Tle Agri 10 Summative Test

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Department of Education

Region IX, Zamboanga Peninsula

Division of Zamboanga Sibugay
Malangas, Zamboanga Sibugay
Second Quarter

Name: __________________________________________ Score:__________


Test I-Multiple Choice

Direction: Read the following test items below. Choose the best answer from the given choices and write the letter of
your choice on the blank before each number.

___1. Which among the following materials is not used during the spraying of pesticides and herbicides?
A. bolo B. mask C. boots D. head protector/head gear

___2. Which among the following place is the proper storage of extra amount of chemicals?
A. uncovered trash bins
B. reachable cabinet of children
C. buried close to the water source
D. Cabinet that children can’t reach, away from the food supply and properly sealed

___3. Which among the following statement is true?

A. The empty galloon of pesticides and herbicides are advisable for water container.
B. It is safe to take cigarettes while spraying chemicals.
C. After 6 hours of spraying chemicals the area is safe to be explored.
D. The empty container of chemicals should be disposed properly and avoid using specially for food purposes.

___4. What is the purpose of gloves?

A. Gloves are used for additional paraphernalia.
B. Gloves are used to produce sweat during work.
C. Gloves are used to compliment with the handle of sprayer.
D. Gloves are used to avoid contact with the chemicals.

___5. What is the use of Jacket or long sleeves cloth?

A. It is used to produce sweat during work.
B. It is used for additional paraphernalia.
C. It is used to avoid mosquitoes.
D. It is used to avoid contact with the chemicals.

___6. What is the function of Personal protective equipment’s?

A. Any equipment which protects the worker from a health and safety risk.
B. Materials that can add posture to the worker.
C. Materials that can improve chemical reaction.
D. new generation looks

___7. What is the purposed of mask?

A. To avoid the worker inhale the dust fume of chemicals, then to keep lungs healthy.
B. To conceal the face of the worker.
C. To entice co-worker.
D. It’s a part for looking good
___8. What is proper handling and disposal of chemicals?
A. These are steps and procedures provided by the manufacturer to its client to avoid being harm.
B. Free style procedure formulated by the client.
C. Procedure gathered from the friend and neighbors.
D. requirements for hiring

___9. Identify the purpose of eye gaggles?

A. It is used to void dust and chemicals to enter the eyes, to prevent sands to enter the eyes.
B. Used to conceal the eye of the worker.
C. To improve the chemical validity.
D. for good looks

___10. Pinpoint the function of the Safety boots.

A. Used to avoid contact with the chemicals and protect foot from falling debris and sharp objects in the work
B. To add extra poise of the worker.
C. To improve speed of the worker.
D. Increase chemical reaction

___11. What is the function of Head gear?

A. Used to avoid contact with the chemicals and protect head from falling debris in the work place.
B. To add extra poise of the worker.
C. To conceal the head of the worker.
D. increase chemical reaction

___12. Which among the following is the correct method in handling chemicals?
A. Use PPE’s Personal protective equipment.
B. Hold the container immediately.
C. Use empty gallon of chemical as water storage.
D. all of the above

___13. Which of the type of hazards is associated with the use of pointed tools and materials during maintenance?
A. Mechanical Hazard B. Electrical Hazard C. Thermal Hazard D. Noise

___14. Which of the type of hazards is with repair of broken electrical fence?.
A. Mechanical Hazard B. Electrical Hazard C. Thermal Hazard D. Noise

___15 Which of the type of hazards is with maintenance of equipment with hot surfaces or hot operating fluids?.
A. Mechanical Hazard B. Electrical Hazard C. Thermal Hazard D. Noise

___16. Which among the option causes accident in agriculture?

A. no knowledge about PPEs
B. wearing of boots
C. wearing of mask
D. all of the above

___17. What is the importance of not working alone in the farm?

A. We can call help in case of emergency.
B. too much expenses
C. rival for performance in the eyes of the owner
D. all of the above

___18. Which of the statements does not belong to the group?

A. Power on the machine while under intervention.
B. Replace missing guards.
C. Check that guards are in place.
D. Check for mechanical defects

___19. . Which of the actions is true?

A. Try to eliminate risk. If risk cannot be completely eliminated, try to minimize them by following safe work
B. Use instinct in doing maintenance.
C. Procedure can cause loss of time in maintenance.
D. all of the above

___20. What is a preventive measure?

A. Working in the farm is always safe.
B. It is an uneducated step.
C. It is for the weak.
D. to ensure good safety and health standard

___21. What is maintenance task?

A. Maintenance activities in agriculture include the maintenance of both machinery and infrastructure.
B. Maintenance is not important.
C. Maintenance is not related to farm work.
D. none of the above

___22. Why lack of awareness and training is dangerous to agricultural work?

A. Sophisticated farm equipment’s and its procedure, maintenance should be followed.
B. Awareness and knowledge to machine is not important.
C. Self-taught can compensate the value of training.
D. all of the above

___23. Why lone working in the agriculture is dangerous?

A. If someone is injured there is nobody to help.
B. There is no danger in lone working.
C. Lone working is not applicable.
D. none of the above

___24. Which of the statements is true?

A. Keep the workshop clean and tidy.
B. Make sure there are no slipping and tripping hazards.
C. Make sure that floors, steps, stairs, passages and gangways are properly maintained and kept free from
obstruction, such as trailing cables, tools sacks or pallets.
D. all of the above

___25. Which among the following does not belong to the group?
A. Maintenance of electrical connections;
B. Replacing or repairing safety guards;
C. Sharpening or replacing machines’ cutting blades;
D. none of the above

Test II. Situational activity (10 points)

Assuming that you have 5 plots of vegetable garden. Maintenance in pest control and weeds are needed.
You are planning to spray chemicals on the following day.

Write what are the things to be considered before and after you work in your rice fields.

Before I spray, what are the things I should prepare?

Write as many as you can.

After I spray, what are the things I should do? Write as many as you can.

Prepared by: RENELYN R LERIA

AFA Teacher


Master Teacher I/ TLE Department Head Teacher IV/ TLE Department


Secondary School Principal II

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