition (Eds Sipple, H. L. and McNutt, as a possible mechanism for dental caries
K. W.), Academic Press, New York, chap. reduction. Archives of Oral Biology, 22,
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30. Scheinin, A. (1974). The control of dental 41. Madsen, K. 0. and Edmonds, E. J. (1962).
disease by prevention. International Dental Effect of rice hulls and other seed hulls
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31. Hodge, H. C. and Smith, F. A. (1970). ton rat. Journal of Dental Research, 41,
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(Ed. Blix, G.), Symposia of the Swedish 106, 195-208
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(1967). The effect of phosphate structure on Press, New York. pp. 67-100
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44. Jenkins, G. N. and Smales, F. C. (1966). 52. Bowen, W. H. (1971). The effect of
The potential importance in caries pre- dextranase on caries activity in monkeys
vention of solubility reducing and anti- (Macacus irus). British Dental Journal, 131,
bacterial factors in unrefined plant pro- 445-9
ducts. Archives of Oral Biology, 11, 599- 53. Guggenheim, B., Konig, K. G., Miihle-
608 mann, H. R. and Regolati, B. (1969). Effect
45. Bowen, W. H. (1972). The cariostatic effect of dextranase on caries in rats harboring an
of calcium glycerophosphate in monkeys, indigenous cariogenic bacterial flora.
Caries Research, 6, 43-51 Archives of Oral Biology, 14, 555-8
46. Harris, R., Schamschula, R. G., Gregory, 54. Konig, K. G. and Guggenheim, B. (1968).
G., Roots, M. and Beveridge, J. (1967). In vivo effects of dextranase on plaque and
Observations on the cariostatic effect of caries. Helvetica Odontologica Acta, 12,
calcium sucrose phosphate in a group of 48-55
children aged 5-17 years. Australian 55. Hamada, S., Oshima, T., Masuda, N.,
Dental Journal, 12, 105-13 Mizuno, J. and Shizno, S. (1976). Inhi-
47. Harris, R., Schamschula, R. G., Beveridge, bition of rat dental caries by dextranase
J. and Gregory, G. (1968). The cariostatic from a strain of Spicaria violacea. Japanese
effect of calcium sucrose phosphate in a Journal of Microbiology, 20, 321-30
group of children aged 5-17, Part II. 56. Guggenheim, B. and Haller, R. (1972).
Australian Dental Journal, 13, 32-9 Purification and properties of an a( 1 : 3)
48. Harris, R., Roots, M., Gregory, G. and glucanohydrolase from Trichoderma har-
Beveridge, J. ( 1968). Calcium sucrose phos- zianum. Journal of Dental Research, 51,
phate as a concentration agent in children 394--402
aged 5-17 years, Part III. Australian Dental 57. Guggenheim, B., Regolati, B. and Miihle-
Journal, 13, 345-52 mann, H. R. (1972). Caries and plaque
49. Harris, R., Schamschula, R. G., Beveridge, inhibition by mutanase in rats. Caries
J. and Gregory, G. (1969). Calcium sucrose Research, 6, 289-97
phosphate as a cariostatic agent in children 58. Murayama, Y., Wada, H., Hayashi, H.,
aged 5-17 years, Part IV. Australian Dental Uchida, T., Yokomizo, I. and Hamada, S.
Journal, 14, 42-9 (1973). Eflects of dextranase from Spicaria
50. Block, P. L., Dooley, C. L. and Howe, E. E. violacea (IFO 6120) on the polysaccharides
(1969). The retardation of spontaneous produced by oral streptococci and on hu-
periodontal disease and the prevention of man dental plaque. Journal of Dental
caries in hamsters with dextranase. Journal Research, 52, 658-67
of Periodontology, 40, 105-10 59. Kelstrup, J., Funder-Nielsen, T. D. and
51. Fitzgerald, R. J., Fitzgerald, D. B. and Moller, E. N. (1973). Enzymatic reduction
Stoudt, T. H. (1973). Comparison of anti- of the colonisation of Streptococcus mutans
caries effects of different polyglucanase in in human dental plaque. Acta Odontologica
limited-flora hamsters infected with Scandinavica, 31, 249-53
Streptococcus mutans, in Germ-Free 60. Jenkins, G. N. (1974). The biochemistry of
Research, (Ed. Heneghan, J. B.), Academic plaque and caries with special reference to
Press, New York, pp. 197-203 fluoride. Zyma, Nyon, Switzerland.
Chapter 10

Fluorides: Systemic Balance and

Cariostatic Mechanisms

R. L. Speirs
Department of Physiology, London Hospital Medical College

10.I Introduction
I0.2 Sources of Fluoride
10.2.I Natural sources of fluoride
10.2.2 Artificial sources of fluoride
10.3 Systemic Fluoride Balance
10.3.I Absorption
I 0.3.2 Distribution
I0.3.3 Excretion by the kidney
10.3.4 Incorporation in the skeleton
10.3.5 Placental transfer
10.3.6 Secretion in saliva
10.4 Effects of Fluoride on Metabolism
I 0.5 Cariostatic Mechanisms of Fluoride
10.5.1 Introduction
10.5.2 Effects on enamel solubility
10.5.3 Effects on bacterial metabolism
10.5.4 Effects mediated by surface adsorption
10.5.5 Effects mediated by tooth morphology
10.5.6 Conclusion

Further Reading

Fluorides: Systemic Balance and Cariostatic Mechanisms 229

10.1 Introduction Even in hard water the concentrations of

calcium, magnesium and fluoride will not nor-
The widespread use of fluorides in combating mally reach the solubility products of the fluoride
dental caries requires the medical and dental salts. Only when all the concentrations are excep-
professions to be conversant with the systemic tionally high and above the recommended levels
actions of fluoride, its toxicity and the probable will any precipitation occur. The reduction in
mechanisms by which it exerts its anti-caries caries caused by fluoride is thought to be
effects. The purpose of this chapter is to consider independent of the total hardness of water. One
these subjects. The scope of the discussion will be related issue which has been of some concern in
restricted, however, only to those aspects which water-fluoridated areas is the effect on fluoride
are regarded as essential in helping the health levels of prolonged boiling of water. It would
scientist to discuss rationally and knowledgeably appear that considerable concentration of the
the pros and cons of fluoridation, to recognise the fluoride can occur-reaching 13.5 p.p.m. F in
value and limitations of certain forms of fluoride some fluoridated water supplies, but that after
prophylaxis and to understand how fluoride acts this degree of evaporation has occurred the water
in affording some protection against caries. The is brackish and is not palatable. The same
reader is referred to several recent reviews for a treatment of another fluoridated, hard-water
more comprehensive coverage of these subjects. resulted in smaller increases in the fluoride
level, presumably on account of complexing
or precipitation of fluoride 2 • Chemical treatment
10.2 Sources of Fluoride of water supplies with coagulants such as alum,
ferric chloride or sodium silicate might also be
10.2.1 Natural sources of fluoride expected to cause complexing of fluoride, but of
these only aluminium has been shown to reduce
The widespread occurrence of fluorides in rocks, the ionic fluoride to the extent of about 30 per
mineral deposits, soils and sea-water would be cent. It is also of interest that the boiling of
expected to result in this element being readily fluoridated water in aluminium utensils can
available to us in our diets and drinking water, result in a 50 per cent reduction in the ionic
but this is not so. Although most water supplies fluoride levels 1 • The effect upon human dental
contain trace amounts of fluoride, less than caries of interactions between fluoride and other
0.1 p.p.m. F (one part Fin 10 million parts water trace elements in drinking water and diets has not
or 0.1 mg F/l some do contain appreciable quan- received much study. Experiments in rodents
tities, particularly in some deep well waters. The have produced very conflicting results.
optimum level, from a dental health point of Among beverages and foods, only tea and soft-
view, is 0.7 to 1.2p.p.m.F (figure 10.1). The boned fish, such as canned sardines and salmon,
caries-reducing effect becomes progressively less can be considered as significant sources of fluo-
below this level, while above, not only is there ride in the UK. As normally prepared, tea
little further benefit to be derived, but there is the contains about 1-2.5 p.p.m. F, depending upon
increased possibility of mottling in the per- the blend and infusion strength. The large varia-
manent teeth, particularly at concentrations in tions observed between adults in their fluoride
excess of 2 p.p.m. F. Fluoride in drinking water intakes are largely attributable to their tea-
exists as the ion F-, the parent compound being drinking habits. A cup of tea (with non-
completely dissociated. Because of the ease with fluoridated water) contributes about 0.3 mg F. It
which fluoride forms either insoluble salts or is unfortunate that there is little known about the
undissociated complexes 1 , the influence of other consumption of tea and the age at onset of tea-
ions in water upon the availability and effective- drinking in children. Such information for any
ness of fluoride must be considered. given child ought to be sought by the dentist
230 Dental Caries

Scale of mottling


c 800

600 3
~ .
c - Very evident
"'> 500
400 2

0 300 Medium
z 200
0 ·6 Questionable
100 0.4

0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 30 3.5 4.0

Fluoride concentration in drinking water (p.p.m.)

Figure 10.1 Relationship between dental caries incidences, degree of mottling and fluoride concentration in drinking water
(from Wespi43 )

when fluoride supplements are prescribed. By milk fluoride level 3 • 4 . Although less than 20 per
inference from other studies in which fluoride cent of the total fluoride in milk is in a free, ionic
was added to milk at a concentration of form, this does not imply that 80 per cent is non-
1 p.p.m. F, the addition of milk to tea probably absorbable in the conditions which exist in the
reduces slightly the availability of fluoride. gastro-intestinal tract. It is of importance to note
Milk itself contributes insignificant amounts that, in a water-fluoridated area, bottle-fed babies
of fluoride. Recent analytical figures suggest that given milk reconstituted from powder, receive
human milk contains about 0.05 p.p.m. F and about 30 times more fluoride per day than breast-
cows milk about 0.1 p.p.m. P. Raising the fed babies 5 . It has been calculated that the daily
fluoride intake of the mother by the ingestion of fluoride intake must exceed 0.1 mg F /kg body wt
fluoridated water has no significant effect on the to produce mottling of the permanent teeth.
Fluorides: Systemic Balance and Cariostatic Mechanisms 231

It has been calculated that the total intake of dust particles or gases which emanate from
fluoride in persons residing in a water-fluoridated fertiliser plants, brick works, aluminium re-
area is principally determined by the fluoride in fineries, steelworks and miscellaneous industries.
the drinking water. Adults who drink the average Traces of these are ingested or inhaled and
1.5 l of water per day (if such a figure means subsequently absorbed.
anything) will receive 1.5 mg F from this source
when the fluoride level in water is 1 p.p.m. Figures
reported for the water intake of children
are inconsistent. Rather more conservative 10.2.2 Artificial sources of fluoride
mean values are shown in table 10.1 than in
the few earlier studies which have been carried Fluoridation of water is effected at the water
out. works by the controlled addition of sodium
fluoride, sodium silicofluoride, or hydrofluosil-
icic acid. These compounds are completely dis-
Table 10.1 Mean daily water intake of children and sociated when the final recommended dilutions
infants (after McPhail and Zachel 41 ) are achieved.
Because of the rejection of water fluoridation
Age in years: under 1 1-2 3-4 5-6 7-8 9-10
by certain communities as a public health mea-
Tap water sure, alternative methods or vehicles for fluoride
mljkg 18.3 9.8 11.2 10.9 10.7 10.7 administration to children have had to be sought
mljchild 141 120 184 228 271 348 and tried. Most of these suffer the common
Total water disadvantage in that they each require cooper-
mljkg 55.2 26.3 23.4 19.8 18.6 18.0 ation from parent or patient.
mljchild 426 322 381 413 473 589 Fluoride tablets, each containing 1 mg F as
sodium fluoride or less commonly calcium or
magnesium fluoride, are in use under a variety of
Figures for total fluoride intake in persons in trade names.
non-fluoridated areas have been calculated from Fluoridized table salt, containing about
urinary fluoride levels, but these probably over- 90 mg F /kg or 200 mg sodium fluoride/kg, has
estimate the intake (see page 235). They show been available in Switzerland for many years.
large within-subject and between-subject varia- This source can contribute about 0.5 mg fluoride
tions, so that mean values must be interpreted per day in adults. Very recently it has been
with caution. In 1-6-year-old children in the recommended that the dosage of sodium fluoride
USA, the daily intake was reported as less than be increased.
0.2 mg F, but higher mean levels of about 0.4 mg Fluoridized milk has been used in the USA and
were obtained in 3-6-year-old children in in Switzerland. In addition, there are fluoride
Edinburgh 6 . Mean daily values of 1.6 mg F for preparations available for local use in the
adults in non-fluoridated districts in the UK have mouth-mouthwashes, topical agents and
been reported. In recent years there has been an dentifrices.
increase in the fluoride intake as a consequence of
the widespread use of fluoride-containing de-
ntifrice. The daily ingestion of up to 1.5 mg 10.3 Systemic Fluoride Balance
fluoride (near 0.49 mg) in young teenagers has
been attributed to the swallowing of dentrifrice 10.3.1 Absorption
after tooth-brushing 7 •
Another 'natural' source of fluoride nowadays Fluoride from inorganic sources is absorbed as
is atmospheric fluoride, which takes the form of F- in the small intestine and possibly as HF in
232 Dental Caries

the stomach. It is considered to take place by

diffusion across the mucosal cells rather than by
active transport. Absorption is generally rapid
and almost 100 per cent complete if the fluoride is
in solution. The amount of fluoride absorbed can,
however, sometimes be less than the quantity
ingested because of the low solubility of the 0.08
parent compound-for example, bone meal---or
because of complex formation, precipitation or
adsorption in the gut. Thus, aluminium can
reduce fluoride absorption by 20 per cent in the 0.06
stomach and up to 60 per cent in the small
intestine. Of practical importance is the finding
that fluoride from fluoride tablets (1 mg F) is
absorbed to the same extent whether taken with 0.04
or between meals. The addition of fluoride to
milk at concentrations between 1 and 2 p.p.m. F 0.03
retards the rate of absorption rather more than it
reduces the amount absorbed. 0.02

10.3.2 Distribution 0.01

Over the past 15 years there has been a downward

trend in the values reported in the literature for (b) 0 1 2 4 6 8 10 12 hours
the fluoride concentrations in plasma and other
body fluids. This mainly reflects the improve-
ments in the analytical methods and raises doubts 0.06
about the validity of many of the earlier results
and conclusions. The total concentration of 0.05
fluoride in the plasma of persons in non-
fluoridated areas is now quoted as about 0.04
O.OIOp.p.m. P. It is no longer thought that
plasma fluoride is mostly in a bound form 9 . 0.03
After the oral ingestion of a few milligrams of
sodium fluoride in tablet form, there is a transient 0.02

p.p.m. F~ plasma

(c) 6 8 10 12 hours

~ f
c:c:::::;:::S Figure 10.2 Plasma fluoride concentrations over 12 h
under controlled dietary conditions; mean values ±standard
deviation for 6 subjects: (a) no fluoride supplement given
(normal values), (b) 1 x 2 mg F given once as NaF in tablet
form, (c) 1 x 1 mg F administered once in tablet form (from
(a) 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 hours Heoschler, Buttner and Patz 10 )
Fluorides: Systemic Balance and Cariostatic Mechanisms 233

rise in the plasma fluoride level which reaches a in the timing of these events. On drinking
peak within a few minutes to about 2 hand then fluoridated water the peaks are much smaller
(figure 10.2) returns slowly to the baseline within (figure 10.3). A curve of the decline in plasma
about 8 h 1 0 • 11 . There is considerable variability fluoride following injection of fluoride suggests

ppm F- plasma


1 1 l ! F-- intake: 4 x 0.05 mg F -in 250 ml water each



0 ~ 1.1..
2 3-f 7 10t 14 16 24 hours

Figure 10.3 Plasma fluoride concentrations following repeated ingestion of fluoride in drinking water-each point is a
mean value for 6 subjects± standard deviation of the mean (from Henschler, Buttner and Patz 10 )

100 three components: an initial rapid equilibration

with tissue fluid, a slower, but still pronounced,
fall which is attributed to skeletal deposition and
finally a much slower process with a half-time
( t l ) of about 3 h, which probably represents
renal clearance (figure 10.4).
-g0 10.0 From this and much more evidence it can be
:0 said that fluoride homeostasis is accomplished
c efficiently by two principal mechanisms-
Q) deposition in the skeleton and excretion in urine.
Other routes by which fluoride may be lost in
"'LL small, variable amounts are through saliva and
~ 1.0 gastro-intestinal secretions (but this is mostly re-
absorbed), faeces, sweat, milk and the developing
fetus (figure 10.5). Soft tissues do not accumulate
fluoride, apart from those in which ectopic
calcification may occur.

100 200 300 400 500

Time (minutes) 10.3.3 Excretion by the kidney

Figure 10.4 18 F levels in blood following injection of the The highest urinary fluoride concentrations oc-
isotope into ruminants; Essentially the same shaped curve is
discernible in figure 1O.l(b) for orally ingested fluoride (from
cur within 2 hafter the ingestion of a single small
Perkinson 44 ) dose of sodium fluoride, about 35 per cent of the
234 Dental Caries

Food +drink

j Fetus

Figure 10.5 Diagrammatic representation of fluoride homeostasis

absorbed fluoride passing into the urine within skeletal component of the homeostatic me-
3 hand almost all of the excreted fluoride within chanism; but other factors are also involved,
12h (figure 1.6). Again the literature shows con- notably the concentration of the fluoride ingested
siderable variation, particularly with regard to and fluid intake.
the time taken for final elimination of the fluo- In young, unexposed children of 1--6 years in
ride. The actual percentage of absorbed fluoride age, given small quantities of sodium fluoride,
which is excreted varies according to the past 20-30 per cent is excreted, but this rises to 50-60
history of fluoride exposure and age, both of per cent in adults. However, in adults ingesting
which mainly affect the effectiveness of the fluoride in drinking water for several years, a
Fluorides: Systemic Balance and Cariostatic Mechanisms 235


1:2 3.0 mg


Eo • + Fluonde mgestion
:g"' 2.0
-= • •
c 1.0 •
~ 1.0 >
0- 1 1 2 2 4 4 6 6 9 9 1 2 12 24 :;:)

T1me after mgest1on (hours)


Figure I 0.6 Increment of fluoride concentration in urine

as a function of time after ingestion of 2 mg F as NaF in
tablet form (after Stookey45 )

situation approaching a steady state is reached in 1000 2000 3000 ml

which urinary fluoride output approximates in- urine volume/day
put. This again would seem to reflect decreased
efficiency of skeletal fluoride deposition rather Figure 10.7 Urinary fluoride output in 24 h in a 20-year-
than a change in nephron activity. The adult old subject on a variable fluid intake and relatively controlled
diet---during the experimental period 2 x 0.5 mg F as NaF
skeleton seems to come into a near equilibrium tablets were ingested daily. From these graphs it can be
state with a particular level of plasma or, more calculated that about 70 per cent of this administered
correctly, extracellular fluoride (near, because fluoride was excreted in urine at normal flow-rates and about
100 per cent at the highest rates. (from Speirs, R. L.,
there is still a fluoride increment with age), but unpublished)
ingestion of a fluoride supplement, for example
2 mg sodium fluoride, causes a more marked and dentine of primary and permanent teeth
elevation of the plasma level, promotes de- reflect in their fluoride contents the levels of
position of fluoride in the bones and causes a fluoride in extracellular fluids during tooth de-
decreased percentage excretion in the urine. It is velopment. After mineralisation has been com-
only in advanced kidney disease that urinary pleted further acquisition of fluoride occurs
excretion of fluoride becomes impaired, leading at the accessible surfaces, particularly at
to increased fluoride incorporation in bone ac- the pulpal-dentine interface, in secondary de-
companied possibly in the elderly by elevated ntine, and to a smaller extent on the enamel
plasma fluoride levels. The tubular reabsorption surface 12 . In the latter case, the fluoride which
of fluoride is reduced by high urinary flowrates accumulates after eruption originates from the
and thus by increased intake of fluid (figure 10.7). oral fluids and plaque, and from tissue fluids pre-
Fluoride is substituted for hydroxyl groups
10.3.4 Incorporation in the skeleton within and on the surface of the hydroxyapatite
lattice and some may also be adsorbed. In
Much of the importance of fluoride in medicine consequence of the greater availability of crystal
and dentistry centres on the high degree of surfaces in bone than in enamel and dentine, the
affinity between it and hydroxyapatite. Enamel continued remodelling and the prolonged period
236 Dental Caries

during which bone accretion occurs, fluoride concentration is related to the fluoride con-
incorporation in bone continues throughout life, centration of the drinking water (figure 10.8).
is not uniform within any one bone and varies in There is certainly convincing evidence in ani-
amount in different parts of the skeleton. mals that the rate of fluoride incorporation in
Periosteal and endosteal surfaces and cancellous bones becomes much reduced with increasing
bone of the metaphyses tend to have the highest age. Also, it has been shown experimentally that
concentrations. Bone fluoride increases linearly the uptake of fluoride by the skeleton of young
with increases in water fluoride levels up to about mice is determined by the total quantity of
4 p.p.m. F, above which the increment may fluoridated water ingested per day rather than
become less. A positive correlation has been the concentration of fluoride in the drinking
found between concentrations of fluoride in the water, whereas in older animals, as saturation of
skeleton and in plasma 13 · 14 . For example, the the skeleton is approached, the uptake depends
increase in skeletal fluoride with age is associated more on concentration than on total intake 15 .
with a slight increase in the plasma fluoride This would suggest that the actively growing
concentration 14 . All the evidence suggests that bones are virtually 'filtering off the fluoride in
there is an increase in bone fluoride with age, but the tissue fluid, whereas in the older bones
there is disagreement as to whether the increment further deposition of fluoride depends on a
is less in the elderly 12 . In those studies which particular concentration gradient between tissue
support this pattern, the 'steady state' or plateau fluid and the bone crystals.

0 0

4000 0
1.8 West Hartlepool

Q) 3000
0.8 South Shields
.§ • •


0.5 Leeds


1000 0.06 Rochester

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Age in (years)

Figure 10.8 Relationship between age and the fluoride concentration in bone (from Hodge and Smith 46 )
Fluorides: Systemic Balance and Cariostatic Mechanisms 237

When a marked reduction in fluoride intake is fluoride on tooth surfaces and on plaque mic-
instituted this is accompanied by a slight negative roorganisms there has been considerable interest
fluoride balance due to removal of some of the in the secretion of fluoride in saliva of persons
fluoride stored in the skeleton. This can continue consuming fluoridated water or ingesting sodium
for many months, being rapid at first then fluoride tablets. Recent analytical findings quote
proceeding very slowly. Fluoride which is mobi- values for fluoride concentrations which are
lised in these cases or in conditions of excess bone similar to those in plasma, that is, about 0.01
resorption is only partly lost in the urine, p.p.m.; rising to a peak following fluoride
however, as some is translocated to other parts of ingestion 10 . In parotid and whole saliva there is a
the skeleton. higher fluoride concentration in unstimulated
than in stimulated samples 17 • 18 . Fluoride levels
10.3.5 Placental transfer in saliva are likely to be lower than in many of the
oral fluids which bathe the teeth intermittently;
It is now thought that fluoride passes readily for example fluoridated water and tea, but may be
across the human placenta despite evidence to sufficiently high during times of reduced stimu-
the contrary in rodents 16 . Fluoride concen- lation to exert an important topical effect on the
trations in maternal and fetal blood are similar. tooth surface.
Fluoride in the fetal skeleton is related to the
fluoride intake of the mother, but the correlation 10.4 Effects of Fluoride on
is not linear 16 (table 10.2). This Jack of cor- Metabolism
respondence is presumably due to several factors
besides placental transfer; one of these is the The magnitude of any effects of fluoride on
increased skeletal turnover in the mother during metabolism must depend on the concentration of
pregnancy which might result in increased fluoride in the water supply, the total daily
'trapping' of fluoride. Influences such as maternal intake, and the duration of exposure to fluoride,
diet, age and the number of previous pregnancies and in any discussion on this subject it is essential
would all modify this process. From the limited to consider all these factors. We must also be
evidence available it seems improbable that extra cautious in extrapolating the results of studies of
fluoride acquired by fetal teeth as a result of fluoride on isolated enzyme systems and on tissue
fluoride supplementation during pregnancy has and cell cultures to the situation in vivo in the
any significant effect in protecting the teeth whole organism. It is the actual fluoride con-
against caries. centrations naturally occurring in plasma or
Table 10.2 Fluoride content ofashed fetal femur and
saliva which have to be remembered so that the
teeth in the full-term fetus from low and significance of experimental results can be ap-
high fluoride areas (from Gedalia 16 ) praised. The ingestion of naturally fluoridated
water by millions of people throughout the
Fluoride Mean F world, at concentrations even above those re-
in drinking water (p.p.m.)
commended by public health authorities, has
afforded an unparalleled opportunity to study
femur teeth the long-term effects of fluoride on health, and
0.1 43.8 40.8 extensive laboratory investigations have sup-
0.55 92.5 69.7 ported these studies. The effects of fluoride can
1.0 85.2 53.8 be considered according to the level of con-
sumption. Prolonged exposure to drinking water
10.3.6 Secretion in saliva with 1-4 p.p.m. F or 4-8 p.p.m. F can be
compared with total daily intakes of over 20 mg
Because of possible topical effects of salivary F for relatively short terms (months) and long
238 Dental Caries

terms (many years). This classification is difference for males and females in all age-groups
convenient but is obviously an oversimplifi- studied was about 2 per cent and as such would
cation. have been undetected by older, less sensitive,
Laboratory studies have shown that fluoride methods. The clinical significance of these small
increases the size and improves the crystallinity changes is uncertain.
of hydroxyapatite crystals in bones and reduces From the literature it seems that high con-
the inclusion of carbonate and citrate while centrations of fluoride can be accommodated in
increasing the magnesium, fluoride and ash the skeleton without any histological alterations
contents. These changes were reported in long- and without any symptoms being presented.
term residents in a 4 p.p.m. F area and are a Prolonged consumption of about 8 p.p.m. F in
consequence of either the alteration of the crystal drinking water however, leads to higher skeletal
lattice or of the metabolism of the bone-forming fluoride levels, increased cortical thickness and
cells. That fluoride can influence cellular meta- coarsened trabeculae, while even higher intakes
bolism at these and lower levels of intake is an over prolonged periods cause irregular bone
inescapable conclusion, since mottling of enamel accretion on the periosteal surfaces, particularly
is due primarily to an effect on the ameloblasts in the ribs, vertebrae and pelvis, and calcification
with the result that matrix formation and minera- of tendons and ligaments. Areas of increased
lisation become disturbed. Severe mottling is osteoid and large resorption cavities suggest a
characterised by hypoplasia of the enamel and compensatory overactivity of the parathyroid
increased porosity which permits penetration by glands, but in some of these cases of skeletal
oral fluids and staining. fluorosis the principal histological appearance is
A few reports suggest that bone metabolism one resembling osteosclerosis. The observation
and possibly also some aspects of liver cell that fluoride can lead to increased bone mass has
function may be altered transiently in individuals promoted its use in the treatment of senile and
who have just begun to take fluoridated water or post-menopausal osteoporosis. The claims made
tablets. The alterations in the urinary excretion for this form of therapy, in which sodium
of free hydroxyproline and in serum alkaline fluoride is administered in amounts ranging from
phosphatase levels in these studies were only of 25 even up to 100 mg fluoride daily for several
marginal statistical significance. The frequently months, have been equivocal and do not offer
reported sensitivity to fluoride of muscle enolase, much promise as a long-term measure. A more
liver lipase and various other enzymes in vitro 19 successful approach has been to combine fluo-
does not seem to have any relevance to phy- ride therapy with supplementation of the diet
siological conditions in vivo. with calcium and vitamin D. This regime has
The findings in tissue cultures that bone re- improved the osteoporotic state in less than one
sorption can be reduced and collagen synthesis year.
activated by fluoride added to the medium, and It is difficult to define the level at which the
that prolonged high intakes of fluoride in vivo fluoride intake becomes toxic. There are some
increase bone mass, have raised the possibility who would suggest that mottling is a first sign of
that the ingestion of fluoridated water might toxicity, while at the other end of the scale the
alter the structure as well as the chemical finding that some patients have tolerated an
composition of bone. In a recent carefully con- intake of over 50 mg fluoride daily for months
trolled study 20 it has been shown, using photon- without any obvious sign of ill-health might be
beam absorptiometry, that there is a tendency interpreted as an absence of toxic effects even at
for increased bone mineral density in persons these levels.
living in an area fluoridated for 18 years at 1.1 As far as lethal doses are concerned, it is
p.p.m. F compared with those in a non- generally considered that a single dose of about
fluoridated town (0.1 p.p.m. F). The mean 2.5 g would be fatal for adults. On a proportional
Fluorides: Systemic Balance and Cariostatic Mechanisms 239

body weight basis this would be equivalent to thus fluoride administered after eruption affords
35 mg F /kg in a child. Sub-lethal doses would be the greatest protection to buccal and lingual
associated with non-specific effects such as surfaces, presumably because of their accessi-
vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhoea and bility, followed by approximal surfaces. Pits and
convulsions. fissures receive little benefit. Pre-eruptive ex-
posure to fluoride gives approximal surfaces
10.5 Cariostatic Mechanisms of more protection than buccal, while pits and
Fluoride fissures receive their transient protection during
this time 21 . As caries itself is a multifactorial
10.5.1 Introduction process, it is not surprising that one cannot
ascribe to a particular fluoride concentration in
Without doubt, fluoride exerts its protective effect enamel a particular degree of caries resistance.
against dental caries in several ways. Many For example, the caries susceptibility of different
attempts to attribute its action entirely to one teeth and different surfaces of a tooth cannot be
mechanism have failed. This chapter will consider correlated with their fluoride concentrations.
the role of fluoride from sources such as water, Analysis of the fluoride content of the enamel of
food, beverages and preparations such as tablets, teeth from fluoridated and a non-fluoridated
salt and milk. Topically applied fluorides, mouth-
washes, chewing-gum and dentifrices will be 10000
excluded, but these agents may well share some of
the anti-caries mechanisms ascribed to ingested
Fluoride concentrations in enamel and more
importantly the surface enamel are related to the 5000
fluoride levels in the drinking water at the time of
tooth development (figures 10.9 and 10.10) and E
since the latter are related to caries experience ci
(figure 10.1) it was logical, in trying to explain the Qi
anti-caries effect, that attention should become "'
centred on the possible influence on enamel Q)
properties of fluoride incorporation (figure "'
10.11 ). One group of workers has gone so far as to :::J
state that 'all available evidence suggests that the Q)

caries-inhibitory effect of this element is as- -o

sociated with the relatively high levels present in :::J
the surface layer'. This approach was, of course,
encouraged by the finding that fluoride in enamel
is incorporated mainly, pre-eruptively, that it is
concentrated in the outer 100 Jl.m and that the
optimal effects of fluoride on caries seem to
correlate with exposure to fluoride during the late
pre-eruptive phase of development and the first 0 2 3 4 5
few years after eruption.
Fluoride in water (p.p.m.)
That there is a degree of protection post-
eruptively is generally accepted from both clinical Figure I 0.9 Correlation between fluoride concentration in
evidence and studies on experimental caries in surface enamel and that in drinking water (from Hodge and
animals. This varies on different tooth surfaces; Smith46 )
240 Dental Caries

• < 20 years (0.1 p.p.m_ F m water supply)

• > 50 years (0.1 p.p m. F m water supply)

0 > 50 years (1 .0 p_p.m. F- in water supply)

a < 20 years {5.0 p.p.m. F- in water supply)




surface 5 10 15 20 25 30
Depth from surface, cumulative ;:~:~: :~~eht

Figure 10.10 Fluoride concentration in enamel, sampled at different depths from the surface of teeth of persons differing in their
exposure to fluoride in the drinking water supply (from Isaac, Brudevold, Smith and Gardner49 )

areas shows a difference in mean fluoride values. fluoride solutions in vitro are rendered less
However, with respect to fluoride, there is a large soluble when subsequently tested in dilute acid.
overlap in frequency distribution for the two This finding was compatible with the view held
populations. Thus, it is not possible to predict by crystallographers that fluorapatite is a more
whether or not a tooth will be resistant to caries stable and 'perfect' crystal than hydroxyapatite.
simply by analysis of the enamel-fluoride content. Some fluorapatite is formed in enamel when
Therefore, an actual threshold level of surface fluoride is present systemically during the time of
fluoride that will definitely prevent dental caries tooth development. After development, fluoride
is not only unknown, but possibly also an may be acquired by enamel pre-eruptively due to
incorrect concept to assume. a process of ion exchange between some of the
We have, therefore, to consider several theo- OH- ions of hydroxyapatite and the F- ions
ries, some dependent on the fluoride within the present in the tissue fluid bathing the tooth. The
enamel affecting the caries process and others on enamel may therefore be regarded as a mixture of
fluoride acting locally on the tooth surface and inorganic phases and may best be described as
plaque. fluorohydroxyapatite.
Several studies have been carried out to com-
pare the behaviour in acids of natural enamel
10.5.2 Effects on Enamel Solubility with differing fluoride concentrations, which by
inference implies differing degrees of resistance
It is well established that enamel, dentine and to caries 22 - 24 . The overall conclusion from this
synthetic hydroxyapatite, treated with dilute work is a definite trend towards lower acid
Fluorides: Systemic Balance and Cariostatic Mechanisms 241

hammer' methods usually employed. One such
mechanism was proposed on the basis of exper-
12 imental results showing that the rates of acid
dissolution of enamel from high and low fluoride
10 areas were similar at first, but after several
minutes began to show differences 25 . It was
:2 8 proposed that the fluoride and calcium ions
c released initially became redeposited as an in-

0 Kalamazoo soluble calcium fluoride barrier. There is, how-
Charlotte o oStickney ever, no direct evidence for the presence of this
(fluoridated) phase in surface enamel, and extensive calcu-
Midland 0 lations based on equilibrium measurements of
(5-7 p.p.m. F) Ca 2 +, POi- and F-, in acids of different pH
1500 2500 3500 4500
mean surface enamel F in p.p.m.

Figure 10.11 Relationship between surface fluoride con- 45

centration in enamel and dental caries experience in 12-16
yr old life dme residents in flnoridated and non-fluoridated
areas. It is ofinterest to compare this curve with thatin figure 40
10.12. (from De Paola et a/. 48 )
.2 35
~ 30
dissolution rates of intact enamel surfaces or ?.."
.<20 years (0.1 p.p.m. F)
powdered enamel samples as their fluoride con- 25
o>50 years (0.1 p.p.m. F)
tents increase, particularly when teeth with wi- o>50 years (1 p.p.m. F)
o<20 years mottled (5 p.p.m. F)
dely varying histories of fluoride exposure have 20

been compared (figures 10.12 and 10.13).

However, there are many anomalies in this
5 10 15 20 25 30
relationship; enamel samples with similar fluo-
ride concentrations can show marked solubility Depth from surface. cumulative -:;""'u~:r.:;;:,.:e:-ts::-:c-=-or-:-e
differences (figure 10.13). Factors such as varia-
tions in surface microstructure and carbonate
content, in addition to fluoride, probably in- Figure 10.12 Weight loss in acid buffer(solubUity rate) of
powdered enamel samples obtained at different depths from
fluence these measurements. The significance of the surface of teeth of persons differing in their exposure to
these small, inconsistent differences in solubility fluoride in the drinking water supply (from Isaac, Brudevold,
in influencing caries is difficult to assess, so also is Smith and Gardner47 )
the relevance of these in vitro methods to the
situation in vivo 22 . As an illustration of this last
point it has been found that fluorapatite and after exposure to enamel with known initial flu-
hydroxyapatite, although differing in their oride concentrations, suggest that this particular
acid solubilities, behave similarly in acidified compound is not formed 23 • Instead the fluoride
saliva 23 . released during the early demineralisation stages
It seems then, that if fluoride exerts an in- will, if the pH is low enough, be avidly deposited
fluence on enamel solubility, it does so by more as fluorapatite or at a higher pH will encourage
subtle means than those measured by the 'sledge- the deposition of an insoluble calcium deficient
242 Dental Caries

questions and are compatible with many expe-

rimental findings, they are very difficult to test
100 0 directly.
The foregoing considerations lead inevitably
0 to the wider issue of the role of fluoride in re-
0 0 mineralisation. It is now generally accepted that
90 0 caries is an alternating process of dissolution and
remineralisation and that the overall result is a
-o gradual decrease in carbonate, magnesium and
0 sodium and an increase in fluoride, some other

trace elements and the formation of an increas-


t.i 80
a; ingly insoluble residue in the enamel. Relative to
"'c the intact sound surface enamel, the early carious
lesion or white spot takes up fluoride pre-
ferentially. The resulting differences in fluoride
content between these adjacent parts are as-
sociated with differences in acid dissolution rates,
these being more marked in teeth from fluorid-
ated than non-fluoridated areas 24 .
60~------~------~--------~--- Differences in acid dissolution rates have re-
1 2 3 4
log F concentration in enamel (p.p.m.) cently been explained by Brown 26 . Increases in
the concentration of fluoride within the lesion are
thought to affect the equilibrium pH as well as
Figure 10.13 Relationship between acid solubility of pow- the activity of the basic and acidic components. In
dered surface enamel samples and their fluoride concen- the case of Ca(OHh and H 3 P0 4 , the activity of
trations (after Brudevold and McCann 22 ) Ca(OHh would be lowered and would therefore
reduce the driving force for diffusion of calcium
out of the lesion and of protons into the lesion.
Conversely, a higher H 3 P0 4 activity will be
found with increasing fluoride and this will
apatite with a more acid surface structure. The promote diffusion of H 3 P0 4 out of the lesion,
formation of either of these insoluble com- thereby lowering the acidity of the lesion.
pounds is in sharp contrast to that of the Several lines of evidence support the concept
relatively soluble octacalcium phosphate or dic- that fluoride actually encourages reminerali-
alcium phosphate dihydrate which are consi- sation. It has been shown, for example, that not
dered to form after demineralisation of enamel only do traces of fluoride favour the precipitation
with a low fluoride content. and seeding of calcium phosphate from saturated
Both of the more acid calcium phosphate solutions, but also dictate that it is the more basic
phases (octacalcium phosphate OCP and dical- apatite form which crystallises out, even at re-
cium phosphate DCPD) have been suggested as latively low pH values 23 .
precursors in the formation of hydroxyapatite. Essentially the same mechanism has been
The presence of fluoride in a solution at a proposed as a result of rehardening studies of
concentration of only 0.1 p.p.m. converts the acid-softened enamel in vitro. The addition of
OCP to the apatite form, while DCPD reacts 1 p.p.m. F to a saturated calcifying solution or
directly with fluoride to form fluorapatite. about 20 p.p.m. F to saliva greatly accelerated the
Although such hypotheses, and they are little rehardening process 2 7 • Comparable results have
more at the moment, seem to answer many been reported in newly erupted rat molars and in
Fluorides: Systemic Balance and Cariostatic Mechanisms 243

unerupted human teeth. In the rat, some fissures duction, but that concentrations of 2 p.p.m. F
show post-eruptive maturation or mineralisation and above were necessary to give small but
of developmental hypomineralised areas. This significant effects. Sensitivity to fluoride was
process was accelerated by fluoride given in the increased by an acid pH, so that at pH 5.0 as little
drinking water. In human teeth an increase in as 6-10 p.p.m. F was shown to stop acid pro-
birefringence was observed in surface enamel on duction completely for several hours. However,
exposure to a calcifying fluid in the presence of the application of these experimental results to
1 p.p.m. F 28 . conditions in the mouth and to caries was
Another related facet of this possible role for questionable. First, much lower concentrations
fluoride was provided by the demonstration that of fluoride than those required in these experi-
concentrations of fluoride in an acid buffer as low ments were known to be present in saliva and oral
as 1 p.p.m. can reduce the rates of dissolution of fluids and, secondly, bacteria and not plaque were
powdered enamel or hydroxyapatite 29 . If such being studied in grossly unphysiological circum-
concentrations of fluoride can be present within stances. The latter criticism was subsequently
an acid plaque they might, in some way, inhibit answered when it was shown that fluoride in vitro
enamel decalcification. Any former doubts about could suppress acid production of plaque,
the availability of such fluoride levels have been although the concentrations required were hig-
dispelled by the finding that fluoride becomes her than in the earlier studies 31 . It was argued
concentrated in plaque. Although most of the that even in the unlikely event that these con-
fluoride is in a bound form some of this is centrations of fluoride could be available in vivo,
released by acidification 18 • 30 . Calculations sug- from the dissolution of the surface enamel re-
gest that about 0.5 p.p.m. F, in a free form, might servoir, the significance of the small differences in
be present in the aqueous phase of plaque from acid production- for example, pH 5.0 in the
residents in fluoride areas but as acid is produced control incubation and 5.2 in the presence of
higher concentrations of fluoride will be present. fluoride-was difficult to assess in terms of caries
Thus, the readiness with which fluoride will prevention.
combines with calcium and phosphate at an acid Interest in this antibacterial theory con-
pH to form a relatively insoluble phase seems to sequently waned but was revived by the impor-
be a recurring concept in this discussion. fluoride tant finding from two independent laboratories
is endeavouring to maintain the status quo of the that fluoride is concentrated within plaque 30 . It
mineral. originates mostly from oral fluids rather than
from the enamel, although a tidal exchange
between the inner plaque and parts of the enamel
10.5.3 Effects on bacterial metabolism surface cannot be precluded. In the gingival
crevice where plaque accumulates most readily,
Biochemical studies on muscle homogenates the tendency is for fluoride to increase in surface
and pure enzyme systems had shown that fluo- enamel, so there is little possibility of a
ride could inhibit enolase and some other en- predominantly one-way flow of fluoride from the
zymes involved in glycolysis and cellular oxi- enamel into the plaque. Values of 5-10 p.p.m. are
dation. Dental research workers were not slow to representative for wet plaque samples from child-
realise the possible implications of these findings, ren from low fluoride areas 18 but very large
and the suggestion that fluoride might reduce variations are found between subjects. There is
caries by inhibiting bacterial acid production or more fluoride in plaque exposed to fluoride
growth was soon put to the test. The first studies containing drinking water.
on incubated pure cultures of salivary bacteria Most of the plaque fluoride is bound at neutral
and later on saliva and salivary sediment con- pH with only about 2-5 per cent being in the free
firmed that fluoride could inhibit acid pro- form 18 . The nature of the binding is complex and
244 Dental Caries

is the cause of some controversy. Some fluoride is suggestion has recently been given experimental
very tightly bound and is only released by hot support. In one study the percentages of S.
concentrated acids whereas another fraction is mutans and iodophilic microorganisms were
loosely bound and is liberated at pH 4--5. found to be slightly less in the plaque of children
Whatever the nature of the loosely bound form, in fluoride areas 35 , while in another study the
the significant feature, from a practical point of percentage extracellular polysaccharide formed
view, is that this represents a fluoride reservoir in such plaques was significantly reduced relative
in that it can dissociate when acid is produced by to that in plaques from low fluoride areas 36 . It is
plaque organisms to make available much more thought that this reduced synthesis is not due to
ionic fluoride. It has now been established that interference by fluoride of the glycosyl trans-
several strains of oral bacteria are able to con- ferase enzyme systems, but rather to a reduction
centrate fluoride in their cells so that the mean in the bacterial cell population principally con-
fluoride concentrations quoted for plaque are cerned with extracellular polysaccharide for-
probably much higher than those in the aqueous mation37. These findings, if substantiated by
phase of plaque. Within bacterial cells fluoride is further work, could have important implications,
metabolically active. since the retention and development of plaque
Fluoride probably has several different modes and its cariogenic potential would be altered.
of action on bacterial metabolism. It has been There is therefore considerable evidence to
shown, for example, that concentrations above justify the proposal that fluoride exerts part of its
2 p.p.m. F in solution progressively decrease protective action by affecting bacteria.
transport or uptake of glucose and glucose
analogues into cells of oral streptococci and
microorganisms in salivary sediment and that 10.5.4 Effects mediated by surface adsorption
exogenous glucose metabolism is much more
sensitive to fluoride than endogenous degra- As is so often the case when several mechanisms
dation of glycogen 32 - 34 . These effects on the cell or theories have been proposed to explain a
membrane can be associated with others showing particular observation, the time comes when yet
that the synthesis of intracellular iodophilic another suggestion is put forward which appears
polysaccharide is inhibited by fluoride in salivary to offer a compromise. It seemed that such a time
bacteria and in pure cultures of Streptococcus had come when it was demonstrated that the
mitis 32 . Both of these actions of fluoride are pH ability of powdered hydroxyapatite to adsorb
sensitive, being enhanced by an acid pH. By salivary proteins was reduced when partial sub-
reducing the storage of polysaccharide, fluoride stitution of its hydroxyl groups by fluoride had
might indirectly interfere with the acid pro- taken place 38 . Thus, the fluoride incorporated in
duction which occurs when plaque has been the enamel might alter the surface charge or free
depleted of its exogenous sugar supply. energy and in this way alter the deposition of
Attempts to obtain further evidence in support pellicle and its subsequent bacterial colonisation.
of the antibacterial theory have turned in recent The concentration of fluoride required was about
years more to the composition and behaviour of 3000 p.p.m., which is quite within the range
plaque rather than to laboratory model systems. found in the extreme outermost region of enamel
One such study revealed that samples of plaque in teeth from a high fluoride area or after topical
from residents in a fluoridated area were less able fluoride treatment. Unfortunately, this result
to form acid when rinsed with sucrose than with powdered material with its enormous sur-
samples from a low fluoride area42 . This result face area and reactivity might have little relevance
implies either inhibition by plaque fluoride to the situation on a tooth surface, and even if it
of bacterial metabolism or an altered plaque did, we do not know for certain, although it is
ecology as a result of fluoride ingestion. The latter likely, that adhesion or adsorption of a surface
Fluorides: Systemic Balance and Cariostatic Mechanisms 245

pellicle of salivary ongm is a prerequisite for limits of many of the laboratory methods em-
further colonisation of the surface by a bacterial ployed for its study. After all, caries progresses at
plaque. Certainly, there is little evidence for a relatively slow rate and fluoride only reduces, it
reduced plaque deposition in fluoride areas. does not prevent caries, thus its action must
obviously be subtle. Whenever one discusses
caries resistance and factors affecting it, one is
10.5.5 Effects mediated by tooth morphology considering both the attacking forces, namely the
plaque and fermentable substrate on the one
hand and the defensive forces, the structure of the
In several clinical surveys, mention has been enamel, tooth morphology and salivary com-
made of apparent differences in the overall position on the other. In the early lesion and
appearance of teeth in high and low fluoride perhaps even before that stage is reached, one
areas. Where measurements of the teeth have again envisages offensive demineralisation and
been made these differences turn out to be quite defensive remineralisation. It has been shown in
small and by no means consistent. There is this chapter that fluoride has been allotted a role
probably a greater degree of agreement about a in almost every one of these competing processes.
fluoride-induced reduction in cusp height and
fissure depth and an increase in fissure width than
there is about alteration in the diameters of Further Reading
posterior teeth. Morphological changes have
been observed experimentally in rat teeth also, Cariostatic Mechanisms of Fluorides (1977).
but are associated not only with fluoride inges- Proceedings of a Workshop organised by the
tion but also with the ingestion of several other American Dental Association Health Found-
trace elements. In some of the epidemiological ation and the National Institute of Dental
studies in which fluoride has been implicated as Research, Naples, Caries Res., 11, suppl. 1
the sole cause of these morphological changes Chemistry and Prevention of Dental Caries
other trace elements might well be contributing. ( 1962). Charles Thomas, Springfield, Illinois
However, better control was afforded in two Ciba Foundation Symposium (1965). Caries
investigations. In one of these, comparisons were Resistant Teeth (Eds Wolstenholme, G. E. W.
made between the teeth of children in two and O'Connor, M.), Churchill, London
matched, neighbouring communities, one of Fluorides and Human Health (1970). World
which was supplied with fluoridated water 39 , Health Organization, Geneva
while in the second study, small fluoride supple- Jenkins, G. N. (1967). The mechanism of action
ments were given to a group of infants for the first of fluoride in reducing caries incidence.
three years of life 40 . An increase in the prevalance International Dental Journal, 17, 552-63
of atypically shallow pits and fissures was obser- Myers, H. M. (1978). Fluorides and Dental
ved in the fluoride groups in both of these studies. Fluorosis. Monographs in Oral Science.
Thus, we have yet another mechanism by which Karger, Basel
fluoride might exert some of its protective effect.

10.5.6 Conclusion
1. Brudevold, F., Moreno, E. and Bakhos, Y.
As stated at the outset, there is no simple ( 1972). Fluoride complexes in drinking
explanation for the caries-reducing effect of water. Archives of Oral Biology, 17, 1155-
fluoride. It is probably fair comment that the 63
changes induced by it are beyond the detection 2. Jenkins, G. N. and Edgar, W. M. (1973).
246 Dental Caries

Some observations on fluoride metabolism Hammarskiold, Th. (1973) Blood plasma

in Britain. Journal of Dental Research, 52, fluoride: An indicator of skeletal fluoride
984-5 (abstract) content. International Research Communi-
3. Backer Dirks, 0., Jongeling, J., cations system 1, 33
Flissebaalje, Th.D. and Gedalia, I. (1973). 14. Parkins, F. M., Tinanoff, N., Moritinho,
Total and free ionic fluoride in human and M., Aristey, M. B. and Waziri, M. H.
cow milk determined by gas -liquid chro- (1974). Relationships of human plasma
matography and fluoride electrodes. J. fluoride and bone fluoride to age. Calcified
Dental Research, 52, 588 (abstract) Tisue Research, 16, 335-38
4. Ericsson, Y. (1969). Fluoride excretion in 15. Ru~i~ka, J. A. and Mrklas, L. (1968). Effect
human saliva and milk. Caries Research, 3, of the water intake on the fluoride in-
159-66 corporation into the skeleton of adult mice.
5. Ericsson, Y. and Ribelius, U. (1971). Wide Caries Research, 2, 253-61
variations of fluoride supply to infants and 16. Gedalia, I. (1970). Distribution in placenta
their effect. Caries Research, 5, 78-88 and foetus. In: Fluorides and Human
6. Hargreaves, J. A., Ingram, G. S. and Wagg, Health, WHO, Geneva, pp. 128-34
B. J. (1970). Excretion studies on the inges- 17. Shannon, I. L., Suddick, R. P. and
tion of a monofluorophosphate toothpaste Edmonds, E. J. (1973). Effect of rate of
by children. Caries Research, 4, 256-68 gland function on parotid saliva fluoride
7. Bloodworth, G., Ramsey, A. C., Tamacas, concentration in the human. Caries
J. C. and Hardwick, J. L. (1979). Daily Research, 7, 1-10
fluoride intakes in young teenagers from 18. Jenkins, G. N. and Edgar, W. M. (1977).
tea, water and fluoride dentifrices. Journal Distribution and Forms ofF in saliva and
of Dental Research, 58, 1128 (abstract) plaque. Caries Research, 11, 226-37
8. Ekstrand, J. (1977). A micromethod for (suppl. 1)
determination of fluoride in blood plasma 19. Venkateswarlu, P. (1970). Physiological ef-
and saliva. Calcified Tissue Research, 23, fects of small doses of fluoride: Effects on
225-28 body fluids and soft tissues. In Fluorides
9. Ekstrand, J., Ericsson, Y. and Rosell, S. and human health, WHO, Geneva, pp. 163-
(1977). Absence of protein-bound fluoride 85
from human blood plasma. Archives of 20. Sluys Veer, J. van Der., Melman, A. P.M.,
Oral Biology, 22, 229-32 Pot, T., Houwink, B. and Backer Dirks, 0.
10. Henschler, D., Buttner, W. and Patz, J. (197 5). Fluoridation of drinking water and
(1975). Absorption, distribution in body bone mineral content, analyzed by mon-
fluids and bioavailability of fluoride, in: ochromatic (1 25 1) radiation absorptio-
Calcium Metabolism, Bone and Metabolic metry. In: Calcium metabolism, bone and
Bone Disease. Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, metabolic bone disease, Springer-Verlag,
pp. 111-21 Heidelberg, pp. 138-42
11. Armstrong, W. D. and Singer, L. (1970). 21. Backer Dirks, 0. (1967). The relation be-
Distribution in body-fluids and soft tissues tween the fluoridation of water and dental
in: Fluorides and Human Health, WHO, caries experience. International Dental
Geneva, pp. 94-104 Journal, 11, 582-605
12. Weidmann, S. M. and Weatherell, J. A. 22. Brudevold, F. and McCann, H. G. (1968).
(1970). Distribution in hard tissues. In: Enamel solubility tests and their signifi-
Fluorides and Human Health, WHO, cance in regard to dental caries. Annals of
Geneva, pp. 104-28 the New York AcademyofScience, 153,20-
13. Ericsson, Y., Gydell, K. and 51
Fluorides: Systemic Balance and Cariostatic Mechanisms 247

23. McCann, H. G. and Brudevold, F. (1962). between glucose utilization, pH and car-
Environmental variables in oral disease, bohydrate storage in a salivary sediment
(Eds Kreshover, S. J. and McClure, F. J.), system. Archives of Oral Biology, 14, 619-
American Association for the 28
Advancement of Science, Washington DC, 34. Schachtele, C. F. and Mayo, J. A. (1973).
pp. 103-28 Phosphoenolpyruvate dependent glucose
24. Jenkins, G. N. (1960). Lectures on the transport in oral Streptococci. Journal of
Scientific Basis of Medicine, vol. 8, Dental Research, 52, 1209-15
University of London, Athlone Press, 35. Houte, J. van, Backer Dirks, 0., Stoppelaar
London, pp. 442-59 J. D. de and Jansen, H. M. (1969).
25. Gray, J. A., Francis, M.D. and Griebstein, Iodophilic polysaccharide-producing bac-
W. J. (1962). Chemistry and Prevention of teria and dental caries in children consum-
Dental Caries, Charles Thomas, ing fluoridated and non-fluoridated drink-
Springfield, Illinois, pp. 164-79 ing water. Caries Research, 3, 178-89
26. Brown, W. E., Gregory, T. M. and Chow, 36. Broukal, Z. and Zajivek, 0. (1974).
L. C. (1977). Effects of fluoride on enamel Amount and distribution of extracellular
solubility and cariostasis. Caries Research, polysaccharides in dental microbial plaque.
11, 118-24, (suppl. 1) Caries Research, 8, 97-104
27. Koulourides, T., Cueto, H. and Pigman, 37. Stoppelaar, J. D. de, Houte, J. van and
W. ( 1961 ). Rehardening of softened enamel Backer Dirks 0. (1969). The relationship
surfaces of human teeth by solutions of between extracellular polysaccharide pro-
calcium phosphate. Nature, 189, 226-7 ducing streptococci and smooth surface
28. Silverstone, L. M. and Johnson, N. W. caries m 13-year-old children. Caries
(1971). The effect on sound human enamel Research, 3, 190-9
of exposure to calcifying fluids in vitro. 38. Ericson, Th. and Ericsson, Y. (1967).
Caries Research, 5, 323-42 Effect of partial fluorine substitution on the
29. Manly, R. S. and Harrington, D.P. (1959). phosphate exchange and protein adsor-
Solution rate of tooth enamel in an acetate ption of hydroxylapatite. Helvetica Odont.
buffer. Journal of Dental Research, 38, Acta, 11, 10-14
910-19 39. Lovius, B. B. J. and Goose, D. H. (1969).
30. Dawes, C., Jenkins, G. N., Hardwick J. L. The effect of fluoridated water on tooth
and Leach, S. A. (1965). The relation morphology. British Dental Journal, 127,
between the fluoride concentrations in the 322-4
dental plaque and in drinking water. British 40. Aasenden, R. and Peebles, T. C. (1974).
Dental Journal, 119, 164-7 Effect of fluoride supplementation from
31. Jenkins, G. N., Edgar, W. M. and birth on human deciduous and permanent
Ferguson, D. B. (1969). The distribution teeth. Archives of Oral Biology, 19, 321-6
and metabolic effects of human plaque 41. McPhail, C. W. B. and Zachel, W. (1965).
fluorine. Archives of Oral Biology, 14, 105- Fluid intake and climatic temperature:
19 relation to fluoridation. Journal of
32. Weiss, S., King, W. J., Kestenbaum, R. C. the Canadian Dental Association, 31,
and Donohue, J. J. ( 1965). Influence of 7-16
various factors on polysaccharide synthesis 42. Jenkins, G. N. (1974). Forum Medici, No.
in S. mitis. Annals of the New York 18, Zyma, Nyon, Switzerland, p. 33
Academy of Science, 131, 839-50 43. Wespi, H. J. (1964). Advances in Fluorine
33. Sandham, H. J. and Kleinberg, I. (1969). Research and Dental Caries Prevention,
The effect of fluoride on the inter-relation Pergamon, Oxford, p. 41
248 Dental Caries

44. Perkinson, J. D., Whitney, I. B., Monroe, subsurface enamel Journal of Dental
R. A., Hotz, W. E. and Comar, C. L. Research, 37, 254-63
(1955). Metabolism of fluorine 18 in domes- 48. DePaola, P. F., Brudevold, F., Aasenden,
tic animals. American Journal of R., R., Moreno, E. C., Englander, H.,
Physiology, 182, 383-89 Bakhos, Y., Bookstein, F. and Warran, J.
45. Stookey, G. K. (1970). Fluorides and (1975). A pilot study of the relationship
Human Health, WHO, Geneva, p. 45 between caries experience and surface
46. Hodge, H. C. and Smith, F. A. (1970). enamel fluoride in man. Archives of Oral
Dietary chemicals vs. dental caries. Biology, 20, 859-64
Advances in Chemistry, The American 49. Isaac, S., Brudevold, F., Smith, F. A. and
Chemical Society, Washington DC Gardner, D. E. (1958). The relation of
47. Isaac, S., Brudevold, F., Smith, F. A. and fluoride in the drinking water to the distri-
Gardner, D. E. (1958). Solubility rate & bution of fluoride in enamel. Journal of
natural fluoride content of surface and Dental Research, 37, 318-25
Chapter 11

Prevention of Caries by Control

of Dental Plaque

11.1 Introduction
11.2 Plaque Control and Caries Prevention by Mechanical Methods
11.3 Chemical Agents for Plaque Control
11.3.1 Antibiotics
11.3.2 Chlorhexidine and other antiseptics
Susceptibility of oral flora
Mode of action
Other antiseptic chemical agents
11.3.3 Enzymes
11.3.4 Fluoride
11.3.5 Methods of delivery of chemotherapeutic agents
11.4 Immunisation
11.4.1 Mechanisms of action
11.4.2 Passive immunity
11.4.3 Safety aspects and future prospects
11.5 Summary and Conclusions

Further Reading

250 Dental Caries

11.1 Introduction dental plaque may have one or more of the

following objectives:
It is clear from the evidence reviewed in previous
chapters that dental caries is initiated by mic- (1) Prevention of plaque formation by in-
roorganisms which colonise the tooth surface in hibiting all bacterial colonisation of the tooth
the form of dental plaque. Thus, one obvious surface.
way of attempting to prevent caries is by direct- (2) Prevention of colonisation by specific
ing prophylactic measures against these microor- pathogenic bacteria.
ganisms. Theoretically, perhaps the most (3) Removal or disruption of plaque de-
straightforward approach would be to eliminate posits that have already accumulated.
all plaque deposits from the teeth, and several (4) Neutralisation of harmful products of
methods have been tried in order to achieve this plaque bacteria.
objective. If complete plaque removal can be (5) Inhibition of potentially damaging meta-
achieved and the teeth maintained in plaque-free bolic pathways of plaque bacteria.
condition, caries should not occur. From a Some of these objectives are relevant only if
practical viewpoint, if this approach is adopted, the specific aetiology of caries is accepted.
it does not particularly matter whether caries is However, non-specific removal or inhibition of
regarded as a specific infectious disease or a non- the whole plaque will, of course, include any
specific condition which occurs as one of the specific pathogens. The methods by which these
sequelae of the metabolism of mixed populations
objectives might be achieved can be divided
of bacteria in certain sites 1 .
broadly into three types-mechanical, chemical
An alternative view is that caries is a disease
and immunological.
caused only by plaques containing certain speci- In the sections which follow some of the
fic pathogens, of which the prime candidate is
evidence for and against these approaches will be
Streptococcus mutans. If this hypothesis is valid, reviewed briefly.
it should be possible to control caries by elim-
inating such pathogens selectively, or by neut-
ralising their harmful products, while leaving the 11.2 Plaque Control and Caries
remainder of the plaque microflora relatively Prevention by Mechanical
intact. Methods
A number of research workers in recent years
have taken the view that caries may be a specific As both dental caries and periodontal disease are
infection caused by S. mutans and have tried to caused directly or indirectly by microorganisms
develop preventive methods, particularly immu- in dental plaque, neither disease should occur in
nological techniques, directed against this spe- a mouth which is maintained totally free of all
cies. This approach follows logically from the plaque deposits. Unfortunately, thorough re-
many studies on experimental caries in animals. moval of plaque from all surfaces of the teeth is a
However, until further evidence from epide- difficult and time-consuming activity, particu-
miological studies on humans becomes available, larly if the most caries-susceptible sites such as
it is wise to keep an open mind on the microbial occlusal fissures and approximal surfaces are to
specificity of caries. Should it be established that be cleaned effectively. Relatively few people,
several different combinations of microbial spe- especially children, are sufficiently motivated
cies can be sufficiently acidogenic to produce and have developed the appropriate manual
caries in man, elimination of a single species such skills to maintain their teeth completely free of
as S. mutans could not be expected to prevent dental plaque.
caries altogether. In the Western world, the most widely avail-
Caries preventive methods directed against able and commonly used aid for oral hygiene is
Prevention of Caries by Control of Dental Plaque 251

the toothbrush. Many variations in size, design requirements listed above. Among the agents
and texture of brushes are on the market, so that commonly used are Bismark brown, basic fuch-
the prospective purchaser may be confronted sin, erythrosin, fast or brilliant green and fluores-
with a bewildering selection. From time to time cein5. The latter substance has the advantage of
several different toothbrushing techniques have being invisible in normal light, but fluoresces
been advocated by dentists 2 • 3 ; some clinicians yellow-green under ultraviolet illumination.
today recommend a 'roll' technique, while others Iodine has also been used in the past for disclos-
prefer a 'scrub' or 'modified Bass' technique. ing plaque, and a mixture of methylene blue and
Similarly, a variety of types of toothpaste are 2,3,5-triphenyl tetrazoleum chloride has been
commercially available, many of which contain shown to differentiate between areas of plaque
some form of fluoride. with high oxygen content (which stain blue) and
The most important point about toothbrush- more reduced anaerobic areas (red) 6 • A two-tone
ing, regardless of the type of brush, toothpaste or colour effect can also be produced by combining
brushing technique employed, is that it should different dyes such as erythrosin and fast green in
actually remove plaque effectively from all ac- a single disclosing solution 7 • Several investi-
cessible surfaces without traumatising the soft gators have shown that disclosing agents may
tissues or abrading the hard tissues. Probably the stain plaque in different ways; for example,
easiest way to demonstrate the efficacy of plaque erythrosin and iodine appear to stain all deposits,
removal is by the use of disclosing agents which whereas fast green and fluorescein tend to stain
stain residual deposits and render them clearly only older established plaque 4 . An alternative
visible. Such disclosing agents, available in either name for erythrosin is tetra-iodo fluorescein, and
liquid or tablet form, are now used routinely in its structure is very similar to that of fluorescein.
dental surgeries and can also be used by patients The final choice of disclosing agents is rather
at home. Without doubt, disclosing of plaque subjective. Fluorescein has the advantage of not
deposits is an extremely valuable aid in oral causing visible staining of the teeth and soft
hygiene programmes. tissues, but requires a special ultraviolet light
As has been pointed out by Gillings 4 , the ideal source. Erythrosin stains all plaque deposits, but
dental plaque disclosant should have the follow- also stains the tongue, lips and other tissues. The
ing properties: two-tone disclosing agents have the advantage of
differentiating between older deposits and newly
(a) be non-toxic; formed plaque. Opinions vary as to the aesthetic
(b) have an acceptable taste; advantages and ease of visualisation of the
(c) be invisible on, or easily removed from, different coloured dyes, but any of the currently
clothing, linen, and surgery and bathroom available disclosing agents can be used effectively
fixtures; as a valuable aid to mechanical plaque control.
(d) be invisible in daylight or, if visible, be No toothbrushing technique, however meti-
easily removed from teeth, lips and tongue by culous, is likely to remove all plaque from
rinsing; approximal areas. In order to clean these sites,
(e) offer a colour contrast with the teeth and which are particularly susceptible to caries, it is
soft tissues; necessary to use some additional cleaning aid.
(f) provide an indication of the nature of the The two methods commonly used are dental floss
deposit being stained with respect to age, mic- and interdental sticks. It is important that pa-
roorganisms present and metabolic activity; tients are properly instructed in the use of these
(g) be economical to use. cleaning aids, since incorrect technique may fail
to remove plaque and can inflict damage on the
A variety of chemical agents have been sugges- gingival tissues. In one study, no difference was
ted as disclosing agents, but none fulfils all the found in the interdental plaque reduction
252 Dental Caries

achieved by toothbrushing followed by the use of and severity of periodontal disease 11 - 13 •

floss, either waxed or unwaxed 8 . However, daily Experimental studies on animals and in man
interdental flossing carried out by research wor- have demonstrated that gingivitis can be pre-
kers produced a significant reduction in appro- vented by regular and efficient oral hygiene
ximal caries in 5-6-year-old children over a 20- procedures. The value of these procedures for
month period, although there was little residual maintenance of healthy periodontal tissues is
effect after the flossing regime had been well established and supported by clinical
discontinued 9 . experience.
Dental prophylaxis carried out professionally Although there has been widespread belief in
by dentists or ancillary personnel has several the idea that toothbrushing is also valuable for
functions, including the introduction of young or preventing dental caries, evidence for this from
nervous patients to operative procedures. It also controlled studies has, until recently, been lack-
serves to provide the patient with a good clean ing. Some investigators have attempted to show
starting condition from which to practise home a relationship between toothbrushing and oral
oral hygiene procedures. The caries-preventive health by means of surveys, often retrospective in
effect of occasional polishing with a rubber cup design. In many cases such surveys have failed to
and prophylactic paste is probably slight, al- demonstrate an obvious connection between
though this can be used as a means of applying observed or stated frequency of toothbrushing
fluoride to the teeth. However, more frequent and prevalence of caries. However, in most of
and regular professional prophylaxis, as dis- these investigations the efficacy of plaque re-
cussed later, may have an extremely useful role in moval was not tested.
the prevention of both caries and gingivitis. In one recent study in the USA, the caries
The ideal frequency of toothbrushing is largely experience of 290 12-15-year-old children was
a matter of opinion at present. Many dentists correlated with their reported frequency of too-
recommend cleaning the teeth ofter every meal, thbrushing14. This survey showed that subjects
although it is arguable that brushing before who claimed to brush their teeth at least twice a
meals might be more beneficial. Pre-prandial day had lower caries scores (DMFT) than those
brushing should remove potential acid- who brushed once a day or less. However, the
producing bacteria from the tooth surface before possibility that this difference might have been
exposure to fermentable carbohydrate and thus due to increased exposure to fluoride in the
decrease the opportunity for carious attack. It is frequent-brushing group could not be excluded,
possible that really meticulous plaque removal, since 90 per cent of the subjects were using a
including approximal plaque, need only be car- fluoride-containing dentifrice. A small reduction
ried out once a day, or even less frequently. It has in caries incidence related to oral hygiene status
been shown that thorough cleaning every 48 and toothbrushing frequency was also observed
hours can prevent the development of gi- during a 3-year study on schoolchildren in
ngivitis10, but since the plaque-removing ability Britain 15 .
of many pevple is limited it is probably undesir- Surveys which depend upon the patient's own
able to recommend brushing less frequently than assessment of toothbrushing habits are difficult
once or twice per day. to interpret, since the data provided may not
Until comparatively recently, evidence for the always be accurate. In any case, as pointed out
beneficial effects of plaque removal has been previously, the efficacy of oral hygiene pro-
related mainly to gingivitis and periodontitis. cedures is probably of greater importance than
Numerous epidemiological studies, in various reported frequency of application.
populations and age-groups, have shown a direct Recently, research workers in Sweden have
relationship between oral hygiene status, or demonstrated that meticulous plaque control can
amount of plaque present, and the prevalence be used successfully to prevent both gingivitis
Prevention of Caries by Control of Dental Plaque 253

and caries. Studies carried out in the town of Table 11.1 Effect of oral hygiene on caries-new
Karlstad by Lindhe, Axelsson and their col- carious surfaces in Swedish school~hildren*
(from Lindhe, Axelsson and Tollskog 16 )
leagues initially involved 192 children aged 7-14
years. Subjects in the test group were given a Group 2 3
fortnightly professional prophylaxis by a dental (age at start in
1971) (7-8) (10-11) (13-14)
nurse, including topical application of 5 per cent
sodium monofluorophosphate, and repeated in- Test Control Test Control Test Control
struction in oral hygiene. Dental health educa- Number of
subjects 40 40 37 27 16 17
tion, including motivation of subjects and their
parents towards the importance of home care, 1971/72 5 125 0 90 1 66
constituted an important part of the programme. 1972/73 6 57 5 83 2 115
1973/74 2 68 15 98 6 88
Special attention was given to the cleaning of
fissures and interproximal spaces during the 1971-74 13 250 20 271 9 269
professional prophylaxis sessions, disclosing so-
* Figures show total number of carious lesions plus
lutions were regularly used, and subjects were recurrent caries during trial.
instructed in the use of dental floss. Group t Test subjects = frequent professional prophylaxis and
seminars for parents were held after 12 and 24 oral hygiene instruction.
+ Control subjects = monthly supervised brushing with
months. Children in the control group received 0.2 per cent NaF solution.
neither the professional cleaning nor the in-
tensive oral hygiene instructions. However, they
did carry out monthly brushing under super- children. In this experiment, the control group
vision at school, using a 0.25 per cent NaF followed the regime described above for the test
solution. group (that is, fortnightly prophylaxis using 5
After two years of this study, children in the per cent sodium monofluorophosphate paste),
test group had virtually no plaque deposits or whereas the test group had a similar programme,
gingivitis and had experienced an extremely low except that no fluoride was included. After 12
average increment of 0.1 new carious lesions per months there was no significant difference be-
year. In contrast, the control group had higher tween the caries experience of the two groups.
plaque scores, showed signs of gingivitis and Thus, it seems that the plaque control rather than
developed an average of 3.1 new carious lesions the topical fluoride is the important factor in
per year. The study was continued for a third these investigations.
year, during which the interval between the In a subsequent large-scale field trial, using
professional prophylaxes was increased from 2 essentially the same methods but with seven
to 4 or 8 weeks. The remarkable differences in newly recruited dental nurses carrying out the
plaque, gingivitis and caries score between test oral hygiene instruction and prophylaxis pro-
and control subjects were maintained. A sum- cedures, rather less impressive reductions in
mary of the caries results from this study is plaque, gingivitis and caries scores were obtained
shown in table 11.1. (59 per cent, 73 per cent and 51 per cent;
It is clear that the intensive and efficient regime respectively) 18 . However, the results are still
undertaken by the subjects in the test groups encouraging and further studies on other popu-
almost entirely eliminated caries during the study lations are now required in order to evaluate this
period. There is a possibility that some of the approach as a potentially viable public health
caries-preventive effect could have been due to measure.
the repeated application of topical fluoride ra- A similar study has been carried out on 7-year-
ther than the plaque removal per se. However, in old children in Denmark in an attempt to
a parallel study by the same authors 17 , this establish the beneficial effect of professional
proposition was tested on a further group of 82 prophylaxis by itself, without the added em-
254 Dental Caries

phasis on home-care methods 19 . In this trial a Motivation of children and their families was an
statistically significant reduction in plaque accu- essential part of the Swedish studies described
mulation between test and control groups was above, and to have any hope of success a high
observed after 12 months. The experimental degree of cooperation must be achieved so that
group, which had received fortnightly mechani- recommended oral hygiene measures are actually
cal tooth cleansing (without fluoride) showed a carried out. Good responses can be achieved on
70 per cent reduction in caries incidence in an individual basis when one operator is dealing
permanent teeth compared to controls which with relatively small numbers of subjects.
were present at both the baseline and 12-month However, it is far more difficult to persuade large
examinations. It appeared from this study that numbers of people to adopt scrupulous plaque
the fortnightly professional cleaning was effec- control on a community scale. Motivation of
tive in improving oral hygiene. These results large groups of people to change their patterns of
confirmed the observations previously described behaviour is one of the major problems of health
that thorough and regular plaque removal can education in general, and dental health educa-
markedly reduce the incidence of dental caries. tion is no exception 20 ' 21 . Much work is required
From these studies it would appear that simple in order to find out how best to encourage people
methods already exist which could be effective in to practise existing preventive procedures which
preventing the major dental diseases. Efficient are known to be beneficiaJ2 2 • 23 .
plaque control, together with diet regulation, use Individual health education and regular pro-
of fluorides and other measures referred to in fessional prophylaxis sessions take time, are
accompanying chapters, should be capable of extremely labour-intensive and, therefore, ex-
eliminating most, if not all, caries and gingivitis. pensive. Thus, the type of preventive regime
The problems really lie with implementation of tested in the Lindhe and Axelsson studies may
the existing knowledge. not be sufficiently cost effective to allow adop-
In order to be successful in preventing caries tion on a community basis. In the Swedish
by mechanical plaque-control methods, the fol- studies it was found that the test subjects re-
lowing points appear to be particularly quired 3 hours of professional time per year in
important: order to carry out the prophylaxis and oral
hygiene instruction. The equivalent amount of
(I) All plaque deposits must be removed time which would have been needed to treat the
thoroughly. disease prevented by this regimen was estimated
(2) Attention must be given to approximal to be 2.3 hours per year 70 • However, much of the
surfaces; dental floss, wood points and interspace preventive programme could be carried out by
brushes can be used for this purpose. less highly qualified staff than the dental surgeon,
(3) Efficacy of plaque removal methods so that 'preventive time' is less expensive than
should be checked by means of disclosing agents. 'treatment time'. The feasibility and potential
(4) Frequency of plaque removal may be of cost effectiveness of adopting an extensive pla-
less importance than efficacy. For example, one que control programme on a community basis
thorough clean per day is preferable to three remains to be tested.
inefficient attempts at brushing.
(5) Periodic professional prophylaxis is a
useful adjunct to home tooth-cleaning 11.3 Chemical Agents for
procedures. Plaque Control
Two major factors are of importance when A variety of chemical approaches to the control
implementation of these measures is being of dental plaque and caries have been considered
considered-motivation and cost effectiveness. over the years 1 • 24 . Antimicrobial agents such
Prevention of Caries by Control of Dental Plaque 255

as antibiotics and antiseptics, administered ei- should have a low potential for inducing the
ther systemically or locally, may interfere with emergence of resistance in the microflora.
the development of new plaque deposits and also (6) Should be non-toxic, non-allergenic,
influence the activities of pre-existing plaque non-absorbable and have acceptable organolep-
bacteria. Depending upon the spectrum of anti- tic properties.
microbial activity of the chemical agent selected, (7) Should be biodegradable or destroyed in
such effects might be directed against a wide the gastrointestinal tract if ingested.
range of oral bacteria or, alternatively, restricted (8) Should be inexpensive and easy to
to a limited section of the microflora. produce.
Interference with the formation of plaque
matrix, or disruption of existing matrix, has been At present there does not appear to be any-
attempted by means of various enzyme prepara- thing available which is both an effective carios-
tions including, notably, dextranases. Fluoride, tatic agent and also satisfies all the criteria listed
in addition to its effects on enamel, may also above. The properties of some of the numerous
achieve some cariostatic action by interfering chemical agents which have been tested are
with plaque microorganisms. Thus, several quite summarised in the following sections.
different methods of controlling plaque by
chemical means can already be considered and it 11.3.1 Antibiotics
is likely that many new agents and mechanisms
will be suggested from time to time. Experiments on animals have shown that ad-
In an attempt to modify the oral microflora by dition of penicillin to the diet and drinking water
means of antimicrobial agents, several potential can effectively prevent dental caries 25 • Similar
dangers must be taken into account, particularly results have also been obtained with several
if the treatment is to be continued for prolonged antibiotics, particularly those active against
periods of time. These include colonisation of the Gram-positive bacteria 26 . The success of these
mouth, and possibly other parts of the body, by early animal studies led to clinical trials in
undesirable microorganisms (for example, humans in which penicillin was incorporated in
Candida albicans following tetracycline therapy), toothpaste or tooth powder. Several such in-
selection of a resistant population of bacteria in vestigations were undertaken, but with mixed
the mouth and toxic side-effects of the chemothe- results 1 . In some cases, where toothbrushing was
rapeutic agent. unsupervised, no reduction in caries was ob-
The ideal anti-caries agent, according to tained, whereas in one study, with supervised
Fitzgerald 40 , should have the following brushing, a 55 per cent reduction in DMFS was
properties: observed after one year compared to control
subjects 27 .
( 1) Should not be used for treatment of other The actual time of exposure of the oral microf-
diseases. lora to penicillin in the human toothpaste experi-
(2) Should be stable in storage, unaffected by ments was short compared to the animal studies,
components of the vehicle and active over the pH where the antibiotic was available all the time.
range and other ambient conditions encountered Because of this restricted exposure time, it is
in dental plaque. therefore not surprising that only limited success
(3) Should absorb to teeth or plaque without was obtained in these human studies. There is
loss of activity. also a strong likelihood that resistant strains of
(4) Should have a narrow antibacterial bacteria could be selected by the repeated use of a
spectrum. penicillin dentifrice. Since penicillin is such an
(5) Should be rapidly bactericidal against important antibiotic for treatment of a variety of
both resting and multiplying organisms and serious infections, the use of this agent for
256 Dental Caries

prophylaxis against caries was wisely discon- antibiotics for this purpose, including: selection
tinued after the initial trials. of antibiotic resistant strains of bacteria; sup-
As mentioned in chapter 3, the fact that pression of normal flora and overgrowth by less
antibiotics such as penicillin can reduce the desirable species; and allergic or other adverse
incidence of caries has also been demonstrated in reactions to the drug.
subjects who have received long-term pro- However, in selected cases, such as mentally or
phylaxis for prevention of recurrence of rheu- physically handicapped patients, or immediately
matic fever. However, a more recent study on after surgery, there may be a case for the
patients receiving such prophylaxis, while con- application of antimicrobial agents for plaque
firming the caries reduction noted in early sur- control. The agents used should ideally be those
veys, did not show any noticeable effect on the which are not used for the treatment of serious
prevalence of Streptococcus mutans in plaque 28 . systemic infections.
Perhaps the main conclusion that can be drawn
from various studies on penicillin and caries in 11.3.2 Chlorhexidine and other antiseptics
humans is that caries can be reduced by means of
an antimicrobial agent, even though penicillin is Chlorhexidine is a disinfectant which has been in
not the most appropriate drug for this purpose. general use for many years and is known to be
Several other antibiotics have been tested in active against a wide range of Gram-positive and
humans for their ability to reduce plaque for- Gram-negative bacteria, as well as some yeasts.
mation or to inhibit specific microorganisms This agent is one of the bis-biguanides and is
within plaque 1• 24 . Usually these agents have usually used in the form of chlorhexidine glu-
been applied topically as gels or mouthrinses. conate (trade name Hibitane). It has been
Ideally, the drugs should not be those regarded shown that chlorhexidine is rapidly adsorbed
as 'front-line' drugs for treatment of acute in- to test organisms such as Escherichia coli and
fections. Among the antibiotics which have been Staphylococcus aureus in vitro, and that it cha-
examined are vancomycin, kanamycin and spira- nges the permeability of the cells by interfering
mycin. Vancomycin has been shown to reduce with the normal function of the cell membrane.
the amount of plaque and gingivitis in mentally Although chlorhexidine has a wide spectrum of
defective subjects, but was ineffective as a plaque antibacterial activity, some Gram-negative or-
inhibiting agent in healthy individuals with no ganisms, such as Pseudomonas species, can be
pre-existing gingival inflammation. Topical ap- extremely resistant.
plication of kanamycin has also been tested in Considerable interest was aroused when it was
mentally retarded subjects. In one study, a 57 per demonstrated that chlorhexidine gluconate can
cent reduction in plaque was observed 24 days inhibit dental plaque formation 30• 31 . Several
after cessation of a 5-day course of treatment2 9 • studies have shown that substitution of mechani-
Bacteriological examination of the plaques sho- cal tooth cleaning by mouthrinsing or topical
wed that topical kanamycin treatment selectively application of chlorhexidine can prevent plaque
reduced the streptococcal population, especially accumulation and the development of gingivitis.
S. sanguis and S. mitior, which together were A group of research workers in Denmark have
reduced from 30 per cent to 3 per cent of the total developed a system for studying experimental
flora. gingivitis and caries in student volunteers, and
The use of antibiotics for control of plaque has this system was used to investigate the potential
proved to be a valuable research tool, but it is ability of chlorhexidine to prevent caries 32 • Eight
dubious whether this is the correct approach to students who stopped all oral hygiene procedures
caries prevention on a public health scale. As and were given 9 mouth rinses per day with a 50
mentioned already, there are several theoretical per cent sucrose solution, developed heavy accu-
objections to the widespread, long-term use of mulations of plaque and showed the earliest signs
Prevention of Caries by Control of Dental Plaque 257

of caries after 22 days. Another group of students to chlorhexidine has been studied in detail by
underwent the same regime, but also rinsed their Emilson 36 . Low minimal inhibitory concen-
mouths twice a day with 0.2 per cent chlor- trations (MICs) were found with staphylococci,
hexidine gluconate. These subjects had consider- S. mutans, S. salivarius and E. coli, while strains
ably less plaque and showed no signs of caries of Proteus, Pseudomonas and Klebsiella were less
after the experimental period. The authors con- susceptible. S. sanguis varied in susceptibility,
cluded that the prevention of plaque formation both low and high MICs being noted among
by means of the chlorhexidine mouthrinse in- different strains. Propionibacterium and
hibits the development of caries (and gingivitis), Selenomonas were the most susceptible anae-
even in the face of the challenge of frequent robes examined, and the least susceptible were
sucrose rinses. found to be Gram-negative cocci which re-
Prior to the experimental studies on the effects sembled Veillonella.
of chlorhexidine on plaque formation it had been
shown that this agent could inhibit plaque for- Mode of action
mation and caries in animals. In recent years,
investigations have been carried out in order to Several workers have investigated the possible
determine the spectrum of activity of chlorhe- mode of action whereby chlorhexidine inhibits
xidine against oral microorganisms and the plaque formation, and these mechanisms have
possible development of resistant strains of bac- been reviewed in detail by Rolla and Mel sen 3 7 •
teria following long-term use of this agent, the The plaque-inhibiting activity is apparently a
mode of action of plaque inhibition, factors unique property of the bis-biguanides, which is
which may affect anti-plaque activity and me- not due solely to any initial bactericidal effect
thods of delivery or administration of the drug. since other agents with higher killing activities
In addition, several clinical trials have been against oral bacteria do not produce the same
reported. Some aspects of the numerous in- marked clinical effects. It is likely that plaque
vestigations on chlorhexidine are summarised inhibition by bis-biguanides is related to their
below. retention in the mouth; for example, about 30 per
cent of the chlorhexidine introduced in a mouth-
Susceptibility of ora/flora wash is retained in the mouth. Studies carried out
at different pH levels indicate the acidic groups,
Microorganisms exhibiting some degree of re- presumably on the macromolecules of mucous
sistance to chlorhexidine have been isolated from secretions, are the main receptor sites.
the mouths of subjects who have received local Electrostatic binding between the basic bis-
applications of this drug for some time. For biguanide molecule and acid protein groups (for
example, in one study the use of chlorhexidine example, S0 3 _, COO- and P0 3 _) may be the
mouthwash for 6 months resulted in an increase mechanism involved. Displacement of the ch-
in the level of chlorhexidine-resistant streptoc- lorhexidine from phosphate or carboxyl groups
occi which could be isolated 33 . The number of by divalent cations, such as calcium, could
Streptococcus mutans isolated was reduced by explain part of the long-term antibacterial effects
the chlorhexidine regime, while the proportion of in vivo. In the conclusions of their review, Rolla
S. sanguis was correspondingly raised. Other and Melsen suggested four possible mechanisms
studies have shown that S. mutans levels in for the anti-plaque effects of chlorhexidine:
plaque also appear to be reduced following the
use of chlorhexidine gel, and once again this is ( 1) The number of bacteria present in saliva
accompanied by an apparent increase in S. which are available for adsorption to the teeth is
sanguis 34 ' 3 5 • reduced.
The susceptibility of various microorganisms (2) Blocking of acidic groups on salivary
258 Dental Caries

glycoproteins reduces their adsorption to tooth brushing with chlorhexidine gel. There is little
surfaces and thus inhibits plaque and pellicle evidence available at present to indicate which
formation. particular formulation and method of appli-
(3) Adsorption of salivary bacterial cells to cation, if any, is most valuable for caries
the teeth may be reduced if their surfaces are prevention.
covered with bound chlorhexidine. The main advantage of chlorhexidine as a
( 4) By precipitating the acidic bacterial ag- plaque-inhibiting agent, compared to other anti-
glutinating factors known to be present in saliva bacterial substances, is the adsorption and slow
and by displacement of calcium ions, the co- release which takes place in the mouth. Other
hesiveness of plaque bacteria may be altered. chemical agents which do not become so strongly
adsorbed to oral surfaces probably remain in
Some investigators have demonstrated a contact with plaque for too short a time during
caries-inhibitory effect of topically applied ch- mouthrinsing or toothbrushing to exert any
lorhexidine in rats 38 ' 39 , but so far there has been significant effect on the tooth surface flora.
no convincing demonstration of caries reduction The literature on the dental aspects of chlorhe-
in humans in long-term clinical trials. Short-term xidine is extensive, and further information
human studies have been reported, as discussed can be obtained from several recent re-
earlier, but the caries data here are based on early views1· 24 · 37 · 41 · 42 . How useful and acceptable
smooth lesions only. Other clinical experiments this antiseptic will prove to be in terms of plaque
on medical and dental students have produced control on a community basis remains to be seen.
little or no conclusive evidence for the caries-
reducing effect of chlorhexidine. Other antiseptic chemical agents
The possibility of combining chlorhexidine
with some other known cariostatic agent, such as Apart from chlorhexidine, several other anti-
fluoride, is currently being explored and there is microbial agents have been tested either in vitro
some evidence that such a combination can have or in vivo for anti-plaque activity 1' 24 . These
a significant long-term caries-reducing effect in agents include quaternary ammonium com-
humans 71 . As already noted, short-term use of a pounds and surface-active agents. In one parti-
fluoride-containing chlorhexidine gel can cause cular investigation 43 , in which a large number of
alterations in the plaque microflora including a agents were screened in the laboratory, the four
marked reduction in S. mutans levels 35 • The most promising compounds were found to be
long-term beneficial effect of chlorhexidine as a chlorhexidine gluconate, dodecylamine, ze-
cariostatic agent remains to be demonstrated. phiran chloride and victamine C. Several agents
There are some distinct disadvantages of ch- have undergone clinical tests for anti-plaque or
lorhexidine. One of these is its unpleasant taste, anti-calculus activity, but none has so far been
which needs to be masked by addition of other shown to have an obvious application for pre-
flavouring compounds. The other main problem vention of dental caries.
is the formation of an unsightly brown stain on the
teeth, particularly around silicate restorations. 11.3.3 Enzymes
Fortunately, this can be removed by polishing
and it is claimed that patients can control the Several enzyme preparations have been used in
formation of the stain by regular use of a normal the past in an attempt to prevent the formation,
abrasive paste in addition to chlorhexide- or cause disruption, of dental plaque and cal-
containing gel or solution. culus. Early studies included trials of mucinase,
The methods of application of chlorhexidine polysaccharideases, pancreatic enzymes and va-
which have been tried include topical application rious multi-enzyme 'cocktails' 24 . More recently,
of chlorhexidine solution, mouthrinsing and attention has been concentrated on enzymes
Prevention of Caries by Control of Dental Plaque 259

Table 11.2 The effect of dextranase on the incidence of caries in monkeys (from Bowen48 )

Group No. of carious lesions No. of carious teeth

12 months 24 months 36 months 36 months

Experimental 12 19 27 16
(6 animals)
Control 27 32 49 27
(6 animals)

which specifically break down the extracellular Although the caries reduction was impressive,
polysaccharides, such as dextran and mutan, the monkeys in the experimental group also
which are produced by some oral streptococci showed a reduced white blood cell count. Thus,
and which make up an important part of plaque further studies on the toxicity of the enzyme
matrix. preparation, as well as suitable methods of
Dextranase preparations can be obtained from delivery, would be required before it could be
culture supernatants of certain moulds, such as administered to humans.
Penicillium funculosum and P. lilacinum. Such The dextranase enzymes used in the studies
enzymes were shown to disperse accumulations reviewed briefly above are effective against the
of dextran-forming streptococc~ in the test-tube, predominantly tX-1, 6 soluble glucose polymers by
and it seemed logical to test similar preparations some oral streptococci, rather than the insoluble
for plaque-inhibiting activity in experimental tX-1, 3 linked polymers referred to as 'mutan',
animals. Rather mixed results were reported which are typical of Streptococcus mutans.
from experiments carried out on rodents. In one Guggenheim has isolated a mutanase enzyme
study 44 , almost complete protection against ca- from a mould which can hydrolyse the mutan-
ries was achieved by feeding albino hamsters with type of polysaccharide and this has been shown
dextranase produced from culture of P. funicu- to have a significant caries-reducing effect in
losum, whereas dextranase obtained from P. rodents consuming a high-sucrose, cariogenic
lilacinum had little or no such effect in diet 49 .
rats45 . Although various studies on the use of en-
Several short-term studies on the effects of zymes as potential plaque-control agents have
dextranase mouthwashes on plaque formation in produced some interesting and useful results, it
humans have been reported. In two trials, some does not appear at present that this is likely to be
reduction in plaque accumulation was obser- the most helpful method for widespread use in
ved46· 47 . None of these experiments was con- humans. The dextranase and mutanase enzymes
tinued for long enough to show any effect of the which are aimed at disrupting the carbohydrate
enzyme on the incidence of disease. components of the plaque matrix would need to
Data on the caries-reducing activity of de- be effective against several different linkages for
xtranase in the monkey (Macaca irus) has also maximum effect, and this would necessitate in-
been published 48 . Using a small group of mo- cluding several different enzymes in the final
nkeys, dextranase added to the diet pro- product. There are also problems in the potential
duced a significant reduction in the number toxicity of any preparations used, which must be
of carious lesions over a period of 3 years very carefully monitored, and in finding the most
(table 11.2). appropriate method of delivery to the site of
260 Dental Caries

action. Inclusion of dextranase in human diets is such asS. mutans, grown in continuous culture in
unlikely to be feasible, since any cooking pro- a chemostat, have shown that the effect of
cedure would inactivate the enzyme. fluoride on acid production varie~ according to
the conditions employed 55 . When a strain of
11.3.4 Fluoride S. mutans was grown under glucose-limited con-
ditions, at a fixed pH of 6.5, it was observed that
Much of the beneficial effect of the fluoride ion in 15 p.p.m. of fluoride ion could prevent acid
relation to the prevention of caries is thought to production when the organisms were growing
be due to its ability to increase the resistance of slowly (dilution rate (D) = 0.05 h - 1 , mean gene-
enamel to acid attack, and this aspect is covered ration time = 14 h). In contrast, when the strep-
in detail in other chapters. However, for the sake tococci were allowed to grow ten times faster (D
of completeness, it should be mentioned in the = 0.5 h - 1 ), the rate of acid production was
context of this chapter that some of the observed unaffected by as much as 100 p.p.m. of F-.
cariostatic effect may be due to the influence of Fluoride also affected the rate of acid produced
fluoride on plaque bacteria and their enzymes when pulses of sugars such as glucose, fructose or
(chapter 5). The fluoride ion is well known for its sucrose were added to a chemostat culture of S.
ability to inhibit a variety of enzymes, including mutans, and similar effects have been noted with
some of those involved in acid production by mixed cultures of plaque microorganisms 56 .
bacteria 5°. From the data available it is clear that the effect
It has been suggested by Hamilton 50 that low of fluoride on acid production is related to the
levels of fluoride may interfere with carbohydrate speed at which bacteria are growing. Not much is
metabolism by one or more of the following known about the actual rate of growth of bac-
mechanisms: (a) inhibition of enolase and con- teria within plaque, although it is generaly be-
sequently transport of glucose into cells; lieved to be slow compared to that of batch
(b) inhibition of sugar translocation in mem- grown organisms in laboratory culture media.
branes; (c) interference with cation transport However, it is likely that different species within
and accumulation in cells; (d) inhibition of cel- plaque grow at different rates and that these rates
lular phosphatases which dephosphorylate sugar fluctuate according to the availability of dietary
phosphates resulting from transport. substrates.
It is also possible that, in addition to inhibition As well as inhibiting enzyme activities, fluoride
of transport mechanisms and glycolysis, fluoride may also influence the colonisation of enamel
may have an effect on glycogen synthesis 51 • 52 . An and pellicle by altering their surface properties, or
inhibitory effect on extracellular polysaccharide by exerting a direct bactericidal effect on plaque
production seems less likely from in vitro stu- bacteria 1 • Several investigators have looked for
dies53, although plaque from subjects who have evidence that various fluoride compounds may
been exposed to relatively high levels of fluoride interfere with plaque formation either in vitro, in
appears to contain less extracellular polysac- experimental animals or in humans 57 - 63 . From
charide than controls with low fluoride most of these studies it seems that fluoride
exposure 54 . compounds containing bivalent cations do have a
Although fluoride is known to have an in- plaque-inhibitory effect, while only one study
hibitory effect on many bacterial enzymes in indicated a similar effect with sodium fluoride 58 .
vitro, the importance of this in vivo is not so clear. Clearly the form in which fluoride is delivered,
Most laboratory experiments in the past have the concentration and availability of the fluoride
been carried out under highly artificial con- ion are all important factors which will influence
ditions, usually in batch culture systems where potential antimicrobial activity.
the microorganisms may achieve unnaturally There is evidence to show that topical appli-
high rates of growth. Studies on oral bacteria, cation of fluorides can influence the streptococcal
Prevention of Caries by Control of Dental Plaque 261

populations within plaque, especially the relative A disadvantage of many of these methods of
numbers of S. mutans 64 - 66 . For example, one delivery is that the actual time of exposure of
study showed that 1.23 per cent APF gel, applied plaque microorganisms to the active ingredient is
in applicator trays over a period of two weeks, relatively short, so that frequently repeated appli-
could produce a marked reduction in S. mutans cations may be required. Chemotherapeutic
levels compared to a placebo gel. A similar effect agents such as chlorhexidine, which adhere to the
on relative numbers of S. sanguis was not tooth surface or plaque and are released over a
observed66 . period of time, have a distinct advantage in this
The practical significance of the antimicrobial respect.
or anti-enzymic properties of the fluoride ion in An interesting new development is the use of
relation to the overall caries-reducing effect of devices which are inserted in the appropriate part
this element is not clear at present. No attempt of the body and slowly release their active
has been made in this brief section to analyse the chemotherapeutic ingredient over a prolonged
extensive literature on this topic exhaustively, but period of time. Such controlled-release devices
more detailed information can be found in recent have been used in the eye for treatment of
reviews 67 • 68 . However, it does seem probable glaucoma and in the uterus for contraceptive
that the known beneficial effects in terms of purposes. Investigations are now in progress to
reducing enamel solubility may be enhanced by develop and test similar devices which may be
additional antibacterial (or anti-plaque) proper- used intra-orally for controlled release of fluoride
ties of fluoride. and, possibly, other cariostatic agents 69 .

11.3.5 Methods of delivery of

chemotherapeutic agents 11.4 Immunisation
In the preceding sections of this chapter, various
The concept that dental caries is an infectious
potential chemical agents for the control of
disease caused by specific pathogens, as outlined
dental plaque and dental caries have been dis-
in chapter 3, has led research workers to explore
cussed. Any such agent must be administered in
the possibility that the disease can be prevented
such a way that it comes into contact with the
by immunisation 72 ' 73 . Despite some scepticism
target microorganisms at a suitable concen-
concerning the likely benefits of immune me-
tration and for a sufficient length of time, in order
chanisms in protection against dental caries 74 • 75 ,
to achieve the desired effect.
a large amount of experimental work has been
A wide variety of vehicles have been considered
carried out in recent years (for reviews, see the list
for delivery of chemical agents designed to be
of Further Reading at the end of the chapter).
effective in controlling caries. These include the
Studies on human populations have indicated
that there may be difference in antibody levels
diet between subjects with different amount of caries.
drinking water In particular, a correlation has been reported
dentifrices between low caries experience and high titres of
prophylaxis pastes (for professional serum IgG and IgM antibodies against antigens
application) of S. mutans 76 · 77 . In contrast, there is little
mouthrinses evidence to suggest that salivary IgA antibodies
gels and applicator trays play a significant role in protection against caries
irrigation devices in man 78 • 79 •
chewing gum All the information concerning artificial im-
tablets and lozenges munisation against dental caries has so far been
powder aerosols obtained from animal experiments, and at the
262 Dental Caries

time of wntmg no human trials have been other of these factors. Apart from differences in
attempted. The scientific basis of attempting to the strains and ages of animals used for vaccine
control dental caries immunologically may be studies, details of the experimental procedures
stated simply as follows; adopted have varied amongst different labo-
ratories. Thus gnotobiotic antibiotic-treated and
(1) The disease is a specific infection caused conventional animal systems have been tried,
by S. mutans. with a variety of dietary regimes (but almost
(2) An artificially induced immune response invariably with a high sucrose content).
to S. mutans antigens may protect against caries. In view of all the experimental variables out-
(3) Protective antibodies may reach caries- lined above, it is hardly surprising that different
susceptible sites either via saliva (local IgA re- success rates have been obtained by different
sponse) or crevicular fluid (systemic IgG and IgM workers. Some of the results reported appear to
response). be contradictory or difficult to interpret, and
comparisons between experiments carried out in
As discussed in chapter 3, it is likely that different laboratories is difficult.
bacteria other than S. mutans may play a role in Research in this field has been carried out
caries. Thus, even if immunisation against either in rodents (rats and hamsters) or in
S. mutans is highly effective, the possibility re- monkeys (rhesus, M acaca mulatta, and irus,
mains that other species may continue to cause M acaca fascicularis). A critical assessment of the
some disease. published work on caries immunisation up to the
In fact, before the relatively recent explosion of end of 1975 has been contributed by Bowen 82 ,
interest in the role of S. mutans, investigators and detailed analyses of more recent investi-
explored the possibility of reducing caries by gations are presented in the book edited by
immunising against lactobacilli 80 · 81 . McGhee et a/. 83 .
As might be expected, the majority of the Relatively few investigators have used the
immunisation studies have been carried out using hamster for vaccination studies. The published
vaccines prepared from various strains of results from this model system are summarised in
S. mutans, although a limited number of other table 11.3. The earliest of the experiments failed
bacterial species have occasionally been tested. to show a redution in caries 84 , but most of the
The type of vaccine, dose, route of adminis- more recent studies have demonstrated a carios-
tration, strain of animal employed and other tatic effect. In one study 88 , it was shown that local
experimental conditions have varied consi-
derably from study to study. In some cases, whole Table 11.3 Summary of published results on
bacterial cell vaccines have been used, while in immunisation studies in hamsters*
others some bacterial product such as crude
Reduction Amibodies
glucosyl-transferase preparations have been em- Antigen Route in caries serum saliva Ref
ployed. Investigators have attempted to stimulate
either systemic or local production of antibodies, S.mutans (HS-6) sc NR NR 84
or both, by injecting the vaccines at different sites, S.species (SS-2) IM + + + 85
GTF IP + + + 86
such as intravenously, intramuscularly or sub- S.mutans (6715) IP NR NR 87
mucosally near the salivary glands. Attempts have GTF sc + NR NR 88
also been made to enhance the immune response
non-specifically by injecting adjuvants (for exam- * Abbreviations:
ple, Freund's adjuvant) together with the antigen. GTF = glucosyltransferase
In some cases, serum and salivary antibody levels SC = subcutaneous
IM =intramuscular
have been monitored sequentially, while in other IP = intraperitoneal
studies less attention has been given to one or NR = not recorded
Prevention of Caries by Control of Dental Plaque 263

Table 11.4 Summary of published results on immunisation studies in rats*

Antigen Route Reduction Antibodies Ref

in caries- serum saliva

S. faecalis IM + + + 89
GTF IP + + NR 90
GTF IP + + NR 91
GTF IV + 92
S. mutans (OMZ 176) IV + + NR 92
S. mutans (6715) sc + + NR 93
S. mutans (6715) sc + + + 94
S. mutans (6715) sc + + + 95
GTF sc + + + 96
S. mutans (6715) sc + + + 97
S. mutans (6715) Oral + + 98, 99
S. faecalis IM + + + 100

* For abbreviations see footnote to table 11.3.

immunisation in the salivary gland region with obtained by immunising the animals locally in
GTF prepared from a strain of S. mutans se- the salivary gland region 95 - 97 or even adminis-
rotype c (strain Ingbritt) reduced colonisation of tering the vaccine orally 98 • 99 • Such routes of
the teeth and the number of carious lesions immunisation generally induce a local salivary
caused by infection with the homologous strain IgA response, with or without an accompanying
when compared with sham-injected control ani- serum (IgG, lgM) response.
mals. There was also some evidence of cross- Reviewing the results of immunisation experi-
reactivity and protection against infection with a ments using the rodent carries model, Smith and
different serotype (strain 6715, serotype g). The Taubman conclude 101 : Taken together, the im-
type of antibody involved in the protective munisation experiments which have been perfor-
response in hamsters has not been recorded in med in the rat caries model system appear to
several of the published reports. suggest a correlation between the presence of
The rat has been used more extensively in salivary antibody to S. mutans and reductions in
immunisation studies and a summary of the caries caused by these bacteria. However, the
results obtained is given in table 11.4. Although multifactorial nature of this disease does not
many of these studies have shown a caries- permit at present the conclusion that the presence
protective effect by a variety of immunisation of this antibody is both necessary and sufficient
regimes, some negative results have also been to give rise to the demonstrated effects on
recorded 92 • 93 . In one study, variable results were pathogenicity.'
obtained in different experiments 94 • Protection Probably the best experimental model for
against carries was noted in three out of five dental caries is the monkey, since the dentitition
experiments, enhancement of caries occurred in and pattern of disease is more comparable to that
one, and no effect was observed in the fifth of man. Several immunisation studies have been
experiment of this series. Several studies have carried out in monkeys, and the results of these
shown that a protective immune response can be are summarised in table 11.5.
264 Dental Caries

Table 11.5 Summary of published results on immunisation studies in monkeys*

Antigen Route Reduction Antibodies Ref

in caries serum saliva

S. mutans (lngbritt) IV + + NR 102

S. mutans (lngbritt) SM + + NR 103
GTF SM + NR 103
S. mutans (C) SC, SM + + + 104-106
S. mutans (6715) sc + + + 107
CAG Parotid ? + + 108
GTF sc + + 109
S. mutans (lngbritt) sc + + 110
GTF sc + + 110

* Abbreviations:
IV = intravenous.
SM = submucosal.
SC = subcutaneous.
CAG =cell-associated glucan.
GTF = glucosyltransferase.
NR = not recorded.

Following a successful pilot experiment at the killed S. mutans, serotype c vaccine 104 • 111 . In
Royal College of Surgeons Research one of these studies it was shown that animals
Establishment at Downe 1 02 , in which a small which gave a brisk (within one month) serum
group of irus animals were protected against antibody response to an antigen preparation
caries by intravenous injection of whole from the immunising strain developed little or no
S. mutans cells, a series of different immunogen caries during the two-year experimental period.
preparations were tested 103 . In contrast. those animals in which the antibody
Preparations containing whole cells or disrup- response was slow (5-12 months to attain 1/16
ted cells conferred protection against dental caries, titre) were not protected and rapidly developed
whereas several glucosyl-transferase enzyme pre- caries 104 - 106 . It is clear, therefore, that several
parations, of varying degress of purity, failed to factors, including optimum antibody titres and
protect the animals. In fact, there was some rate of antibody response, may influence the
indication that the enzyme immunisation may subsequent developing of caries in immunised
have enhanced the susceptibility of test amimals animals.
to the disease, possibly by giving rise to increased Further studies by this group 112 , have in-
numbers of S. mutans in the plaque. The authors dicated that low caries scores obtained in immu-
of this study also suggested that intra-oral sub- nised animals could be correlated with a low
mucosal injection of vaccine might prove to be percentage count of S. mutans in the crevicular
more effective than conventional subcutaneous fluid and 'crevicular fluid/plaque zone' and an
injection, presumably by stimulating local anti- increased serum antibody titre against the or-
body production in addition to serum antibodies. ganism. A similar relationship was not found
Another group of British workers, working at between salivary antibodies and S. mutans in
Guy's Hospital, have reported a series of experi- saliva or superficial plaque. The authors pro-
ments on immunisations against dental caries in posed the hypothesis that the immune com-
rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta), using a heat- ponents of crevicular fluid may be responsible for
Prevention of Caries by Control of Dental Plaque 265

protection of smooth surfaces against caries. (2) Lysis of bacteria by antibody and
Thus, it might be argued that a moderate degree complement.
of gingivitis should be encouraged in order to (3) Interference with colonisation of the tooth,
increase the flow of crevicular fluid! possibly by antiglucosyltransferase activity
In a further study on the immune responses in which prevents production of extracellular
vaccinated monkeys, evidence of cell-mediated glucan.
responses, due to T -lymphocytes, in addition to (4) Inhibition of bacterial metabolism.
antibody production, has been presented 113 • 114 .
The authors postulate that T- and B-cell cooper- At present, most of the available evidence
ation may also take place. The idea that cell- suggests that modes (1) and (3) may occur; there
mediated immunity may play a role in protection is no experimental support for mode (4).
against dental caries is perhaps surprising, since
access of sensitised lymphocytes to the site of 11.4.2 Passive immunity
caries initiation must be limited. However, it is
essential that all possible mechanisms should be In addition to the rapidly increasing number of
examined in caries vaccine studies. In fact, recent reports on active immunisation against dental
studies indicate that not only lymphocytes but caries, a few investigators have also demonstrated
also polymorphonuclear leucotyes may be in- that immunity can be transferred passively. The
volved in the 'crevicular domain', helping to results of such studies are summarised in table
confer protection by actively phagocytosing mic- 11.6. In rats, protection has been transferred from
roorganisms, including S. mutans 115 . dams to their suckling pups via milk. Both locally
The possible routes by which antibodies and induced IgA antibody, following intra-mammary
immunologically primed cells may reach caries- or oral immunisation, and systemic IgG antibody
susceptible sites are illustrated diagramatically in appears to be effective 116 . An interesting ad-
figure 11.1. The significance of the salivary and ditional finding from the same research group in
crevicular factors may vary at different tooth Birmingham, Alabama, is that protection can
surfaces. For example, salivary IgA could be of also be achieved by oral administration of bovine
particular relevance in the pits and fissures, milk from cows immunised with S. mutans 118 .
whereas crevicular fluid may be more important Passive transfer of immunity to dental caries
in the approximal and cervical areas of the tooth. has also been demonstrated in the monkey model
system. In this case, caries reduction was not
achieved by transfer of immune serum alone,
11.4.1 Mechanisms of action whereas protection could be shown in animals
given separated IgG antibody 11 7 . However, ad-
The protective mechanisms by which the immune ministration of whole serum together with trans-
response may prevent dental caries are not fully fer factor (a soluble extract obtained from pooled
understood, although there is experimental evid- lymphocytes) did confer immunity to recipient
ence to show that immunisation with vaccines animals 11 3 .
derived from S. mutans can be effective in ani- From these experiments it would appear that
mals. Assuming that antibodies or immunologi- both secretory IgA antibody and serum IgG
cally sensitised cells reach the tooth-plaque in- antibody are able to confer a protective effect
terface by one of the routes described above, the against dental caries.
following modes of action may be considered as
theoretical possibilities; 11.4.3 Safety aspects and future prospects

(1) Opsonisation and phagocytosis of For an immunisation programme to stand any

bacteria. chance of success it must be effective, safe and
266 Dental Caries



js ALI v Al<~~~~t----- IgA (secretory>

(IgG, IgMl

lgG, IgM, IgA

Blast cells


Figure II. I Diagram to illustrate routes by which both specific and non-specific
immune factors may reach the plaque- tooth interface

acceptable to the general public. Although dental prospective preventive method, including immu-
caries is undeniably a most important disease in nisation, should not carry even a small risk of
terms of prevalence, suffering, inconvenience and causing serious damage. This aspect is particu-
cost, it is a condition which rarely, if ever, leads to larly relevant at the present time (1979), when
death or serious disability of a patient. great public concern is being shown about the
Consequently, it is most important that any balance of risks between a life-threatening con-
Prevention of Caries by Control of Dental Plaque 267

Table 11.6 Summary of published results on passive transfer of immunity to dental caries*

Animals Preparation Route Caries Ref


Rats IV-immunised dams (lgG) Oral (suckling) + 116

Intra-mammary immunised Oral (suckling) + 116
dams (lgA)
Orally-immunised dams Oral (suckling) + 116
Rats Hyperimmune cow's milk Oral + 99
Monkeys Immune serum IV 117, 118
Immune plasma+ transfer SC, IV + 117, 118
lgG IV + 117, 118
lgM IV 117, 118
IgA IV 117, 118

* For abbreviations see footnotes to table ll.5.

dition such as whooping cough (pertussis) and route of administration, need for adjuvants and
the possibility of serious side-effects from the other practical considerations remain to be de-
currently recommended vaccine. termined. Thus it seems unlikely that widespread
Unfortunately, all known prophylactic immu- human immunisation against dental caries can be
nisation procedures carry some, albeit small, risk contemplated for several years.
of producing unwanted side-effects. One of the The information from studies on rodents and
main worries about the use of any streptococcal monkeys at the present time may be summarised
vaccine, including S. mutans, is the possibility of as follows:
including antibodies which cross-react with heart (1) Immunisation with whole-cell or disin-
tissue antigens. Some experimental evidence tegrated cell vaccines from S. mutans can protect
from animal studies supports the idea that such experimental animals from caries when chal-
cross-reactions can be produced by immuni- lenged orally with the same bacterial strain.
sation with S. mutans, at least in rabbits 119 . Protection has also been observed in animals
Before the widespread use of caries vaccines in which harbour S. mutans as part of their in-
humans can be contemplated, it is obvious that digenous oral flora.
their safety must be exhaustively tested. (2) Other immunogens, such as glucosyl
The greatest risk of side-effects is likely to arise transferase preparations, have generally not been
from whole-cell vaccines. Identification and isol- effective in conferring protection.
ation of fractionated 'protective antigens' S. (3) In some monkey experiments, animals
mutans could lead to the development of a which rapidly produced a high-serum antibody
potentially safer immunogen which would be response were protected ('brisk responders'),
more acceptable for use in humans*. Studies on whereas slow responders were not.
this approach are currently in progress in some (4) Reports vary as to the effect of immuni-
laboratories. sation on the numbers of detectable S. mutans in
In addition to finding the most effective and plaque. In some studies, high-serum antibody
safe vaccine preparation, there is also a need for levels were found to correlate with low numbers
further studies on the most suitable method of of S. mutans and reduced caries incidence. In
delivery. Such questions as the optimum dose, other studies, no obvious effect on colonisation
* See additional reference 120 for recent new evidence by S. mutans was detected.
268 Dental Caries

(5) The caries-protective effect observed in Further Reading

immunised animals may be mediated by serum
antibodies via the gingival fluid, or by locally Bowen, W. H., Genco, R. J. and O'Brien, T. C.
secreted IgA antibodies in saliva, or a com- (Eds) (1976). Immunological Aspects of Dental
bination of the two. Theoretically, different me- Caries: A special supplement of Immunology
chanisms may be involved in the protection of Abstracts, Information Retrieval Inc.,
different tooth surfaces. Washington DC and London
(6) The possibility that cell-mediated im- Frandsen, A. (Ed.) (1976). Preventive Dentistry in
mune mechanisms and B-and T-cell cooperation Practice, Munksgaard, Copenhagen
may be significant in caries protection is cur- Immunological aspects of dental caries (1976).
rently being explored in some laboratories. Journal of Dental Research, 55 (special issue C)
(7) Immunisation by passive transfer of both Loesche, W. J. (1976). Chemotherapy of dental
IgA and IgG antibodies has been reported. plaque infections. Oral Science Reviews, 9
(8) It is clear that further elucidation of the 65-107
mechanisms by which vaccination with S. mutans McGhee, J. R., Mestecky, J. and Babb, J. L. (Eds)
can protect experimental animals, together with (1978). Secretory immunity and infection,
more studies on the most effective and safe in Advances in Experimental Medicine and
methods of producing the appropriate immune Biology, vol. 107, Plenum Press, New York
responses, are required. Only when such infor- and London
mation is available will it be proper to consider Newbrun, E. (1978). Cariology, Williams &
embarking upon clinical trials in human Wilkins Co., Baltimore

11.5 Summary and Conclusions 1. Loesche, W. J. (1976). Chemotherapy of
dental plaque infections. Oral Sciences
In this chapter various methods by which caries Reviews, 9, 65-107
may be prevented by measures directed against 2. Frandsen, A. M., Barbano, J. P., Suomi, J.
dental plaque as a whole, or against specific D., Chang, J. J., and Houston, R. (1972). A
components of plaque, have been considered: comparison of the effectiveness of the
Charter's, scrub and roll methods of too-
(1) Regular mechanical removal of all plaque thbrushing in removing plaque.
deposits by toothbrushing and interdental clean- Scandinavian Journal of Dental Research,
ing aids can prevent caries, but is difficult to 80, 267-71
achieve on a community basis. 3. Hanson, F. and Gjermo, P. (1971). The
(2) A wide variety of chemical agents have plaque-removing effect of four tooth-
been tested for anti-plaque activity, including brushing methods. Scandinavian Journal
antibiotics, antiseptics and enzymes. None of of Dental Research, 79, 502--6
these has yet been shown to be an effective, safe 4. Gillings, B. R. D. (1977). Recent develop-
and acceptable method of controlling dental ments in dental plaque disclosants.
caries in humans. Australian Dental Journal, 22, 260--6
(3) Prevention of caries by immunisation 5. Mandel, I. D. (1974). Indices for measure-
with S. mutans has been demonstrated in expe- ment of soft accumulations in clinical
rimental animals. Further studies are required studies of oral hygiene and periodontal
before this method can be tested safely in disease. J. Periodontal Research, 9, supple-
humans. ment 14, 7-30
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6. Katayama, T., Suzuki, T. and Okada, S. Epidemiology, 3, 150-5

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percentage of Streptococcus mutans and Research, 55, C139--48

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Chapter 12

Prevention of Caries by Increasing

the Resistance of the Tooth

12.1 Topical Fluorides

12.1.1 Mechanisms by which fluoride reduces caries
By rendering enamel more resistant to acid solution
By inhibiting bacterial enzyme systems which convert sugars
into acids in plaque
By inhibiting storage of intracellular polysaccharides
At high concentration, fluoride is toxic to bacteria
By reducing the tendency of the enamel surface
to adsorb proteins
Modification in size and shape of teeth
12.1.2 Fluoride agents applied professionally
Sodium fluoride
Stannous fluoride
Acidulated phosphate fluoride
12.1.3 Fluoride methods compared
12.1.4 Fluoride mouth rinses
Sodium fluoride
12.1.5 Fluoride dentifrices
12.1.6 Fluoride-containing prophylaxis pastes
12.1. 7 Fluoride varnishes
12.2 Fissure Sealants in Caries Prevention
12.2.1 Development of techniques
12.2.2 Mechanism of sealant retention
12.2.3 Range of etchants and solutions
12.2.4 Types of etching pattern
12.2.5 Caries susceptibility of acid-etched enamel
12.3 Remineralisation Phenomena
12.3.1 Rationale
12.3.2 Biological role of saliva in remineralisation
12.3.3 The present situation and possibilities for the future

276 Dental Caries

This chapter deals with the prevention of dental are formed, with fewer imperfections-this
caries by increasing the resistance of the tooth. stabilises the lattice and presents a smaller surface
Increasing the resistance of the tooth to carious area per unit volume for dissolution; (2) enamel
dissolution will be dealt with under three specific has a lower carbonate content, thus giving re-
headings. The topical application of fluoride duced solubility; (3) reprecipitation of calcium
agents is a well-recognised caries-preventive pro- phosphates occurs and fluoride favours their
cedure. The development of these agents, clinical crystallisation as apatite.
trials, and their mechanisms of action will be It is claimed that the initial rate of dissolution
discussed in the first section. In the second, the of hydroxyapatite is the same as fluorapatite 1 .
development and use of fissure sealants will be However, the subsequent formation of secondary
discussed. The use of sealants on occlusal sur- precipitates, such as calcium fluoride, on the
faces of posterior teeth can act as a physical surface of the enamel crystals reduces the rate of
barrier on caries-susceptible surfaces which are diffusion of hydrogen ions and of undissociated
least benefited by fluoride. The topic of re- acid to the crystals, thus reducing their rate of
mineralisation will be discussed in the third solution.
section. Remineralisation has already been dealt
with in connection with the formation of the By inhibiting bacterial enzyme systems which
histological zones in the small lesion of enamel convert sugars into acids in plaque
caries (chapter 6). However, in this section,
remineralisation will be discussed in more ge- For this to occur, fluoride must be present as free
neral terms in order to obtain a broader ionic fluoride and not be bound up in plaque 2 •
By inhibiting storage of intracellular poly-
12.1 Topical Fluorides
In this way the accumulation of carbohydrate
12.1.1 Mechanisms by which fluoride reduces
within the cell is prevented. This could otherwise
caries be used to form acids between meals.
The aim of topical fluoride therapy is the
At high concentration,jluoride is toxic to bacteria
deposition of fluoride into the surface layer of
tooth enamel to form fluorapatite, so as to Certain species may therefore be eliminated for
decrease the caries susceptibility of the tissue: short periods after topical fluoride therapy.
Ca 10 (0H 2 ) (P0 4 ) 6 + 2F -+ However, this is obviously only a temporary
benefit of topical fluoride therapy.
-+ Ca 10 F 2 (P0 4 ) 6 + 20H- By reducing the tendency of the enamel surface to
adsorb proteins
Mechanisms whereby fluoride reduces caries Several in vitro reports have shown that plaque
are complex, but may be summarised under the does not build up so readily on enamel surfaces
following headings: treated with fluoride. This may be because fluo-
ride reduces the surface energy of the teeth\ and
By rendering enamel more resistant to acid the tendency of the enamel surface to adsorb
dissolution proteins 4 .
Clinical trials have failed to demonstrate
Under the influence of fluoride: (l) larger crystals any plaque-reducing effect. However, a pilot
Prevention of Caries by Increasing the Resistance of the Tooth 277

study on humans demonstrated a significant Technique

reduction in plaque in fluoride-treated quadrants
relative to controls after topical application of a (1) Tooth crowns were cleaned using a rub-
fluoride gel 5 . ber cup and prophylaxis paste.
(2) A 2 per cent solution was applied to teeth
Modification in size and shape of teeth in an isolated and dried quadrant, or to half the
Animal experiments have suggested that fluoride (3) Teeth were allowed to remain moist with
intake during tooth development may reduce the the solution for 3-4 minutes.
size of teeth and produce more rounded cusps (4) Application was repeated on the other
and shallower fissures. Such observations have quadrants.
been recorded in humans from high-fluoride (5) Second, third and fourth applications, not
areas in the UK 6 . However, the scientific basis for preceded by prophylaxis, were given at intervals
these observations is poor. of about one week.
(6) Treatments were recommended at 3, 7, 11
Remineralisation and 13 years of age, to coincide with eruption of
new teeth.
Fluoride favours precipitation of calcium and
phosphate ions in the form of apatite rather than Reductions in caries were reported as 30--40 per
as soluble calcium phosphates 7 • Experiments on cent among children living in low-fluoride areas.
remineralisation of carious human enamel in Further studies by other workers confirmed
vitro have shown that the presence of low the preventive properties of topically applied
concentrations of fluoride enhances greatly the sodium fluoride. According to other workers 11 ,
reprecipitation of mineral ions into the damaged certain aspects of its potential usefulness needed
enamel 8 . further investigation, although these questions
also apply to other agents. But:
12.1.2 Fluoride agents
(1) More long-term studies must be carried
Sodium fluoride out to determined precisely how long after
treatment a topical agent continues to exert a
Bibby 9 , in 1942, was the first to use fluoride beneficial effect.
solutions on teeth in the dental office as a caries- (2) Some investigations suggest that a fall-off
preventive measure. He reported that appli- in effectiveness may occur in less than three
cations of 0.1 per cent sodium fluoride, three years 12 .
times a year, produced a 33 per cent reduction in (3) Optimum frequency of application re-
caries experience in children from 10 to 13 years mains to be determined.
of age. In this study, on 78 children, the solution
was applied to half of the mouth, the untreated Advantages of Sodium Fluoride
half acting as a control.
Sodium fluoride was selected on the basis that (1) It is stable chemically when stored in
it was a soluble salt and was employed in the plastic or polythene containers.
artificial fluoridation of water supplies. After this, (2) It has an acceptable taste.
research was directed towards finding the op- (3) The solution is non-irritating to the
timum concentration and the most effective gingiva.
technique. This led to the classical studies re- (4) It does not cause discoloration to teeth.
ported by Knutson 10 , in 1948, in which a 2 per
cent solution was used. Disadvantage With the Knutson 10 technique,
278 Dental Caries

the patient must make four visits within a Muhler and his associates 13 at the University of
relatively short time. Indiana, USA. They have reported on many
occasions that annual or six-monthly appli-
Stannous fluoride cations of an 8 per cent solution of SnF 2
produces a significant decrease in the develop-
Because of the time-consuming regimen de- ment of new carious lesions, and their trials
scribed by Knutson 10 , further laboratory studies indicate benefits exceeding the 30--40 per cent
were undertaken to find a more effective agent. reductions generally accepted for 2 per cent NaF.
Of the compounds tested, stannous fluoride Levels of prevention ranging from 47 to 78 per
(SnF 2 ) was shown by Muhler, Boyd and cent on new DMF surfaces have been recorded.
Huysen 13 , in 1950, to be more effective in reduc- Other investigators have found SnF 2 effective,
ing the rate of dissolution of enamel by acid in although usually to a lesser extent. One study 19
vitro. A study compared 14 the efficacy of 2 per reported a 26 per cent lower increment in DMF
cent SnF 2 and 2 per cent NaF when applied teeth after two annual applications of 8 per cent
according to Knutson's technique 10 . Stannous SnF 2 solution. In another 20 , a single application
fluoride proved to be more affective than sodium produced a reduction of about 17 per cent in
fluoride, reductions being 59 per cent and 30 per development of new carious teeth after one year,
cent, respectively. Subsequent studies 15 • 17 re- whereas another 21 showed that six monthly treat-
ported that annual applications of 8 per cent ments led to a 23 per cent reduction in new lesions.
stannous fluoride produced significant caries However, in conflict with many favourable
reduction. This single regimen was more de- reports, a few more recent studies using SnF 2
sirable than the much longer technique ad- have shown extremely disappointing results. In
vocated by Knutson 10 . one study 22 it was found that in the case of
children it failed to yield any reductions after one
Technique year. Negative results were also obtained in a
two-year study in Sweden 23 in a group of child-
(1) Rubber cup prophylaxis; tooth surfaces ren after two annual applications of a 10 per cent
cleaned and polished with pumice for 5-10 SnF 2 solution. Another trial 24 similarly found no
seconds each (the pumice carried between con- preventive effect in children who received a
tact points using unwaxed dental floss). topical application of 8 per cent SnF 2 annually
(2) Either a quadrant or half the mouth is for two years, after either the first or second year.
isolated and dried.
(3) A freshly-prepared 8 per cent solution of Disadvantages of SnF 2
SnF 2 is applied continuously to the teeth with
cotton applicators, so that the enamel surfaces (1) It is not stable in aqueous solution, under-
are kept moist with it for 4 minutes. Reap- goes fairly rapid hydrolysis and oxidation, and
plication is usually required every 15-30 seconds. forms stannous hydroxide and the stannic ion.
This reaction reduces its effectiveness, and con-
In highly susceptible patients, the topical ap- sequently a fresh solution must be used each time.
plication should be repeated at least once every (2) Because an 8 per cent solution of SnF 2 is
six months; for those not particularly caries- astringent and disagreeable in taste, its appli-
prone; a single treatment can be given once a year. cation is unpleasant 11 . Unfortunately, the ad-
One study 18 showed that a second application of dition of flavouring agents is contra-indicated.
8 per cent SnF 2 , given within a few days, (3) The solution sometimes causes a rever-
provided no additional preventive effect. sible tissue irritation, shown by gingival blanch-
Much of the work dealing with SnF 2 as a ing. This reaction usually occurs in patients with
topical fluoride agent has been conducted by poor gingival health.
Prevention of Caries by Increasing the Resistance of the Tooth 279

(4) Pigmentation and staining of teeth after (a) increasing fluoride concentration may
SnF 2 has been reported by many. It usually cause the following:
appears in association with carious lesions, hy-
pocalcified areas of enamel, and around the
margins of restorations. One study 25 estimated Ca 10 (P04 ) 6 (0H),+20F- ~ 10CaF 2 +6P04 -+20H-
that 95 per cent of children had pigmented teeth enamel hydroxyapatite +high calcium fluoride+ phosphate
after SnF 2 application, whereas another 22 re- concentration of fluoride +hydroxyl

ported staining in 60 per cent.

(5) Because SnF 2 does produce staining it is
difficult to measure caries in test and control Calcium fluoride has a different crystal structure
groups. Enamel lesions can be masked clinically, from apatite and its formation is associated with
photographically and by radiography. This may decomposition of the mineral phase of enamel.
lead to errors in diagnosis and be responsible for (b) Lowering the pH. It is accepted that
many so-called 'reversals' reported in SnF 2 enamel in the presence of acid may break down
studies 26 . according to the following reaction:

Acidulated phosphate fluoride (APF) Ca 10 (P0 4 ) 6 (0H), +8H+ ~ IOCa+ + +6HP0 4 - + H2 0

enamel hydroxyapatite+ acid calcium+ phosphate+ water
Brudevold and co-workers 27 , in 1963, reported
laboratory studies showing that an APF solution
produced an increased uptake of fluoride by
enamel, compared with either stannous fluoride Thus, increased fluoride could be deposited into
or neutral sodium fluoride. enamel only if both calcium fluoride formation,
The success of a topical fluoride agent depends and demineralisation, could be suppressed.
largely on the extent to which it is capable of Brudevold noticed that both of these unfavour-
depositing fluoride in the enamel as fluorapatite. able reactions resulted in phosphate as a break-
An ideal one would react with enamel to form down product. He reasoned that since the re-
maximal amounts of fluorapatite quickly. Water actions are reversible, introduction of phosphate
fluoridation forms fluorapatite in the enamel, in into the solution containing high fluoride at low
terms of months or years, whereas a topical pH would suppress the undesirable effects be-
solution must react in minutes. cause of a shift in equilibrium of the reactions
The crystalline structure of enamel is made from left to right, yielding intact hydroxyapatite
more stable by acquisition of fluoride according as the principal reaction product.
to the following reaction: Therefore, if enamel is brought into contact
with high concentrations of fluoride at low pH,
in the presence of phosphate, rapid fluoride
deposition should occur with no significant en-
enamel hydroxyapatite+ fluoride fluorapatite+ hydroxyl amel breakdown.
Initial clinical studies on topically applied
acidulated phosphate fluoride solutions have
Fluoride competes with, and displaces, the hy- given excellent results. After two years of annual
droxyl groups of the hydroxyapatite molecule to applications children showed a 67 per cent
form fluorapatite. There are two ways of speed- smaller increment in DMF teeth, and a 70 per
ing up this reaction: ( 1) raising the concentration cent reduction in DMF surfaces compared with
of fluoride in solution, and (2) lowering the pH, untreated controls 2 8 • When a 2 per cent solution
thus making the solution more acid. However, of sodium fluoride was applied to half the mouth,
both methods may produce undesirable side- and a 2 per cent sodium fluoride solution acidi-
effects: fied with orthophosphoric acid (APF) to the
280 Dental Caries

other half, it was found that the half treated with trols 31 . A further study 32 found, after one year,
the acid phosphate had about 50 per cent fewer 28 per cent fewer new DMF surfaces among
new carious lesions than that treated with neutral children 8-12 years of age after a single treat-
sodium fluoride, the difference being highly ment with APF gel in foam-rubber trays, while in
significant 29 • another 33 , a 41 per cent reduction was reported
The preventive effects shown in more recent over two years. Use of an APF solution over
studies have tended to be smaller than those a similar time-span yielded non-significant re-
obtained initially, but are nevertheless encour- ductions.
aging. In one major study 3 4, test groups received
One study 22 reported that after two annual either APF gel, APF solution, neutral sodium
applications of APF, children had 44 per cent fluoride or stannous fluoride. After three years,
fewer new DMF teeth and 52 per cent fewer new significant reductions were found only in the case
DMF surfaces compared with untreated con- of APF gel. Supervised self-application of fluo-
trols. The results of another study 30 showed a 49 ride gels in polyvinyl mouthpieces was tested 35
per cent reduction in DMF teeth after two years at Cheektowaga, USA. Children used it for 6
in children who received the topical application minutes each school day for two years. At the
at six-monthly intervals. end of 21 months, reductions of 75 per cent and
80 per cent in new DMF surfaces among two
Technique The technique with APF solution is groups were recorded.
similar to that with other fluoride agents. The The clinical advantage of using gels is that the
crowns of teeth are cleaned with prophylaxis whole mouth can be treated at once rather than
paste using a rubber cup, and unwaxed dental separate quadrants by solution technique, but
floss is employed to carry the paste between since gels are viscous, poorly fitting trays or
interstitial contact regions. The solution is then mouthpieces may apply them only to freely
applied to a dried and isolated quadrant, or half exposed buccal, lingual and occlusal surfaces.
the mouth, enamel surfaces remaining moist for Moreover, to be effective against smooth-surface
four minutes. caries, the gel must penetrate the interstitial
Advantages of APF Yet because gels are thixotropic to some extent
they are able to flow under pressure. Thus, with a
(I) It is chemically stable when stored in well-fitting tray, they have a better chance of
plastic or polythene conta ners. entering interstitial sites. This applies especially
(2) It has a tolerable taste (and can be to the new generation of thixotropic fluoride gels
flavoured without upsetting the fluoride now available commercially. However, since gels
content). must be used in trays, the design of these is of
(3) It will not stain enamel surfaces or extreme importance: variations in results of trials
pellicle. could well be related to this factor.
(4) It is not astringent to gingival tissues. In addition to the clinical advantage of treat-
(5) Clinical trials have shown it to be an ing the whole mouth at once, gels have another
effective caries preventive agent. important advantage. Substantial amounts of
(6) Laboratory studies have established that fluoride are deposited into enamel from topical
enamel takes up significantly more fluoride from treatments but most of it soon leaches away into
APF than from other fluoride agents. the oral environment 36 - 37 .
Laboratory experiments indicate that this loss
APF Gels Relatively few studies have been is essentially complete within 24 hours. If fluo-
carried out on these gels. Application in wax ride ions can be 'trapped' at the enamel surface
trays produced a 24 per cent reduction in DMF for longer periods, this could result in a greater
surfaces after three years, compared with con- uptake by enamel.
Prevention of Caries by Increasing the Resistance of the Tooth 281

Several workers have shown an increase in than in prevention of initial lesions as in children
enamel fluoride in vitro, after application of and young adults.
coating materials to the enameP 8 . Fluoride gels Recent evidence has also shown that topical
also exhibit a somewhat similar mechanism, a fluorides can give additional caries prevention
thin layer remaining on enamel surfaces acting as even in areas receiving fluoridated drinking
a fluoride ion reservoir. A significant increase in water45 .
fluoride content of surface enamel has been
shown 4 and 60 days after a gel application 39 . In
another study, higher levels of fluoride were 12.1.4 Fluoride mouthrinses
deposited from an APF gel than from an APF
solution 40 . In addition, APF gel was more Fluoride mouthrinsing is one of several topical
effective in preventing artificial caries in vitro fluoride techniques available which may be par-
than either an APF solution or other topical ticularly suited to community dental health
fluoride agen ts 41 • programmes. The results of early trials were
Therefore, it is evident that fluoride gels have disappointing 46 . It was not until a decade ago
great potential as caries-preventive agents, pro- that renewed interest was shown by workers in
vided that the problems are borne in mind. Sweden. In one study 4 7 , the use of monthly 0.2
per cent sodium or potassium fluoride rinses
demonstrated substantial reductions in anterior
12.1.3 Fluoride methods compared approximal caries. Later it was found that the
addition of manganese ions enhanced the effect
A study in the USA gave an idea (table 12.1) of of potassium fluoride 48 .
how much can be achieved by spending a given In a comprehensive multi-group trial 49 , the
amount of money on different methods of unsupervised daily use of an 0.05 per cent sodium
fluoridation, and also compared the number of fluoride mouthrinse over a two-year period was
cavities which could be treated for the same sum. shown to reduce the incidence of caries in 10-12-
year-old children by about half. This reduction
Table 12.1 Comparative results per $100000 spent was significantly greater than that obtained by
supervised fortnightly rinsing with an 0.2 per
Cavities prevented cent sodium fluoride solution in the same trial. In
this latter group, only a 21 per cent caries
1. Water fluoridation 666660
2. Self-applied fluorides 233 330 reduction was found, indicating the importance
3. Topical fluorides 60000 of frequent exposure in the use of topical fluo-
4. Fluoride dentifrices 25600 rides. A 44 per cent reduction in DMFS increa-
5. Dental restorations 16 666 cavities restored ment was produced in a 20-month trial in the
USA 5° with weekly rinsing with a solution of0.2
Water fluoridation has the lowest cost per per cent sodium fluoride.
cavity by a clear margin. However, topical In a further multi-group triaJ5 1 the effect of
fluorides can be seen to be effective, not only in fluoride toothpastes and fluoride mouthrinses
children but also in young adults. Teeth should was evaluated on caries incidence in Swedish
preferably be treated as soon after eruption as schoolchildren. Two sodium fluoride solutions
possible, since these benefit most from topical were used, 0.5 per cent and 0.05 per cent. Ten
fluoride therapy 43 ' 44 . millilitres ofthe 0. 5 per cent solution was used for
It would be reasonable to expect some benefit each rinse, containing about 23 mg F-. The 0.5 per
in adults of all ages, although clinical trials in this cent rinse was prepared by dissolving 10 ml of
area are limited and conflicting. 0.6 per cent NaF in 100 ml of tap water. This
Benefits might be more in prevention of secon- solution contained 27 mg F-. Three study groups
dary caries around existing restorations, rather were used to test the fluoride rinses. There was a
282 Dental Caries

23 per cent reduction in DMFS score in the was a 36 per cent reduction (3. 7 D MFS) over the
fluoride group compared with the control. When three-year period. The highest percentage re-
the caries increments were considered for various ductions were found on anterior approximal and
tooth surfaces it was found that occlusal caries free smooth surfaces. No adverse effects on oral
was not affected by the fluoride rinse. soft tissues were found, and ingestion of fluoride
The largest reduction in caries was on buccal from the rinses was low. With respect to cost-
and approximal surfaces. The children who effectiveness, it was considered that one super-
rinsed only when they attended the school clinic visor could organise a daily mouthrinsing pro-
used the mouthwash three to four times a year on gramme for 800 subjects at tt cost of $8.00
average. The third group used a 0.05 per cent (£ 4.00) per child per year. These results were in
NaF solution. However, they used 110 ml of this agreement with other fluoride mouthrinsing stu-
solution and had to use all of this volume. dies 51, in that caries reductions were greatest on
Therefore, the total fluoride content was slightly free smooth surfaces and anterior approximal
higher for this group than for the two other surfaces.
groups. The children rinsed about three times a Although it had previously been suggested
year. Using a 0.05 per cent solution three times a that fortnightly rinsing with an 0.5 per cent
year, no reduction in caries was obtained. It was sodium fluoride solution had an unfavourable
concluded that daily rinsing with such a weak effect upon gingival health 5 4 , this was not obser-
solution would probably be necessary before a ved in the above British trial 5 3 • This lack of adverse
reduction in caries was obtained with a 0.05 per effect on gingival health has also been de-
cent solution. monstrated in other studies. A further double-
Two years after the above trial had ended 52 , blind British study carried out over two years
re-examination of children who had taken part in with supervised 0.2 per cent sodium fluoride
the fortnightly rinsing with 0.5 per cent NaF rinsing for one minute 55 , produced its greatest
took place. One hundred and forty children were caries reduction on posterior approximal sur-
available for re-examination. A difference was faces. With respect to the posterior teeth only, a
found between control and test groups, but this 48 per cent reduction was found. This study
difference was not statistically significant. Thus, therefore differs from others with respect to the
no prolonged caries prophylactic effect could be surfaces showing the greatest reductions.
found two years after the end of a programme In addition to sodium fluoride, acidulated
based on fortnightly rinsing with 0.5 per cent phosphate fluoride (APF) has also been used in
sodium fluoride solution. It appears that the mouthrinse studies in recent years. One such
beneficial effect of supervised mouthrinsing with study compared three groups of 8-11-year-old
fluoride solution can only be maintained if children over a three-year period 56 . One group
mouthrinsing is continued. This study by Koch received daily 5 ml sodium fluoride rinses con-
in Sweden on mouthrinsing is one of the largest taining 0.02 per cent fluoride, whereas the second
so far reported and is the only one in which the group used an acidulated phosphate fluoride
caries increment was determined when the fluo- rinse, also containing the equivalent of 0.2 per
ride rinsing programme had ended. cent fluoride. The third group received a neutral
placebo. The solutions were kept in the mouth
Sodium fluoride
for one minute and then swallowed. At the end of
In a more recent study in the UK 53 , more the study, reductions in DMFS of27 per cent and
than 400 15-year-old subjects completed a three- 30 per cent were found in the neutral sodium
year double-blind trial testing the daily super- fluoride and APF groups, respectively. Enamel
vised use of a mouthrinse containing 0.05 per biopsies showed that the APF solution was
cent sodium fluoride. The control rinse was superior to sodium fluoride in depositing fluoride
similar, except for the omission of fluoride. There in intact enamel.
Prevention of Caries by Increasing the Resistance of the Tooth 283

All rinsing studies referred to so far have been delivering topical fluorides to a large number of
carried out in non-fluoride areas. The effect of people. Many studies on fluoride-containing
rinsing in a 20-month study using a rinse contain- dentifrices have been carried out. It can be
ing 0.1 per cent stannous fluoride was conducted concluded that several formulations containing
on 900 children, 8-13 years of age, who resided stannous fluoride, sodium fluoride or sodium
in an area where the water had been fluoridated monofluorophosphate have anti-cariogenic pro-
to a level of 1 p.p.m. 57 • The children rinsed three perties, and reduce caries by 15-30 per cent.
times for 10, 20 and 30 seconds, every other The abrasives and other ingredients of den-
school day. The children in study and control tifrices must be compatible with the dentifrice's
groups had a similar caries experience at the start fluoride system. Abrasives such as calcium pyro-
of the study. Of the two dental examiners phosphate, insoluble sodium metaphosphate
employed, both found a small reduction in caries and acrylic particles have shown compatibility
increment at the end of the trial. This is an with their respective fluorides and have been
interesting result, because some benefit was ap- reviewed in detail elsewhere 58 . Because denti-
parently obtained by rinsing in addition to that frices are proprietary products and are readily
derived from the consumption of fluoridated available, the levels of fluoride have to be kept
drinking water. low-in the region of 0.1 per cent-to avoid the
Thus, many studies have shown that fluoride danger of ingestion of possibly toxic quantities
incorporated into a mouthrinse is effective in by children.
reducing the incidence of dental caries over a Hargreaves and Chester 59 carried out trials in
period from one to three years. This has been which they investigated the effect of increasing
observed in fluoridated and non-fluoridated the concentration of monofluorophosphate
areas. However, the observation by Koch 52 is (MFP) to 2 per cent. The caries reductions found
important in that no difference between study over a three-year period did not differ markedly
and control groups was observed two years after from those in studies using lower concentrations
cessation of mouthrinsing. It appears, therefore, of MFP. The greatest effect was found on
that the beneficial effect of mouthrinsing with smooth surfaces. One year after termination of
fluoride solutions can only be maintained if the study, 221 children were re-examined. It was
continued. Further studies are necessary to in- reported that a statistically significant difference
vestigate whether benefits are maintained if the in DMF increment between test and placebo
rinsing regimen is gradually phased down to (for groups still remained 60 •
example) monthly rinses. Alternatively, it may be Although the caries reduction produced by
sufficient to change to another fluoride regimen, using fluoride-containing dentifrices is low-an
such as annual topically applied fluorides, to average of 20 per cent reduction in DMFS-it is
maintain the benefits gained by fluoride rinsing. nevertheless significant. Because this technique
This summary demonstrates that fluoride does not depend upon professional or supervised
mouthrinsing may provide an answer to the care, it represents a very useful and important
problems of insufficient professional manpower part of a caries-preventive programme.
and excessive costs that currently hinder topical
fluoride programmes. 12.1.6 Fluoride-containing prophylaxis pastes

12.1.5 Fluoride dentifrices Early on in the development of topical fluoride

programmes, it was recommended that, before
Because a large segment of the population uses a application of the fluoride agent, teeth should be
dentifrice in conjunction with toothbrushing, the cleaned with a polishing paste. A rubber cup
incorporation of fluoride into dentifrices is a prophylaxis has therefore been an integral part of
logical and practical approach to the problem of the topical fluoride therapy. It would be an
284 Dental Caries

attractive proposttlon if, by incorporating a on extracted teeth, favourable results have been
fluoride compound into a polishing paste, a obtained in clinical trials. In one study 61 , a 30 per
prophylaxis and topical fluoride application cent reduction in caries increment between the
could be carried out in one procedure. However, study and control groups was found over a 15-
because the fluoride ion is highly reactive, it month period. The varnish yielded 2.26 per cent
readily forms complexes with the other con- available fluoride and was stated to be re-
stituents of the polishing paste and therefore markably water-tolerant so that it could cover
tends to become inactivated. moist teeth.
The collective findings with an 8-9 per cent In a recent in vitro study 62 , a high con-
stannous fluoride-lava pumice prophylaxis pa- centration of fluoride was found in the outermost
ste, indicate that its use alone on a semi-annual layer of enamel after treatment with the varnish.
basis will produce a modest caries-preventive In a recent clinical trial, 376 5-year-old children
effect. The cariostatic effect, however, is not were treated with a fluoride varnish using a half-
comparable to that produced by a topical appli- mouth technique 63 . At the end of the second year
cation of fluoride preceded by a prophylaxis with only 20 per cent of the control first permanent
a non-fluoride paste. Thus, the recommendation molars were carious compared with 13 per cent
for using a fluoride-containing prophylaxis paste on the test side. Further long-term clinical studies
is a controversial subject. The more recent de- need to be carried out before this method can be
velopment of zirconium silicate--stannous fluo- recommended as an effective caries-preventive
ride and silicone dioxide-acidulated phosphate agent. Today, fluoride varnishes should be re-
fluoride prophylaxis pastes may lead to more garded as experimental agents.
successful results. No clinical trials have been
reported which confirm the promising laboratory
results with fluoride-containing polishing pastes. 12.2 Fissure Sealants in Caries
Prophylaxis with a fluoride-containing polish- Prevention
ing paste should not replace the topical appli-
cation of fluorides. To date there is not adequate 12.2.1 Development of techniques
data to recommend any professionally applied
fluoride-polishing paste as the sole fluoride agent Numerous studies have shown that the fluorid-
in a topical fluoride programme. A thorough ation of public water supplies and the use of
prophylaxis will remove a thin, but significant, fluoride preparations can reduce caries signi-
layer of surface enamel of the order of 2-4 Jlm. ficantly. Whereas the approximal sites show the
This layer is rich in fluoride and highly minera- greatest reductions, the occlusal surfaces of pos-
lised. Therefore, if a prophylaxis is not to be terior teeth are least benefited 64 . A number of
followed by a topical application of a con- techniques have been proposed in an attempt to
centrated fluoride solution or gel, a fluoride- prevent occlusal caries. In a study of prophylactic
containing polishing paste should be used for odontotomy 65 the occlusal fissures are filled, but
cleaning the teeth initially to replace the fluoride this was not widely accepted since it necessitated
which is removed. the preparation of cavities in sound teeth. The use
of chemical agents to seal pits and fissures, such
12.1.7 Fluoride varnishes as ammoniacal silver nitrate, 66 zinc chloride and
potassium ferrocyanide 67 , met with little success,
In recent years, varnishes containing fluoride as did the use of copper cement 68 .
have been produced in an attempt to maintain the The eventual development of new synthetic
fluoride ion in intimate contact with the enamel resins led to the possibility of sealing occlusal
surface for longer periods than conventional fissures with adhesive materials which required
topical fluoride applications. After initial studies no cavity preparation. Early work with the epoxy
Prevention of Caries by Increasing the Resistance of the Tooth 285

resins was unsuccessful, since the bond strength regarded as a sophisticated topical fluoride
of these adhesives to the enamel surface was poor application.
due to the presence of water in the tissue. The The other chemical sealant which has been
introduction of the cyanoacrylate group of ad- used with apparent success is based on the class of
hesives seemed likely to overcome this difficulty monomers known as bis-GMA resins 82 , the
by utilising a small amount of water for polyme- reaction product of bisphenol A and glycidyl
risation. Initial application was found in me- methacrylate. With the addition of ceramic fillers,
dicine for the non-suture closure of arterial this has been used to produce a new generation of
incisions 69 . However, methyl-2-cyanoacrylate anterior filling materials, namely the composites.
was found to be unsatisfactory, since it was The basic material was first used as a fissure
degraded in the tissues with some histotoxicity sealant in a three-year trial 83 , in which it was
due to degradation by-products of formaldehyde applied only at the commencement. The material
and methyl cyanoacetate 70 . In spite of this, it was was chemically polymerised using benzyl per-
methyl-2-cyanoacrylate which was chosen as a oxide as the catalyst and results showed a 30 per
fissure sealant. Reports sho~ed that this material cent protection after three years.
containing a filler could adhere to enamel sur- Two materials of this type have been employed
faces in vitro 71 and in vivo 72 for relatively long by several workers in laboratory 80 and clinical
periods. Adhesion was promoted by initial etch- trials 81 . Although the two resin systems are
ing of the enamel surface with phosphoric acid essentially similar, the method of polymerisation
solution 71 · 73 . differed. One material (Epoxylite 9075, Lee
Early trials using the material gave encourag- Pharmaceuticals, California, USA) employed a
ing results 72 •74 , although it was necessary for re- chemical catalyst/accelerator system and used a
application every six months. A further trial, silane coupling agent to maintain adhesion 84 .
carried out in Britain 75 , showed an almost total Results of a two-year clinical trial with this
failure of the material as a fissure sealant after a material produced a significant reduction in
six-month period. However, since slightly mo- occlusal caries 81 . Full retention was reported as
dified techniques were used with respect to acid being 51 per cent, with a 64 per cent reduction in
treatment of the enamel surface prior to appli- caries compared with controls. In addition, par-
cation of the resin, as well as alteration of the tial retention of sealant was a further 15 per cent.
liquid-powder ratio of the resin, it is difficult to The second development of the bis-GMA
compare the results. resin 85 led to the incorporation of an ultraviolet
Two trials using a higher homologue, ethyl-2- light-sensitive catalyst, benzoin methyl ether
cyanoacrylate and polymethyl methacrylate 76 •77 (Nuva-Seal, L.D. Caulk Co., Milford, Delaware,
showed significant reductions in occlusal caries. USA). After application, the material is polyme-
However, a third trial using the identical ma- rised by exposure to long-wave ultraviolet light.
terial, and also carried out in Japan 78 , gave poor Results of clinical trials after two years have
results. shown a highly significant reduction in occlusal
A polyurethane sealant containing fluoride caries 85 •86 . A recent trial in Britain using the
(Epoxylite 9070, Lee Pharmaceuticals, identical material also showed a highly significant
California, USA) has also been developed 79 • reduction in occlusal caries two years after a
Report of this material as a fissure sealant has single application 81 . The results of this trial
proved unsatisfactory in laboratory studies 80 , showed 80 per cent full retention of sealant after
and after a two-year trial period 81 . However, this two years, with a further 15.3 per cent showing
flexible coating was designed to provide a high partial retention of the material.
fluoride level in surface enamel due to release of More recently, the effectiveness of Nuva-Seal
fluoride ions, rather than as a permanent seal to was reported in a five-year trial in Kalispell,
occlusal fissures. In this respect, it might be Montana 87 . The children who took part in the
286 Dental Caries

trial were of two age-groups: 5-8-year-olds and Table 12.2 Nuva-Seal (from Horowitz 87 )
10-14-years-olds. The sealant was applied using
Time since Complete Caries
portable equipment in a school environment. application retention reduction
After one year of the trial (table 12.2), results on (years) (%) (%)
900 pairs of homologous teeth showed an 81 per
cent reduction in caries and an 88 per cent total 1 88 81
retention of sealant 88 . After the second year of 2 73 67
the trial (table 12.2), the sealant was reported as
showing a 67 per cent reduction in caries relative
to controls. Seventy-three per cent of test teeth Table 12.3 Nuva-Seal retention (from Rock 90 )
showed full retention of the sealant. Failure of
the sealant was recorded if the treated tooth was Time since Full Partial Sealant
application retention retention lost
either carious, restored or extracted. If a two-
(months) (%) (%) (%)
surface (class II) restoration was found in the
tooth, although it may have been inserted as a 6 91.1 7.2 1.7
result of approximal caries, it nevertheless was 12 86.2 10.3 3.5
counted as a sealant failure in this trial. The final 24 80.0 15.3 4.7
report of the trial, five years after placement of
the sealant, showed 56 per cent of treated sites
retained sealant 89 . This resulted in a 92 per cent Table 12.4 Nuva-Seal: incidence of occlusal caries
prevention of dental caries in sites with retention (from Rock 90 )
of material.
Time since No. of teeth Caries
In the UK, several clinical trials using a application in study Test teeth Control
number of fissure sealants have been carried out (years) teeth
by Rock. The results after two years involving
four commercial sealants were presented in 2 170 5 (2.9 %) 49 (28.8 %)
197490 . Each sealant was applied to two teeth in
the mouths of 100 children between 11 and 13
years of age. The teeth sealed were in diagonally
opposite quadrants, and teeth on the opposite be lost, it is lost early on, probably as a result of an
side of each arch served as matched contralateral incorrect application technique or polymeri-
controls. The results after two years with Nuva- sation failure, rather than failure of the sealant/
Seal are shown in table 12.3. The material was enamel bond.
fully intact on 80 per cent of teeth, and had In another Nuva-Seal study 91 , 205 children
produced an 89 per cent reduction in occlusal between 5 and 17 years of age participated
caries relative to controls. In addition, a further initially. Between them, 427 pairs of teeth were
15.3 per cent of teeth were classed as showing included in the study, one of each pair being
partial retention. Of the 170 teeth used in this sealed. At six months, 39 per cent of all teeth were
aspect of the trial, only 5 teeth (2.9 per cent) in the graded as having the sealant completely intact,
test group showed evidence of occlusal caries two with a further 44.2 per cent classed as showing
years after the initial application of the sealant. partial retention. However, the total retention
However, 49 of the control teeth (28.8 per cent) figure of 83.2 per cent may be the significant one
were carious (table 12.4). One feature of re- regarding prevention of caries as partial loss of
levance is that the numbers of teeth remaining sealant usually occurs on cuspal slopes. This may
fully sealed after two years were very similar to not reduce the efficacy of the seal.
the numbers retaining sealant six months after A further two-year study using Nuva-Seal was
application. This indicates that if the sealant is to carried out in the Aberdare region of South
Prevention of Caries by Increasing the Resistance of the Tooth 287

Wales 92 • The age range of the 106 patients was

6--13 years, presenting a complete spectrum of the
mixed dentition. Of the 275 teeth sealed in the
study, 86.2 per cent were found to be fully sealed
after two years, with 6.2 per cent showing partial
retention, while 7.6 per cent showed loss of
sealant (table 12.5). Regarding caries incidence,
9.1 per cent of test teeth were classed as being
carious, whereas 36 per cent of controls became
carious over the two-year period (table 12.6).

Table 12.5 Nuva-Seal retention (from Douglas and

Tranter 92 )

No. of Time since Full Partial Sealant Figure 12.1 Longitudinal ground section showing a region
teeth application retention retention lost of enamel exposed to 30 per cent phosphoric acid for 60 s
(months) (%) (%) (%) examined in water between crossed polars. A layer of enamel
measuring 8 pm bas been removed from tbe window region
275 24 86.2 6.2 7.6 by etching

moved by etching (figure 12.1). In this manner

plaque, surface and sub-surface cuticles are effec-
Table 12.6 Nuva-Seal: incidence of occlusal tively removed from the site to be bonded. In
caries (Douglas and Tranter 92 )
addition, chemically inert crystals in surface
No. of Carious Carious enamel are also removed, so favouring attempts
teeth test teeth control teeth at chemical union between hard tissue and resin.
In the second, after removal of the surface layer
275 25 (9.1 %) 99 (36.0%) by etching, the remaining enamel surface is
rendered porous by the acid solution (fi-
gure 12.2). It is into this porous region that the
12.2.2 Mechanism of sealant retention
resin is able to penetrate and so bond with the
enamel. The depth of enamel rendered porous
The use of an acid solution to etch the enamel
can be measured accurately in polarised light 80 .
surface is an essential prerequisite for the success-
Examination of the enamel/resin junction with
ful bonding of resin to the hard tissue. The acid
electron microscopy shows that an excellent
usually employed is phosphoric acid with an
bond occurs between enamel and resin irrespect-
exposure time of 60s. Buonocore73 used 85 per
ive of the material used (figure 12.3). The most
cent phosphoric acid solution to etch or 'con-
important parameter is to obtain a satisfactory
dition' enamel prior to the use of acrylic re-
initial etch. Demineralisation of enamel to reveal
storative materials, in order to improve the edge
the fitting resin surface demonstrates the extent
adaptation. Since then, many workers have used
of penetration of the resin into etched enamel.
a solution of 50 per cent phosphoric acid, buf-
Tags of up to 50 J1.ill in length are identified
fered with 7 per cent zinc oxide by weight, as an
routinely (figure 12.4) and present a formidable
etching agent prior to bounding of sealants or
area for retention.
composite resins to enamel.
Silverstone80 has shown that the acid solution 12.2.3 Range of etchants and solutions
produces changes to the enamel surface in two
distinct ways. In the first, a shallow layer of Many studies have been carried out with a 50 per
enamel, approximately 10 JJ.m in depth, is re- cent solution of phosphoric acid buffered with 7
288 Dental Caries

Figure 12.4 Scanning electron micrograph of a sample of

fissure sealant after demineralisation of the adjacent enamel.
Figure 12.2 Scanning electron micrograph of an enamel The inner fitting surface of the resin shows tags which are
surface which has been etched with phosphoric acid for 60s. approximately 30 11m in length
The etch pattern is one in which prism centres have been
removed preferentially-termed a type I etching pattern
gated for their effects on enamel surfaces in vitro.
Phosphoric acid was found to be the most
successful agent for etching enamel surfaces prior
to application of a resin. The degree of etching
increased with decreasing acid concentration
(figure 12.5).
The most retentive conditions for a sealant
were found to be in the range 30-40 per cent, with
a 30 per cent (w/w) unbuffered solution of
phosphoric acid being the most effective single
In a further study95 phosphoric acid solutions
in the concentration range 5-80 per cent (w/w)
were investigated for their effects on human
enamel surfaces, with special reference to the
variation in degree of etching over single tooth
surfaces. When using acid concentrations of 5-15
Figure 12.3 Examination of the enamel/sealant junction per cent and 70--80 per cent, only minimal surface
with the scanning electron microscope shows no evidence of
separation of the sealant (S) from the enamel (E), in spite of changes were found. The most evenly distributed
section preparation and examination procedures etching patterns were found with solutions of
30--40 per cent phosphoric acid used with 60 s
per cent zinc oxide by weight 93 •94 . However, in a exposure periods. A 30 per cent unbuffered
recent study 80 a number of different acid so- solution of phosphoric acid produced the most
lutions, as well as phorphoric acid in the con- consistent and evenly distributed etch over a
centration range 20--70 per cent, were investi- single enamel surface.
Prevention of Caries by Increasing the Resistance of the Tooth 289


- [j =
Loss m surface
contour (etch)

0= Histologic change
m t1ssue
3 -
n; 24- -
a. - -


8- ry q
·.. .· :: 1:7:
20 30 40 50 50 60 70
Concentration of phosphoric ac1d

Figure 12.5 Histogram showing the depth of enamel affected by a 60-s exposure to
various concentrations of phosphoric acid. This consists of both the loss in depth due to
etching and the region showing histological change due to the creation of porous regions
(From Silverstone, L. M., 1974, 8, 2- 26; courtesy of Caries Research)

12.2.4 Types of etching pattern length of the prism, thus aiding in delineating
individual prisms. When viewed from the original
In a recent report by Silverstone and co- surface, separate bundles or columns of material
workers96 three basic etching patterns were were seen, the gaps separating them correspond-
found when human dental enamel was exposed ing to the peripheral regions of the prisms. Thus,
to phosphoric acid. In the first, called type 1 this type 2 etching pattern is the reverse of the
etching pattern, there was a generalised roughen- honeycomb pattern of type 1 damage, and both
ing of the enamel surface, but with a distinct patterns are produced by exposure to a similar
pattern showing hollowing of prism centres with solution of phosphoric acid for an identical
relatively intact peripheral regions (figure 12.2). exposure time.
The average diameter of the hollowed regions Some etched regions showed neither type 1 nor
was 3Jim. This was found to be the most common type 2 etching patterns exclusively. These areas
of the three patterns observed. appeared as a generalised surface roughening,
In the second, or type 2 etching pattern, prism referred to as a type 3 etching pattern (figure
peripheries appeared to be removed, or heavily 12. 7). The whole region in the type 3 etching
damaged (figure 12.6). Therefore, the prism co- pattern was one in which the surface topography
res were left projecting towards the original could not be related to a prism pattern. All three
enamel surface. This damage of the peripheral patterns of etching were found to occur on the
regions of the prisms was seen to extend along the one enamel surface produced by identical con-
290 Dental Caries

ditions of acid attack. This highlights the

variation in structure that can occur in enamel,
not only from tooth to tooth or surface to
surface, but also from site to site on a single tooth

12.2.5 Caries susceptibility of

acid-etched enamel

No evidence of caries or demineralisation of test

teeth has been reported which could be related to
the original etching of the enamel. Acid etching is
an essential stage in the bonding mechanism and
it appears to be confined to the cuspal slopes,
rather than to the base of the fissure, and this is
the region where the bond occurs80 . In addition,
a number of studies have shown that etched
enamel, not covered by resin, will be reminera-
lised on contact with the oral fluid 97 .
Figure 12.6 Scanning electron micrograph of an enamel
Quantitative studies on enamel solubility rates
surface which has been exposed to 40 per cent phosphoric have shown recently that the solubility rate of
acid for 60 s. In this case the etching pattern is one in which acid-etched enamel returns to that of adjacent
there has been a preferential removal of prism peripheries-
termed a type 2 etching pattern
sound enamel after 24 h exposure to oral fluid 98 .
In addition, fissure-sealed enamel surfaces arti-
ficially abraded in vitro, show a lower solubility
rate than adjacent sound enamel98 . These results
were interpreted as being due to the retention of
tags of sealant, which penetrated for up to 50 Jlm
into the enamel surface. Thus, fissure-sealed
enamel surfaces which have been worn down
might well be less susceptible to caries than
adjacent sound enamel.
In a community dependent upon an average
civilised diet, the high prevalence of dental caries
cannot be controlled by reparative techniques
alone. Caries prevention programmes must be
run in addition to restorative procedures if the
disease is to be controlled. From all available
evidence, fissure sealants are likely to play an
important role in caries prevention to augment
fluoride and other techniques, since they are
intended to protect caries-susceptible surfaces
that are least benefited by fluoride. The occlusal
Figure 12.7 Scanning electron micrograph of an enamel surface accounts for nearly half the caries of a
surface treated with 30 per cent phosphoric acid for 60 s. The school life-time in English children 99 . Since it is
etching pattern shows a generalised surface roughening with
no apparent evidence of a prism pattern--termed a type 3 the surface least protected by fluoride and most
etching pattern accessible to the clinical operator, the use of
Prevention of Caries by Increasing the Resistance of the Tooth 291

fissure sealants can have a highly significant

caries-preventive effect. Some of the materials
currently available, together with others under
development, offer an exciting preventive tech-
nique to be employed in conjunction with other
caries control measures.

12.3 Remineralisation Phenomena

12.3.1 Rationale

It is now 60 years since it was first concluded that

enamel, artificially softened by acid, becomes
partially rehardened after immersion in sa-
liva100. More recently 101 it has been shown
beyond doubt that a considerable degree of
rehardening of acid-softened enamel may be
achieved by exposure to saliva. Even more re-
hardening takes place if a remineralising so-
lution, containing calcium and phosphate ions at
an appropriate concentration and in a certain
ratio, is used. It is clear that in deficient enamel,
new mineral will precipitate from solution. In
such experiments flat facets are prepared on
human caries-free enamel surfaces by grinding
and polishing. These facets are then tested for
hardness by means of a Knoop diamond inde-
nter. The same surfaces are softened by exposure
to acid which results in a reduction in hardness of Figure 12.8 (a) Longitudinal ground section from the con-
trol half of a carious lesion examined in water with the
the enamel surface. Finally, the softened surfaces polarising microscope. (b) Longitudinal ground section
are exposed to a rehardening medium prepared taken from the test half of the same lesion as in (a), also
from calcium phosphate solution. In this way the examined in water with polarised light. This half ofthe lesion
had the surface exposed to a synthetic calcifying fluid and
enamel may recover over 90 per cent of its lost shows a significant degree of remineralisation. The test
hardness 101. lesion is smaller than its control and exhibits a considerable
In experimental studies on the 'reminerali- reduction in pore volume
sation' of enamel caries 102 · 103, carious lesions,
and artificial caries-like lesions, were exposed to calcifying fluid, which contained no organic
either saliva or a synthetic calcifying fluid in vitro. material, was more effective in producing these
After exposure, there was a significant reduction changes than was saliva 10 3. When examined in
in pore volume throughout the lesions, resulting quinoline with polarised light, the most obvious
in the histological appearance of a much earlier change in the modified lesion was a significant
stage in lesion formation than that existing prior broadening of the dark zone as a consequence of
to experiment (figures 12.8(a) and 12.8(b)). This its extension back towards the enamel surface,
occurred with both natural and artificial lesions into the region identified in chapter 6 as the body
and was found when either saliva or the calcifying of the lesion (figure 6.5). In addition, lesions
fluid were employed. However, the synthetic which showed no evidence of a dark zone in
292 Dental Caries

quinoline were also exposed to the synthetic

calcifying fluid. After the experiment, many of the
lesions demonstrated dark zones positioned at
the 'correct' histological site between the trans-
lucent zone and the body of the lesion when
examined in quinoline. The imbibition be-
haviour of 'new' dark zones, and those which
increased in width after experiment, was con-
sistent with that of the dark zone proper. Thus,
part of the body of the lesion (zone 3) had
reverted to the histological characteristics of the
dark zone (zone 2) 103 .
Prior to these findings, the dark zone at the
advancing front of the lesion had been regarded
as a breakdown stage successional to the trans- Figure 12.9 Transmission electron micrograph through the
lucent zone and preceding the body of the lesion. control half of a section of a carious lesion cut per-
pendicularly to the prisms. A channel can be seen surround-
It has always been difficult to explain why in the ing the prism which is filled with the embedding material.
first zone of enamel caries, the translucent zone, This is characteristic of carious enamel
relatively large pores are found, whereas in the
succeeding stage of breakdown, the dark zone, a
smaller pore system is found in addition to the of continuing dissolution. In this way, the va-
large pores. The micropores in the dark zone riation in distribution and width of the dark zone
were explained as being due to demineralisation, over the advancing front of the enamel lesion
or 'opening up', of specific sites in the tissue which may be explained as functions of the efficacy of
were not attacked in the first zone of breakdown. the 'remineralisation' process. Of significance in
If some of the relatively large pores of the body of this respect are the observations 104 that lesions
the lesion could, in effect, become the minute of 'arrested' caries have wide, well-marked, dark
ones of the dark zone, then this could indicate zones.
that the micro pore system of the dark zone may Through the comparison of ultra-thin sections
not be formed by a simple process of continuing of remineralised lesions with those of untreated
demineralisation. Thus, the zone may not be a lesions, electron microscopy has revealed that
stage in the sequential breakdown of the tissue as remineralised enamel is less porous and possesses
was previously thought. The micropores may be dense collections of foreign crystals, especially at
formed by 'remineralisation', whereby either the prism junctions (figures 12.9 and 12.1 0). These
size or the accessibility of the large pores was crystals, which may be identified throughout the
reduced by the deposition of material. The results tissue near the centre of lesions, are larger and
from in vitro studies suggest that mineral de- have a more plate-like habit than the hydro-
position could account for the 'closing down' of xyapatite crystals of sound enamel. Carious enamel
the original pores created as a result of de- also shows enlarged crystals at prism junctions, but
mineralisation, such as are found in the trans- in this case the crystals do not achieve the size or
lu~ent zone, although in vivo organic material density of those identified in remineralised en-
might also contribute. amel. The relatively intact surface zone which
If this is the case, then this lends further persists over a lesion as sub-surface deminerali-
support to the concept that the carious process in sation progresses often shows signs, at micros-
enamel is a dynamic one with phases of de- copically observable points, of minor damage.
mineralisation alternating with phases of re- These points of damage disappear after re-
mineralisation, rather than a more simple process mineralisation 105 , which may also be accounted
Prevention of Caries by Increasing the Resistance of the Tooth 293

Figure 12.10 Transmission electron micrograph through

the test half of the same lesion seen in figure 12.9 after
exposure to a calcifying fluid in vitro. The tail of a prism can
be seen in the centre, with heads of adjacent prisms above,
below and to one side. There Is no evidence of junctional gaps
between the prisms, as is evident in the control half of the
same lesion. The tail region of the prism is densely packed
with crystals

for by the precipitation on to, and into defects

within, the enamel surface of small crystals and
granular deposits, as seen by electron micros-
Figure 12.11 Transmission electron micrograph of an
copy. Similar precipitates also form on the sur- ultra-thin section of surface enamel from an erupted human
faces of sound enamel exposed to remineralising tooth which had been exposed to a calcifying fluid for four
solutions 106 (figure 12.11). These crystals and days in vitro. A narrow, cleft-like, defect has become filled
with rounded crystals, much smaller than the surrounding
granules are different, in size and habit, from apatite crystals. Over the outer surface of the tooth a deposit
those deposited in deeper tissue but, as yet, the of granular mineral has occurred. These features were not
identity of all these crystals remains uncertain. seen in the control half of the same surface
Nevertheless, there is evidence, based on mea-
sured increases in intrinsic birefringence, that more favourable for crystal growth within the
regrowth of apatite occurs 106 . tissue, but the continued lowering of the con-
Thus, remineralising experiments, based both centrations of ionic calcium and phosphate, or
upon hardness measurements and changes in the lowering of pH, can slowly deactivate the
histology, leave no doubt that it is possible for remineralising capacity of the solution.
calcium salts to precipitate on enamel surfaces The presence of sodium and chloride ions
and within tissue softened artificially or by caries. increases the stability and range of pH over which
Other parameters of the remineralising process the solutions are active in rehardening buffer-
have also been defined. By hardness measure- softened enamel 108 . Certain ions appear to have
ment it has been shown that there is a limit to the an inhibiting effect 109 . However, the inhibition
degree of softening beyond which rehardening is produced by poisons such as copper(II) ions can
poor. The rate of rehardening is dependent upon be reversed by washing out with calcium chloride,
pH and the degree of saturation of the mineralis- as is also true in the mineralisation of rachitic
ing solutions 107 . In saturated solutions, spon- cartilage 110 . It has been suggested that copper(II)
taneous precipitation is faster than crystal ions inhibit the nucleation but not the growth of
growth within the microspaces of softened en- apatite crystals 111 . In enamel, it is possible that
amel. Below this maximum level, conditions seem inhibition and reactivation of remineralisation
294 Dental Caries

indicate that rehardening is not simply a matter inorganic components are calcium, phosphate,
of the infilling of microspaces. Rather, crystals sodium, potassium, magnesium, chloride, and
form in the microspaces on surfaces with active hydrogen carbonate ions and dissolved carbon
groups necessary to trigger crystallisation before dioxide. As well as fluoride, trace amounts of
spontaneous precipitation takes place in the bulk iron, copper, cobalt, bromide and iodide are
of the calcifying solution. present 113 . The average amount 114 of calcium
Histological studies have shown that con- present is 5.8mg/100ml (2.2-11.3mg%) and of
ditioning of sound enamel surfaces by exposure phosphorus 16.8mg/100ml (6.1-7l.Omg/~).
to remineralising solutions resulted in an in- Almost half the calcium is complexed in either
creased resistance to artificial caries 106 associated organic or inorganic form, whereas 90 per cent of
with a decreased surface solubility. As shown by the phosphorus is inorganic, 10 per cent of this
both rehardening 101 and histological stu- being in the form of complexes.
dies103· 105 , saliva can be used to remineralise In spite of the complexing, appreciable
enamel in vitro, although it is not as efficient as amounts of calcium and phosphorus (as P0 4) are
the synthetic solutions. Moreover, reminerali- present in ionic form. Calculations of the activity
sation of softened enamel can be achieved by products from the ionic activities of calcium and
exposure, in vivo, to oral fluids. However, from phosphate reveal that both resting and stimu-
the point of view of dental caries prevention, lated saliva are always saturated or supersatu-
probably the most important observations of all rated with respect to hydroxyapatite 113 . As re-
relate to the influence of the fluoride ion on gards other forms of calcium phosphate found in
remineralisation 101 · 103 . Not only does the pre- the mouth, resting saliva is undersaturated, and
sence of fluoride accelerate rehardening by a stimulated saliva saturated, with respect to both
factor of four, but also it results in producing a brushite (CaHP0 4, 2H 2 0) and octacalcium
greater degree of remineralisation of a lesion in a phosphate (Ca 8 H 2 (P0 4)6 , 5H 2 0).
shorter exposure time compared to using a With this composition it is not surprising that
calcifying fluid with no fluoride 8 . at times in most people, and frequently in some,
solid calcium phosphate is deposited on the teeth
12.3.2 Biological role of saliva in in the form of calculus. A number of different
remineralisation phosphates may be present in calculus including
Dental caries is a rare disease in animals other hydroxyapatite, octacalcium phosphate, whitloc-
than man, and it is therefore unlikely that the kite and brushite. It is possible that by nucleating,
character and composition of saliva has arisen as organic material on the tooth surfaces accelerates
a specific evolutionary response to this disease. the mineralising process. In some animals, such
Nevertheless, it is important to try and under- as rats, there appears to be a positive gain in the
stand the role of saliva, from the remineralisation degree of enamel mineralisation after the tooth
point of view, in order to define the most likely has erupted into the mouth and has therefore
forms of prophylaxis against the disease. been exposed to saliva 115 . However, it is not
Human saliva varies in composition from certain if there is more than a minimal increase in
individual to individual, from gland to gland in mineral, as the tooth erupts into the mouth, in
the same individual and from time to time in the most animals including man, although the possi-
same gland; for example, stimulated saliva differs bility of the existence of a critical maturation
from resting saliva. Organic components are phase at this time has been discussed 116 · 117 .
several proteins, including glycoproteins and True mastication evolved with the emergence
enzymes, carbohydrates, both protein-bound of the mammalian vertebrates and involved
and dialysable, lipids and a number of com- appropriate modifications of both jaws and
pounds of low molecular weight, such as urea, teeth, the latter becoming more generally varied
amino acids and organic acids 112 . The major in crown form, the grinding molars being par-
Prevention of Caries by Increasing the Resistance of the Tooth 295

ticularly complex. The enamel covering the teeth the dentine should be as hard as possible. Thus,
became thicker and, with its prismatic structure, the maintenance role of saliva really applies as
mechanically more efficient 118 . Related to this, much to dentine as to enamel and, even in
and most important to this discussion, was the modern man, dentine exposed to saliva by
reduction in number of tooth generations to a trauma or caries may become sufficiently hard
maximum of two, the permanent teeth function- ('arrested' dentine caries) for it to need no
ing for most of the life of the individual animal. It restorative treatment.
is therefore understandable that the surfaces,
especially between teeth, became choice habitats 12.3.3 The present situation and
for microorganisms, for here are available shel- possibilities for the future
tered microenvironments, sources of food and
essential minerals, such as calcium and phos- It may properly be asked why, with a built-in
phate, from either saliva or the tooth surfaces system of protection, does a tooth decay? The
themseves. In turn, the organisms might have answer is complex but, briefly, there are two
had a role in helping to cleanse, or at least loosen, important factors. First, absence of natural
wedged debris from the teeth and even if, as a heavy mastication and consequent attrition lea-
consequence of fermented organic acids, some of ves persistent grooves and fissures on the occlusal
the tooth surfaces were demineralised, the in- surfaces as well as curved, rather than flattened,
tegrity could be restored when access to saliva contacting surfaces between teeth. In both types
was regained. In this way it is possible to see the of situation, food-fermenting under the action
biological interrelation between the composition of microorganisms--can only be cleaned away
of saliva and the maintenance of tooth surfaces. with great difficulty. The second factor is the
Of great interest in this respect is the obser- inclusion oflarge quantities of sucrose in the diet
vation 119 on the repeated exposure of human which is not only rapidly fermented but also
enamel to acid buffers containing calcium and leads to the establishment of dense masses of
phosphate ions. Surfaces exposed to a series of microorganisms, the dental plaque. Thus, saliva
successively more undersaturated buffers be- never reaches the surfaces at risk and it is the
came increasingly more resistant to deminerali- contents of the plaque which determine what
sation than control surfaces. This could be a happens at the tooth surface. The plaque itself
model of the effect on enamel of the combined acquires mineral from saliva, but whether re-
activities of saliva and acid-producing bacteria. mineralisation can occur depends very much on
However, in such considerations as these, it is the prevailing, often acidogenic, conditions at
possible to think only in terms of enamel as the tooth surfaces. From the very high incidence
constituting tooth surfaces. This is because mo- of the disease it is obvious that the natural
dern man tends to eat soft, cooked foods so that restorative process cannot match the rate of
it is quite usual, even in old age, for the tooth dissolution.
crowns to remain covered with enamel. But this It is not beyond the bounds of possibility that
is unnatural since most animals (including primi- some boost to the restorative role of the saliva-
tive man indulging in heavy mastication) rapidly plaque complex can be provided. The addition of
grind crowns into flattened surfaces, exposing calcium sucrose phosphate to the diets of test
dentine in the process. Exposed dentine reacts by animals does not seem to have a notable caries-
occluding the odontoblast tubules, which orig- reducing effect 121 and does not justify earlier
inally housed cell processes, with mineral. optimism. However, the addition of calcium
Dentine may also acquire mineral from saliva 120 glycerophosphate to the diet of monkeys has
and this is undoubtedly an important function produced a reduction in caries 122 . In the test
since, in order that the combined enamel- animals, concentrations of calcium in plaque
dentine surfaces might not become too irregular, were increased, and these could contribute to the
296 Dental Caries

buffering capacity and reduce the ability to Hydroxypatite should form, in experimental
dissolve enamel. Perhaps remineralisation is also systems at least, at and above pH 6.8 12 4, and
encouraged. electron probe studies show that remineralised
From the various experiments which have enamel has the same Ca:P ratio (about 2.1) as
been discussed here, it is apparent that if de- normal enameJl 25 • Recent measurements on
mineralisation of enamel exceeds certain limits, various parameters of the model remineralising
complete remineralisation is not possible even system show that fluoride not only increases the
with prolonged exposure to the more efficient, rate of deposition of calcium phosphate, but also
synthetic remineralising solutions. Once estab- becomes incorporated into the mineral, probably
lished, dental caries is likely to persist and the as fluorapatite or fluorohydroxyapatite. This in
principal aim must therefore be to prevent the itself would be a direct contribution to the known,
disease from starting in the first place. Prolonged reduced acid solubility of remineralised enamel.
searches have therefore been made for sub- Among these various possibilities must lie the
stances which are known not only to contribute explanation of the small, but positive, beneficial
to the protection of the tooth surfaces but also to effect of ingesting fluoridated water after the
stand a reasonable chance of actually penetrat- teeth have formed and have erupted into the
ing the plaque and reaching surfaces at risk. In mouth although, of course, the principal benefit
this respect, the marked reducing effect on caries accrues from incorporation during the formation
of the fluoride ion has attracted most attention, of teeth. And it may be concluded that a
yet, even now, the exact way in which it acts to beneficial effect on enamel could be achieved by
reduce caries is in doubt. There are several conditioning surfaces with remineralising so-
possibilities. First, flouride released from the lutions in vivo as has been done in vitro. The
tooth surface may act as an enzyme poison and most serious difficulty is the time required for
so reduce acid production by organisms 123 . such conditioning which, with present know-
Secondly, fluorapatite is less soluble than hy- ledge, would be too great even for prophylactic
droxyapatite, so that if fluoride is incorporated treatment in a dental office. In view of this, it is
into tooth mineral in this way, either during not surprising that intense interest continues in
development or possibly later in the mouth, its the possibilities of incorporating, in some be-
overall solubility will be reduced. Thirdly, the neficial way, fluoride into the tooth surface by
presence of fluoride ions improves nucleation of means of the topical application of relatively
apatite and results in crystals of better form. The strong solutions.
last two possibilities are both important from the The literature concerning topical applications
point of view of remineralisation. of fluoride to tooth surfaces is exhaustive and has
Unfortunately, a full understanding of re- been summarised at the beginning of this
mineralisation is still hindered by the lack of chapter.
knowledge of the re-formed mineral. Because of The topical use of fluoride in acid solutions 126
the variability of habit of each of the forms of has been suggested on the grounds that, in this
calcium phosphate, it is not possible to identify way, fluoride is more readily taken up by apatite
the different crystals morphologically. and more effectively reduces solubility.
Moreover, not only is it difficult to distinguish However, some of the tooth mineral must di-
hydroxyapatite from octacalcium phosphate by ssolve, resulting in the formation of calcium
means of electron diffraction, but both octacal- fluoride and more soluble phosphates, the latter
cium phosphate and dicalcium phosphate are possibly accounting for the failure to reduce
fairly easily hydrolysed to hydroxyapatite. Even caries in early trials with acidulated fluoride. It
X-ray diffraction studies fail to distinguish be- has been proposed that much of this deminerali-
tween intact demineralised and remineralised sation would be prevented by the use of phos-
enamel. phoric acid 126 . A relatively brief exposure to
Prevention of Caries by Increasing the Resistance of the Tooth 297

sodium fluoride and phosphoric acid together As understanding of the complex physical and
reduced enamel solubility significantly, and fluo- chemical reactions at tooth surfaces improves,
ride appeared to be incorporated primarily as there must be real hope that a truly effective
fluorapatite, calcium fluoride being absent or prophylaxis against dental caries will be evolved
present in small quantities only. These experi- in the not too distant future.
ments were followed by successful clinical tri-
als127 in which a substantial reduction in caries
was induced in a group of children treated once a References
year with acid phosphate-flouride (APF); there
also appeared to be a marked improvement over 1. Gray, J. A., Frances, M. D. and
a parallel group in which 8 per cent stannous Griebstein, W. J. (1962). Chemistry of
fluoride had been used. enamel dissolution, in Chemistry and
Current experimental work suggests that Prevention of Dental Caries (Ed.
both APF and stannous fluoride treatments Sognnaes, R. F), Charles C. Thomas,
reduce enamel solubility, although possibly by Springfield, Ill., pp. 164-79
different mechanisms 12 8 . Initial leaching by APF 2. Jenkins, G. N. (1967). The mechanism of
may be followed by fluoride-stimulated remine- action of fluoride in reducing caries in-
ralisation as acid concentrations in the plaque cidence. International Dental Journal, 17,
are reduced. Tin(II) ions tend to inhibit re- 552-63
mineralisation, but the complex formed with 3. Glantz, P. (1969). Reduction in the sur-
tin(II) after fluoride treatment is extremely re- face energy in teeth by fluoride.
sistant to acid attack. Odontologia Revy, 20, 17
A note of caution has been sounded al- 4. Ericson, T. and Ericsson, Y. (1967). Effect
ready123. The fact that high fluoride concen- of partial fluorine substitution on the
trations lower solubility in vitro does not prove phosphate exchange and protein adsorp-
the mechanism by which fluoride works in vivo, tion of hydroxylapatite. Helvitica
either via water supplies or topical application. Odontologica Acta, 11, 10-14
Nevertheless, it is hoped that this brief and 5. Pearlman, B. A. and Joyston-Bechal, S. J.
selective review will illustrate the likely inter- (1973). A pilot study on the use offluoride
relations between fluoride action and remine- as a plaque preventive agent. Journal of
ralising processes. Dental Research, 52, 953
Therefore, it can be concluded that there exists 6. Forrest, J. R. (1956). Caries incidence v
in the mouth a natural biological remineralising enamel defects in areas with different
process in which the integrity of surfaces of the levels of fluoride in the drinking water.
tooth is maintained by means of precipitation of British Dental Journal, 100, 195-200.
new mineral from saliva. The use of synthetic 7. McCann, H. G., and Brudevold, F. (1966).
remineralising solutions is more efficient than The mechanism of the caries inhibitory
saliva, but once mineral loss from enamel ex- effect of fluoride, in Environmental Vari-
ceeds certain limits remineralisation is poor. For ables in Oral Disease (Eds. Kreshover, S. S.
this reason it is unlikely that carious enamel and McClure, F. D.), American Associ-
which has cavitated can be repaired. With a fuller ation for the Advancement of
knowledge of the biology of dental plaque it is Science, Washington, DC, pp. 121-3
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abrasion 4 replica techniques on 152 age

artificially abraded enamel types of etching pattern change in tooth roots with
surfaces 146 289-90 164
abscess use of phosphoric acid and dental caries 26
micro-abscess of pulp 180 287, 288, 289 aggluyinins 63
of pulp 178 acid-etching amino acids 77
absorption of fluoride 23 I of sound enamel 151 decarboxylation of 111
acetic acid 109, 114 acid-softened enamel, degradation of 108
acetylglucosamine 62 rehardening of 291 diaminopimelic 77
acetylmuramic acid 62 acidified gelatin gels 140 fermentation of 110
acid I0 technique 146 in saliva 294
acetic 1 09, 113 acidogenic ( chemicoparasitic) ammonia 62
acetylmuramic 62 theory of caries 9-10, ammoniacal silver nitrate 284
buffer (HB) 190 32,49 amoebae in dental plaque 97
butyric 109 acidogenic potential of salivary amorphous calcium phosphate
decalcification of dentine by constituents 60 phase 156
174 acidulated phosphate fluoride amylase 62
diaminopimelic 77 (APF) 36 salivary I 06, 111
dilute 147 astringency and gingival amylopectin I 06
ethylenediamine tetra-acetic tissues 280 amylose chains 106
114 gel 261, 280-1 anaerobic chamber 85
lactic 10, 58, 104, 111, in mouthrinses 280 anaerobiosis 79
113,140,174,189 solution 2 79 ancillary personnel 42
as a chelating agent aciduric bacteria 11 animal experiments 50-5
114-15 acquired pellicle 76 anti-caries vaccine 75
muramic 77 acquired surface pellicle 77 anti-enzyme theory of fluoride
organic, in saliva 294 acrylic particles 283 124-5
orthophosphoric 279 Actinomyces 54-5, 57, 79, anti-lactobacillus factor 63
phosphoric 287,288,289 81' 88, 93-4, 174, 176 antibacterial factors 62-3
phytic 222 A. bovis 93 antibacterial theory 244
propionic 94, 109, 113 A. israelii 78, 93,94 antibiotics 50, 255-6
sialic 77, 79, 80 A. naeslundi 54, 58, 93-4 antibodies
solution, etching enamel A. odontolyticus 93,94 cross-reacting with heart
surface 287 A. viscosus 54, 57, 58, 78, tissue antigens 267
strength of 113 (table 5.4) 93, 94,120, 121,176 salivary 63-4
teichoic 64, 92 actinomycosis 93 lgA 261
valerie 109 acute pulpitis 1 77, 179, 180 of serum lgG 261
volatile 111 adhesion between bacteria 75 of serum lgM 261
see also amino acids adhesive mechanisms in plaque Anticay 223
acid-etched surfaces 75 antigenic structure of S. mutans
306 Index
antigenic structure -continued resistance to fluoride calcium 62
59,91 127 common ion effects of
antigens sec also plaque 194
cross-reacting 91 population in dentine-enamel complexation 191
Lancefield Group H 92 junction 170 ions 77,146,221, 291,
type-specific 91 prevention of adherence of, 295
antimicrobial agents 254-5 by serum antibodies in plaque 115
antiseptics 255, 256-8 64 calcium chloride 293
apatite 136 reversible sorption of 76 calcium fluoride 196,276,
growth of 293 storage material in cells of 279
nucleation inhibition 293 115-16 calcium glycerophosphate
synthetic 194 successional changes in 295
APF, see acidulated phosphate 78-9 calcium phosphate 296
fluoride surface polymers 75 solution 291
aqueous media 13 7 bacteriology of established calcium pyrophosphate 283
aqueous phase of enamel tissue dental plaque 84-90 calcium sucrose phosphate
136 Bacterionema matruclwtii (Anticay) 223, 295
Arachnia propionica 94 83,95 calculus (tartar) 71, 123, 294
arcade-shaped rows of prism Bacteroides 79, 87, 88, 89, Campylobactcr 97
junctions 1 53 96 Candida albicans 255
arrested caries 14, 17 5-7 B. [ragilis 96 carbohydrate
artificial systems B. melaninogenicus 96 accumulation prevention
caries 146, 1 51 ss. asaccharoly ticus 96 276
mouth 49-50 ss. intermedius 96 cariogenicity of 213-4
attrition 164, 16 7 ss. melaninogcnicus 96 cost of 215 (table 9.2)
atu bular calcifications 165 B. ora/is 96 enamel stained specifically
auto-immunity 13-14 non-pigmented 96 for 149
average diet, composition of basic fuchsin 251 growth-limiting 108
105 (table 5.1) benzyl peroxide 285 intake 33
bicarbonate-carbonic acid relative sweetness of 215
62 (table 9.2)
Bifidobacterium 94 in saliva 2 94
Bacillus 93 biochemical properties of saliva carbon-limitation 58
bacteria 60 carbonate-rich material, removal
adherence 121 birefringence of from translucent zone
to pellicle and/or exposed form 136 by carious attack 13 9,
enamel surface 75 intrinsic 126 156
adhesion between 75 observed 136 caries
agglutinating factors 63 bis-biguanides 256, 257 artificial 15 I
cell walls 77 Bismark brown 251 definition 4
chemical attraction of mobile bisphenol A 285 in experimental animals
bacteria 76 bite-wing radiograph 134 50
composition, site variations Black 71 of exposed root surfaces
88-90 blood pressure in pulp 178 176-7
in dentine 169 body of dentine lesion 1 70 fissure 134
growth of 75 zone of demineralised tissue incipient, kinetics of
initial colonisation of tooth 170 201-5
surfaces by 74 zone of destruction 170 prevention of by mechanical
lactate-utilising 96 zone of penetration 170 methods 250-4
lysis of 265 body of enamel lesion 136, rampant
opsonisation of 64, 265 142-5, 168,291-2 see also dental caries
penetration in dentine 172 bone fluoride 236-7 caries-activity tests 59-61
phagocytosis of 265 Borrelia vincentii 97 caries-inducing organisms,
of plaque, characteristics of Branhamella 95 properties 58-9
the predominant groups Brewer jars 86 caries-prevention 14-15
90-7 brilliant green 2 51 caries-susceptible surfaces
concentration of fluoride brushite 294 276
by 123 butyric acid 109 cariogenicity
Index 307
cariogenicity -continued hyperplastic 181 crystal growth, and
of carbohydrates 213-4 ulcerative 180 remineralisation 293
of streptococci 213 cleaning, of teeth, professional crystals
carious exposure, in pulp 177 254 of enamel 276
catabolism 104 cleanliness, oral 72 of rernineraliscd enamel
catalyst cleansing foods 32 296
in polymerisation, benzyl clinical trials, with fluoride CuK a-radiation 143
peroxide 285 agents 276 culture media
ultra-violet light sensitive closed pulpitis 180-1 non-selective 86
285 Clostridium 93 blood agar 86
cavitation, of enamel 14 7, coating material 281 Rogosa's medium 60, 94
169 cofactors, thiocyanate 62 selective 86
cell wall composition, of collagenase, in dentine 175 Tomato Juice agar 60, 94
S. mutans serotypes 91 collecting samples, of plaque culture plates, containing
cell wall mucopeptide 62 84-5 sucrose 59
cell preparations 64 colonisation cuticle see pellicle
cell walls initial 78 cyanoacrylate
of bacteria 7 7, 149 of tooth surfaces by bacteria adhesives 285
of S. mitior, rhamnose in 74-5 ethyl-2-cyanoacry!ate 285
92 colony-forming units (CFUs) methyl- 2-cyanoacry late
cellular phosphates, inhibition of 85,86 285
260 common ion effects, of calcium cyclamate 213 (table 9.2)
cementum 57 and phosphate I 94 cyclic stepwise pattern of
caries of 176 complement 65 dissolution 204
plaque on 176 composites, as filling materials cysteine 85
central defects, in enamel 285
crystals 1 55 congruent dissolution rate G, of
CFUs (colony-forming units) hydroxyapatite 19 5 dark zone
85, 86 contact point 134 ofenamellesion 136,
channels, surrounding prisms continuous culture 49 139-42,291-2
154 of S. mutans 260 micropore system of 139
chelating agents 13, 114 conventional animals 51 dead tract 163, 167, 168
lactic acid as 115 copper cement 284 deamination 109
chelation 12 copper(II) ions 293 deaths 5
chemical agents, for plaque corn-cobs 83, 95 decalcification of ultra-thin
control 254-61 corn syrup 104, 214 sections of carious enamel
chemical attraction, of mobile Corynebacterium 95 149
bacteria 76 cost of caries to the community decarboxylation 109
chemical catalyst/accelerator 6 of amino acids 111
system, in polymerisation counting Decayed - Missing - Filled
285 bacteria in saliva: index (DMF) 23
chemicoparasitic ( acidogenic) !acto bacillus 60, 61 deciduous enamel 136, 139
theory 9-10, 32,49 methods of 85-7 def index 25
chemostat 49 microorganisms 84 defence reactions
Streptococcus mutans in microscopic 84, 85 of dentine 163
109, 260 viable technique of 84, of pulp-dentine complex
chemotherapeutic agents, 85-6 168
methods of delivery of coupled diffusion 200 degradation, of amino acids
261 crevicular fluid 63, 65, 264 108
chlorhexidine 256-8, 261 crevicular fluid/plaque-zone deminer'llisation 149
gel, brushing with 258 264 ofdentine 168,172
mode of action 257 cross-reacting antigens 91 diffuse 154
mouthrinsing with 258 of heart tissue 267 of enamel 287, 292
streptococci resistant to cross-reactions 267 of enamel sub-surface 197
257 cross-sectional studies 22, 55 zone of 174
topical application of 258 cross-striations 13 8, 14 2, dental attendance 37
chronic pulpitis 177, 179, 143, 144, 153 dental caries
180 crystal centres, Joss of 1 55 age 26
308 Index
dental caries -continued diet dmf index 24
diet 31-6,210-24 average, composition of DMFS 23
ecology 25 105 (table 5.1) DMFT 23
familial patterns 28-9 carbohydrates in 11-1 2 DNAbaseratios 59,91
general nutrition 32 glucose 11 DNA homology 91
genetic patterns 28-9 sucrose 11 dodecylamine 25 8
prevalence 6, 38-40, 290 and den tal caries 3 1 -6, Donnan membrane theory
race 27-8 74, 210-24 189
sex 27 of monkeys, calcium double rodlet shapes, in enamel
see also caries glycerophosphate in crystals 15 5
Dental Estimates Board 40 295 dry mouth 61-2
dental floss 251-2, 253 diffusion see also xerostomia
dental health education 41 coupled 200 dynamic carious process, in
dental plaque see plaque dissolution controlled by enamel 142, 292
dental prophylaxis 252 199
dental treatment, effect of Fick's laws of 191, 195,
36-8 196,197,199,200, eburnoid 165, 167
dentifrices 203 ecology 20-1
containing fluoride 23 1, plaque, diffusion-limiting of dental caries 25-38
252 properties of 113, electron diffraction 296
containing urea 11 2 123 electron microscopy 154,
penicillin 2 55 plaque matrix, diffusion- 293
dentine 163-75 limiting effect of 79 scanning electron microscope
acquisition of mineral from rate of 190 142, 150, 156
saliva 295 reactions controlled by studies on enamel by
bacteria in 16 9 188,190 149
defence reactions of diffusion layer 189, 191, 193 transmission electron micro-
163-7 dilute acid 147 scopy 152-8
demineralised 168 disclosing solutions 71, 253 enamel
lesions 168-76 disclosing agents 251 acid-softened, rehardening of
body of 170 basic fuchsin 251 290
demineralised zone 172 Bismark brown 251 adherence of bacteria to
translucent zone 169, brilliant green 251 exposed surface of
172 erythrosine 251 75
microorganisms in 1 71 fast green 251 artificially abraded surfaces
peritubular 163 fluorescein 2 51 146
primary 165 methylene blue 251 carbonate content 276
reactionary 14, 165, 167, triphenyl tetrazolium caries 134-57
168, 170, 172 chloride 251 crystalline structure of
reparative 16 5 dispersion 85 279
secondary 165 of plaque specimens, method crystals 276
translucent 164, 168, 170 of 84 enlarged in carious 292
permeability of 165 dissolution 188 deciduous 136, 139
transverse clefts in 171 of bulk enamel 189 demineralisation of 287
dentist cyclic stepwise pattern of dynamic carious process
population ratios 40, 41 204 142
detersive foods 32 diffusion-con trolled 199 etched 290
development of microbial films G the congruent rate 195 fluorapatite in 279
76 initial site 19 8 interprismatic 153
development of secondary preferential 156 lattice 276
microflora 76 sites of 188 normal 149
dextrans 80, 92, 119, 259 sub-surface 202 organic components of
dextransucrase 80, 119 surface 202 147
diabetics 216,219 synchronised, hypothesis of organic content of 14 7
diaminopimelic acid 77 204 permanent 139
dicalcium phosphate dihydrate two-site model 1 98 porous region 287
190, 191, 193,242, dithiothreitol 85 powdered 14 7, 194, 196
296 DMF 23,64 primary cuticle 74
Index 309
enamel -continued extracellular polymers 75, in enamel demineralisation
rate of attack on 140 118-21 195-6
rehardening of 243 dextran type 92 as an enzyme poison 296
remineralised 290, 296 polysaccharides 118 gels 280
sound, ultra-thin sections extracellular polysaccharides homeostasis 234 (figure
from 154 II, 59, 64, 75, 79, 80, 95, 10.5)
sound, acid etching of 213, 214, 259, 260 incorporation into tooth
151,287-90 familial patterns of caries mineral 296
sub-surface 146 28-9 ion reservoir 281
surface 146, 149, 239, fast green 251 ionic 276
291 fat intake 33 mouthrinses 281,283
endemic disease 19 fermentation I 04 placental transfer of 23 7
endocarditis, infective 5, 91 of amino acids II 0 in plaque 244
enlarged crystals, in carious of glucose, relationship in plasma 232-3
enamel 292 between, and growth of in polishing paste 284
enolase 126 cells 109 in prophylaxis pastes
Lancefield Group D fibrosis of pulp I 78 283-4
streptococci 53 Fick's laws of diffusion 191, salivary 23 7
envelopes, formed by organic 195, 196, 197, 199,200, sodium fluoride 279,
network of enamel 149 203 282-3
enzymes filaments 87,93-5,96-7 sources of 229-31
extracellular 80 Gram-negative 96-7 stannous fluoride 278
fluoride as enzyme poison Gram-positive 93-5 in surface enamel 146
296 in plaque 81 tablets 231
hydrolytic 17 5 fissures topical application of I 2 7,
in saliva 294 cariesin 135 253
epidemic 19 sealants for 276, 284-91 in urine 233-5
epidemiology, uses of 21 -2 solubility rate of 290 varnishes 284
epoxy resin 284-5 tags 290 fluorohydroxyapatite 296
splints 77 Fitzgerald 51 fluorosis 23
equilibrium constants 188, fluorapatite 123, 195, 276, skeletal 23 8
193 279, 296, 297 foods
erosion 4 fluorescein 251 cleansing 32
erythrosine 71 fluorescein isothiocyanate 84 detersive 32
Escherichia coli 256, 257 fluorescent antibody technique refinementof 214
Eskimos 34 84 fructans 11,75,81,92
etching 287-90 fluoridation 41 levan 11, 81, 92
pattern types 289-90 of bread 221 fructose I 06, 211, 215
ethylenediamine tetra-acetic acid of milk 221, 230, 231 (table 9.2)
(EDTA) 115 ofsalt 221,231 intolerance 35
Eubacterium 95 of water 129, 279, 281 hereditary 211-3
E. alactolyticum 95 fluoride 36,41, 118,123-7, fructosyl transferases 80,
exogenous organic material 128, 191,211,221, 120
149 260-1,277,279,290 Fusobacterium 79, 86, 96
experimental animals, caries in absorption of 231-2
50-2 anti-enzyme theory of
extracellular enzymes 80 124-5 galactose I 06
extracellular glucans 75, 91 in bone 236-7 gas-liquid chromatography 94
water-soluble 80 calcium fluoride 196, 276, genetics, patterns of caries
insoluble 80 279 28-9
extracellular glucose polymers coating materials 281 geography, variations in the
58 as a competitive inhibitor to prevalence of caries
fructans 75 enolase 126 29-31
glucans 11,58,75,80 concentration of by plaque gerbils 51
extracellular heteropolymer bacteria 1 23 germ-free animals I0
93 content of translucent zone rats 50
extracellular heteropoly- enamel 139 specific pathogen free 51
saccharide 81 in dentifrice 231, 252, 283 GI (gingival index) 72
310 Index
gingival crevice 97, 103 head region of prism 15 3 def 25
gingival index ( GI) 72 heavy plaques 111 dmf 25
gingival plaque 72 herd immunity 35 DMF 23
gingivitis, acute ulcerative hereditary fructose intolerance DMFS 23
(Vincent~) 96, 252 211-13 DMFT 23
glucanases 224 heterofermentors 94 indirect pulp capping 172
glucans 11, 118-20 heteropolysaccharides 121 inflammation in pulp 170,
extracellular 75, 80 Hibitane 256 172
extracellular glucose high-sucrose culture media 56 acute 177,179,180
polymers 58 histidine 113 chronic 177, 179, 180
insoluble, extracellular 59 hollowing, of prism centres initial colonisation 78
glucose 11,106,215 (table 289 initial dissolution site 198
9.2) homeostasis of fluoride 234 inorganic phosphates 36, 222
fermentation and growth of (figure 10.5) insoluble extracellular glucans
cells, relationship homofermentors 94 59, 80
between 110 Hopewood House 34, 211 intact peripheral regions of
liquid 106 hyaline 149, 154 prisms 289
polymers, soluble 259 hydrogen peroxide 62 intensity of caries 22
glucosyltransferase enzymes hydrolytic enzymes 17 5 inter-microbial plaque matrix
(GTF) 11, 64, 119, hydroxyapatite 76, 189, 191, 75
262, 264 235,276,296 interdental sticks 251
glycerol 215 (table 9.2) congruent dissolution rate G interglobular areas, in
glycerophosphate 2 23 of 195 reactionary dentine
glycidyl methacrylate 285 crystals 77 165
glycogen 104, 106, 110 hydroxyl groups of molecule interprismatic areas 149
glycogen-free cells 11 7 279 interprismatic substance 144,
glycogenolysis 125 solubility product of 194 153, 154
as a storage polysaccharide surface 194 intracellular polysaccharides
116 synthetic 77, 196 11,276
synthesis 260 hydroxyethyl cellulose 140 invert sugar 215 (table 9.2),
inhibition of 1 25 216
glycolysis 107, 109, 260 ionic fluoride 276
glycolytic pathway 174 lgA 63-4 ionic product I 22
glycoproteins 63 levels in saliva 63 irreversible sorption 76
in saliva 77, 79, 294 local response 262, 263
gnotobiotic animals 51, 52, salivary 26 5
262 antibodies 261 kanamycin 256
rodents 10 secretion rates 63-4 Keyes 51
golden syrup 106, 214 lgG 261, 263 keyhole-shaped arrangement, in
Gram-negative filaments systemic response 262 prisms 153
96-7 lgM 261, 263 kinetics
Gram-negative rods 87, 96-7 systemic response 262 of dissolution 188
Gram-positive filaments 87, immunisation 64, 261-8 of incipient caries formation
93-5 mechanisms of action 265 201-5
Gram-positive rods 87, 93-5 safety aspects of 265-8 of incipient caries-like lesion
spore forming 93 immunoglobulins 63 formation 201
Greene and Vermillion, Oral A(IgA) 63 Klebsiella 257
Hy~enelndex 72 immunology 63-5 Krebs cycle 174
growth of bacteria, limiting immune responses 63
effect of carbohydrate antibody-mediated 63
108 cell-mediated 63 lactate dehydrogenase (LDH)
GTF (glucosyltransferase) 64 immunological mechanisms 107, 174
63-5 lactate-utilising bacteria 96
of pulp 179 lactic acid 10, 58, 104, 112,
Haemophilus 96 immunological protection 64 114, 140, 189
hairpins, shapes in enamel incidence 22 as a chelating agent 116
crystals 1 55 indices for measuring dental in dentine 174
hamsters 51, 262 caries 23-5 lactobacilli 11, 53, 55, 74,
Index 311
lactobacilli- continued translucent zone by Macaca fascicularis 52
81, 94, 173, 174 carious attack 139, 156 Macaca irus 259, 262
anti-lactobacillus factor 63 maltose 106, 215 (table 9.2) Macaca mulatta 52, 262,
Lactobacillus acidophilus mammals, vertebrates 294 264
53,58,94 mannitol 110-11 rhesus 52, 262, 264
Lactobacillus casei 53, 58, manpower resources 6,41 mono-infected animals 51
94 ancillary personnel 41' 42 morphology 245
Lactobacillus Count 55, 60, mastication 294 mottling of enamel 23 8
61 materia alba 71 mottling in permanent teeth
lactoperoxidase 62-3 mathematical models 188, 229
lactoperoxidase-thiocyanate 191 mouthrinses
system 63 mechanical methods of plaque acidulated phosphate fluoride
lactose 107 control and caries 282
laminations, in lesions 145 prevention 250-4 cessation of 283
well-mineralised 145 mechanisms of action of fluoride 281-3
Lancefield Group streptococci immunisation 265 sodium fluoride 281
53,92 methylene blue 251 mouthwashes, dextranase
lattice of enamel, stabilised by micro-abscess, in pulp 180 259
fluoride 276 micro-cavities 151 MSA Mitis-Salivarius agar) 56
LDH (lactate dehydrogenase) 107 microbial films, development of mucinase 258
lead, in surface enamel 146 75 mucopeptide 62
Leptotrichia duccalis 96 Micrococcus 93 muramic acid 77
lesions M. lysodeikticus 62 mutan 81, 120, 259
artificial 140 M. mucilagenosus mutanase 259
body of 136, 142-5, 168 (Staphylococcus a I :3 glycanase 224
brown spot 134 salivarius) 81, 93 mutant strains, of S. mutans
caries like 140 microcolonies 82 59
dentine 168-76 microdensitometric technique mycoplasmas in dental plaque
body 170 138 97
translucent zone 169 microorganisms myoinositol hexaphosphate
in vitro 140 in dental plaque, (phytic acid) 222
laminated 145 quantification of 84-7
shape of 169 in dentine 170
unaffected surface layer micropore system, of dark zone Nasmyth's membrane 74
142 139-40, 292 National Adult Dental Survey
white spot 134, 151 microradiography 137-47 of 1968 40
Leuconostoc mesenteroides microradiographs 138, National Health Service 38
80 143 National Survey of Children in
!evans 11, 81, 92, 120 microscopy England and Wales in 1973
levansucrase 80, 120 electron I 54 38
fructosyl transferase 120 polarised light !54 necrosis of pulp 178, 180
Levien theory 1 94 transmission electron Neisseria 75, 78, 79, 81, 87,
equations 196 152-8 88, 95, 176
linked polymers 259 Miller W.D. 49 N. catarrhalis 95
lipids 11 7-118 mineralisation N. flava 95
in saliva 2 94 mineralising solutions 176 N. perflava 95
liquefaction foci 174 of surface enamel 146 N. sicca 95
longitudinal studies 22,55 Mitis-Salivarius agar (MSA) N. subflava 95
lumpy jaw 92 56 neuraminidase 79
lycasin 218 mixed body 13 8 Nocardia 79, 95
lymphocytes 265 mixed cultures, studies on 96 N. salivae 95
lysis, of bacteria 265 molecular sieve, effect of micro- Rothia dentocariosa 94-5
lysozyme 62 pore system as 140 non-aqueous fluids 137
molybdenum 30 non-caloric sweetners 215
monkeys, in caries research non-selective medium 86
Macaca sp. in caries research 51, 52,262 non-specific antimicrobial
52,259,262 diet of, calcium glycero- factors 61-3
magnesium, removal from phosphate in 295 Noyes-Nernst equation 199
312 Index
nucleation, inhibition in apatite salivary 203 defects filled with 149,
crystals 293 structure of 76-7 155
nutrition 32-3, 210 sub-surface cuticle 77 diffusion-limiting properties
surface cuticle 77 113,123
penicillin 50, 255, 256 dispersion 84
occlusal surfaces 276 dentifrice 50, 255 established, bacteriology of
octacalcium phosphate 1 7 5, long-term administration 84-90
242, 294, 296 50 structure of 81-4
odontoblasts 163, 164, 165, Penicillium funiculosum 259 filamentous forms 81
167 Penicillium lilacinum 259 fluoride in 244
Odontomyces viscosus 94 pentose-phosphate shunt formation and development
open pulpitis 180-1 174 74-81
opsonisation of bacteria 64, peptidoglycan 62 mechanisms of 74
265 Pep tococcus 93 theoretical considerations
oral fluid 290, 294 Pep tos tre p to coccus 78,93 74
oral hygiene 73-4 periodontal disease 63 formation factors 72-4
cleanliness indices 72 Periodontal Index (PI) 64 formation rate 72
Index of Greene and periodontal infections 55 gingivai 72
Vermillion 72 periodontitis 2 52 Index (PI) 72
instruction 254 peritubular dentine 163 matrix 80, 95
partial recording methods permanent enamel 139 microorganisms,
72 pH quantification of
oral streptococci 75 in dentine lesions 174 84-8
organic acids, in saliva 294 effects of 77 pH in 9, 12
organic component of enamel in plaque 9 sample collection 84-5
tissue 136,152 phagocytosis of bacteria 265 specimens, dispersion of
insoluble 14 7 phosphate 62 85
soluble 147 common ion effects of subgingival 72
organic content of enamel 194 supragingival 72
147 inorganic 36, 222 plasma
organic material, removal from ions 146,221,291,295 cells 63
translucentzone 139, organic 222-3 fluoride in 23 2-3
149, 292 phosphate buffer systems plastic films 77
organic matrix of enamel 62 polarised light microscopy
147, 149 phosphoric acid, etching of 137,154
organic phosphate 222-3 enamel surface by 287, polishing paste, fluoride in
Orland 50 288, 289 284
orthophosphoric acid 279 phytic acid (myoinositol hexa- polymers
osteoporosis 238 phosphate) 222 bridging 76
osteosclerosis 23 8 PI (periodontal index) 72 linked 259
oxidation-reduction potential pK 113 soluble glucose 259
79 pla~enta, transfer of fluoride sorption 76
across 237 polymerisation 285
plaque 71-9 polymethyl methacrylate 285
pain bacteria in, characteristics of polymorphonuclear leucocytes
in acute inflammation in pulp the predominant groups 265
179 of 90-7, see also polyp, in pulp 181
in open pulpitis 180 bacteria polyphosphate 118
pancreatic enzymes 258 buffers 113 polysaccharides 11, 118
pandemic 19 calcium content of 115 capsules 149
partial recording methods 72 on cementum 176 production by streptococci
pellicle 12, 74, 76 collecting samples 84 72
acquired 76 control by chemical agents storage 116-117
acquired surface 77 254-61 po1ysaccharidases 25 8
adherence of bacteria to 75 by mechanical methods polyurethane sealant 285
composition of 77-8 250-4 pores
decomposition of 245 crevicular fluid/plaque-zone in dark zone 139
primary enamel cuticle 76 264 large, in lesion body 292
Index 313
pores- continued proteolytic theory 12 crystals in sound enamel
in translucent zone 141 Proteus 257 293
volume 154 protozoa in dental plaque 97 of enamel, foreign crystals
see also micropores Pseudomonas 256, 257 292
porous region, of enamel 287 pulp role of saliva in 294-5
potassium ferrocyanide 284 abscess 178 spontaneous precipitation
pour plates 86 acute inflammation of 293
powdered enamel 14 7, 194, 1 77' 179' 180 renal failure 112
196 blood pressure in 178 reparative dentine 16 5
prevalence of dental caries chronic inflammation of replica techniques on acid-
6-7,38-40,290 177,179,180 etched surfaces 152
assessment of, as a use of fibrosis of 177 rhamnose 92
epidemiology 21 indirect capping of 172 rhesus monkey 52
geographical variations in inflammation in 170, 172 rickets 33
29-31 necrosis of 178, 180 rodents 51, 262
primary dentine 165 polypin 181 Rogosa's lactobacillus medium
primary enamel cuticle 74, suppuration of 178 60,94
76 pulp-dentine complex, roll tubes 86
primates 51 defensive reactions of root caries 26, 176-7
prismatic areas 149 168 root surface caries 6, 55, 57
prisms 138, 153,289 pulpitis 167, 172, 177-81 rotating disc experiments
centres, hollowing of by acid chronic hyperplastic 181 194,197-201
289 chronic ulcerative 180 Rothia 79
channels surrounding 154 closed 180-1 R. dentocariosa 94-5
cores of 143, 144 open 180-1 Nocardia salivae 95
cross-striations of 142, symptoms of 179-80 rubber cap prophylaxis 283
143, 144, 153 pulpotomy 178, 180
head region 153 pyridoxal phosphate 111-12
junctions 151, 154, 156 saccharin 215 (table 9.2)
arcade-shaped rows 153 saliva 59-64, 112-13, 140,
enlarged crystals 292 quantitative inhibition studies 291
keyhole-shaped arrangement 140 acidogenic potential of
153 quinoline 138 constituents 60
longitudinal sections 149 bacterial agglutinating factors
peripheral regions, effect of in 63
acid on 289 race, and dental caries 27-8 biochemical properties 60
shape types 153 radiographic examination 37 as a buffer 112
sheaths 149, 153, 154 radiolucency, visible 14 2 glycoproteins in 77, 79,
structure 142, 143, 151 radiolucent lines 143 294
tail region 15 3 radiopaque lines 143 lgA levels in 63
transverse sections 14 9 rampant caries 62 in immunological mechanisms
prophylaxis 252, 253, 254 rats 262 63
fluoride-containing pastes white-tailed 51 mineral from 295
283-4 reactionary dentine 14, 165, proteins of 113
odontomy, prophylactic 167, 168,170, 172 in remineralisation 294-5
284 recrystallisation 156 salivary amy lase l 06, Ill
rubber cup 283 reducing agents 85 salivary antibodies 63-4
Propionibacterium 94, 257 cysteine 85 salivary flow 61 -2
propionic acid 94, 109, 113 dithiothreitol 85 rate 62
protein 79 refinement of foods 214 reduction of 62
insoluble, in surface enamel rehardening of acid-softened salivary fluoride 23 7
146 enamel 243, 291 salivary glycoproteins 76,
reduced adsorption relative gnotobiosis 51 77, 79, 113
surface enamel 276 remineralisation 9, 14, 140, salivary pellicles 203
salivary 121 141-2,176,242,276, salivary phosphate l 22
proteolysis 149 277,290,291-7 salivary protein 1 21
proteolysis - chelation crystal growth 293 viable counts of bacteria in
theory 12-13 crystals in dentine 175 60
314 Index
salt staining of teeth by 279 serotypes, cell wall
fluoridated 2 21 staphylococci 93 composition of 91
table, fluoridized 231 Staphylococcus aureus 256 S. pyogenes 90
sample collection of plaque S. epidermis 78 S salivarius 54, 58, 59,
84-5 S. salivarius, Micrococcus 81, 90, 92, 120, 121,
scanning electron microscope mucilagenosus 81, 125,257
142, 150, 156 93, 121 S. sanguis 54, 58, 59, 78,
sclerotic zone of dentine 164 starch I 06, 213 80, 81, 90,91-2,104,
secondary dentine 165 Stephan curve 9, 13, 1 I 0, 176, 255, 257, 261
secretory component 63 113 S. viridans 90
secretory-immunological system stomach tube feeding striaeofRetzuis 138,142,
63 of animals 74 143,144,151, 153
selective media 86 of mentally retarded children sub-surface cuticle 77, 149
selenium 30 213 sub-surface dissolution 202
Selenomonas 257 storage rna terials sub-surface enamel 146
S. sputigenum 97 in bacterial cells 11 5-16 sub-surface region of lesion body
serine 77 polysaccharide as 116 143
serological divisions of S. mutans streptococci 53-4, 88, 90-3, subgingival plaque 72
59 173, 174 submaxillary glands 1 21
serum antibodies 64-5 Beta-haemolytic 90 sucrose II, 58, 74, 75, 91,
sex and dental caries 27 cariogenic 213 9 2, I OS, 211 , 215 (table
sialic acid 77, 79, 80 chlorhexidine-resistant 9.2), 216
silane coupling agent 285 257 on culture plates 59
site variations in bacterial enterococcus 53 sucrose-chelation theory 13
composition 88-90 Lancefield Group A 90 sugar(s) 34, 77
Sjogren's syndrome 62 Lancefield Group C 92 consumption 40
Snyder colorimetric test 60, Lancefield Group D 53 suppuration of pulp 178
61 Lancefield Group F 92 supragingival plaque 72
socio-economic groups 37 Lancefield Group G 92 surface-controlled reactions
sodium fluoride 279 Lancefield Group H 92 188, 199
in mouthrinses 281, antigen 92 surface cuticle 77, 149
282-3 Lancefield Group K 92 surface dissolution 202
sodium metaphosphate 283 polysaccharide-producing surface enamel 147,239,291
sodium monofluorophosphate 74 energy of, reduced by
253,283 Streptococcus fluoride 276
solubility product, in dissolution S. anginosus 93 fluoride content 146
188 S. bovis 80 insoluble protein in 146
solubility rate of fissure sealants S. faecalis 90 lead content 146
290 S. milleri 54n, 58, 90, mineralisation of 146
soluble glucose polymers 259 92-3 surface cuticle on 149
sorbitol 110,215 (table 9.2), S. mitior 80, 81, 90, 92, surface polymers of plaque
216 256 bacteria 75
spaces in enamel, volume of S. mitis 78, 92, 116, 1 76 surface zone 14
136 S. mutans 11,49, 51, 52, of enamel lesion 136,
specific enzymes, inhibition of 54,55, 56,58,59,60, 146-7,292
by serum antibodies 64 61,63, 74, 75,80,81, relatively unaffected surface
specific pathogen-free animals 84,89,90-1,107, layer 146
51 109' 1 20, 121, 1 73' sweeteners 215-21
see also germ-free animals 176,213,222,250, synchronised dissolution
spiramycin 256 256,257,258,259, hypothesis 204
spirochaetes 89, 97 261,262,263,264, synthetic apatite 1 94
see also Treponema, Borrelia 265, 267 synthetic calcifying fluid
spontaneous precipitation, and antigenic structure 59, 140,291
remineralisation 293 91 synthetic hydroxyapatite 77,
stagnation areas 71 inachemostat 109, 196
stannous fluoride 278 260
pigmentation of teeth by serological divisions 59
279 serological types 59 tags of sealant 287, 290
Index 315
tail region of prism 153 two-site dissolution model vitamins 32
tartar (calculus) 71, 123, 294 198 volatile acids 111
tea, fluoride in 229 type-specific antigens 91
teichoic acids 64, 92 type-specific polysaccharide
tests for caries activity antigens 59 water
59-61 types of etching pattern 289 fluoridation of 129,277,
tetracycline therapy 255 281
thin plaques 111 hardness of 229
thiocyanate 62 intake of, by children 231
thixotropic fluoride gels 280 ultra-thin sections water-soluble extracellular
Thoulet's solution 13 7 of carious enamel 149 glucans 80
Tomato Juice agar 60, 94 decalcified 149 white spot formation 189
tooth stained specifically for whitlockite 294
loss 5 carbohydrate 149 window technique to produce
total 40 from sound enamel 154 carious lesions 49
surface, fluoride from, as an ultraviolet light 285 working days lost from caries
enzyme poison 296 unrefined cereals 22 6
toothbrush 251 urea 62, 111, 112,294
toothbrushing 252 dentifrices containing 113
frequency 252 urease 111 xerostomia (dry mouth)
techniques 251 urinary fluoride 233-5 61-2, 113
trace elements 30, 36 xylitol 110-11, 215 (table
translucent zone 14 9.2), 218
of dentine 164,170
permeability of 165 vaccine 41
of dentine lesion 169, anti-caries 75 yeasts in dental plaque 97
170, 172 valerie acid 109
of enamel lesion 136 vancomycin 256
fluoride content 139 Veillonella 52, 58, 79, 87, zephiran chloride 258
poresin 141 88,96, 109,113,115, 257 zinc chloride 284
transmission electron micro- V. alkalescens 78, 96, zones
scopy 152-8 V. parvula 96 crevicular fluid/plaque-zone
transport mechanisms, inhibition utilisation of lactic acid by 264
of 260 113 of dentine, sclerotic 164
transport medium 85 vertebrates, mammalian and translucent 164, 168,
transverse clefts in dentine evolution of mastication 169,170
171 294 of dentine lesion body, of
Treponema viability of glycogen-free cells demineralised tissue
T. denticola 97 117 170,174
T. macrodentium 97 viable counting technique, of of destruction 170
T. oralis 97 bacteria in plaque 85 of penetration 170
tricalcium phosphate 175 in saliva 60 of enamel lesion, dark
trichomonads in dental plaque vibration directions 136 136, 139-42,291-2
97 vibrios 89, 96 lesion body 136,
triphenyl tetrazolium chloride victamine C 258 142-5,291-2
251 Vipeholm study 34, 211 surface 136, 146-7,
Tristan da Cunha 33,210 viscous extracellular hetero- 292
tubular sclerosis 14, 163, polymer 93 translucent 136,
164, 167 vitamin D 33, 221 137-9,292

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