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I come to tell you about a space adventure full of unreal

magic where the protagonists are from my imagination
seeking to explore a new planet that will provide us with
the resources to be inhabited.
We left on January 20 in a spaceship with my
companions Sara, Matias, Ana Maria, and me excited
and motivated to experience new experiences, we spent
approximately 20 days with their nights in orbit anxious
because we did not find a planet with characteristics
with the earth, in the distance we could see a bright
light that effectively called our minds we landed on this
planet we did the recognition, the planet had a
resemblance to the earth had water oxygen and
extensive vegetation very mountainous and a little dark
breathed an air of tranquility.
We proceeded to investigate the planet we walked
approximately 30 minutes from the landing site when
suddenly appeared a monster that looked like a monster
of four meters pounced on us wanting to eat us and we
ran to the mobile car and took out a flare of light which
we activated and the monster fled we returned to the
ship and we stayed one night
The next day they got ready to investigate further into
the planet they went 1 hour and came to a piece that
was just candy and Sara said coolly we can eat the
candy we want if when they went further in they were
hearing a voice that said go away with a very deep voice
when Matias was going to eat a piece of candy. was
going to eat a piece of candy appeared like a queen who
stopped a piece of candy and the three of them started
to laugh because they didn't believe it was true when the
queen realized it she got angry and called her guards
and ordered them to capture them and when they heard
that Ana Maria told them to eat the candy they wanted
to eat it.
they heard Ana Maria tell them to run and while they
were running Matias started to prepare everything to
run away and he brought the mobile car and they all
entered but they didn't know that the people of that
town also had a device to move and they were caught
very fast so they had to call their robot to see if they
could distract them and they could distinguish them but
the queen was chasing them but they didn't notice and
when the

the queen stopped them and as they thought they were

no longer being chased the three took a candy each,
Sara unintentionally ate the queen, and when the
citizens of that land realized that they were being chased
They realized that they were very happy and one of the
citizens told them that they were happy because the queen
was treating them as if they were slaves but he also told them
that not only this town is inhabited by evil kings or queens but
the one who orders the kings or queens to do that is the boss of
the planet of dreams and the boss is called the demon but the
good thing is that they only need 5 lands to help and everyone
can express themselves freely so the three of them decided that
they were going to help all the people living on that planet so
they went back to the spacecraft after saying goodbye. The
good thing is that they only need 5 lands to help and everyone
can be free to express themselves so the three decided that
they were going to help everyone who lived on that planet so
they went back to the spaceship after saying goodbye but since
the engine was damaged they couldn't go that fast but as
thanks, the citizens helped them back to the ship.

They went back to the spaceship after saying goodbye but as

the mobile car had a damaged engine they couldn't go so fast
but as a thank you the citizens helped them back to the ship
when they got to the ship and started planning everything for
their adventures in other parts of the planet when they started
they made some arrangements to their protection tools and
weapons and finally they gave the team a name and called it
the unstoppable of the galaxy.
When they went to another town they saw that the town was
very tense and there they saw that the dragon they defeated
last time was the king of that town so they asked a citizen and
the citizen got nervous and then the three of them told him
that they were going to kill the king and the citizen said it is
impossible he is invincible, but Matias said for us nothing is
impossible in toces they went to look for the dragon and when
they found him they asked him for a battle and the dragon
watched when they started to fight and when they thought
they were going to lose
Ana Maria remembered that dragons don't like light because
he stayed in the light when they took a flashlight to him. they
brought a flashlight to him he would go blind or not see and
she told the boys they weren't sure but I told them we had to
try so we convinced them and we showed them and we
showed them and we told them we had to try and we told
them we were going to kill the dragon. We convinced them
and showed it to the dragon and the dragon was getting
weaker and weaker and couldn't attack in time Sara pulled out
a sword and put it in the heart of the dragon and they defeated
it and just like the other city everybody softened up and
thanked her and let their ship stay there until they got off the
planet and my partner asked a man which city was the closest
and the man said it was the city of the dead so they said
tomorrow and it will go.

Today we are going to leave for the city of the dead everyone
got ready and prepared what they needed for their new
adventure when they arrived they got the chills and the closer
they got the more chills they felt when they arrived they saw
that the city there was very happy but when they saw a child
crying and death took him to a very ugly place as if it was a
prison and made them his slaves and there they realized that
the dead could not cry they could only be happy and they
could not cry. to a very ugly place as if it was a prison and
made them his slaves there they realized that the dead could
not cry they could only be happy and they could not cry when
they saw all death in that world they thought it was a child
because he was very small when they told ala death that if
they could make an alliance with the other peoples and he said
that they had to ally with him. and he said that they had to
convince him in toces Sara started looking in her suitcase and
found a game that she enjoyed a lot and gave it to death but he
was not very convinced in toces Matias also looked for
something and found his soccer ball and explained to him
what the game was about and he was more or less convinced
then it was Ana María's turn and she gave it to him. it was Ana
Maria's turn and she gave him a race car and he liked it but he
was not very convinced because he did not know where to
play with the car in toces I gave him a track of cars to play
with and we

convinced him and he promised that he would not put those

who felt like slaves then we went to another town or city.

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