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Sentence & Paragraph Review Worksheet

5pt extra credit

I. Combine the following sentences, be careful of the order of adjectives and
noun p.39
1. Ali has a job. The job is full-time.

2. I read comics. They are American.

3. My mom grows vegetables. They are big and healthy.

4. She likes to drink cola. The cola is zero-sugar.

II. My Favorite Color p43

There are countless colors in the world. My favorite color is red. I
have red shirts. I wear red shoes. I want to have a red car. Other colors are
nice, but I like red the most. I wish more people would think so, too.
1. Underline the topic sentence.

2. Circle the concluding sentence.

III. Terminologies
1. In your own words, describe the following terms:
Topic sentence:

Body of a paragraph:

Concluding sentence:
IV. Subject Pronouns and Possessive Adjectives (he, she, they, it, his, her, their,
its) p52 & p56
Clark and Bruce are good friends. _______ are superheroes. ______ have

their day jobs. Clark is a new reporter, ______ worlds for a newspaper called Daily

Planet. Bruce is very rich because _______ owns a large company. Together,

_______ fight crimes and defend the Earth. ________ help each other a lot and

_______ are always working together. Clark has a son. _____ name is Jon. Bruce

has a son, too. ______ name is Damien. ________ are friends just like ______

dads. Jon’s mom, Louis, is also a news reporter, _______ also works for Daily

Planet. Damien, on the other hand, does not know who _______ mom is. Jon and

Damien are Superheroes, too. _______ names are Superboy and Robin.

V. Paragraph Writing. Write at least 5 sentences with a topic sentence, a body,

and a concluding sentence.
Do you like to use TikTok? Why or why not?

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