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MODULE TITLE Integrated Local Economic Development

ASSIGNMENT TOPIC How local Economic Development Alleviate Poverty


DUE DATE 24 April 2023
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Andile Nosipho Mbatha 202240365 AN Mbatha
Maluleka K Mathenjwa 202212732 MK Mathenjwa
Bonisiwe S Mkhwanazi 202234846 BS Mkhwanazi
Sandile S Thusi 202121612 SS Thusi
Mthobisi Njapha 202104282 M Njapha

Nomthanda W Shangase 202246390 NW Shangase
Lindokuhle Zuma 202165999 L Zuma
Asanda I Dlamini 202213921 AI Dlamini


DEFINITION OF TERMS......................................................................................................3


JOB OPPORTUNITIES........................................................................................................4-5


HEALTH SERVICES.............................................................................................................6


FOOD SECURITY.................................................................................................................8-9



Local economic development is seen as one of the most important ways of
reducing poverty especially in the marginalized communities.

The study seeks to evaluate the local economic development as one of the most
significant ways of reducing poverty especially in the marginalized communities. The
definition of terms, and critically discussion of the topic using various relevant subtopics.

Definition of terms
Local economic development is accepted as a critical sphere for policy development in
the developing world. International experience suggests that LED is a greasy concept
and one which is sometimes problematic to precisely define (Rogerson 1999).

Poverty the state of one who lacks a socially satisfactory amount of money or material
possessions. Poverty is said to fulfill when people lack the means to satisfy their
necessities (Britannica 2023).

According to World Bank organization poverty is starvation, poverty is lack of shelter.

Marginalized communities marginalized populations are groups and communities that

experience discrimination and elimination socially, politically and economically due to
unequal power relationships across economic, political, social and cultural dimensions
(Rogerson 2005).

According to Info Sci-OnDemand marginalized communities are populations that have

limited access to digital technology.

Local economic development can play a crucial role in alleviating poverty in a community.
By creating job opportunities and increasing the income potential for those living in the
area, individuals and families can see an improvement in their financial situation. This can
lead to better access to necessities, such as food, housing, and health care. Additionally,
a thriving local economy can attract new businesses and

entrepreneurs, further increasing job opportunities and income potential. This can create
a positive cycle of economic growth and poverty reduction. Investment in local
infrastructure, education, and training programs can also help to increase the skills and
productivity of the local workforce, making them more attractive to businesses and
industries. Overall, promoting and supporting local economic development can have far-
reaching impacts on poverty reduction, improving the quality of life for individuals and
families in the community.

Development plays a crucial role in reducing poverty by creating job opportunities in poor
communities. In most impoverished areas, lack of access to stable employment is a major
challenge. This leads to a cycle of poverty, with individuals struggling to meet basic needs
such as food, shelter and health care. However, development initiatives such as
improving infrastructure, education and skills, and support for entrepreneurship create
employment opportunities in poor communities that lift them out of poverty. Improving
infrastructure is essential to create employment opportunities in marginalized
communities. Improved infrastructure such as better roads, bridges and transport
networks promote economic growth and attract investment. This, in turn, leads to more
job opportunities for people living in poverty-stricken communities. For example, the
construction of a new road network in rural Mozambique has created jobs in road
construction and maintenance, as well as other related industries such as transport,
logistics and retail. The project created a total of 14,000 jobs, most of which go to poor
and marginalized communities (USAID, 2020).

Education and skills programs are also critical to creating job opportunities in poor
communities. Training in new skills and techniques can help individuals access stable
employment and improve their existing skills, which can lead to better paying jobs. The
H2Grow project in Honduras, for example, trainees’ small farmers in techniques such as
drip irrigation, soil protection and organic farming. This training resulted in an average
income increase of 80% for the participating small farmers and created 8,500 new jobs in
the agricultural sector (USAID, 2019). Supporting entrepreneurship is also an important
aspect of development that creates job opportunities in marginalized communities. By
providing micro credit, technical assistance and business training, entrepreneurs and
small businesses in impoverished areas can gain access to economic opportunities that
might not otherwise have been possible. For example, the Youth Entrepreneurship
Project in Kenya provided business training, mentoring and access to capital to over
3,000 youth-owned companies. The program has created over 12,000 jobs and increased
the incomes of participating entrepreneurs by an average of 45% (USAID, 2020).

Concluding Development initiatives are a crucial tool for reducing poverty and creating
job opportunities in poor communities. By improving infrastructure, providing education
and skills, and supporting entrepreneurship, these programs can create sustainable
economic growth and lift people out of poverty. However, it is important to ensure that
these initiatives address community needs and that they do not harm individuals or
communities in terms of job creation. With careful planning and implementation,
development initiatives can bring about positive change in impoverished areas and
contribute to a more just and equitable world.

Local economic development can reduce poverty on marginalized communities through
education. Education can provide marginalized communities with the knowledge and
skills needed to access better job opportunities, which can lead to higher incomes and a
better standard of living. Through education, marginalized communities can be
empowered by giving them a voice and enabling them to participate in societal decisions.
This empowerment can help promote social mobilization and increase access to

resources such as land, water, and credit. With the use of local resources such as land
and skills, poverty can be eradicated by utilizing available land for farming purposes.

In that way many impoverished communities can engage in farming to feed their families
and sell their surplus produce to generate income. Marginalized communities can be
more engaged in civil society, politics, and public life through Local Economic
Development. This increases civic engagement can promote social justice and reduce
discrimination against marginalized groups. Entrepreneurship can be encouraged on
communities through education so that people will be equipped with the skills they need
to start their own business or enterprise. This can create not only additional income, but
new job opportunities in the community. The improved health care services can assist the
marginalized communities make informed decisions when it comes to health behavior
and accessing healthcare, leading to better health outcomes and reduces health costs.

3.Health services
Health service is a major cause of poverty. This is due to the cost seeking health care, also
transportation costs on any informal payments to providers. Strong healthy systems improve the
health status of the whole population, but mostly poor among which ill health having access to
health care must be concentrated.

Government must implement variety of policies and programs in reducing inequalities in health

• Expanding health insurance to the marginalized communities.

• Increase efficiency of care by limiting drug consumption.
• Reduce inequalities in determinations of health status or health care utilization.
• Lastly, provision of health must be accessible to the marginalized communities.

The donations, investments and sponsor of the community, with that money the community can
make use in hiring cars to deliver medications. Having to build rehabs for drug addicts and have
sessions on how to stay health.

There are various ways of defining the term infrastructure, nevertheless, the primary
distinctive feature of economic development is that for economic growth to fruition,
provision of infrastructure is a fundamental necessity for the society of marginalized
communities (Makhathini SM.,2020). One of the most the important methods LED tool
use to eradicate poverty in marginalized communities is the RDP approach. In the period
from 1994 to the early 2000s, the government focused on increasing access to social and
household infrastructure through the provision of housing, schooling and healthcare, and
connecting households to electricity grids and water networks. (Makhathini SM., 2020).
Other expenditure was intended at improving the welfare of households who were in
marginalized communities and were seen as being disadvantaged (Department of
Planning, Monitoring & Evaluation 2014). To ensure the development of such, the African
National Congress government came with the RDP meant to guide economic and social
development including the provision of services and the development of infrastructure of
the marginalized communities.

The RDP’s approach, in short, was to ensure that essential service needs were met
through vast increases in government subsidies when the market failed, and by mobilizing
additional resources through p partnerships, more forcefully tapping capital markets, and
via off-budget methods (Bond P., 2002). This was the government’s primary mandate in
the part of infrastructure and services. The Department of Planning, Monitoring &
Evaluation (2014) noted that the government knew the important role that could be played
by infrastructure in contributing towards local economic development, especially for those
who are in marginalized communities (SM Makhathini., 2020). By 2004, an estimated 1.6
million subsidized houses, about 56 000 new classrooms and 38 000 school toilets had
been built, with 2 700 more schools receiving potable water, and about 4 000 more
schools got connected to the electricity framework (The Department of Planning,
Monitoring & Evaluation 2014). By providing all the basic needs that marginalized
communities are in need with certainly sure development will attain and the poverty rate
would be reduced and result to inequality.

How does local economic development contribute to food security?

Food security is a notion that includes several facets of having access to enough
wholesome food to eat. As well as the physical, financial, and social access to food
supplies, it involves the production, processing, distribution, and consumption of food.
The sustainability of the environment, social fairness, cultural appropriateness, and the
ability of food producers and consumers to make ethical judgments are all related to food

Improving food security enables the poor to earn money and become more resilient
which, in turn, enables them to participate in economic activity and contribute to social
development needs (including health and education) hunger places serous constraints
on economic growth. Hungry workers are less productive

LED can improve agriculture in the country by supporting different farmers in order the
production of food can be done correctly, LED can promote the implementing of
technology and improving intensive farming, because the yield is large in that farming.
(17 Nov 2022,iied .org)

Strategies that can be used to increase food security.

Organic Farming

Natural approaches are used in organic farming to grow food. This entails utilizing natural
insecticides and fertilizers,

Animal Slurry

without artificial fertilizers or pesticides, natural predators, or either. Although the

difference fluctuates between crop kinds and over time, yields from organic crops are
often lower than those from inorganic crops. Since organic farming seeks to minimize
harm to ecosystems, it is seen as environmentally sustainable.

Urban Farming

involves using space in and around cities to grow food. Urban farming helps to solve the
issue of declining farmland due to urbanization. Urban farms can generate more food
than farms with comparable land size. Additionally, it aids in lowering food miles, which
benefits the environment.

Reduction Of food Waste

This can help the country to be able to save food, and that will promote the access in food
in our country ‘

Food security play the huge role in the country since the country will have access to food
and the poverty level is reduced, having food means that we have no poverty. So if Local
Economic Development can help agriculture in the country in reducing poverty that can
play the huge role in having access to food in the whole country, The level of death will
decrease, the level of hunger will decrease, the level of unemployment will decrease.

In conclusive the study has shown that indeed LED is the most significant way of reducing
poverty because it was revealed that LED policy agrees that individuals be entrepreneurs
and create job opportunities, it allows for formal education which develops the knowledge
of people in a society, it emphasizes better health care services for local people, improved
infrastructure for living and food security for all. Therefore, we can all agree that if LED
could be possibly implemented in all areas including marginalized communities surely
poverty could be alleviated because LED comes with important strategies for elimination
of poverty.

Barrett, C.B., Okoroma, E.A., & Yaro, J.A. (2018). The limited impact of agricultural input
subsidy programs on crop productivity: The case of Malawi. World Development, 112,

Britannica, T. Editors of Encyclopedia (2023, April 6). poverty. Encyclopedia Britannica.

Default files documents 1864

Makhathini, M.S., Mlambo, V.H. and Mpanza, S., 2020. Infrastructure provision as a
catalyst for local economic development in South Africa. Strategic Review for Southern
Africa, 42(1).az

Rogerson, C.M., 1999. Local Economic Development and Urban Poverty Alleviation: The
Experience of Post-Apartheid South Africa. WITS 2050, South Africa.

Rogerson, C.M., 2005. SMME development in peripheral regions: Manufacturing in the

Free State Province. Urban Forum, Vol. 16, No. 1, pp. 35-54.

USAID. (2019). Honduras H2Grow final report. Retrieved from https: sites

USAID. (2020). Final report on roads and bridges in Mozambique. Retrieved from https: sites

USAID. (2020). Final report of the Kenya Youth Entrepreneurship Project. Retrieved
from https: sites


World Bank, 2003. Local Economic Development Primer. Washington Health services


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